Unified qualification system for positions. The concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category. professional qualification requirements for the training of qualified workers

Profession-1) A type of work or occupation that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood. 2) A relatively permanent type of work activity that requires certain training.

Speciality- 1) Constantly performed work activity, separated from the profession due to the internal division of labor within the profession. 2) The set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of education and ensuring the formulation and solution of certain classes of professional tasks. 3) Direction of training at a university or technical school; it is the main element of the structure of the content of vocational training.

A specialty is usually understood as a certain relative private division within a broader idea of ​​where, who and how a person is engaged, what he knows and can do. A profession, in turn, is a group of related specialties. The process of differentiation of professions, specialties, positions, qualifications is very dynamic and occurs constantly, changing their content almost every year. Thus, the medical profession unites dozens of specialties, to which new ones are constantly being added: andrologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, radiologist, balneologist, phthisiatrician, pulmonologist, gerontologist, juvenile specialist, specialists in alternative methods of diagnosis and treatment, etc. For example, the specialty “surgeon” is divided into the specializations “neurosurgeon”, “cardiac surgeon”, “ophthalmologist-surgeon”, “dental surgeon”, etc. Next, you can identify qualification levels, as well as categories assigned depending on the level of skill.

Professions and specialties are divided similarly in other areas. For example, in the profession “machinist”, the following specialties are distinguished: “transport machine operator”, “excavator operator”, “engine operator”, “special machine operator”, “crane operator”, “press operator”, “lift operator”, “driver units", "compressor operator", "test operator", etc.

In other words, if a profession is a type of labor activity that requires special training (acquisition of appropriate knowledge and practical skills), then a specialty is a limited area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces necessary for society.

If the functions of a certain specialty cover all areas of an employee’s work activity, it corresponds to the concept of “profession” (driver, gas welder, librarian, lawyer, etc.). In the system of higher and secondary specialized education, a specialty refers to the directions and organizational forms of training specialists. There are about 350 specialties in Russian universities, grouped into groups: geology and exploration of mineral deposits, mineral development, energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering and instrument making, electronic engineering, electrical instrument making and automation, etc.

In the primary system vocational education Instead of a specialty, the name working profession is adopted.

Qualification(lat. qualis- quality) - 1) Determining the quality of something, evaluating something. 2) Level of preparedness, degree of suitability for any type of work; the quality, level and type of professional training necessary to perform labor functions in the specialty in the position held. Qualification is indicated in the diploma of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, as well as in certificates of various courses and work books of employees. 3) Characteristics of a certain type of work, established depending on its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. IN Russian Federation The qualifications of a job are usually determined by the category to which a given type of work is classified in the tariff and qualification reference book. Determining the qualifications of work is important when establishing tariff rates and official salaries of workers. The qualifications of engineering and technical work and work performed by employees and other persons not directly involved in production are determined by the requirements for the position held. 4) Characteristics of an object, phenomenon, assigning it to any category or group (for example, qualification of a management decision).

Essential features of an employee’s qualifications are: the level of acquisition of knowledge and skills (quality of knowledge and skills); range and breadth of knowledge and skills; ability to perform special tasks; the ability to rationally organize and plan your work; ability to use knowledge in non-standard situations (quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions).

There are stages and levels of qualification.

Qualification level- the stage of training professional personnel in the system of continuous professional education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education.

Skill level - level of professional skill within a specific qualification level.

The qualifications of employees are reflected in their tariffs (assigning a particular tariff category (class) to an employee depending on his qualifications). Assignment of a tariff category (class) indicates the employee’s preparedness to perform a given range of work. In the Russian Federation, the qualifications of workers, as a rule, are established by a special qualification commission in accordance with the requirements of tariff and qualification reference books. In addition to rank, an indicator of an employee’s qualifications can be a category or diploma, a title or an academic degree. Occupation of some positions is allowed only if you have a diploma (the position of a doctor, teacher). In the Russian Federation, at enterprises, institutions and organizations, a system has been created for training and advanced training of workers and employees, where they acquire new professions or improve their knowledge of existing professions and specialties.

Skilled worker- a worker who has a complex competitive profession that requires special professional training, the required level of general educational and general technical knowledge, skills and abilities to perform work of medium and high complexity, provided for in the professional characteristics. The training of a skilled worker is carried out in vocational educational institutions and lasts from one to four years.

Professions requiring skilled types of labor include most professions, including automated, mechanized and manual skilled types of work. With an eight-digit wage scale, the area of ​​skilled labor extends to VI-VIII ranks.

Professional qualification - a system of knowledge, skills, and abilities that ensure the performance of a wide range of professional activities (in related specialties). It is determined by the range of general technical knowledge, skills and abilities and is expressed in the professional mobility of a specialist.

Qualification in the direction or specialty of higher professional education- level of training, preparedness to perform a certain type of professional activity in the received direction or specialty.

Qualification in the specialty of secondary vocational education- level of training, preparedness to competently perform a certain type of activity in the acquired specialty.


State educational standard for primary vocational education (state NPO) - a normative document defining the basic requirements for the training of workers. An important theoretical position of the concept of State Educational Standards for NGOs is the substantiation of the leading role of the concept of “qualification” and its categories “qualification level” and “qualification level”.

The role and place of a profession and specialty in the economic system are reflected in the qualification structure of professional education in Russia, represented by a set of qualification levels. The professional skill of a particular individual within the qualification level characterizes the level of qualification.

The list of professions and specialties of primary vocational education contains mainly general professions.

For each profession, the qualification level is indicated, the minimum (basic) training periods and possible specializations (main specialties), gender and age of the trainees are determined. Based on the parameters regulated by the List, educational institutions determine the parameters of training: the actual duration of study, the number and composition of specialties for which training is carried out, varying depending on specific conditions.

The range of professions is open. This makes it possible to subsequently introduce new professions into the List on the basis of an agreed decision by federal-level authorities. To open training in new specialties within a profession already included in the List, a decision of regional education authorities (vocational education) is sufficient.

The structure of the content of NPO is regulated by the model of the curriculum for institutions of primary vocational education as a document of the State Educational Standard of NPO, which establishes the main invariant structural components of its content. It also contains requirements for the maximum study load of students for various forms training and shows the division of competence of government bodies at the federal and regional levels and educational institutions when developing educational content for a specific profession.

According to the model, within the framework of the school week, compulsory training is carried out, including general educational and vocational training and supplemented at the regional (local) level with subjects from the list of elective subjects, and outside the school week - elective training.

Each area of ​​training contains generally accepted structural components: cycles, courses, subjects. General educational training includes humanitarian and natural science cycles, and professional training includes general technical, general professional (industry) and professional cycles.

The division of the professional cycle into basic and special courses reflects the orientation of primary vocational education towards training in general professions. The content of the professional training cycle is aimed at mastering professional activity itself, therefore, unlike other cycles, in addition to subjects, it includes practical training (industrial training, practice, etc.).

The profession standard includes two documents: a professional description and a federal content component for the professional training cycle. The subject standard regulates the federal component of the content of education in the subject.

Professional characteristics regulate the requirements for the level of training of graduates of primary vocational education institutions, setting the final goals of training in the form of substantive parameters of professional activity: types of activity and its theoretical foundations. This multifunctional document is included as an integral part of standards for professions and is aimed at both employers and citizens, educational institutions, scientific and methodological organizations of the institutional education system and employment services.

Mandatory minimum content of the main educational program in the profession of primary vocational education is determined by the federal component of the content of the subjects of general technical and general professional (industry) training cycles, regulated by the relevant standards for the subjects, and the federal component of the content of the professional training cycle, regulated by the standard for this profession.

The federal content component determines the specific minimum composition of educational elements required for studying and standardized parameters for the quality of their assimilation - levels of assimilation.

The block-modular structure of the federal component of the content of the professional training cycle allows the standard for a profession to distinguish standards for its constituent specialties.

The regional component of the content of NGOs is formed by supplementing and detailing the federal component of the content across all elements of its structure, taking into account the national-regional component of the standard and the characteristics of training in a particular educational institution.

Fulfillment of the requirements of the State Educational Standard for NGOs is the basis for issuing a state-standard education document to graduates of educational institutions.

For graduates of NPO institutions, two types of state documents on the level of education and qualifications are approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: a diploma (upon receiving NPO in a profession included in the List) and a certificate of qualification level (issued to those who have not completed the full course of study in an NGO institution, but who have passed certification and received short-term training for a period of up to one year in certain specialties), as well as extracts of final grades.

Graduates of vocational lyceums who have completed primary and secondary vocational education programs and have received qualifications as mid-level specialists are issued two diplomas in accordance with two levels of training: secondary (complete) general education and initial vocational education in a working profession, as well as obtaining a basic level of secondary vocational education.

Study plan- a document defining the list of academic subjects, the order and sequence of their study, as well as the number of hours allocated to each subject per week, half-year, year and for the entire course of study.

Working educational plan- an educational plan developed for a specific educational institution, taking into account the chosen specialization and the requirements of the regional component of the standard.

Standard educational plan- a document of a recommendatory nature, establishing the list and scope of training educational areas, cycles and subjects of the minimum (basic) period of study and determining the degree of independence of regional educational authorities and educational institutions in the development of working educational documentation.

In practice, it happens that employees are assigned additional tasks and responsibilities within what they consider to be different professions. This gives rise to employee dissatisfaction, which can lead to collective labor disputes or even their dismissal. To avoid misunderstandings, you should define categories such as “specialty”, “specialization”, “qualification” and “profession”.

General provisions

In practice, it happens that employees are assigned additional tasks and responsibilities within what they consider to be different professions. This creates dissatisfaction among workers, which can lead to collective labor disputes or even their dismissal.

To avoid misunderstandings, you should determine the main categories that are used when changing working conditions, in particular, and expanding labor tasks in job descriptions of employees, namely: “specialty”, “qualification” and “profession”. Note that in this case we are not talking about combining and part-time professions, but rather about expanding the job descriptions of employees within the framework of labor legislation.

Thus, in the General Provisions of the Directory of Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions, the Directory of Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions ( further- General provisions), in particular, it is noted that if there is a need, tasks and responsibilities that are contained in the standard qualification characteristics of a certain position, can be distributed between individual performers or the range of tasks and responsibilities of individual workers can be expanded entrusting them with the work provided for different groups positions of equal complexity, the performance of which does not require another specialty or qualification.

Pay attention. Since individual qualification characteristics of workers contain only basic or typical tasks and responsibilities, the employer can supplement work instructions with the types of work that are included in technological maps, instructions, other regulatory documents and determined by the employment contract, subject to compliance with labor protection rules, sanitary standards and work safety requirements.

Changes and additions can be made to job descriptions (work instructions) only on the basis of an order from the head of an enterprise, institution, or organization ( further- enterprise) with the consent of the employee. Order to make changes (additions) to job description issued in the event of a redistribution of responsibilities between employees due to a reduction in numbers or a rational division of labor. When the name of an enterprise, structural unit or position changes, appropriate changes are made to the job (work) instructions.

The General Provisions also note that a highly qualified worker, in addition to the work specified in the qualification characteristics of the category assigned to him (class, group, etc.), must have the knowledge, skills and ability to perform work provided for by the qualification characteristics of workers of the lowest qualification of the same professions. Therefore, the work listed in the qualification characteristics of the lower categories is, as a rule, not indicated.

Thus, if there is a change in the organization of work, the employer can entrust the employee with additional work within the same specialty (qualification). What is meant by the concepts of “specialty” and “qualification”?

Specialty and qualifications

It should be noted that the concepts of “qualification” and “specialty” are, as a rule, definitions of the education system, while “profession” is used mostly in the system of social and labor relations, and in the labor market in particular.

Yes, the concept "speciality" should not be confused with the concept of “profession”, since the former is used only as a type of field of knowledge at the educational and qualification levels of “junior specialist”, “specialist” and “master” (for bachelors - the direction of training). The specialties as such are approved by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, namely:

  • “On approval of the list of specialties for which specialists are trained in higher educational institutions at the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist” dated June 20, 2007 No. 839;
  • “On approval of the list of specialties for which specialists are trained in higher educational institutions at the educational and qualification levels of specialist and master” dated August 27, 2010 No. 787.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” ( further- Law No. 2984) higher education- the level of education that a person receives in a higher educational institution as a result of a consistent, systematic and purposeful process of mastering the content of studies, which is based on complete general secondary education and ends with the acquisition of a certain qualification based on the results of state certification. That is, the end result higher education the graduate must be awarded a certain qualification. At the same time, the legislator defines qualifications through professional job titles (Article 12 of the above Law). Let us remind you that professional titles of works are contained in the National Classifier of Ukraine ( further- KP).

Thus, if we are talking about qualifications, you should keep in mind the qualifications acquired at a higher educational institution. Typically, higher education institutions indicate qualifications (name of profession) in the annex to the diploma. At the same time, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On the introduction of the European credit and transfer system in higher educational institutions of Ukraine” dated October 16, 2009 No. 943 provides for the issuance of a European-style diploma supplement to students. The Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding filling out the Supplement to a European-style diploma in higher educational institutions of Ukraine dated June 10, 2010 No. 1/9-409 indicate that the name of the qualification is formed from the name of the educational qualification level and field of study (for bachelors) or names of educational and qualification level and specialty (for other educational and qualification levels). The name of the qualification must comply with the approved industry standards of higher education (educational qualification characteristics, educational and professional training program, curriculum). It is allowed to separately indicate the name of the professional qualification in accordance with the CP, for example, “laboratory technician”.

Hence, if several professions are indicated in the annex to the employee’s diploma, for example, the qualification “Sociologist.” Sociology teacher”, then the specified professions will be the limits of such qualifications. In other words, the job description of a sociology teacher can be expanded with additional work responsibilities of a sociologist, and vice versa, but, again, with the consent of the relevant employee.

If the name of the qualification is the name of the educational qualification level with the addition of the acquired specialty (area of ​​training), for example, “Master of Publishing and Editing,” the employer has greater opportunities to assign the employee additional types works Since the qualification characteristics are contained in industry issues of the SKHP, it is logical to use the corresponding industry issue of the SKHP, for example Issue 18 “Publishing”. Master's degrees in publishing and editing are not required to have work experience in the following positions:

  • “Editor of the 1st category”;
  • “Editor for reviewing category 1”;
  • “Category 1 map editor”;
  • “Technical map editor, category 1”;
  • “Literary editor of the 1st category”;
  • “Scientific editor of the 1st category”;
  • “Editor-translator of the 1st category”;
  • “Technical editor of the 1st category”;
  • “Fiction editor of the 1st category”;
  • “Technologist-publisher of the 1st category.”

It should be noted that the corresponding names of professions are used in Issue 18 of the SKHP in an expanded form, i.e., there are no such editions in the CP.

Thus, the employer can expand the tasks and responsibilities of, for example, an editor of the 1st category, supplementing them with some labor functions, for example, a technologist-publisher of the 1st category ( table).

Table Tasks and responsibilities of an editor of the 1st category and a technologist-publisher of the 1st category

Technologist-publisher of the 1st category

Responsible for the edited manuscript, its national-patriotic, socio-political, scientific, technical, literary content and artistic design.
Accepts the original from the author, determines the relevance, type, purpose, novelty, controls the timely and high-quality preparation of the manuscript for publication.
Takes part in the formation of thematic plans for the publication of literature, determining the topics of publications, selecting authors, managers, reviewers, etc.
Considers proposals regarding the conclusion of contracts with freelance creative workers.
Analyzes reviews, prepares an editorial opinion on the author's original, argues for its approval or rejection.
Edits a manuscript accepted for publication and, through editorial skill, helps to improve its literary level.
Submits an order for the artistic design of the publication.
Conducts preliminary work with authors to create the author's original, assists in determining the composition of the publication (placement of parts, sections; preparation of the book apparatus: preface, bibliographic references, name and subject indexes, comments, etc.), coordinates additions and abbreviations.
Compiles working content for the technical editor, annotation for book distribution organizations, etc.

Organizes work on the production of printed and electronic publications in the field of small business.
Studies primary information, evaluates the novelty and relevance of materials, groups and organizes them by topic and user categories.
Coordinates with authors and owners of information the possibility of its publication.
Participates in concluding contracts with authors and monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
Determines the amount of royalties, sets the circulation and determines the cost of the publication.
Designs the structure of publications, develops technical and artistic design parameters, and draws up technological specifications.
For printed publications, it carries out a feasibility study of various technological production schemes and selects the optimal one; for electronic publications, it determines the provider for the safety of publications, protection from unauthorized intervention, type of storage medium, recording format, software.
Calculates the need for basic and auxiliary materials.
Determines the deadlines for the production of publications, draws up schedules for performing technological operations, and monitors their compliance.
Organizes work on technical editing and artistic design of publications, checks the quality of printing.
Views and endorses signal copies

Pay attention. In accordance with the General Provisions, if an employee performs work that belongs to different positions, an employment contract is concluded with the consent of the parties for the position recognized as the main one. The main position is considered to be the position with the largest volume of work performed compared to other positions.

As in the previous example, the relevant changes must be introduced with the consent of the employee. In any case, the employer must issue an order assigning additional tasks and responsibilities to the employee ( Appendix 1).

If a written employment agreement (contract) is concluded with the employee, appropriate changes must be made to it.

Pay attention. The employer does not have the right to require the employee to perform work not stipulated by the employment contract.

Another thing - Understanding qualifications for skilled workers- graduates of vocational and technical educational institutions. The diplomas of such workers usually indicate the names of professions in accordance with the CP, as well as their corresponding categorization (grade, class, category, etc.). It should be noted that in the legislation of the field of vocational and technical education there is no interpretation of the term “qualification”. In particular, in such regulatory legal acts as the Law of Ukraine “On Vocational Education” ( further- Law No. 103), resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: “On approval of the Regulations on vocational educational institutions” dated August 5, 1998 No. 1240 ( further- Regulation No. 1240); “On approval of the State List of Professions for the Training of Skilled Workers in Vocational Educational Institutions” dated September 11, 2007 No. 1117 ( further- List No. 1117) and “On approval of sample documents on vocational and technical education” dated August 9, 2001 No. 979 ( further- Resolution No. 979), contains only individual references regarding the term “qualification”:

  • “A graduate of a vocational educational institution who has successfully passed qualification certification is assigned the educational qualification level “skilled worker” in the acquired profession of the corresponding rank (category)” (part one of Article 15 of Law No. 103);
  • “A person who has mastered a course of vocational training and successfully passed qualification certification is issued a certificate of assignment or improvement of working qualifications, a sample of which is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine” (part three of article 16 of Law No. 103);
  • “A graduate of a vocational educational institution who has successfully passed qualification certification is assigned the educational qualification level “skilled worker” in the acquired profession of the relevant qualifications(category, class, category, group) according to the National Qualifications Framework approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine... and a document on vocational and technical education is issued, a sample of which was approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 12, 1997 No. 1260 “On educational documents and scientists rank "..." (clause 14 of Regulation No. 1240);
  • “The list of professions determines the assignment of working professions to types (types) of economic activity and establishes the range of working qualifications (ranks, classes, categories, groups) for primary vocational training in accordance with the certification levels of vocational educational institutions, as well as vocational training at production, in the service sector" (paragraph three of List No. 1117).

In addition, in accordance with Resolution No. 979, in the annex to the certificate of assignment (upgrade) of working qualifications, diploma of a skilled worker, diploma of a skilled worker with honors, certificate of assignment (upgrade) of working qualifications, etc., the names of the acquired professions must be indicated.

Thus, in the diploma or certificate of receipt of vocational education of the worker, among other things, professional titles of work are indicated in accordance with the norms of the Communist Code. In fact, this can be explained as a qualification ( appendix 2).

Not recommended assign additional labor functions to employees if these functions or types of work belong to different preferential Lists approved by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in particular:

  • “On approval of lists of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms”;
  • “On approval of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to a reduced working week”;
  • “On approval of Lists of productions, works, workshops, professions and positions, the employment of workers in which gives the right to annual additional leave for work with harmful and difficult working conditions and for the special nature of work.”

Therefore, expand job responsibilities an employee is possible only within those professions that are contained in one of the above regulations. It is impossible to expand the tasks and responsibilities of an employee in a profession from one resolution, using a profession from another, or, conversely, to add to professions that are not contained in these resolutions, such tasks and responsibilities for the performance of which employees may be provided with appropriate benefits.

Pay attention. If an employee performs work for which he is entitled to certain benefits in accordance with the above-mentioned resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the law does not prohibit entrusting him with additional labor functions in similar professions that are not provided for in these resolutions, but not vice versa.

Advanced training and specialization

Psychological features of mastering a profession

Man and work

Work - This is the process of human transformation of the surrounding reality and the change in the course of this itself in order to satisfy social and personal, material and spiritual needs.

A person carries out different things in his life types of labor from simple self-care work to complex species creativity. Each of these types of labor contributes into universal human experience, and different types labor develop the worker himself to varying degrees.

Work can become for a person

Or just means of subsistence,

Or, in addition, also means of self-expression,


searching and achieving the meaning of life.

To be successful at work, it is absolutely necessary:

- skill,

- skill,

- knowledge .

During the development of society and the emergence of division of labor, professions. The division of labor and its complication lead to the assignment to an individual of a certain profession that requires special knowledge and skills, and special qualifications.

Psychology of professions

"Profession" from the Latin “to speak publicly,” which was understood at one time as “to announce to others about your business, occupation, specialty. “Why should I announce?” - you ask a question.

For someone to find out product of your activity:

The subject of your need,

To establish some dialogue,

An exchange of values ​​took place

Satisfying needs.

Professions - These are historically emerged forms of activity necessary for society, for the implementation of which a person must have a sum of knowledge and skills, have the appropriate abilities and professionally important qualities.

Profession - This is an activity that requires special training..

There are a lot of people in societyprofessions and specialties(tens of thousands) and they are very different:

By subject area of ​​work,

His goals

To the guns,

Means and conditions.

The world of professions is relatively changeable, fluid(professions arise, split, merge, die off) and should be the subject of constant study.

Types of professions

To simplify orientation in the complex world of professions, we highlight and conditionally distinguish fivemajor subject areas of professional activity :

1) with living systems;

2) with technical and inanimate natural systems;

3) with social, including small groups and individuals;

4) with sign-symbolic systems;

With artistic ones.

In accordance with the distinguishable varieties of objective systems, five types of professions, based on the principle of a person’s relationship to various objects of the surrounding world:

1. "Man is living nature"(“P”)

Representatives of this type deal with

Plant and animal organisms,


And the conditions of their existence.

Examples: master fruit and vegetable grower, agronomist, livestock specialist, veterinarian, microbiologist, beekeeper, forester.

2. "Man - technology and inanimate nature"("T").

Workers deal with

Inanimate, technical objects of labor.

Examples: assembly fitter, mechanical technician, mechanical engineer, electrician, electrical engineer, catering technician, seamstress, drivers.

3. "Man is a man"(“H”)

The subject of interest, recognition, maintenance, transformation here are:

Social systems


Population groups

People of different ages.

Examples: food seller, hairdresser, engineer

production manager, doctor, nurse, teacher, educator.

4. “Man is a sign system”(“Z”).

Representatives of professions of this type are engaged in:

- Natural and artificial languages,

- conventional signs, symbols, numbers, formulas.

Examples: programmer, draftsman-cartographer, mathematician, publishing editor, linguist.

5. "Human - artistic image» ("X").

Representatives of this type of profession are interested in:

- Phenomena, facts of artistic reflection of reality.

Examples: decorative artist, restoration artist, painter, ballet dancer, dramatic theater actor, concert performer, etc.

Features of the concepts profession, specialty, qualification, position, job responsibilities

At psychological When considering labor, it is important to determine what the peculiarity of the concepts is: profession, specialty, qualification, position.

Ø Profession:

WITH society's point of view - this is a system of professional tasks, forms and types of professional activities that ensure the satisfaction of society’s needs in achieving needed by society significant result, product.

WITH a specific person's point of view , profession- this is the main occupation, the activity through which a given person participates in the life of society.

Ø Speciality - a separate branch of science, technology, craftsmanship or art(SI. Ozhegov, 1995).

Speciality - this is a type of occupation within one profession.

Ø QualificationDegree of suitability for any type of work, level of training.

Ø Job title - official duty, official position(SI. Ozhegov, 1995). Position is a more complex concept. Do something according to your position (fulfill a duty).

Sometimes a position is understood as a type of management work.

More often, a position is any fixed job and profession.

Ø Job responsibilities - this is a reflection of labor functions in regulations, oral instructions addressed to the performer of a particular job.

Examples for concepts : profession, specialty position .

- Profession- average medical worker,

- speciality nurse,

- job title- senior nurse of the hospital's cardiology department.