What does terrorism represent at the present stage? Terrorism as a social phenomenon of our time (Social and philosophical analysis) Kaftan Vitaly Viktorovich

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IN lately International and state terrorism is becoming a significant threat to Russia, turning the civilian population into an object of force in order to destabilize the situation, intimidate people, and deprive them of the ability to provide organized resistance.
It is absolutely clear that terrorism is not a new phenomenon, but it has not yet been fully studied. It is also obvious that society and the state in different conditions can manifest themselves differently, depending on the scale of the threat and actions on the part of terrorist groups and associations.

The Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism”, adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 1998, defines the basic concepts of what terrorism and a terrorist act are:

terrorism – violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as destruction (damage) or the threat of destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, containing the danger of death of people, causing significant property damage, or the occurrence of other socially dangerous consequences, carried out for the purpose of violation of public safety, intimidation of the population, or influencing the adoption by authorities of decisions beneficial to terrorists, or satisfying their unlawful property and (or) other interests; an encroachment on the life of a statesman or public figure, committed in order to terminate his state or other political activity or out of revenge for such activity; attack on a representative of a foreign state or an employee of an international organization enjoying international protection, as well as on official premises or vehicles persons enjoying international protection, if this act was committed for the purpose of provoking war or complicating international relations;

terrorist attack – direct commission of a crime of a terrorist nature in the form of an explosion, arson, use or threat of use of nuclear explosive devices, radioactive, chemical, biological, explosive, toxic, poisonous, potent, poisonous substances; destruction, damage or seizure of vehicles or other objects; attacks on the life of a state or public figure, representative of national, ethnic, religious or other groups of the population; hostage taking, kidnapping; creating a danger of causing harm to the life, health or property of an indefinite number of persons by creating such a danger; spreading threats in any form and by any means; other actions that create a danger of death, significant property damage, or other socially dangerous consequences.

The main features of terrorism in Russia, reflecting the essence as a socio-political phenomenon, include:

  • the use of violence and intimidation, which is achieved using particularly acute forms and methods;
  • focus on achieving political or social goals;
  • increased public danger associated with an immediate threat to people’s lives, illegitimacy;
  • the use of conspiracy as a necessary condition for the existence of terrorist structures and the effectiveness of their actions.

Terrorism on the threshold of the 21st century has become a real threat to society and the state and is capable of using the latest scientific and technological achievements for its criminal purposes; the threat of using weapons of mass destruction as means of terrorist influence is quite real, and the possible consequences of terrorist acts can have the nature of large-scale disasters.

The socio-political situation in Russia, the ongoing expansion of the circle of individuals and groups potentially ready to commit acts of terrorism, as well as the conditions conducive to this, the lack of real opportunities to stabilize the situation in the near future give reason to believe that the likelihood of an increase in terrorist influences remains quite high .

In this regard, a unified state system of countering terrorism is necessary, ensuring the implementation of not only law enforcement, but also relevant legal, political, socio-economic, propaganda measures, protection of the population during terrorist acts, as well as the unification of the efforts of all interested government bodies, the implementation of a unified state policies in this area, preparing forces and means to prevent terrorist acts, reducing and eliminating their consequences.

It should be noted that significant work has been done in Russia aimed at combating terrorism. In March 1996, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to strengthen the fight against terrorism” was issued.

In June 1998, the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism” was adopted. The law, in particular, sets out the main functions of entities involved in the fight against terrorism, as well as issues of managing and directing the actions of forces and means during counter-terrorism operations. In September 1999, the Government of the Russian Federation issued a decree “On measures to counter terrorism.”

The implementation of a system of measures to combat terrorism is also provided for in the Federal Target Program for Strengthening the Fight against Crime for 1999-2000, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on March 10, 1999, and supplemented by a government resolution dated February 9 of this year.

In general, it can be stated that in Russia today, the necessary regulatory legal framework for organizing work to counter terrorist activities has basically been created
In accordance with the above documents, certain work is being carried out in all interested departments and at all levels of executive power.
In January 1997, the Council of Europe adopted a convention on the fight against terrorism, which provides for increased cooperation between signatory states. The Convention defines terrorism as “any serious act of violence directed against the freedom, life or health of citizens.”

The fight against terrorism, as defined in the Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism,” is “activities to prevent the identification, suppression and minimization of the consequences of terrorist activities,” that is, the fight against violence or threats of its use against individuals or organizations carried out in order to ensure public safety, eliminating the impact on decisions taken by authorities that are beneficial to terrorists.

Serious concern about the expansion of terrorism would have been expressed at the January summit of the leaders of the CIS countries. It was noted that today terrorism is not only and not so much about lone saboteurs, airplane hijackers and kamikaze killers. Modern terrorism consists of powerful structures with equipment corresponding to their scale. The examples of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kosovo, Chechnya and the powerful patrons behind them show that terrorist groups are capable of carrying out sabotage and terrorist actions and participating in large-scale armed conflicts, such as the Chechen one. In this regard, at the summit it was decided to develop an Interstate program to combat terrorism and create a unified anti-terrorist center within the Commonwealth of Independent States.

For our country, issues of countering terrorism, especially in connection with latest events, have become extremely relevant. Terrorist acts in Moscow, Buynaksk, Budennovsk, Volgodonsk, Kaspiysk, and the appearance of armed terrorists in Dagestan and Chechnya resonated not only in our country, but also acquired global significance.

The modern social and socio-political situation in Russia is characterized by the growth of criminal trends, the spread of political extremism, and the increasing threat of terrorism. The effective fight against terrorism is becoming increasingly important in the system of ensuring national security. Terrorism is one of the most dangerous types of political extremism and has an acute criminal nature.

As a socio-political phenomenon, terrorism is a unity of such elements as:

– socio-political concepts and attitudes (national extremist, neo-fascist, left-wing extremist, religious extremist, criminal, etc.), providing for the use of violence or the threat of its use in order to intimidate and coerce targets of terrorism (government structures, public and private organizations, citizens) to make decisions and perform certain actions that are unfavorable and even unacceptable for them in the interests of the subjects of terrorism;

– paramilitary, military and actually terrorist organizations, formations, other structures (as a rule, illegal or semi-legal), existing autonomously or as part of parties, other socio-political organizations, commercial structures, criminal communities, etc.;

– terrorist activity – violent and demonstrative actions of a terrorist nature (explosions, arson, hostage-taking, murders of political and public figures, officials, entrepreneurs and other objects of terrorist aspirations, acts of psychological pressure, man-made terrorism, etc.).

The identification and study of these elements of terrorism as a complex phenomenon is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of a systemic counteraction to it, requiring mandatory influence on each of the mentioned elements, and the determination of a set of measures adequate to the nature, content and danger of a specific terrorist threat. Ignoring this requirement entails a significant reduction in the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism.

The main types of modern terrorism, the manifestations of which have now been recorded by Russian law enforcement agencies, are political terrorism (neo-fascist, leftist, etc.), nationalist, religious. criminal terrorism, which differ mainly in the goals promoted by terrorist actors. These goals often do not coincide with the real aspirations of terrorist leaders, which consist in the desire for an illegal redistribution of political power, property, and national wealth.

In the context of the politicization of social relations in Russia, the line between the mentioned types of terrorism often turns out to be very fragile. Regardless of their direction and the motivations of the perpetrators of terrorist acts, these types of terrorism cause grave damage to national security.

The above classification of terrorism has serious practical significance, since the ideological overtones of terrorism influence the social composition and base of the relevant terrorist structures, the motivation of the actions of their participants, and have a significant impact on the organization and tactics of the fight against terrorism. Identification of discrepancies between the declared and real goals of terrorist organizations should be actively used for ideological, political, moral and psychological counteraction to terrorism and separation of ordinary participants from it. This aspect of the fight against terrorism is often underestimated, as evidenced by the shortcomings in countering terrorism in Chechnya during operations to restore constitutional order.

A specific type of terrorism is criminal terrorism, the motivational basis of which is a system of criminal anti-values. With its initial focus on serving the competitive struggle of criminal clans in the economic sphere in order to enrich themselves through criminal means and to suppress society’s resistance to crime, it is characterized by increasingly widespread negative consequences for political stability and direct use to serve the goals of the political struggle of organizations and extremist groups.

As a threat to the national security of Russia, terrorism covers with its destructive influence all the main spheres of the country's public life, increasingly gaining importance as one of the main factors preventing the stabilization of socio-political relations in the country. The specificity of the mechanism of terrorist influence determines the multifaceted destructive influence of terrorism on the entire system of social relations, as well as its increased danger, especially in connection with the increasing threat of the development of mass terrorism and the use of means of mass destruction by its subjects.

Thus, based on the basic essences of terrorism, protecting the population from emergency situations of a terrorist nature and reducing their socio-economic and environmental consequences is possible only with the implementation of a set of social measures aimed at reducing material and human losses.

So on modern stage it is necessary to analyze the issues of protecting objects and people on Russian territory during terrorist attacks.

The qualifying signs of terrorism are, as a rule, similar to the signs of other violent crimes: by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, repeatedly, with the use of firearms.

In paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides a definition of a crime committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, from which it can be concluded that this qualifying feature is characterized by three mandatory conditions: the presence of two or more subjects of the crime (sane and have reached the age of 14), who in advance, i.e. at the preparation stage, entered into a conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism and who fully or at least partially carried out actions included in the objective side of terrorism (exploded, set fire, blocked, etc.).

Repeatability, according to Art. 16 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation means the commission of two or more acts of terrorism. To recognize repeated terrorism, it does not matter whether the terrorist has already been convicted of a previous terrorist attack or was brought to justice for the first time for two or more terrorist acts. Undoubtedly, there is no repetition if a conviction for a terrorist act committed in the past is overturned.

If one of the repeated acts of terrorism constitutes a completed crime, and the other represents an attempt at terrorism, then such actions must be qualified according to the rules of aggregation of crimes, in accordance with Art. 17 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The use of firearms in the commission of a terrorist act increases its danger to society.

The use of firearms means the use of their destructive properties to cause harm to health or destruction of people, both with real consequences and in an attempt on the life and health of people, as well as the use of firearms for the purpose of mental impact, when it was just demonstrated, but there was a danger of harm to people.

An organized group is defined in paragraph 3 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as a stable group of persons who have united in advance to commit one or more crimes.

The stability of a criminal group means its existence for a more or less significant period of time in order to prepare a crime.

The relatively stable numerical composition of the criminal group speaks about stability. Stability can also manifest itself in the repetition of similar criminal acts. In such groups, there are internal connections between their members, there is a distribution of roles between criminals not only at the time of terrorist attacks, but also in the period between them, when the group exists as a structure.

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the organizer or leader of a criminal group is responsible for all crimes committed by a terrorist group if they were covered by his intent.

Members of the group are responsible for the terrorist acts in which they participated or took part in their preparation. If actions were taken to prepare a terrorist act, but the terrorist attack itself has not yet been committed, then its preparation is qualified as a crime under Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The death of people affected by terrorism or the occurrence of other grave consequences caused by negligence constitutes, in the opinion of the legislator, an equivalent qualified type of terrorism, as does its commission by an organized group.

The distinction between terrorism and related crimes poses significant difficulties.

The legislator identifies several offenses related to terrorism:

  • terrorism and aggravated murder;
  • terrorism and hostage taking;
  • terrorism and banditry;
  • terrorism and sabotage;
  • terrorism and encroachment on the life of a state and public figure, etc.

The fight against terrorism, its manifestation in various forms, has become an urgent task, a problem for all bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The main tasks of these bodies and formations are:

  • development and implementation of measures in the field of countering terrorism, political, national and religious extremism;
  • making proposals for the formation of a system of measures for anti-terrorist protection of the population;
  • monitoring the implementation by executive authorities and local self-government of existing legislation on the fight against terrorism, political, national and religious extremism;
  • organization of safety and uninterrupted functioning of potentially dangerous objects and life support systems;
  • providing assistance to representatives of local governments, internal affairs bodies, the FSB, and government emergency response bodies in preventing terrorist acts and maintaining public order in the event of a threat or emergency. ensuring their interaction during evacuation measures, eliminating the consequences of terrorist attacks with minimal losses, organizing life support in areas of temporary resettlement;
  • coordination of executive authorities in the development of draft regulations on issues within their competence;
  • attracting the broad masses of the population for this work and. Work is being carried out to strengthen the security of subordinate facilities, to prevent unauthorized entry into the territory and facilities of emergency response authorities by unauthorized persons, the entry of unknown objects, to ensure the operability of security systems and automatic fire alarms. Thus, in the points of permanent deployment of units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Chechen Republic, in forced migrant camps, at life support facilities, work is carried out daily to ensure the safety of military personnel and the population from terrorist attacks, to prevent mining of objects and territory, poisoning of water sources and food products, and other measures.

In accordance with the requirements of the federal laws “On Civil Defense” “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies” and in order to comply with the instructions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 1999 No. 33-2957-5 in the territories of municipalities (in areas , microdistricts, blocks, residential complexes and courtyards) to carry out control and preventive functions aimed at preventing emergencies associated with terrorist acts, the involvement of the population in civil civil defense organizations (GODO) has been organized.

With the creation of the GOGO, the chaotic activities of the population to protect their residential buildings turned into the daily organized work of posts, strongholds under the leadership of housing maintenance enterprises, strongholds of the police, temporary operational headquarters under the management bodies for civil emergency situations. In close cooperation with law enforcement agencies, they monitor the condition of buildings and structures of the residential sector, heat-electric-water supply systems, identify explosive and fire-hazardous items and objects in crowded places, near roads and transport communications, monitor the condition of attic, basement and other locking devices non-residential premises, maintain public order in case of threat and emergency situations in the controlled territory. keep records of residents limited opportunity independent movement, who will need assistance during emergency evacuation.

Measures are being implemented to strengthen the protection and ensure the safety of energy facilities, enterprises that use radiation, explosive and fire hazardous materials, aggressive chemically hazardous substances, and other high-risk facilities in their production.

A set of urgent measures has been developed and is being implemented to strengthen the security of residential neighborhoods, places of mass gathering of people, educational institutions, health care, culture and sports.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations was faced with the need to organize long-term measures to protect residential areas and economic facilities from possible terrorist attacks. Ensuring the safe functioning of the republic's economic facilities, especially those with potentially dangerous production and life support systems for the population and territory, begins with the implementation of a set of preventive measures laid down at the design stage of construction and reconstruction of high-risk facilities, life support and mass gatherings of people.

In order to improve the organization of counter-terrorism at potentially dangerous facilities and life support facilities in the North Caucasus region, it is necessary to focus efforts on solving the following problematic issues:

1. Organization of regulatory, social, financial support and incentives for civil defense units designed to carry out suddenly emerging tasks in the fight against terrorism.
2. Clear definition and regulatory consolidation of the functions of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, structural units for organizing the implementation of measures to protect the population and territories from terrorist acts and eliminate their consequences.
3. In order to prevent the receipt of false information about impending terrorist acts, equip all duty services with systems for identifying numbers and recording telephone messages.
4. Introduction in the management bodies and forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ministries, departments, organizations of digital (electronic) maps of the geographic information system and standard programs for their use for the purpose of quickly assessing the situation and making informed decisions to conduct not only anti-terrorist operations, but also to eliminate the consequences of natural and technogenic nature.
5. Equipping special units and rescue services involved in carrying out measures to suppress terrorist attacks with modern special means of communication, tools, office equipment, etc.

Conducting comprehensive surveys of life support facilities, potentially dangerous facilities to verify security measures, compliance with production technology, storage conditions for explosive, radioactive, toxic and other high-risk substances.

The main problem of creating civil society civil society among the population in municipalities is the lack of a regulatory framework on this issue at the federal level. In accordance with regulatory documents, civil defense formations are created to protect the population and organizations from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, the tasks of preventing emergency situations are not assigned to them. As a result, there is an urgent need to develop regulatory documents at the federal level, including the “Regulations on Civil Civil Defense Organizations”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1999 No. 620, regulating the procedure for the creation and operation of civil defense units.

The protection of hydraulic structures in rural areas is poorly organized due to lack of funds.
Work is not carried out at the proper level to check citizens who arrived from the North Caucasus region, who returned from places of imprisonment, to identify persons hiding from investigation and court, evading registration, foreign citizens illegally staying in the region, citizens with illegal possession of weapons, other persons of operational interest.
Inspections of warehouse premises located in residential buildings, empty and rented apartments, attics and basements, vehicles and cargo on the roads of the region.
In the work of organizing counter-terrorism in cities and at economic facilities, we are at the beginning of the path and the main task is that work in all areas should not be a campaign, but be of a systematic, planned nature.

For these purposes, in order to reduce the risks of emergencies in the context of possible terrorist incidents, the main departments for civil emergency situations:

  • clarification of the list of objects and life support systems as the most likely to carry out terrorist attacks on them;
  • measures are being developed at economic facilities to prevent unauthorized entry of unauthorized persons; declaration of hazardous production facilities and forecasting possible emergencies at them in the event of terrorist attacks;
  • system implementation compulsory insurance facilities and production from possible accidents as a result of terrorist attacks;
  • implementation of licensing of hazardous industries, taking into account their readiness to localize and eliminate emergencies, protection in the event of accidents as a result of terrorist acts;
  • training of special reconnaissance teams to detect and identify dangerous substances used by terrorist groups:
  • determining the list and preparing special measures to detect and neutralize means of committing technological terrorist acts.

During the liquidation of the consequences of the collapse of residential buildings as a result of explosions, the RSChS forces carried out the following main types of rescue and other emergency work:

  1. Reconnaissance of the emergency zone (condition of buildings, territory, routes for the deployment of forces and means, determination of the boundaries of the emergency zone).
  2. Deployment of forces and equipment of emergency rescue services and rescue units into the emergency zone.
  3. Providing medical care to victims.
  4. Search and rescue work.
  5. Evacuation of victims and material assets.
  6. Organization of management and communications.
  7. Ensuring public order.
  8. Carrying out emergency rescue operations related to extinguishing fires in the emergency zone.
  9. Dismantling rubble, clearing routes and creating passages in the rubble.
  10. Strengthening or collapsing damaged and collapsing structures of buildings and structures on traffic routes and work sites.
  11. Work on engineering and organizational preparation of rescue work sites and work sites in emergency zones, lighting of workplaces.
  12. Carrying out blasting operations in an emergency zone. The operational groups of the LGE in the designated areas of rescue work were mainly engaged in unblocking the victims by sequentially dismantling the rubble from above.

The main technological operations were the following:

  • strengthening unstable structures at the work site:
  • removing large-sized debris from above the rubble using truck cranes;
  • crushing of large-sized fragments in the body of the rubble.
  • selection and extraction of small debris from the rubble and removal of them to the dump;
  • removing victims from the rubble;
  • transporting victims to a collection point.

The governing bodies and forces of the RSChS successfully coped with the assigned tasks. The issues of attracting and deploying forces to emergency zones were promptly resolved. allocation of the required number of truck cranes with heavy lifting capacity and long reach. loading equipment and vehicles for removing debris. Utility and energy networks were turned off in a timely manner, fencing was organized, cordoning off and lighting workplaces, rooms were allocated for inter-shift rest, and hot meals were organized.

During the liquidation of the consequences of terrorist acts in cities through the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the following shortcomings were revealed that reduce the effectiveness of the actions of government bodies and RSChS forces:

  • lack of clear delineation in the powers and functions of various management bodies at the emergency site;
  • lack of timely information about the work area (in the initial period there was no diagram of the buildings, a list of residents, information about the location of management bodies, places for collecting valuables and victims):
  • when eliminating emergency situations involving the collapse of damaged and threatening building structures on the upper floors, they were carried out late, which could have caused injury to the rescuers working below;
  • lack of operational methods for calculating the attraction of the necessary forces and resources for such emergencies.

Experience shows that objects where people are concentrated (stadiums, train stations, passenger transport, multi-storey residential buildings, etc.) are most susceptible to terrorist acts.
Along with this, objects of terrorism may include high-risk economic facilities and public utility facilities where damage to technological equipment leads to the emergence of secondary damaging factors that significantly exceed in their scale and severity of consequences the damaging factors resulting from the primary impact on the facility. Such objects, first of all, should include nuclear energy and nuclear fuel cycle facilities, chemically hazardous facilities, oil production and refining enterprises, main oil, gas, and product pipelines, ammunition and explosives depots, and hydraulic structures.

It seems to us that one of the most important areas for increasing the resistance to terrorist attacks of such facilities is improving the ITM of civil defense and preventing emergency situations at them.

IN modern conditions One of the methods of a terrorist attack on high-risk objects could be the use of high-precision weapons against previously scouted buildings, structures, technological units and other elements of the object.

In this regard, the role of ITM in providing comprehensive camouflage and reducing the visibility of these objects and their elements in the optical, infrared and ultra-high frequency (radar) ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum is significantly increasing.

The results of research and development carried out to date show that the listed activities can be carried out using radio-absorbing and heat-absorbing coatings, camouflage nets and curtains (aerosol, smoke, water-foam, etc.), simulating real objects using inflatable mock-ups of elements objects, corner reflectors, infrared and laser decoys (traps).
Analysis of the content of sections currently being developed. Emergency prevention measures for construction projects of enterprises, buildings and structures are shown in the set of rules for design and construction SP 11-107-98; blackout and other measures to camouflage objects are overwhelmingly limited only to blackout actions (SNiP 2.01.53-84).
There are no building codes and regulations on the issues of complex camouflage of objects.

This causes significant difficulties both for specialists from emergency response authorities when developing and justifying the legality of requirements for complex camouflage of objects, and for specialists from design organizations when developing and justifying technical solutions aimed at implementing these requirements.

The development of SNiP regulating measures for comprehensive camouflage of enterprises, buildings and structures seems extremely necessary. The entry into force of these SNiPs and their implementation will help increase the stability of camouflaged objects both in the conditions of possible terrorist attacks and during combat operations using modern reconnaissance equipment and high-precision weapons.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the main figure or main subject of terror has always been a person or a group of people. And more precisely – their safety. The main figure ensuring the protection of the population in all cases and in all circumstances is the head of the administration in the territory and his managers and managers, the head of the enterprise or organization. At the same time, not a single power structure, not a single special agency is capable of resolving all issues related to ensuring the safety of people without exception. This is completely obvious. In addition, it should be noted that at present our society, primarily the administrative apparatus, including in cities, districts and other territories, are at a very low level of professional knowledge, especially in terms of managing the fight against terrorism. As a rule, managers are not ready to perform this work efficiently and quickly. Moreover, there is no clear government mechanism for managing this process.

There are no rules or guidelines for training managers, there is no certification of their ability to manage the processes of combating terrorism. There is no mechanism for removing from duties managers who cannot cope with this task.

There is no effective protection for people from the incompetence of managers. Thus, we have conditions where the tasks of combating terrorism cannot be carried out effectively, when the competence of managers can significantly affect the protection of the population from any types of emergency situations, including terrorist attacks.

Leaders often do not study documents on protecting cities and towns from floods and other emergencies, do not use available resources to combat the elements (explosives, etc.), and do not have certified demolition workers. Explosives are poorly guarded when carrying out work to combat congestion, and this is a source of acquisition of explosives for terrorists.

No matter how accurately the intelligence services work, acts of terrorism cannot be completely ruled out. Moreover, if local managers in the territories are not properly trained in their functions and are not responsible to society. We do not rule out mistakes. Of course, they can be, everyone has the right to make mistakes. But when the organizer does not want to know the rules of the game, this is a completely different situation; he cannot apply effective ways and emergency rescue techniques.

For the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is important to consider the problem of terrorism as a whole, since for our forces there is no big difference in carrying out rescue operations, namely, what caused the emergency situation. Another thing is with the provision of resources for our formations, to provide for the population affected by emergency situations. We do not have enough resources and funds, but this determines how much we will limit the loss of people and minimize the damage.

Thus, the main tasks of the RSChS management bodies should be determined, these include:

  • based on the analysis of terrorism, it is necessary to predict and be prepared to prevent emergencies caused by terrorist activities;
  • be prepared to localize and eliminate the consequences of emergencies, inspecting territories;
  • carry out a complex of ITM civil defense, including the protection of objects of special importance and the population.

Without fulfilling these tasks at the present stage in Russia, human security will be difficult.

Human security is a very capacious concept. A lot of research and scientific development has been carried out on this issue. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations approaches this problem from its position that human security is considered, on the one hand, as providing protection from natural and man-made threats, as a result of which emergency situations may arise that affect the social sphere, disrupt people’s livelihoods, threaten their lives, etc. ., on the other hand, too, but in the process of armed struggle, when people are also exposed to threats, risks and hardships caused by military actions.

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“Terrorism is hatred.

Person to person.

Man to humanity."

M. Boltunov

Terrorism as a political phenomenon has its roots in the deep past. By its origin, the Latin term “terror” means “fear, horror.” It was introduced into the political lexicon of France by the Girondins and Jacobins, who united to prepare a popular uprising and overthrow “by intimidation and terror” the cabinet of King Louis XVI.

Terrorism is a constant companion of humanity, which is one of the most dangerous and difficult to predict phenomena of our time, acquiring increasingly diverse forms and threatening proportions. Terrorist acts cause massive human casualties, exert strong psychological pressure on large masses of people, entail the destruction of material and spiritual values ​​that sometimes cannot be restored, sow hostility between states, provoke wars, mistrust and hatred between social and national groups, which sometimes cannot be overcome in over the life of an entire generation.

The level of terrorism and the specific forms of its manifestation are an indicator, on the one hand, of public morality, and on the other, the effectiveness of the efforts of society and the state to solve the most pressing problems, in particular, to prevent and suppress terrorism itself.

Unfortunately, terrorism is a very effective weapon of intimidation and destruction in an eternal and irreconcilable dispute different worlds, radically different from each other in their understanding of life, moral standards, and culture. And over the past few years, the problem of terrorism has acquired global proportions throughout the world and tends to grow steadily.

Terrorist acts are becoming more and more carefully organized and cruel every year, using the most modern technology, weapons, and communications. In various regions of the world, political and nationalist radicals, who have adopted methods of terror to achieve their goals, have organized an extensive network of underground, weapons and explosives depots, providing structures, financial institutions. A system of firms, companies, banks and funds functions as a cover for terrorist organizations.

Countering terrorism should be considered by all civilized countries as one of the main national tasks.

The most important areas of activity in this area:

  • improving the legal framework;
  • strengthening interaction between federal bodies;
  • exerting maximum pressure on countries that support terrorism;
  • increasing the number of employees of federal structures dealing with the problem of terrorism and their technical equipment.

A Brief History of Terrorism

The earliest known terrorist group in human history, the Sicarii sect, operated in Palestine in 66-73. AD.

In the 11th century, assassins operated in the East. The secret sect, whose name is still considered synonymous with insidious murder, was founded by Hassan al-Sabbah, whom historians consider the founder of the ideology of terrorism. He was called the genius of evil. He founded not only the ideology of terrorism, but also created the prototype of a state of a new formation - a terrorist state, in which there was a clear hierarchy of subordination and there were no common borders or clearly defined territory. Al-Sabbah's possessions consisted of individual castle-fortresses. The territory of his state could not be captured, conquered or conquered. His supporters wandered from fortress to fortress.

Secret societies of ancient terrorists were also known in the Far East, in India.

They were very warlike in China. Their members were engaged in traditional extortion, and professional killers, of whom there were also many, served anyone who paid.

The Great French Revolution gave a powerful impetus to the spread of terrorism. Here, for the first time in its history, humanity faced political terror. Starting from the second half of the 19th century, terrorist attacks in Europe became systematic, but they were not as global as at the end of the 20th century.

A special issue is the development of the terrorist movement in Russia. Among the numerous terrorist organizations, Narodnaya Volya stands out. In just three years of its existence, the People's Will committed many terrorist attacks. In this series is the murder of the Governor General of St. Petersburg, the chief of the third department, General Mezentsev, and Tsar Alexander II. Among the terrorists were Vera Zasulich, Stepan Khalturin, Sofya Perovskaya and others. The ideas of the Narodnaya Volya inspired more than one generation of terrorists, both in Russia and abroad.

The Social Revolutionaries became the successors to the terrorist ideas and traditions of the Narodnaya Volya. Almost all the murders in Russia in the first decade of the 20th century from 1901 to 1911 were committed by Socialist Revolutionary terrorists. Among the performers were Stepan Balmashev, Grigory Gershuni, Evgeny Schumann and others. And in total over these years, 263 terrorist attacks were carried out.

In June 1918, the Socialist-Revolutionary Sergeev killed the Commissioner for Press, Propaganda and Agitation Volodarsky, in July the Socialist-Revolutionary Blumkin shot at the German Ambassador to Russia Count Wilhelm Mirbach, and in August the Chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, Moses Uritsky, died at the hands of the Socialist-Revolutionary Kannegiser. On the same day, Socialist-Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan shot at Lenin. In response to this, in September 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on the Red Terror as an emergency measure to protect the young Soviet state.

Western and Eastern civilizations also did not lag behind Russia in this regard. In America, US Presidents McKinley and Garfield were killed by terrorists. Attempts were made on the life of Bismarck, the German Kaiser. In 1894, the President of France Carnot was assassinated, in 1987 the Prime Minister of Spain Canovas, in 1898 the Austro-Hungarian Empress Elizabeth, in 1900 the King of Italy Umberto.

In the 20th century before the First World War, terrorism was seen exclusively as a sign of the leftist movement, although neither Irish nor Macedonian independence fighters, nor Armenian or Bengali terrorists had anything to do with socialism.

After the First World War, terrorist organizations found support primarily from right-wing and separatist groups. For example, the Croatian Ustasha received assistance from Italy and Hungary. Terrorism was also cultivated on the periphery of numerous fascist movements. An example of this was the Romanian Iron Guard.

In the 30-40s of the 20th century, terrorism was adopted by right-wing extremist organizations: the Muslim Brotherhood and Young Egypt.

Even in India, with its traditional denial of violence, the terrorist group Bhagat Singh gained unexpected popularity.

After World War II, the activities of terrorists faded into the background. They were supplanted by the so-called low-intensity conflicts - the war in Korea, in Vietnam. Terrorist groups are now part of partisan movement or army units.

However, already in the late 60s - early 70s. The 20th century saw a sharp intensification of the terrorist movement. These years are a special milestone in the history of terrorism.

It is symbolic that the most high-profile terrorist attacks occur precisely at moments of the highest unity of humanity, in particular, during the Olympic Games. The start of the terrorist rampage was given by Munich, which hosted the 1972 Olympic Games. On September 5, 1972, militants of the terrorist group “Black September” took Israeli athletes hostage. Athletes, terrorists, and German police were killed during the assault.

In the last thirty years, terrorism has become especially sophisticated, bloody and ruthless. He resorts to various types of violent acts. The use of cars filled with explosives has become especially popular.

History shows that all the main terrorist events of our time fit into the last decade of the 20th century. It was during this period that the strategy of modern terrorism was developed, its tactics were improved and honed. Terrorists are beginning to unite into international “brigades”, putting the latest scientific achievements of mankind at their service, inventing and putting into action unprecedented terrorist “know-how”.

Modern terrorism

It is not easy to define terrorism, since sometimes this concept includes different meaning. Modern society is faced with many types of terrorism, and this term has lost its clear meaning. Terrorism includes purely criminal kidnappings for ransom, politically motivated murders, brutal methods of warfare, aircraft hijackings, and blackmail, i.e. acts of violence directed against the property and interests of citizens.

The main means of achieving a goal for any terrorist is intimidation, creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, and instilling terror. Taking into account the extreme social danger and cruelty of acts of terror, their antisociality and inhumanity, terrorism can be defined as a social phenomenon consisting in the unlawful use of extreme forms of violence or the threat of violence to intimidate opponents in order to achieve specific goals.

At the present stage, the following conditions contribute to the expansion of the social base of terrorism:

  • an increase in the scale of participation in the socio-political struggle of various, often not highly cultured, layers and groups of the population, highly susceptible to the influence of political extremism;
  • the aggravation of contradictions in many countries or regions of the world, a sharp intensification on this basis of nationalism and separatism;
  • the long struggle of extremist groups, with the support of a significant part of the population of national-territorial entities, to secede from the state;
  • intensification in many countries of the world of the struggle to change interstate borders.

Modern terrorism is no longer isolated individual actions, but a series of various terrorist actions directed against a wide range of individuals and objects, carefully prepared and carried out mainly by qualified personnel and well-organized groups.

In recent years, terrorism has become especially sophisticated, bloody and ruthless. Explosions in public places: trains, stations, restaurants; kidnappings of government officials, diplomats, and party leaders; murders, robberies, kidnappings government agencies, embassies, airplanes. New, unprecedented areas of terrorism are emerging: air, nuclear, biological, environmental and information. All of them bear obvious features of political terrorism. Its goal is much larger and grander than obtaining a ransom or releasing arrested militants from prison - to bring entire nations and states to their knees.

The subjects of terrorism can be: the state, its special services, international or national terrorist movements and extremist parties, groups of citizens and even individuals seeking to achieve their goals.

The year 2000 was marked by significant changes in the forms and methods of carrying out terrorist acts, which are determined primarily by the goals and objectives of terrorism. The most proven way to achieve your goals is kidnapping and hostage-taking. Mostly, kidnapping and hostage-taking are carried out by terrorist structures in order to force authorities, public organizations, and officials to satisfy the demands of terrorists under the threat of reprisals against the kidnapped persons and hostages. Previously, this method was used mainly as part of air terrorism. In recent years, hostage-taking in ground public transport and in various institutions has become widespread.

Modern terrorism can be characterized by the level of its development at the present time.

First, there has been a transformation in the tactics of terrorism. Previously, it existed mainly in the form of isolated assassination attempts on heads of state, government and high-ranking officials. Currently, the situation has changed dramatically.

Secondly, the structure of terrorist groups has improved and the secrecy of their activities has increased. In many cases, terrorists began to operate in small units and tightened the verification of new members. Within terrorist organizations, specialization of units according to their purpose is practiced: financing, intelligence and counterintelligence, supply of weapons and special equipment, execution of terrorist attacks.

Thirdly, there was a tightening of forms and methods of terror. The use of extremely harsh forms and methods of struggle by terrorist organizations increases the danger of committing acts of so-called technological terrorism. These primarily include the use or threat of use of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, radioactive or highly toxic chemical and biological substances, as well as attempts by extremists to seize nuclear and other industrial facilities.

Fourthly, modern terrorists have taken a course towards using the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The development of progress gives rise to new types of terrorism, the destructive power of which is constantly growing. Thus, the life of modern society depends on electronic databases and transmitted information. Defense, the activities of special services and law enforcement agencies, banking, the work of life-support systems of cities, etc. In this regard, vital areas of activity of any state have become open to computer pirates. And their coordinated actions can not only paralyze the entire country, but also lead to numerous casualties. Therefore, the threat of a new type of terrorism - informational or electronic - is of particular importance today.

Job Description

The rapid development of modern civilization has led to the exacerbation of many global problems affecting the destinies of the whole world, among which terrorism occupies a leading place. In our time, terrorism poses a great threat to the vital interests of any state, including the Russian Federation. Therefore, people must understand what terrorism is and know how to fight it.

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An armed threat to the life of people, the societies of countries, and the world community is posed not only by military conflicts, but also by manifestations of a formidable social phenomenon - terrorism.

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the new century, humanity came face to face with a sharp intensification of terrorist activities at the national, regional, etc. international levels. And although in historical terms this phenomenon cannot be considered new - the history of terrorism goes back centuries - its modern scale, severity of consequences, focus not only on opponents, but also on peaceful uninvolved citizens, have given it a special danger for entire states and regions peace, international stability.

The term “terrorism” (derived from the Latin word terror - fear, horror) came into use during the Great French Revolution of the 18th century. Terrorism as a social phenomenon has existed at all times. Since ancient times, it has been one of the means of interreligious struggle, the struggle for independence and power. Since the end of the 18th century, it has also become an instrument of revolutionary struggle, the struggle for the reconstruction of society.

In the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, revolutionary terrorism left a bloody mark on the history of Russia and contributed to the destabilization of the situation and the death of the Russian Empire.

From the first half of the 20th century, terror became a characteristic feature of the totalitarian regimes that then existed in Germany, Italy, the USSR, Latin American countries and some other countries. It is now customary to call it state terror.

The new increase in terrorist activity these days is associated with extremist separatist movements in India, Spain, Northern Ireland, leftist extremism in some Latin American countries and, finally, with Islamic fundamentalism. The list of 28 terrorist organizations published in October 2001 by the US State Department reflects only a portion of such extremist groups existing in the world.

1. Factors influencing the spread of terrorism

Internal factors reflecting the current economic, social, political, ethnic, national contradictions and crisis phenomena in the life of the country are of decisive importance in the spread of terrorism in Russia. These, first of all, include:

the spread of separatist, anti-federalist, and sometimes anti-Russian sentiments and political tendencies generated by previous mistakes in national politics, which created the preconditions for current political speculation on religious and national grounds;

intensification of the struggle for political power based on selfish group, political and ideological interests, which are a stimulus for the development of political and national extremism;

aggravation of international contradictions on the basis of mutual territorial disputes, real or imaginary infringement of the national rights of individual ethnic groups, contributing to the development of national extremism;

a massive increase in crime, including organized crime, contributing to the spread of violence and aggression in social relations; the spread of criminal terrorism, the politicization of organized crime, its merging with national extremism;

Redistribution of property and corruption occurring in acute forms;

weakening or loss of administrative and legal regimes adequate to existing terrorist and criminal threats (cancellation of registration of citizens, deterioration of security of potentially dangerous objects, weakening of the licensing system in the field of acquisition of weapons and use of explosives);

a decrease in the effectiveness of border protection and a weak impact on the controllability of migration flows from abroad;

insufficient effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime, including terrorism, and much more.

These factors actually contribute to the manifestations of terrorism in our country. These manifestations most often have the nature of terrorist actions (acts).

2. Why is terrorism dangerous?

Terrorism is aimed at people, various public institutions, natural and man-made objects. All these are objects of terrorism. The objects of weakening and undermining terrorism are the internal and external security of the country, the constitutional order, the independence and sovereignty of the state, political, economic and social stability, and public opinion.

The objects of direct terrorist influence are usually the life, health, freedom of specific individuals and groups, as well as personally unidentified groups, the emotional and mental sphere of people, physical integrity, safety, legal affiliation, stable condition and functioning of material objects, financial assets, etc.

IN real life are being implemented in practice various types terrorism. Although a consistent, generally accepted classification of terrorism is difficult due to the complexity and inconsistency of the phenomenon, options for such a classification based on various criteria can be given.

Of all the crimes that have become widespread in our country, terrorism is one of the most dangerous social dysfunctions. This fact is noted in domestic criminology and sociology of law. Four features of terrorism can be distinguished. Firstly, terrorism is aimed not so much at damaging, destroying the object of encroachment, killing people (all these are not goals, but means used), but at creating a climate of fear, anxiety, panic, a feeling of danger, threat. Secondly, it is difficult, sometimes impossible, to foresee the location of a terrorist act, but the criminals choose it taking into account the achievement of maximum effect. Thirdly, the identity of the terrorist is also mostly unknown in advance (and may remain unknown not only if he escapes, but also if he dies). And finally, fourthly, terrorism is developing on an international scale, and therefore the targets of terrorist attacks can be people, buildings and structures located not only on domestic territory, but also in other states. Since the goals of terrorists are to intimidate the population and the government, to cause as wide a public outcry as possible, they usually select objects of two types: a) with a large crowd of people or b) having important historical, political, military or other significance that could attract attention the local population or even the world community. In our country, terrorist attacks were committed in markets, train stations, city squares, cultural centers, and in the presence of a large number of citizens.

The main types of modern terrorism, the manifestations of which are currently recorded by Russian law enforcement agencies, are political terrorism (neo-fascist, leftist, etc.), nationalist, religious, criminal, which differ mainly in the goals of terror. In the context of the politicization of social relations in Russia, the line between the above varieties can be very fragile. But regardless of the direction of actions and motivation of the perpetrators of terrorist acts, they cause grave damage to national security.

According to the methods used, the goals of influence and the results, terrorist actions can be divided into organizational, physical, material, and psychological. In the first case, disorganization is introduced in the process of normal life, in the second, people are affected or violence is committed against them, in the third case, material and financial damage is caused, in the fourth, panic and fear are introduced.

The typology of terrorist actions, built in accordance with the nature of the impact on the objects of terror, is very important. The most frequently discussed here are traditional ways impacts (cold weapons, small arms, explosions, arson) and so-called technological terrorism. Lately we have also been talking about intellectual terrorism. The place of terrorist actions can be the natural environment, the production sector, urban and rural settlements, vehicles, etc., and not only the damaging capabilities of weapons and other means (murder, torture, injury), but also other types of influence can be used as influence. violence - hostage-taking, kidnapping, hijacking of planes and ships, threats.

Events of autumn 1999 and 2002 in Moscow and other cities of Russia have become significant in the life of our society. There is no longer any doubt that terrorism (both external and internal) represents one of the global threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. But not only Russia, the entire world community was not ready to confront terrorism. Even such an economically powerful superpower as the United States, after the events of September 2001 in Washington and New York, found itself the victim of an act of violence unprecedented in scale and cruelty. Acts of terrorist violence occur virtually throughout the world (Table 1).

Table 1. Cities with the most significant incidents of social violence since 1989

Civil/internal wars or

Riots or mass protests


cases of urban terrorism

civilian population


Baku Madrid

Beijing Manchester

Bogota Mogadishu


Buenos Aires Moscow

Cairo New York


Colombo Oklahoma

Los Angeles

Kabul Paris

Karachi Phnom Penh

Kinshasa Tbilisi

Lima Tokyo

For Russia, the problem of terrorism seems to be the most acute. In Moscow alone, over the past 5 years, there have been 13 large-scale incidents of terrorist attacks. If we add to this the explosions in Buinaksk, Volgodonsk, the explosion of the government building in Grozny and other acts of terrorism, then we can assess the degree of the threat of terrorism for the Russian Federation.

An essential feature of modern terrorism is the fact that its victims are increasingly becoming urban residents. There are many explanations for this. Currently, about 50% of the world's population lives in cities, including 60% in Russia and 80% of the population in the USA. Taking into account migration processes in Russia, a significant increase in the urban population should be expected.

At the same time, modern cities are characterized by a critical concentration of economically and socially important objects, government and infrastructure, and symbols. Therefore, in the near future terrorist attacks can be expected on the targets of large cities. In this regard, it is necessary to identify the most vulnerable urban infrastructures, identify systems that, if they fail, will cause unacceptable economic and social consequences and will negatively affect the conduct of emergency rescue operations.

We should take more seriously the planning of city development, ensuring access to facilities, moving high-risk industries, warehouse terminals, etc. outside the cities.

As President of Russia V.V. noted in his speech. Putin “We are paying a heavy price for both the weakness of the state and the inconsistency of actions. Russia will not agree to any agreement with terrorists and will not succumb to any blackmail. International terrorism is becoming more impudent and behaving more and more cruelly. There are threats from terrorists to use means comparable to means of mass destruction. If someone even tries to use such means against our country, then Russia will respond with measures adequate to the threat to the Russian Federation.”

3. Security and terrorism

The historical experience of Russia shows that terrorism grows on the basis of political instability and weakness of state power; crisis processes in the economy and strong differentiation of the population in terms of income and material well-being; acute social tension, unresolved interethnic and social problems; lack of spiritual guidance and moral degradation society. It appears that a number of negative processes are already taking place in modern Russia, acting as a favorable environment for terrorism. The task of both society and political authorities is to minimize existing negative phenomena and trends in the economic, social and spiritual spheres and create an effective system for preventing terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Of undoubted interest are the assessments of experts and the reactions of mass consciousness to the question of how terrorism can be eradicated. 55% of respondents and 44% of experts believe that it is necessary to mercilessly destroy terrorists; 49 and 71, respectively, are confident that terrorism is only a tool; its causes must be eliminated: inequality, injustice, oppression; 46 and 41 - for strengthening border controls; 16 and 15 answered that international terrorism can be defeated by limiting democratic freedoms.

The emphasis on force characterizes, in a certain sense, mass consciousness as a whole, its current state. Experts view terrorism as a phenomenon caused by a complex of social and political reasons. When considering the problem of subjects of political terror, we should dwell on some fundamentally new circumstances, which have been highlighted in a number of recent studies. Thus, it is noted that at present “we are dealing with a phenomenon that is new in its impact, which does not fit into the concept of the state or the concept of ethnic communities. We are talking about “informal networks” - diaspora, radical fundamentalist or drug-criminal coalitions, which play a huge role today. Moreover, they are not necessarily tied to one particular ethnic group... Now transnational and “pseudo-civilizational” communities are emerging - Islamic, Arab, Turkic, Maghreb. Solidarity here is built on bizarre principles.” Recently, they have accumulated significant experience in adapting to the conditions of globalization, which is reflected in the tactics of their activities and program provisions. Today they act as both initiators of violence and direct perpetrators of terrorist acts.

The national security of Russia consists of security and guarantees for the realization of the interests of the individual, society and the state in various fields of activity: economic, political, spiritual, social, international, information, etc.


The high danger of terrorism for people, public institutions, states, and the world community predetermines the need for an uncompromising fight against it.

The fight against terrorism is an activity to prevent, identify, suppress, and minimize the consequences of terrorist activities. The fight against terrorism in Russia is carried out in order to:

protection of individuals, society and the state from terrorism;

preventing, identifying, suppressing terrorist activities and minimizing their consequences;

identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to terrorist activities.

The fight against terrorism in our country is based on the following principles:


priority of terrorism prevention measures;

the inevitability of punishment for carrying out terrorist activities;

a combination of overt and covert methods of combating terrorism;

integrated use of preventive legal political, socio-economic, propaganda measures;

the priority of protecting the rights of persons endangered as a result of a terrorist attack;

minimal concessions to the terrorist;

unity of command in the management of the forces and means involved during counter-terrorism operations;

minimal publicity of the technical methods and tactics of conducting counter-terrorism operations, as well as the composition of the participants in these operations.

The leadership of the fight against terrorism is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation - the main subject of this activity.

The entities directly involved in the fight against terrorism within their competence are:

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation;

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation. The subjects involved in the prevention, detection and suppression of terrorist activities and the elimination of their consequences within their competence are also other federal executive authorities. In particular, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations takes a direct part in eliminating the consequences of terrorist attacks and providing assistance to victims.

In addition, to coordinate the activities of entities involved in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with decisions of the President of the Russian Federation or decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, anti-terrorism commissions can be created at the federal and regional levels.

The previously mentioned Federal Law “On the Fight against Terrorism” defines their competence and functions for the main subjects of anti-terrorism activities.

Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, and officials must provide assistance to the authorities fighting terrorism.

It should be the civic duty of every Russian citizen to report to law enforcement agencies information about terrorist activities and other circumstances related to it, if such information for one reason or another becomes known to them.

The main way to combat terrorism, when it has already manifested itself in the form of a terrorist action, is a counter-terrorist operation.

The phenomenon of terrorism has become international. Therefore, Russia, in accordance with international treaties, cooperates in the fight against terrorism with foreign states, their law enforcement agencies and special services, as well as with international organizations involved in the fight against terrorism. Our country, guided by the interests of ensuring the security of individuals, society and the state, pursues on its territory persons involved in terrorist activities, including in cases where terrorist actions were planned or carried out outside the Russian Federation.

Summarizing the above, it should be emphasized that terrorism clearly demonstrates a tendency to increase its danger, expand the geography of terrorist activity, increase its scale and sophistication, and the prospect of involving new weapons of destruction previously inaccessible to terrorism. The fight against terrorism in the 21st century will become even more complicated and will require the efforts of states and the world community.

terrorism security state


1. Life safety. Safety in natural and man-made emergencies / V.A. Akimov, Yu.L. Vorobyov et al. - M., 2006.-592 p.

2. Vardanyants G.K. Terrorism: diagnosis and social control // Sotsis.- 2005.- No. 7.- pp. 78-83.

3. Ivanov V.N. The phenomenon of terrorism // Socis. - 2005. - No. 7. - pp. 63-71.

4. Modern conflictology in the context of a culture of peace (Materials of the I International Congress of Conflictologists). - M., 2001. - 590 s.

5. Modern terrorism is a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation // Problems of security and emergency situations: VINITI.- M., 2003. - No. 4. - pp. 75 - 81.

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On the topic "Terrorism as a social phenomenon"

Terrorism is one of the most dangerous and complex, difficult to predict phenomena of our time, which is taking on all different forms and threatening proportions. Acts of terrorism most often cause massive human casualties, lead to destruction of material values ​​that sometimes cannot be restored, sow hostility between states, provoke wars, mistrust and hatred between social, religious and national groups, which sometimes cannot be overcome within the life of an entire generation. The components of the phenomena “terrorism” and “international terrorism” are acts of violence, distinguished by enormous diversity both in the means and methods of commission and in the subjects; for the Russian Federation and for many other countries the phenomena are relatively new. These crimes go beyond ordinary (criminal) acts, which mainly attack the safety and well-being of the individual. Terrorism and international terrorism, along with other forms of crime - enemies of any statehood, are a threat to the security of the individual - society - the state - the international community, affecting not only the rule of law, but also the economic, political, state, life of peoples, states, national and international regions.

Terrorism is a policy based on the systematic use of terror. Synonyms for the word "terror" (Latin terror - fear, horror) are the words "violence", "intimidation", "intimidation". There is no generally accepted legal definition of this concept. In Russian law (Criminal Code, Art. 205), it is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by state authorities, local governments or international organizations, associated with intimidation of the population and/or other forms of illegal violent actions. In US law, it is defined as premeditated, politically motivated violence committed against civilians or targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually with the goal of influencing the mood of society. At the end of the 1960s, a specific form of terrorism emerged - international terrorism.

Types of terrorism

According to the nature of the subject of terrorist activity, terrorism is divided into:

· Unorganized or individual (lone wolf terrorism) - in this case, a terrorist attack (more rarely, a series of terrorist attacks) is carried out by one or two people who are not backed by any organization (Dmitry Karakozov, Vera Zasulich, Ravachol, etc.);

· Organized, collective - terrorist activity is planned and implemented by a certain organization (People's Revolutionary Revolutionaries, Al-Qaeda, IRA, ETA, state terrorism). Organized terrorism is the most widespread in the modern world.

According to its goals, terrorism is divided into:

· Nationalist - pursues separatist or national liberation goals;

· Religious - may be associated with the struggle of religious adherents among themselves (Hindus and Muslims, Muslims and Christians) and within the same faith (Catholics-Protestants, Sunnis-Shias), and has the goal of undermining secular power and establishing religious power (Islamist terrorism) ;

· Ideologically given, social - pursues the goal of a radical or partial change in the economic or political system country, attracting public attention to any pressing problem. Sometimes this type of terrorism is called revolutionary. Examples of ideologically defined terrorism are anarchist, Socialist Revolutionary, fascist, European “left”, environmental terrorism, etc.

This division of terrorism is arbitrary and similarities can be found in all its types.

Around the mid-90s, Russia came face to face with the problem of terrorism. In 1995-1996 The largest terrorist acts in Russia were: raids on the cities of Budenovsk and Kizlyar by Chechen militants, an explosion at the Kotlyakovskoye cemetery in Moscow, when 13 people were killed and 80 people were injured, a powerful explosion in a residential building in the Dagestan city of Kaspiysk, when 68 people died. On December 31, 1996, the Segodnya newspaper summed up the terrorist manifestations in 1996, recording 33 facts. According to the newspaper, approximately 90% of such facts are related to an explosion or attempted explosions. In 1999, explosions in residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk claimed hundreds of lives. On September 11, the international Islamic terrorist organization Al Qaeda attacked the Pentagon (Washington) and the buildings of the world shopping center in New York. Terrorists try to influence, first of all, society and public opinion. First of all, they want to intimidate people. Moreover, the threat of violence or violence itself is accompanied by acts of intimidation aimed at partial or complete demoralization of society as a whole, and, as a consequence, the state apparatus. Ultimately, the number of victims does not matter much to terrorists. More important is the demonstration to millions of people of the very fact of human suffering, carried out through the media.

On March 29, 2010, at 7:56 Moscow time, an explosion occurred at the Lubyanka metro station, in the second (according to another version, in the third) car. Another explosion at 8:37 occurred at the Park Kultury station. As a result of the terrorist attacks, 40 people were killed and 85 were injured. Law enforcement officials have identified one of the suicide bombers who carried out terrorist attacks in the Moscow metro. The explosion at the Park Kultury station was carried out by a 17-year-old native of the Khasavyurt region of Dagestan, Dzhanet Abdurakhmanova, the widow of the leader of the Dagestan militants, Umalat Magomedov, nicknamed Al-Bara. The leader of the "Caucasian Emirate" Doku Umarov took responsibility for this terrorist attack. We will also remember the outgoing year 2011 for all the terrorist attacks in Domodedovo. On January 24, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow at 16:32. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 37 people died (including the terrorist), 130 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. Some terrorist crimes, including those of previous years, have been uncovered and the perpetrators brought to justice, but in general, the punishment for such dangerous acts is at a very low level. On February 26, 2006, the State Duma adopted the law “On Countering Terrorism.” The law provides for the creation of a state system for countering terrorism - in particular, the formation of an organization that ensures the prevention and suppression of terrorist attacks, regulates the participation of the Armed Forces in countering terrorism and coordinates the actions of executive authorities. The main powers to combat terrorism are vested in the FSB, whose director heads the operational headquarters and coordinates the actions of the armed forces, internal affairs agencies, justice and civil defense. The new law allows the FSB to involve armed forces in the fight against terrorism, which, in particular, can be used to “suppress the flights of aircraft used to commit a terrorist act or captured by terrorists” - up to their complete destruction. In particular, by decision of the Russian President, the military may be involved in striking terrorist bases abroad. In July 2006, in connection with the kidnapping and murder of employees of the Russian embassy in Iraq, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Federation Council to give permission to use Russian armed forces and special forces units abroad to fight terrorism. On July 7, the Federation Council voted unanimously to grant such a right indefinitely and without any additional conditions.

terrorism religious ideological power

List of used literature

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Zamkova V., M. Ilchikov. Terrorism. - a global problem of our time. M., 2007.

4. Salimov K. N. Modern problems of terrorism. M., 2006.

5. http://www.chaskor.ru/article/terakty_v_metro_novye_dannye_16340

6. http://ru.wikipedia.org/

8. antiterror.ru

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    Terrorism is a specific social phenomenon political life. Causes and factors of terrorism. The essence of international terrorism. Nuclear terrorism as its most dangerous type. Modern biological terrorism. Development of cyber terrorism.

    abstract, added 11/24/2011

    The concept of "terrorism" and its varieties (forms). Classification and directions of terrorist activity. The history of terrorism as a specific phenomenon of socio-political life. The development of “international terrorism” in the 90s of the 20th century.

    test, added 11/14/2012

    The concept of terrorism and its modern varieties. Terrorism - methodological problems of its study. The main types of modern terrorism. Modern international terrorism. The history of the emergence of Islamic terrorist organizations.

IN modern literature There are more than 100 definitions of terrorism. It is believed that the word “terror” appeared in the political lexicon of Europe in the 14th century. In a dictionary published in France in 1796, the word “terrorist” has a positive connotation. As noted in the literature, many leaders of the revolution were proud when they were called terrorists for their “decisiveness” and ardent belief in “revolutionary justice.” However, the 1990 Act defines terrorism not as an ordinary crime, but as a new form civil war. Victims of terrorism are considered equal to victims of war. However, later the word “terrorist” became synonymous with the word “criminal” and began to be offensive. US law views terrorism as premeditated, politically motivated violence committed against civilians or targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually with the goal of influencing public sentiment. " Dictionary"V.I. Dalia interprets terrorism as the desire to intimidate with death, execution, threats of violence and physical destruction, cruel punitive measures and torture, executions. S.I. Ozhegov clarifies the following detail: terror is physical violence, up to physical destruction, according to in relation to political opponents. In accordance with Russian legislation, terrorism is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by government bodies, local governments or international organizations, associated with intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions. In addition to these definitions, there are also definitions. as well as the following: as a strategy of action based on the principles of violence, repression, physical destruction; the policy and practice of terror, aimed both directly at the enemy and, to a greater extent, indirectly, that is, through terror over population groups not participating in the conflict. in order to provoke their appeal to the enemy, with the goal of ending the terror against them at the cost of satisfying the demands of the terrorists; a method by which an organized group or party seeks to achieve its stated goals primarily through the systematic use of violence; the most dangerous way to politically destabilize society; the most socially dangerous of all crimes described by criminal law; existential protest against formal legal relations, expressed in direct action against “supporters of the system”, rooted in the depths of traditional society; the deliberate use of illegitimate violence on the part of a group of people or an individual to achieve certain goals that are obviously unattainable through legitimate means; This is violence that contains a threat, no less brutal violence, in order to cause panic, disrupt and even destroy state and social order, instill fear, force the enemy to make the desired decision, cause political and other changes. · one of the variants of political struggle tactics associated with the use of ideologically motivated violence;

Russian legislation also defines the concept of terrorist activity, which is activity that includes: a) organization, planning, preparation, financing and implementation of a terrorist act; b) incitement to a terrorist act; c) organization of an illegal armed group, a criminal community (criminal organization), an organized group for the implementation of a terrorist act, as well as participation in such a structure; d) recruitment, arming, training and use of terrorists; e) informational or other assistance in the planning, preparation or implementation of a terrorist act;

f) propaganda of ideas of terrorism, dissemination of materials or information calling for terrorist activities or justifying or justifying the need for such activities.

Terrorism today is undoubtedly a form of violence designed for mass perception. - these are publicly committed generally dangerous actions or threats thereof, aimed at intimidating the population or social groups, in order to directly or indirectly influence the adoption of any decision or rejection of it in the interests of terrorists.

Terror as a way to achieve goals in political struggle through physical violence and moral and psychological intimidation has been known since the birth of human civilization. However, today terrorism has become one of the most dangerous global problems of our time, a serious threat to the security of the entire world community. The world and domestic experience of the anti-terrorism fight suggests that success in countering this evil requires the active participation of the entire society.

The ideological foundations of terrorism include: motivational-value and social-philosophical. There is an opinion that terrorists use ideology only to justify terrorist acts that have already been committed. Many terrorists do not care about ideology, they do not have clear and constructed plans and goals, in a word, they act impulsively and not rationally. “The new generation of terrorists often consists of young people who do not think about the ideological motives of their behavior and who joined terrorist activities out of curiosity, out of casual passion.” Motivational typologies of terrorism: personal motivations (emotional, neurotic-psychopathological and selfish) and political-ideological motivations. In terrorist groups with an ideology, the most powerful ideas are the ideas of soil and blood, since they are the most ancient and exciting. (the most ideologically based actions of nationalist and separatist terrorist groups). Ideological motives, as mentioned earlier, can be; socio-political, nationalist-separatist and religious. A religious fanatic who is ready to commit a suicidal terrorist act perhaps most clearly displays what can be conventionally designated as “extremist consciousness.” The ideology of terrorism can be defined as a set of extremely radical ideological principles that are the theoretical justification for the use of violence in various ways, on an illegitimate basis, to achieve the political goals of terrorist organizations.

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Countering Terrorism,” terrorism is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by government bodies, local governments or international organizations associated with intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions.

Counter-terrorism is the activities of state authorities and local governments to: prevent terrorism, including identifying and subsequently eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of terrorist acts (terrorism prevention); identification, prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of terrorist acts (terrorism prevention); minimizing and (or) eliminating the consequences of terrorism.

In the modern world, terrorism is one of the most acute and pressing problems. Did it exist at other stages of human development?

An analysis of the development of human society allows us to conclude that terrorism existed at the dawn of its formation, as a means of achieving goals in the struggle to gain and retain power, as an ideology justifying violence and cruelty.

One of the first organizations whose terrorist methods of activity are available in written sources is the Jewish religious sect of the Sicarii (from the Latin 51sash - daggers, 51sa - dagger), which operated in the 1st century AD in the ancient Roman province of Judea. The Sicarii led a rebellion against Roman rule. Along with the Roman invaders, they destroyed representatives of the Jewish nobility who collaborated with the invaders, as well as ordinary Jews, in order to intimidate the population and provincial officials. In the Middle Ages, the Ismailis, adherents of one of the most widespread Muslim Shiite sects, which formed after a religious split and a fierce struggle for power in the Arab Caliphate in the middle of the 8th century AD, actively used terror in the fight against their ideological and political opponents. The Ismailis and similar Islamic sects gave terrorism the character of religious self-sacrifice and a spiritual act of holy war against the “infidels.” By period early Middle Ages includes the first information about the use of terrorist methods in the activities of various secret societies in India and China. They became especially widespread in the struggle of the Chinese so-called “triads” with the Manchu invaders and European colonialists in the 17th - 19th centuries. Subsequently, the “triads” transformed into criminal communities, the goals of which no longer had anything to do with the national liberation movement. It is characteristic that almost all secret terrorist societies went through this development path, beginning to use terror as a means of achieving political goals. After they lost the support of the broad masses of the population, they inevitably turned into ordinary criminal groups. The terms “terrorism” and “terror” (from the Latin tertor - fear, horror) began to be widely used since the French bourgeois revolution of 1789 - 1794. Initially, the concept of “terror” as a form of struggle for the conquest and retention of revolutionary power was used in a positive context, but later the word “terrorist” turned into a synonym for the word “criminal” and began to be offensive. Since the second half of the 19th century, terrorism has increasingly been viewed by radical politicians in Europe and North America as “a barbaric means of combating a barbaric system,” “a weapon with which the strength and discipline of reactionary troops can be countered by the chaos created by a small group of people.” In the 20th century, the range of motives for using terror methods expanded significantly. If the ideologists of terror in the 19th century viewed terror as self-sacrifice for the good of society, then its followers in the next century saw it primarily as a means to seize power. The theory and practice of terror received further development during World War II and after its end. During this period, civilians increasingly become targets of terrorism, illegal, anti-government terror, which received a powerful impetus during the period of the beginning of the collapse of the world colonial system and the intensification of the struggle of the peoples of the colonies and dependent countries for national liberation, became widespread. The 60-80s of the last century are characterized by the intensification of left-wing radical terror in Western Europe, as well as numerous extremist and terrorist Maoist groups in Southeast Asia and Latin America, which often coordinated their activities with transnational drug criminals. At this time, the activities of terrorist organizations in various regions of the world receive support, and sometimes are openly inspired by the leading powers of the world in the interests of achieving the goals of the Cold War between the West and the East. It was then in Afghanistan, during the period of participation of the USSR military contingent in the conflict on the territory of this country, in order to unite the various extremist groups and movements that opposed it, with the support of the intelligence services of a number of Western countries and Pakistan, the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda was created, which today has turned into an international terrorist network. With the end of the Cold War, the cessation of support and the loss of permanent sources of financing, many terrorist structures began to switch to self-financing through the trade in drugs, weapons, and the organization of illegal migration. A new impetus for the development of the ideology and practice of terrorism in the world is associated with increased activity in the second half of the past and at the beginning of this century radical Islam, the transformation of its structures into a trans-border terrorist community claiming a monopoly on the protection of Muslims from the social injustice of the modern world order. In terms of cynicism, cruelty and the scale of damage caused by terrorist attacks, modern terrorists have no equal in human history.

In ancient Rus', terror as a method of achieving goals in the struggle for power over subjects and political opponents was a widespread phenomenon, which corresponded to the level of political culture of neighboring countries in Europe and Asia. Subsequently, through systematic mass terror, the regime of vassal dependence of the Russian principalities on the Mongol-Tatar conquerors was maintained. During the period of the “oprichnina” of Ivan IV, a system of state terror was created in Russia to influence the boyars who resisted the royal will and to intimidate the population. Terror was a common method of solving internal political and social problems under Peter I. The revolution of 1905 and the events that followed it were accompanied by the further development of political terror, which was widely used in their activities by both left (Socialist Revolutionaries) and right (Black Hundreds) parties and movements. In the 70s - 80s of the last century, terrorism as a systemic socio-political phenomenon practically disappeared from the political life of our country. However, subsequently, due to changes in the socio-political situation and the growth of crisis phenomena in society, the number of terrorist incidents on the territory of the USSR began to grow. The weakening of the state and its system of countering terrorism in the context of a sharp decline in living standards has “unfrozen” many long-standing interethnic and interfaith contradictions and conflicts. He raised his head and began to rapidly organize crime; interference in the internal affairs of our country by the intelligence services of states unfriendly to Russia intensified. A new wave of terrorism in Russia was associated with revolutionary events in France. The terror of the Jacobins largely inspired a group of guards officers to rebel against the autocracy on December 14, 1825. The ideas of terror as a means of struggle for a just social order in the context of increasing social tension in the country found, if not approval, then understanding among broad sections of the Russian liberal public, which paved the way for the creation in 1878 of the Narodnaya Volya organization, in whose activities a central place was given "revolutionary terror". Another wave of terror in Russia arose after the October Revolution of 1917. It was caused exclusively by the acute political struggle that unfolded on the territory of the country between new government and counter-revolutionary forces, supported from outside and interested in the restoration of the previous regime. On December 20, 1917, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was formed to combat counter-revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia. F.E. Dzerzhinsky was appointed its first chairman. This body actually became the basis of the system of countering counter-revolutionary terror, to which the “Red Terror” was opposed. Terror as a method of struggle to strengthen power was used by the state even after the end of the civil war. This was largely facilitated by the atmosphere of the threat of fascist state terror and aggression, under which the policy of our state was formed during that period. The terrorist challenge of the 90s of the last century threatened the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.