How to speed up the start of your period. Is it possible to get your period ahead of schedule and how to speed up its arrival?

Regular periods have always been considered an indicator of a woman's health. But in the life of a modern woman there are situations when you need to change menstrual cycle. For example, speed up your periods before a vacation, an important business trip or a date. Is it possible to do this?

Features of the regulation of the menstrual cycle

A woman's monthly or menstrual cycle is a very complex multi-stage system, regulated by a huge number of factors. The first starting point is the brain, namely the hypothalamus. Special mediators are produced there - gonadoliberins. Entering another part of the brain - pineal gland or the pituitary gland, GnRH give it the command to produce hormones of the second level of regulation of the menstrual cycle - FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).

These two hormones affect the ovary, follicle maturation, corpus luteum function, and the release of estrogen and progesterone. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of FSH and estrogens, follicle growth and development of the uterine mucosa occur. In the second phase of the cycle, LH and progesterone dominate, promoting the maturation of the uterine mucosa, the accumulation of nutrients in it and preparation for the implantation of the embryo.

Menstruation, namely the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium) and spotting, marks the end of the second phase of the cycle and is associated with a drop in progesterone levels.

How to speed up the start of your period?

It is very difficult to speed up your period even by a few days in the natural menstrual cycle. It is impossible to determine exactly when and which parts of the hormonal chain to influence to provoke the onset of menstruation. Folk recipes for provoking menstruation include a decoction of onion peels, parsley, a sauna or hot bath, as well as physical activity. There is no scientific evidence for these methods and there never will be.

The situation is easier if a woman takes any hormonal gynecological drugs:

  • How to speed up your period by a few days if a woman takes combination pills birth control pills(COOK)? In this case, planned discontinuation of the drug can be done a few days earlier. For example, if you are taking 21-day contraceptives, cancellation can be done 5-7 days earlier. And when taking 28-day tablets, you can stop taking the drug 7-10 days before the last tablet. The next package should be started 7 days after discontinuation and in the new cycle, additional barrier methods of contraception should be taken for the first 7 days. After such early withdrawal, you can also take a break from taking medications for a while and use another method of protection.
  • When taking pure progestogens contraception like a mini-pill, you can provoke the onset of menstruation when you stop taking the pills. Typically, mini-pills are taken in 28 tablets without interruption, but you can stop the medication approximately 5-6 days before the desired start of menstruation. The next pack should be started on the first day of menstrual bleeding and for the first 7 days of taking the contraceptive from the new package, additionally use a barrier method of protection (condom).
  • When taking gestagen drugs to regulate the menstrual cycle, for example, Duphaston, you can also cancel it a few days earlier. If in the standard regimen gestagens are taken from the 16th to 25th day of the cycle, then to speed up menstruation by several days, you can cancel it on the 20th day. In this case, the regimen for taking the next package should be calculated from the onset of menstruation after discontinuation of the drug.

It is important to understand that such “tricks” are absolutely not regulated for these drugs. Therefore, the consequences of such actions can be unpredictable: bleeding, disruption of the menstrual cycle, unplanned pregnancy. Such methods of premature drug withdrawal should not be used regularly.

Is it possible to speed up the end of menstruation if it has already begun?

If menstruation does not start on time, there are several ways to shorten it.

  1. Avoid overheating: hot baths, saunas, baths.
  2. Try not to take vasodilators and antispasmodics: No-shpu, Papaverine, Spazmalgon, Magnesia.
  3. On the eve of menstruation, take medications that strengthen the vascular wall, for example, Ascorutin, for a week.
  4. A decoction of nettle or shepherd's purse. These plants are sold in dried form at any pharmacy. To obtain a decoction, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw material with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take the infusion one tablespoon at a time for 2-4 days.
  5. Water pepper extract is an excellent hemostatic agent in gynecology. The mechanism of action is based on contraction of the uterus and compression of its blood vessels. This alcohol extract can also be purchased at any pharmacy. The drug is taken 1 teaspoon three times a day for 3-4 days.
  6. Etamsylate or Dicinone. These tablets are classified as general hemostatic agents. You need to take Etamzilat 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3 days.

In any case, it is better to discuss methods for accelerating menstruation or ways to speed up its end with your gynecologist in advance. The doctor will select one method or another and give detailed explanations about the consequences of such actions.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for website

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Modern medicine has made great progress, and if you wish, you can regulate your cycle completely independently. In order to bring your period closer with medication, you need to take at least one course that is taken regularly; they know this scheme well: in the first half of the cycle, our body produces a special hormone - estrogen, and in the second half - progesterone. The action of progesterone is aimed at maintaining a potential pregnancy. Therefore, the task of the tablets is to neutralize progesterone, reducing its level in the body. Thus, using hormonal drugs you can know in advance when the progesterone level will drop, and, accordingly, the girl will have her period.

To induce menstruation, simply start the next pack of pills immediately after the first, without taking a seven-day break. However, do not forget that this method is not very beneficial for the body and can be used no more than 1-2 times a year.

How to speed up your period without pills

If for some reason you do not want or cannot take pills, you can resort to so-called folk remedies. They are quite effective and completely safe. So, how to bring your period closer?
Methods that are based on the action of medicinal herbs are quite popular.
An infusion of parsley root and leaves is considered very effective. It’s easy to prepare: take two tablespoons of raw materials, chop thoroughly and pour a glass of boiled hot water. Let the mixture sit properly for four to five hours. Drink half a glass of the decoction twice a day for five days. After this, menstruation should begin.

Another excellent remedy to help those who want to know how to bring their periods closer is an infusion of oregano. Tansy tea also helps a lot. However, they should be used with caution, since these herbs can cause a severe allergic reaction. Do not forget that while taking such drugs you must categorically refuse to visit solariums and beaches.

Myths and facts

How to bring your period closer? This is a rather sensitive question. Many girls are embarrassed to ask a gynecologist about this. It’s quite natural, because there are a lot of legends and stories that are passed on from mouth to mouth. One of the most popular myths among people is that you can induce menstruation by taking a large amount. This is not only completely unfounded, but also simply dangerous: if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid, you risk provoking the development of stomach ulcers and the formation of kidney stones. As a result, you will spend much more money and time on treatment than you could have if you had consulted a gynecologist in time.

Some women benefit from homeopathic remedies, but not everyone does. However, homeopathy has a significant advantage: its use has absolutely no negative or harmful effects on your body.

If you decide to take the pill, remember that there must be a really good reason for this, since there is always a risk of side effects. It is best to discuss all remedies with your doctor.

Gynecologists often remind women that they should not interfere with the activities of their body, as this can cause unforeseen consequences.

Most women still at least sometimes think about how to speed up their periods. Each has some important reason: one wants to go on vacation, but she needs her period to end at this time, the other is celebrating a wedding and she does not want to have “critical days” at this time. Not all women understand that the most important factor in a woman’s health is the regularity of the menstrual cycle. And if they begin to interfere with the body’s activities, then all this can lead to serious problems, for example, to difficulties in conceiving a child.

Those women who did not protect themselves with any contraceptive methods during their last sexual intercourse are also thinking about how to speed up the arrival of menstruation. Anxiety increases when menstruation does not start on time. They try to speed up their periods because they fear an unnecessary pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that this does not always indicate pregnancy; it may well be caused by gynecological, mental or nervous diseases. Therefore, a doctor must definitely detect menstruation, since an independent acceleration of menstruation can have a bad effect on the body as a whole, especially if the woman previously had diseases caused by metabolism.

When thinking about how to speed up your periods, you should know that it is very dangerous to influence the cycle with the help of Having learned to cause a delay in menstruation with hormonal medications, women often wish that menstruation would come faster with their help. Women who assess the risks will certainly consult a specialist; they understand that there is no rush here, that this will take several months. Other women who have a problem with accelerating menstruation simply begin to experiment. There are many tips online on how to speed up your periods by starting to use oral contraceptives. However, can bleeding that appears after taking medications be called menstruation? It can last quite a long time, and the woman will need to visit a gynecologist.

If you are interested in how to speed up your period by a few days, then it is better to resort to traditional medicine.

But you need to know that interference with the function of the sexual sphere may well lead to negative consequences that will be harmful to health.

So, they say that to speed up your periods you should consume a large amount of ascorbic acid. However, along with your period, you can get a stomach disease. As a last resort, you should not eat ascorbic acid on an empty stomach.

There are also other folk methods.

For example, if you are interested in how to speed up your periods, you can try. To do it, you need to take a bunch of parsley and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for three hours. Take 100 ml twice a day for three or four days. Every day you should prepare a new decoction. You can also take an infusion of oregano. You should purchase disposable sachets of this herb at the pharmacy. Pour a glass of boiling water over a couple of sachets and let it brew for 15 minutes. Take shortly before meals, twice a day. It has the same effect on a woman’s body and must be taken three times a day. Menstruation will come faster if you use tansy infusion. You need to take 2 tablespoons of tansy, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to brew. You need to take this medicine 50 ml before meals.

Medicinal herbs, of course, will help you speed up the onset of your periods, but you should know if you are allergic to them in order to completely eliminate negative reactions.

How to speed up the arrival of menstruation if there is an unreasonable delay or the onset of menstruation disrupts a woman’s plans, for example, before a vacation. Of course, there are ways that can bring the onset of your period closer by a few days or even a week.

To date, pharmacology has achieved certain successes in scientific developments in this area and is able to cause menstruation to order. However, before using this opportunity, you need to make sure whether it is really necessary to interfere with the work of your reproductive system and disrupt it from its well-established rhythm. There is no guarantee that it will be possible to return the delicate mechanism of the menstrual cycle to its original, well-functioning state.

The female menstrual cycle is regulated by the hormonal system. The main impulse comes from the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which is responsible for all important autonomic functions female body. The hormones produced by this system have a direct effect on the ovaries and uterus.

The effect of contraceptive hormonal drugs is based on the initial stimulation of the active synthesis of female sex hormones, after which there is a break with a sharp cessation of exposure. As a result of these manipulations, menstruation begins.

Using this method, you can easily speed up your periods or change their start date. The female reproductive system is subject to external influences that can easily disrupt its natural processes, however, to restore it will require much more effort and time spent. Even one use of a hormonal drug to change the timing of menstruation can negatively affect reproductive function, so you can use it no more than once during the year.

The principle of action of hormonal drugs

The work of hormonal medications used to accelerate the onset of menstruation is based on the following recommendations:

In any case, before starting to take such drugs, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the required dose and explain the rules of use. The most harmless drug that can affect the cycle and speed up the onset of menstruation has a number of serious contraindications. When choosing it, it is necessary to take this circumstance into account.

Medicines that affect the menstrual cycle

Those women who experience a lot of inconvenience during their menstrual periods want to know how to speed up the onset of menstruation. Their periods last a long time, with painful and profuse discharge.

The need for hygiene procedures can often disrupt the plans of working women. In such cases, only a doctor can determine whether such symptoms are a pathology and whether this condition requires treatment. The drugs used to alleviate the condition in such cases are contraceptives and blood clotting agents, drugs in the form of Trinixan.

Each of them has contraindications for use, Vikasol and do not guarantee to speed up the onset of menstruation and are unable to quickly stop them, but only reduce the amount of discharge, making it minimal. Taking medications that can speed up the onset of menstruation if there is a delay should only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. After the cause of the delay is determined, medications are prescribed that create certain changes in the patient’s hormonal background, which will serve as an impetus for the onset of menstruation. In these cases, the following are most often prescribed: and.

How to speed up the arrival of menstruation using folk remedies

The capabilities of modern medicine allow women to speed up the arrival of menstruation for the required time, but most medications used for this purpose can negatively affect their health. Wrong choice of funds or misuse drugs to change the timing of menstruation can lead to serious complications and even infertility. To prevent the risk of causing irreparable harm to your body, you can use a safer method - use traditional methods. In addition to approaching the onset of menstruation, they can shorten the bleeding period itself.

If there is a delay in menstruation, the following methods can speed up their onset:

  1. Increase blood flow to the uterine area. To do this, use a hot bath with salt, which causes the blood vessels to dilate.
  2. Intensive physical exercise. During exercise, you need to tense the muscles in the lower abs. In this case, it is best to use running and exercises with abdominal stress.

Use of medicinal plants

To bring your period closer at home, traditional medicine uses the following plants with healing properties:

What is not recommended to use to speed up the onset of menstruation

There are many recommendations on what can be done to speed up menstruation or cause it to start if it is delayed. Most of them are quite effective and can really help in the current situation. However, some methods are completely untrue and, on the contrary, can even be harmful to health. For example, you need to think carefully before following the following:

It is necessary to remember well that using seemingly harmless methods, you can not only speed up your periods, but also cause harm to your body. Traditional methods are good and quite effective, but in everything it is better to follow a sense of proportion.