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Their debut performance took place at an audition at the Rock Laboratory in 1986. In the same year, the group received a prize “for the most original program” at a festival held by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in the House of Culture of the Lenin Komsomol Automobile Plant. "BIOCONSTRUCTOR" begins to actively tour the country. Concerts in many cities often ended with lectures about electronic music. The musicians talked about the operation of various musical equipment and explained how one can compose music using a computer.

In 1987, the tape album “Dancing on Video” was recorded at a home studio (distributed on tape reels). Director Mikhail Makarenkov shot a video clip for the song Bioconstructor. During 1989, new compositions Bureaucrat, Aesthetics of Postmodernism, and Chemist were recorded. The Melodiya company released a record with recordings of the groups "FAREWELL, YOUTH" and "BIOCONSTRUCTOR". At the end of 1989, keyboard player Valery Vasko left the band and was replaced by Roman Ryabtsev. In the spring of 1990, after the departure of lead singer Alexander Yakovlev, BIOCONSTRUKTOR disbanded. Andrey Kakhaev, Leonid Velichkovsky and Roman Ryabtsev create the team "TECHNOLOGY". Alexander Yakovlev becomes the lead singer of the group "BIO".

The BIO group was formed in 1990 (spring-summer).
After the collapse of the Bioconstructor group, Alexander Yakovlev invited Oleg Podkoverov (Kostrov) from an electronic group in Zelenograd with a funny name (which I no longer remember:), I think “Dreams of the little tractor Tema”).
By the way, the lyrics of the songs “Island of Colored Dreams”, “Telephone Love”, “Motion Control” (it was never released anywhere), “Sweet Rose” were written by Oleg Podkoverov (Kostrov). (Now, as far as I know, he lives in St. Petersburg and works as a professional arranger and composer (One of the projects with which Oleg actively collaborated, and may still be collaborating now, is “A Knife for Frau Müller.” He also wrote music for performances.) By the time After the appearance of Oleg in BIO, Yakovlev compiled a program for performances and the first album from his old songs, which were also part of the Bioconstructor group’s program.

At the end of the spring of 90, with the support of the Sound studio, the songs “Tram”, “Technoromantics” were recorded (to the tone of the studio of the House of Culture in Zelenograd) and in the summer of 90, at a private studio in Moscow (m. Dobryninskaya) - the songs “Old lamp”, “Telephone robot”, “Demonstration of the power of technology” and others, which already in the fall of 90. were distributed on reels (tape recorders) throughout the Union. The only problem that prevented name recognition new group, was that literally a few months later, the first few songs of the group Technology fell into the hands of the “writers” (these were the forerunners of audio labels in our country) and they, for a reason “incomprehensible” to me, “finished off” the reels and cassettes with songs of the BIO group. Years later, while on tour, Yakovlev repeatedly heard from the audience: “Oh, we thought that these songs were Technologies...”

The situation changed only in 1993, when the company Image Records released a cassette and CD called “Electronic Lyrics”. It included songs from the magnetic album "Technoromantics" (90) and several others recorded from 90 to 93. But let's go back to 90.
There were many interesting events in the country that year! And one of them is the big tour of the Kino group around the Union. It so happened that Yuri Aizenshpis invited the BIO group to participate in the last part of this tour as a “warm-up”. These concerts were something!

At the beginning, people were screaming, demanding Kino, throwing various objects (once they were large nuts - heavy industry factories were all working in those days :)), but then people “got into” the music and the main thing is that the group worked “live” - They always escorted us off the stage with applause! Well, after the concert, fans of DM, and synth-pop in general, often came up and thanked us for the performance. This is how we performed. We had with us: a Yamaha Rx-5 rhythm machine, a Korg Ds-1 synthesizer, an Alesis MMT-8 sequencer and an analogue super synthesizer by Oleg Podkoverov (Kostrov) manufactured in East Germany (!) Tirracon. All this equipment was connected to each other via the MIDI protocol and the order of the performance program came from the sequencer.
Well, some games were played from above. Of course the voice was “live”! How could it be otherwise?

BIO’s coolest performances were during his stay in Murmansk. Yakovlev in this city, being in a stern mood, programmed a new version of the song “Rhythms of Living Environments” (slightly revised, it was included in the next album “Music of Steadfast Opimists”).

The BIO group was formed in 1990 (spring-summer).
After the collapse of the Bioconstructor group, Alexander Yakovlev invited Oleg Podkoverov (Kostrov) from an electronic group in Zelenograd with a funny name. The lyrics of the songs “Island of Colored Dreams”, “Telephone Love”, “Motion Control” (it was never released anywhere), “Sweet Rose” were written by Oleg Podkoverov (Kostrov). According to rumors, he lives in St. Petersburg and works as a professional arranger and composer. (One of the projects with which Oleg actively collaborated, and may still be collaborating now, is “A Knife for Frau Müller.” He also wrote music for performances.) By the time Oleg appeared in BIO, Yakovlev had drawn up a program for performances and the first album of his old songs, which were also part of the Bioconstructor group program.

At the end of the spring of 90, with the support of the Sound studio, the songs “Tram”, “Technoromantics” were recorded (at the tone studio of the House of Culture in Zelenograd) and in the summer of 90, at a private studio in Moscow (metro station “Dobryninskaya”) - songs “Old Lamp”, “Telephone Robot”, “Demonstration of the Power of Technology” and others, which already in the fall of 90 were distributed on reels (tape recorders) throughout the Union. The only problem that prevented the name of the new group from being recognized was that literally a few months later, the first few songs of the group Technology fell into the hands of the “writers” (these were the forerunners of audio labels in our country) and they, for a reason “incomprehensible” to me, “finished off » reels and cassettes of songs from the BIO group. Years later, while on tour, Yakovlev repeatedly heard from the audience: “Oh, we thought that these songs were Technologies...”

The situation changed only in 1993, when Image Records released a cassette and CD called “Electronic Lyrics”. It included songs from the magnetic album “Technoromantics” (90) and several others recorded from 90 to 93. But let's go back to 90.

There were many interesting events in the country that year! And one of them is the big tour of the Kino group around the Union. It so happened that Yuri Aizenshpis invited the BIO group to participate in the last part of this tour as a “warm-up”. These concerts were something!

At the beginning, the people were screaming, demanding “Kino”, throwing various objects (once they were large nuts - heavy industry factories were all working in those days. But then people “got into” the music and the main thing is that the group worked “live” - They always escorted us from the stage with applause. Well, after the concert, fans of DM and synth-pop in general often came up and thanked the group for the performance. They had with them: a Yamaha Rx-5 rhythm machine, a Korg Ds-1 synthesizer. sequencer Alesis MMT-8 and analog super synthesizer Oleg Podkoverov (Kostrov) made in East Germany (GDR) (!) Tirracon. All this equipment was connected to each other via the MIDI protocol and the order of the performance program came from the sequencer.
Well, some games were played from above. Of course the voice was “live”! How could it be otherwise?

BIO’s coolest performances were during his stay in Murmansk. Yakovlev in this city, being in a stern mood, programmed a new version of the song “Rhythms of Living Environments” (slightly revised, it was included in the next album “Music of Persistent Opimists”).

15 years after the release of his last release, on November 6, 2010, BIO released the long-awaited fourth album “Heroes of Secrets”, consistent with the clear traditions of the style.

In the 80-ies one of the groups who started to make synth or as it was then called - techno-pop music, was a group of "Bioconstructor". They did not imitate the well-known British or someone else, they did what they liked. It turned out sometimes gloomy (for this they are sometimes now called the ancestors of the dark wave),and sometimes - fun and romantic... Year of creation - 1986, autumn. It was the soloist of the "Bioconstructor", Alexander Yakovlev, coined the term "Technoromanticism" (variant of synth pop and techno styles) and wrote the eponymous song.
On TV and on large sites the group was not allowed. Probably because of the theme songs and stage image of the musicians. In 1987, the band recorded their legendary album "Dancing on video", which was a fusion of the best examples of electronics of the time. The record spread throughout the Union and even became visible outside it. The group began to tour actively. New works and new performances followed. Unfortunately, due to creative differences,
in the 90th year the band broke up and formed two teams - "Technology" and "BIO". In the 90s has been vigorously and in different ways - "Technology" all probably know, but "BIO" is not very good, although they managed to record in the 90s of the 3 albums, releasing them on CD, with the leader of the "BIO" Yakovlev, Alexander has broadcast on radio and TV about electronics, then released exciting the electronics on his sub-label of the Studio "Union" - "electric records".
After the "98 crisis was a job at the radio station Sport FM, the beacon 24, Komsomolskaya Pravda, again, Sport FM, but in parallel, to zero, Alexander Yakovlev, in cooperation with the label, the Studio Alliance, has released an interesting digital projects in media, including reissued albums BIO 90-ies. All these years, the process of creating new songs BIO continued.
New albums BIO:
In 2010, the album "Heroes of secrets" was recorded and released on CD
2014 - network album "Pioneers",
2016 - album "Pioneers" was released on CD,
2016 - album of remixes of BIO tracks made in collaboration with Alexey Pavlov (Pavlov&Computers) was released on CD under the name "Sintishema"
2018 - new album "Reactivation".
At this time, the group performs regularly in the clubs of Moscow and other cities, is preparing a new album. The new song is already in the VC!) Also is written a new material for Olha Voskonyan.

In the 80s, one of the groups who started making synth or, as they called it then, techno-pop music, was the Bioconstructor group. They did not imitate famous Englishmen or anyone else, they did what they liked. It turned out sometimes gloomy (for this they are sometimes now called the founders of dark wave), and sometimes fun and romantic... Year of creation - 1986, autumn. It was the lead singer of “Bioconstructor”, Alexander Yakovlev, who coined the term “Technoromantic” (a variant of synth and techno pop styles) and composed the song of the same name.
The group was not allowed on TV and large venues. Apparently due to the themes of the songs and the stage image of the musicians. In 1987, the group recorded their legendary album “Dancing on Video,” which was a fusion of the best electronics of that time. The recording spread throughout the Union and even became noticeable beyond its borders. The group began to tour actively. New works and new performances followed. Unfortunately, due to creative differences,
in 1990, the group broke up and two groups were formed - “Technology” and “BIO”. In the 90s it was stormy and different - everyone probably knows “Technology”, but “BIO” is not very good, although they managed to record 3 albums in the 90s, release them on CD, leader of “BIO” Yakovlev Alexander He conducted radio and TV programs about electronics, then released fun electronics on his sub-label of the Soyuz studio - Electric Records.
After the crisis of 98, there was work on radio Sport FM, Mayak 24, Komsomolskaya Pravda, again Sport FM, but in parallel, in the 2000s, Alexander Yakovlev, collaborating with the Studio Soyuz label, released interesting electronic projects on media, including re-releases of the group’s albums BIO 90s. All these years, the process of creating new songs by the BIO group has not stopped.
New albums BIO:
In 2010, the album “Heroes of Secrets” was recorded and released on CD…
2014 - network album "Pioneers",
2016 - the album "Pioneers" was published on CD,
2016 - an album of remixes of BIO tracks made together with Alexey Pavlov (Pavlov&Computers) was published on CD under the name "Sintischema"
2018 - new album"Reactivation".…
Currently, the group regularly performs in clubs in Moscow and other cities, and is preparing a new album. New songs are already on VK!) Also written new material for Olga Voskonyan.