An essay on the topic of good and evil reasoning. Unified State Exam Russian language

Arguments for the essay

Problems 1. The role of art (science, media) in the spiritual life of society 2. The impact of art on the spiritual development of a person 3. The educational function of art Affirmative theses 1. True art ennobles a person. 2. Art teaches a person to love life. 3. To bring people the light of high truths, “pure teachings of goodness and truth” - this is the meaning of true art. 4. The artist must put his whole soul into the work in order to infect another person with his feelings and thoughts. Quotes 1. Without Chekhov, we would be many times poorer in spirit and heart (K Paustovsky, Russian writer). 2. The whole life of mankind was consistently deposited in books (A. Herzen, Russian writer). 3. Conscientiousness is a feeling that literature must excite (N. Evdokimova, Russian writer). 4. Art is designed to preserve the human in a person (Yu. Bondarev, Russian writer). 5. The world of the book is the world of a real miracle (L. Leonov, Russian writer). 6. A good book is just a holiday (M. Gorky, Russian writer). 7. Art creates good people, shapes the human soul (P. Tchaikovsky, Russian composer). 8. They went into the darkness, but their trace did not disappear (W. Shakespeare, English writer). 9. Art is a shadow of divine perfection (Michelangelo, Italian sculptor and artist). 10. The purpose of art is to condensely convey the beauty dissolved in the world (French philosopher). 11. There is no poet’s career, there is a poet’s destiny (S. Marshak, Russian writer). 12. The essence of literature is not fiction, but the need to speak to the heart (V. Rozanov, Russian philosopher). 13. The artist’s job is to create joy (K Paustovsky, Russian writer). Arguments 1) Scientists and psychologists have long argued that music can have various effects on the nervous system and human tone. It is generally accepted that Bach's works enhance and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music arouses compassion and cleanses a person's thoughts and feelings of negativity. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child. 2) Can art change a person's life? Actress Vera Alentova recalls such an incident. One day she received a letter from an unknown woman who said that she was left alone and did not want to live. But after watching the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” she became a different person: “You won’t believe it, I suddenly saw that people were smiling and they weren’t as bad as I thought all these years. And the grass, it turns out, is green, And the sun is shining... I recovered, for which I thank you very much.” 3) Many front-line soldiers talk about how soldiers exchanged smokes and bread for clippings from a front-line newspaper, where chapters from A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” were published. This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important to the soldiers than food. 4) The outstanding Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky, talking about his impressions of Raphael’s painting “The Sistine Madonna,” said that the hour he spent in front of it belonged to the happiest hours of his life, and it seemed to him that this painting was born in a moment of miracle. 5) The famous children's writer N. Nosov told an incident that happened to him in childhood. One day he missed the train and stayed overnight on the station square with street children. They saw a book in his bag and asked him to read it. Nosov agreed, and the children, deprived of parental warmth, began to listen with bated breath to the story about the lonely old man, mentally comparing his bitter, homeless life with their fate. 6) When the Nazis laid siege to Leningrad, Dmitry Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony had a huge impact on the city’s residents. which, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy. 7) In the history of literature, a lot of evidence has been preserved related to the stage history of “The Minor”. They say that many noble children, having recognized themselves in the image of the slacker Mitrofanushka, experienced a true rebirth: they began to study diligently, read a lot and grew up as worthy sons of their homeland. 8) A gang operated in Moscow for a long time, which was particularly cruel. When the criminals were captured, they admitted that their behavior and their attitude to the world was greatly influenced by the American film “Natural Born Killers,” which they watched almost every day. They tried to copy the habits of the characters in this picture in real life. 9) The artist serves eternity. Today we imagine this or that historical figure exactly as he is depicted in a work of art. Even tyrants trembled before this truly regal power of the artist. Here is an example from the Renaissance. Young Michelangelo fulfills the order of the Medici and behaves quite boldly. When one of the Medici expressed displeasure about his lack of similarity to the portrait, Michelangelo said: “Don’t worry, your Holiness, in a hundred years he will look like you.” 10) As children, many of us read the novel “The Three Musketeers” by A. Dumas. Athos, Porthos, Aramis, d'Artagnan - these heroes seemed to us the embodiment of nobility and chivalry, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent, the personification of treachery and cruelty. But the image of the novel's villain bears little resemblance to a real historical figure. After all, it was Richelieu who introduced almost forgotten time religious wars the words “French”, “homeland”. He banned duels, believing that young, strong men should shed blood not because of petty quarrels, but for the sake of their homeland. But under the pen of the novelist, Richelieu acquired a completely different appearance, and Dumas’s invention affects the reader much more powerfully and vividly than the historical truth. 11) V. Soloukhin told such a case. Two intellectuals argued about the type of snow. One says that there is also blue, the other proves that blue snow is nonsense, an invention of impressionists, decadents, that snow is snow, white like...snow. Repin lived in the same house. We went to him to resolve the dispute. Repin: did not like being taken away from work. He shouted angrily: - Well, what do you want? - What kind of snow is there? - Not white! - and slammed the door. 12) People believed in the truly magical power of art. Thus, some cultural figures suggested that during the First World War the French should defend Verdun, their strongest fortress, not with forts and cannons, but with the treasures of the Louvre. “Place “La Gioconda” or “Madonna and Child with Saint Anne”, the great Leonardo da Vinci in front of the besiegers - and the Germans will not dare to shoot!,” they argued.


Good and evil are two sides of the same coin.

The law of the worthy is to do good.


- “I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good” (I. Goethe “Faust”).

- “A good person is not the one who knows how to do good, but the one who does not know how to do evil” (V.O. Klyuchevsky).

- “What would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if the shadows disappeared from it” (M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”).

- “Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life” (L.N. Tolstoy).

- “Good by decree is not good” (I.S. Turgenev).

- “Kindness is above all blessings” (M. Gorky).

“The path of evil does not lead to good” (William Shakespeare).

- “The highest wisdom is to distinguish between good and evil” (Socrates).

- “Evil cannot fly quietly” (Peter I).

- “A person is sometimes more corrected by the sight of evil than by the example of good” (B. Pascal).

Literary arguments

In M. A Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” Woland is the embodiment of evil, Yeshua is the bearer of the idea of ​​good, he does not harm anyone. But most importantly, he does not see evil in other people. “There are no evil people in the world,” says the wandering preacher. But evil and good separately do not make sense: Woland is the devil, he says that he is part of evil, which, without meaning to, brings good. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov commits all his crimes for the sake of good. A paradoxical idea arises: good is the basis of evil. Good and evil fight in Raskolnikov's soul. Evil, brought to the limit, brings him closer to Svidrigailov, good, brought to the point of self-sacrifice, brings him in common with Sonya Marmeladova. In the novel, Raskolnikov and Sonya are a confrontation between good and evil. Sonya preaches goodness based on Christian humility, Christian love for one's neighbor and for all who suffer. The plot of Goethe's tragedy "Faust" is the struggle between good and evil, the sublime and the base, the great and the insignificant. The hero is tested by passionate love, fame, wealth, strives to serve people, while sacrificing the people themselves. A special place in Lermontov’s work and spiritual life was occupied by the image of the Demon, a fallen angel expelled from paradise for disobedience, for the thirst for knowledge and sowing “evil without pleasure.” This image personifies the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Introduction The problem of choosing between good and evil is as old as the world. Without awareness of the essence of good and evil, it is impossible to understand either the essence of our world or the role of each of us in this world. Without this, concepts such as conscience, honor, morality, ethics, spirituality, truth, justice, freedom, sinfulness, righteousness, decency, holiness lose all meaning...

The problem of Russian character.


The will is closest to the Russian heart.


- “The Russian man has an enemy, irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without which he would have been a giant. This enemy is laziness” (N.V. Gogol).

- “If only one farm remains for Russians, then Russia will be reborn” (N.V. Gogol).

Throughout his life, a person often wonders what to do in a given situation? Take the side of good or evil? And often this choice is not the easiest. Therefore, it is precisely this problem, the problem of good and evil, that is raised by the Soviet and Russian philologist D.S. Likhachev.

Dmitry Sergeevich also emphasizes that “the desire to make others happy” is very important for a person. And it’s worth remembering this all your life.

In Russian literature there are many works dealing with this problem. That's great writer L.N. Tolstoy did not remain indifferent to her. In his novel “War and Peace” he reveals the problem of good and evil using the example of Marya Bolkonskaya and Helen Kuragina. Marya is a heroine who embodies goodness. She gives all her love to her father, brother Andrei and his son, trying to replace little Nikolenka’s deceased mother, and when she gets married, she demonstrates everything best qualities that a real woman should have. The relationship with her husband, Nikolai Rostov, and her children is permeated with kindness, which makes Marya and the people who surround her truly happy. Helen Kuragina in the novel is presented to us as the complete opposite of Marya. She is cold, calculating, selfish and cruel. There is no place in her heart for sincere feelings based on goodness. Therefore, entangled in intrigues and lies. Helen mistakenly takes a lethal dose of medicine and dies in terrible agony. I think it was with this outcome that Lev Nikolaevich wanted to convey to the reader the idea of ​​how important it is to live with goodness in unity.

Also an example confirming how destructively evil affects a person is the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov. A student, inspired by materialistic ideas, creates a theory, under the convictions of which he commits a terrible crime - he kills a man, an old pawnbroker. It was at this moment that his life begins to crumble, Rodion is constantly in fear, rejects friendship and any help from people who love him. This is how evil cripples Raskolnikov’s life.

Thus, I can conclude that goodness is what any person should rely on. And only in this case our world will become better.

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry(1900, Lyon, France - July 31, 1944) - famous French writer, poet and professional pilot.

A. de Saint-Exupery " A little prince». The Old Fox taught the Little Prince to comprehend the wisdom of human relationships. To understand a person, you need to learn to peer into him and forgive minor shortcomings. After all, the most important thing is always hidden inside, and you can’t see it right away.

This is the story of the accidental landing of the writer himself and his mechanic Prevost in the desert.
The symbol of life is water, it quenches the thirst of people lost in the sands, the source of everything that exists on earth, the food and flesh of everyone, the substance that makes rebirth possible.
The dehydrated desert is a symbol of a world devastated by war, chaos, destruction, human callousness, envy and selfishness. This is a world in which man dies of spiritual thirst.

A rose is a symbol of love, beauty, and femininity. The little prince did not immediately discern the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning and content.

“Loving does not mean looking at each other, it means looking in the same direction” - this thought determines the ideological concept of the fairy tale.

He examines the theme of Evil in two aspects: on the one hand, it is “micro-evil,” that is, evil within an individual person. This is the deadness and inner emptiness of the inhabitants of the planets, who personify all human vices. And it is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the planet Earth are characterized through the inhabitants of the planets seen by the Little Prince. By this, the author emphasizes how petty and dramatic the modern world is. He believes that humanity, like the Little Prince, will comprehend the mystery of existence, and each person will find his own guiding star, which will illuminate his path in life. The second aspect of the theme of evil can be conditionally called “macroevil.” Baobabs are a spiritualized image of evil in general. One interpretation of this metaphorical image is associated with fascism. Saint-Exupéry wanted people to carefully uproot the evil “baobab trees” that threatened to tear the planet apart. “Beware of the baobabs!” - the writer conjures.

Saint-Exupery encourages us to treat everything beautiful as carefully as possible and try not to get lost in difficult things. life path beauty within yourself - the beauty of the soul and heart.
The Little Prince learns the most important thing about beauty from the Fox. Outwardly beautiful, but empty inside, roses do not evoke any feelings in a child-contemplator. They are dead to him. Main character reveals the truth for himself, the author and readers - only that which is filled with content and deep meaning is beautiful.

Misunderstanding and alienation of people is another important philosophical theme. The deadness of the human soul leads to loneliness. A person judges others only by their “outer shell”, without seeing the main thing in a person - his inner moral beauty: “When you tell adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, there are geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they do not can't imagine this house. They must be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”
People must take care of the purity and beauty of their planet, together protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. So, gradually, unobtrusively, another one appears in the fairy tale. important topic- environmental, which is very relevant for our time. The Little Prince's journey from star to star brings us closer to today's vision of cosmic distances, where the Earth, due to the carelessness of people, can disappear almost unnoticed.
Love And the Fox reveals one more secret to the baby: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes... Your Rose is so dear to you because you gave her your whole soul... People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed.” To tame means to bind oneself to another creature with tenderness, love, and a sense of responsibility. To tame means to destroy facelessness and indifference towards all living things. To tame means to make the world significant and generous, because everything in it reminds of a beloved creature. The narrator comprehends this truth, and the stars come to life for him, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, reminiscent of the laughter of the Little Prince. The theme of “expansion of the soul” through love runs through the entire tale.

Only friendship can melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, since it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
“It's sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend,” says the hero of the fairy tale. At the beginning of the fairy tale, the Little Prince leaves his only Rose, then he leaves his new friend Fox on Earth. “There is no perfection in the world,” the Fox will say. But there is harmony, there is humanity, there is a person’s responsibility for the work entrusted to him, for the person close to him, there is also responsibility for his planet, for everything that happens on it.
Exupery wants to say that each person has his own planet, his own island and his own guiding star, which a person should not forget about. “I would like to know why the stars glow,” said the Little Prince thoughtfully. “Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.”

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy ---1828 --- 1910 Novel "War and Peace"

Pierre (Tolstoy's "V. and the World") was helped to survive in captivity by the wisdom of Platon Karataev, who taught him to live simply and appreciate what you have: the sun is shining, the rain is falling - all is good. There is no need to rush, rush around in search of happiness - live and rejoice, be happy that you live. He found a common language with everyone, even the French.

Using the example of Pierre Bezukhov and Platon Karataev L. N. Tolstoy showed two completely different types of Russian characters, two different social heroes.
The first of them is the count, who was captured by the French as an “arsonist” and, miraculously, escaped execution. The second is a simple, experienced, patient soldier. Nevertheless, the soldier Platon Karataev managed to play an extremely important role in the life of Pierre Bezukhov.
After the execution of the “arsonists,” of which Pierre became an eyewitness, “it was as if the spring on which everything was held was pulled out in his soul, and everything fell into a heap of meaningless rubbish. Faith in the improvement of the world, and in human soul, and in God."
A meeting in a booth with Platon Karataev helped Pierre’s spiritual revival: “He felt that the previously destroyed world was now being erected in his soul with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations.” Karataev made a huge impression on Pierre with his behavior, common sense, expediency of actions, and ability to “do everything not very well, but not badly either.” For Pierre, he became “an incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth.”
Bezukhov, having endured severe suffering and fear of death, finds himself in another world. He sees how Karataev carefully arranged all his “household” in the corner, how a little dog ran up to him and began to caress him. The soldier started talking about something very simple, began muttering prayers. All these everyday words and actions in those conditions seemed to Pierre a miracle, a great discovery of the truth of life. Pierre felt the new beauty of the recently destroyed world, received “peace and contentment with himself”: “And he, without thinking about it, received this peace and this agreement with himself only through the horror of death, through deprivation and through what he understood in Karataev."
Karataev feels like a part of the people: ordinary soldiers, the peasantry. His wisdom is contained in numerous proverbs and sayings, each of which reveals an episode of Plato’s life. For example, “where there is justice, there is untruth.” He suffered from an unfair trial and was forced to serve in the army. However, Plato takes any twists of fate calmly; he is ready to sacrifice himself for the well-being of his family. Karataev loves every person, every living creature: he is affectionate with an ordinary stray dog, helps other prisoners, sews shirts for the French and sincerely admires his work.
Platon Karataev becomes for Pierre an example of the perception of another world, where simplicity and truth, love for humanity reign.
The relationship between Platon Karataev and Pierre Bezukhov developed very briefly in the novel. Due to the worsening illness, Karataev was shot by the French.
The soldier passed away unnoticed, and Pierre took Karataev’s death calmly, as a matter of course.
Plato appeared next to Pierre, like a savior, at the most difficult moment of his life and left casually. But, despite this, his personality is so extraordinary and his influence on Pierre’s fate is so great that Karataev cannot simply be counted among the episodic heroes of the novel.
It was not for nothing that years later Pierre often remembered him, thought about what Plato would say about this or that event, “would he approve or not approve.” The meeting of these two heroes largely determined future fate Count Pierre Bezukhov and showed the greatest wisdom of the Russian people, embodied in the guise of the soldier Platon Karataev

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. December is just around the corner, which means there is exactly a month left before writing the final essay.

This is not so little, considering that in four weeks, with a fair amount of work, you can write from 5 to 10 test essays.

This article is dedicated to one of the thematic areas offered to graduates in 2018. It is formulated as follows: the essay “Kindness and.” To successfully write a text on this topic, just take a few simple steps.

Formulating specific essay topics

To begin with, we suggest that you comprehend the stated direction and formulate 5 approximate topics. This does not mean that you will get them in the exam. But, using at least one or two of them, you will come closer to understanding the problem. For example let's take the following topics:

  1. — “How do kindness and cruelty coexist in the human heart?”;
  2. - “Is a cruel person capable of a good deed?”;
  3. - “Why do kind people become cruel?”;
  4. — “Where does kindness end and cruelty begin in a situation of war?”;
  5. - “Why are children cruel to each other?”

Choose a topic that is closer to you and proceed to the next stage of work.

Looking for quotes

Quotes will help diversify your essay. They are best placed in the introduction to the essay. Well chosen quote makes it possible to build on it and formulate your own.

To connect sentences, use expressions constructed:

“A famous scientist expressed the idea that yellow unicorns are quite rare creatures, and one cannot but agree with this / this idea is confirmed in fiction, / And life experience confirms this..."

or based on his refutation:

“The writer proposes to consider yellow unicorns as a normal phenomenon, but we will try... to prove the opposite / argue with this point of view / reason differently...”

For example, using the aphorism of Honore de Balzac:

"Cruelty and fear shake hands with each other"

You can comment on the essay about the causes of cruelty.

And a quote from Leo Tolstoy will be the best start to your own reasoning:

“The best qualities are worthless without kindness, and the worst vices are easily forgiven with it...”

Arguments from literature on the topic of kindness and cruelty

A good illustration of the stated direction will be Pugachev’s behavior in “ The captain's daughter » A.S. Pushkin.

The scenes of the rebels' reprisals against the captain and captain, horrifying in their cruelty, are replaced by an episode of the inexplicable good nature of the rebel towards Pyotr Grinev. What makes the same person be sometimes heartless and sometimes merciful?

The famous Gogol story " Taras Bulba"tells about the life of the Cossacks, whose goal in life is to defend in military battle. In a situation of war, the world is divided into “us” and “strangers”, so Taras Bulba, warm-hearted and fair in peaceful life, becomes merciless towards his son when it comes to loyalty to the Fatherland.

Believing that the right punishes the wrong, “one’s own” - “their”, the father brutally kills his own son. Bulba's cruelty is determined by the era in which he lives, the culture and traditions of his environment.

M. Gorky in the play “ At the bottom"draws images of heroes who find themselves outside the normal social environment. All of them, due to various circumstances, become inhabitants of a shelter in which cruelty, envy, and the desire to deceive reign.

Only Luke the Comforter is good. But in reality, his kindness turns out to be insufficient to save them: it dissolves in words and is not confirmed by deeds. Such kindness is worse than cruelty: it becomes destructive for the characters.

In addition to the mentioned works, it is permissible to refer for arguments to:

  1. story by I. S. Turgenev “Mu-mu”
  2. his novel "Fathers and Sons"
  3. novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”
  4. poem by S.A. Yesenina "Anna Snegina"
  5. story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s yard”
  6. novel by B. L. Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”
  7. epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”
  8. and other literary sources.

Let's get started

We will try our best formulate succinctly main idea , illustrate it with logical, interconnected arguments and draw a conclusion that corresponds to the main thesis stated at the beginning.

Let's sketch plan: “Kindness and cruelty. Composition". It should consist of three elements:

  1. - introduction;
  2. - main part;
  3. - conclusions.

Additional Tips accept here:

For example, let’s take the third topic: “ Why do kind people become cruel?" In the draft we will write down arguments that will help illustrate the evil, aggressive behavior of a person who was previously in good standing.

To the two main arguments, it would not be amiss to add a third (preferably from Western European literature). Each paragraph should end with a mini-conclusion, and the entire text of the work should end with a general conclusion.

Example of a final essay: “Why do kind people become cruel?”

The Chinese sage Confucius said: “All people are born good.” It’s hard to argue with this: babies don’t know envy, deceit, or lies. They are defenseless in front of people and are equally open to good and evil. Why does it happen that kind people become cruel?

Calm sons and affectionate daughters grow up in loving families. And if the family is dysfunctional (parents quarrel, focus only on themselves, disappear completely), childhood collapses. What a person will be like depends on the environment in which he grows up. If someone good-natured shows aggression and callousness towards others, it means that he was hurt, offended, insulted, and made to lose faith in people.

An example of this is the official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Overcoat". Serving honestly in my department, " small man“I didn’t dream of anything, but as soon as Akaki Akakievich wished for a new overcoat, Providence laughed at him. The overcoat was perceived by the official as alive - he thought about it so much, prepared for so long for a new life, the symbol of which it became.

And when the overcoat finally came into his possession, unknown people took it away. Bashmachkin died of shock. The ghost of Akaki Akakievich began to take away the overcoats of everyone he met. So N.V. Gogol described the model of the birth of cruelty: the offended becomes an offender. True, it happens only after the death of the hero.

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" the problem reaches its climax. The murder of the old woman by student Raskolnikov is a reaction to the cruelty of the surrounding world, which burdens the hero. Blood begets blood, evil cannot stop evil.

Only the sacrificial love of Sonya Marmeladova breaks this chain. Pride gives way to repentance, cruelty gives way to the kindness that lived in Raskolnikov’s heart even when he was a child. Another example of transformation kind person The cruel illustration is about the beautiful girl Lorelei, written by the German romantic poet Clemens Brentano.

The river fairy Loreline (or Lorelei) sits on top of a rock and sings sweet songs that drive everyone crazy who hears them. Lorelei's beauty is destructive, but it does not please the girl, because her heart is broken by unrequited love. Having suffered from the cruelty of her lover, Lorelei indifferently destroys other young men, and then dies herself. This is how cruelty destroys everything around and inside a person.

No matter how kind we are, life sends us severe tests, and not everyone has the strength to withstand. Few people retain such qualities as warmth and warmth throughout their lives. People become cruel to protect themselves from new pain, to take revenge, to fight back against those who have offended them. Only love can break this circle. It is she who gives strength to live on.

Analyzing the results and preparing for the Unified State Exam

The final essay will show how ready you are for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

Even if the test is successfully received, honestly ask yourself the following questions:

  1. - Is there a lot? literary works have I read it?
  2. — Do I know how to select quotes and arguments?
  3. — Am I able to draw logical conclusions?
  4. — Was it easy for me to write the essay?

If the answer to at least one of these questions is negative, it makes sense to continue writing test essays, bringing this skill to perfection. Then part WITH your written exam will absolutely please both you and the examiners.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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