Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in love relationships. Compatibility Pisces (woman) - Aquarius (man)

Partners have different ideas about life, opposite characters and temperaments. However, such marriages can be found quite often, which is explained by the positive fusion of the intellect of Aquarius and the emotional component of Pisces. Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces signs defines relationships with a clear division of roles. Of course, the leader in such relationships will be the representative of the air sign. He is more rational and independent. Pisces attract a partner with their softness and pliability. They are caring and devoted; having chosen a life partner, a representative of the Pisces sign will do his best to support him and surround him with tender love. This is what fascinates Aquarius so much. He is one of the few signs that can appreciate such self-sacrifice. Pisces surprisingly simply perceive their partner’s reluctance to adapt to other people’s opinions. This independence of Aquarius makes him very attractive in the eyes of a water sign.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces is also based on their mutual dreaminess and love of art. Both partners have a fairly subtle mental organization, which is why it is so easy for them to understand each other.

Quarrels also occur between partners, although they quickly fade away, ending in hugs. In such situations, Pisces make categorical remarks and stop the verbal fight, and Aquarius tries to bring it to a real conflict in order to throw out emotions and then feel relief.

It is important that the compatibility of the signs Aquarius and Pisces is primarily based on their spiritual kinship. They first become close friends, and then lovers. The key to harmony in such relationships is intellectual unity, which greatly enhances their physical attraction.

Aquarius and Pisces have common views on issues of education and career growth. There will be no disagreements in financial matters. Moreover, these signs are similar in their rejection of any promises. Pisces rarely make promises, but even less often they keep what they promise. Aquarius is even more categorical: he never makes promises, because he cannot be sure that tomorrow his plans will not change.

The relationship between Aquarius and Pisces can be negatively affected by the latter's great secrecy. Their evasiveness will sooner or later begin to irritate their partner; they should learn sincerity.

In general, the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces gives these partners everything they need to form a happy family union. The most important thing is that their waves have the same frequency and they understand each other perfectly.

Sexual compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces

Sexual compatibility between the signs Aquarius and Pisces is promising. Already at the initial stage, partners are attractive to each other. In addition, they are interested in learning something new together in their intimate life, since both are very inventive. Difficulties may arise if the open and sociable Aquarius begins to dislike unraveling the secrets of his chosen one, and the fussiness of the air sign begins to irritate Pisces. However, if you have strong feelings, these obstacles will be easily overcome.

Compatibility: Aquarius man - Pisces woman

Such a union is not uncommon, because it is in its purest form a reunification of the masculine and feminine principles. A man born under the sign of Aquarius may seem a little out of this world. However, in difficult situations, it is precisely this type that shows amazing strength of character, and the Pisces woman, who has developed intuition, immediately feels this. On the other hand, a lady born under the sign of Water has a real femininity, and her attractiveness is of particular importance to Aquarius. Being fascinated by his companion, this airy man can behave quite strangely and even repulsively. Poor Pisces will decide that he is unpleasant and will be very worried. But then her intuition will still tell her what kind of feelings force her chosen one to commit such extravagant acts.

The physical side of this couple’s relationship deserves special attention. It is in this ratio that the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces becomes the embodiment of the ideal classical union of a man and a woman. The soft and pliable Pisces lady becomes a faithful companion to the strong and rational Aquarius. These are the couples that people call beautiful.

Compatibility: Aquarius woman - Pisces man

The Aquarius girl is the embodiment of extravagance. She often surprises those around her with very strange behavior, doing it voluntarily or unwittingly. In any case, it gives her great pleasure. The Pisces man, whose personality cannot be called ordinary due to his dreaminess and mystery, is one of the few representatives of the Zodiac circle who is very tolerant of such manifestations of his chosen one. Sometimes he doesn’t even notice anything unusual; for him, many strange things seem quite familiar.

At the same time, the representative of the Pisces sign is very gentle towards the Aquarius woman and gives her himself without reserve. However, such sacrifice does not embarrass her, but, on the contrary, makes her partner a real man in the eyes of the airy lady. In addition, the Pisces man can listen to his partner and give her excellent advice, which the Aquarius girl will certainly take advantage of. Such a couple will be happy and harmonious for many years. Each partner has something that the other lacks.

Business compatibility between Pisces and Aquarius

In business relationships, partners should avoid close emotional contacts. Is not in the best possible way will affect both their work and the activities of the entire team. Generally Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces not bad in business: the technical rationalism of Aquarius perfectly complements the flexibility and excellent intuitive intelligence of Pisces.

It cannot be said that representatives of these zodiac signs have perfect compatibility. They look at the world differently, set priorities and behave in society. However, these people are very attractive to each other and will try to get close. To find out where this will lead, you need to consider what kind of relationship this couple is striving for.

AQUARIUS man and PISCES woman

For the people around, this union looks a little strange. The Aquarius man and the Pisces woman have a very unusual approach to many situations; they think outside the box, but at the same time in different ways. At first, these people will be interested in each other, but further communication depends on their patience and ability to make concessions. What would these people prefer: constant compromises, or an eternal showdown? Let's try to figure this out.

♒ + ♓: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- An Aquarius guy will be interested in this girl right away, and it will be better if she doesn’t know about it at first. Pisces are characterized by some extravagance, trying to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, they begin to behave too unusually. But the Aquarius guy was attracted to her natural behavior, she is sweet and feminine, sensitive and unlike others. If a Pisces girl begins to change in order to attract his attention, most likely she will achieve the opposite effect, because Aquarius is often guided not by feelings, but by reason.

If the relationship has already begun to develop successfully, the couple will find each other’s campaigns interesting and easy for the first time. Difficulties in relationships will begin a little later, when each of them considers the other half only his own and claims constant attention. However, it is not typical for Aquarius to limit the freedom of the chosen one, but a girl born under the sign of Pisces will be touched by the somewhat cheeky behavior of her beloved.

These relationships will be relatively non-conflict until the couple binds themselves by marriage or living together.

♒ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Not the smoothest relationship, but with a mutual desire to strengthen the marriage and prevent divorce, the connection between them can become truly stronger. This will require the participation of both parties, because if one of the spouses does not value family relationships, the other simply will not cope with the task.

Spouses will spend a lot of time outside the home, but most often separately. As a result, it turns out that there is no one to create comfort, and the Aquarius man appreciates the warmth of the hearth and a delicious dinner. The Pisces woman is sociable, but her husband comes first and she does not allow herself to flirt with other men. Aquarius also loves campaigns, he is easy to communicate and attractive to the opposite sex, but for his wife the nature of his relationships with other women will forever remain a mystery; she will be jealous of her husband. If Aquarius does not take control of this situation, grievances will accumulate in his wife’s soul, which sooner or later will spill out, and then it will be almost impossible to restore peace in the family.

♒ + ♓: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY“This couple can communicate, but not too closely, so there is no need to talk about sincerity here.” For a girl born under the sign of Pisces, emotional intimacy comes first, while an Aquarius guy has a more practical approach to choosing friends. It is important for him that someone shares his views on life, and fish cannot give him this. Aquarians can maintain friendly relationships with work colleagues; if this couple is united by a common activity, they have a higher chance of closer communication.

PISCES man and AQUARIUS woman

A very unusual and contradictory relationship in which there will never be stability. These people are united by unconventional thinking, but if they begin to delve deeply into inner world each other, they risk becoming detached from reality and getting lost in dreams.

♓ + ♒: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— This couple will be able to show mutual interest in each other based on the misleading impression of their similarity. In fact, it turns out that they have almost nothing in common, and disappointment will follow. The Pisces guy has a more developed intuition, he will be the first to notice that something has gone wrong, he will not be able to feel comfortable next to the Aquarius girl. The Aquarius girl does not take what is happening as close to her heart as her lover. Emotionally, everything will remain in place for her for a long time, but she will feel the difference between herself and her chosen one. Perhaps she will very soon be disappointed in this guy, because for a serious relationship she would like to see a more responsible person next to her. The Pisces guy will sense her mood and most likely, on his initiative, this relationship will end.

♓ + ♒: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Those around this couple sincerely do not understand what could have been the decisive factor for the conclusion of their marriage. Perhaps, acting on emotions, the spouses themselves have not yet fully realized the responsibility of this step. Realization will come to them a little later, when fate presents this couple with serious trials or problems that require urgent solutions. This is where it turns out that the husband and wife are in no hurry to act, but expect each other to take initiative in these matters. The Aquarius woman believes that a man should be more responsible in the family, but her Pisces husband prefers equality in relationships; he is not ready to completely take on the burden of family problems. Perhaps another woman could give him an incentive to become the real head of the family, but Aquarius does not like to invest energy in something uncertain, that is, establishing contact with her husband is a futile task for her.

There will be no brightness and variety in your intimate life, and not even because Aquarius and Pisces don’t like it. For a Pisces man, it is important to constantly feel that he is loved and valued. The Aquarius woman is stingy with emotions; soon she will no longer attract her husband as a sexual partner. If the marriage was concluded on the basis of a sudden passion, it will soon end in divorce.

♓ + ♒: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- This couple has too different perceptions of the world around them to become friends, or at least buddies. The Pisces guy takes a lot of things too personally, and the Aquarius girl believes that such behavior should not be characteristic of men. In turn, he sees her as cold and indifferent to people. They will not be interested together; only infrequent communication is possible, and only if Aquarius and Pisces are relatives or work colleagues. In the case of close communication between this couple, we are not talking about it - there is mutual interest.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Two signs of the Zodiac, subject to two different elements (Water and Air), Pisces and Aquarius, what awaits them? The horoscope states that these two people have diametrically opposed views on life and completely different characters, which, in principle, does not prevent them from being together. Despite all the differences, their marriages are often happy and last a lifetime, surprising those around them with their strength. In this strange pairing, Aquarius is destined to play the role of a cold head and a calculating mind, while Pisces is driven by emotions and a warm heart.

Pisces and Aquarius. Common interests

Pisces tend to wallow in a world of fantasy, indulging in creativity. They willingly engage in music, art, poetry, they dream about something all the time and seem to be in the clouds. Aquarius does not in the least interfere with this state of affairs; he even supports Pisces and shares all their aspirations for the world of beauty. However, Aquarius himself is quite loyal and even reckless to some extent; he may well prefer what is called pop culture to high art, frankly shocking the subtle soul of Pisces. Despite some differences in interests, these two signs complement each other perfectly. Representatives of the Water element give Air care, love and tenderness. The air responds with devotion and goodwill.

Pisces and Aquarius. Family

The family relationship of these two people is built on the fact that both are able to adapt well to each other, which brings the common good, peace and tranquility to the family. They try to understand each other as much as possible, and no one seeks to change their partner, leaving him the right to decide some questions about his existence himself. Neither spouse will claim a partner, which will give each of them the opportunity to develop in their own direction. If quarrels arise in this situation, then they are most often initiated by overly emotional Pisces, who are capable of “screwing in” a harsh word. Despite the fact that they quickly cool down, Aquarius immediately picks up the baton, bringing everything to the point of absurdity with his ardor and stubbornness. However, the main quality that both spouses possess is to quickly forget all differences. It leads to almost instant reconciliation.

Pisces and Aquarius. Intimate sphere

Sexually, these partners will also have a lot of pleasure, because each of them romantic night will be full of tenderness and love. None of the partners seeks to “pull the blanket over themselves,” caring only about the pleasure of their spouse. They are just as equal in bed as in life. capable of giving each other truly fantastic pleasure.

Career and other areas

It is important for Aquarius in this pair to make sure that next to him is a truly worthy partner. Moreover, he will evaluate every area: intelligence, worldview, attitude to certain things. Business partnerships can also bring success. If the boss is in this case, he will cope perfectly with the supporting role and will always be on hand.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces depends on many conditions, but most of all - on the mutual willingness of the partners to accept each other as they are.

Aquarius and Pisces are representatives of the elements of Air and Water, a union between which can be quite harmonious. The partners are united by a certain extravagance and originality of personality - they are both unlike the others (but they also bear little resemblance to each other).

Family life promises them not only joy, but also problems and trials, which will require a lot of courage, wisdom and dedication to overcome. Let's look at the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces in a love relationship - the advantages and disadvantages of this amazing union.

Characteristics of signs

When considering the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Aquarius, you should not lose sight of additional influencing factors, limiting yourself to a purely solar sign. A person’s personality is influenced not only by the Sun, but also by the Ascendant, moon sign, position and strength of the main planets in the horoscope (Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Proserpina). Any of these factors can change the typical traits of a zodiac sign, and therefore they cannot be ignored. But still, what are Aquarius and Pisces in their classical manifestation and how compatible are they?


People born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius are extremely inquisitive, prone to invention and philosophical reflections. At the same time, these are real extroverts who love intellectual friendship, communication and acquaintances.

AQUARIUS + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Pisces man and Aquarius woman

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Pisces woman

Aquarians are inimitable originals, always inclined to do things their own way, regardless of public opinion. Uranus gives them the gift of foresight, and Saturn gives them a high level of responsibility. Being an air sign, Aquarius is not prone to monotony and stability, but in love, friendship and family relationships there is never a dull moment with him.


Men and women - Pisces are distinguished by excellent intuition, which allows them to read in people's souls what remains incomprehensible to others. They are more prone to self-sacrifice and altruism than other signs; they are less likely to have selfish motives. These people have a huge imagination, and inside... the whole world, full of real magic. However, many Pisces prefer to stay away from reality, preferring their own view of the world, which is often regarded by others as being in dreams and illusions. Pisces men and women are extraordinary creative people capable of creating real masterpieces in various fields of art.

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Pisces woman

An Aquarius man and a Pisces woman often fall in love at first sight. And - no wonder, because this couple is a combination of concentrated femininity and pronounced masculine energy. The Pisces girl is incredibly attractive in a feminine way (Venus is in her exaltation in this sign), she will charm the Aquarius guy with her softness, sophistication and unearthly charm. In turn, this guy will conquer her with his nobility, openness, originality and intelligence. In his ideological worldview, the Pisces girl will find true values, which she herself will be ready to serve.

The love relationship between a Pisces woman and an Aquarius man can develop quite harmoniously, since this girl is wise enough to forgive her partner for being somewhat fixated on her own ideas. She will not reproach him for the lack of money or lack of stability, knowing full well that there are much more valuable things. However, if Aquarius’s egoism goes off scale, even her angelic patience may burst. She is, after all, a woman and she needs to feel warmth, care and love towards herself. If the Pisces girl doesn’t wait for them, she will gradually pull away and eventually just swim away.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Pisces man

An Aquarius woman and a Pisces man in a couple is not at all uncommon, despite some problems and misunderstandings that arise between them. It is not at all difficult for a friendly, intelligent and extravagant Aquarius girl to win romantic guy Fish. His sensitive nature passionately responds to a caring attitude and kind words, and besides, this girl appreciates his individuality and creative potential, adoring everything original and non-standard. There may not be much wealth in their boat, but there will be no conflicts related to money. (And this loyalty often leads to the creative realization of both and provides ample means for living).

Compatibility problems between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man can arise due to differences in temperament. The former has an urgent need for communication and new emotions, while the latter is quite content with a small circle of several close people. The Aquarius girl may be offended that she is forced to attend social events alone, and her spouse, in turn, will be annoyed by her wife’s absence. If a reasonable compromise is not arranged, jealousy, quarrels and distance may appear in their relationship.

  1. Compatibility in a love relationship enhances not only mutual acceptance, but also the ability of both partners to remain themselves. Aquarians love dreamy Pisces for the magic and gentleness of their nature, and they, in turn, value high thoughts and originality of ideas in their partner. Often the union of Aquarius and Pisces helps each of them realize their potential or create a joint successful creative project.
  2. Harmony of sexual compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces is possible only if they are friendly and intellectually compatible. Otherwise, something will always be missing in their intimate life, despite the strong physical attraction.
  3. In the marriage of Aquarius with Pisces, as in any other, disagreements and conflicts are possible. Their manner of quarreling is different: Pisces are more often offended and silent, while Aquarius splashes out their energy, leaving harsh and unflattering reviews to their partner. Both must reconsider their habits somewhat to avoid distance. Compatibility of the signs of Aquarius and Pisces in family life will largely depend on the ability of the first to restrain himself in expressions, and the second to let harsh remarks fall on deaf ears.
  4. The ability to find compromises will significantly increase the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Aquarius in marriage. Everyone should at least sometimes sacrifice their interests for the sake of their partner. Pisces could go out more often with Aquarius, and he, in turn, from time to time prefer the comfort of home to social events. This will not only strengthen the marriage, but also expand the perception of each partner.

Want to know how close Aquarius and Pisces are to each other? The compatibility in love relationships of these two signs is surprising. And yet, even they should work hard to create a harmonious couple. Read about the secrets below. 😉

The relationship between Aquarius and Pisces is not always easy, but with the right luck they will be able to go through life together for a long time and successfully. Both signs have positive character traits that will help improve relationships.

Pisces are non-conflict and positive, kind and friendly, ready to adapt to Aquarius, who are independent and creative. The ability of the latter to be guided by reason and logic, and not by emotional assessments, also contributes to building strong and lasting relationships. The main thing is that both sides do not forget about the difference in perception of the world, lifestyle and values.

If the man is Aquarius

Both signs are personalities who have their head in the clouds. The fantastic world created by imagination is much more important for both existing reality. There is also a difference - Aquarians are extroverted and actively communicate with the outside world, while Pisces rarely swim to the surface from the deep waters of their worldview.

The passion between them will be romantic, explosive and bright, but real life will inevitably bring discord into the beautiful tenderness of their relationship. Everyday problems and housework are of little interest to both the Aquarius man and the Pisces woman - their priorities are far from the material arrangement of family life.

As a result, the house will be abandoned, finances will not be in order, because neither one nor the other partner will put their soul into home improvement or control the availability of necessary things. Quarrels and swearing will appear out of the blue or because of trifles, although in fact the reason is poor living conditions and lack of finances. Both believe that problems should be solved by the other, which serves as an inexhaustible source of mutual grievances, outrages and insults.

The ability to give up one’s own priorities and at least occasionally provide comfort is almost the only thing that can save the marriage of an Aquarius man with Pisces. If this does not happen, then they living together doomed to an endless series of conflicts.

The Pisces wife will need to put in enough effort to make their home cozy and desirable, so that they want to return to it again and again, but Aquarius should limit their contacts outside the home. A strong and stable family can be achieved through the efforts of one of the spouses.

If the man is Pisces

In this situation, you should not expect a fiery romance, but at the same time they will be able to coexist comfortably. The married life of an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man is actually a partnership of two like-minded people who are looking not for explosive passion, but for mutual understanding and harmony.

Pisces, accustomed to living their fantasies, completely divorced from real life, are often disappointed in love. Men of this sign are not eager to officially take the place of leader, because they try to avoid any unnecessary obligations, but, if given the chance, they will be happy to manage an accommodating Aquarius wife, usually very deftly and successfully.

The dreams and imaginations of the Aquarius woman also occupy a significant part in her life, but she still pays more attention to real life than her husband. She will try to do her homework, show attention and take care of loved ones, but she will lack strong support and support, which Pisces is unable to provide her with. As a result, the spouse will be oppressed by the lack of traditional male contribution to the family.

The identity of character between an Aquarius woman and a man born under the sign of Pisces increases the problems in their married life, because both are incredibly distant from earthly reality. The material basis of their marriage is not supported by anyone, because both partners soar with pleasure in the fantastic worlds of their dreams and do not want to defile themselves by contact with reality.

Each of them believes that the other is obliged to make a strong-willed effort and take action, but nothing of the kind happens. The result of such coexistence can be a completely unemotional divorce by mutual consent, unless their feelings (mutual, although rather cool) are warmed up and supported by a strong material base. Even spiritual unity cannot survive the lack of money and the lack of specific benefits.

The horoscope compatibility of a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman shows that this is one of the most unusual and controversial unions. Spouses tend to feel very keenly any changes in the outside world, and this is easily combined with cool negligence towards each other.

Each of them suffers from a lack of peace of mind, fussing and looking for new goals, which often results in a passion for creativity. Incredibly, the torment gives both spouses a strange pleasure. This special attitude often contributes to the birth of real masterpieces of art. A non-standard marriage, provided that the partners are people of creative professions, often lasts for decades, but only until both can draw inspiration from it.

Compatibility in proximity

Despite the fact that such a couple has all the makings for complete mutual satisfaction in the physical plane (both signs have unlimited imagination, a talent for inventing new things and a desire to experiment), in practice everything will not go too smoothly.

Aquarius is unlikely to like the fact that sensitive Pisces will demand from him an endless display of warm feelings and constancy; he will feel chained. It is natural that such a relationship will soon end in a major conflict and separation.

Relationships at work

Both signs differ in business qualities, use different approaches to performing work and are disgustingly combined with each other. Aquarians easily control Pisces, encouraging them to try innovations and change established patterns, as a result of which neither one nor the other will be able to complete the task assigned to them. Usually, as colleagues, these signs are indifferent to each other and it is useless to force them to work together.

In business partnerships the situation is no better. Rich imagination and a tendency to ignore reality lead to the fact that their overall plans turn out to be completely unrealistic. Things are different in the creative plane, where their joint activities can turn out to be constructive. The positive aspect of their joint work is passion and mutual support in difficult trials.

Friendly relationships

Many factors contribute to the emergence of friendship between these signs. They have common interests - both are fond of philosophy, are passionate about the social problems of our time and adhere to high moral values. However, for Aquarius the same views and worldview are a priority, and for Pisces - emotional interaction.

If Aquarius cannot give this, then Pisces will try to curtail friendly relations, and they will do this in such a way that for a long time Aquarius may believe that nothing has changed.

This is how Aquarius and Pisces get along with each other. Compatibility in the love relationship of this couple, on the one hand, promises great success, on the other hand, it can collapse at the most inopportune moment. But if you make an effort and do your best, your partner will feel it and do the same. I wish you success. 😉