Instructions for use, abstract, side effects. Analogous to "Jess". List of birth control pills.

Selection of modern means contraception huge. These include chemical agents in the form of vaginal balls and gramicidin pastes, and mechanical agents such as condoms and cervical caps. There is also a so-called natural method of contraception, which involves abstaining from sex directly in the “ dangerous days", which are calculated for each woman individually. Today there are many special contraceptive drugs, one of which is a medicine called jess.

General information:
Jess is a completely new low-dose contraceptive intended for oral use. This drug first became known to residents of the United States in 2006. To date, this medicine is registered in more than 40 countries around the world. Compared to other contraceptives, Jesu tends to provide fairly good control. menstrual cycle, which attracts the attention of a huge number of patients.

Release form and composition:
Available in the form of light pink tablets, which are film-coated. The shape of the tablets is biconvex. On one side of the regular hexagon there is an engraving in the form of the letters “ D.S. " One blister contains 24 active tablets and 4 placebo tablets.
Composition of the drug: active substances – drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol; auxiliary components - magnesium stearate, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, iron oxide, talc, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.

Pharmacological action:
The contraceptive property of this drug is due to very diverse factors. One such factor is changes in cervical fluid ( cervical mucus). Cervical mucus is the fluid that is produced from the cervix during menstruation. Jess also tends to inhibit the process of ovulation, namely the phenomenon accompanied by the release of an egg from the ovary into the body cavity due to the rupture of a mature follicle. With its help, it is possible to reduce the severity of bleeding during menstruation, regulate the menstrual cycle and make it less painful. This drug also has an antimineralocorticoid effect, due to which it is possible to prevent an increase in total mass body, as well as the development of any signs indicating fluid retention in the body.

When taken orally, fairly rapid and almost complete absorption is observed. drospirenone. After the first dose of the drug, drospirenone dissolves in the blood within 60–120 minutes. Eating does not have any effect on the digestibility of this component, which interacts directly with serum albumin, which is the main protein reserve in the body. With globulin ( blood protein) drospirenone does not interact. Its metabolic products are excreted from the body in urine and feces.

Indications for use:

  • contraception ( warning);
  • therapy for moderate forms of vulgar ( purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle);
  • therapy of complex forms premenstrual syndrome (a whole complex of complex cyclic symptoms that occur 2-10 days before menstruation).
Contraindications for use:
  • accompanied by vascular complications;
  • benign or malignant liver tumors that are currently present or in history;
  • arterial or venous or thromboembolism, this also applies to deep vein thrombosis, cerebrovascular disorders, pulmonary embolism;
  • pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • excessive sensitivity to any substance included in the composition;
  • severe or acute;
  • lactation period;
  • conditions signaling the development of thrombosis, including angina pectoris and transient ischemic attacks;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • , characterized by severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • pronounced or multiple risk factors for arterial or venous thrombosis ( their list includes atrial fibrillation, smoking and non-compliance with all rules over the age of thirty-five, various pathologies coronary arteries or cerebral vessels, serious operations accompanied by prolonged immobilization);
  • severe liver pathologies or liver failure ( in this case, Jess should not be used until liver tests become normal);
  • hormone-dependent malignant diseases, including mammary glands or reproductive organs;
  • , characterized by focal signs of a neurological nature.
Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation:
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of this medication is strictly prohibited. If the fact of conception was detected while taking this contraceptive, then it is immediately canceled. During studies that examined children whose mothers took certain sex steroids, scientists noted that they could not identify any defects. However, there is not much information, which is why it is impossible to draw specific conclusions regarding the effect of this medication on the course of pregnancy, as well as the general health of newborns. During breastfeeding It is not recommended to use it because the components included in the jess tend to reduce the amount of breast milk, as well as significantly change its composition. In addition, a certain amount of sex steroids can enter the child’s body along with milk.

Directions for use and dosage:
Tablets of this drug must be taken every day, following the order indicated on the blister. They should be taken at the same time. Take the tablets with a small amount of liquid. This contraceptive should be taken 1 tablet per day for 28 days. There is no need to take breaks. As soon as the last tablet from the current package is drunk, the very next day you will need to move on to the next package of this drug. Bleeding that resembles menstruation most often begins around the 3rd day after starting placebo pills.

What should you do if you have not used a hormonal contraceptive in the previous month?
In such cases, the first tablet of this drug should be taken on the 1st day of menstruation. You are allowed to take the first pill on the 5th day, but throughout the first cycle you will need to use additional methods of contraception in order to be 100% insured against unwanted pregnancy.

What should you do if only progestogen has been used so far?
In this case, experts recommend starting to take this drug on any convenient day, but during the first 7 days you should use additional methods of contraception.

How to switch from another combined contraceptive to Jess?
It is best to start taking Jess tablets the very next day after taking the previous contraceptive. In this case, the most important thing is not to take a break. If a transdermal patch or vaginal ring was used, then the first tablet of this drug should be taken on the same day that one of these products is removed.

How should I take this drug after childbirth?
Immediately after giving birth, it is recommended to wait until the end of the first normal menstrual cycle, after which we start taking the pills. Some patients are allowed to use the drug earlier, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

How should I take Jess after a spontaneous miscarriage or abortion?
In both cases you need to get .

What to do if you missed a pill?
If you missed taking a placebo tablet, then you should simply remove it from the package so as not to prolong the placebo taking phase. If you missed taking one of the active tablets, then you need to adhere to the following instructions:

1. If the delay in taking the active Jess tablet does not exceed 12 hours, then the contraceptive effect of this medication remains the same. In such cases, it is recommended to take the missed pill as soon as the woman remembers. Subsequent tablets from the started package should be taken at the usual time.

2. If the delay exceeds 12 hours, then the contraceptive effect is most often reduced. In this case, it is very important that the total break does not exceed 4 days, since this fact can provoke very strong depression of the hypothalamic system ( parts of the endocrine system).
Given this fact, it is very important to follow the following recommendations:

A) Day 1 – 7th: you need to take the missed tablet as quickly as possible, it is quite possible that it will be 2 tablets at the same time. Then you should continue to take active tablets at the usual time. For the next 7 days, you should use one or another additional method of contraception such as condoms. If there has been sexual intercourse in the previous 7 days, then the likelihood of conception increases. The risk of pregnancy depends immediately on two factors - the number of missed tablets and the period that remains before starting to use placebo tablets.

b) Day 8 – 14th: You should take the missed tablet as quickly as possible, it is quite possible that it will be 2 tablets at once. Then taking the tablets should be continued at the usual time. If the pills were taken correctly during the entire 7 days before skipping, then you don’t have to think about additional contraceptives. If during this period one of the pills was missed, then for the next 7 days after the miss, experts recommend using one of the additional means of contraception.

V) Day 15 - 24th: During this period, missing one of the tablets is especially dangerous, since the contraceptive effect of the drug is reduced quite significantly. In such cases, experts recommend proceeding as follows: take the last missed pill, and then continue taking active pills at the usual time. Placebo tablets should be skipped. As soon as the active tablets from this package run out, we begin taking active tablets from the next package. Most often, this regimen of taking this contraceptive does not cause menstrual-like bleeding until all active tablets from the subsequent package are consumed. During this period, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. There is another option, namely stopping the pills completely if the active pill was missed during this period. Take a break of 4 days, then start taking pills from a new package.

How should you handle the packaging of this drug?
The packaging of this drug is equipped with a blister that contains 24 active tablets and 4 placebo tablets. In the package you can also find a special self-adhesive appointment calendar, which consists of 7 self-adhesive strips. The names of the days of the week are marked on each strip. If you started taking the pills on Tuesday, then look for the line that starts with " Tue " It is this strip that should be pasted along the top of the package, and in such a way that the designation “ Tue " was located above the tablet to which the arrow is pointing " Start " This will help you keep track of taking each pill day by day.

Stopping the drug:
You can stop taking this contraceptive at any time. When planning a pregnancy, experts advise first to wait for normal menstrual bleeding and only then start trying to conceive. This will help calculate the approximate time of birth of the baby.

Side effects:
From the side of the central nervous system (central nervous system) – deterioration and frequent mood swings, nervousness, asthenic syndrome, decrease or increase;

  • any surgical interventions on the lower extremities;
  • arterial hypertension.
  • Recommendations for the development of gastrointestinal disorders:
    If severe disorders of the gastrointestinal tract occur, incomplete absorption of the components of jess is evident. In such cases, it is necessary to regularly use additional contraceptives. If vomiting occurs within 3 to 4 hours after taking the active tablet, then you should take an additional tablet taken from another package.

    Use with caution:

    • liver pathologies;
    • hereditary angioedema;
    • hypertriglyceridemia;
    • various pathologies accompanied by peripheral circulatory disorders;
    • pathologies that first arose or worsened during pregnancy or during a course of sex hormone therapy;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • postpartum period.
    Special instructions for use:
    Before starting to take this contraceptive, it is important to undergo a full medical examination, during which all warnings and contraindications will be identified. It is recommended that periodic examinations be carried out while taking this medication in order to be able to promptly identify any problems that may occur for the first time while using this drug. Both the frequency and nature of examinations must correspond to the individual characteristics of each patient. Particular attention should be paid to the examination of the abdominal organs, pelvic organs, mammary glands and cervix. In addition, blood pressure levels should be measured regularly. If you have any pathological condition, before starting to use Jess, you should consult with a specialist who can compare the expected benefits and potential risks.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system:
    During the research, experts were able to identify a direct relationship between the use of combined contraceptives and an increased incidence of arterial and venous thrombosis, as well as thromboembolism. Especially often, these conditions occur during the first 12 months of using pharmaceuticals of this group. The risk is especially high if you restart taking the same contraceptive drug. Venous thromboembolism makes itself felt in the form of deep vein thrombosis.

    Signs of venous thromboembolism - a local increase in temperature in the area of ​​the affected leg, pain in it, which is especially felt while walking, as well as a change in the color of the skin on lower limb.

    Symptoms of pulmonary embolism - acute chest pain, breathing problems, very severe dizziness, sudden cough, shortness of breath, feeling of anxiety and others.

    Arterial thromboembolism can cause development or heart attack. Both of these conditions are life-threatening.
    Symptoms of myocardial infarction – irregular or rapid heartbeat, feeling of tightness in the chest, heaviness, pain and discomfort in the same area, cold sweat, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting.
    Signs of a stroke – sudden loss of sensation in the upper or lower limbs or face, confusion or loss of consciousness, accompanied by or without an epileptic seizure, severe headache, problems with speech and coordination, dizziness, problems understanding what is happening.

    cervix most often occurs in the presence of persistent human papillomavirus. The risk of developing this type of tumor also increases with prolonged use of combined contraceptives. The risk of developing breast cancer is slightly increased. In extremely rare cases, during the use of such contraceptives, the development of both benign and malignant liver tumors was noted. If you begin to experience severe pain in the abdominal area or symptoms indicating the development of intra-abdominal bleeding, then consult a doctor for all necessary examinations.

    Other states:
    Drospirenone has no effect on the amount of potassium in the blood in patients suffering from mild to moderate renal failure. Hyperkalemia ( increased serum potassium concentration) can develop only if a patient with certain impaired renal function takes this contraceptive along with drugs that tend to retain potassium in the body. To minimize the risk of developing this pathological condition, you should regularly monitor the level of potassium in the blood during the entire first cycle of taking Jess.

    Additional information for special categories of patients:

    1. Children and adolescents can use this contraceptive only after menarche ( first menstruation);

    3. In no case should this medication be prescribed to patients suffering from serious liver pathologies until the function of this organ returns to normal;

    4. Women with various kidney problems can use this drug.

    How can you change the start time of menstruation or delay it?
    If it is necessary to delay the onset of menstruation, then you should continue to take the active tablets from the next pack, while ignoring the placebo tablets from the current pack. If desired, the period of administration can be extended until all active tablets from the next package have been consumed. During this time, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur. It is recommended to return to the usual regimen of taking this contraceptive after taking placebo tablets.

    If it is necessary to change the day of menstruation, then experts suggest shortening the period of taking placebo pills by the required number of days. The shorter this period is, the greater the likelihood of no menstrual bleeding while using the tablets from the next package.

    Accurate information about serious violations during overdose is still not available.
    Possible signs of overdose are metrorrhagia or irregular spotting from the uterus, nausea and vomiting.
    Treatment: There is no specific antidote, so in case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

    Reduced efficiency:

    • with diarrhea;
    • with vomiting;
    • when you miss another pill;
    • due to drug interactions.
    Laboratory tests:
    The use of this contraceptive may affect the following laboratory tests:
    • indicators of kidney, adrenal, and liver function;
    • amount of proteins in plasma;
    • indicators of carbohydrate metabolism;
    • parameters of fibrinolysis and coagulation.
    All existing changes in most cases do not exceed the permissible values.

    Medical examinations:
    If you intend to start or resume taking Jess, then the doctor should initially consider your family history and life history. In addition, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination, during which your body mass index will be determined, your blood pressure will be measured, and your heart rate will be determined. In such cases, a gynecological examination, examination of the mammary glands and cytological examination of cervical mucus are also carried out. Before you start using Jess, you should exclude the fact of pregnancy. As for control examinations, they are recommended to be carried out at least once a year.

    Remember! All combined oral contraceptives are not able to protect against HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.

    Poor control of the menstrual cycle:
    While using Jess, it is quite possible to develop irregular bleeding. This is especially common during the first months of using this drug. Given this fact, it is very important to evaluate any irregular bleeding only after the adaptation period has been completed. This period takes about 3 cycles. If bleeding continues to bother you even after this, then it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination in order to exclude the fact of pregnancy or the presence of a malignant tumor.
    In some patients, during a break in taking active Jess tablets, withdrawal bleeding does not occur. This fact should not be scary if the pills were taken correctly all the time. If their intake was irregular, then it is imperative to exclude the fact of pregnancy.

    Drug interactions:
    When this contraceptive interacts with some other pharmaceutical drugs, breakthrough bleeding is quite possible. In addition, such interaction may cause a decrease in contraceptive reliability. Patients taking these medications should temporarily use additional methods of contraception or choose another method of contraception.

    Effect on hepatic metabolism:
    The use of medications that synthesize microsomal liver enzymes may cause an increase in clearance ( level) sex hormones. This is possible when using rifampicin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin And primidone. There are also assumptions regarding felbamate, oxcarbazepine, as well as medicines that contain St. John's wort. HIV protease inhibitors also have an effect on hepatic metabolism. ritonavir.

    Effect on enterohepatic circulation:
    According to information obtained in the course of separate studies, it was possible to establish that some antibiotic drugs such as tetracycline and penicillin tend to reduce the enterohepatic circulation of estrogen, while reducing the level and ethinyl estradiol.
    During the course of therapy with these medications, as well as for 7 days after treatment, it is very important to use additional barrier methods of contraception. When undergoing a course of therapy with medications that have a direct effect on microsomal enzymes, barrier methods of contraception will need to be used for 28 days after their discontinuation.

    Impact on the ability to operate dangerous machinery and drive vehicles:
    Not identified.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:
    According to the recipe.

    Storage conditions and periods:
    It is recommended to store in a dry place at an air temperature of no higher than 30 degrees. Shelf life - 5 years.

    Type Jess (some spell it incorrectly “Jess”) is a single-phase low-hormonal combined oral contraceptive with antiandrogenic properties. This is a new generation drug among contraceptives.

    Its advantage is that it contains a small amount of the hormone, and this makes it possible to expect the desired result, like from a contraceptive, with minimum side effects.

    Composition and action of Jess

    Jess is available in tablet form, one blister contains 28 tablets, 24 of 28 soft pink, active type tablets, 4 snow-white color - passive. You can see what the tablets look like in the photo below.

    The drug is formed on the basis of the action of two components:

    • ethinyl estradiol estrogen is a hormone
    • drospirenone– analogue of the hormone progesterone

    Active type tablets, which have a soft pink color, contain 3 milligram of drospirenone and 0,02 milligram of ethylyestradiol. Passive type are pacifiers, they are needed in order to avoid missing a dose of the drug.

    I. they are able to inhibit ovulation;

    II. make sure that sperm do not penetrate.

    Indications for use:

    • protection against unwanted pregnancy
    • restores the menstrual cycle
    • can reduce the duration of menstruation, their profuseness and pain during menstruation
    • relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
    • can solve cosmetic problems: acne, oily hair and skin
    • eliminates swelling and weight gain

    How to use Jess?

    The drug must be taken exactly as indicated in the instructions. Regularly every day, at the same time, with a tablet of clean (still) water. Jess must be taken without skipping or interrupting. You need to take one tablet regularly throughout 28 days.

    The new blister should be started immediately after taking the last tablet of the previous blister.

    Menstruation may begin at 2 or 3 day after you take the passive type tablets, and there is a chance that it will not end before you start a new blister.

    Admission rules

    1. If you have not taken any contraceptive medications in the past month, you should start taking them on the first day of your menstrual period.

    It is permissible to start at 2 or 5 day.

    2. If you switch from one type of combined method of contraception to the drug Jess, you should start taking it the day after the last tablet of another drug, but no later than the next day after a seven-day gap, if there are 21 tablets in a blister, or after taking a passive tablet, if there are 28 tablets in a blister. blister.

    3. If you are switching from contraception that contains only gestagen, then you can start taking Jess on absolutely any day. And if the method of contraception is injection type, then on the day when the injection should be given.

    4. If you had an abortion in the 1st trimester, you can take Jess immediately unless another type of contraceptive is recommended.

    5. If you had childbirth or an interruption in the 2nd trimester, then you should start taking it from 21 to 28 days after birth or interruption. If you start taking it later, you need to use an additional contraceptive for the first seven days, but if sexual intercourse has taken place, then before you start taking Jess you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy and wait for your period.

    If you forget to take your pills passive like, then there’s nothing to worry about – it can be ignored. But they need to be thrown away so as not to accidentally accept them.

    If within 12 o'clock If you forgot to take Jess, then the protection does not decrease.

    You need to take the pill as quickly as possible, and try to take the rest without skipping and on time.

    If the absence is more than 12 hours, then the protection is reduced.

    It all depends on the number of missed pills, and how many active pills are left before taking passive ones; if it’s a minimum, then the likelihood of fertilization is increased.

    • Do not interrupt reception for more than 4 day
    • In order for contraception to be 100% effective, continuous use is required a week after missing a pill

    If the last pill of the active type is taken more than 36 hours, it is necessary: ​​as soon as the woman remembers to take the pill, even if she missed two doses, she needs to take two pills, taking the next ones according to the schedule.

    You can stop taking it for 4 days from the old blister - this is plus the break days, and start taking it from the new blister.

    Adolescents and children are allowed to take it only after the formation of the menstrual cycle.

    If menopause has occurred, then Jess is contraindicated.

    Women with kidney and liver pathologies should not take Jess.

    Cost of hormonal pills Jess

    Price for hormonal pills Jess on average ranges from 827 rubles up to 1197 rubles per blister containing 28 tablets.

    The modern woman faces. Many representatives of the fair sex choose hormonal drugs, which have many advantages. Among other oral contraceptives, Jess is also popular. Gynecologists recommend it to their patients.

    Features and benefits of Jess birth control pills

    Jess is a combined hormonal contraceptive drug. Due to the fact that it contains drospirenone, it has antiandrogenic and antimineralkorticoid effects.

    In women who take Jess birth control pills, the menstrual cycle becomes regular, pain during menstruation disappears or becomes less obvious, and there is a decrease in the amount of bleeding.

    Thanks to drospirenone, when taking the drug, body weight does not increase and swelling does not occur. In addition, the substance has a positive effect on the premenstrual cycle. Pain, irritability and other signs of PMS go away. Drospirenone also has an antiandrogenic effect, and therefore, when taking the drug, acne and pimples on the face and body disappear.

    The main purpose of Jess is contraception. But it is also prescribed to treat acne or severe PMS. It is not surprising that reviews of Jess birth control pills for the most part have positive character. Taking the drug allows you to perfectly protect yourself from, maintain a slim figure and improve the condition of your skin.

    Birth control pills Jess: contraindications

    Despite the fact that Jess Plus birth control pills have a positive effect on the body, they also have contraindications for use. You should not take the drug if you have:

    • thrombosis of any kind;
    • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
    • renal failure;
    • liver failure or liver tumor;
    • pancreatitis;
    • adrenal insufficiency.

    You should also stop taking the drug if you:

    • pregnant;
    • breastfeed your baby;
    • have hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

    How to take birth control pills Jess: instructions for use

    Jess' birth control pills are available in blisters of 28 pieces. The package contains 24 active tablets and 4 inactive tablets. For the convenience of women, the package contains a self-adhesive calendar in which you can mark when the tablet is taken. According to the instructions for Jess's birth control pills, you need to take them regularly, without taking a break between packs. It is advisable to take the tablets every day at the same time. Oral hormonal drugs, then you can start taking Jess the next day. It is important not to take breaks between medications. Additional contraception is not required in this case. But if you took the mini-pill, then for the first 7 days after switching to Jess, additionally protect yourself with condoms.

    What should I do if I miss my Jess birth control pills?

    If for some reason you miss taking the drug, drink it immediately as soon as you remember. If you follow the instructions for use birth control pills Jess, then the contraceptive should be taken regardless of the time of taking the next pill. You can even have two at once if the time is right.

    If you miss taking a pill, you should know what to do:

    1. If 36 hours have not passed since the last dose, then it is enough to immediately take the pill, and then take the drug at the prescribed time.
    2. If more than 36 hours have passed, then you need not only to take the missed pill, but also to additionally protect yourself with barrier methods for 7 days after that.

    Please note that the risk of getting pregnant if you miss a pill increases regardless of whether you had sexual intercourse before or after.

    Birth control pills Jess: reviews from doctors and patients

    On many sites on the Internet you can easily find reviews about Jess contraceptives. Most women respond positively to the drug. While taking birth control pills Jess, disruptions in the menstrual cycle disappear, the skin becomes clearer. But most importantly, women note that the drug is highly effective and does not promote weight gain, like some hormonal contraceptives.

    Jess Plus is a modern and extremely effective hormonal contraceptive. It suppresses the action of androgenic hormones and mineralocorticoids in a woman’s body. Regular use of Jess Plus according to the regimen makes it possible to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy. Patient reviews of monophasic birth control pills Jess Plus are extremely positive. The drug has proven its high reliability!

    Composition and release form

    The contraceptive is produced in the form of tablets (containing active ingredients and inactive “pacifiers”). The active ingredients of the Jess Plus birth control pills are the hormone ethinyl estradiol and the steroid drospirenone, as well as the active form of vitamin B9 - calcium levomefolate (the latter component is not included in the “regular” Jess pills).

    The film-coated tablets contain 3 mg of micronized drospirenone, 20 mcg of micronized betadex clathrate ethinyl estradiol, 451 mcg of active folic acid and a number of additional components, including lactose (this should be taken into account by women with hereditary lactase deficiency).

    A unique oral contraceptive is sold in blisters of 28 pieces (4 of which are inactive); The drug is accompanied by a dosage calendar with a block of stickers (the included application allows you to avoid accidental missed doses)

    Indications for use

    The combined drug Jess instructions are recommended for patients for:

    • prevention of conception;
    • minimizing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (including algomenorrhea);
    • preventing the appearance of acne vulgaris (acne vulgaris).

    According to the instructions, Jess Plus and Jess should be taken daily at the same hours, strictly adhering to the regimen.

    All 28 days of the cycle take 1 tablet per day. Monophasic hormonal preparations Jess and Jess Plus are recommended to be taken with the required volume of boiled water.

    When taking a course, omissions should be avoided; Each new package must be taken immediately (the next day) after the Jess birth control pills in the previous blister have run out.

    After a 4-day intake of the inactive tablets included in the regimen, on the 2-3rd day the woman begins menstruation, which in this case is also defined as “withdrawal bleeding.”

    According to the instructions, taking the first tablet of the new Jess package should coincide with the first day of menstruation (the best option). If taking monophasic hormonal contraceptive started 2-5 days from the start of menstruation, then it is advisable for sexual partners to use additional barrier-type contraceptives during the first week.


    The instructions prohibit Jess tablets from being prescribed to women who have been diagnosed with:

    • intolerance to one or more components;
    • congenital lactase deficiency;
    • venous and arterial thrombosis (including history);
    • (including angina at rest and stress);
    • vascular pathologies due to diabetes;
    • transient ischemia (“ischemic attacks”);
    • pathology of coronary vessels;
    • circulatory disorders in the brain;
    • with high levels of triglycerides in the blood;
    • disturbances in the functional activity of the liver;
    • neoplasms in the liver (oncology or benign tumors);
    • acute or chronic renal failure;
    • adrenal insufficiency.

    Special instructions for use

    To guarantee pregnancy prevention, the course should not be interrupted for more than 4 days.

    Accidental omission of inactive tablets can be ignored, since “pacifiers” do not have a systemic effect on the body. If an active tablet is accidentally missed and the break is more than 12 hours, then the degree of reliability of protection is already somewhat reduced.

    In the first 2 weeks of the cycle, if there is a delay of 36 hours or more, the missed active Jess pill, according to the instructions, should be taken as quickly as possible, and condoms should be used during sexual intercourse over the next week. From the 15th to the 24th day, you can follow similar tactics or stop the current course (for no more than 4 days) and start taking tablets from a new blister.

    In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the degree of absorption may be slightly reduced. Decreased absorption of drug hormones can cause unplanned pregnancy.

    In order to delay the onset of menstruation, you need to start using Jess tablets according to the instructions from the new one, ignoring the 4 inactive ones. This scheme makes it possible, if desired, to increase the duration of the cycle by any required number of days.

    Women after menopause (menopause) should not take this monophasic contraceptive drug, since pregnancy is impossible for natural reasons.

    How do Jess tablets work?

    The contraceptive effect of the drug is due to the combined effects of the components.

    The active ingredients of a monophasic contraceptive are capable of influencing the cervical secretion (biological fluid of the cervix) so that it becomes almost impenetrable to male germ cells. Due to this, the likelihood of contact of the egg with the sperm and, accordingly, fertilization becomes impossible.

    In addition, according to experts, Jess can block the process of ovulation (the release of an egg in the middle of a normal monthly cycle).

    The probability of fertilization of an egg against the background of regular use of Jess according to the instructions is less than 1%. Long-term clinical trials on volunteers have convincingly proven that women taking a combined hormonal drug usually have completely painless periods. The volume of blood loss is noticeably reduced, which reduces the likelihood of developing anemia to zero.

    The menstrual cycle itself normalizes, that is, it becomes more regular. When taking a combined monophasic contraceptive, the likelihood of the appearance of tumors of the reproductive organs (ovaries and endometrium of the uterus) is slightly reduced.

    The gestagen drosperinone acts similarly to the hormone progesterone, blocking the action of mineralocorticoids. This biologically active substance prevents excess weight gain due to hormonal changes. Thanks to this compound, excess fluid retention due to the action of female estrogens does not occur, which significantly reduces the likelihood of swelling of the extremities. Drospirenone reduces the severity of symptoms characteristic of premenstrual syndrome (emotional lability, swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands, muscle and joint pain). Antiandrogynous activity is also very characteristic of drosperinone. Due to this, patients taking Jess birth control pills have less oily skin and minimize the likelihood of acne. Substance in in full absorbed and conjugated with serum albumin. The level of bioavailability of this gestagen is quite high; it can reach 85%. With regular use, the maximum concentration of drospirenone is observed from 7 to 14 days. Progestogen undergoes active biotransformation and is excreted in the form of metabolites mainly through the intestines. The half-life averages 40 hours.

    Ethinyl estradiol is a hormone from the estrogen group. After oral administration of Jess tablets, this female sex hormone is quickly absorbed. It is characterized by fairly high bioavailability (about 60%). The maximum concentration in the blood serum increases after 1-2 hours. Most of the hormone is conjugated with the albumin fraction of plasma proteins. The process of presystemic binding of the compound occurs in the liver and the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The entire volume of ethinyl estradiol undergoes biotransformation. 2/3 of the total amount of estrogen is excreted in metabolized form through the kidneys, and the remaining volume is excreted in bile.

    The combined effect of the two main components has a positive effect on the so-called. "lipid profile". Calcium levomefolate is included in the oral contraceptive Jess Plus in case of unexpected pregnancy. The active form of folic acid reduces the likelihood of a neural tube defect in the fetus.

    Jess Plus: side effects

    While using this combined contraceptive, some patients may develop the following undesirable effects:

    • allergic reactions;
    • headaches;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • pain in the mammary glands;
    • nausea;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • depressed emotional state (depression);
    • decreased libido (sexual desire);
    • thromboembolism;
    • occlusion (reduction of lumen) of blood vessels;
    • hemorrhagic stroke;
    • ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • erythema nodosum
    • exacerbation of chronic liver diseases.

    While taking a combined contraceptive, the likelihood of the appearance and development of liver and breast tumors slightly increases.

    Interaction with other pharmacological drugs

    Parallel reception combined contraceptive with tetracyclines or penicillins, as well as with most drugs that induce microsomal liver enzymes, may cause a decrease in the reliability of protection. In some cases, so-called “breakthrough bleeding” cannot be excluded.

    During a course of antibiotic therapy and for 1 week after the end of the use of antibacterial agents, a woman is recommended to use additional means of protection to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    Interaction of Jess Plus with alcohol

    The manufacturer has not provided data on the interaction of this pharmacological agent with ethyl alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages is highly undesirable.


    There were no reports of side effects when the usual dose was exceeded. An overdose can theoretically cause dyspeptic disorders.

    Taking Jess Plus by pregnant and lactating women

    It has been clinically confirmed that biologically active components do not have an embryotoxic or teratogenic effect on the fetus, but if an accidental conception occurs when a course of Jess tablets has already been started, then according to the instructions, the course should be interrupted immediately.

    After artificial termination of pregnancy in the first trimester, treatment should begin immediately. After childbirth or abortion in the second trimester, use should begin on the 21st-28th day. During lactation, these contraceptive pills cannot be used, since a certain amount of steroid hormone metabolites passes into mother's milk.

    Prescription of Jess Plus for children and adolescents

    For teenage girls, Jess tablets can be shown only after the onset of menstruation (menarche).

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Jess instructions recommend storing birth control pills in places with low humidity at a temperature not exceeding + 30°C.

    For this combined monophasic hormonal contraceptive, the shelf life is 5 years from the date of issue.

    There comes a time in every girl’s life when she turns to a gynecologist for a prescription of contraceptives. Today, Jess tablets are often prescribed. Reviews from doctors about them are as positive as possible. The girl is reassured that the new generation of drugs does not cause hormonal imbalance, weight gain, or problems with skin and hair. In this case, they often do not take any special tests other than a standard smear. It turns out that Jess tablets are suitable for everyone without exception? Reviews from patients tell about a wide variety of body reactions, from positive to sharply negative. Apparently, such a delicate area as hormonal balance is not easy to understand, which means that the choice of contraception must be approached more than seriously. Today we will take a closer look at what Jess hormonal pills are.

    Modern form

    The package contains two types of tablets, with active core and placebo. This distinguishes them from many other contraceptives, because most often the plate contains only 21 tablets. After it ends, you need to take a seven-day break and then start a new one. You won't have to time your breaks if you choose Jess tablets. Reviews often contain warm remarks regarding the convenience of such packaging. It comes with special stickers that help you avoid getting confused. You just need to take one tablet every day. After the standard 24 active tablets, you will take 4 pacifiers.

    You cannot skip active tablets; if you forget, you need to take the missed tablet as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after taking the previous one. It is allowed to take two tablets at once. If the break was more than a day, then you should continue taking the pills, but add additional methods of contraception before the onset of menstruation.

    Active ingredients

    This is a low-dose, monophasic, oral combination drug. The main active ingredient is estrogen, contained in a minimum dose of 20 mcg per day. The second active ingredient is the progestogen drospirenone. Its composition is identical to natural progesterone and is contained in an amount of 3 mg.

    This composition was not chosen by chance. It minimizes possible complications in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and usually does not make negative changes in the general condition of the woman. Most women highly praise Jess pills. Reviews emphasize good tolerability, no side effects, and sometimes even improved skin and hair condition.

    Pharmacological action

    Now we will look at how the drug “Jess” (tablets) works. The instructions tell us that the contraceptive effect is achieved due to many factors. The most important of them are inhibition of ovulation and changes in the viscosity of cervical mucus. As a result, we observe two important processes: it is much more difficult for sperm to reach the egg due to the viscous mucus, but even if this happens, the endometrium of the uterus remains unprepared for implantation of the egg. Even if fertilized, it will be destroyed in the uterine cavity.

    What else good does Jess (tablets) promise us? The instructions emphasize that it is drospirenone in this drug that prevents weight gain and other symptoms associated with fluid retention in the body. In addition, it has a positive effect on the course of PMS, usually minimizing it. As a result of regular use of the drug, periods become shorter and lighter. This serves to prevent anemia. Painful sensations decrease or completely disappear.

    Indications for use

    “Jess” (pills) is used not only for contraception. The instructions tell us that the drug can be used even at a very young age, in girls who are not sexually active. Indications for this purpose may be the treatment of moderate forms of acne (blackheads) or severe forms of premenstrual syndrome. Often it is during adolescence that it is especially strong. It can also be prescribed to an adult woman who is not sexually active if the doctor decides that there are sufficient grounds for this.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    The drug "Jess" (the instructions emphasize this several times) cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. With the lactation period everything is more or less clear. There are other methods of contraception that are more suitable for this period. These include: interrupted sexual intercourse, mini-pill preparations, barrier and local contraception, intrauterine device. But in the early stages of pregnancy, many mothers still have no idea about their “interesting” situation and continue to take pills.

    If pregnancy is detected, you should immediately stop taking Jess. The instructions advise you to immediately consult a doctor. Numerous studies have been conducted that examined the risk of developing defects in children whose mothers received sex steroids, including hormonal drugs. No risk was identified either in the group of women who took the drug before pregnancy, or among those who continued to take the pills in its early stages.

    Directions for use

    Usually the doctor prescribes how to take Jess contraceptives. Reviews from women claim that you can simply buy them at the pharmacy and start taking them with your first menstruation. This is fundamentally wrong; if you care about your health, you should first be examined by a doctor and tell him about what you used to protect yourself before. Based on your medical history, he will choose what is most suitable for you.

    If you have not used COCs before

    This is the simplest option. You only need to wait until the first day of the cycle, that is, the first day of menstrual bleeding. On this day you need to take the first tablet according to the diagram on your package. Now you only need to buy a new one on the day the pack runs out and continue taking it without interruption. This is a significant advantage of the drug “Jess”. Birth control pills budget plan They usually offer a different scheme, 21 days of admission and a break of 7 days.

    If you did not manage to purchase pills at the beginning of your cycle, you can start taking them on days 2-5 of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the contraceptive effect will also be high, only in the first 5 days of use it is necessary to additionally use a barrier method.

    If you have previously used other COCs

    Refer to the regimen of your former drug. If the record included 28 tablets, then finish the old pack and move on to the new one, just take the “Jess” remedy. The tablets (photo attached to the article) should be chosen by your doctor, don’t forget. If your former drug contains 21 tablets in a tablet, then you can take the traditional break of 7 days, and start taking “Jess” on the 8th. There is another scheme, according to which you can immediately start taking without observing a seven-day break new drug. The cycle will very quickly adapt to small changes, and you won’t even feel it.

    Transition from drugs containing only gestagen (mini-pills)

    It is not necessary to wait until the end of packaging or the start of a new cycle. You can stop taking the mini-pill any day and take your first Jess pill at the same time the next day. But for the first 7 days, protection will be low, so it is necessary to additionally use a barrier method, for example, a condom or local contraception.

    After abortion and childbirth

    If you had an abortion, or had a spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, or premature birth resulting in the death of the child, then you should start taking the drug the next day. But in this case, you should definitely consult your doctor. After giving birth, you need to wait until your first menstruation. If the baby is bottle-fed, then you will have to wait 3-4 months for this. Sometimes your doctor may allow you to start taking it earlier. If you are breastfeeding, then you need to discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking Jess (tablets). Side effects (reviews suggest that taking it makes recovery from abortion much easier) from the drug during this period are minimal, especially if you take it as prescribed by your doctor.

    Jess Plus product

    This is a special formula of the drug, including not only active, but also vitamin tablets that contain calcium lemomefolate. His indications are exactly the same as those of his predecessor. Only contraception for women with folate deficiency is added to the list. If you are in soonest time If you are planning a pregnancy, you can switch to Jess Nail. Reviews confirm that the lack of folic acid in the body quickly returns to normal. This is due to the fact that levomefolate is the active form of folate and is absorbed better than folic acid. And since during pregnancy the first thing that is formed is the neural tube, a deficiency of this element can lead to malformations of the nervous system.

    It turns out that you are simultaneously protecting yourself and taking care of the baby’s health, in case you become pregnant immediately after stopping the drug or (this happens extremely rarely) while taking it. In general, B vitamins are very important for female body, maybe that's why it gets widespread drug "Jess Neil". Reviews from women who took it indicate that the condition of their skin and hair improves.


    Like all other drugs, Jess (tablets) also have contraindications. Reviews (the instructions in this regard provide more reliable information) talk about a number of diseases for which taking the drug was prohibited by the attending physician. This is the presence of thrombosis, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications. In addition, these are neurological migraines, liver tumors, severe liver and kidney failure. Also, the drug should not be used for vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology and adrenal insufficiency.

    Side effects

    Most often (about 10 cases out of 100) a change in mood is noted. It could be depression, depression, or just frequent “swings” - from good mood to irritability and aggression. Migraines are also common. In some cases, they disappear in the first month of use, as soon as the body adapts to taking the drug. Another common symptom is breast pain and uterine bleeding outside the menstrual cycle. In the first month of use, such symptoms are considered normal, but if they persist longer, you should consult a doctor; perhaps this drug is simply not suitable for you.

    Much less often, in approximately one case out of a hundred, changes in the skin are observed. This includes severe dryness, flaking, redness and rashes that were not previously observed. It should be noted that in some cases the drug, on the contrary, improves the condition of the skin and significantly reduces acne, but since we are all different, the opposite effect also occurs.

    If you are bothered by one of the symptoms described above, do not rush to stop taking Jess (tablets). Side effects may be temporary, in addition, sharp hormonal fluctuations are harmful to the female body, so at least finish the pack to the end and go to see a doctor.

    Very rarely (one case in several thousand) a decrease in libido (sexual desire) is observed. It is even less common to diagnose venous or arterial thromboembolism.


    It is extremely rare, at least, so far there have been no reports of serious cases of overdose in people taking the drug "Jess" (tablets). Instructions for use indicate possible nausea, vomiting, spotting, and bloody discharge. These conclusions are made on the basis of cumulative knowledge about the use of oral contraceptives.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Doctors usually warn about several possible consequences. Sometimes this may be breakthrough bleeding. But more often this is a decrease in the effectiveness of contraception, as a result of which the risk of pregnancy increases. Many drugs for the treatment of epilepsy, tuberculosis and HIV infection work in this way. But in some cases, antibiotics (penicillin and tetracycline), as well as preparations based on St. John's wort, including its decoction, become the cause of unplanned pregnancy while taking COCs.

    How to avoid risk? At the time of your prescription, always tell your doctor what medications you are currently taking. If they are incompatible, the doctor will select an alternative regimen. If replacement is not possible, then use additional methods of contraception during the treatment period. This will improve your health and avoid unnecessary risks.