Erin is the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Weinstein family. Biography

Erin Viktor Fedorovich

(01/17/1944). Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of B. N. Yeltsin and E. G. Gaidar from January 17, 1992 and in the government of V. S. Chernomyrdin from December 14, 1992 to June 30, 1995. Born in Kazan. He received his education at the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (1973). Since 1964, district police commissioner, then detective officer of one of the regional police departments of Kazan. In 1967-1980 employee of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1980-1981 was on a business trip to Afghanistan. From 1982 to 1983 he headed the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1983 in Moscow, head of the department of the Main Directorate for Combating theft of Socialist Property (UBKHSS). In 1988-1990 First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Armenian SSR. Since 1990, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR - head of the criminal police service. Since the beginning of 1991, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR (Minister V.P. Barannikov). In May 1991 he left the CPSU. During the August political crisis of 1991, together with V.P. Barannikov, he went over to the side of B.N. Yeltsin. He took an active part in disrupting the activities of the State Committee for the State of Emergency (GKChP). He personally arrested the Chairman of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers V.S. Pavlov and the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A.I. Lukyanov. He arrived with a group to arrest the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR B.K. Pugo, but he committed suicide, having first shot his wife. At the beginning of September 1991, V.P. Barannikov, appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, took V.F. Erin as his first deputy. He led the group for the operational support of the investigation of criminal cases initiated against members of the State Emergency Committee, and showed particular zeal in clarifying the financial affairs of the CPSU. Cleansed law enforcement agencies from supporters of the CPSU. In the fall of 1991, on the basis of a professional and personal conflict, the head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime, A.I. Gurov, survived from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One of the initiators and developers of President B. N. Yeltsin’s decree on the unification of security and internal affairs agencies. In December 1991 - January 1992, First Deputy Minister of Security and Internal Affairs of Russia. After the separation of the ministry based on the decision of the Constitutional Court of Russia, from January 17, 1992, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the beginning of 1992, he submitted to the session of the Supreme Council of Russia the “Program for Combating Crime for 1992-1993,” in which he planned to stop the growth of crime in two years and reliably guarantee the personal and property security of citizens. The majority of parliament deputies who spoke in the discussion considered the stated deadlines to be clearly unrealistic; the author of the program was accused of trying to snatch additional funds from the state budget for departmental needs. He objected to the transformation of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into the National Guard. In May 1992, four months after his appointment as minister, he was sharply criticized by A.V. Rutsky, Yu.V. Skokov and V.P. Barannikov for the increase in crime. The question was about resignation, but B. N. Yeltsin opposed his removal from office. Then V.F. Erin was severely reprimanded. In the summer of 1992, in accordance with the instructions of B. N. Yeltsin, alarmed by the increased political activity of M. S. Gorbachev, he conducted a financial and legal inspection of the activities of the Gorbachev Foundation. It was an operation to intimidate the ex-president of the USSR, carried out with ostentatious noise. At six o'clock in the morning the fund's building was surrounded by police, the doors were blocked, and the cash desk was sealed. V. F. Erin presented B. N. Yeltsin with a certificate in which abuses were recorded, in particular, participation in stock exchange transactions. And although the violations were minor, B. N. Yeltsin ordered a review of a number of conditions for the existence of the fund. He received an apartment in the presidential building on Osennaya Street instead of V.P. Barannikov, who was crossed off the list at the direction of B.N. Yeltsin. In the fall of 1992, he endorsed a draft order of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a new position in the government - a government coordinator in the security forces, who controlled them and was accountable only to the Prime Minister. A twenty-nine-year-old young man, who just six months ago had been a senior lieutenant in the reserves, a future businessman and prisoner D., was appointed to this general position. O. Yakubovsky. Since November 1992, V.F. Erin headed the operational headquarters to restore law and order in the area of ​​the Ingush-Ossetian conflict. Since December 1992, as Minister of Internal Affairs, he entered the government of V. S. Chernomyrdin. In December 1992, at the VII Congress of People's Deputies and in March 1993, at a meeting of the Supreme Council, after B. N. Yeltsin’s appeals to the citizens of the country, he spoke very balanced, emphasizing the commitment of the internal affairs bodies to the law and the Constitution. On July 23, 1993, on the last day of its work, the VI session of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation invited the president to consider the issue of removing V.F. Erin from office. 09/12/1993, together with P. S. Grachev, N. M. Golushko, A. V. Kozyrev, took part in a meeting with B. N. Yeltsin in Novo-Ogarevo, where a secret decision was made on the violent dispersal of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation 09.19.1993 In September 1993, he fully supported B.N. Yeltsin’s decree No. 1400 “On phased constitutional reform,” which provided for the dissolution of parliament. On September 23, 1993, he brought internal troops and part of the special purpose division named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. He signed an order for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs guarding the Supreme Council, according to which, in the event of voluntary resignation from the security of the Supreme Council, they were guaranteed employment, resolution of material issues and provision of benefits. On September 24, 1993, he gave the order to organize a strict blockade of the “White House” by police officers. People were only allowed to leave the parliament building; no one else could enter. The electricity and heating in the room were turned off, and the supply of hot water was stopped. On October 1, 1993, V.F. Erin was awarded the military rank of Army General. He gave the order to the police to disperse opposition rallies. During the clashes near the Barrikadnaya metro station, batons were used. According to Moscow Prosecutor G.S. Ponomarev, the prosecutor's office opened 22 criminal cases based on citizens' statements about their beatings by internal affairs officers, but it was not possible to collect sufficient evidence of the guilt of specific individuals in abuse of power. On October 3, 1993, supporters of the Supreme Council unblocked the White House building, put riot police and police to flight and seized the Moscow City Hall building. The rebels tried to capture the Ostankino television center, but by the night of October 4, 1993 they were scattered by machine-gun fire. The victims numbered in the hundreds. Six journalists were killed, several dozen media workers were beaten by riot police and police. V.F. Erin, at a meeting with the editors-in-chief of leading Russian newspapers, stated that “the journalists were drunk and attacked the police officers, and the officers only defended themselves.” 10/08/1993 for actions to suppress unrest on 10/03/04/1993 awarded the title of Hero Russian Federation. Since October 20, 1993, member of the Russian Security Council. Received honorary right take a steam bath with B.N. Yeltsin. He learned to play tennis because B.N. Yeltsin became interested in it. Together with V.P. Barannikov and other power ministers, he took part in B.N. Yeltsin’s trips around the country. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance B. G. Fedorov, who flew with them to Udmurtia, spoke about what their function was: “I was impressed by the amount of alcohol some of them drank and the scene when the ministers began to take out huge pistols and revolvers and compare who has the “cooler” weapon. Such associates of the president instilled in me a feeling of unaccountable anxiety" (Fedorov B.G. Trying to understand Russia. M., 2000. P. 169). 02/28/1994, on the second day after those responsible for the events of August 1991 and October 1993 were released from Lefortovo in accordance with the resolution of the State Duma, V. F. Erin received a call from B. N. Yeltsin and demanded immediately arrest those released under the amnesty. The minister replied that he was ready to carry out the order, but he needed the official consent of the Prosecutor General. However, the matter was put on hold. On November 30, 1994, in accordance with President B. N. Yeltsin’s decree No. 2137-s, he became part of the group leading the actions to disarm gangs in Chechnya. In December 1994-January 1995. supervised the actions of units and bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of the Chechen Republic. In November 1994, when detachments of the Chechen opposition, led by U. D. Avturkhanov, entered Grozny, the introduction of internal troops into the city, necessary to help U. D. Avturkhanov to retain power, was slowed down. I told B. N. Yeltsin that everything that is happening in Chechnya, including the operational data of the FSK, requires serious verification, and it is necessary to observe the development of events for several days. As a result, time was lost, Dudayev’s troops defeated the troops of U.D. Avturkhanov and captured 150 people, 70 of them turned out to be Russian military personnel. On June 30, 1995, he was dismissed from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs after the tragic events in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory. On June 29, 1995, at a meeting of the Security Council, B. N. Yeltsin asked him after his report on the events in Budennovsk: “What punishment do you consider objective for yourself?” “I will accept any measure taken by the president,” answered V.F. Erin. Handing over the case to the new Minister of Internal Affairs A.S. Kulikov, he admitted that “drinking was, so to speak, an integral part of solving state problems. They gathered in a narrow circle - in a club, on Kosygina Street" (Kulikov A. C. Heavy stars. M., 2002. P. 413). According to the former Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation V. A. Kovalev, after a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, at which V. F. Erin was removed from the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he said to V. A. Kovalev: “This is the Chechen nature: until you kill - will fight. Therefore, there are only two options - kill or deport. Stalin at one time quickly restored order in this way” (V. A. Kovalev. Version of the Minister of Justice. M., 2002. P. 166). From 07/05/1995 to 1999, Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Since 1999, Advisor to the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Army General (10/01/1993). Awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals. He had a non-ministerial appearance. The voice is not bossy, not loud. Married, two children. Son Leonid is an officer, serving in the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation.

The man who became Yeltsin’s power base has died at the age of 75

Yesterday it became known that last Monday in Moscow, at the age of 75, Viktor Erin, one of the outstanding statesmen of the 1990s, died in Moscow at the age of 75, a former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a direct participant in the key events that accompanied the collapse of the USSR and difficult formation of the Russian Federation. BUSINESS Online recalls the main milestones life path a legendary man.

Photo: Boris Prikhodko, RIA Novosti


“The life of Viktor Fedorovich Erin is a worthy example of serving the law and the people. Great experience as a leader and organizer, broad outlook, high internal culture, spiritual generosity and attention to people, readiness to help in any situation have earned Viktor Fedorovich the authority and respect of colleagues and friends,” says the obituary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation published yesterday.

My condolences to family and friends Victor Erin The President of the Republic of Tatarstan also expressed Rustam Minnikhanov. In a telegram sent to the wife of the ex-minister Lyubov Erina, Minnikhanov noted that Erin headed the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs during the difficult years of political and social reforms in the country. He made a worthy contribution to improving the activities of law enforcement agencies and the foreign intelligence service. “His departure is a huge loss for Russia, as well as for the Republic of Tatarstan, where he was born and began his career,” the message states.


Erin was born in Kazan on January 17, 1944. After graduating from 9 classes of secondary school, at the age of 16 he began working as a toolmaker at the aircraft plant named after. Gorbunova. In addition to his main job, the young guy also had a social responsibility - to ensure the protection of public order in the factory club. There Erin was noticed by a local district inspector, who registered him as a freelance police officer, and in 1964 gave a recommendation for service in the internal affairs bodies as a district commissioner of the Leninsky district police department. Within a few months, Erin received the rank of junior lieutenant, and in 1965 he became a cadet at the Yelabuga Police School, from which he graduated two years later with honors.

In 1969, the young promising officer was sent to study in Moscow, at the Higher Police School, from which he graduated four years later with a degree in operational intelligence activities. It should be noted that at that time Erin was the only police officer in Tatarstan who received a diploma from the Higher Police School. He soon received the rank of captain. After 7 years, Erin headed department A, whose main task was to work with the agent network. In this capacity, he took part in the investigation of serious crimes and the exposure of especially dangerous criminal groups.


At the beginning of 1980, Erin was sent to Tashkent, where he underwent a course of basic combat training, learned to shoot from a machine gun, a grenade launcher, and acquired mining and terrain navigation skills. After completing the course, Erin was included in the newly created Cobalt detachment and sent to Afghanistan, where he was supposed to help local colleagues and the leadership of the military contingent in carrying out operational investigative activities. Once in the combat zone, Victor took command of a detachment of 50 people. The business trip to Afghanistan lasted almost 8 months, after which Erin returned to Kazan and soon the military officer headed the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the TASSR.


In 1983, Erin’s career reached a new level - he was transferred to Moscow, where he became the head of the 8th department of the Main Directorate of the BKhSS (fight against theft of socialist property) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1988, a new turn occurred - a native of Kazan was transferred to the post of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Armenian SSR: Moscow tried to take control of the interethnic conflict that had begun in the Transcaucasian republics after the pogrom in Sumgait. And in December 1988, a devastating earthquake occurred in Spitak, as a result of which more than 25 thousand people died, and soon there was a conflict in Karabakh.

Photo: Dmitry Donskoy, RIA Novosti


In 1990, due to the collapse of the USSR, Erin lost his position and even found himself unemployed for several months. However, soon after returning to Moscow he was given the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR - head of the criminal police service. In the spring of 1991, Erin voluntarily left the CPSU, disillusioned with the country's political leadership, which was leading the country at full speed towards disaster.

During the putsch of the State Emergency Committee that took place in August 1991, Erin finally took sides Boris Yeltsin and on August 22, together with the Chairman of the KGB of the RSFSR Viktor Ivanenko, Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Evgeniy Lisin and former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Grigory Yavlinsky took part in the arrest of the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Pugo. According to the official version, shortly before the arrival of the arrest team, Pugo and his wife shot themselves. Erin also took part in the arrests of the Prime Minister of the USSR Valentina Pavlova and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Anatoly Lukyanova.

On September 5, 1991, Erin was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, replacing Boris Gromov. At the end of the same year, a native of Kazan became one of the initiators and developers of the decree of the President of the RSFSR Yeltsin on the formation of the Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs (MBIA) dated December 19, 1991, which a week after signing caused a protest from the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and was canceled by the Constitutional Court Russian Federation in January 1992, because it contradicted the Constitution of the RSFSR.


Erin enjoyed Yeltsin’s trust and soon after the self-dissolution of the USSR he became the first Minister of Internal Affairs of the new Russia. During the events of 1993, he again justified the trust of the President of the Russian Federation. On September 23, he brought internal troops and part of the special purpose division named after. Dzerzhinsky, and the next day gave the order to organize a strict blockade of the White House by police officers.

On October 1, 1993 (a few days before the shooting of the White House by tanks), by decree of Yeltsin he was awarded the military rank of army general, and on October 7, after the suppression of the uprising of supporters of the Supreme Council, Erin received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Erin gave the order to organize a strict blockade of the White House by police officers Photo: Vladimir Fedorenko, RIA Novosti


Since the end of 1994, Erin led the actions of units and bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of the Chechen Republic. The large losses of personnel in the combat zone caused a storm of criticism among the public. On March 10, 1995, the State Duma expressed no confidence in the minister, but only after the failure of the operation to free the hostages in Budennovsk, which was headed by Erin, on June 30, 1995, Yeltsin, by decree, dismissed the minister and a group of other leaders, however, with the wording “at his own request.”

Soon Yeltsin provided Erin with new position- Deputy head of the country's foreign intelligence service, which at that time was headed by Evgeny Primakov. Erin worked in this position until his resignation in 2001. In 2005, at the general meeting of shareholders, he was elected to the board of directors of Motovilikha Plants OJSC.

Viktor Fedorovich Erin is survived by his wife and two children. Son Leonid also chose the path of an officer and works in the Federal Security Service of Russia.


BUSINESS Online asked several people who knew Erin from working in Tatarstan to talk about what kind of person he was.

Georgy Balyasnikov— retired police colonel, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan:

— In 1974, I joined the Soviet police department. At that time, Viktor Fedorovich worked as the head of department A, supervising operational work. When in 1980 I was appointed head of the criminal investigation department of the Soviet police department, Erin was the head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the TASSR. He was very supportive and helped me. Naturally, I learned a lot from him regarding operational work. The guys who worked with Yerin in the criminal investigation department said that he taught them how to correctly draw up documents and how to express their thoughts correctly. He never pounded the table with his fist or yelled, but he knew how to say so that people understood him. Erin knew how to explain complex things in simple words, knew how to communicate with any category of people - be it a general, a simple officer or a criminal.

Viktor Fedorovich is a man of very deep intelligence; he climbed the career ladder thanks to his talents. His share of trials was more than enough, and it would have been enough for 10 people. For example, he was the Minister of Internal Affairs of Armenia just when there was an earthquake in Spitak and events began in Nagorno-Karabakh. But, it must be said, he also had a corresponding school: the head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the TASSR Dmitry Nesterenko and the detective legend, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the TASSR for operational work Kazimir Novikov.

Already when Erin retired, he often came to Kazan and talked with us. He never boasted of his high rank, nor the star of the Hero of the Russian Federation. Of course, it is a pity that such people leave us.

Shamil Ageev- Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan:

— We knew Erin well. He was a student of the legendary Kazimir Novikov, who headed the criminal investigation department. And the criminal investigation department actively interacted with the Komsomol combat squad of KAI ( in the early 70s, Ageev headed the Komsomol organization KAI and was at the origins of the creation of the BKDapprox. ed.). And then Viktor Fedorovich went through a large school in Afghanistan, together with Fikryat Tabeev, who worked there as the USSR Ambassador. IN recent years Erin worked in the department of Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov (foreign intelligence service). Viktor Fedorovich often came to Tatarstan; he had a very warm attitude towards the republic, worried about it, and rejoiced at its successes.

Erin was a rather tough person, and it was very difficult for him to interact with Yeltsin. In general, he was, like a real detective, many-sided. At the same time, he was a selfless and devoted person to the criminal investigation department. He was very worried that he had to participate in the arrest of the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Pugo after the failure of the August 1991 putsch. In fact, before his eyes, Pugo shot himself. Still, Erin was for Soviet Union.

Last time Viktor Fedorovich and I talked right after the New Year. I invited him to events related to Tabeev’s 90th birthday. He apologized and said that for health reasons he could not come, but asked to tell his wife and children that he had great respect for Fikryat Akhmedzhanovich.

Alexander Avvakumov—retired police colonel, former deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan:

— When I came to work in the criminal investigation department as an ordinary employee in 1980, Erin headed the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the TASSR, so I did not know him closely. And six months later, he left for Afghanistan in the first cohort and never returned to Tatarstan. But I can say that Viktor Fedorovich was a man in his place - a very competent, respected specialist, a professional in his field.

Rafil Nugumanov- Major General of Police, former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan - Head of the Public Security Police, Deputy Chairman of the State Council Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan on Law and Order:

— I worked as a simple operative of the Moskovsky district police department. Back then it was beautifully called “criminal investigation inspector.” Viktor Fedorovich took me to the central office. He then held the rank of police captain. Erin at that time was the only person in our republic who graduated from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was practically an academy. He was a very competent operative. I don't remember him yelling at anyone. At the same time, Viktor Fedorovich was very tough, teaching his subordinates from his own experience. He rose to become the head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the TASSR. He has dozens of solved crimes on his record, and the most serious crimes - the criminal investigation department did not deal with small things. Then he went for a promotion to Moscow, worked in the first department of the main directorate of the BKhSS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, then worked as the first deputy minister of internal affairs of the Armenian SSR, and led the criminal police. Then came hard times, Viktor Fedorovich even found himself unemployed for some time. He was then appointed by Yeltsin as Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Erin showed his powerful qualities during the Chechen War, for which we were not prepared. He was highly respected by professionals. Now, salaries in the police have remained at the same level for 10 years. And in those difficult times, Viktor Fedorovich raised salaries 7-8 times. He was a friend of Boris Yeltsin and argued that if a policeman is not paid a normal salary, then he will earn money on the side, which later happened to someone, unfortunately. Erin loved his small homeland very much, loved to come to Tatarstan and relax on the Kama. His parents are buried here. We lost a good friend, our fellow countryman, early.

At his instigation, when banditry was rampant, we are in the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, at the instigation of Mintimir Sharipovich ( Shaimiev, the first president of the Republic of Tatarstanapprox. ed.) we began to detain members of organized criminal groups (OCGs) for a month - not to arrest, but to detain. Erin came, looked, assessed the effect and then brought Yeltsin to Naberezhnye Chelny. I showed you how it works! And then a similar practice was introduced throughout Russia. True, a year later it was canceled - the opposition was powerful, they believed that it was wrong. Although we did not detain oppositionists, but real criminals, we did not let them run wild. He was a good man. May he rest in peace!

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Viktor Fedorovich Erin(born January 17, Kazan) - Russian statesman, army general (), colonel general of the internal service (1992). First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR (February-September 1991). First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1991-1992). Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (-), one of the main participants in the October 1993 events. Deputy Director (1995-2000).


Since 1960, he worked as a toolmaker at the aircraft plant named after. Gorbunova.


In 1967 he graduated with honors from the Kazan branch of the Yelabuga Secondary Police School. In 1973 he graduated with honors from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1964 as a precinct commissioner of the Leninsky ROOP, Kazan. Then he served in the internal affairs bodies of Tatarstan in positions from operational commissioner to head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (he held the last post from 1980 to 1983), took part in the investigation of serious crimes, exposing especially dangerous criminal groups. From 1980 to 1981 he was on a business trip to Afghanistan.

From 1990 to February 1991 - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR - Head of the Criminal Police Service.

In May 1991, he became one of the first senior leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to leave the CPSU.

On August 22, 1991, as the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, together with the Chairman of the KGB of the RSFSR Viktor Ivanenko, Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Evgeny Lisin and former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Grigory Yavlinsky, he took part in the arrest of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Boris Pugo. According to the official version, a few hours before the arrival of the arrest team, Pugo and his wife shot themselves. He also took part in the arrests of the Prime Minister of the USSR V. Pavlov and the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. Lukyanov.

On September 5, 1991, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, replacing Boris Gromov in this post.

He was one of the main initiators and developers of the Decree of the President of the RSFSR B. N. Yeltsin on the formation of the Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs (MBIA) dated December 19, 1991, which a week after signing caused a protest from the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (including Alexander Gurov) and was canceled by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in January 1992, because it contradicted the Constitution of the RSFSR.

Work as Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia

In November 1992, he headed the operational headquarters to restore law and order in the area of ​​the Ingush-Ossetian conflict. According to the former chairman of the RSFSR State Committee on National Policy Valery Tishkov, at that moment, Erin admitted his inability to influence the situation.

On December 23, 1992, during the formation of the new Council of Ministers, Erin was reappointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Andrei Dunaev, who worked as Erin’s first deputy, claimed that in May 1993 he demanded from him the physical liquidation of the leader of Labor Russia Viktor Anpilov.

On July 23, 1993, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, based on the results of the report of the parliamentary commission investigating the events of May 1, 1993 in Moscow, invited Russian President B. N. Yeltsin to consider the issue of Erin’s resignation from the post of minister. However, Yeltsin did not sign the corresponding decree.

On September 12, 1993, Erin supported the draft anti-constitutional decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1400 on the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council, which was signed 9 days later by President B. N. Yeltsin. On September 22, by decree and... O. Russian President Alexander Rutsky for supporting the decree on the dissolution of the Congress and Parliament Erin was relieved of his post as Minister of Internal Affairs Lua error in Module:Sources on line 551: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). . However, Erin did not obey this decision and continued to lead the Ministry of Internal Affairs, following Yeltsin’s instructions.

On September 23, Erin brought internal troops and part of the special purpose division named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. He signed an order for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs guarding the Supreme Council, according to which, in the event of voluntary resignation from the security of the Supreme Council, they were guaranteed employment, resolution of material issues and provision of benefits. The next day, he gave the order to organize a strict blockade of the White House by police officers.

He took an active part in the October events of the armed suppression of opponents of Boris Yeltsin from among the supporters of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council on October 3-4. In particular, units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs subordinate to Erin dispersed opposition rallies and took part in the siege and storming of the building of the Supreme Soviet of Russia on October 4. On October 7, he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for this. On the same day, a press conference was held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs by Viktor Erin and the commander of the internal troops, Anatoly Kulikov. During this press conference, journalists were informed that 49 corpses had been removed from the building of the Supreme Council.

Further activities

In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Erin had a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​​​transforming the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia into units of the National Guard, believing that the internal troops are capable of effectively performing their functions and there is no need to turn them into units of guardsmen.



Married, has two children. Son Leonid is an officer, serving in the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Because of him, the expression “Erin ghouls” came about, which in the early 1990s was used to call police officers.

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  1. Until May 16, 1992, according to Art. 123 of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978 (as amended on November 1, 1991) and Art. 25 of the RSFSR Law of August 3, 1979 “On the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR” the position was called Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. But in the presidential decree on the appointment of Erin dated January 15, 1992, the position was named differently - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. .
  3. Valery Tishkov: “What can I do?!” “Interior Minister Erin complained about my proposal to disarm and separate the conflicting parties among Russian citizens.”
  4. Khasbulatov R.I.// The Great Russian Tragedy.
  5. Conclusion of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of September 21, 1993 No. Z-2 “On the compliance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation with the actions and decisions of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, related to his Decree “On step-by-step constitutional reform in the Russian Federation” of September 21, 1993 N 1400 and the Appeal to the citizens of Russia on September 21, 1993"
  6. p.5
  7. Ivan Ivanov (Marat Musin)
  8. .
  9. Ivan Ivanov (Marat Musin)
  10. see at 10:14
  11. .
  12. Alexander Voronov // Magazine "Kommersant Money" No. 39 dated 10/06/2003, p. 34


  • . Website "Heroes of the Country".

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Excerpt characterizing Erin, Viktor Fedorovich

- Do you really like it? Do you want it to stay that way?
The man just nodded, unable to utter a word.
I didn’t even try to imagine what happiness he must have experienced after the black horror in which he found himself every day for so long!..
“Thank you, honey...” the man whispered quietly. - Just tell me, how can this remain?..
- Oh, it's simple! Your world will only be here, in this cave, and no one will see it except you. And if you don’t leave here, he will stay with you forever. Well, I’ll come to you to check... My name is Stella.
- I don’t know what to say for this... I don’t deserve it. This is probably wrong... My name is Luminary. Yes, he hasn’t brought very much “light” so far, as you can see...
- Oh, nevermind, bring me some more! – it was clear that the little girl was very proud of what she had done and was bursting with pleasure.
“Thank you, dears...” The luminary sat with his proud head bowed, and suddenly began to cry completely childishly...
“Well, what about others who are the same?..” I whispered quietly in Stella’s ear. – There must be a lot of them, right? What to do with them? After all, it’s not fair to help one. And who gave us the right to judge which of them is worthy of such help?
Stellino's face immediately frowned...
– I don’t know... But I know for sure that this is right. If it were wrong, we would not have succeeded. There are different laws here...
Suddenly it dawned on me:
- Wait a minute, what about our Harold?!.. After all, he was a knight, which means he also killed? How did he manage to stay there, on the “top floor”?..
“He paid for everything he did... I asked him about this - he paid very dearly...” Stella answered seriously, wrinkling her forehead funny.
- What did you pay with? – I didn’t understand.
“The essence...” the little girl whispered sadly. “He gave up part of his essence for what he did during his life.” But his essence was very high, therefore, even after giving away part of it, he was still able to remain “at the top.” But very few people can do this, only truly highly developed entities. Usually people lose too much and end up much lower than they were originally. How Shining...
It was amazing... This means that having done something bad on Earth, people lost some part of themselves (or rather, part of their evolutionary potential), and even at this, they still had to remain in that nightmarish horror, which was called - “lower” Astral... Yes, for mistakes, indeed, one had to pay dearly...
“Well, now we can go,” the little girl chirped, waving her hand contentedly. - Goodbye, Luminary! I will come to you!
We moved on, and our new friend was still sitting, frozen with unexpected happiness, greedily absorbing the warmth and beauty of the world created by Stella, and plunging into it as deeply as a dying person would do, absorbing the life that had suddenly returned to him...
“Yes, that’s right, you were absolutely right!” I said thoughtfully.
Stella beamed.
Being in the most “rainbow” mood, we had just turned towards the mountains when a huge, spiked-clawed creature suddenly emerged from the clouds and rushed straight at us...
- Be careful! – Stella squealed, and I just managed to see two rows of razor-sharp teeth, and from a strong blow to the back, I rolled head over heels to the ground...
From the wild horror that gripped us, we rushed like bullets across a wide valley, not even thinking that we could quickly go to another “floor”... We simply did not have time to think about it - we were too scared.
The creature flew right above us, loudly clicking its gaping toothy beak, and we rushed as fast as we could, splashing vile slimy splashes to the sides, and mentally praying that something else would suddenly interest this creepy “miracle bird”... It was felt. that she was much faster and we simply had no chance to break away from her. As luck would have it, not a single tree grew nearby, there were no bushes, or even stones behind which one could hide, only an ominous black rock could be seen in the distance.
- There! – Stella shouted, pointing her finger at the same rock.
But suddenly, unexpectedly, a creature appeared from somewhere right in front of us, the sight of which literally froze our blood in our veins... It appeared as if “straight out of thin air” and was truly terrifying... The huge black carcass was completely covered long, coarse hair, making him look like a pot-bellied bear, only this “bear” was as tall as a three-story house... The monster’s lumpy head was “crowned” with two huge curved horns, and the eerie mouth was decorated with a pair of incredibly long fangs, sharp as knives, just by looking to which, with fright, our legs gave way... And then, incredibly surprising us, the monster easily jumped up and... picked up the flying “muck” on one of its huge fangs... We froze in shock.
- Let's run!!! – Stella squealed. – Let’s run while he’s “busy”!..
And we were ready to rush again without looking back, when suddenly a thin voice sounded behind our backs:
- Girls, wait!!! No need to run away!.. Dean saved you, he is not an enemy!
We turned around sharply - a tiny, very beautiful black-eyed girl was standing behind us... and was calmly stroking the monster that had approached her!.. Our eyes widened in surprise... It was incredible! Certainly - it was a day of surprises!.. The girl, looking at us, smiled welcomingly, not at all afraid of the furry monster standing next to us.
- Please don't be afraid of him. He is very kind. We saw that Ovara was chasing you and decided to help. Dean was great, he made it on time. Really, my dear?
“Good” purred, which sounded like a slight earthquake, and, bending his head, licked the girl’s face.
– Who is Owara, and why did she attack us? – I asked.
“She attacks everyone, she’s a predator.” And very dangerous,” the girl answered calmly. – May I ask what you are doing here? You're not from here, girls?
- No, not from here. We were just walking. But the same question for you - what are you doing here?
“I’m going to see my mother...” the little girl became sad. “We died together, but for some reason she ended up here.” And now I live here, but I don’t tell her this, because she will never agree with it. She thinks I'm just coming...
– Isn’t it better to just come? It’s so terrible here!.. – Stella shrugged her shoulders.
“I can’t leave her here alone, I’m watching her so that nothing happens to her.” And here Dean is with me... He helps me.
I just couldn’t believe it... This little brave girl voluntarily left her beautiful and kind “floor” to live in this cold, terrible and alien world, protecting her mother, who was very “guilty” in some way! I don’t think there would be many people so brave and selfless (even adults!) who would dare to undertake such a feat... And I immediately thought - maybe she just didn’t understand what she was going to doom herself to?!
– How long have you been here, girl, if it’s not a secret?
“Recently...” the black-eyed baby answered sadly, tugging at a black lock of her curly hair with her fingers. - I got into this beautiful world when she died!.. He was so kind and bright!.. And then I saw that my mother was not with me and rushed to look for her. It was so scary at first! For some reason she was nowhere to be found... And then I fell into this terrible world... And then I found her. I was so scared here... So lonely... Mom told me to leave, she even scolded me. But I can’t leave her... Now I have a friend, my good Dean, and I can already somehow exist here.
Her “good friend” growled again, which gave Stella and me huge “lower astral” goosebumps... Having collected myself, I tried to calm down a little and began to take a closer look at this furry miracle... And he, immediately feeling that he was noticed, he terribly bared his fanged mouth... I jumped back.
- Oh, don't be afraid, please! “He’s smiling at you,” the girl “reassured.”
Yeah... You'll learn to run fast from such a smile... - I thought to myself.
- How did it happen that you became friends with him? – Stella asked.
“When I first came here, I was very scared, especially when monsters like you were attacking today.” And then one day, when I almost died, Dean saved me from a whole bunch of creepy flying “birds”. I was also scared of him at first, but then I realized what a heart of gold he has... He is the most best friend! I never had anything like this, even when I lived on Earth.
- How did you get used to it so quickly? His appearance is not quite, let’s say, familiar...
– And here I understood one very simple truth, which for some reason I did not notice on Earth - appearance does not matter if a person or a creature has kind heart... My mother was very beautiful, but at times she was very angry too. And then all her beauty disappeared somewhere... And Dean, although scary, is always very kind, and always protects me, I feel his kindness and am not afraid of anything. But you can get used to the appearance...
– Do you know that you will be here for a very long time, much longer than people live on Earth? Do you really want to stay here?..
“My mother is here, so I have to help her.” And when she “leaves” to live on Earth again, I will also leave... To where there is more goodness. In this scary world and people are very strange - as if they don’t live at all. Why is this so? Do you know anything about this?
– Who told you that your mother would leave to live again? – Stella became interested.
- Dean, of course. He knows a lot, he’s lived here for a very long time. He also said that when we (my mother and I) live again, our families will be different. And then I won’t have this mother anymore... That’s why I want to be with her now.
- How do you talk to him, your Dean? – Stella asked. - And why don’t you want to tell us your name?
But it’s true – we still didn’t know her name! And they didn’t know where she came from either...
– My name was Maria... But does that really matter here?
- Well, of course! – Stella laughed. - How can I communicate with you? When you leave, they will give you a new name, but while you are here, you will have to live with the old one. Did you talk to anyone else here, girl Maria? – Stella asked, jumping from topic to topic out of habit.
“Yes, I talked...” the little girl said hesitantly. “But they are so strange here.” And so unhappy... Why are they so unhappy?
– Is what you see here conducive to happiness? – I was surprised by her question. – Even the local “reality” itself kills any hopes in advance!.. How can you be happy here?
- Don't know. When I’m with my mother, it seems to me that I could be happy here too... True, it’s very scary here, and she really doesn’t like it here... When I said that I agreed to stay with her, she yelled at me and said that I’m her “brainless misfortune”... But I’m not offended... I know that she’s just scared. Just like me...
– Perhaps she just wanted to protect you from your “extreme” decision, and only wanted you to go back to your “floor”? – Stella asked carefully, so as not to offend.
- No, of course... But thank you for good words. Mom often called me something else good names, even on Earth... But I know that this is not out of anger. She was simply unhappy that I was born, and often told me that I ruined her life. But it wasn't my fault, was it? I always tried to make her happy, but for some reason I wasn’t very successful... And I never had a dad. – Maria was very sad, and her voice was trembling, as if she was about to cry.
Stella and I looked at each other, and I was almost sure that similar thoughts visited her... I already really didn’t like this spoiled, selfish “mother”, who, instead of worrying about her child herself, did not care about his heroic sacrifice at all I understood and, in addition, I also hurt her painfully.
“But Dean says that I’m good, and that I make him very happy!” – the little girl babbled more cheerfully. “And he wants to be friends with me.” And others I've met here are very cold and indifferent, and sometimes even evil... Especially those who have monsters attached...
“Monsters—what?..” we didn’t understand.
- Well, they have terrible monsters sitting on their backs and telling them what they must do. And if they don’t listen, the monsters mock them terribly... I tried to talk to them, but these monsters won’t allow me.
We understood absolutely nothing from this “explanation,” but the very fact that some astral beings were torturing people could not remain “explored” by us, so we immediately asked her how we could see this amazing phenomenon.
- Oh, yes everywhere! Especially at the “black mountain”. There he is, behind the trees. Do you want us to go with you too?
- Of course, we will be only too happy! – the delighted Stella immediately answered.
To be honest, I also didn’t really smile at the prospect of dating someone else, “creepy and incomprehensible,” especially alone. But interest overcame fear, and we, of course, would have gone, despite the fact that we were a little afraid... But when such a defender as Dean walked with us, it immediately became more fun...
And then, after a short moment, real Hell unfolded before our eyes, wide open with amazement... The vision was reminiscent of the paintings of Bosch (or Bosc, depending on what language you translate it into), a “crazy” artist who once shocked the whole world with his art. world... He, of course, was not crazy, but was simply a seer who for some reason could only see the lower Astral. But we must give him credit - he portrayed him superbly... I saw his paintings in a book that was in my dad’s library, and I still remembered the eerie feeling that most of his paintings carried...

In 1965-1967 he studied in absentia at the Yelabuga Special Secondary Police School. In 1973 he graduated from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (Moscow).

From 1960 to 1964 he worked as a toolmaker at the Kazan Aviation Plant named after. S. P. Gorbunova.
In 1964 he began serving in the internal affairs bodies. He was a local commissioner of the Leninsky district department for the protection of public order in Kazan, then held the position of detective officer of the personnel department of the Ministry of Public Order Protection (MOOP) of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
In 1967-1969. - employee of the criminal investigation department of the police department of the MOOP (since 1968 - Ministry of Internal Affairs) of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
In 1973, he returned to Kazan after studying in Moscow and headed department “A” (agents) of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
From 1977 - Deputy Chief, from 1980 to 1983 - Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1980-1981 was on a business trip in Afghanistan, where Soviet troops and intelligence services fought on the side of the socialist government against the Islamic opposition.
From 1983 to 1988 - head of the department in the Main Directorate for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (Moscow).
In 1988-1990 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Armenian SSR Usik Harutyunyan.
In 1990-1991 - Head of the Criminal Police Service - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Vasily Trushin. During the August 1991 coup, he opposed the State Committee for the State of Emergency in the USSR (GKChP) and supported Russian President Boris Yeltsin. On August 22, 1991, together with the Chairman of the KGB of the RSFSR Viktor Ivanenko, Deputy Prosecutor General of the RSFSR Evgeny Lisin and former Deputy Prime Minister Grigory Yavlinsky, he took part in organizing the arrest of the USSR Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Pugo. However, according to the official version, Pugo and his wife shot themselves in their apartment a few hours before Erin’s group arrived. He also took part in the arrests of USSR Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov and Chairman of the USSR Supreme Council Anatoly Lukyanov.
From September to December 1991 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Viktor Barannikov.
From December 1991 to January 1992 - First Deputy Minister of Security and Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Dunaev. In January 1992, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation declared the creation of a ministry that combined the functions of several law enforcement agencies to be contrary to the basic law. Instead of the Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation were created.
From January 15, 1992 to June 30, 1995 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of Boris Yeltsin. He retained his post as part of the cabinets of Yegor Gaidar (acting prime minister from June 15, 1992) and Viktor Chernomyrdin (from December 14, 1992).
From June 3, 1992 to July 7, 1995 - member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
From September 12, 1993, he was part of a group of government members and heads of intelligence services with whom Russian President Boris Yeltsin coordinated the implementation of decree No. 1400, prepared by him, on the dissolution and termination of the activities of the highest legislative bodies of power - the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council (SC) of the Russian Federation. On September 21, 1993, this document was signed by Yeltsin. On the same day, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation declared the president's decision to be contrary to the Constitution. According to the Basic Law, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation terminated the powers of Boris Yeltsin as head of state and entrusted their execution to the Vice President of the Russian Federation, Alexander Rutsky.
In the period from September 21 to October 4, 1993, internal troops, riot police and police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Viktor Erin blocked the building of the Supreme Council on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in Moscow, communications, electricity and water supply were cut off. Protests by supporters of the legislative branch were dispersed by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs using force. On October 4, 1993, Viktor Erin, together with the Ministers of Defense and Security Pavel Grachev and Nikolai Galushko, organized an armed assault on the building of the Russian Armed Forces. The leaders of the opposition to Boris Yeltsin were arrested, the Congress and the Supreme Council were dissolved. During the events of September-October 1993 in Moscow, 158 people were killed and more than 400 were injured. The police detained more than 6 thousand people, almost half of them without paperwork. 348 people were placed in pre-trial detention centers without documents confirming their arrest.
Three times, on April 27, 1994, March 10 and June 23, 1995, the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first convocation expressed no confidence in Viktor Yerin as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On June 21, 1995, after the terrorist attack in Budennovsk (Stavropol Territory), for which parliamentarians blamed the “security” ministers, the State Duma passed the only partial vote of no confidence in the government in the history of the Russian Federation. President Boris Yeltsin did not agree with the opinion of the Duma and refused to dissolve the cabinet of ministers. However, during further negotiations with parliament, he was forced to compromise by dismissing Viktor Erin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Nationalities Affairs Nikolai Egorov, FSB Director Sergei Stepashin and Governor of the Stavropol Territory Evgeny Kuznetsov.
Since July 5, 1995, Viktor Erin held the position of Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny Primakov. He retained his post after the appointment of Vyacheslav Trubnikov as head of the SVR in January 1996 and Sergei Lebedev in May 2000.
Since 2001 he has been retired. Lived in Moscow. On June 18, 2005, he was elected to the board of directors of OJSC Motovilikha Plants.
On March 19, 2018, Viktor Erin died in Moscow. On March 22 he was buried at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery in the capital.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded on October 7, 1993. He was also awarded the Order of the Red Star and the medal “Defender of Free Russia” (1993). Awarded with gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (1995).

He was married and had two children. Son Leonid is an officer of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Russian military leader, army general



In 1967 he graduated with honors from the Kazan branch of the Yelabuga Secondary Police School. In 1973 he graduated with honors from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in 1964 as a local police commissioner. He served in the internal affairs bodies of Tatarstan in positions from operational commissioner to head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan (his last post was held from 1982 to 1984), took part in the investigation of serious crimes, exposing especially dangerous criminal groups. From 1980 to 1981 he was on a business trip to Afghanistan. Since 1983 - head of department in the Main Directorate for Combating Theft of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1988 to 1990 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Armenia. Since 1990 - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR - Head of the Criminal Police Service. From the beginning of 1991 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, in September 1991 he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Since December 1991 - First Deputy Minister of Security and Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In May 1991, he became one of the first senior leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to leave the CPSU.

On August 22, 1991, as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, together with the Chairman of the KGB of the RSFSR Viktor Ivanenko, Deputy Prosecutor Lisin and Grigory Yavlinsky, he took part in the arrest of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Boris Pugo. According to the official version, a few hours before the arrival of the arrest team, Pugo and his wife shot themselves.

Work as Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia

In January 1992, he was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In November 1992, he headed the operational headquarters to restore law and order in the area of ​​the Ingush-Ossetian conflict. According to Valery Tishkov, at that moment, Erin admitted his inability to influence the situation.

In September 1993, he supported the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1400 on constitutional reform, the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council. Units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs subordinate to Erin dispersed opposition rallies and took part in the siege and storming of the House of Soviets of Russia.

On October 1, 1993 (a few days before the dispersal of parliament by tanks), Yerin was awarded the rank of army general. Erin took an active part in the October events of the armed suppression of opponents of B.N. Yeltsin from the Supreme Council on October 3-4. On October 8, he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for this. On October 20, B. N. Yeltsin appointed him a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

From December 1994 to January 1995, he directed the actions of units and bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

On March 10, 1995, the State Duma expressed no confidence in V.F. Erin (268 deputies voted for no confidence in the Minister of Internal Affairs). On June 30, 1995, after the failure to free the hostages in Budenovsk, he resigned along with the director of the FSB of Russia S.V. Stepashin.

Further activities

In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Retired since 2000.

On June 18, 2005, at the general meeting of shareholders, he was elected to the board of directors of Motovilikha Plants OJSC.


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (October 7, 1993)
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Medals for investigating particularly dangerous crimes?