Will fanfuriki drink it for a year? The destructive power of "fanfurics"

The masses began to be much less interested in vodka. A cheap alternative was found, which was popularly dubbed “fanfurics”. These are all kinds of tinctures sold in 100 milliliter bottles. Drinking people dilute they are approximately one to one and as a result gets a swill of approximately 40 degrees. In other words, two of these “fanfurics” are enough to replace a half-liter bottle of vodka. As they say, cheap and cheerful.

There is an opinion that only homeless people, completely degenerate drunks, marginalized people and other asocial individuals drink “fanfuriki”. But this is no longer the case. For example, in our house almost everyone drinks them. And these are decent and prosperous men. They have families, cars, apartments and jobs. In general, they are quite accomplished people. But after working day Almost every second person empties a couple of these “fanfuries”. “Well, understand for yourself, why the hell should I buy vodka for one hundred and seventy rubles,” explains the neighbor. — And “fanfurik” is the same alcohol, only “disguised.” And if you “unfreeze” it correctly, it is no different from vodka.”

The interlocutor's name is Mikhail. Height is under two meters. Two school-going sons, an intelligent wife and their own home. Profession: electrician. I took the car on credit. Now he is paying for a foreign car and says that there is not enough money. The wife is a housewife, but does not work anywhere yet. Mikha, as the whole house calls his neighbor, in addition to work, is always “shabby”. That is, he always has some kind of outside income. However, he complains about life, claiming that there is not enough money. “I can’t really provide for my family. That's why I drink. I feel some kind of inferiority. And “fanfuriki” is the most convenient option. Drink and your problems seem to disappear. And cheap, too.”

There are many people like Mikha. So many. But how the use of the notorious “fanfurics” will affect their health is a question. And very serious. After all, whatever one may say, this is still a product of unknown production. And what is mixed in it - only God knows.

After calling a number of drug treatment clinics, we managed to find out that there really was a problem. As they explained to us at the hospital of the Republican Narcological Dispensary No. 1, “fanfurics” manage to be carried even there. “Come and see for yourself, all the snowdrifts around the clinic are covered with these bottles,” one of the employees of the institution explained to me. “It’s high time to ban these tinctures.” People are getting drunk."

After asking the “competent persons”, we managed to find out that there are “fanfurics” different types. This can be a tincture of hawthorn or pepper - popularly called “pepper tincture”. Not long ago, juniper tincture appeared on sale. And she immediately gained popularity. “It tastes good,” explains an interlocutor named Ilshat. By the way, he is also a completely prosperous member of society. Like Mikha, he has a family, children, an apartment and a job. But he drinks tinctures every day. “But peppercorn gives me heartburn,” my interlocutor continues, “it’s too spicy.”

It also turned out that there is also a certain “composuha”. They drink it too, but, in the opinion knowledgeable people, “it is harmful to health.” Your eyes begin to hurt and your vision weakens. “That’s why it’s best to drink alcohol,” Ilshat says authoritatively. - Well, it seems like it’s not exactly alcohol. Infusion for external use. For example, wipe the skin. But in quality it is no different from real alcohol.”

Out of curiosity, I buy one bottle of this “alcohol” for twenty-five rubles. That’s right: the label says that this is a medical antiseptic solution. For external use. Strength - 95 degrees. Made in Ryazan. But the fact that he came to our republic from there is not at all a fact. You can write anything you want. As the chief engineer of Bashspirt, Alexander Gaiderov, once explained to me, most likely, such “fanfurics” were produced in the Caucasus. IN lately Many semi-legal distilleries appeared there. And they sell their products without excise taxes at all. They don't pay taxes either. Hence the cheapness.

Here's another interesting point. The label also contains the inscription: sale through a pharmacy chain. But I didn’t buy it at the pharmacy. At a regular kiosk. Where our whole house runs for tinctures. And they appeared there after a ban on the sale of beer in stalls was introduced. The Republican Ministry of Health explained to me that if this is a medical drug, then it should only be sold in pharmacies. But it’s better to ask Rospotrebnadzor how such medical “fanfurics” end up on kiosks. Doctors are categorical about one thing: if you take such tinctures in the form of medicine, then this is treatment. But if you drink them like alcohol, then it’s already a time bomb. They are very harmful to health. In addition to alcohol, it also contains all sorts of dyes, medications and chemicals. Therefore, any internal organ can be affected. According to the principle, where it is thin, it breaks. “Because of these damned “fanfurics,” my husband was paralyzed,” says the kiosk saleswoman. Which, by the way, sells them itself. - Why do men drink this crap? They are hurting themselves.”

Of course, such tinctures are also sold in pharmacies. But there they are almost twice as expensive. However, it turns out that it is impossible to prohibit their sale in kiosks. As Rospotrebnadzor specialist Ildar Urazbakhtin explained to the newspaper, the problem is in our legislation. “If such a drug is listed as an alcohol-containing substance for non-food purposes, then a license for its sale is not required. Anyone can trade it. We know about this problem, but there is nothing to catch the merchant,” says my interlocutor.

According to Urazbakhtin, the issue can be resolved in only one way. Prohibit the sale of these infusions in retail outlets under any guise. And also significantly reduce the dose. Otherwise, people will continue to run after them around the kiosks.


Stories about Russians drinking excessively have long spread around the world. However, studies show that the Finns or Irish are in no way inferior to us in this indicator. And recently, the biggest drinkers in general were named... the British. According to experts, almost 85% of the population regularly gets caught there. Teenage girls in the UK drink alcohol at a much higher rate than their peers in other developed countries. At the same time, the average number of drinkers on the entire planet is 70%.

My neighbor, a drunkard with many years of experience, who came home from work every day on the horns, claimed that in the “seventies, vodka was what you needed.” “You take half a liter for three - and everyone is fine. Besides, you don't get sick from a hangover. And now they are chasing some kind of surrogate. This vodka even tastes different. And after a “hangover” you then go away for three days... That’s why I just retired and “give it up.” Well, sometimes I just drink. But good vodka with my pension is ruinous.”

Now vodka has become a significant burden on the family budget for many. As Ildar Urazbakhtin, a specialist at the Republican Department of Rospotrebnadzor, explained to us, since the beginning of the year, its cost on average has jumped to two hundred rubles. Raising excise taxes did its job. At the same time, you won’t be able to guarantee yourself protection from the “palenka”. There is enough of it in the republic. For example, recently the region has been flooded with Kazakh excise-free alcohol. It is much cheaper than “Bashspirt” products. But who and where produced it is a sealed mystery.

Cleanups of the trade in “alcohol cartridges” for 15 rubles have been transferred to a daily regime in Tatarstan, but the industry is only growing

An epidemic of trade in bottles of “Hawthorn” and “Birch Buds” has swept the republic - the share of these and other alcohol “medicines” in alcohol consumption is estimated to have reached 10%. A BUSINESS Online correspondent visited yesterday one of the raids of the State Alcohol Inspectorate and the Ministry of Internal Affairs against counterfeit goods, making sure that there are not enough legal methods to combat the poison, which over time causes blindness in consumers. Meanwhile, the proposal of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan to impose an excise tax on “fanfuriki” was rejected in Moscow.


The systematic persecution of sellers has changed the market for the sale of liquids with the names “Hawthorn”, “Birch Buds”, “Pepper” and others, popularly called “fanfuriki”. The usual points of sale in the form of pharmacies or Gorpechat pavilions have been replaced by neighborhood shops, stalls and even sidewalks. Almost every day recently, the State Alcohol Inspectorate and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan go on raids - a BUSINESS Online correspondent visited one of them yesterday.

“Allow me to look at the delivery note for these products,” the consultant of the control and inspection department of the Kazan branch of the State Alcohol Inspectorate insistently addresses the saleswoman. Nafisa Khakimova.

“I don’t know,” the woman in the salesman’s robe answers dully.

Are there any documents for this product? How much did you take? - Khakimova does not back down.

The woman takes a step back from the counter, which has a scattering of bottles of Bread Lotion, and hides her face from the television cameras.

So, in the 24-hour store “Dream” on Dostoevsky, 8, the seizure of counterfeit alcohol-containing products began. The test purchase, carried out by employees of the State Alcohol Inspectorate a couple of minutes earlier, was successful - a whole heap of 100-gram bottles was given to the buyer alone. The goods seized from the Mechta store were produced in an artisanal way for only one purpose. And there is no smell of cosmetic medicine here...

“75 degrees” is written on the bottle,” Khakimova squints at the bottle. - But inside there is actually ethyl alcohol. This is the very first enemy to date.

Behind the counter, inspection officers came across four more boxes of Bread Lotion. Clinking 100-gram cartridges, they counted the seized counterfeit goods. Each box contains 50 vials, a total of more than 200 “hundred-gram bottles” - about 20 liters of pure alcohol. The Russian budget receives 36 rubles less from each bottle. This batch “cleaned out” the treasury of at least 7 thousand excise rubles alone (at the excise tax rate from January 1, 2014, 400 rubles per 1 liter of anhydrous alcohol contained in excisable goods). Inspectors conduct such raids every day.

The seized “Bread Lotion” expired on February 15, 2015,” Khakimova reads the sticker on the bottle. - We confiscate all products and send them for examination. Based on the conclusions of the study, protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up and sent to the magistrate’s court. We submit all documentation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for investigation.

In the light it is noticeable that the liquid is poured into the bottles unevenly, in one it borders on the neck, in the other it barely reaches the top edge of the label. The closure is made in a homemade way, the labels are glued crookedly.

The examination of “lotions” most often shows non-compliance with GOST requirements for alcohol. For buyers, this means a threat to life and health in case of intrauterine use. Almost every batch of seized counterfeit products contains hexanol and methanol. The former causes blindness over time. The second is liver destruction. This is the half-conscious choice of every consumer of fanfurics.

They trade day and night,” the gloomy old woman, who was observing the seizure procedure from behind the fence of the house, waves her hand at the 24-hour store.

Don't you know? Vodka, like this,” the grandmother answers and spreads her thumb and forefinger. The “fanfurik” will just fit into the gap.

The inspection carried out the next raid on Adoratsky, 38, in the “Visit” minimarket. The controllers' catch was 435 bubbles. In both cases, sellers will get off with a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles.


Proving the effectiveness of the fight against counterfeiting, Deputy Head of the State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Arslanov sprinkles numbers. Together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the inspectorate seized about 280 thousand liters of counterfeit alcohol, about 20% of which are “fanfuriki”. “The remaining 80 percent is illegal vodka, cognac, diluted alcohol, which is imported in five-liter bottles from North Ossetia and sold in the villages of Tatarstan,” Arslanov explained in a conversation with BUSINESS Online. - For the whole last year 170 thousand liters were seized. The volumes of seized counterfeits are growing not because they began to produce more. We have become more efficient at confiscation.”

Meanwhile, over 7 months of 2015, 217 Tatarstan residents died from alcohol poisoning - such data is provided by the deputy head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Republic of Tatarstan Almas Imamov. There is another side to the issue: according to the State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan, due to the sale of surrogates, counterfeits, and dual-use liquids, the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan loses more than 900 million rubles in income

A fine of 10 - 15 thousand rubles will not scare counterfeit dealers; only the confiscation of products will harm them. The ultimate goal of the State Alcohol Inspectorate is to close the outlet selling counterfeit alcohol, but this requires serious reasons. Sellers go into positional defense: they put permitting documentation and accounting in order. As a result, inspectors rarely manage to close them on formal grounds. But when direct law is powerless, you can use an arsenal that local authorities have long and well mastered.

“Even in the case of a successful operation, it is not always possible to open a criminal case,” Arslanov regrets. “If the seller has all the documents, we turn to local authorities, who use other methods: they terminate the lease agreement for the retail outlet, confiscate the land plot from the seller, turn off the electricity...”

Finding points of sale of counterfeit alcohol is exactly the same as finding drug dealers. The inspection relies on information received from the hotline and from People's Control. “People notice who is getting the population drunk, and they turn to us,” said Arslanov. “We used to carry out two or three raids a week, now we go out every day.”

But regular raids do not solve the problem. “The trade in “dual-use” liquids is gaining momentum every day,” complains the press service of OJSC Tatspirtprom. - According to our assessment, today they can occupy up to 5 - 10 percent of the alcoholic beverages market in the republic. Their distribution, in addition to harm to health and losses to the budget, provides fuel for criminal structures. We know that the sale of “fanfurics” in Tatarstan was carried out by a criminal group that also produced counterfeit products that imitated our brands, for which they were convicted. Actions must be taken immediately at the state level against those who produce such products and legislation must be made to make the production and trade of such liquids economically unprofitable.”


“Only state regulation of this industry and recognition of liqueurs as alcoholic products subject to excise taxes will change the situation,” the deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan is convinced Vladimir Zhuikov. - Yes, there will be a price barrier. But people also have another barrier - self-preservation. If people who have been drinking Hawthorn for 10 years are asked to switch to brake fluid, some of them will definitely refuse. And there will always be a category of people who need to inject themselves with something and forget. But their share must be reduced.”

In the field of state regulation, fighters against counterfeiting have already suffered defeat. At the end of 2014, the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan developed a proposal to impose an excise tax on alcohol-containing tinctures, the deputy chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on Economics, Investment and Entrepreneurship told BUSINESS Online. Marat Galeev. Today one “fanfurik” costs 15 - 20 rubles. After the adoption of amendments by the State Council, its cost would be about 50 rubles. The legislator's calculation was based on the fact that most of the stalls' customers would choose more expensive but safer vodka. However, the proposal was never accepted.

“Our initiative did not pass. This was justified by the fact that the excise tax would lead to higher prices for medicines, explains Galeev. “Although there is a two-channel use of these products - both as medicine and as a hidden alcoholic drink.”

There are no other ideas for a bill that would close the counterfeit market.

“Fanfuriki” are sold in the morning from boxes on the sidewalk near markets and in other places unsuitable for this, Galeev recalled. - This is prohibited. Of course, no matter how hard it is to admit, executive authorities will have to be guided in their work by that legislative framework what we have now."

“We need to fight them, at one time I supported Galeev’s initiative 100 percent,” recalls the deputy chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan Committee on Law and Order Rafil Nugumanov. “You can do it differently, for example, reduce the volume of containers from 100 grams to 15. This will also reduce sales.”

Fanfuriki, the secret name for 100 gram bottles of alcohol-containing liquids, Wh and Hawthorn tinctures, which are sold in Irkutsk and throughout Russia too.

As fate would have it, their trade turnover also concerns me. Where I live, and this is a closed village with a population of up to 3 thousand in the north of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, according to residents, businessmen annually sell up to ten KAMAZ fanfuriks.

Although I am also a businessman, I have never bought or sold a single fanfuric. But... I tried it a couple of times, like hawthorn.

While fishing, when the vodka I took had already been drunk, but my partner only had fonfuriki. Not drinking means humiliating your partner. He is not some kind of drunk, but the director of a mid-level enterprise in the village. Moreover, what will happen at once, and if you were thirsty?

And ardor, without understanding what is in the bubbles, ethyl, aviation, methyl or cetyl alcohol.

The taste of the fanfuric drink is tolerable and drinkable better than many well-known luxury brands of vodka. Which is not strange, given the choice, fans always prefer the fanfuric drink, and confidently prove their harmlessness.

In the last 15 years in Russia, I don’t know about nano and other areas, but the fanfuri production sector has developed well - well done! A large assortment of them appeared, with cute containers, multi-colored appetizing stickers, and pleasant-sounding names. And inside there is denatured alcohol, surrogates, and all sorts of “hawthorns” like those that are sold in Irkutsk.

Dear!! Today, when we criticize, do not forget about the past.

I remember how, as a young specialist 30 years ago, I brought boxes of glue to the drilling site, “to dilute the drilling fluid,” as my drillers asked me to do. By the time I figured it out, the team quickly “stuck up” 20 boxes of glue. Do you remember how “tasty” it turned out using three-year-old expired Azerbaijani tomato juice? fufu

According to some estimates, 10-15 million people in Russia (10% of the population) have switched to more elite fanfuric drinks than in comparison with those times. I don’t argue about the number of drinkers in Russia, but in the village of Saranpaul fanfuriki are consumed much more often.

My enterprise (I am one of the leading entrepreneurs in the village), in comparison early years Now we sell wine vodka less. This does not mean that they began to drink less. And although the state reports that alcohol consumption in the country is decreasing, based on the example of our village, I am convinced that this is an absolute lie. People switched from legal drinks to fanfuric drinks.

A year ago I wrote (() ()) how in Saranpaul dozens of people are being poisoned and killing each other because of the unregulated sale of fanfurics, legal and illegal vodka. It seemed that if we took it seriously, we could easily defeat this evil separately in our closed village.

And what do you think, what is the result? The result is zero. But the FSB interrogated me.

Sellers of fanfurikov and illegal vodka had a stronger “argument” with a criminal component.

And then I heard a lot more interesting things from the former head of the village: “Before, shops in the village were robbed, but now they are not. Fanfuric workers are sitting at home, we live peacefully. There is only bitavukha in the village. All the people want to drink. There is nowhere to get them a job so that they can get vodka.” They could buy it in stores. They get a couple of thousand on unemployment, which is enough for 50-100 bottles.
Not from those who left for the other world, who have not yet left, or their relatives, no one complains about fanfuric sellers. The people are happy with all this."

Although Prime Minister Medvedev can repeat ten times, as he recently said, “It’s obvious that this needs to be stopped, simply ban the circulation of this kind of drugs...”. There will be no sense, his words have no power, although he is the second person in Russia.

It was obvious to fight this 15 years ago, to prevent this evil from spreading, until millions of people passed on to another world, and tens of millions were not accustomed to the taste of this drink, until they formed a peculiar culture of drinking any surrogate, and their status." fonfurichnik."

Now these people can’t easily be torn away from the hawthorn joy.

But measures must be taken, and we must not forget that all segments of the population want to drink: the homeless from Rublyovka, (Galusyan and Svetlakov) drink Jack Daniels whiskey from a landfill, and part of the population does not allow themselves to drink even cheap vodka from the store. A decade of poisoning from legal alcohol, manipulation of their price increases, unemployment and low salaries of people led to the fact that people completely switched to “hawthorns”.

There are many advantages to fanfurics: cheap and accessible, easy to hide, whether in socks or in your pocket, ideal dose, diluted with water, and happiness will flow from the bottle, you can buy it around the clock.

Do they get poisoned, get sick, die? Those who drink have been accustomed to these thoughts for a long time, they are ready for it.

They say that over 70 people have already died in Irkutsk. How many in Russia? In the village of Saranpaul alone, 50-100, maybe more, left the world because of these poisons. Nobody counts them. And in Russia, like our village, there are millions, there are thousands of Irkutsk residents. There are not enough numbers to count them all.

It will not be possible to shift responsibility onto manufacturers or sellers.

When, after the next time, after taking fanfurics, three corpses appeared in Saranpaul, the investigator decided to crack down on the entrepreneur from whom they bought the poisons. And he answered him, “I didn’t force those whores into my mouth.” I sold this alcohol for starting a fire.

The question is, what is the way out of the impasse? I don't see him..

Maybe you see?

“Fanfurics” not only damage the liver, but also cause epileptic seizures

Photo by Yuri Strelets
SI correspondents visited fans of ingesting lotions and tonics in the hospital

“Ten people with a diagnosis of liver cirrhosis are admitted to our hospital every month,” Natalya Silchenok, head of the gastroenterology department of Clinical Hospital No. 3, sadly shared statistics, “90% of such patients are alcoholics.

Over the past decade, this figure has increased significantly. Surprisingly, in the turbulent and difficult 90s, when everyone seemed to drink, no more than a dozen people a year were admitted to this hospital with this diagnosis.
Perhaps the problem is that today in almost every tobacco shop you can buy “fanfurik” for a ridiculous amount - 75% alcohol, a little water, and now you are, as they say, “out of your depth” drunk. Samara Izvestia has already raised this painful issue for many families (No. 68 of April 8, 2013). This time, SI correspondents decided to visit the city clinical hospital No. 3 to see with their own eyes what can happen to a person if he takes these cosmetics in large quantities every day.

“Abuse of any alcohol leads to cirrhosis of the liver. If you drink “fanfuriki” or a cheap surrogate, then be prepared for anything. You may even experience epileptic seizures,” explains the hospital’s chief physician, Anatoly Nekrasov. He knows this firsthand. After all, almost every day new patients come to his clinic complaining of pain in the right side - pale, with shaking hands and bad breath. It is not so easy to treat such citizens - the whole problem is that in most cases they do not admit that they were drunk and stooped to buy this rubbish.

Natalya Silchenok, head of the gastroenterology department, where the victims of “fanfurics” mostly lie, knows her regular clients by sight - they don’t change. Many people, after undergoing treatment, immediately return to their old habits. “And then back to us. It's kind of a vicious circle. And we doctors cannot break it,” she says. After all, they have long known that unless a person himself wants to change something in his life, no one will force him. Unfortunately, Silchenok patients most often do not want to change at all. They are satisfied with a simple and uncomplicated life, in which regular drinking bouts in the gateways sadly end in hospitalization and foam at the mouth. After empty promises in the hospital that, they say, now I’m in the bag forever, but as soon as such a comrade crosses the threshold of a medical institution, he immediately rushes to celebrate his return to society. “A few hours ago we discharged one such “passenger.” I’m sure he’s already drunk,” says the head of the department.

Typical case
Doctor Natalya Silchenok introduced us to Oleg, who is being treated here for the third time (!). Despite his past failures, he believes that now he will certainly succeed. “I definitely won’t drink again – I don’t even want to,” he promises in a trembling voice. Maybe it won't. But Oleg himself looks like a pitiful, absolutely exhausted person. His last alcoholic marathon lasted three months. 10 “fanfurics” a day did their job - he finally failed his liver and became a second group disabled person. “You know where this is all leading, you know that you are slowly killing yourself. Every time you promise yourself - that’s it, it’s in last time, I'll just get hungover and go to bed. Tomorrow I will start another life. But, as you know, if you don’t decide to quit, then all this is useless. Again you run to the familiar stall. You don’t have to eat, the main thing is to drink,” says our “hero.”

Off the top of my head, he is in his early forties. In the prime of life. But let's face it. With his diagnosis, he will not be able to get a job - and he is unlikely to try. “Most people drink too much because they are bored with life. They don't even work. But as soon as I stopped drinking, I started doing something around the house - I hung wallpaper,” Oleg shared his simple achievement. For such determination in the fight against himself, of course, he can and should be praised, but what will he do when his apartment runs out of walls that need to be covered? In addition, as our hero admitted, old acquaintances had already started visiting him, with whom he collected change for cheap alcohol. While he still has the strength to refuse their dubious offers. But will he be able to remain strong tomorrow?

Natalya Silchenok is also sure that people drink out of boredom. But it’s not just men who get bored. Recently, a young woman was treated in this department, she was only 28 years old. She has two children, but parental rights the girl was deprived. “I ask her: why are you drinking? She answers: everyone drinks, so do I,” says Silchenok. After treatment and rehabilitation, this woman’s life is unlikely to get better. Her family doesn't need her. There is no husband. But she was still lucky - the doctors were able to place her in a social shelter. At first she will have a place to sleep.

Afraid of death
Oleg was saved by his wife. She did not support her husband’s alcoholic hobbies and led a sober lifestyle. When her husband was admitted to the hospital, she quit her job and was in the clinic with him. “It was she who helped me not to go to the next world,” Oleg joyfully notes. And here’s the paradox: everyone drinks, but they’re afraid to die. And they often die in agony. “Most die right on the spot where the feast takes place, without ever having been to the hospital. Well, my side hurt or my heart pounded. Well, where will he go? Should I go see a doctor?” - Oleg, who buried almost all his drinking buddies, is surprised. In such companies, the death of comrades is another reason to get together and roll out. For the remembrance of the soul.

It must be said that the maintenance of such cirrhotic patients costs the state a tidy sum. Treatment of one patient costs almost eight thousand rubles for 21 days. And some, especially stubborn and fearless ones, come here more than once or even twice. Many people also receive a pension afterwards. Due to disability, which is probably drunk. So it turns out: first he drank out of boredom, then he got treatment for free, and after that he was entitled to a pension. Doctors, of course, are unhappy. And they see no way out of this situation. “Even if you stop the free sale of fanfurics, these people will still find something to drink,” says Natalya Silchenok. Oleg agrees with her approvingly and nods. And then he tells a story from his prison past: “When I was in the camp, we even used fire paint. They messed around and drank. Of course, there is no alcohol in it, but the essential oils are such a head-scratcher...”

Photo by Yuri Strelets

“Perhaps the solution is to accustom people to a healthy lifestyle from the cradle,” Natalya Silchenok began to think from afar. – It would be nice to start talking about this problem as much and as often as possible, otherwise many people don’t know. It is necessary to carry out propaganda from school that alcohol is harmful!

“And the worst thing is that fanfurics can be sold to any teenager, because this is not prohibited by law,” said Anatoly Nekrasov with indignation at parting, who is very skeptical about his alcoholic patients, but clearly worries about future generations .

I caught a cold. I went to the pharmacy in the morning before work and was surprised: there were 7 people in line in front of me. And, besides me, only one young man took any drops for the child. And all the rest are fanfurics. Some took one, some took two, and one took it in bulk - as many as five bottles of Aseptolin. And among them there was not a single homeless person! All are middle-aged men, more or less neatly dressed. And it's really scary. From the characteristic smell one could guess why they came, but somehow I didn’t want to believe it. After all, you can give up on all these people. In addition to addiction to alcohol and its effect on the body, the components of fanfurics cause irreparable harm to health. But these men are all someone’s fathers, children, husbands...

Not very funny, right? People drink themselves to death with the help of pharmacies, whose purpose is to help and save them from illness.
Fanfuriki, bomics, bubbles... There are so many different names for small bottles filled with alcohol-containing liquid with completely different names, be it cosmetic lotion, “Aseptolin”, “Hawthorn” or “Pepper”. It’s good when these products are used for their intended purpose: grannies take them for rubbing and rubbing, put jars there, for disinfection during injections, etc. Well, what if everything is not quite like that?
Unfortunately, there is a category of citizens, a special category, that uses these liquids as drinks. How they drink water! This category gathers in the morning at the pharmacy shopping center“Northern” and “knocks off” a penny from passers-by. Some who are rushing to work still serve such compassionate begs, and they save a pretty penny for the “fragrant” fanfuric. Moreover, you need to collect very little - 20 rubles. So what? Small size - small price. Is this true? It seems like 20 rubles is not money at all. What if the cost is not just these pennies, but human health? Then the question arises in a completely different way.
Officially, such a potion is called an “alcohol-containing non-food product of household chemicals.” These include glass cleaners, de-icers, solvents and bathtub cleaners. On the label, legally competent manufacturers indicate “Toxic!”, “Contains denatured alcohol”, “Do not use inside!”, thereby formally fulfilling all the requirements for this type of product. They say we warned you, the rest is the buyer’s problem.
However, the combination of a low price, convenient packaging, and walking distance for the buyer is simply a veiled way of selling cheap, low-quality alcohol. A 250-gram amateur fanfuric for 20 rubles is diluted to a volume of 1.5 liters of burnt potion - it’s cheaper just for nothing. Only the most desperate housewife would dare to clean glass with such a product or add it to the bath - the heavy smell of low-quality chemicals simply causes an asthmatic cough.
It all depends on the reserve of the body itself, which has swallowed the coveted fanfuric. Methyl alcohol is a deadly poison. One teaspoon may be enough to cause poisoning. Metabolic products affect not only the liver and brain, but also the retina. And even if a person survives, after such severe poisoning he faces blindness. It’s so trivial - he took a sip in the company, and in the morning he wakes up and sees nothing. At best - vomiting, turning out all the insides. Coma and death occur as a consequence of toxic alcoholic hepatitis; with poor health, after a cycle of such drinking, victims simply do not have a liver.
According to statistics, officially registered mortality from poisoning with surrogate alcohol is 35% of all deaths. However, doctors admit that subsequently, in another 10% of cases, the death of a person who took surrogate alcohol can also be attributed to mortality from cardiovascular diseases, injuries, oncology, respiratory or digestive organs.
L.M. Egorova, the head of the Shumerlinsky drug dispensary, where most of the victims of fanfurics lie, knows her regular clients by sight - they do not change. Some, after undergoing a course of treatment, immediately return to their old habits, because everyone has long known that until a person himself wants to change something in his life, no one will force him. And some patients, unfortunately, do not want to change at all. They are satisfied with a simple and uncomplicated life, in which regular drinking bouts in the gateways sadly end in hospitalization with foam at the mouth. Afterwards - empty promises to psychologists and hospital doctors that, they say, now I’m “in the bag” forever. But as soon as such a comrade crosses the threshold of a medical institution, he immediately hurries to celebrate his return to society.
Men and women, who have long crossed the line, standing before which they once thought about shame and conscience, who have forgotten about themselves and are lost in life, sometimes whole companies wander for the next fanfuric. Do they think that all these lotions are only bringing them closer to death, or do they have a different opinion?
So, maybe the manufacturer of the poison and the one who sells it don’t know what they’re doing? You can blame anyone: the authorities, sellers and producers of these goods, and not only data. Do we have many other products that are harmful to health? I can’t help but agree with the phrase “to each his own,” because we choose our own destiny, how to live, who to be friends with, what to eat and what to drink. However, this cannot be left to chance. I would like people to think about their actions, which sometimes lead to irreversible processes. I would like teenagers who want to try everything in this life to try only the best and not make mistakes in their choice. Learn to live from other people's mistakes.
M. Ileicheva,
specialist in social work 4th branch of the RND.