What should you do to give birth to twins? How to get pregnant with twins naturally

A person who has a brother and/or sister will never be lonely. But, if a close relative readily comes to the rescue in a difficult situation, then the twin will simply always remain next to you, even if you are geographically far from each other. This closeness, which has become the talk of the town, is determined genetically and practically does not depend on the will of the twins themselves. But at all times she aroused increased interest and curiosity of others. And women who gave birth to two (or more!) babies at once in different eras and in different cultures enjoyed the reputation of either saints or witches, but never went unnoticed.

Today, the birth of twins entails rather a pleasant surprise and squared troubles throughout their growth and maturation. Growing up, twins maintain an invisible and incomprehensible connection with each other. Therefore, if you want your children to always have a loyal friend and support, think about having twins. True, neither a loving husband nor an experienced gynecologist can 100% guarantee you a multiple pregnancy, but no one can stop you from trying to get pregnant with twins.

Twins and twins: the same or different?
According to statistics, only one in 80 pregnancies is multiple. According to other estimates, now among the entire population of our planet, only 1.5 percent of people are twins. In any case, this shows one thing: it is very rare for more than one child to be born at a time. And this happens when, in one of approximately 200 menstrual cycles, the egg not only matures and leaves the ovary, but also divides into two absolutely identical cells, each of which continues to live its own life. If fertilization has occurred before this, then two identical fetuses develop from them, and subsequently twins, called identical, are born. They have the same set of genes and are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. But, since too many coincidences are needed for their birth, such babies are born very rarely, and even among multiple pregnancies they occupy only a quarter of the total.

In other cases, babies born together developed in the womb from different eggs. This happened because at a certain moment not one, but two viable eggs matured in the mother’s body. During conception, each of them was able to receive a sperm and together they moved to the uterus. Babies born after 9 months will have different genetic codes and may even be of different sexes. Even the external resemblance between them may be no greater than that of ordinary people born in different time, brothers and sisters. Yet there is a stronger connection between twins, which they feel and are noticed by others.

Medical evidence suggests that the number of multiple pregnancies has increased over the past 20 years. This means that your chances of having twins have also increased, but how much depends on many factors, both internal and external. Moreover, the reasons are only one half of the circumstances accompanying multiple pregnancy. The second consists of consequences for the health of a pregnant woman, and there are many such consequences. The body, inside which two babies develop, functions with increased stress on the heart, circulatory system and other organs. Women pregnant with twins experience toxicosis and varicose veins more often and more severely, and they gain weight more than other expectant mothers. It is quite natural that they need more vitamins and minerals, as well as more careful medical supervision. But if your health allows you to safely carry and give birth to twins, then you need to perceive this opportunity as a gift from nature and accept it with gratitude.

Tips for those wishing to have twins
Multiple pregnancies can occur for various reasons. Some of them do not depend in any way on our wishes and therefore cannot be adjusted, but some may well serve as a hint for couples who want to give birth and raise two heirs at once. Therefore, read and remember that the number of embryos developing in the womb is affected by:
According to the tabloids, multiple pregnancies in Lately has indeed become much more common, especially among Hollywood and world stage stars. Charming twins were born to Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey and Sarah Jessica Parker. It can be assumed that their husbands love them twice as much as spouses in other families. But it’s better to remember that all these celebrities have long since left their youth. Plus, many of them took advantage of the achievements of modern medicine.

Although both official science and popular observations agree that couples with high sexual activity are more likely to give birth to twins. Therefore, even though none of these methods will ensure multiple pregnancies for sure, it makes sense to create the right psychological mood and romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Love each other and raise healthy, beautiful and happy children.

Pregnancy and the birth of a child are dreams of many couples around the world. Getting pregnant with twins is double success for newlyweds, which occurs only for 10-15% of couples across the planet. “How to conceive twins by any means?” - this question is often found not only in gynecology offices, but also in Internet search engines. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question, but this article will help you find out what is needed to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant with twins.

First of all, to find the answer to the question: “how to get pregnant with twins,” you need to understand the process of getting them. The birth of two babies with one fertilization of an egg is achieved in two ways.

Twin babies are produced by the fertilization of two eggs at the same time. Such children may have different genders and will not necessarily look alike. The probability of this type of pregnancy is about 70-75%.

Pregnancy with twins: how it turns out from a medical point of view

How to conceive twins naturally From a medical point of view, let's look at it in more detail. The following factors influence such conception:

Genetic relationship

A large proportion of cases of conceiving twins is associated with genes. To do this, a woman or man must have had twins in their family. If such phenomena were relevant even in the distant past, then the probability of conceiving twins is 50%. If one baby was conceived during the first pregnancy, then the probability of twins from the second conception increases to 80%. With each subsequent conception, the chances increase. If you are looking for an answer to the question: “how to get pregnant with twins,” then you should delve into your genetic past, and also do not forget about the relationship of your partner.


During artificial conception, two fertilized eggs are transplanted into a woman. Why two? The fact is that artificial insemination is allowed only three times. Most often, artificial egg transplantation is done for women suffering from infertility. As a result, if each artificial insemination involved only a single cell transplant, then the chances of pregnancy would be very low. To increase the chance of conception, medicine has decided to transplant two fertilized cells at once, and sometimes three. Sometimes both eggs are viable and the result is twins.


How to conceive twins and what does age have to do with it? Everything is very simple, the body of a woman aged 35 years and older is caused by an increase in hormones, in particular gonadotropin. This hormone has a direct effect on the maturation of the egg. And therefore, the more hormones contained in the body, the higher the chance of acquiring a dowry for twins after childbirth.


More precisely, multiple conception occurs after the end of the dose medicines. Such drugs are infertility drugs that are taken by a woman for the purpose of recovery. After taking such drugs is completed, there is a possibility of not only conceiving a child, but also multiple pregnancies. This is due to the fact that infertility treatment products contain a large amount of hormones. These hormones are deposited in the body and become the result of conceiving twins. ().


Nationality influences dual conception. How the influence is exerted is not yet known from a medical point of view, but the facts suggest that Asian women are the most passive in giving birth to twins, and African women are the most active in this regard.

Modified uterus

In some women, the structure of the uterus deviates in some way from the standard appearance. This can only be determined after a medical examination. But the fact is confirmed that it is precisely such women who have a high probability of conceiving twins or twins.

Menstrual cycle

According to medical research, it has been proven that the conception of twins is most often observed in women with a cycle of twenty days.

Conceiving twins with diet

“How to get pregnant with twins, following a diet, and what is needed for this?” - the question is no less relevant and appropriate if there is a need for it. “How does nutrition affect conception?” So, everyone knows that dietary protein increases the content of hormones in the female body. Hormones directly affect not only the possibility of a successful pregnancy, but also the conception of twins. If you are looking for an answer to the question of conceiving twins, it is recommended to eat the following foods:

  1. Meat. Chicken meat contains a large amount of protein, but it is important that this product is boiled.
    Important! Eating smoked or fried meat will not only not cause the conception of twins, but can also affect the termination of pregnancy.
  2. Fish products. Fish, in any form except smoked, is healthy and contains large amounts of protein and calcium.
  3. Fruits. Almost all fruits are useful in this case, except for plums and pears. Pear can be consumed, but always in small quantities. It is best to make fresh juices from fruits and drink them during the day when you plan to conceive.
  4. Almost all cheeses are rich in protein. It is especially found in cheeses with a percentage of over 5%.
  5. Intake of dairy products plays a significant role. So, by consuming kefir, milk or yoghurt, you can be almost 85% sure that you will have twins.

Our great-grandmothers also dreamed about how to get pregnant with twins. Since those times, folk methods for conceiving twins have been founded. Previously, medicine did not conduct thorough research and such issues, although widespread, were resolved on their own. Today there are known ways to give birth to twins using traditional medicine.

The main methods from the people include:

  1. Drinking folic acid. If you take the pills a month before sexual intercourse, the probability of having twins will increase to 95%.
  2. Frequent carnal pleasures with a loved one. If you have sex often, your chances of having twins will increase significantly.
  3. When breastfeeding, the chances increase to 90%.
  4. If a woman has curvy figures, or rather breasts, the higher the likelihood of having twins. But this factor has been refuted after recently conception is often observed in slender women.

Lucky days table

Table have a nice day for those who want to conceive twins, was developed by scientific researchers who collected facts from real data. That is, the table includes the days on which twin girls and boys were most often born. Below is the table.

Probability of having twins January February March April May June July August September October November December
Boys 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 24, 28, 29 2, 7, 12, 16, 20, 25 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 16, 20, 24, 28, 29 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 27 1, 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29 3, 7, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30 3, 4, 8, 12, 17, 22, 27, 31 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 27 1, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29 2, 7, 12, 17, 21, 25, 29 1, 2, 9, 14, 18, 19, 23, 27, 31
Girls 3, 4, 8, 13, 18, 22, 26, 31 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 27 4, 9, 13, 14, 18, 22, 26, 31 5, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28 2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 21, 26, 30 1, 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 28 1, 6, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29 2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 25, 29 3, 4, 8, 13, 18, 23, 27, 31 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 23, 27 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 21, 25, 29

This table does not fully guarantee that if sexual intercourse is performed on one of the above days, then there will definitely be twins.

The amazing and mysterious phenomenon of the birth of twins sometimes attracts the attention of some married couples. It should be noted that this does not mean that their chances of a unique conception are so great. The pros and cons ratio is 1:89 if we are talking exclusively about naturally occurring pregnancies. Of course, the greatest chance is provided by a genetic predisposition to multiple births, given to you by your ancestors and nature. And if genetics turned out to be favorable to both parents, then the chances of expanding the family circle with several new members are multiplied not only by two, but also by three.

Modern science cannot explain to all of us the reason for such a rare phenomenon as twins, much less the reason for the appearance opposite-sex twins, which is completely from the realm of fantasy, which is why they received such a significant and status definition as “royal twins.”

Twins are different from twins

There are three types of twins - monozygotic (or identical, identical) and dizygotic (or fraternal, non-identical), as well as monozygotic semi-identical (or polar). Let's look at the first two.

Monozygotic Twins are developed from one egg with the participation of one sperm, when one zygote is divided into two parts, that is, one egg is divided into two identical embryos. Medicine on at this stage of its development was never able to explain the reason for the division of the embryo. The appearance and character of these twins are so similar that others cannot distinguish them - they are identical. They are less common.

Dizygotic – those twins with a similar appearance who developed as a result of the fertilization of two eggs by two sperm, therefore fraternal twins.

Of course, a “double” pregnancy can be achieved with the help of special medications, various medical methods and technologies. But preferences still remain on the side of natural conception.

Stimulation of multiple births

It has been noticed that in recent decades, women in labor are increasingly hearing the doctor’s conclusion - “you will have twins.” This is explained by the fact that from a young age, modern girls begin to take hormonal contraceptives. If you cancel your appointment hormonal contraceptives and immediately try to conceive a child, you can later find out about double fertilization.

Note! Infertility treatment, in vitro fertilization with modern family planning, which involves taking medications that stimulate the ovaries, also increase the chances of double conception.

The fact is that during this period the ovaries acquire an increased ability to produce more eggs due to their stimulation by the medications taken. Implantation of several embryos at once can also occur, which leads to multiple pregnancies. In this case, of course, no one can give guarantees, but the chances may increase due to the increased probability of conceiving two or more eggs.

All in your hands

It is not difficult to guess that many women who wish to have not one child, but several, want to find out how to solve this problem, straining and working just once, and, what is important, how to conceive twins naturally.

In order to be able to give them advice, doctors have done some work over the years. Historical folk observations were added to the information obtained as a result. As a result, a certain picture emerged that sheds light on the pattern of sequential actions of happy parents with many children. But even with this database, no advice can be supported by proven fact and cannot give a complete guarantee. Apparently, Mother Nature reserved the right to control in this matter, and retained the sacrament of birth.

You can always try to increase your chances yourself! It’s worth saying right away that the most important thing is the desire for a goal and faith in its achievement.

  • Lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle and positive emotions are useful and mandatory. Smoking and alcohol are excluded.
  • The spring period of the year promotes multiple births with its generosity of sunlight, which helps improve hormonal levels in a woman’s body.
  • After the birth of your first child, stop using chemical contraceptives and breastfeed him for a long time.
  • Nutrition. Before conception (several months), foods that stimulate the ovaries should be included in the diet. These are any dairy products, including fermented milk; walnuts, potatoes (sweet), chicken eggs, whole grains, and yams. This plant represents a whole group of agricultural crops growing in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. In Nigeria, for example, there is the “Land of the Twins” - the Igbo city of Ora, where cassava root, a type of wild yam, is consumed in large quantities. When cooked, yams resemble potatoes; when raw, they are poisonous. Yam stimulates the ovaries to produce a large number of eggs due to three substances it contains: the amino acid arginine (increases the quality of eggs, which is important for older women), aspartic acid and glutamic acid, which is a component of folic acid.

  • Taking folic acid. Three months before the planned conception, it is very useful to start taking folic acid, which significantly increases the chance of double conception, reduces the likelihood of developing neural tube defects, does not in any way affect the development of the fetus, on the contrary, helps protect it from a number of diseases.
  • Slight excess body weight. According to statistics, the chances of conceiving twins are higher for previously married parents, since childbirth tends to lead to a slight increase in the body weight of the woman who gave birth. A slight excess of weight contributes to multiple pregnancy, and this is a scientific fact: an increase in estrogen levels contributes to the development of follicles with more than one egg.
  • Age of the expectant mother. If we talk exclusively about how to conceive twins naturally, then 20-30-year-old women have a 3% chance, and 30-40-year-old women have a 6% chance. This is explained by the fact that with age, hormonal changes occur in the female body - a kind of hormonal surge, leading to more active production of eggs.

Same-sex twins

A special conversation about how you can plan to conceive twin girls or twin boys.

Twin girls. A special diet is important, including honey, aromatic herbs, spices, sugar, jam; excluding caffeinated foods and salty foods. Positions when making love (preferably missionary) and shallow penetration are important.

Note! The theory of blood age is important: women's blood is renewed every three years, men's - every four. The countdown must be made from the last major blood loss - childbirth, abortion, surgery. At the time of conception, the blood of the parent of the gender you chose should be younger.

Twin boys. The diet should include coffee, tea, dark chocolate, mineral water with soda, fruit juices, egg whites, cookies, biscuits, mushrooms, sausages, any meat and fish, rice, semolina, potatoes, peas, lentils, any fruit and dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, prunes). You should exclude bread, pastries, cocoa, nuts, dairy drinks, crabs, shrimp, caviar, waffles, sauces, green beans, green salad, raw cabbage, dill. You also need salty dishes with yeast. It is recommended to have sex before ovulation, using positions with deep penetration, since Y sperm live less and it is easier for them to travel short distances to the uterus than their X rivals, especially after a woman’s orgasm. The listed means, of course, increase the chances very slightly, but it’s still better than not having them at all.

Despite the fact that none of the above-mentioned techniques for increasing the likelihood of multiple births is a guarantee, it is possible and necessary to tip the scales in your favor. Don’t lose hope, always remember your goal, because a thought can materialize, and the power of thought works wonders, which, in fact, is what the birth of twins is.


What is the happiness of multiple pregnancy?

Let's talk about how to conceive twins or twins. People could not predict the birth of twins, and some of them looked like ordinary brothers and sisters, only they were born on the same day. Before studying the human body, they could not understand the difference; they again attributed it to God’s will.

How to conceive twins now that many couples want to have two children in one fell swoop. And what is the difference between the concepts? Motivation of parents - together children will have more fun growing up and life will be easier. Such children do not know the horrors of loneliness; a loved one is always nearby. After all, the connection between twins is very strong. Raising two is certainly more difficult, especially in the first year. But then everything “settles down” and the kids play together and learn everything together.

How twins and twins are born

Why are twins or twins sometimes born? modern science can't explain it either. Why are twins of different sexes all the more so? Such children are generally called “royal twins”, when a family receives a boy and a girl at the same time - a royal order! Beautiful daughter and strong son.

How twins are born and what are the differences:

  1. Monozygotic - at first everything goes as usual. One of many sperm reaches the egg and fertilizes it. Next, the cells divide in two and two organisms develop, indistinguishable from each other, but completely independent in biological terms. Such twins will really be similar and strongly connected throughout their lives. Psychologically, morally and even physically. There are known cases of simultaneous deterioration in the health of both twins when one fell ill. They may be different people in character, but retain many of the same habits. Science cannot tell you exactly how to conceive twins; it does not know the answer to why, at the stage of conception, cells can divide in two and develop in two directions as separate organisms.
  2. Dizygotic - Twins have a similar appearance, but this similarity resembles ordinary family traits. Maybe eyes, height, facial features. However, it is noticeable that different people. Sperm meet two eggs on their way and simultaneously fertilize them. This is how dizygotic twins develop. Often multiple pregnancies are achieved artificially. After IVF, when a woman is given several fertilized eggs at once, with the expectation that one will survive. But most experts are for the natural way.

How to promote twins

Statistics are on the side of lovers of double happiness. Last years women more often hear: “Expect twins.” Perhaps this is the reason for the early start of taking different hormonal drugs— Hormones are found in many birth control pills. That's why some women get fat.

IVF or a course of special treatment, when a woman is prescribed medications that stimulate the ovaries. Increases the chance of producing more eggs at one time. For example, both ovaries “release” an egg. The sperm rush in both directions and voila!

How to conceive twins or twins, there is a probability table. Some doctors believe that the chance of multiple pregnancy is passed on genetically. If there were twins in the family of the father or mother, the likelihood of recurrence is higher.

Calculate the birth of twins according to the calendar

Many women believe in the magic of numbers, but doctors have their own theory. They were able to develop a special technique to help in the formation of multiple pregnancies. Most of the recommendations are tips that, if they don’t help you give birth to twins, will give you an increased chance of becoming a mother in general:

  • Lifestyle - future mom should live on a positive wave, forgetting about smoking and the existence of alcohol.
  • spring - since ancient times, people believed that with the awakening of nature, human strength also awakens. Hormonal levels will improve and the woman’s body will be renewed.
  • Having given birth to your first child, forget about contraceptives and be sure to feed him breast milk.
  • nutrition - include foods in your menu that have a positive effect on the ovaries. Typically these include foods from the dairy department, walnuts, sweet potatoes, eggs and yams.
  • folic acid - start taking it approximately 3 months before trying to conceive. It also affects the functioning of the ovaries, increasing the chances.
  • A little weight won't hurt - it's good for a woman to have a figure with pleasant curves. How to conceive twins naturally, it is better to forget about diets and not exhaust yourself with exercise. More often than not, twins are born to mature mothers whose figures have acquired feminine contours.
  • age - more often twins are born to older women. By the age of 30 3%, by 40 - 6%.

Now you know how to conceive twins!

From time to time, nature pleases us with twins or twins, but not as often as some mothers would like. Is it possible for us to somehow influence conception so that two children are born, and not one? It turns out that nature is to some extent subject to our control. Both natural and artificial methods, as well as popular advice, will come to the rescue. Interestingly, the gender of future children can also be influenced.

Despite the fact that the “gift” of having twins is usually hereditary, the use of special methods and advice leads to the fact that parents are increasingly waiting for the birth of two babies at once. According to statistics, it is possible to give birth to twins in one case out of 80. We will tell you how you can increase your chances.

Who are twins

In order for this joyful event to happen for you, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what twins are. Unlike monozygotic twins, formed from one egg with the participation of one sperm, in the case of twins, two cells on both sides.

TwinsThese are heterogeneous children. Such a pregnancy occurs when two eggs are simultaneously fertilized by different sperm. Each fetus is formed in a separate placenta.

The babies that appear may have a very similar appearance, but they may also differ significantly from each other. In addition, their pairing will not necessarily represent only one gender. It may also turn out that a boy and a girl will be born. Although this phenomenon does not occur very often.

So, in order to get twins, you need to find a way in which female body will throw away not just one, but several eggs. As you understand, there is no need to take care of sperm - there are always more than enough of them.

There are two options for conception - natural and artificial. Each case requires its own strategy, and now you will get to know the main ones.

Natural ways to give birth to twins

Gather as much information as possible about your family. You will also need a medical history (your spouse's and your own). Having collected all this, you should go to a geneticist, which will tell you what to do.

If you don't like doctors, you can act on your own, following general recommendations, both popular and based on scientific research. Here are the most important of them:

  • Before conception give up use alcohol and smoking cigarettes. First of all, you should take care of your health;
  • Increases chances of conception refusal of contraceptives. If you are using birth control or hormonal medications, you can try to conceive a child immediately after you stop using them. There is evidence that the ovaries will begin to produce more eggs. Try to conceive immediately after you stop taking it. birth control pills, after the pill the body tries to regulate the hormones, the body may need a cycle or two to get the hormones to work as they should, when this wears off the hormones may be stimulated more than necessary. This may cause the ovary to release more eggs than usual during the very first cycles after the pill. So, if you want to conceive twins, the first cycles are a great time to try!
  • It is curious that the conception of twins most often occurs precisely in the spring. It is likely that women's well-being improves with the renewal of nature. In addition, the days are getting longer, which also helps to improve hormonal levels;
  • People's advice should not be ignored. It is believed that if eat more chicken eggs, walnuts, and also different types fermented milk products, the likelihood of twins increases;
  • Eat Cassava root or otherwise Cassava or Yam (wild yam) In one of the regions of Africa, where Yam is very common, it has been noted that most twins are born there, many nutritionists agree that consuming this product increases the chances of conceiving twins ( There is even a place called Gemini Land where this plant grows in large quantities.) Sweet potatoes are also recommended. The fact is that for some reason, tribes that eat sweet potatoes are more likely to have twins;
  • Slight excess weight may be useful if you are planning to have twins. By the way, the chances increase significantly for those who are expecting a child again. Some believe this is because a woman's weight usually increases after giving birth;
  • Accept folic acid . The duration of treatment should be at least 3 months;
  • Not only weight can play a big role, but also woman's age. It is known that a hormonal surge occurs after 30 years, so it is more difficult for younger ladies to give birth to twins, and with age the chances increase. It is believed that they are maximum from 30 to 40 years. If you are between 20 and 30 years old, your chances are about 3%, and closer to forty - 6%. That is, they double in size!
  • There is an opinion that you can count on twins if get pregnant again immediately after the birth of the baby or after a short break. We also read: ;
  • For those who is breastfeeding and not using contraception after a previous pregnancy, the chance of conceiving twins also increases;
  • The likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins increases after IVF or after taking hormonal drugs to stimulate ovulation during infertility treatment;
  • Genetics is considered one of the main factors influencing the conception of twins. Those women who have twins on their mother’s side have especially good chances. Of course, you can't change anything here. However, if you really want to have twins, you can find a partner, in whose family she was.

Well, the simplest, but far from the most useless advice on how to conceive twins: you just need to really want it. After all, it will not be a secret to anyone that self-hypnosis has enormous power and often leads to desired, although not always expected, results. If a woman constantly thinks about having twins, most likely she will!

Artificial methods

  • ECO

Medicine does not stand still; new artificial methods of conceiving twins are appearing. Contributes to her birth IVF method(stands for in vitro fertilization). However, the nuance here is that artificial insemination is usually used in the case of couples who are unable to conceive and give birth to a baby on their own. In order for twins to appear, doctors strive to produce as many eggs as possible “in reserve.” The fact is that not every one of them is capable of becoming fertilized. With artificial conception, it becomes possible to fertilize several eggs at once, and then, depending on the wishes of the parents, leave one or two.

  • Stimulation of ovulation

Unfortunately, there is no way that can guarantee you the birth of twins. However, by stimulating ovulation, you can increase the likelihood that two babies will be born at once. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. If he says that you are capable of conceiving twins and, just as importantly, carrying them to term, you may be prescribed course of certain medications that can affect the natural ovulatory cycle. However, they should not be used under any circumstances without a doctor’s prescription. These drugs have a range of side effects and can be very harmful to your body.

Another artificial method is used when anovulatory disease, in which pregnancy does not occur in principle. This disorder is treated with medications containing a special follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It awakens a woman's body. After treatment, in the first ovulation cycles, the likelihood that two eggs will mature at once increases.

List of tests (for women and men) when planning pregnancy

Will calendar methods help?

You can use them, but you shouldn't rely on them completely. There are no such wonderful days when you can conceive twins with a hundred percent probability. You can only determine the best periods for this. Doctors believe that women have the greatest chance of giving birth to two babies. menstrual cycle which are short-lived (approximately 21 days).

If you are interested in having twins, you should plan your attempts to conceive babies in a special way. The lowest probability of fertilization, as you probably know, is during menstruation, as well as a week before it begins. Therefore, we will not consider this period. Over the course of several months, you need to observe how your cycle progresses. If it is regular enough, then calculating the day of ovulation will not be at all difficult. It occurs in the middle of the cycle. The table for conceiving twins is no different from the table for conceiving one baby. However, there is one caveat. You should especially actively try to do this directly on the day of ovulation. It is on this day that eggs are released from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes.

Traditional healers give their advice on how to conceive twins. It is believed that the chances increase if you try this on days when the Moon is transiting through constellations such as Gemini and Pisces. Couples seeking to conceive twins must have sexual intercourse before the new moon, if it is preferable to have babies of the same sex. If you do this before the full moon, there is a high probability of babies of different sexes being born. At least, traditional healers believe this. Why not try it?

Geographical factor

According to research, it is easiest for people in Africa and the Middle East to give birth to twins. However, in our country there are places where the appearance of many twins has been noted. This is, for example, Kopan village, located in the Carpathians. 54 pairs of twins were born here over half a century. Local residents claim that the reason for this is a healing spring located in the village, which promotes the birth of twins. Many parents come to him who want twins to be born into their family. Some of them actually managed to achieve their goal after making the trip.

In the village of Denisovka, located in the Rostov region, miraculous phenomena were also noted. There are 19 pairs of twins per 500 population recorded here. It is believed that fertile soil contributes to this. As local residents say, you can get the desired gift even by simply staying in this village for some time.

Do you want twin girls?

It turns out that you can influence the gender of your unborn child by choosing certain positions for conception. If you want girls to be born, we recommend positions with shallow penetration. Best fit missionary, since when used, a lot of sperm remains in the vagina, which increases the likelihood of conception.

In addition, there is special diet, which increases the chances of having girls. It is worth including more honey, sugar, jam, aromatic herbs and spices in your diet. It is recommended to avoid salty foods, as well as foods that contain caffeine.

Another interesting way is based on using theories of youthful blood. Since in a woman’s body, blood renewal occurs after 3 years, and in men - after 4, the countdown should be carried out from the last major blood loss: childbirth, abortion, surgery. The sex of the unborn baby can be determined based on whose blood is younger at the time of conception.

How to give birth to boys

In this case, it will be just right poses exactly with deep penetration. The fact is that the Y chromosomes, which determine the male sex, live shorter than their competitors, thanks to which girls are born (X). It is believed that after a female orgasm, the penetration of Y-sperm is facilitated, since special substances are released that contribute to their greater vitality.

If you want boys, it's better to have sex before ovulation. This is also due to the fact that Y sperm do not live long. If you follow this advice, the chances that they will get to the mature egg faster than their rivals will increase.

It will also help you special diet. It is worth consuming less dairy drinks, caviar, crabs, shrimp, bread, pastries, sauces, green beans, green salad, waffles, cocoa, dill and raw cabbage. An impressive list, but women for whom the sex of their unborn child is very important easily agree to such restrictions. Instead, it is recommended to consume fruit juices, coffee, tea, fish and meat, mineral water, egg whites, sausage, potatoes, rice, semolina, cookies, peas, lentils, mushrooms, all kinds of dried fruits and fruits, as well as dark chocolate. Salt your food more, eat canned food, and baked goods with yeast.

Of course, all this will only slightly increase your chances of having boys. However, all means are good, and used together, they may well give the result you need. The main thing is to believe.

Even if you were unable to conceive the desired twins, do not be discouraged. Keep in mind that carrying two babies at once is not easy. This is a serious burden for your body. In addition, the happiness of motherhood lies not in the number of children, but in how you manage to raise them.

From the forum

mother N.: Of course, you can calculate the day of ovulation, but why? This will not increase your chance of having twins. IVF can increase your chances, but if you are healthy, why do you need it? And you can increase it (but also not a 100% guarantee) by taking Clostilbegit according to the regimen, but the drug is very serious, it is taken to stimulate ovulation strictly according to indications, without consulting a doctor you can cause a lot of trouble for yourself (due to ovarian hyperstimulation).

MaryAngel: I also read that after stopping hormonal contraceptives, twins often result. But there is also the opposite risk - infertility. The ability to give birth to twins is transmitted through the female line, if you do not have such cases in your family, then nothing will come of it except artificially - through IVF or pills. And if you consider how difficult it is to bear two people at once, to raise them, maybe you’ll change your mind?

SayuRi: The chance of getting pregnant with twins increases after stopping OC.
In general, twins (non-identical twins) are transmitted genetically through the female line. I also heard that after a generation, but this has not been scientifically confirmed.
Geminis (identical twins) are generally a gift from God. Until now, scientists have not been able to figure out why the egg suddenly divides into two. And if there is a chance to specifically become pregnant with non-identical twins. Identical twins are a great gift of fate that doesn’t depend on anything!

Natach: This happiness happens by chance! You don't even expect there to be twins. This is probably fate I laugh, I laugh, I know for sure that women between 35 and 45 years old have an increased risk of having twins, because... During this period, the so-called “last cry” occurs - an increased hormonal surge

Lilusa: For us, finding out that there would be twins was a complete surprise. There was nothing like this in my family, I never took OCs in my life, ovulation was not stimulated, we conceived naturally. The only thing is that I took folic acid for 3 months before conception, and in the second phase, vitamin E 200.
I don’t even know what to advise you. All the will of God!

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Video guide: Purposefully getting pregnant with twins

This must be done in order to conceive a child the first time.