The strangest men. The most terrible man in the world

The ranking of the ugliest men was compiled based on statistics from the dating site, known as the “Beautiful People Club.” To become a member of this club, you must undergo a kind of virtual face control, that is, obtain the approval of members of the opposite sex. They make their verdict based on the candidate's photograph and brief resume.

As it turned out, Russians were among the three most unattractive men.

“Men from Great Britain, Russia and Poland are considered the least attractive,” say the site’s owners. – In our database, only 9% of approved members are from these countries. As for women, our users consider ladies from Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia unattractive.

The most handsome men on our site are considered to be men from Sweden (60% of those accepted into our community), Denmark (40%) and Brazil (41%). Among women, there are residents of Norway (70%), Sweden (62%) and Iceland (61%).

But for some reason there is not a word about Russian women in this ranking...

Stylist and designer Vlad Lisovets explained why Russians, along with the Poles and the British, are among the top three ugliest men in the world: “In Russia, the prison style has long been popular - both in facial expression, and in manners, and in the manner of dressing. Such aesthetics are considered brutal in our country,” the stylist commented, noting that in Europe this has not been considered beautiful for a long time.

According to Lisovets, Russia and Poland rightly topped the rating. But the stylist does not agree with the fact that Great Britain is in the top three. “The men there know how to wear jackets, nice shoes, vintage clothes,” he explained.

Why do you think the Russian guys were treated so cruelly?

Beautiful people are always surrounded by attention. But it can be fun, boosting self-esteem and increasing your fan base. People around them are less favorable towards the worst people; they often point a finger at them, discuss flaws in their appearance in a whisper or loudly, and do many other things that are unpleasant for a person.

Some of the people in our selection of the worst people in the world have adapted to this, and some even enjoy this treatment, making good money from it.

20. Joseph Merrick

Let's start the ranking of the most terrible people with the famous "Elephant Man" who lived in Victorian England. Behind his scary appearance hid a sensitive nature, Joseph wrote poetry and assembled paper models of cathedrals. However, he had to earn a living by working in a local circus and performing in freak shows.

Merrick is one of the victims of Proteus syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes excess growth of the head, skin and bones. Because of his huge head, he was forced to sleep sitting up. And when the weight of his head bent his thin neck, 27-year-old Merrick died of asphyxia.

19. Jocelyn Wildenstein

Some call this billionaire a lioness woman, while others call her a monster or a victim of plastic surgery.

She's the only one who knows the exact number plastic surgery, which she voluntarily went to in order to turn her once beautiful face into the semblance of a lion's muzzle. So Jocelyn wanted to please her ex-husband, to Alec Wildenstein, who had a passion for lions.

However, in 1999, Alec exchanged his cat for the Russian model Lyuba Stupakova. And Jocelyn’s memory of him was a strange addiction to facial plastic surgery and billions of dollars in compensation.

18. Didier Montalvo

For most people, moles on the body are only a minor cosmetic concern. However, for a Colombian boy, moles became a real curse. After all, one of them occupied most of his back, turning it into a kind of turtle shell.

English surgeon Neil Bulstrode performed a successful operation to remove a huge mole, after which six-year-old Didier lived the life of an ordinary child.

17. Rudy Santos

Because of this, Rudy was nicknamed "the octopus man." In the 70s of the last century, he actively participated in various freak shows, and even refused the surgical removal of extra limbs, explaining that he was physically and spiritually fused with his twin.

16. Melanie Gaydos

Sometimes a terrible appearance does not hinder, but helps to achieve fame. Melanie, who was born with ectodermal dysplasia, has practically no hair on her body, she has only three teeth, and those are milk teeth (the rest fell out, and the molars never appeared).

But the girl was at least somewhat lucky - she contacted Craigslist photographers who were looking for people with a unique look. Now Melanie is a sought-after model and actress.

15. Jose Mestre

Living with a tumor is a terrible ordeal that José Mestre has endured all his life. He was born with a hemangioma, a benign tumor that grew and grew until he weighed 5.5 kg. She literally buried Jose's face under her, blinded him in one eye and almost made him unable to breathe.

Fortunately, a doctor from Chicago, McKay McKinnon, was able to relieve the patient of such a heavy burden. This required three operations.

14. Jason Schechterly

One of the most scary people known around the world as “the man with his face removed.” The culprit is a car accident. Jason's car caught fire, and he suffered terrible burns, and the skin on his face was completely burned.

Doctors managed to save Shechterli’s life, but his former appearance was lost forever.

13. Supatra Sasufan

There are very few people in the world who suffer from Ambras syndrome, and Supatra is one of them. It is also called werewolf syndrome. The girl was called “the she-wolf” and “the face of a monkey,” but getting into the Guinness Book of Records as the hairiest girl in the world brought Sasufan popularity among her classmates.

However, despite his “wolfish appearance”, Supatra managed to find his love. She got married and now shaves her face every day.

12. Carlos "Half" Rodriguez

This is not the only man who suffered a serious head injury. But he is perhaps the most famous. Carlos, while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, was involved in a car accident, flew out of the front window and landed on his head.

Many did not believe that he would not survive, but he survived. Rodriguez is now an advocate for policies that prohibit drunk driving and also encourages people not to use drugs.

11. Claudio Vieira

A resident of Brazil is also known as the "Man with the Upside Down Head". When he was born, doctors advised his mother not to feed him. No one believed that Claudio would survive except his family.

Claudio eventually earned a degree in accounting and then went on to work as a motivational speaker.

10. Dennis Avner

This American was obsessed with the desire to become a cat. And he became one. At least his face resembles a cat's muzzle, his upper lip is split in two, his teeth are pointed, and his fingernails look more like claws. Would you risk petting such a cat? I don't.

9. Abigail and Brittany Hensel

These girls are Siamese twins, they have one body but two heads. Abigail and Brittany have two spinal cords, but all organs below the waist are shared. What's even more interesting is that their eating habits, clothing choices, and favorite colors are different.

8. Sain Mumtaz

A resident of Pakistan looks like a monster. But not because he likes to be one. He suffers from a rare condition called Proteus syndrome, which has disfigured his head. But mentally the man is normal, and suffers greatly from the attitude of others.

He is not hired, and when Sain was a child, local residents often ran away when they saw him. Over time, they got used to his appearance. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for people with Proteus syndrome to stop excessive bone growth.

7. Mohammad Kaleim

Among the photos of the most terrible people there are also children's photos. Alas, nature is sometimes cruel even to its young creatures.

Mohammad Kaleim from India was born with a rare disease: his palms grew to a gigantic size - 33 centimeters. In 2015, he underwent surgery to reduce the size of his hands. However, Kaleim is still included in .

6. Billy Owen

In 2013, Billy lost half of his face and one of his eyeballs. This tragedy was the result of a rare form of cancer. To save the patient's life, surgeons removed part of his nasopharynx and upper palate.

Owen accepted his new life, joining Freakshow. And now he earns his living by participating in festivals and shows about zombies.

5. Yu Zhenhuang

This Chinese man looks like a hybrid of a monkey and a human. And even received the nickname “Half-monkey”. Hair covers 96% of its body surface.

4. Mandy Sellars

Fourth place in the top 10 scariest people is occupied by a woman with unusually large feet. Due to a rare genetic mutation called Proteus syndrome, she lower limbs in size far exceeded the size of the rest of the body.

Mandy had to remove one down to her knee. This unique woman was the subject of a television documentary, Losing One of My Giant Legs.

3. Eric Sprague "Lizard"

A striking example of how you can voluntarily become one of the most terrible people on Earth. This man makes his living performing for the amusement of audiences, both live and on TV.

He has pointed teeth, a full-body tattoo of green scales, subdermal implants, and green lipstick.

There were once rumors that he wanted to have a tail transplant, but Eric stated that this was impossible.

2. Petero Byakatonda

A resident of Uganda is called the “egg-headed boy”, and looking at the photos of the most terrible people in the world, you will immediately understand the reason for this nickname.

He suffers from Crouzon syndrome, a deformation of the facial and cerebral parts of the skull that occurs in the prenatal period. Because of this, Petero's eyeballs and ears are out of place.

1. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Velazquez

This woman was born with a rare congenital disease - Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome. Because of it, fat accumulation in Lizzie’s body does not occur and her weight never exceeded 29 kilograms. As a child, she became blind in her right eye and has poor vision in her left.

As if Lizzie’s physical suffering were not enough, people added moral ones to them. Someone posted a video of her on Youtube and it was called "The Scariest Girl in the World."

When Velazquez watched the video and read the comments under it, she did not become depressed, but began publishing responses to the most offensive posts. She is currently a motivational speaker, teaching others how to respond to bullying and combat stereotypes. And even though they continue to call her, Elizabeth Velasquez’s fortitude can be the envy of many physically healthy people.

Everyone loved Hugh for Dr. House, of course. Or rather, they fell in love with the doctor first, and only then with Hugh himself. And it's very strange. Because with such an appearance, to also be an aggressive sociopath is completely you. Apparently, minus for minus gave a plus. Definitely. Because while Laurie was playing comedic roles, no one thought he was cute.

Benedict Cumberbatch

You know the joke about how Cumberbatch was confused with cheese? So, this is not only about the last name. The actor really does somewhat resemble a stale dairy product. Or a dead ferret. But what the hell does it matter if he's a genius?


Serge Gainsbourg

Four marriages, many mistresses and an incredible number of fans. But how? We don't know. If you can guess, please tell us.

Adrien Brody

A long-nosed kalancha with eyes full of sorrow. Yes, perhaps it’s precisely in this look of the basset hound. Brody is always so miserable that it's impossible not to love him.

Danny Trejo

Every Trejo hero is a simple Mexican guy with the intelligence of a stool. But how cool he is, it’s crazy! Tattoos, motorcycles, machetes - that's all. He’s like that in life too, that’s the beauty of it.

Mickey Rourke

Once upon a time, trees were big, ice cream was delicious, and Mickey Rourke was so handsome that you couldn’t take your eyes off. Since then, everything has changed dramatically. But I’m glad that there are still things in the world that do not change: Mickey’s charisma, for example. Who cares what he looks like? He's beautiful, period.

Gerard Depardieu

But Monsieur Depardieu could not boast of an attractive appearance even in his youth, and with age he completely turned into a caricature of himself. Well, that's for the best. Because he was just cute, and now he’s cute and funny. Mi-mi-mi!

Vincent Cassel

The whole world is waiting with bated breath: when, well, when will Cassel finally get his horns, hooves and tail? Here's a lesson for you, dear children: be afraid of your wishes, they will come true. Cassel wanted to be demonic so much that he actually turned into a devil. The face, at least, is definitely devilish. Mm, there's something to this.

Christopher Walken

And Mr. Walken didn’t turn into anyone, he was probably born that way right away. In any case, we remember the times when he was quite attractive - but only in dark glasses and with his mouth closed. Because those whitish eyes and shark smile terrified us back in kindergarten. Now we have grown up and have come to love being afraid. It's invigorating, you know.

Javier Bardem

The classic Beast from the cartoon about Belle. Terrible on the face, kind on the inside. Well, Javier’s eyes are kind, that’s for sure. But I want to stay away from his nostrils. Have you ever been sniffed by a very large dog? It's like a vacuum cleaner running on the lowest setting. Bardem reminds us of something like this. But - it's a monster! We love monsters. We love it straight up.

Mark Anthony

Creepy guy. But we seem to understand why the beautiful J. Lo married him. Some people like "pocket boys". We love too. We might also not refuse a tame gnome.

Tim Roth

Tim Roth - amazing person: He can play anyone. No, in fact, there is no role that would not suit him. This is why we love him - for his mystery. How does he manage to transform into so many different people? And where, excuse me, does his strange face go? Mystery of the century.

Daniel Craig

the voice of the true God! The creators of the film “Dogma” took the actor to play the role of an angel because they decided that if the Almighty has a voice, it is the voice of Alan Rickman. Watching films with Rickman in dubbing is a crime, honestly. Subtitles only! And Rickman is Snape. Severus Snape. What more can be said? Just this: we don't care if Rickman looks like an old rat. He's a genius and Severus. Dot.

Adriano Celentano

We give honorable first place and the title of the most terrible sexy man to dear Adriano. Firstly, he is truly the ugliest. And secondly, he is generally the best: the most talented, the sexiest, the sweetest, the most... Because we love him from the cradle. And we will never stop loving. Well, because our mothers loved him. And it’s very likely that our daughters will love it too. He's beautiful, yeah.

Swedes, Brazilians and Danes are recognized as the most beautiful. Russian men are among the top three unattractive men along with the British and Poles

The rating was compiled according to statistics from the dating site When registering, there is a kind of face control, when existing members of the club must rate the photos of the new ones.

The British, Poles and Russians are not the best. In fact, Karl Lagerfeld said a couple of years ago during a visit to Moscow that the women here are the most beautiful, and the men are the ugliest. This, of course, has more to do with style rather than physical qualities. Our guys themselves know that they look tense and modest, says stylist Vladislav Lisovets.

Vladislav Lisovets stylist “This is manifested both in behavior and in appearance. And rather a prison-brutal style, it is very popular among us and, of course, in the West they could not recognize this as attractive. In general, this list seemed very objective to me, honestly. Because, indeed, in Poland both the female and male audiences are very similar to Russia and in some places even worse. That is, these are clearly the 80s, which for some reason have taken root in Poland.”

Oh, these socks with sandals, too intrusive perfume or its complete absence, sweatpants with formal boots... Well, not everyone can look like dancing millionaires from Italy. To be fair, the average Russian man is no worse than the average American, says Elle magazine editor-in-chief Elena Sotnikova.

Elena Sotnikova editor-in-chief of Elle magazine“Well, by the way, our men are very similar, especially at such an older age, very similar to older American men. I once observed a crowd of elderly Americans who came to the Maldives in a large group. There were the same socks with sandals, shorts tied high under the chest, let's say. Therefore, I would do some more digging into American men before branding ours in this way. Physical beauty, facial features, for example, that is, many men are very beautiful. But there is unkemptness, a certain untidiness, and a lack of any sense of style in the total mass. That is, I’m not talking now about large cities, where, of course, there are completely different men. And there is handsome men. I was married four times, and all my husbands were very handsome.”

Russian women, by the way, on the site that compiled the rating are also not the best. Residents of Norway, Sweden and Iceland took the first three places. Against this background, the news from Mongolia looks especially pleasant: the most beautiful face in the world was found there, it belongs to a resident of Krasnoyarsk.

Are you unhappy with something about your appearance? Just look at these people and you will instantly forget about some non-existent flaws in your own body. Today we will talk about those who are modern society are usually called freaks.

1. Ulas family

The Ulas family lives in Hatay province in Turkey. Of its 19 members, five brothers and sisters walk on all fours. Scientists have concluded that they all suffer from a rare type of disability. They cannot master upright walking simply because they lack balance and stability. Interestingly, scientists still cannot give an exact explanation of why this happens. Professor Nicholas Humphrey notes that this is a striking example of a strange disorder of human development. Moreover, some scientists believe that the family problem is proof that people can devolve, while others are of the opinion that the poor fellows suffer from some kind of hereditary disease, for example, Youner Tan syndrome or cerebellar hypoplasia.

2. Aceves Family

This Mexican family is also called the hairiest in the world. All its members suffer from a rare disease - congenital hypertrichosis. People with this genetic mutation have an extra piece of DNA that affects nearby genes that control hair growth. This pathology manifests itself in the fact that not only the whole body, but also the face becomes hairy. In the Aceves family, about 30 people - both women and men - suffer from this disease. It’s hard to imagine how much bullying these unfortunate people suffered from society...

3. Jose Mestre

The face of this poor fellow from Portugal was “swallowed” by a tumor whose weight reached 5 kg. Moreover, he lived with her for 40 years. It all started when Mestre was born with a vascular malformation, also called a hemangioma. It grew uncontrollably until the age of 14. These types of tumors tend to increase during puberty and distort all facial features. A simple meal cost Jose his tongue and gums to bleed. The tumor literally consumed his face and completely destroyed his left eye. To date, the man has undergone a number of operations. While his face looks like it's covered in burns. But, despite this, Jose is overjoyed that he has finally gotten rid of the unfortunate tumor.

4. Unknown with a horn

We often joke about the fact that someone has grown horns, but we don’t even realize that there are people in the world who actually have them. It turns out that cutaneous horn is a rare disease formed from horn cells. To date, the exact cause of the formation of a cutaneous horn has not been identified. The development of such a process can be provoked by both internal (endocrine pathology, tumors, viral infection) and external (ultraviolet radiation, trauma) factors. Fortunately, this can be treated with surgery.

5. Bree Walker

The American TV presenter from Los Angeles lives with a congenital defect called ectrodactyly (“claw-shaped hand”). The defect consists of underdevelopment of one or more fingers on the hands or feet.

The personality of this young man can inspire many. He is the one who managed to turn his rare disease and unusual physique into a special effect, into something that will bring him fame and financial independence. Being 2 m tall and weighing just over 50 kg, Spanish actor Javier received many alien, horror roles. At the age of 6, Botet was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome, a rare genetic pathology that is accompanied by elongation of fingers and limbs, as well as tall stature combined with extreme thinness. Now he can be seen in “Crimson Peak” (where he played ghosts), in “Mama” (Javier as main character), “The Conjuring 2” (Hunchback) and many other films.

7. Petero Byakatonda

This boy comes from an African village in Uganda. He suffers from a genetic disease - Crouzon syndrome, which leads to abnormal fusion of the bones of the skull and face. In Crouzon syndrome, the bones of the skull and face fuse too early, and the skull is then forced to grow towards the remaining open sutures. This results in abnormal shape of the head, face and teeth. Usually this disease is treated within several months after birth, but the 13-year-old baby lived in isolation and it is still a miracle that he survived. Today he is undergoing treatment. The basic operations have already been done, thanks to which the guy’s head has a shape familiar to all people.

9. Harry Eastleck

During his lifetime, this man was nicknamed “the stone man.” He suffered from fibrodysplasia ossificans, a very rare disease characterized by the transformation of connective tissue into bone. Eastleck died at the age of over forty, before which he bequeathed his skeleton to the Mutter Museum of Medical History (Philadelphia, USA).

In 2013, at the age of 62, Paul Karason, known throughout the world as the “blue man” or “Papa Smurf,” died of a heart attack. And the cause of his rare disease was... ordinary self-medication. An American tried to fight dermatitis at home, which he treated for about 10 years with colloidal silver. After 1999, drugs based on it were banned in the United States. It turns out that when taking silver internally, there is a high probability of developing argyrosis, a disease characterized by irreversible skin pigmentation. Blue skin prevented Karason from living, and he moved from state to state (he had to leave his native California largely because of the curious looks that local residents and tourists cast at him), sought doctors and understanding, went to various talk shows, talked about himself, smoked a lot.

11. Dede Kosvara

“Tree Man”, Indonesian Dede Koswara suffered from a rare disease - his immune system was not able to fight the growth of warts. His arms and legs resembled tree roots, all the result of a mutated papilloma virus that science has never been able to cope with. This virus is not contagious, but Dede’s wife left him, took the children, and passers-by turned away. Despite the fact that doctors initially cut off the growths on his body, over time they reappeared. As a result, in 2016, alone and with heartache at the age of 42, Dede Kosvara left this world.

12. Didier Montalvo

And this baby was previously called a turtle. Fortunately, in 2012, doctors freed the 6-year-old boy from the terrible shell that occupied 45% of his body. The Colombian child suffered from a rare form of congenital disease called melanocytic virus. Fortunately, doctors removed the tumor in time, and it did not have time to become malignant.

Tessa suffers from aplasia - a congenital absence of any part of the body or organ, in this case the nose. In addition to aplasia, the girl suffers from heart and eye problems. At 11 weeks she had cataract surgery on her left eye, but complications left her completely blind in one eye. Today, the baby is preparing for a series of nasal prosthetic operations, although it is already known in advance that she will still not be able to smell.

14. Dean Andrews

This Briton looks at least 50 years old, but in reality the unfortunate man is only 20. He suffers from progeria. This is one of the rarest genetic defects, which results in premature aging of the body. By the way, the world-famous American motivational speaker Sam Burns, who died at the age of 17, had this disease. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no effective treatment for the disease and patients affected by it die very quickly.

15. Unidentified woman with Treacher Collins syndrome

As a result of this disease, patients experience craniofacial deformation. As a result, strabismus occurs, the size of the mouth, chin and ears changes. Patients have problems swallowing. Cases of hearing loss are common. In some cases, these defects can be corrected with plastic surgery.

16. Declan Hayton

Declan lives with his parents in Lancaster, UK. This baby has been diagnosed with Mobius syndrome. Until now, science has not been able to fully understand the causes of the development of the disease, and the possibilities of its treatment, unfortunately, are limited. People with such a rare congenital anomaly lack facial expression, which is explained by facial paralysis.

This man has pituitary dwarfism, in other words, dwarfism. His height is only 80 cm. But this did not prevent him from realizing himself in life and revealing his creative potential. Today, Vern acts in films, and is also a famous stand-up comedian and stuntman. By the way, he became famous for his role in the film “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me,” where Verne Troyer played the role of Mini-Me, a clone of Dr. Evil.

18. Manar Maged

19. Sultan Kesen

This man from Turkey is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man in the world. His height is 2 m 51 cm. He is associated with a pituitary tumor. This young man never managed to graduate from high school. As a result, he works as a farmer, and moves exclusively on crutches. Since 2010, Sultan has been undergoing radiotherapy in Virginia. Fortunately, the course of therapy was able to normalize the hormonal activity of the pituitary gland. Doctors managed to stop the Turk’s constant growth.

The Elephant Man was the name given to this man who lived in Victorian England. He lived only 27 years. Due to his deformed body, Merrick was unable to get a job. In addition, he had to run away from home for the reason that his stepmother constantly humiliated him. Soon Joseph got a job at a local circus to participate in a freak show. In his 27 years, this young man accomplished so much... So, he was a gifted person. He wrote poetry, read a lot, visited theaters, and collected a collection of wild flowers. With only his left hand he assembled models of cathedrals from paper, one of which is still kept in the Royal London Museum. The surgeon Frederick Reeves took him under his wing, thanks to whom Joseph received a room at the Royal London Hospital. In his memoirs, Dr. Reeves wrote:

“When I met this guy, I thought he was born weak-minded, but later I realized that he was aware of the tragedy own life. Moreover, he is smart, very sensitive and has a romantic imagination.”

Joseph Merrick suffered from a genetic disease called Proteus syndrome, which causes unusual growth of the head, skin and bones. On April 11, 1890, Joseph went to bed with his head on the pillow (due to growths on his back, he always slept sitting up). As a result, his heavy head bent his thin neck, and he died of asphyxia.

21. Unknown Chinese boy

Polydactyly is an anatomical deviation characterized by a greater than normal number of toes or fingers. In addition, it can occur not only in people, but also in cats and dogs. And in the photo you see the hands and feet of a boy who was born with 5 extra fingers and 6 extra toes. Doctors were able to remove the extra fingers so that the child could live a full life and not feel like an outcast in society.

22. Mandy Sellars

The 43-year-old British woman, like Joseph Merrick the Elephant Man (item #20), has Proteus syndrome. During her life, she underwent many surgeries, and one of her legs had to be amputated at the knee. Now her legs weigh 95 kg. The girl notes that she is proud of herself, that she managed to love her body and accept herself for who she is. Moreover, Mandy is a great smart girl. Despite her disability, she graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

23. 27-year-old unknown Iranian

Did you know that there is a person on Earth with hair growing on his pupil? And the reason for this is a tumor. Fortunately, doctors were able to cut it out.

24. Min An

This Vietnamese boy is called a fish, and all because he was born with an unknown disease, as a result of which his skin constantly peels off and forms a kind of scales. That's why he showers several times a day. And swimming is his favorite activity. Doctors believe that the cause of the disease could be Agent Orange. This is the name given to a mixture of defoliants and artificial herbicides. It was used by the US military during the Vietnam War.