Until what week do you take folic acid? What foods contain folic acid? Instructions for use for pregnant women

I have the following questions: 1. Until how long should I continue taking folic acid? 2. Is it possible (should I) take vitamin E in addition to multivitamins? If yes, in what doses? 3. I still can’t swallow Vitrum (Prenatal), even chewed in half: (Only chewed. Is it worth drinking it at all? And can you recommend vitamins that are smaller in size or can be chewed? Thanks for the answer!

Instructions for use for pregnant women

Why you need this important vitamin. The professor couldn't resist surveying his students. All of them were university students who received higher education in the field of public health - smart and sensible, to say the least.

When he remembered the survey results, he seemed disheartened. Only 10 percent of female students knew that all women of childbearing age who might become pregnant should pay attention to their folic acid intake. It has been nearly six years since the U.S. Public Health Service began recommending that all women who are able to become pregnant, regardless of whether they are trying, consume 400 mcg of folic acid each day to reduce the risk of a baby with spina bifida or other infections. neural tube defects associated with incomplete closure of the spine.


You can take the effervescent one, dilute it in water, like aspirin, oops, and drink it.

1. In addition to multivitamins, folic acid is not necessary during pregnancy.
2. vit. E during pregnancy you need 200-400 mg per day, depending....
3. I don’t know the diameter of all the tablets produced. It’s easier to ask the sellers at the pharmacy.

Dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy

They should take folic acid daily for at least one month, and preferably three months, before becoming pregnant and for at least three months after pregnancy. Because it is difficult to get 400 micrograms from diet alone, supplementation is recommended. But a message as important as this is by no means a common one.

While awareness is improving, public health experts are understandably frustrated. Because the brain and spinal cord develop very early in pregnancy, it is optimal to start taking folic acid well before pregnancy, even suspected, so the vitamin can have the greatest protective effect on the fetus.

"Elevit Pronatal" - vitamins for pregnant women

"Elevit Pronatal" is a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements intended for women at the stage of pregnancy planning, during pregnancy and after childbirth during breastfeeding. To date, Elevit Pronatal is the only vitamin-mineral complex (VMC), the effectiveness of which in preventing congenital malformations has been clinically proven 1. One Elevit Pronatal tablet (which is the daily dose) contains 800...

D. Chief of the Division of Pediatric Epidemiology at the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health and a renowned expert in the field. "By the time most women discover they are pregnant, the neural tube is probably closed," he says. So what can you do if you haven't found your folic acid and have been feeling well during pregnancy?

If you or your doctor are concerned, you may want to consider prenatal testing. The maternal alpha-fetoprotein test is a simple blood test usually done at 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. It measures alpha-fetoprotein, a substance produced by the fetus and secreted in the amniotic fluid, eventually entering the mother's blood. If no explanation is found, amniocentesis may be performed.

Doses of folic acid for pregnant women

During the planning stage and throughout pregnancy, WHO recommends that women take folic acid at a dose of 0.4 to prevent fetal neural tube defects. At the same time, women with a family history of birth defects are recommended to take folic acid at a dose of 5 mg per day, but there is insufficient data on the effect of taking large amounts of folic acid during pregnancy. In the Journal of Endocrinology, Portuguese scientists published the results...

According to Mills, is it so hard to take a pill and eat your fruits and vegetables? You should go and buy the pills, he notes, and then, of course, don't forget to take them. So Huttner tries to convince women that the recommendation can be achieved without much hassle. Eat the Right Things "It's easy as long as you remember to focus on citrus foods, dark green leafy vegetables and whole grains," says Huttner. Half a bowl of boiled spinach contains 130 micrograms of folic acid. Women should plan ahead and think about it a little more, she adds.

The doctor didn’t prescribe it for me, maybe she forgot? In general, why is she being prescribed? Is it always for everyone? Or under certain conditions and characteristics of the body? Is it possible to start drinking it on your own or is it not worth it?


Tell me how to drink it. I have 0.001 g tablets. How many of them per day and how many times a day should I take them? For some reason I got confused with the calculations, since the instructions say that pregnant women should drink 400 mcg per day. Tell me please...

Reducing processed foods, she advises and visits the production department. Breakfast cereals can be fortified up to 400 micrograms per serving. Following the recommendation, folic acid may be even more important for some women than others. Mills estimates that between 5 and 15 percent of women may be affected.

Although there is a test that can measure folate levels in the blood, Mills does not recommend routine testing because women should take the same action regardless of their test results. "Just make sure you get the recommended amounts," he says.

04/09/2001 21:28:06, Lenchik

Folic acid increases hematopoiesis (relatively speaking) in the body. That is, this vitamin is used by the body in creating blood cells. This vitamin is especially useful for pregnant women, because the amount of blood in the body increases. It is mandatory (or better, so as not to scare you) to drink in the 2nd half of pregnancy. This will make it easier for your body. And remember, everything that you “don’t give” to your body during pregnancy, you take away from your baby. That is, the body works to maintain the health of the mother. When the baby is already born, the body works to maintain the baby’s health. That is, everything that you “don’t give” to your body is taken away from your internal reserves (hence hair loss, brittle nails, and other problems)

The foods chosen for fortification, breads and cereals, are eaten by most people, so the hope is that all women will soon receive plenty of folic acid during their childbearing years. Meanwhile, Oakley and his wife hatch a plan they hope they'll catch: "Every time you're invited to a wedding," he says, "take a year's supply of folic acid and give it to the bride."

If you are a sexually active woman who may become pregnant, and whether you are planning a pregnancy or not, you should take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily to help protect the healthy development of your baby's brain and spine.

The minimum daily requirement for folic acid is 400 mcg (0.4 mg), and the recommended is 800 mcg. So why else drink folic supplement IN ADDITION to Materna, if Materna already contains 1 mg of it (i.e. 25% more than the recommended norm for pregnancy)??? In addition, on Materna it is written that folic acid helps something there, “while neurological diseases progress.” They progress, which means that folic acid is harmful and not only useful, that is, an excess is also not desirable...

Why is it important to take folic acid tablets every day?

Because up to half of all pregnancies are unplanned, you may not even realize you're pregnant in the first few weeks while your baby's brain and spine are developing. It is important that you take folic acid every day for at least 3 months before you become pregnant, and continue to do so during the first 3 months of pregnancy, as it helps reduce the risk of serious birth defects of the brain and spine known as neural tubal defects. This advice applies whether or not you are planning a baby.


They themselves wrote - the minimum daily dose. This is a prophylactic dose. to any person at all. as a prophylactic dose of vitamin E, for example. and in the second phase you need much more of it - when planning, we are talking about therapeutic doses designed to CURE hypovitaminosis.
they are hundreds to thousands of times larger. during pregnancy they drink MagneB6, because there is a need for therapeutic Odze, and not preventive B6. the same applies to folic acid during the planning stage and early stages of pregnancy.
There is a study that has proven a reduction in neural tube malformations, precisely with therapeutic doses for six months.
because this is precisely the treatment of possible cell division disorders. causing developmental defects - treatment, not prevention, therefore a therapeutic dose.
There are multivitamin complexes for everyone. they contain prophylactic doses of multivitamins. therefore, in pregnancy there is more, and during pregnancy the preventive dose of folic is higher.
but we need a therapeutic dose.
during pregnancy, it can be canceled from 10-12 weeks.
Why is the ideal chance of conception 7-25%? because the rest are genetic abnormalities. against the background of a therapeutic dose of folic acid, their number becomes smaller.
no one asks you to drink it all your life. we are talking about the planning stage.
Water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body, so there is no harm to say.
There are conditions in which some substances are harmful. People with these conditions should avoid these substances or not take them in large doses. The attending physician must know that you are drinking something and in such quantities. The manufacturer must write about this on the box. as well as the fact that people with thyroid problems should consult a doctor - and iodine is a prophylactic drug, not contraindicated for any thyroid disease. but still, a self-respecting company plays it safe and writes to warn the treating doctors, and that’s right.

What is a neural tube defect?

Neural tube defects occur when part of an unborn baby's brain or spine does not develop properly. The spinal cord and surrounding bones do not develop correctly, and a tear or split occurs in the spine. The spinal cord may also be damaged. Taking folic acid daily as a supplement could potentially prevent up to two-thirds of neural tube defects each year.

Does folic acid tablets treat all neural tube defects?

70% of cases of neural tube defects such as spina bifida could be prevented by taking a daily folic acid supplement in the right dosage at the right time. Contraception is not 100% effective, so you can still get pregnant. An unborn baby's brain and spine develop fully in the first few weeks of pregnancy, often before you even realize you're pregnant, so it's important that you take a folic acid supplement in the right dosage for you every day.

Found about the dangers of folic acid for the nervous system: "High intake of folic acid may mask vitamin B12 deficiency, so it should be used cautiously in the case of patients with anemia, due to the risk of damage to the nervous system due to vitamin B12 deficiency."

04.12.2002 14:13:35, TD

Folic acid during pregnancy - why is it vital...

Folate (folic acid) is an important vitamin that is very beneficial for women’s health in general and for reproductive health especially: Folates are B vitamins and are not produced in the body. Folate is the common name for various forms a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for cell division. Folic acid is a form of folate. Folates provide a number of important functions in the body, including ensuring the healthy development and growth of the fetus in the womb...

Folic acid is a vital nutrient for the development of healthy babies in the womb. In the early weeks of pregnancy, the brain and spinal cord develop rapidly and supplemental folic acid is needed to support this, which helps reduce the risk of serious birth defects such as spina bifida.

How much folic acid do women need?

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that we can get from our food or from supplements or foods we have added to them. It has many functions, including helping to form red blood cells and helping break down, use and create new proteins. All adults need 200 micrograms per day, and we can get this from eating a healthy, balanced diet. Women need an extra 400 micrograms of folic acid per early stages pregnancy, to ensure that this amount is present, it is recommended that an additional dose be taken every day.

Hello! Tell the dark one why it is recommended to drink folic acid when preparing for pregnancy. And what else do you need? Thank you


Off: Selenka! Len, I can’t seem to load Maria’s articles in Milady...
Perhaps I have a glitch :), or perhaps the links there do not work.

2nd article by MariaMM:
Again we need to spur it on, again I see doubts in the ranks.
What I wanted to add to that opus about vitamins is iodine.
Here in Russia, and in general in almost all of Eurasia, there is an iodine deficiency. everyone has. This manifests itself more in women.
It is needed for all development, especially for reproduction, for pregnancy it is almost the main element - it is responsible for the development of the fetus - both physical and!!! mental.
There is a clearly documented connection between IQ and the level of iodine deficiency in the area.
For a full amount of iodine, the child needs a fully saturated mother’s body + a daily sufficient intake of iodine (200 mcg per day) during pregnancy.
So, a completely saturated mother’s body from our initial hypovitaminosis is not created in one day, i.e. Today you started taking multivitamins for pregnant and lactating women, because you learned that 5-7 weeks will not raise your IQ. There are studies that have shown. hypovitaminosis can be cured, the child will not have hypothyroidism, but for normal development of the nervous system and brain it is necessary to be saturated with iodine several months before pregnancy.
Like this. This is for those who want to get vitamins from fruits. How many times have I already written - nonsense. Why is it necessary to prove about each vitamin separately? About folic acid only came into my mind when I wrote about neural tube defects. Now everyone drinks.
Well, now I’m writing about iodine. The mental state, development, and intelligence of a child are established in the earliest stages of pregnancy under the influence of iodine deficiency or saturation.
You can take potassium iodide like you take folic acid.
But tomorrow they will discover the same need for other vitamins. So shall we supplement? There is Materna, there are other vitamins for pregnant women, take them no later than six months before planning, and throughout the planning and pregnancy, add those vitamins that for some reason are missing, and everything will be fine.
It has been proven that the side effects of antibiotics are caused by vitamin deficiency and are relieved by saturation with vitamins.
The same goes for side effects. hormonal drugs-Why do some people have them and others don’t?
Tomorrow it will be revealed about other conditions. Let's not wait.
Tomorrow it will turn out that early miscarriages are, if not hormones and not infections and not genetics and not immunology, then vitamin deficiency. I am clearly convinced of this. How will we bite our elbows? After all, we could have prevented this!
Early toxicosis is hypovitaminosis. And they relieve it with vitamins in droppers. but if you start vitamins from the moment of a positive test, this will not restore hunger, you need to do it in advance, you need to go into pregnancy prepared.
This is not from the “to bother” section, this is from the section of what we can actually do, so that later we know that we did everything we could.
The daily requirement for iodine for men is 100 mcg, for women 150 mcg, for planning, pregnant and lactating women - 200 mcg.
Iodized salt is not the answer. Read the ingredients on the tablets and add potassium iodide. Always, at any age, regardless of planning. Firstly, it will save you from thyroid diseases, which are common in women, for the same reason as iodine deficiency.
Secondly, sometimes pregnancy occurs at an unplanned time :)
In my opinion, a child's intelligence is serious...
All you can do then is education, training - it is superimposed on what is inherent in the womb.
The wind provided a link.
I don’t know, maybe for someone this requires proof, I always knew (as if I was taught this, but judging by the way articles appear and they call it a new thing, they weren’t taught, it means just intuition or a biological conclusion) that all diseases are from pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can justify it, there is no time yet :) give any example, we will analyze it.
Now I think, not just from pregnancy - from planning, conception, pregnancy, feeding. All. Then only what is laid down develops or does not develop.
For those who have thyroid pathology, iodine will not hurt. This is not a dose that can cause harm - even with hyperfunction. We get thousands of times more iodine by anointing our skin, toxic iodine, so don’t even think about introducing iodine into your body this way.
Only in tablets.
Now I will write about rubella.
Today is lecture day :)
You don’t give my lectures to your doctors :) , what an authority I am for them :))) not even kmn :) you’ll only make them angry. all doctors consider themselves the smartest :))

Your body does not contain folic acid, so you need to take it every day to maintain sufficient amounts in your body. This is because folic acid is water soluble and the remaining residues leave the body through urine. Therefore, if you do not take your folic acid tablets for a few more weeks, the amount in your blood may become very low. If you become pregnant, your body will need enough of this important vitamin so your baby's brain and spine can develop properly. early pregnancy.

Speaking of Materna.
Materna is the best option.
Now there are rumors about a fake - the company just released new uniform- they replaced harmful vitamin A with healthy beta-carotene and put in a lot of iodine, folic and selenium and made the new tablets pink (and the old ones were yellow) - this is not a fake, they asked women on the street what color of vitamin you would like to drink, and everyone said pink, and they made pink. Not a fake, just vitamins produced on the old line and on the new one."

Doses of folic acid for pregnant women

Folic acid tablets are available in most pharmacies, supermarkets and health stores. Some women can get folic acid with a prescription if you have a medical card. Many women's multivitamin formulas, even store brands, also contain 400 mcg of folic acid, but be sure to check labels—some multivitamin supplements also provide vitamin A, which is not recommended during pregnancy.

The simple answer is no, you can't - women can't eat healthy balanced diet and get enough folic acid from food. Because women need extra folic acid in early pregnancy, a daily dose of 400 mcg is recommended, plus what you get from food.

Actually, I have a question that has probably been discussed a hundred times, but over the past three months I haven’t found it, and to be honest, I don’t have time to scroll further. Is there an overdose of folic acid? And how much should you take at the planning stage and then during pregnancy? I searched the internet and all opinions are different. Where is 400 mcg, where is 800 mcg, where is it generally 1.5 mg per day. How do you take it? At the planning stage, my doctor prescribed folic acid twice a day. I ask - which one? well maybe 400...

What if I need more folic acid?

Folic acid may also interfere with some medications you may be taking, for example for epilepsy, so if you are unsure for any reason, we recommend that you contact your GP for medical advice and discuss your options based on your personal circumstances.

If you just found out you're pregnant and haven't already taken a folic acid supplement, start taking one right away. Continue taking them until the 12th week of pregnancy. Folic acid helps create new red blood cells to provide us with energy. So not only do you need folic acid for your baby, but you need it too, and the extra 400 micrograms is safe for you.


I was puzzled by this question last week. Taking folic acid in large doses up to 800 mg per day for 3 months or more reduces the level of vitamin B in the body?? I don’t remember which one, what it leads to, etc. As a result, if you drink folic acid in large quantities, then IMHO there may be more harm than good. For myself, I decided to give it up for 3 days by increasing the amount of milk and other healthy foods in my diet. Having assessed my diet, I decided that I was getting enough from food. And the endocrinologist very strongly did not recommend that I take iodine-containing medications or other vitamins, “because according to the test results, everything is normal and why spoil it?”

Taking a folic acid tablet daily doesn't mean you're planning a baby, but it does mean that whenever you have a baby, whenever that may be, you're already helping to protect your health. Yes, you still need to take folic acid tablets if you could potentially become pregnant.

Who should take folic acid for medicinal purposes?

Whether you are a first-time mother or already have children, you are still at risk and need to follow these guidelines. Research shows that fewer women are taking folic acid during their second and subsequent pregnancies, putting them at risk.

You can drink up to 5 mg per day safely. You get 100 mg - 20 times more. Where did you find such a dosage... Or maybe there is a different dosage on the box?

Buy folic 1 mg and take one or two a day safely.

I heard a lot that folic acid is necessary, useful, etc. Who knows what it actually does, especially before pregnancy starts?


Folic acid is necessary in the earliest stages of pregnancy for normal closure of the fetal neural tube. And since being already pregnant, you may not know about it for at least 2 weeks, when planning a pregnancy it is recommended to drink folic acid so that when pregnancy occurs, it will already enter the body.

It improves the functioning of the ovaries, and at the beginning of pregnancy it promotes the proper development of the fetus, preventing developmental defects such as spina bifida - a defect in the development of the neural tube.

Remind me until when it is necessary to drink it, and until when it is desirable? But I forgot something.


Is it only the woman who needs to drink before conceiving, or does the husband need to drink too?
if yes, then in what proportions?

06/24/2005 12:15:39, JYYU

It takes 3 months before conception and the first trimester. and therefore there is no escape from it, because... It is present in all pregnant complexes. I’m drinking Elevit, and it’s overwhelming. Well, there won’t be too much, just figs

Who knows how long they take folic acid and vitamin E? I take multivitamins for pregnant women regularly.

Girls, most likely this topic has been discussed more than once, but I’m still a newbie :) I came to my gynecologist for an appointment with my pregnancy at 3 weeks. She told me to start taking this acid right away, and she said that for good reason I should have taken it even before pregnancy... but at least I need to start taking it now. And you need to take it for at least 12 weeks. I take 3 folic tablets a day. I am now in my 7th week. I went to register with the residential complex, just in case, I asked the doctor there about...


Thank you girls, you calmed me down! I will continue to drink. I just saw that many people use smart books...:) I’ll go to the book market this weekend and buy the necessary literature...:)

I didn’t take folic acid during my first pregnancy, and the baby turned out wonderful: healthy and smart. I don’t drink and don’t plan to drink now.
I took vitamins during my first pregnancy (Materna), but then I terribly regretted it. A good doctor, whom I had a chance to deal with towards the end of pregnancy, said that under no circumstances should you take complex vitamins every day - there is an excess of them, especially imported ones, and this is even worse than a deficiency, then he said not to drink more often, than once every 2 days. At Materna my child turned out to be very large.
During this pregnancy, the position in relation to vitamins will be this: I will not drink for prevention, but only if there is a real deficiency of vitamins, i.e. there will be real signs of their deficiency.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, I was prescribed folic acid and vitamin E. Now I can’t get to the doctor yet, and I don’t know how much I should still take. Maybe that's enough already? And also, until when can you drink no-silpa?


The doctor prescribed me to take folic and E for up to 16 weeks, then she said I can switch to Materna or other complex for pregnant women

In general, no-shpa is taken in the first trimester, but if there are no problems with the cervix (in terms of softening), then it can be done later. Doctors say that after 14-16 weeks no-spa begins to soften the cervix and suggest switching to Magne B6. That's what I did.

Please tell me until what stage of pregnancy should I take folic acid? Thank you!

Girls, please tell me how long you should drink it from the beginning? I've already forgotten...

Good afternoon! Please tell me, I’m 7-8 weeks pregnant, I didn’t register with a doctor, I was given a referral to the LCD, I read smart books and realized that I need to take folic acid, BUT I MIXED THE DOSAGE, I DRINK MORE THAN NECESSARY, the dosage is there, 0.001 g, but it seemed to me that it was 0.001 mg, so I took 4 tablets once a day, because pregnant women need to take at least 0.4 mg of folic acid per day, so I got confused about these dosages, and it turns out I took 4 mg per day of folic acid, now I’m afraid, suddenly...


It's even funny. I was going crazy the same way 4 months ago. I found out that I was pregnant, read a lot and also mixed up the dosage. True, on the 3rd day something worked and I found on the internet how much it should be taken and quit right there. I stopped drinking it completely, Vitrum contains acid, and I decided that this dose would be enough for me. And what thoughts did not creep into our 4 weeks, now it’s already 9 weeks, I forgot to think about the B9 overdose. Now other fears are taking over. We just become too suspicious, we are afraid for the baby. Don't worry. I also went to the hospital. They said it’s okay, I haven’t been eating it in huge doses for a year.

Ooh, I recognize myself! :-) The same thing happened to me in the 9th week, when I accidentally read in “Planning” that you don’t need to take extra folic acid: I took 1 (400 mcg) tablet + 1 multivitamin per day. Having counted everything, I cried for 2 days, bombarded MariaMM with emails, and was terribly worried. Maria reassured me that there was no overdose - very little of what we drink in vitamins gets into the blood. I calmed down, the tests I took later at week 15 convinced me that I hadn’t done anything bad.
But I really understand and remember your condition - so please don’t be upset and calm down!

How to eat properly during pregnancy.

One of the most important questions for expectant mothers is how to properly introduce a diet during pregnancy? What should be excluded or added to the diet in order to fully ensure the development of the child before he is born? Bellakt Mom In order to get answers to these questions, expectant mothers seek advice from specialized doctors. As a rule, specialists in this area have limited appointment time, thereby giving only various recipes for drugs that...

From the 7th week I have been taking Vitrum Prenatal Forte, it contains 800 mcg of folic acid. Then the doctor prescribed me a course of taking folic acid, 2 more tablets a day for 2 weeks (in the first trimester). Then he said that there was no need to drink additionally. I continued to drink Vitrum. Now I’m in the second trimester (23 weeks), I continue to take Vitrum and additional vitamin E. I was wondering if I still need to take additional folic acid? What about vitamin E? They say that some vitamins are relevant precisely at their time, and then what...


My doctor said that you only need to take folic acid and vitamin E during the first trimester, after that you don’t need to, only multivitamins and calcium or iron remain, depending on your condition and how you feel.

up to 10 weeks you need folic (800), then you don’t need it anymore, but it’s still usually contained in all vitamins, only the dosage is less. 400 I think.

Hello everyone!!! We are planning a baby doll, but I’m not taking anything yet. Please tell me what is better: 1) Iodomarin + Elevit or 2) folic acid + vitamin? I heard that No. 1 is a banal set, so I don’t know. Thanks in advance!!!


I asked my doctor. she appointed
filic acid - 2 tablets 2 times a day for about 3 months. before conception for me and my husband
and at first I wanted Elevit, with iodine. but I asked if it is possible with the thyroid gland - elevit. she said we won’t take risks - drink Vitrum Prenatal

my doctor prescribed me the drug Folio once a day. It is a complex of folic acid and iodine. and plus vitamin E 2 times a day. when I was planning a pregnancy, I took folio from days 5 to 25 of the cycle, Vit E every day. I got pregnant a couple of months later. then I took folio and vitamin every day. In general, I advise you not to prescribe to yourself. It’s better to go to your gynecologist, she will prescribe what you need. Good luck!

04/13/2009 11:42:15, already pregnant

At an early stage of 1 month, my doctor told me to take FOLIO and vitamin E instead of folic acid. I read the instructions, and Folio is a dietary supplement. Now I’m wondering whether to accept it or not? and is it worth taking Vit.E in the early stages? What do you think?


And I drank Folio, because during pregnancy you take so many things (vit. E, magnesium B6, folic acid, allachol, iodine, etc.), but Folio is convenient, you take it once and everything is free for the whole day, as they say. And folio contains folic acid + iodine, and in the required daily dosage, conveniently, I’ll tell you. And German quality speaks for itself. The package is large, 150 tablets, always available in the pharmacy, and at a good price. Later, when I gave birth, I also drank while I was feeding the baby, very necessary thing, this folic acid I'll tell you.

02/08/2016 18:15:56, zabavazabawa

The most important function of Folic acid is that it is a necessary trace element for the formation of the neural tube in a baby. This is the only vitamin that will not harm any pregnant woman, but on the contrary will greatly benefit your health and the health of the unborn baby. My gynecologist prescribed Folio to me. Because it is convenient to take and the folio contains folic acid + iodine. I drank 2 months before pregnancy and then during the first trimester, and then drank after pregnancy while breastfeeding. And the price is favorable, one package is enough for 5 months of use. Take Folio before and during pregnancy, this will protect yourself and your baby from unpleasant surprises. Be healthy and have an easy pregnancy and childbirth.

02/04/2016 19:23:38, Umm

Hormones for conception and baby’s intelligence: when you need an endocrinologist


There are numerous vitamins on the shelves of pharmacies (Materna, Vitrum, Elevit, Complevit, etc.), but the doctor must prescribe vitamins taking into account your characteristics. Be sure to take folic acid (foliber, folio, etc.), iodomarin, vitamin E (if necessary) in the early stages. The dosage should also be prescribed individually. In this case, what is good for one may be bad for another. I would not recommend that you buy vitamins based on advice distributed on the Internet. The choice is yours.

Is it possible to make love during pregnancy - as well as drink coffee and dye your hair? The most common prejudices.
...For the same reason, refrain from frequently eating vegetables and fruits with orange pigment (citrus fruits, carrots, pumpkin, dried apricots), but do not completely exclude them from your diet - they contain many useful vitamins and microelements. By the way, it is believed that foods such as red fish and meat are dangerous during pregnancy - this is not true. On the contrary: the proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid contained in such foods are simply necessary for pregnant women. In addition, meat serves as an excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. It is best if your doctor chooses a diet based on test data and medical history. Not all teas are equally beneficial During pregnancy, some women face...
...In addition, meat serves as an excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. It is best if your doctor chooses a diet based on test data and medical history. Not all teas are equally beneficial. During pregnancy, some women face problems such as swelling. As a result, wanting to expel excess fluid from the body, expectant mothers begin to drink various diuretic teas, herbal teas or infusions of berries and herbs. This should absolutely not be done without consulting a doctor, because many drinks, due to their composition, are medicinal, as they contain chemical components that have various medicinal properties. Therefore they may not in the best possible way affect the body of a pregnant woman and the condition of the fetus. T...


Unfortunately, neither the antenatal clinic nor any such article says that women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy should not take vitamin A. It is toxic to the baby. I'm pregnant with my second child and only recently found out about it.

05.12.2017 21:47:59, Ekaterina Zuikova

Only the most useful - we calculate the diet scientifically.

Pregnancy: what medications can you take?


For a sore throat, I sucked Septolete lozenges - they are excellent for relieving sore throats, they have antiseptic properties and kill harmful microbes that cause sore throat.

Agree! The number one remedy in my medicine cabinet during pregnancy was Rennie! It neutralizes the increased acidity of the stomach contents in 5 minutes, does not require drinking water and even has a pleasant taste) And it is completely harmless - the duration of use is not limited. I reveled in it throughout my entire pregnancy, or rather, I was already drinking it (from 1 month you can!)

04/20/2010 17:49:23, Vivalinda

What you should and shouldn't do in the second trimester of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the need for all nutrients increases. In what trimester should you take vitamins?

What vitamins are important during pregnancy


Hello! Which vitamins are better - Pregnavit or Elevit? From the beginning of pregnancy I was prescribed Pregnavit 1 capsule a day, I am 28 weeks pregnant - the dosage is not changed and the vitamins too! Maybe I should change the dosage or take other vitamins? Thank you1 Waiting for an answer!

04/07/2008 13:10:37, Tatyana

The table below identifies medications that should be avoided in early pregnancy due to their harmful effects on the fetus. Medicines that should not be used in early pregnancy Drug Action 1. Drugs with a high risk of developing disorders (known as teratogens) or causing abortion. Warfarin. Numerous birth defects. Diethylstilbestrol. Vaginal adenosis and adenocarcinoma in daughters. Androgens. Virilization and numerous birth defects...
...Reserpine. Bradycardia, hypothermia, nasal congestion with respiratory distress. When prescribing and choosing drug treatment during pregnancy, one should take into account not only its positive aspects, but also the risk for the mother and fetus. Certain medications may be used during pregnancy. When folic acid is prescribed in an amount of 400 mcg in the first trimester, there is a decrease in the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus. The usual daily dose of folic acid to prevent anemia in pregnant women is 500 mcg. The use of multivitamin preparations for 3 months before pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of having children with pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system (Materna, Elevit, Vitrum-prenatal, Gendevit...

A pregnant woman's diet should be varied to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins. A particularly important component of the diet of every expectant mother is. Folic acid is extremely necessary during pregnancy, since a lack of this vitamin can lead to serious physical problems in the unborn baby. This is why it is important to know how to take folic acid correctly.

Should you take folic acid during pregnancy?

Folic acid takes part in many processes occurring in our body. First of all, she participates in formation and division of new cells, which ensures the growth of the unborn child. In addition, it promotes the formation of red blood cells- cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Without folic acid it is impossible to maintain a healthy nervous system. In addition, a number of studies have proven the effectiveness of folic acid in prevention. Since this vitamin itself is not produced in our body, its level must be constantly replenished by taking it or using special medications.

Why do you need folic acid during pregnancy?

When carrying a baby, your body requires much more folic acid than before. Generally speaking, folic acid is responsible for both the mental and physical health of the baby. In particular, folic acid is essential for proper development organs and skeleton, brain function and the development of the baby’s nervous system. Folic acid helps prevent early pregnancy loss and prevents depression in pregnant women.

Dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy

To avoid a possible lack of folic acid, doctors recommend drinking it to everyone who is planning a pregnancy or is already carrying a child. The usual daily dosage of the drug is 400-800 mcg. The duration of treatment may vary; the doctor prescribes the course individually. The standard period for taking this vitamin is limited to the first trimester. You can start drinking folic acid from the moment you think about having a child, then after conception the baby will not lack this vitamin. Folic acid is constantly required during pregnancy, so the vitamin is taken daily.

What foods contain folic acid?

Natural foods do not contain folic acid, but only its salts - folates. Natural folates have the same effect on the body as synthetic folic acid, however, they are not as well absorbed. You can saturate your body with folic acid by consuming certain foods.

(vitamin B9):

    vegetables and greens: Brussels sprouts, turnips, peppers, beans, carrots and onions;

    liver, poultry (chicken);

    fruits: bananas, pineapples, oranges, kiwi, strawberries, papaya, etc.;

    meat and fish;

    feta cheese, cream, sour cream and nuts.

The liver, in particular, contains a lot of folate. It is also worth considering that in addition to it, the liver contains a lot of vitamin A, and its excess is harmful to the baby. Folates have the property of rapid dissolution, so they easily decompose when consumed. They are negatively affected by external factors such as light and body. Folic acid itself is very stable, making it quite simple and convenient to store.

Today, folic acid is added to cereals, dairy, and grain products. Since pregnant women's bodies are difficult to replenish from regular foods, doctors often prescribe special nutritional supplements. Folic acid is truly irreplaceable during pregnancy, but it is very important to discuss taking such a drug with your doctor, since only a specialist can correctly calculate the required dosage.

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