What could be the reason that a woman is not pregnant, but does not have her period? Is it possible to get pregnant if you don't have periods?

Menopause is a natural process in a woman’s life when her reproductive function fades. Usually, this phenomenon comes unexpectedly for the fair sex, who feel young, energetic, and interruptions in their cycle have already appeared.

Many of them are mistaken in believing that it is impossible to get pregnant during menopause. This is not so, pregnancy during this period of life is possible and undesirable, and to understand why, let’s take a closer look at the so-called autumn period of the female body.

Stages of menopause

Each girl has approximately 300-400 thousand eggs from the moment of birth, which gradually decrease in proportion to age. By the age of 51-52, about 1000 germ cells remain. All this occurs due to a decrease in ovarian function and a decrease in the production of hormones that regulate this process. A woman enters the final phase of her childbearing period.

The concept of menopause is currently considered unreliable and is not often used by specialists. It is correct to divide this life process into the following stages:

  1. Perimenopause precedes the end of menstruation. It occurs on average at 45 years of age and lasts about 3-7 years. At this time, changes in the cycle occur, the interval between menstruation increases, and they themselves become scanty or, conversely, too abundant. At this stage of life, the ovaries, although in small quantities and not every month, still grow follicles.
  2. Menopause lasts about 12 months after the last bleeding, the woman’s age at this moment is approximately 50-51 years. Theoretically, the egg should no longer develop, but when assessing whether it is possible to get pregnant during menopause if you have not had periods for 1 year, it is impossible to give a definitive negative answer. It is believed that in the absence of critical days for more than a year, pregnancy does not occur due to the fact that there is no development of follicles. But it is quite possible that the egg will appear unexpectedly. Therefore, some experts recommend using contraception for 5 years from the date of your last menstruation.
  3. Postmenopause lasts until the ovaries stop working completely, that is, until the end of life.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause?

Nowadays, women busy with their careers and acquiring a material status that is normal by their standards, very often plan to give birth after 35 years, without thinking that pregnancy at this age accelerates the onset of menopause and negatively affects its course. And after an unsuccessful first attempt, the dilemma of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menopause and how this threatens the child is quite controversial.

Risks during pregnancy

It is clear that with age one acquires its own set of diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.), which, together with hormonal changes in the body, can have a bad effect on pregnancy. Among other things, metabolism and kidney function are disrupted, and calcium is washed out of teeth and bones. Late childbirth occurs with complications such as bleeding and rupture of the genital tract and can result in the birth of a child with genetic disorders due to poor egg quality and the age of the mother. The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is high.

Abortion is also dangerous due to the development of complications, because the cervix is ​​already atrophic, the cervical canal is difficult to open, which leads to an increased likelihood of inflammatory diseases.

Pregnancy without menstruation for several years

Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause if you have not had periods for 2 years? This is also a solvable question, especially with early menopause, which can occur at 37 years old due to hormonal imbalance. In this case, it is possible to stimulate the development of the egg. The birth of a baby during menopause is justified if the couple does not have children for a number of reasons, one of which may be infertility, or the previous child has died. But it is worth showing prudence and responsibility, because the child still needs to be raised.

The high percentage of unplanned pregnancies during menopause between the ages of 40 and 55 is due to a loss of control. When interruptions in menstruation begin, it is difficult to track the moment of ovulation, and when the cycle no longer seems to work, the woman relaxes, believing that the cells are not maturing and conception is impossible. But the appearance of a random egg can present an unexpected and sometimes unpleasant surprise.

The risk of becoming pregnant during an increase in the intermenstrual period persists for about two years. Therefore, it is worth remembering precautions and using contraceptives.

Pregnancy during menopause (video)

Menstruation may be absent not only due to pregnancy, but also for a number of other reasons. During such periods, women who do not plan to have a child think: is it possible to forget about contraception for a while? Is it possible to get pregnant if you don’t have periods, and why does this happen? It is better to find out the answer to this question from our article, and not from your own bitter experience!

I don't have my period - do I need contraception?

Is menstruation a prerequisite for conception to occur, and is it possible to get pregnant if you don’t have your period? Yes, you can! So, if you don’t want to become a mommy in the near future, continue to use protection. After all, ovulation can occur without “critical days.” True, we must immediately clarify: this only happens when certain conditions. Let's consider all possible situations of unexpected pregnancy.

Unprotected sex in the absence of menstruation: what is the risk for a woman?

Menstruation is eloquent proof of a woman's reproductive capabilities. But sometimes she disappears. This occurs for physiological or pathological reasons. Does the woman's ability to conceive a baby remain intact? In most cases yes! We suggest choosing “your” option:

  • The girl hasn't had her period yet. If she has sexual intercourse, it usually does not lead to pregnancy because the body has not yet produced eggs and there is nothing for the sperm to fertilize. But it is impossible to know the exact date of the first menstruation. What if ovulation happened before the first experience of intimate relationships? Then pregnancy is quite possible! Natural phenomena cannot be discounted either. There are cases where very young girls became pregnant. Let's just remember Lina Medina, who gave birth to her first child at the age of 5!;
  • the woman recently gave birth. Nature has provided natural defense mechanisms against conception and provides a woman with approximately 8 weeks after childbirth to allow her body to recover for a new pregnancy. At this time, the hormonal background and uterine mucosa come into order and menstruation begins again. All women do not have periods after childbirth. Can they get pregnant through unprotected sex? Yes, the likelihood of this happening within a month after birth is quite high (even in the absence of “critical days”). After all, you won’t be able to determine on your own that ovulation has already occurred. Therefore, a young mother often finds out that she is pregnant again only when the fetus begins to move;
  • breastfeeding a newborn. Some people are still convinced that lactation is a reliable shield against pregnancy. Don't believe it, these are "old wives' tales"! During this period, menstruation may not come for quite a long time. But any physical activity can “turn off” the replacement and cause menstruation. Probability of pregnancy breastfeeding quite high;

  • menopause and menopause. When reproductive functions fade and the body is just preparing for hormonal changes, menstruation may be absent for 2-3 months, and then resume again. At the first stage of menopause, it is imperative to protect yourself! Otherwise, you will have to make a difficult choice whether or not to have a child at such a mature age. Only after a year, in the complete absence of menstruation, the body will lose the ability to conceive a baby. There have been cases where pregnancy occurred even at 60 years old!;
  • The woman is already carrying a child. Pregnant women should also not forget about precautions. Usually, unprotected sexual intercourse does not threaten them with any consequences other than infection. But in a small percentage of women (if their body has not yet completely adjusted to pregnancy), a new pregnancy may begin. Then two fetuses of different ages will ripen in the mother’s womb;
  • menstruation was stopped artificially (by taking hormonal drugs) or are absent due to the use of potent medications. A woman can still find herself in a position. It is imperative to protect yourself, as medicines may adversely affect fetal development;
  • menstruation stopped due to stress or a recent illness (cold, flu). This will not prevent conception;
  • sudden changes in weight - rapid weight loss or rapid weight gain - often lead to the absence of menstruation. But if obesity preserves the ability to fertilize an egg, then amenorrhea caused by exhaustion will not allow a woman to become pregnant;
  • true amenorrhea, when there is no menstruation for 2-3 months, is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs. Pregnancy will not occur until the woman undergoes treatment.

Temporarily not pregnant: how dangerous is the calendar method?

Actually in women's calendar There are no absolutely safe days. In any of them (including during menstruation), pregnancy is possible.

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If you ask doctors whether it is possible to get pregnant before menstruation, you will receive a positive answer. Of course, if the cycle is constant, then 2-3 days before the start of the next menstruation are considered safe. But there are many examples when conception occurred just on these days.

The closer to the “red days of the calendar”, the lower the chances of seeing 2 stripes on the test after unprotected sex. Whether you can get pregnant a week before your period largely depends on the characteristics of your cycle. If it is debugged like a clock, then the probability of conception is low. For those who cannot boast of a regular cycle, it is better not to give up contraception 7 days before the expected date of the onset of menstrual bleeding, otherwise pregnancy may become an unpleasant (or pleasant) surprise for them.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after your period? We can say that the probability of this is quite low, but there is no 100% guarantee that this will not happen. Women with a short (less than 21 days) and inconsistent cycle, or too long (more than a week) discharge, should be especially careful in matters of contraception after menstruation.

The duration of a possible pregnancy is usually calculated based on the date of the last menstruation. But what if you haven’t had your period, but the test shows two lines? Is it possible to get pregnant if a woman has not had her period during one cycle or for quite a long time?

Why menstruation may be absent

It is important to understand why a healthy woman with normal menstrual function in the past suddenly lost her periods.

  1. Pregnancy is the simplest and most common answer to this question. A normally developing pregnancy implies the disappearance of monthly bleeding.
  2. Severe stress, nervous tension, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances. These “diseases of the 21st century” often cause disturbances in the biological rhythms in the body in women. This leads to disruption of the central link in the regulation of the menstrual cycle - the brain. These disorders lead to malfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries - the main organs that regulate menstrual cycle. Read more about.
  3. Weight loss, fasting, deficiency of vitamins and microelements. In such cases, cases of estrogen deficiency can be observed, since the main building material for sex hormones is cholesterol. In addition, the body, being in a state of such “food stress,” turns off non-vital functions in the body. The menstrual function is important, but not vital, so it is one of the first to be turned off.
  4. Hormonal dysfunction is the most serious cause of cycle disorders and lack of menstruation. These may be disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, excess male sex hormones or prolactin.
  5. Early is one of the unpleasant manifestations of disrupted hormonal levels. Many women aged about 40 begin to consider the absence of menstruation as a manifestation of menopause. Sometimes this is true and is called early or premature menopause (menopause). This diagnosis requires special diagnostics to distinguish it from others hormonal disorders.
  6. False absence of menstruation. Menstruation may also be absent due to a mechanical obstruction in the path of bleeding. That is, a particular woman has hormonal levels, the uterus and ovaries are in perfect order - menstruation passes, but in the cervical canal, its lower segment or in the vagina there is one or another obstacle to the blood flow. This happens when the cervical canal is blocked by a blood clot, after cauterization of the cervix and plastic surgery on the cervix and vagina.

Is it possible to get pregnant without menstruation?

If the delay in menstruation is episodic, that is, there were no menstruation for 1-2 cycles, then pregnancy occurs quite often against the background of regular sexual activity. So many women aged 40-45 years, with the next absence of menstruation, assume the onset of menopause and live quietly on. Not always for them the real reason delays come as a pleasant surprise.

  • If the nature of hormonal disorders is pronounced and there have been no menstruation for more than 3 cycles, the likelihood of pregnancy is low. Before planning a child, it is necessary to undergo examination and stabilize hormonal levels.
  • If there is a delay due to stress or a starvation diet, pregnancy can also easily occur without menstruation, however, a lack of nutrients and vitamins and emotional stress can negatively affect the development of the embryo.
  • With a mechanical reason for the absence of menstruation, pregnancy is impossible, since not only the blood cannot leave the uterine cavity, but sperm cannot penetrate the uterus and tubes.

In any case, with any delay, regardless of the woman’s age, the regularity of her sexual intercourse and contraceptive methods, it is necessary to do so. The human body is an amazing mechanism, and even against the backdrop of a malfunction in its functioning, miracles are possible.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for

Useful video

We all know that with the onset of menstruation in a girl's life, she becomes ready to conceive a child. During the menstrual cycle, a new egg matures, which is ready for fertilization during ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, menstruation begins. Menstruation is evidence that a girl or woman’s body is functioning normally and a new egg appears in it every month, which means it is possible to get pregnant. But if there are no periods, it means that something is wrong with the female reproductive system, which is why many people believe that it is impossible to get pregnant without periods. Is this true? Let's figure it out.

Can a girl get pregnant?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you don’t have periods, if they haven’t started yet? It is believed that a girl who has never had a period but has had sexual intercourse usually has no reason to worry about pregnancy. Her body simply does not produce eggs yet, and conception cannot occur. Although if the first ovulation occurred before the first sexual intercourse, then pregnancy is not excluded.

However, science knows of cases where girls became pregnant at a very young age, long before the onset of their first menstruation. For example, the youngest mother in the world at the moment is Lina Medina, who gave birth to her first child at the age of 5. That is, pregnancy can occur at this age, but this will cause great harm to the fragile body of the pregnant girl.

After childbirth

It is believed that it is impossible to become pregnant immediately after childbirth. Nature acted wisely, giving approximately 8 weeks for the restoration of the reproductive organs. The woman’s body is rebuilt on “peaceful tracks”, the mucous membranes are restored, hormonal levels are normalized, and then the menstrual cycle is restored.

But is it possible to get pregnant if you don’t have periods, at the very end of the recovery period? Yes, it is possible if the first ovulation occurs (after all, it happens before the start of menstruation). And therefore, what often happens is that a woman after childbirth simply does not realize that she is pregnant until she feels the fetus moving.

It sometimes happens that ovulation occurs, but menstruation does not come. And the first cycle can go unnoticed for a woman already in the first month after childbirth. So there is a chance of getting pregnant within a month after giving birth, even if you don’t have your period.

During lactation

Many women believe (this idea comes from grandmothers and great-grandmothers) that breastfeeding prevents them from getting pregnant. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. During the lactation period, there are usually no periods for a long time, but with excessive physical effort (lifting or moving something heavy), you can “disrupt” this so-called “replacement” and provoke the onset of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, you should not neglect protective measures during lactation. During breastfeeding, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if you do not have periods is clearly positive.

During menopause

Menopause is also not a guarantee against a “surprise” in the form of pregnancy. After all, it continues for quite a long time, usually it lasts several years. And if you don’t have your period for a long time during menopause, is it possible to get pregnant? Yes, such cases are not uncommon. It is considered that menopause has ended if there have been no periods during the calendar year. And if you had unprotected sexual intercourse even in the last month of this year without menstruation, it is not a fact that the body will not release another egg ready for fertilization, hastening to please you with an unexpected pregnancy.

Gynecologists believe that it is theoretically possible for pregnancy to occur during menopause. There have been cases where 60-year-old women also became pregnant. Another thing is that pregnancy at this age is completely undesirable, primarily due to the aging of the whole body. Pregnancy during menopause is associated with the appearance of health problems for the woman of the unborn child.

Fruits of different ages

Most women believe that if pregnancy has occurred, then they can relax and neglect contraception. Yes, that's almost true! But there is a small percentage of women whose bodies have not fully adjusted to pregnancy, and the accidental maturation of a new egg can trigger a new pregnancy. Science knows many such cases when two fetuses of different ages ripen in one womb.

Medicinal cessation of menstruation

In some diseases, it happens that menstruation disappears on its own or is stopped by medication due to the use of special medications (in case of cancer, an artificial menopause is caused). And again, the answer to the question: “I don’t have my period, can I get pregnant?” the same. Can! The absence of menstruation is not a guarantee of safety against the risk of accidental pregnancy! Therefore, you should remember the necessary means of reasonable contraception.


Whether there are periods or not, a woman should always remember the characteristics of her body, use contraception and take care of your health. You should not hope that everything will work out on its own or that a miracle will happen and you will get pregnant only when it is convenient for you. You and only you are responsible for your health!

There are exceptions to all rules, so in order not to fall into this statistic of those who become pregnant at the wrong time, you should not forget about protection. In all cases, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant if you do not have periods will be: “Yes, such a possibility exists.”

No, pregnancy is quite possible, but you need to remember that the absence of menstruation indicates certain difficulties in the body. Girls with this problem need to consult a doctor.

Can girls get pregnant at an early age?

The ability to get pregnant in girls before menstruation appears is considered impossible, because at an early age the eggs have not yet been formed, which is why conception cannot occur. But in medicine there were cases when very young girls became pregnant even long before the onset of their first menstruation. From this we can conclude that, hypothetically, pregnancy can occur, but it will develop with disturbances, both for the girl herself and for the fetus.

A record was set in 1939. Five-year-old Lina Medina became the youngest mother in the world, giving birth to a son who weighed about three kilograms.

Absence of the menstrual cycle associated with pregnancy and childbirth

There is a misconception that once you are pregnant, you cannot get pregnant again. Of course, this is unlikely, but there is a small percentage of women who, while already pregnant, become pregnant again. This is called uneven-aged fruits. This process is due to the fact that female body has not fully adjusted to the new regime and fertilization occurs again. In this case, two fetuses develop in the woman’s womb with at different times conception.

There is also a false belief that a woman after childbirth cannot become pregnant until her menstrual cycle returns. This is not so, the body is ready for a new conception within two weeks after birth, so during this period you need to be very careful and be sure to use contraceptives, since in most cases the woman is not yet psychologically ready for another pregnancy in such a short time.

During lactation, there may be no menstruation for a long time, but this does not affect ovulation in any way, so during breastfeeding women become pregnant, even if they do not have menstruation.

Also, in some diseases, menstruation stops or doctors prescribe medications to the girl that cause menopause. For example, in case of cancer, the female body is put into artificial menopause. But even in this case, the birth of a new life is quite possible, so a woman should always pay special attention to her health and warn herself against unwanted fertilization.

There is a disease called amenorrhea. During it, an adult girl does not have menstruation. Pregnancy with such a problem is most often impossible, since the mechanism responsible for fertilization does not function. However, this only applies to cases where the disease is pathological.

Menstruation is absent in adult women after menopause. Doctors say that women's eggs weaken at this time, but reproductive function persists for another two years after menopause.