My favorite "Oblomov": The family life of Olga and Stolz. Essay “Attitude of Oblomov and Stolz to family and parents Love in the understanding of Stolz

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Presentation on the topic: Stolz and Oblomov

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Main questions: - Why didn’t the author depict Oblomov’s miraculous transformation? - How can you generally help a person achieve harmony with life, learn not to hide, but to reveal to the world all his intellectual and spiritual wealth? What needs to be done to help a person overcome apathy and return to a full life? - What did Stolz intend to do in the name of saving his friend? What was his conclusion? - Why such noble spiritual impulses of Stolz did not lead to the expected result.

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Was the author right in believing that it was a person like Stolz who was capable of saving Oblomov? - Could a person like Stolz awaken Oblomov’s soul? - What traits did the author endow with Andrei Stolts? Can we consider that the image of Stolz is strictly opposed to the image of Oblomov? Compare the author’s description of the lifestyles of Oblomov and Stolz. 1. In what ways are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together?

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“Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years without a break” (1, V). “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state” (1.1 ). “Stolz is the same age as Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old... He is constantly on the move...” (2, II) “Stolz was only half German, according to his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith; his natural speech was Russian...” (2.1) “He walked firmly, cheerfully; lived according to a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble, with every minute, never dozing control of the time spent, labor, strength of soul and heart. It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys by the movement of his hands, the steps of his feet, or how he dealt with bad and good weather” (2, II).

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“He kept getting ready and preparing to start life, he kept drawing a pattern of his future in his mind; but with every year that flashed over his head, he had to change and discard something in this pattern. Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of work and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other - from peace and peaceful fun” (1, V). “And he himself kept walking and walking stubbornly along the chosen road. We didn’t see him thinking about anything painfully and painfully; apparently, he was not consumed by the remorse of a weary heart; He was not sick in soul, he never got lost in complex, difficult or new circumstances, but approached them as if he were former acquaintances, as if he were living a second time, passing through familiar places” (2, II). 1. Oblomov has been living in one city for more than 12 years, and his main occupation is lying down; Stolz is “constantly on the move.” Oblomov was still just getting ready and preparing to start life, Stolz “kept walking and walking stubbornly along his chosen path.” Oblomov was still just creating a picture of his future life in his imagination; Stolz did everything thoughtfully and confidently, “as if he was living a second time.” 2. Oblomov and Stolz are the same age, belong to the same social stratum.

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Oblomov and Stolz: relationships with parents - Compare the nature of the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz with their parents. 1. In what ways are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, IX, 1, IX, 2,1) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov knew almost no male education; Stolz's father, on the contrary, sought to make a real man out of his son; he was a supporter of harsh methods of education and did not allow his wife to interfere with his communication with Andrei with pity and excessive care. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz remember their mothers with tenderness, unable to hold back their tears. Their mothers - an example of tenderness and caring - treasured their sons, tried to protect them from dangers, and could not stop looking at their children.

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Oblomov and Stolz: attitude to the teaching - Compare information about the attitude to the teaching of Oblomov and Stolz. How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, VI;2,1) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov studied against his will, not understanding why he was given this punishment and why he needed this knowledge in life; the parents sought to protect their son from difficult teaching. Stolz's education was supervised by his father, who gave him important assignments and asked him how to behave as an adult. Stolz studied well. And soon he began teaching himself. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz were created the necessary conditions for the study. They both received a good education, and studied together for many years.

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Oblomov and Stolz: attitude to service and to society. -Compare information about the attitude of Oblomov and Stolz to service and role in society. 1. In what ways are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, V; 2, II) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov was alien to the lifestyle that his service required of him, as well as the bustle and noise of social life; he had successfully isolated himself from them. Stolz felt confident both in the service and in society, but never attached much importance to it. There are no bummers in the world; Stolz, despite his busy schedule, manages to appear in secular society. 2. Neither Oblomov nor Stolz believed that the service or secular society have special significance in their lives. Both Oblomov and Stolz are retired.

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Oblomov and Stolz: understanding of love - Compare the nature of the experiences of lovers Oblomov and Stolz - How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (2, X; ,XI; 3, VI; 4,IV; 4, VII). 1. For Oblomov, love is a shock, an illness, it causes him mental and physical suffering. For Stolz, love is a labor of mind and soul. 2.Both Oblomov and Stolz are gifted with the ability to love deeply, sincerely.

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Conclusion. The author characterizes Stolz as a bright, attractive personality; If Oblomov is lazy, inactive, good-natured, good-natured, sensitive, capable of emotional outburst, indecisive, then Stolz is active, active, kind, benevolent, focused on his goal, immersed in thought, prudent, calculating, and quickly makes decisions. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are contrasted both in terms of upbringing, and in relation to teaching, and in the perception of love... However, it cannot be said that the basis for the comparison of these images is a strict opposition. The author presented the reader with two bright personalities, inner world which are not limited to mutually exclusive characteristics. He draws the reader's attention to the fact that these heroes are brought together by their deep affection for their mother, memories of childhood and youth, and the ability to deeply and sincerely love. It is obvious that Stolz is exactly the person who could awaken Oblomov’s soul.

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Maybe Oblomov was afraid to trust Stolz? - What kind of relationship connected Oblomov and Stolz? Write down the words and phrases of the text with which the author characterizes the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz. (I,III; 2,II) Oblomov and Stolz were connected not only by common pages of biography. They valued each other, were always happy to meet, knew how to appreciate the best qualities and be lenient towards each other’s weaknesses. Their relationship is one of deep emotional affection, sincere heartfelt feelings. Oblomov and Stolz needed each other and were grateful to fate for sending them each other. Oblomov trusted Stolz, believed that he could help him, and expected help from him.

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Maybe Stolz made a mistake in choosing the means to save his friend? - Did Stolz choose the right means to realize his plan? Stolz, it would seem, calculated everything correctly. Love is a feeling that causes the most powerful shocks. If there are still living feelings in a person’s soul, love will not allow them to doze. Stolz was sure that Olga would charm Oblomov. - Were Stolz’s expectations met? Oblomov and Olga: awakening of love

Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich is a wonderful Russian realist writer. His work has become firmly established classical literature our country. Its originality art world is, according to N.A. Dobrolyubov, in that he was able to embrace in his work the full image of an object, sculpt, mint it.

The main idea of ​​Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov"

In his novel, Ivan Alexandrovich condemns noble inactivity. The characterization of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" proves this, and you will soon see this. The author welcomes the businesslike spirit of the entrepreneurial class that was emerging at that time. For Goncharov, what is essential in Oblomov’s character is his lordly spoiling, as well as the inactivity that follows from it, the powerlessness of will and mind. The image of this hero under the hand of such an eminent master resulted in a broad picture in which the reader is presented with pre-reform life landed nobility countries. The work was written more than 100 years ago, but it still attracts attention to this day. This novel is certainly a classic work written in the beautiful Russian language.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

What is the characterization of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov"? After reading it, everyone probably wants to understand who is closer to them in spirit: Stolz or Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov’s characterization, at first glance, lacks appeal. In the novel, this hero appears as a man no longer in his first youth. He tried to serve in the past, but withdrew from all activities and became unable to return to them. Not only does he not want to do anything, but he doesn’t even want to be in society, go for a walk, get dressed, or just get off the couch. The serene state of this hero is disturbed only by visitors who come only to Oblomov for selfish purposes. For example, Tarantiev simply robs him, borrowing money and not returning it. Oblomov turns out to be a victim of his visitors in the work, since he cannot understand the true purpose of their visits. The only exception is Stolz, a friend of his youth, who comes to visit him in Oblomovka.

However, Oblomov’s characterization is not so unambiguously negative. We will return to it later.

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts

Stolz is the antipode of this hero in the novel. Goncharov portrayed him as a “new man.” From childhood, Stolz was brought up in harsh conditions, gradually getting used to the difficulties and hardships of life. This is a businessman alien to both official careerism and noble laziness, who is distinguished by a level of culture and such activity that at that time were not characteristic of the Russian merchants. Apparently, not knowing where to find such a person among Russian business people, Goncharov decided to make his hero the scion of a half-German family. Stolz, however, received his upbringing from a Russian mother, who was a noblewoman, and also studied at the capital’s university. This hero believes that through the construction of highways, fairs, piers, and schools, the patriarchal “broken areas” will turn into income-generating, comfortable estates.

Views on Oblomov's life

It’s not just apathy that marks Oblomov’s characterization. This hero is trying to “philosophize.” Ilya Ilyich contrasts the sincerity and kindness of patriarchal life with the moral depravity of representatives of the bureaucratic-noble society of the capital. He condemns him for his desire for careerism, lack of serious interests, and mutual hostility covered by ostentatious courtesy. In this regard, the author of the novel agrees with Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov’s characterization is complemented by the fact that he is a romantic. This hero dreams mainly of quiet family happiness.

Stolz's attitude to life

On the contrary, Stolz is the enemy of the “dream”, everything mysterious and enigmatic. However, by “dream” he means not only rose-colored romance, but also all kinds of idealism. The author, explaining the beliefs of this hero, writes that in his eyes, what is not subject to analysis of practical truth, experience, is an optical illusion or a fact to which the turn of experience has not yet reached.

The importance of love conflict in revealing the characters of the main characters

A comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz would be incomplete if we did not reveal the topic of the relationship between these heroes and Olga Ilyinskaya. Goncharov introduces his characters into a love conflict in order to test them with life itself, which will show what each of them is worth. Therefore, the heroine of “Oblomov” had to be an extraordinary person. In Olga Ilyinskaya we will not find any secular coquetry, no lordly quirks, nothing mannered, deliberately done for success in life. This girl is distinguished by her beauty, as well as her natural freedom of action, word and look.

Both main characters created by Goncharov, in love relationships with this woman they fail, each in their own way. And this reveals the inconsistency of the author’s illusions in assessing both. Oblomov’s “honest and true” “golden” heart suddenly comes into question along with his decency. Let us note that this hero, who has a “heart as deep as a well,” shamefully dissembles in front of the girl, citing the fact that he “warned her” about his character. Olga understands that Ilya Ilyich “died a long time ago.”

The consistent characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reveals more and more interesting details. Andrei Ivanovich appears again in the novel. He reappears in the work in order to take the place that Oblomov previously occupied. The characterization of the hero Stolz in his relationship with Olga reveals some important features in his image. Goncharov, showing his Parisian life with Ilyinskaya, wants to show the reader the breadth of views of his hero. In fact, he reduces it, since being interested in everything means not being interested in anything systematically, deeply, or seriously. This means learning everything from other people’s words, taking it from someone else’s hands. Stolz could hardly keep up with Olga in her languid haste of will and thought. Contrary to the will of the author, the story of living together these two heroes, which was supposed to be praise for Stolz, ultimately turned out to be a means of exposing him. Stolz at the end of the novel seems to be only a self-confident reasoner. The reader no longer believes this hero, who could not save his friend or give his beloved woman happiness. Only the author's tendentiousness saves Stolz from complete collapse. After all, Goncharov (“Oblomov”) was on his side. The characterization of Oblomov, created by the writer, as well as the author’s voice in the novel, allow us to judge this.

The weakness of both heroes and the classes they represent

In addition to his own desire, Goncharov was able to show that not only the Russian nobility is degenerating. It’s not only Oblomov who is weak. The characterization of Stolz's hero is also not without this feature. Respectable entrepreneurs cannot historically become successors to the nobility, since they are weak, limited and unable to take responsibility for solving fundamental issues in the life of the country.

The meaning of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya in Russian literature

So, comparative characteristics Oblomov and Stolz shows that neither one nor the other can, each in their own way, evoke sympathy. But the heroine of the work, Olga Ilyinskaya, will become the prototype of an enlightened Russian woman. This prototype will later be found in the works of many classics of the 19th century.

Often a comparison of Ilya Ilyich and Andrei Ivanovich is presented as a table. The characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz, presented visually, help to better remember the information. That's why comparison table Literature classes are often used as a type of work at school. When a deep analysis is required, it is better to abandon it. And this is precisely the task that faced us when creating this article.

Stolz is the antipode of Oblomov, a positive type of practical figure. In the image of Sh., according to Goncharov’s plan, such opposing qualities as, on the one hand, sobriety, prudence, efficiency, knowledge of people as a materialist-practitioner should have been harmoniously combined; on the other hand, spiritual subtlety, aesthetic sensitivity, high spiritual aspirations, poetry. The image of Sh., according to Goncharov, was supposed to embody a new positive type of Russian progressive figure. The ideal of Sh.’s life is unceasing and meaningful work, this is “the image, content, element and purpose of life.” Sh. defends this ideal in a dispute with Oblomov, calling the latter’s utopian ideal “Oblomovism” and considering it harmful in all spheres of life.

Unlike Oblomov, Sh. stands the test of love. He meets the ideal of Olga Ilyinskaya: Sh. combines masculinity, loyalty, moral purity, universal knowledge and practical acumen, allowing him to emerge victorious in all life's trials. Goncharov himself was not entirely satisfied with the image, believing that Sh. was “weak, pale”, that “the idea is too bare from him.”

“Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright coloring of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire... But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony “- exactly like that, in just a few details, I. A. Goncharov gives a portrait of his heroine. Olga is a stranger in her own environment. But she is not a victim of her environment, because she has the intelligence and determination to defend the right to her position in life, to behavior that is not oriented towards generally accepted norms. Olga, in her development, represents the highest ideal that only a Russian artist can now express from the current Russian life, a living face, only one that we have not yet met,” wrote N. A. Dobrolyubov. “... In her -more than in Stolz, one can see a hint of a new Russian life; from it one can expect a word that will burn and dispel Oblomovism...

About love and marriage: Love in the novel “Oblomov”, as in other Russian novels, plays a huge role. In the novel “Oblomov,” love revives the main character and brings happiness. She makes him suffer - with the departure of love, Oblomov’s desire to live disappears.

The feeling that arises between Olga and Oblomov: love comes to him and absorbs him completely. This feeling ignites his soul, feeding on the tenderness accumulated during hibernation and seeking a way out. It is new to Oblomov’s soul, which is accustomed to burying all feelings at the bottom of consciousness, so love revives the soul to a new life. For Oblomov, this feeling is burning love - passion for a woman who managed to change him so much. Olga manages to change Ilya Ilyich, knock laziness and boredom out of him. This is why she loves Oblomov! This is what the hero writes to his beloved: “Your real “love” is not true love, but the future. You are mistaken, in front of you is not the one you were waiting for, about whom you dreamed. Wait - he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake...” And soon Olga herself becomes convinced of the truth of these lines, having fallen in love with Andrei Stolz. So, her love for Oblomov was just an expectation, an introduction to a future romance? But this love is pure, unselfish, selfless; and we are convinced that Olga can love and believes that she loves Oblomov. With the departure of this love, Oblomov does not find anything to occupy the emptiness in his soul, and again spends whole days sleeping and lying idle on his sofa in St. Petersburg, in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna. Over time, having become accustomed to the measured life of his mistress, our hero will subdue the impulses of his heart and begin to be content with little. Again, all his desires will be limited to sleep, food, and rare empty conversations with Agafya Matveevna. Pshenitsyna is contrasted by the author with Olga: the first is an excellent housewife, a kind, faithful wife, but she does not have a high soul; Having plunged into a simple semi-rural life in Pshenitsyna’s house, Ilya Ilyich seemed to have found himself in the old Oblomovka. Lazily and slowly dying in his soul, Oblomov falls in love with Agafya Matveevna. And Agafya Matveevna? Is this what her love is like? No, she is selfless, devoted; in this feeling, Agafya is ready to drown, to give all her strength, all the fruits of her labors to Oblomov. It seems that her whole life was spent waiting for a person whom she could devotedly love and take care of him as if she were her own son. Oblomov is exactly like this: he is lazy - this allows him to be looked after like a child; he is kind, gentle - this touches the female soul, accustomed to male rudeness and ignorance.

Oblomov's friend, Stolz, does not understand this love. Far from him, an active person, is the lazy comfort of home, the order of Oblomovka, and even more so a woman who has become coarse in her environment. That is why Stolz’s ideal is Olga Ilyinskaya, a subtle, romantic, wise woman. There is no even the slightest shadow of coquetry in her. Stolz invites Olga to marry him - and she agrees. His love. she is pure and selfless, he does not look for profit in her, no matter how restless the “businessman” he may be.

The relationship between Pshenitsyna and Oblomov is quite natural, close to life, while the marriage of Olga and Stolz is utopian. Oblomov turns out to be closer to reality than the realist Stolz. Olga and Stolz live in Crimea, all things - both necessary for work and romantic trinkets - find a place in their home. They are surrounded by an ideal balance even in love: passion is drowned in marriage, but not extinguished. But Stolz doesn’t even suspect what riches are still hidden in Olga’s soul. Olga outgrew Stolz spiritually because she did not persistently strive for the goal, but saw different roads and chose which one to follow. She tried to understand and love Oblomov’s life, but she failed. Now, in Crimea, Olga feels in her life the features of Oblomov’s idyll, and this worries her, she does not want to live like that. But the love of Olga and Stolz is the love of two developing people who help each other, and they must find a way out in order to continue to truly search for their own path.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was highly praised by critics of the second half of the 19th century century. In particular, Belinsky noted that the work was timely and reflected the socio-political thought of the 50-60s of the nineteenth century. Two lifestyles - Oblomov and Stolz - are discussed in this article in comparison.

Characteristics of Oblomov

Ilya Ilyich was distinguished by his desire for peace and inaction. Oblomov cannot be called interesting and varied: he is used to spending most of the day thinking, lying on the sofa. Immersed in these thoughts, he often during the whole day never rose from his bed, did not go out into the street, did not recognize latest news. He didn’t read newspapers on principle, so as not to bother himself with unnecessary, and most importantly, meaningless information. Oblomov can be called a philosopher; he is concerned with other questions: not everyday, not momentary, but eternal, spiritual. He looks for meaning in everything.

When you look at him, you get the impression that he is a happy freethinker, not burdened by the hardships and problems of external life. But life “touches, gets at” Ilya Ilyich everywhere, makes him suffer. Dreams remain just dreams, because he does not know how to make them come true. real life. Even reading tires him: Oblomov has many books he has started, but all of them remain unread and misunderstood. The soul seems to be dormant in him: he avoids unnecessary worries, worries, worries. In addition, Oblomov often compares his calm, solitary existence with the lives of other people and finds that it is not suitable to live the way others live: “When to live?”

This is what Oblomov’s ambiguous image represents. “Oblomov” (I.A. Goncharov) was created with the aim of depicting the personality of this character - extraordinary and extraordinary in its own way. He is no stranger to impulses and deep emotional experiences. Oblomov is a true dreamer with a poetic, sensitive nature.

Characteristics of Stolz

Oblomov’s lifestyle cannot be compared with Stolz’s worldview. The reader first meets this character in the second part of the work. Andrei Stolts loves order in everything: his day is scheduled by hours and minutes, dozens of important things are planned that urgently need to be redone. Today he is in Russia, tomorrow, you see, he has unexpectedly left abroad. What Oblomov finds boring and meaningless is important and significant for him: trips to cities, villages, intentions to improve the quality of life of those around him.

He discovers such treasures in his soul that Oblomov cannot even guess about. Stolz's lifestyle consists entirely of activities that feed his entire being with the energy of vivacity. In addition, Stolz - good friend: more than once he helped Ilya Ilyich in business matters. The lifestyles of Oblomov and Stolz are different from each other.

What is “Oblomovism”?

As a social phenomenon, the concept denotes a focus on idle, monotonous, devoid of color and any changes in life. Andrei Stolts called “Oblomovism” Oblomov’s very way of life, his desire for endless peace and the absence of any activity. Despite the fact that his friend constantly pushed Oblomov to the possibility of changing his way of existence, he did not budge at all, as if he did not have enough energy to do it. At the same time, we see that Oblomov admits his mistake, uttering the following words: “I have long been ashamed to live in the world.” He feels useless, unnecessary and abandoned, and therefore he does not want to wipe the dust off the table, sort out books that have been lying around for a month, or leave the apartment once again.

Love in Oblomov's understanding

Oblomov’s lifestyle did not contribute in any way to finding real, rather than fictitious, happiness. He dreamed and made plans more than he actually lived. Amazingly, in his life there was a place for quiet rest, philosophical reflection on the essence of existence, but there was a lack of strength for decisive action and the implementation of intentions. Love for Olga Ilyinskaya temporarily pulls Oblomov out of his usual existence, forces him to try new things, and begin to take care of himself. He even forgets his old habits and sleeps only at night, and does business during the day. But still, love in Oblomov’s worldview is directly related to dreams, thoughts and poetry.

Oblomov considers himself unworthy of love: he doubts whether Olga can love him, whether he is suitable enough for her, whether he is capable of making her happy. Such thoughts lead him to sad thoughts about his useless life.

Love in Stolz's understanding

Stolz approaches the issue of love more rationally. He does not indulge in ephemeral dreams in vain, since he looks at life soberly, without fantasy, without the habit of analyzing. Stolz is a business man. He doesn’t need romantic walks in the moonlight, loud declarations of love and sighs on the bench, because he is not Oblomov. Stolz's lifestyle is very dynamic and pragmatic: he proposes to Olga at the moment when he realizes that she is ready to accept him.

What did Oblomov come to?

As a result of his protective and cautious behavior, Oblomov misses the opportunity to build a close relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. His marriage was upset shortly before the wedding - Oblomov took too long to gather, explain, ask himself, compare, estimate, analyze. The characterization of the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov teaches not to repeat the mistakes of an idle, aimless existence, and raises the question of what love really is? Is she the object of lofty, poetic aspirations, or is she the calm joy and peace that Oblomov finds in the house of the widow Agafya Pshenitsyna?

Why did Oblomov’s physical death occur?

Bottom line philosophical reflections Ilya Ilyich is like this: he chose to bury his former aspirations and even lofty dreams. with Olga his life focused on everyday existence. He knew no greater joy than to eat deliciously and sleep after dinner. Gradually, the engine of his life began to stop, to calm down: ailments and incidents became more frequent. Even his previous thoughts left him: there was no longer room for them in the quiet room, like a coffin, in all this sluggish life, which lulled Oblomov, increasingly removed him from reality. Mentally this man was already dead for a long time. Physical death was only a confirmation of the falsity of his ideals.

Stolz's achievements

Stolz, unlike Oblomov, did not miss his chance to become happy: he built family well-being with Olga Ilyinskaya. This marriage took place out of love, in which Stolz did not fly into the clouds, did not remain in destructive illusions, but acted more than reasonably and responsibly.

The lifestyles of Oblomov and Stolz are diametrically opposed and opposed to each other. Both characters are unique, inimitable and significant in their own way. This may explain the strength of their friendship over the years.

Each of us is close to either the Stolz or Oblomov type. There is nothing wrong with this, and the coincidences will probably only be partial. Those who are deep, who love to think about the essence of life, will most likely understand Oblomov’s experiences, his restless mental tossing and searching. Business pragmatists who have left romance and poetry far behind will begin to personify themselves with Stolz.

The characters of the main characters in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” are portrayed exceptionally correctly and talentedly by the author. If the artist’s task is to snatch and capture the essence of life that is inaccessible to the understanding of the average person, then the great Russian writer coped with it brilliantly. His main character, for example, personifies the whole social phenomenon, named after him “Oblomovism”. No less worthy of attention is the phenomenal friendship of Oblomov and Stolz, two antipodes, who, it would seem, should have irreconcilably argued with each other or even despised each other, as often happens in the communication of completely different people. However, Goncharov goes against stereotypes, connecting the antagonists with strong friendship. Throughout the entire novel, observing the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is not only necessary, but also interesting for the reader. The collision of two life positions, two worldviews - here main conflict in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov".

The differences between Oblomov and Stolz are not difficult to find. Firstly, his appearance catches your eye: Ilya Ilyich is a portly gentleman with soft features, plump hands, and slow gestures. His favorite clothing is a spacious robe that does not restrict movement, as if protecting and warming a person. Stolz is fit and slender. Constant activity and business acumen characterize his practical nature, so his gestures are bold and his reactions are quick. He is always dressed appropriately to move in the light and make the right impression.

Secondly, they have different upbringings. If little Ilyusha was groomed and cherished by his parents, nannies and other inhabitants of Oblomovka (he grew up as a pampered boy), then Andrei was brought up in strictness, his father taught him how to run a business, leaving him to make his own way. Stolz, as a result, did not have enough parental affection, which he was looking for in his friend’s house. Oblomov, on the contrary, was too kindly treated, his parents spoiled him: he was not fit for service or for the work of a landowner (taking care of the estate and its profitability).

Thirdly, their attitude to life differs. Ilya Ilyich does not like fuss, does not waste effort on pleasing society or at least wedging into it. Many people condemn him for laziness, but is it laziness? I think not: he is a nonconformist who is honest to himself and to the people around him. A nonconformist is a person who defends his right to behave differently from what is customary in his contemporary society. Oblomov had the courage and fortitude to silently, calmly adhere to his position and go his own way, without wasting his time on trifles. His demeanor reveals a rich spiritual life, which he does not display on a social display. Stolz lives in this showcase, because hanging around in good society always brings benefits to the businessman. We can say that Andrei had no other choice, because he is not a gentleman, his father earned capital, but no one will leave the villages to him as an inheritance. From childhood it was instilled in him that he had to earn his own living, so Stolz adapted to the circumstances, developing hereditary qualities: perseverance, hard work, social activity. But if he is so successful by modern standards, why does Stolz need Oblomov? From his father, he inherited an obsession with business, the limitations of a practical person, which he felt, and therefore subconsciously reached out to the spiritually rich Oblomov.

They were drawn to the opposite, feeling a lack of certain properties of nature, but could not learn from each other good qualities. None of them could make Olga Ilyinskaya happy: with both one and the other she felt dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life: people rarely change in the name of love. Oblomov tried, but still remained faithful to his principles. Stoltz, too, was only enough for courtship, and then the routine of living together began. Thus, the similarity between Oblomov and Stolz was revealed in love: they both failed to build happiness.

In these two images, Goncharov reflected the contradictory trends in society of that time. The nobility is the support of the state, but its individual representatives cannot take an active part in its fate, if only because it is vulgar and petty for them. They are gradually being replaced by people who have gone through a harsh school of life, the more skillful and greedy Stolts. They do not have the spiritual component that is needed for any useful work in Russia. But even apathetic landowners will not save the situation. Apparently, the author believed that the fusion of these extremes, a kind of golden mean, was the only way to achieve the well-being of Russia. If we look at the novel from this angle, it turns out that the friendship of Oblomov and Stolz is a symbol of the unification of different social forces for a common goal.

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