Unusual drawing with crumpled paper. Drawing classes using crumpled paper in kindergarten Drawing on crumpled paper

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. The child learns about the world around him, trying to reflect it in play, modeling and drawing. After all, at heart, every child is a singer and musician, artist and sculptor. Creative impulses in children are often associated with artistic activity, and the child’s visual creativity is an ideal opportunity for the manifestation of his imagination. This is an important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques for children in kindergarten and school - this does not mean something complicated. Quite the opposite - this kind of drawing turns art classes into fun. Here it is not at all necessary to have complex pencil and brush skills. In simple techniques unconventional drawing the child is able to create beautiful drawings and paintings, and this will give him an amazing creative experience with an excellent final result. He himself will be drawn to art when he feels that he can create beauty with his own hands.

Unconventional drawing methods

For children, non-traditional drawing techniques are a wonderful way to create small masterpieces. It turns out that your palm can turn into a pink elephant, a simple blot can become a tree, and a carrot and potato can surprise you with unusual patterns.

Eg, kids 3-4 years old we can suggest:

With kids 5-6 years You can also try:

  • prints-pictures
  • plasticine printing
  • leaf prints
  • palm drawings
  • painting with cotton swabs
  • magic strings
  • monotype.

And with children 7-8 years You can master more complex techniques:

  • drawing with crumpled paper
  • drawing soap bubbles
  • painting with salt
  • blotography
  • plasticineography
  • grattage
  • frottage.

For children, modeling from plasticine is the whole world, full of variety and experimentation! Under your strict guidance, a child can create all sorts of things, which will become the best guide for creating various fairy-tale heroes, animals and plants.

Hand drawing

Drawing with pens is the first technique that little children can master very early. The drawing turns out quickly - this is extremely important, because kids cannot do one thing for a long time. Dip a child's hand in paint and let the child make an imprint on the surface of the paper. See what it's like. Ask your little one what needs to be completed to make an animal or bird. The missing details can be drawn with your fingers.

Techniques for painting with watercolors on wet paper

To create small masterpieces you will need a sheet of thick paper, watercolor paints and a brush. Help your child wet the sheet evenly, but make sure there are no puddles. Let him put some paint on his brush and start creating. Each stroke spreads across the paper in a new tone, beautifully transitioning into a different shade. Now is the time to show your child how colors are mixed and explain what shades are.

Tell your child that all movements should be done easily and smoothly; there is no need to press the brush into the paper, as many children like to do. A light touch is enough. This technique works well for drawing backgrounds. And after drying, you can continue to draw the rest of the drawing.

Drawing using the Glue Pictures technique

To draw in this style you will need a glue gun. Help your child draw outlines on paper with hot glue and fill in the image with paint. Thanks to the glue, the paint does not flow beyond these contours. It turns out something like a stained glass image. Using this technique, you and your child can create a real stained glass window on glass, but then instead of simple watercolors you will need to buy water-based acrylic paints.

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, kindergartens hold exhibitions of bright crafts and creative works kids who decorate the kindergarten on the most magical days New Year's holiday. We offer you a variety of .

Watercolor drawings with wax crayons

To draw a picture using this technique, you need: a landscape sheet, wax crayons, watercolor paints, a squirrel brush, leaf templates.

Let your child, with your help, draw several different leaves on the sheet. The drawing must be arranged according to the size of the leaves - first large, then smaller. Let the leaves overlap each other - this is how nature does it.

Now take wax crayons and trace the outlines of the leaves; for this you will need crayons in warm colors: yellow, red, orange, brown, burgundy. You can use several colors in one sheet. Don't forget to draw veins on each leaf, except rowan ones

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And now it’s time to use watercolors - start painting not the leaves, but the album sheet from the upper left corner. Show your child how to add other colors so that one shade flows smoothly into another without clear boundaries. In this way we gradually fill our sheet with autumn colors.

Drawing with fun prints

1. Plasticine stamps

It is very simple and convenient to make stamps from plasticine - just give a piece of plasticine the desired shape, decorate it with patterns (lines, dots) and paint it in the desired color.

2. Thread stamps

To create interesting “striped stamps” you can use threads that need to be tightly wound around an object. Then the threads are painted with thick paint in the required color. Now only imagination will tell you how to apply a “striped pattern” to the surface of the paper.

3. Stamps made from folded cardboard

By rolling a piece of cardboard into a roll, you can get an original stamp for “roses”. And if you cut a “round piece” from a toilet paper roll and give it the shape of a leaf, then your child can create a beautiful composition on his own.

4. Leaf prints

This technique is familiar to many. To stamp a leaf, you can take any pretty leaf and apply ink to the side with the veins. Then apply the painted side of the sheet to the paper and iron it. After a few seconds, you can carefully lift the leaf - its imprint will remain on the paper.

5. Prints with potatoes, carrots, apples

This is a fairly popular technique for young children. You will need any vegetable or fruit and gouache. Then everything is simple - dip the object in paint and make an imprint on paper.

Stamps can be made from apples, potatoes, carrots, peppers and other vegetables or fruits. The easiest way is to make a stamp from potatoes. If you have metal cookie cutters, simply press the cookie cutter into the potatoes and use a knife to carefully trim off any excess pieces around the edges.

Drawing with soap bubbles

It will be very interesting for the child to draw a picture with soap bubbles. To do this, add any soap solution and paint to a glass of water and use a straw to make a strong foam. Carefully place a sheet of paper on the bubbles and wait for the first patterns to appear. You can lift the paper - the bubble patterns are ready.

Painting with salt

To add a whimsical texture to the background of your painting, you can use salt when depicting any landscape. While the paint has not yet dried, the background must be sprinkled with salt. It absorbs excess water, sticks and creates a very interesting effect. Excess salt should be carefully shaken off after drying. Unusual light spots will remain in its place.

There is another incredibly interesting option for painting with salt. To do this, you need to draw a picture with a pencil, and then circle it with PVA glue. It could be a simple flower, patterns or geometric figures. We don't regret glue. Sprinkle the design generously with salt, and then carefully shake off the excess onto the tray. Now let's add colors - you can paint with a brush, or you can take a pipette and apply colored water drop by drop onto the drawing. You will be able to see how the drops spread and create bright patterns and shapes.

Drawing with crumpled paper.

Using a crumpled napkin or paper you can create an unusual texture. There are two ways to do this technique:


This unusual technique drawing is based on a unique print, which can only be obtained in a single copy. Therefore, it is impossible to create two absolutely identical drawings.

Contemporary art reveals new, sometimes the most unexpected. Some creative technologies are becoming a thing of the past, and the rare skills of ancient peoples are disappearing, just as their carriers are disappearing. One of these includes drawing with crumpled paper - a painting method that was revived several centuries later, when everyone - both professional artists and drawing enthusiasts - returned to the craft and retro style. In this article, you will learn more about this technique and will be able to repeat this method of drawing from your own experience!

Unique features of the technology

Drawing with crumpled paper is an unusual way to add texture to your drawing. You will most likely find paintings made using this technique in galleries. contemporary art. Drawing with crumpled paper gives a huge scope for imagination, creates a unique chiaroscuro, the drawing becomes three-dimensional and seems to come to life on the canvas. Lax lines, random bends - all this gives the picture an interesting look and attracts the attention of the audience. If the painting is outside the museum, you can, of course, touch it. It is the ability to feel the picture with tactile receptors that is the leading advantage of the technique of drawing with crumpled paper. In order for the picture to turn out airy and voluminous, you must follow the rules listed below. Not all drawing techniques can boast so many advantages, so this technique deserves your attention.

Creative materials

Paper is the most important element of this drawing style. Select paper based on its density and structure, depending on what result you want to achieve in the end. Its different types allow you to create different textures of the picture. Whatman paper and any other type of paper can serve as your canvas. Use disposable dishes (flat plates) to mix colors. In order to create a painting using this technique, you don’t need to choose any specific paints, and you practically won’t need brushes, so you don’t have to worry about choosing brushes either. Watercolor, pastel or gouache - the choice is yours! In order for the painting to be as voluminous as possible, the paint will need to be heavily diluted with water; artists advise using warm water. There is no single formula for the “correct” drawing with crumpled paper; on the contrary, every artist has the right to draw as he sees fit. Having understood a little about the general steps of this method, you will easily master drawing with crumpled paper and will be able to complement this technology with your own inventions with each new drawing.

Who is this technique suitable for?

Professionals often turn to this technique; the relevance of the “drawing with crumpled paper” method cannot be underestimated in the world of modern painting. However, self-taught amateurs can successfully develop their skills in this painting technique. It's never too late to start drawing! Moreover, for the youngest artists, this method is an excellent opportunity to develop fine motor skills and learn something new, instilling a love of art. Thanks to this interesting and even funny way of drawing, the baby will be able to better distinguish and remember colors, and create bright images with the help of their parents. So, for example, very often young children are helped in creating a picture in the following way: they draw a thick outline of a bright color and ask the child to carefully fill it in using crumpled paper.

Drawing with crumpled paper: master class

  • Prepare disposable tableware. It is best if the number of plates is equal to the number of colors that you plan to use when creating the picture. A small amount of warm water is taken into these plates and a little of the chosen paint is added. With this ratio, the tones are gentle and airy. If you need to add contrast or brightness, you can use more paint or less water.
  • Prepare medium-sized pieces of paper that will become your “brush”. Roll or crumple the paper to the desired size (it is best that the paper fits in the palm of your hand, otherwise there is a risk that it may be accidentally dropped). The number of "brushes" - lumps of paper - should also be equal to the number of paints that you use when painting.
  • Dip the lumps into water and wait a couple of seconds until they are saturated with color, and then apply to paper in any way (spot application, broad strokes).

  • It is highly not recommended to use newsprint paper (even glossy paper) to create a picture; it can fall apart into small pieces, stick to the canvas and leave dirty print marks.
  • Try giving your paper balls different shapes, squeezing them differently each time so that the design has an unusual and varied structure.
  • Prepare all the necessary tools in advance, the paint tends to dry quickly

Why draw with crumpled paper?

Landscape, still life and even portrait - all these genres of painting can be performed using different techniques. Drawing techniques with crumpled paper open up a huge scope for imagination, allow you to experiment and learn something new day after day. As mentioned above, this type of drawing is useful not only for experienced artists, but also for very young masters who are just starting their creative path. This drawing technique can be an excellent start for the development of a child’s talent. A painting made in this style is filled with an indescribable atmosphere of lightness and airiness and can decorate any interior.

The drawing master class is intended for classes with children in art studios and fine arts classes. You can work in this technique both from life and from memory. Images of trees, leaves, vegetables and flowers look advantageous.

Purpose: performing competitive work on fine arts on the theme “Mirror of Nature”, which will subsequently become a wonderful decoration for the interior of the room.

For work we will need:

  • A3 paper (for the first time you can take A4). I advise you to try it on paper of different textures. To begin with, you can take a regular landscape sheet
  • Watercolor;
  • Palette;
  • Squirrel or kolinsky brushes (set);
  • A jar of water.


1. Use a pencil on smooth dry paper to sketch the selected object. We must try to work with thin lines - cobwebs, and if there is such a need to use an eraser, do it carefully, without spoiling the texture of the paper.

2. The sheet with the finished pencil sketch must be crumpled, crumpled with the image inward, so as not to damage the surface of the drawing and not to stain it.

3. Gently straighten the crumpled sheet of paper on the table with your hands.

4. It is necessary to decide in advance color scheme future work. I suggest using a limited palette. The coloring of the future work will be cold, and accordingly the colors will predominate: purple, blue, lilac, light blue. Start painting with light tones, gradually moving towards darker and more saturated ones. It is better to work on slightly dampened paper, so the colors will smoothly merge with each other according to your idea. You need to wet the fragment of the drawing that is to be made next.

5. If necessary, you can return to the elements of the picture already made in color to enhance the light and shade and add different shades. By working with a limited number of colors, we concentrate on creating a three-dimensional image, rather than racking our brains over choosing a color.

6. In order to highlight the center of the composition, it is necessary to create a background in calmer, cooler tones. Work the cores of the flowers with warm colors using the “poke” method, intensifying the color in the center.

7. Paint over the crocus leaves one by one. All shades are suitable for drawing leaves Green colour and some cold notes. You can use 2 techniques: drawing on pre-wetted paper, and part of the drawing on dry paper. I decided to make dew drops on the leaves of the crocuses. To do this, you need to leave these places unpainted.

8. To create an aerial perspective, it is necessary to more carefully work out the flowers in the foreground. During work, do not forget about chiaroscuro. Therefore, on the shadow side from future dew drops, we draw falling shadows. While working in color, the paint interestingly flows into the created “cracks”, creating a beautiful craquelure.

9. It's time to make water droplets in color. To do this, from the shadow side, using a gentle emerald color, draw a shadow on the drop itself. Attention! We leave the outlines of the drop unpainted.

On the illuminated side we show reflexes of purple and golden color. Leave the highlight untouched.

10.Now the drawing must be dried and ironed on the reverse side using an iron.

The work is ready. Many cracks allegedly formed on the surface; the picture is similar to the paintings of artists of the last century.

Thank you for your attention! New creative victories to everyone!

– Introduce photocopy drawing techniques.
– Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
developing attention by observing frost patterns in winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
instilling accuracy in execution.
Equipment: patterns samples, album sheet; additional sheet, piece of candle; watercolor paints; wide bristle brush; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: “Ray”
Reaching for the sun
They took the ray
Pressed to my heart
And they gave it to each other.
Report the topic of the lesson.
Guys, today the topic of educational and organizational activities is “Frosty Patterns”, and not just an activity, but drawing with a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys, what time of year is it now? Children answer winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of year! Various miracles happen in winter! So I received a small parcel. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what's in it, maybe we'll find out who it's from.
Reading the piece of paper attached to the parcel
Guys, here is a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses it will raise their hand:
Stars fall from the sky and fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, but the earth is warm.
What artist put this on the glass?
And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses. Children answer that these are snowflakes because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars.
Well done guys, you are very observant, so you guessed the riddles correctly.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is winter’s faithful and irreplaceable helper? Children respond to frost
Right. With the onset of winter comes cold weather. Frost is knocking on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they are poorly prepared for winter, or he will leave his art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what kind of messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - depicting frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and hooks of cold
That’s right, there are kids here and the spruce branches are decorated with frost.
This is how Frost painted our windows without brushes or paints.
Guys, how do you think Moroz draws these patterns? Children make their own assumptions. Blows cold air on the glass, magically throws snowflakes onto the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, droplets of water that are present in the air settle on the cold glass, freeze and turn into pieces of ice - needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build on each other. And as a result, we get different patterns that we just saw.
Guys, do you think we could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were invisible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost’s? No.
But it turns out it is possible. And now I’ll introduce you to this method of drawing - it’s called “photocopy”.
2. Practical part.
Take the candle pieces in your hands and try to move them along a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible marks? Children answer No
Now cover the top with any watercolor paint. What did you get? Lines appeared under the paint, which we drew with a candle.
Guys, why do you think the lines made with the candle weren’t colored? Children express their opinions
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so a design made with a water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water. Today we will try to create a miracle - we will draw frosty patterns using a candle.
Where do we start drawing? Children answer by drawing from the top, going down.
That's right, in order to ensure that the drawn elements do not overlap each other, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Cover the finished drawing with watercolor paint. I would advise choosing blue or purple. To prevent the sheet from getting wet, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not apply it over the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide individual, dosed assistance

4. Summing up
What guys is the name of the painting technique we used to create such beautiful works? Children answer photocopy
What else do you think can be drawn using the photocopy technique? Children respond with flowers, patterns, sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? What did you especially like today?

The little foxes have been drawing enthusiastically all day today. Tell me, have you ever heard of drawings on crumpled paper? It turns out that it is very simple and incredibly interesting! And all you need for this is paint and thin paper... Read more in our master class.

Usually we paint with paints on a smooth, even sheet of whatman paper. This is ideal. But the fact that it should be smooth and even is for sure. But no! You can draw the same thing on crumpled paper. Moreover, an unusual effect is obtained. An imitation of cracks appears. It’s as if the picture was painted several centuries ago and the paint on it is cracked. Working in this technique with my students is what we call “antique paintings.” How does this work? This will be discussed in this master class.

To draw on crumpled paper you will need:

Thin sheet (such as photocopier paper)
- watercolor paints
- soft brush (number according to your taste, which one you prefer to paint)
- a jar of water, a graphite pencil (simple)
- eraser

How to draw on crumpled paper

For work we need thin paper, because... we will need to crush it. And this is difficult to do with a thick Whatman sheet. When crumpled, whatman paper can crack and tear. But we don't need this. Xerox paper is ideal for this type of work. And the writing paper is too thin. But, as an option, you can conduct an experiment with your child: try doing work using this technique on different types papers (writing paper, photocopy paper, Whatman paper, for watercolors, cardboard). And draw a conclusion which paper is best suited for this technique. Thus, the child will also become acquainted with various types paper

On a piece of paper with a simple pencil do the drawing. The drawing should consist of large details. Small ones using this technique will be very difficult to complete in color.

We crumple the leaf. We crumple it, not fold it. But be careful so that it doesn't tear.

Smooth the sheet on the table with your palms.

Let's start painting with paints. Watercolor is suitable because it requires a lot of water, unlike, for example, gouache. And this work will require a lot of water.

Gradually we color the drawing detail by detail. You need to use a lot of water and a lot of paint on your brush. Their excess will flow into the folds. And after drying, the folds will become brighter compared to other places. This is how cracks appear. We painted this work entirely with paints, i.e. no white spaces were left. There is another option.

Initial stages: pencil drawing, crumpling is done in the same way. But in color we draw a little differently. Use a lot of paint on the brush and less water. When painting, do not press too hard on the brush, paint superficially. This will leave white unpainted areas.

You can choose any subjects for such drawings.

After the works have dried, it is advisable to frame them. To do this, cut strips of thick paper 2-3 cm wide and glue them along the edge of the work.

We also suggest trying it with a butterfly. Enjoy your creative work with your children!