"The Magic Land of Charles Perrault." Educational initiative Fortune telling based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

Leisure in middle group based on the tales of Charles Perrault.


Consolidating knowledge about the fairy tales of C. Perrault;

Encouraging the desire to improvise;

Creating a joyful mood in children.


Specially selected audio recordings;

Fairytale items from fairy tales;

Portrait of Charles Perrault;

Exhibition of books by C. Perrault.

A long time ago, in one country (it is called France) there lived a man. He was the most ordinary, lived like many other people of that time: he had a family, dressed in the fashion of that time: he wore a camisole and a powdered wig, he served at the court of the king general secretary, was a respected man...But his state services were soon forgotten, because what was remembered was something completely different - the fairy tales of this gentleman. His name was Charles Perrault.

- Now it seems surprising, but Charles Perrault first published his fairy tales only when he was already 69 years old! He was embarrassed by his works and was afraid to sign them with his name; he put the name of his son Pierre on the cover. But the son did not have to blush for his father. People really liked the kind fairy tales... And for most children, Charles Perrault remains a good wizard to this day! Charles Perrault came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which good fairies, evil witches, beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls participated. And for many, many years now, these heroes have been familiar to people all over the world. Charles Perrault's fairy tales were translated into Russian 250 years ago and immediately fell in love with Russian readers. And our composers Sergei Prokofiev and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky even wrote ballets based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. Movies and cartoons are made based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, and more and more books with old fairy tales appear. People appreciate and love these fairy tales and read them with pleasure again and again. And today we will once again visit the magical world of Charles Perrault’s fairy tales, and find out which of you is an expert on his fairy tales.

I bring to your attention a fabulous salad. Everyone knows what a salad is. And a fairytale salad consists not of products, but of different fairy tales Charles Perrault. Listen carefully, and then tell us which fairy tales our salad comes from. Let's find out which of you is the most attentive.

Fairytale salad

One queen gave birth to a son so ugly that he could not be described in a fairy tale or described with a pen, but he was intelligent and eloquent.

Once his mother sent him to visit his grandmother. He took a basket with pies and a pot of butter and walked through the forest. He walked and walked and got lost in the thicket.

He wandered through the forest for a long time and saw white pebbles on the path. He went where the pebbles pointed. He looks - there is a house in a clearing. Its roof is made of chocolate gingerbread, its walls are made of pink marzipan, and its fence is made of large almonds. There was a garden around it and multi-colored candies grew in it, and large raisins hung on small trees.

The Ogre lived in it. The Ogre returned home in the evening, found the prince, wanted to eat him, but put it off until the morning. He told his wife to feed him well so that he would not lose weight, and to put him to bed.

Then the cat knocked on the house. He said that he was walking by and decided to pay his respects to the Ogre.

The cannibal received him cordially. The cat was respectful and wanted to make sure that the Ogre could transform into any animals. The cannibal, wanting to surprise the guest, turns first into a lion and then into a mouse. The cat caught the mouse and ate it.

Now the prince is free and walked through the forest again. Soon he came across an old castle deep in the forest. Everyone in the castle was asleep. The prince saw the beautiful princess and kissed her. She woke up and immediately fell in love with him. The princess was unusually beautiful, kind and sweet, and when she spoke, a rose or a sparkling diamond fell from her lips. The prince and princess couldn't get enough of each other. But then the palace clock struck 12 times, and the princess’s beautiful dress turned into rags. But the prince did not stop loving her, for him she was beautiful in any clothes. Then the princess’s godmother, the good fairy, appeared and gave her a beautiful ball gown and crystal slippers.

(based on fairy tales: “Rikke the Tuft”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Tom Thumb”, “Puss in Boots”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Fairy Gifts”, “Gingerbread House”, “Cinderella”).

A few years ago in Russia they filmed feature film about Little Red Riding Hood, and it featured a wonderful song that you all know well. I invite you to dance to this song. Dance of "Little Red Riding Hood".Children sit on chairs.

Fairies and sorceresses often appear in Charles Perrault's fairy tales. Magic music sounds. Real fairies also came to visit us . They really want to know how well you know the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, so they will ask you a few questions.
1st fairy:

· Which fairy tales by Perrault have fairies? (Answer: Cinderella, fairy gifts, sleeping beauty, donkey skin, Rikke-tuft.)

· Which of Perrault's fairy tales end with a wedding? (Answer: Cinderella, Puss in Boots, fairy gifts, sleeping beauty, donkey skin, Rikke-tuft)

· Which fairy tales by Perrault have animal heroes? (Answer: Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood.)

· In which of Perrault's tales are there cannibalistic giants? (Answer: Puss in Boots, Thumb Boy)

· What name did Puss in Boots call its owner? (Marquis Karabas)

· What decree did the king issue for his subjects? (prohibit, under penalty of death, from spinning and keeping spindles and spinning wheels in the house)

· What misfortune did the old witch predict for the princess? (That the princess will prick her finger and die)

· What miracle did the fairy perform so that Cinderella could go to the ball? (She turned a pumpkin into a carriage, mice into horses, lizards into footmen, and a rat into a coachman).

· What condition did Cinderella have to fulfill? (She had to return before 12 o'clock at night).

· What material is Cinderella's shoe made of? (made of crystal)

· What magical properties did the seven-league boots from the fairy tale “Tom Thumb” have? (Answer: fast walkers, anyone can handle it).

2nd fairy:

· How many fairies were invited to the little princess's birthday? (Answer: seven.)

· How many sons did the miller have? (Answer: three.)

· How many times did the clock strike when Cinderella's carriage turned into a pumpkin? (12)

· How many children were there in the family where Little Thumb was born? (7)

· How many years did the princess have to sleep after pricking her finger with a spindle? (100 years)

3rd fairy:

1. Why didn't the wolf eat Little Red Riding Hood right away in the forest? (Answer: I heard the sound of woodcutters’ axes.)

2. Why wasn't the old fairy invited to the celebration? (Answer: she did not leave her tower for more than 50 years, and everyone thought that she had died long ago.)

3. Why couldn't Little Thumb find his way out of the thicket? (Answer: the birds pecked the bread crumbs.)

4. Why was the stepdaughter called Cinderella? (Having done her housework, she hid in a corner near the fireplace and sat on a box of ashes).

5. Why Boy's parents Thumb decided to get rid of the children? (there was a terrible famine, there was nothing to feed them)

4th fairy:

· How did the cat introduce its owner to the king and his daughter? (I sent the owner to swim, and told the king that the owner’s clothes were stolen by thieves)

· How did the Ogre prove to the cat that he was a real wizard? (He turned first into a lion and then into a mouse).

· How did the young fairy save the princess in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"? (Said she would sleep for 100 years)

· How did the Boy with Thumb escape from being chased? (He took the running boots off the Ogre’s feet.)

· How did the prince manage to find Cinderella? (By his order, all the girls in the kingdom tried on the shoe that Cinderella lost at the ball)

· How did the sorceress in the fairy tale “The Fairy’s Gifts” repay the kindness? (When the girl spoke, flowers and precious stones fell from her mouth.) How did she punish her sister?

· What inheritance did the miller leave to his sons? (mill, donkey, cat)

· What did the fairy do so that after 100 years the princess would not feel lonely? (the fairy put everyone in the palace to sleep, except for the king and queen)

· What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket? (pies and a pot of butter)

· Who saved grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (woodcutters)

5th fairy:"The fourth is superfluous." Name the unnecessary ones and explain your decision.

1. Grandmother, wolf, cat, girl. (Answer: there is no cat in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".)

2. Shoe, watch, pumpkin, ogre. (Answer: there is no cannibal in the fairy tale "Cinderella".)

3. A dense forest, bread crumbs, glass slippers, walking boots. (Answer: there are no shoes in the fairy tale "Tom Thumb".)

4. Sack, rabbit, wolf, partridge. (Answer: there is no wolf in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".)

5. "Sleeping Beauty", "Beauty and the Beast", "Cinderella", "Donkey Skin". (Answer: only three fairy tales belong to Charles Perrault, the extra one is the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”.)

Lost and Found. From which fairy tales are objects lost? (white pebbles, broom, spindle, basket, hat with feather, gem)

Game "Who Says This?"
Evening would soon come,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
May I be in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from? What's my name?
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic. (Cinderella)

There's a fun ball in the palace

I danced with Cinderella!
Exactly at midnight suddenly she
Escaped from the palace!
I've been looking for her for a long time,
I tried the shoe on for everyone. (Prince)

To my beloved goddaughter

I gave you a dress
And the garden pumpkin

Turned it into a carriage.
I'll wave my magic wand!

And suddenly she will become
In your glass slippers

Cuter than everyone around! (Fairy)

Game "Cinderella"

Boys and girls are divided into pairs. Boys, carefully examine your “Cinderellas”, try to remember the features of their appearance and clothing. Then the boys leave the group, and the girls sit on chairs. One shoe is removed from each girl's foot. The shoes are stacked in the middle of the room, with a few more added. The boys are blindfolded and taken into the room one at a time. First, the “prince” must find his “Cinderella” by touch, and then find her shoe in a pile of shoes.

Presenter: -Our literary holiday is coming to an end.And finally, a riddle:

1. This fairy-tale hero

With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
He's all striped.

Know this rascal

No one can be fooled:

A cannibal, like a mouse,

Managed to swallow it.

(Puss in Boots)

2. This fairy tale is not new,

The princess was still sleeping in it,

The evil fairies are to blame

And a spindle prick.

(Sleeping Beauty)

3. Life did not endow him with beauty,

But she rewarded me with intelligence beyond measure.

He helped the beauty become smart.
Who can name his name now?

(Rike with a tuft)

Pies in a basket. She ran along the path,
Dark forest all around!
I met a wolf there
And I didn’t really know
how can he get it quickly?
Found yourself at the door?
And the rogue went to bed?
What's the girl's name? (Little Red Riding Hood)

The girl wanted to go to the ball
And she put beautiful shoes on her feet.
The Fairy helped her with her magic,
So that she meets the prince at the ball. (Cinderella)

Answer without prompting
Who is the author of these fairy tales?
Children in chorus:Charles Perrault

How I would like to live in a magical house,
Where fairy tales are stored, like poems in an album,
Where are the old ladies - the walls gossip at night
About everything that we saw firsthand in fairy tales.
Where the fire in the fireplace creates comfort.
And miracles live on the bookshelf.
Where in an ancient chair, slightly creaking a pen,
My friend, Charles Perrault, writes fairy tales.

Quiz on fairy tales by Charles Perrault for primary school students

Quiz based on the fairy tales of C. Perrault for elementary school students.

Before the holidays, children were given a list of fairy tales by Charles Perrault for independent reading:
1. Cinderella.
2. Little Red Riding Hood.
3. Puss in Boots.
4. Fairy gifts.
5. Thumb Boy.
6. Donkey skin.
7. Sleeping beauty.
After reading fairy tales in class extracurricular reading children shared their impressions of what they had read, watched video illustrations for these fairy tales, after which an announcement was made about the upcoming quiz.

The quiz includes 7 sections, depending on the number of fairy tales.
Each student receives quiz questions. For each correct answer 1 point is awarded.
After summing up the results of the quiz, you can determine the “Best expert on fairy tales” by C. Perrault, as well as the most attentive reader (separately for each fairy tale).
As a result, everyone receives a diploma for young readers.

Quiz on fairy tales by C. Perrault

1. Who was Cinderella’s aunt?________________________________________________
2. What did the pumpkin turn into?________________________________________________
3. What did the mouse turn into?________________________________________________
4. What did the rat turn into?________________________________________________
5. What did the lizards turn into?_________________________________________________
6.What did the sorceress strictly punish Cinderella?___________________________
7. What did Cinderella lose at the ball?_________________________________________________
Little Red Riding Hood.
1. How does the tale of Little Red Riding Hood begin?_________________________________
2. What did the mother give to the grandmother, except for the pies?________________________________
3. Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother?_____________________________________________
Puss in Boots.
1.What inheritance did the old miller leave to his sons?_____________________
2. What did the cat name his owner?_____________________________________________
3. Who was the owner of all the meadows and fields through which the king passed?____________
4. Who did the cannibal turn into?________________________________________________
Fairy gifts.
1. What gift did the old lady give to her youngest daughter?___________________________
2. What gift did the sorceress give to her eldest daughter?__________________________
3.What happened in the forest with youngest daughter?___________________________________
4. What happened at the end of the fairy tale with the eldest daughter?___________________________
Thumb Boy.
1. How many sons did the woodcutter have?_____________________________________________
2. Who did the ogre meet when he chased the boys?_________________________
3. What did Thumb Boy do when he saw the sleeping ogre?______________________
4. What job did Little Thumb find?_________________________________
5. How much did he receive for each letter delivered?__________________________
Donkey skin.
1. What miracle does the king have in the stable?_______________________________________
2. The most last wish at the queen's?_______________________________________________
3. Who did the king decide to marry?__________________________________________________________
4. Where did the princess in donkey skin find a job?________________________________
5. What was the first request of the prince that Donkey Skin should fulfill?______
6.What did the prince find in the pie?________________________________________________
7.What did the prince ask for the second time when he fell ill?_________________________________
8. How did the fairy tale end?__________________________________________________________
sleeping Beauty
1. What was the grief in the royal family? _____________________________________
2. Who was born into the royal family?__________________________________________
3. Who was invited to the holiday? _____________________________________________________
4. What did the princess become for the fairies? _____________________________________________________
5. Why did you forget to call the old fairy? _______________________________________
6. What gift did the old fairy give the princess?________________________________
7. Why didn’t the princess and prince see that everyone had woken up?_____________________

Answers to a quiz based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

1. Who was Cinderella's aunt? sorceress, fairy
2. What did the pumpkin turn into? coach
3. What did the mice turn into? into horses
4. What did the rat turn into? the coachman
5. What did the lizards turn into? as servants
6.What did the sorceress strictly punish Cinderella? return at 12.00
7. What did Cinderella lose at the ball? glass slipper
Little Red Riding Hood.
1. How does the tale of Little Red Riding Hood begin? There lived in a village a little girl...
2. What did the mother give to the grandmother, except for the pies? pot of oil
3. Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother? lumberjack, hunters
Puss in Boots.
1.What inheritance did the old miller leave to his sons? mill, donkey, cat
2. What did the cat name his owner? Marquis Karabas
3. Who was the owner of all the meadows and fields through which the king passed? Ogre
4. Who did the cannibal turn into? lion, man, mouse
Fairy gifts.
1. What gift did the old lady give to her youngest daughter? flower, stone
2. What gift did the sorceress give to her eldest daughter? toad, snake
3.What happened to the youngest daughter in the forest? the king's son met her and married her
4. What happened at the end of the fairy tale to the eldest daughter? died alone in the forest

Thumb Boy.
1. How many sons did the woodcutter have? 7 sons
2. Who did the ogre meet when he chased the boys? royal carriage
3. What did Thumb Boy do when he saw the sleeping ogre? pulled off his boots
4. What job did Thumb find? royal messenger
5. How much did he receive for each letter delivered? 1 thousand gold
Donkey skin.
1. What miracle does the king have in the stable? donkey bringing gold coins
2. What is the Queen's last wish? the king must marry the one who is more beautiful than the queen
3. Who did the king decide to marry? on his daughter
4. Where did the princess in donkey skin find a job? on a farm, caring for animals
5. What was the prince's first request for Donkey Skin to fulfill?
bake a pie
6.What did the prince find in the pie? ring
7.What did the prince ask for the second time when he fell ill? find who has the right ring
8. How did the fairy tale end? wedding, and in the dowry kingdom
sleeping Beauty
1. What was the grief in the royal family? there were no children
2. Who was born into the royal family? daughter
3. Who was invited to the holiday? fairies
4. What did the princess become for the fairies? goddaughter
5. Why did you forget to call the old fairy? I haven’t left the tower for 50 years and everyone thought
that she died
6. What gift did the old fairy give the princess?
7. Why didn’t the princess and prince see that everyone was waking up? they were in love

Many famous fairy tales in the original do not end happily. The fact is that the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault and many other famous storytellers wrote their works for adults, so the plots of unadapted versions of “Cinderella”, “The Three Little Pigs” and many other good children’s fairy tales could successfully become a script for modern horror films.

The very first version of “The Sleeping Beauty” by the Italian Giambattista Basile is much less joyful than everyone is accustomed to believe. The king finds a girl who has fallen asleep forever and rapes her. After 9 months, the girl gives birth to twins in her sleep. The beauty wakes up from the fact that one of the kids sucked a splinter out of her finger, because of which the girl fell asleep. The king later kills his wife in order to be with Sleeping Beauty.

2. Pinocchio

In Carlo Collodi's original version of the tale, when Gepetto carved Pinocchio from wood, the puppet ran away from him. The police put old man Gepetto in prison, believing that he had abused the wooden boy. Pinocchio returns to Gepetto's house and kills the wise hundred-year-old cricket, not wanting to listen to his advice. Pinocchio ends his life in fire.

3. The Three Little Pigs

In some versions of this English tale, the wolf eats two piglets after he has destroyed their flimsy straw and wooden homes.

4. The Little Mermaid

In Hans Christian Andersen's original story, the little mermaid, who regained her legs, experienced excruciating pain with every step. At the same time, she was given a condition: if the prince marries someone else, she will die and turn into sea foam (in the end, the prince did marry someone else). In an attempt to save their sister, the other mermaids spoke to the sea witch's dagger. The spell assumed that if the Little Mermaid killed the prince with this dagger and dripped his blood onto her feet, she would get rid of the pain by returning to the sea again. True, love won and the prince remained alive.

5. The Ugly Duckling

Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" is known all over the world. According to the plot of the fairy tale, which differs somewhat from the cartoon plot, the duckling originally lived in a barnyard, where he was chased by other animals. He ran away and lived with wild geese and ducks, which were soon killed by hunters. The duckling was picked up by an old woman, but her cat and chicken also began to mock the chicken. After long hardships, he escaped in the winter and joined the swans.

6. The Toad Prince

In some versions of the tale, it was not a kiss from a kind princess that turned the frog into a prince. The toad turned into a human after being beheaded. In the original version of the Brothers Grimm, the princess, in order to turn the frog into a prince, slammed it against the wall. The frog turns into a princess only in the Russian folk version of the fairy tale.

7. Cinderella

In the Brothers Grimm version, Cinderella's older sister cuts off her toes while trying to put on a shoe. The second sister cuts off her heels. In both cases, two doves sent by Cinderella's dead mother warned the prince about the sisters' blood in the slippers. As a result, Cinderella was successfully recognized as the real owner of the slippers, and during her wedding to the prince, the pigeons returned and pecked out the eyes of her older sisters.

8. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

A real fairy tale Brothers Grimm is very dark. The Evil Queen ordered the huntsmen to take Snow White into the forest, kill her, cut out her liver and lungs to cook the queen's lunch. Later, the prince and Snow White got married and invited all the rulers to their wedding. When the evil queen showed up at a wedding, unaware that the bride was her stepdaughter, she was forced to wear iron boots heated in the fireplace and dance until she died.

9. Pied Piper

The Pied Piper of Hamelin is a story about missing children. According to the plot of the tale, the piper succumbed to the persuasion of the mayor and agreed to rid the city of rats and lured the rats into the river, where they drowned. But the mayor refused to pay the promised reward, and the piper, using witchcraft, took all the children out of the city.

10. Little Red Riding Hood

In the original version of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", the wolf came to the grandmother's house and tore her into pieces, preparing food from the flesh and draining the blood into a bottle of wine. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived, the wolf fed her bloody treats, after which he persuaded the girl to undress, burn her clothes and lie in bed next to him. As a result, Little Red Riding Hood was eaten.

North Kazakhstan region

Taiynshinsky district

Mironovka village

KSU "Myronivka Secondary School"

Social teacher Igibaeva Zh.A.

Travel game scenario
By creativity French writer hero of the day 2013 - Charles Perrault.
“On fairy tale paths” for students in grades 2-4.


1. Increase children's creative interest.
2. Teach thoughtful reading. literary text; the ability to form your own judgments.
3. Develop observation skills and the ability to compare plots of famous fairy tales
4. To cultivate in children the ability to see and feel beauty.

Before the start of the game, students and teachers gather in the assembly hall, where they receive route sheets, according to which the children will have to visit various fairy-tale stations and complete various tasks. The guys will visit 7 stations, and after that they will return to the assembly hall, where the results of the game will be summed up. Before the start, each team receives an envelope with letters from which they need to form a word and find out the name of their team. At stations, students receive 1 point for each correct answer. Preliminary preparation for the holiday involves children reading fairy tales by Charles Perrault.

1. Station "Portraits" . Guess the fairy tale character from the description.

1. You are the favorite of your mother and grandmother. You love picking flowers and collecting bouquets. You forget that you can't talk to strangers. Who will save you from death? (Answer: lumberjacks.)

2. Who could transform into any animal? (Answer: a cannibal giant.)

3. You are the youngest son in the family, very smart and reasonable. You saved the lives of yourself and your brothers more than once. How will you serve the king? (Answer: messenger.)

4. You are a fairy. Your goddaughter really wants to go to the ball, so you'll have to do some magic. What transformations will you make? (Answer: pumpkin - for a carriage, mice - for horses, lizards - for lackeys, a rat - for a coachman.)

5. Who lived in the castle, located in an impenetrable thicket of trees and bushes? It was rumored that it belonged to an ogre... (Answer: Sleeping Beauty.)

2. Station "Mathematical".

1. How many horses were harnessed to Cinderella's carriage? (Answer: 6.)

2. How many days did the ball last in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Answer: 2 days.)

3. How many fairies were there at the princess's birthday? (Answer: 8.)

4. How many brothers did Little Thumb have? (Answer: 6.)

5. How old was Little Thumb? (Answer: 7.)

6. How many sons did the miller have? (3).

7. How many times did the Ogre perform his transformations? (2, lion, mouse)

8. How many years did the enchanted princess have to sleep? (100 years)

9. How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16)

10. How many cases and devices made of pure gold were ordered for sorceresses? (7).

3 . Station "Lost and Found". Name the unnecessary ones and explain your decision.

1. Mill, wolf, cat, girl. (Answer: there is no cat in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".)

2. Shoe, watch, mouse, ogre. (Answer: there is no cannibal in the fairy tale "Cinderella".)

3. Carriage, courtiers, peasants, merchants. (Answer: there are no merchants in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".)

4. Yarn, spinning wheel, loom, spindle. (Answer: there is no loom in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty".)

5. "Sleeping Beauty", "Beauty and the Beast", "Cinderella", "Sorceresses". (Answer: only three fairy tales belong to Charles Perrault, the extra one is the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”.)

4. Station "Shifters" Guess what kind of fairy tales are hidden behind the shapeshifters.

1. “Black Beret” (“Little Red Riding Hood”)

2. “Dog in Sneakers” (“Puss in Boots”)

3. “Pierre without a bang” (“Riquet-crest”)

4. “Red Mustache” (“Blue Beard”)

5. “The Girl Is a Giantess” (“Tom Thumb”)

6. “The Waking Witch” (“Sleeping Beauty”)

5. Station “Why and Why?”

1. Why didn't the wolf eat Little Red Riding Hood right away in the forest? (Answer: I heard the sound of woodcutters’ axes.)

2. Why did the miller's youngest son believe the Cat? (Answer: he resorted to tricks, hunting rats and mice, which means he was dexterous and smart.)

3. Why did the Cat need boots? (Answer: to make it easier to wander through the forest.)

4. Why wasn't the old fairy invited to the celebration? (Answer: she did not leave her tower for more than 50 years, and everyone thought that she had died long ago.)

5. Why did the young fairy hide behind the curtains of the bed in the nursery? (Answer: so that her wish would be her last and she could save the princess.)

6. Who didn't fall asleep in an enchanted castle and why? (Answer: a king and a queen, so that there is someone to rule the kingdom.)

7. Why did the prince end up alone in the enchanted castle, without his retinue? (Answer: only the trees and thorny bushes parted in front of him.)

8. Why couldn’t Little Thumb find his way out of the thicket the second time? (Answer: the birds pecked the bread crumbs.)

9. Why did the mother love her eldest daughter in the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts"? (Answer: she was like her - rude)

10. Why did the Cat come up with a new name for his owner? (Answer: only a nobleman with a title could succeed at court.)

6. Station “Illustrator” WITH eyes closed draw a cat’s face for the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault