Lesson-reflection on the story by M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov II

The fate of Andrei Sokolov, Unimaginable grief. Kindness, strength, endurance of the Russian person. True heroism Andrey. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov's story “The Fate of a Man” cannot leave anyone indifferent. The work highlights real events. The author personally talked with Andrei Sokolov, so he understands him better than ever. During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people had to endure many severe trials. Andrey Sokolov, main character story - simple soviet man, who lost all his loved ones. When Andrey talks about this, the reader involuntarily begins to cry. It is especially difficult to read how Andrei’s son, a young officer, died on the last day of the war. Sokolov was left alone in this world. In his place, someone else might have become bitter. But Andrey finds the strength to live on. Now he devotes himself entirely to his work. It becomes salvation and the only meaning of life. However, man is not a robot, and this cannot continue for long.

Despite the difficult trials that Andrei had to endure, he does not lose his humanity. And this is his greatness as a person. Andrei gives his love to a homeless orphan boy, who, like him, was deprived of his family and home. Andrey Sokolov is no longer young. And he is worried that Vanyusha will be left alone again: “All this, brother, would have been fine, somehow we would have lived with him, but my heart was swaying, the piston needs to be changed.... Sometimes he’ll grab and squeeze like that.” that the white light in my eyes is fading, I’m afraid that someday I’ll die in my sleep and scare my little son.” These words fill us with bitterness and fear for the fate of those two who have become family - Vanyusha and Andrei Sokolov. One can only hope that Andrei will have the strength to raise his adopted son.

Much has been said and written about goodness. However, true goodness is not words, but actions. We understand how kind the main character of the story is. And this despite the fact that in the war he had to demonstrate toughness, sometimes even cruelty. Suffice it to recall the episode in the church when Sokolov killed the traitor with his own hands. War has its own laws, and therefore even the kindest person is forced to be cruel.

However, the war ends sooner or later, and true human values ​​come first. The fact that Andrei’s wife, son and daughters died indicates that he seemed to have lost the right to a happy future. After all, it is in children that people see the meaning of their lives, hope that the future has meaning. The death of children is the most terrible test that a person can face. And Andrei Sokolov had to go through all this. The author finds the exact words and expressions to convey Sokolov’s condition. At the end of the story, the writer talks about his attitude towards Andrei: “A stranger, but a person who has become close to me”...

The author understands his interlocutor better than others, because he, like Andrei, walked along the front roads, which means he experienced a lot. He sincerely admires Sokolov, shows sincere sympathy and respect for him. The writer can only hope that in the future fate will give both Andrei and his adopted son something good. “Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force... What awaits them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to it.”

The problem in the story is of great importance moral choice. Russian writers very often put their heroes in extreme situations so that they could fully demonstrate their best spiritual qualities. Sholokhov did not have to invent anything - the main character of the story “The Fate of Man” had to find himself in circumstances that, in terms of intensity of passions, far exceeded those imagined. Surviving fascist captivity is not just difficult, but inhumanly difficult. But Andrei Sokolov did not break, he endured this test.

Andrey never complains about fate. He says: “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it.” Of course, it’s not easy for Andrey to remember everything that he had to endure. Now he can’t escape these memories: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder to talk about what I experienced in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died and were tortured there in the camps, your heart is no longer in your chest, but in your throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe.”

For modern readers Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man” is of great importance. If we compare the fate of Andrei Sokolov with the lives of many people around him, it becomes clear how great the gap is. After all, the life of the main character of Sholokhov’s story is much more tragic than the peaceful life of ordinary people, who nevertheless never tire of complaining about the abundance of worries and problems. However, everything is learned by comparison. And that’s why Andrei Sokolov looks like a real hero, despite the fact that he himself does not consider himself one. His heroism lies not only in the fact that he went through the war and fought for his Motherland, but also in the fact that he called an unfortunate orphan child his son. The love that Andrei gives to his adopted son lifts him to unprecedented heights and makes us admire such a person.

Andrey is not characterized by indifference; he acutely perceives any injustice. It pains him that the boy has become an orphan, a creature of no use and loved by anyone. Andrei cannot live in peace, knowing that someone is feeling bad next to him. We do not know what happened next to Andrei Sokolov and his son. And this understatement makes the work even more real, because in life this is exactly what happens: people part without knowing anything about each other. The author never met the hero of his story, but the story he described will be relevant at all times.

Evgenia Grigorievna Levitskaya

member of the CPSU since 1903

The first post-war spring on the Upper Don was unusually friendly and assertive. At the end of March, warm winds blew from the Azov region, and within two days the sands of the left bank of the Don were completely exposed, snow-filled ravines and gullies in the steppe swelled up, breaking the ice, steppe rivers leaped madly, and the roads became almost completely impassable.

During this bad time of no roads, I had to go to the village of Bukanovskaya. And the distance is small - only about sixty kilometers - but overcoming them was not so easy. My friend and I left before sunrise. A pair of well-fed horses, pulling the lines to a string, could barely drag the heavy chaise. The wheels sank to the very hub into the damp sand mixed with snow and ice, and an hour later, on the horses’ sides and hips, under the thin belts of the harnesses, white fluffy flakes of soap appeared, and in the fresh morning air there was a sharp and intoxicating smell of horse sweat and warmed tar generously oiled horse harness.

Where it was especially difficult for the horses, we got off the chaise and walked. The soaked snow squelched under the boots, it was hard to walk, but along the sides of the road there was still crystal ice glistening in the sun, and it was even more difficult to get through there. Only about six hours later we covered a distance of thirty kilometers and arrived at the crossing of the Elanka River.

A small river, drying up in places in summer, opposite the Mokhovsky farm in a swampy floodplain overgrown with alders, overflowed for a whole kilometer. It was necessary to cross on a fragile punt that could carry no more than three people. We released the horses. On the other side, in the collective farm barn, an old, well-worn “Jeep” was waiting for us, left there in the winter. Together with the driver, we boarded the dilapidated boat, not without fear. The comrade remained on the shore with his things. They had barely set sail when from the rotten bottom into different places Water began to flow in fountains. Using improvised means, they caulked the unreliable vessel and scooped water out of it until they reached it. An hour later we were on the other side of Elanka. The driver drove the car from the farm, approached the boat and said, taking the oar:

If this damned trough doesn’t fall apart on the water, we’ll arrive in two hours, don’t wait earlier.

The farm was located far to the side, and near the pier there was such silence as only happens in deserted places in the dead of autumn and at the very beginning of spring. The water smelled of dampness, the tart bitterness of rotting alder, and from the distant Khoper steppes, drowned in the lilac haze of fog, a light breeze carried the eternally youthful, barely perceptible aroma of land recently freed from under the snow.

Not far away, on the coastal sand, lay a fallen fence. I sat down on it, wanted to light a cigarette, but, putting my hand into the right pocket of the cotton quilt, to my great chagrin, I discovered that the pack of Belomor was completely soaked. During the crossing, a wave lashed over the side of a low-lying boat and doused me waist-deep in muddy water. Then I had no time to think about cigarettes, I had to abandon the oar and quickly bail out the water so that the boat would not sink, and now, bitterly annoyed at my mistake, I carefully took the soggy pack out of my pocket, squatted down and began to lay it out one by one on the fence damp, browned cigarettes.

It was noon. The sun was shining hotly, like in May. I hoped that the cigarettes would dry out soon. The sun was shining so hotly that I already regretted wearing military cotton trousers and a quilted jacket for the journey. It was the first truly warm day after winter. It was good to sit on the fence like this, alone, completely submitting to silence and loneliness, and, taking off the old soldier’s earflaps from his head, drying his hair, wet after heavy rowing, in the breeze, mindlessly watching the white busty clouds floating in the faded blue.

Soon I saw a man come out onto the road from behind the outer courtyards of the farm. He was leading a little boy by the hand; judging by his height, he was no more than five or six years old. They walked wearily towards the crossing, but when they caught up with the car, they turned towards me. A tall, stooped man, coming close, said in a muffled basso:

Hello, brother!

Hello. - I shook the large, callous hand extended to me.

The man leaned towards the boy and said:

Say hello to your uncle, son. Apparently, he is the same driver as your dad. Only you and I drove a truck, and he drives this little car.

Looking straight into my eyes with eyes as bright as the sky, smiling slightly, the boy boldly extended his pink, cold hand to me. I shook her lightly and asked:

Why is your hand so cold, old man? It's warm outside, but you're freezing?

With touching childish trust, the baby pressed himself against my knees and raised his whitish eyebrows in surprise.

What kind of old man am I, uncle? I’m not a boy at all, and I don’t freeze at all, but my hands are cold - because I was rolling snowballs.

Taking the skinny duffel bag off his back and wearily sitting down next to me, my father said:

I'm in trouble with this passenger! It was through him that I got involved. If you take a wide step, he will already break into a trot, so please adapt to such an infantryman. Where I need to step once, I step three times, and so we walk apart, like a horse and a turtle. But here he needs an eye and an eye. You turn away a little, and he’s already wandering across the puddle or breaking off an ice cream and sucking it instead of candy. No, it’s not a man’s business to travel with such passengers, and at a leisurely pace at that. “He was silent for a while, then asked: “What are you, brother, waiting for your superiors?”

It was inconvenient for me to dissuade him that I was not a driver, and I answered:

We have to wait.

Will they come from the other side?

Don't know if the boat will arrive soon?

In two hours.

In order. Well, while we rest, I have nowhere to rush. And I walk past, I look: my brother, the driver, is sunbathing. Let me, I think, I’ll come in and have a smoke together. One is sick of smoking and dying. And you live richly and smoke cigarettes. Damaged them, then? Well, brother, soaked tobacco, like a treated horse, is no good. Let's smoke my strong drink instead.

He took out from the pocket of his protective summer pants a crimson silk worn pouch rolled into a tube, unfolded it, and I managed to read the inscription embroidered on the corner: “To a dear fighter from a 6th grade student at Lebedyansk Secondary School.”

We lit a strong cigarette and were silent for a long time. I wanted to ask where he was going with the child, what need was driving him into such muddiness, but he beat me to it with a question:

What, you spent the entire war behind the wheel?

Almost all of it.

At the front?

Well, there I had to, brother, take a sip of bitterness up the nostrils and up.

He placed his large dark hands on his knees and hunched over. I looked at him from the side, and I felt something uneasy... Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them? These were the eyes of my random interlocutor.

Having broken out a dry, twisted twig from the fence, he silently moved it along the sand for a minute, drawing some intricate figures, and then spoke:

Sometimes you don’t sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think: “Why, life, did you cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?” I don’t have an answer, either in the dark or in the clear sun... No, and I can’t wait! - And suddenly he came to his senses: gently pushing his little son, he said: - Go, dear, play near the water, there is always some kind of prey for the children near the big water. Just be careful not to get your feet wet!

While we were still smoking in silence, I, furtively examining my father and son, noted with surprise one circumstance that was strange in my opinion. The boy was dressed simply, but well: in the way he was wearing a long-brimmed jacket lined with a light, worn tsigeyka, and in the fact that the tiny boots were sewn with the expectation of putting them on a woolen sock, and the very skillful seam on the once torn sleeve of the jacket - everything betrayed feminine care, skillful motherly hands. But the father looked different: the padded jacket, burnt in several places, was carelessly and roughly darned, the patch on his worn-out protective trousers was not sewn on properly, but rather sewn on with wide, masculine stitches; he was wearing almost new soldier's boots, but his thick woolen socks were moth-eaten, they had not been touched by a woman's hand... Even then I thought: “Either he is a widower, or he lives at odds with his wife.”

Literature was transformed by a large number of talented and original poets and writers; among such wonderful people, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov deserves a special place, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of literature. His unforgettable work entitled “The Fate of Man” raises many issues that should be considered.

The main character of this book is Andrei Sokolov, who dedicated his life to defending the Motherland, human destinies from such a terrible phenomenon as fascism. During the fighting, the hero experienced a lot: he lost not only his comrades and friends, but also his relatives, whom he loved with all his heart. What is it like to realize that your home is no longer there, you will never hear your wife’s tender voice, you will never see your two sons running, you will not see how beautiful your daughter will become in the future? It is very painful to accept the fact that you are left alone. The war has taken its toll. What is justice? You sacrifice yourself, help others survive, stand up for your homeland, but as a result you find yourself with nothing... With nothing. One explanation: it's war. And there's nothing you can do about it.

The surprising thing is that Andrei Sokolov did not lose himself in the abyss of despair, but, on the contrary, looked at life completely differently than before. He committed a moral act: he adopted a boy who, like the hero, was left alone. And there is no one but him to help the younger generation. Therefore, Andrei Sokolov’s action makes you think about your life, reconsider all your actions and attitude towards people.

In the work, in addition to the problem of the horror of war, the problem of patriotism, the problem of morality, there is another most important one: the problem of family, which is clearly raised in Sholokhov’s book. For the main character, family was above all else; it was a kind of strong core, a steadfast support that you can rely on and trust. He loved his beautiful wife with all his might, whom the war mercilessly took with him. But, not breaking under the weight of adversity, Andrei Sokolov found the strength to move on. His most responsible act was precisely the adoption of the boy Vanya. Together they created a strong family. Now there is an incentive to live and wake up every day with joy in your heart.

Thus, the book is excellent in its content. It touches on many issues and raises important questions that cannot fail to impress the reader. Sholokhov created a hero - a hard worker, whom he treated with care and understanding. He gave him hope, which gave new meaning to the character's life. The author likes people like Andrei Sokolov, who, despite difficulties and dangers, do not give up, do not break, but steadfastly resist adversity, continuing to maintain faith in the best in their souls!

Option 2 Feedback

Fate... There are so many mysteries in this word, from time to time I think about what fate is. It seems to me that fate can be called all those events that have happened or are happening to us. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t escape fate.” Each person has his own destiny and no one knows what turn in life awaits him. Some people succeed in everything in life, while others lived their lives in vain. How life goes depends primarily on the person, on his actions and life goals.

Not long ago I read a story that left a mark on my soul. Despite the simplicity of the description, it is filled with vitality.

This is the work “The Fate of Man” by Mikhail Sholokhov. Sholokhov was the author of works that are considered classics of literature, for example “ Quiet Don" or "They fought for their homeland." But personally I was touched by the story “The Fate of Man.”

From the title it may seem that we are talking about fate, but this is not so, the plot shows us a person, a person with a capital letter. Andrey Sokolov central character, he is an ordinary person who wants peace and hates war. However, there are a lot of such people. He simply lived, did not make any great plans, did not dream of being a hero. Andrei listened to his heart, was attached to his home, family and native land. But suddenly disaster struck, disaster struck his native place, and Sokolov was forced to go to the defense of his homeland.

The main character showed himself to be a good, loyal, brave soldier. The war destroyed everything that Andrei had. He was even captured, but no amount of torture and torment could break the spirit of the Russian soldier; he managed to escape and return to his native system in order to continue fighting.

The house in which the main character used to live was completely destroyed by a bomb; at that time his wife and daughters were there. The only ray of light for Andrey was the hope that everything was fine with his son. But unfortunately, it was on the ninth of May, when everyone was happy, that Sokolov learned of the death of his son. The man is left completely alone with his grief, his experiences, all that remains for him is the memory of how they lived before and did not know grief until trouble came to their land.

But the dark streak does not last forever, everything ends sooner or later. It so happened that Andrei found a little boy, Vanyushka, who was also left completely alone. Now the main character has a meaning to live, and the boy has a reliable shoulder and support.

It’s scary to imagine how much suffering Andrei Sokolov endured in his life, but he survived everything and showed how strong he is. Of course, he cannot return his wife, children, or home, but the man found his happiness, found his son, whom he will now raise as a real person.

Essay based on Sholokhov's work The Fate of Man

When a person is born, his destiny, which is destined from above, is born along with him. At the same moment, a special combination of planets occurs and a star is born, each person has his own star, and when a person is baptized, a guardian angel appears. Each of us eventually thinks about the meaning of our existence and what will remain after it. Humanity is the only individuals who realize that death ultimately occurs. It evokes strong emotions and touches you to the very depths of your soul.

I believe that each person has his own destiny, for example: getting married and living with this person all your life is destiny. And if they lived for a year and separated, it means they were not made for each other, and it was simply not destiny.

If we read Sholokhov’s works, we will see that the writer combines two themes: the theme of people and war. In the fate of a person, Mikhail Alexandrovich shows the troubles and misfortunes that the Great Patriotic War. About the endurance of a person who was able to withstand all the suffering and did not break. This story by Sholokhov pierced all readers to the core. And people believed in the spiritual powers of the Russian people.

This vivid story is built on such moments as seeing off to the war, being in captivity, an attempt to escape, news about the family. A huge book could be written from this, but Mikhail Alexandrovich put everything in little story. Events from real life one driver who returned from the war and told the author of this story. The hero of this story is Andrei Sokolov, he had the opportunity to experience a lot of moments that are associated with the war. But he’s great, he survived everything and he was able to survive strong-willed and character, and no matter what happened, he always moved forward, without losing hope for the best.

Despite all the difficulties in life, the hero adopted a little boy, Vanya. This suggests that the Russian people cannot be defeated, neither by force nor by spirit. To sum up this story, I want to say: no matter what happens, you cannot lose heart and only move forward. Finding meaning in life. Fate is all the events and situations that happen in a person’s life. This all has a big role in the life of the person himself; each action attracts something else, which ultimately results in a chain of phenomena of a certain person. And it turns out that a person creates his own destiny.

Sample 4

Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of a Man” is a story about a simple Russian man who endured the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. The main character, fighting bravely and having won a victory over the enemy, loses all his relatives, but does not despair and finds the strength to live on.

The image of Andrei Sokolov embodies all the main features of a Russian soldier, such as courage, perseverance and patience.

From the first pages of the story, we see how the writer describes the first spring after prolonged hostilities, thereby preparing us to meet our hero. The author clearly showed the tragedy of Sokolov’s life. It is clearly visible that it was not easy for Sokolov from childhood. He fought bravely at the front during the years civil war, then started a family and was an exemplary husband and father. The attack of the German invaders on his homeland forced the hero to go to war again. Andrei Sokolov was wounded and even suffered a concussion. But that wasn't the worst thing for him. Tests in German captivity continued ahead. For two whole years he had to endure the hardships and torment of the Nazis. He tried to escape, and even dealt with the traitor. We see how the soldier retained his self-esteem in the episode with the camp commandant. Exhausted and weakened by unbearable conditions, Sokolov amazed the fascist with the manifestation of his fearless character.

Andrei nevertheless escaped, and soon returned to duty, continuing to fight against the Nazi invaders. Many times he was on the verge of life and death, but to the end he remained human. Returning from the front, he learns that he has lost his family. It became for him a terrible blow. But even in this case, strong trials did not break Sokolov. He did not become embittered or lost in life. He directs all the warmth of his soul to raising his adopted boy Vanyushka. And the most important thing is that the main character, by committing such a humane act, adopting an orphan, shows us that he is not broken, but continues to live. The author wants to show with his work that his hero is not broken, and people like him cannot be broken. Having endured the most difficult trials, Sokolov continues to maintain his love for life. He remains human and kind person. And it was not without reason that Sholokhov gave such a title to the story. He wanted to use the image of Andrei Sokolov to show the true character of the Russian soldier. It was these people who helped our Motherland resist the enemy in the Great Patriotic War.

I spent this summer in my hometown. Every morning I woke up at 8, or even 9 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast, the boys and I played football and other games in the yard for a long time, or simply ran races.

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  • Goals:

    • Learn to analyze a work of art, work with text, read expressively, and construct a monologue.
    • Develop analytical thinking, creative imagination, oral speech.
    • To cultivate patriotic feelings, mutual respect, understanding, and the ability to defend one’s point of view.

    Equipment: presentation, portrait of M. Sholokhov, illustrations for the story “The Fate of a Man,” video files from the film “The Fate of a Man” 1959, directed by S. Bondarchuk.

    Lesson progress

    I. Organizational moment.

    Guys, today in class we will continue to work on a work that takes us back to one of the most important and tragic events in the history of our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War. In those years, only the faith of every person allowed our people to win. Today in class we will look at this war through the eyes of M.A. Sholokhov, and his story “The Fate of Man” will help us in this.

    And I would like to start our lesson with these words: “If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won great victory in the Second World War, read the story “The Fate of Man,” as one English newspaper wrote.

    Guys, what do you think we will talk about in class today?

    (About the main characters of the story, about the war, about the strength of the Russian people, why they responded to the story in this way in the newspaper).

    II. Learning new material.

    1. The teacher's word. Today we will also try to find the answer to this and other questions. And we will begin, according to tradition, with a story about the author of the work. But before we start talking about the life of M.A. Sholokhova, I would like to play a game with you “True - not true.” I tell you facts from the writer’s life, and you answer me whether they were in his biography or not.

    He was illegitimate son the daughter of the serf peasant Anastasia Chernikova and the not-poor commoner Alexander Sholokhov.

    He was captured by Father Makhno.

    Was accused of plagiarism. Many did not believe that a 23-year-old poorly educated person who did not have sufficient life experience, could create the first book of "Quiet Don"

    He wooed his younger sister, and, on the advice of her father, married the eldest.

    He will intercede with Stalin on behalf of Akhmatova, and after 15 years of oblivion, her book will be published.

    Became one of the few Soviet writers who received Nobel Prize.

    (Students put forward their versions about these facts).

    We will find out the truth or falsity of these facts during the lesson. So let's begin.

    2. Student message. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Life and work of the writer.

    A trained student talks about the biography of M.A. Sholokhov, accompanying his message with a presentation. At the same time, talking about the episode in Akhmatova and the Nobel Prize.

    He will intercede with Stalin on behalf of Akhmatova, and after 15 years of oblivion, her book will be published. Sholokhov will be the only one to receive the Nobel Prize in 1965 with the approval of the Soviet government.

    3. Updating knowledge about biography.

    It is rare that a famous cultural figure manages to achieve worldwide recognition and fame during his lifetime. Creative life Mikhail Sholokhov is a happy exception. The writer was not only treated kindly by the authorities, but also received truly popular love and recognition of his talent.

    Above the Don lies the village of Veshenskaya. The wonderful writer Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov lived and worked here for many years. He was indeed an illegitimate child. His mother married against her will, and then went to his father. Until the age of 12, Mikhail Alexandrovich bore the surname Kuznetsov, and only after the death of his mother’s husband was adopted by his own father and received the surname Sholokhov.

    The future writer studied at the Vyoshenskaya gymnasium, and then went to Moscow and became close to young writers, joining the literary group of the Young Guard magazine. “Don Stories” was published in Moscow, bringing literary fame to M.A. Sholokhov.
    In 1926, the writer returned to his native place, where he “breathed the wonderful steppe air over the endless expanse, and the Quiet Don was reflected in his heart.” In the 20s, Sholokhov was the “commissar” at the head of the food detachment. The entire detachment was captured by Makhno. Sholokhov expected to be shot, but after a conversation with his father he was released. Returning home, he marries Maria Gromoslavskaya. True, initially Mikhail Alexandrovich allegedly wooed her younger sister, Lydia. But the girls’ father, a former Cossack ataman, advised the groom to take a closer look at the eldest and promised to make a man out of Sholokhov. Having heeded the urgent “recommendation”, Mikhail married the eldest. The marriage “by order” will turn out to be happy - Sholokhov will become the father of four children and will live with Maria Petrovna for 60 years.

    At the end of 1926 he began writing the novel “Quiet Don”. This is about plagiarism. In the same year, “Don Stories” and “Azure Steppe” were published. In 1932, Virgin Soil Upturned was published. But the writer’s life was not quiet, calm and happy. And while participating in the surplus appropriation system, he was caught for exceeding his authority and sentenced to a suspended sentence, and he had to fight in the war.

    4. About the history of the creation of the work.

    As for the history of the creation of this work, M. Sholokhov heard this story in the first post-war year while hunting near the Mokhovsky farm. Sholokhov was sitting near the fence at the river crossing, resting. A man with a boy approached him and mistook him by his clothes and hands covered in fuel oil for “ his brother the driver", told his story about his painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he decided to write a story. But only 10 years later I turned to that plot and wrote the story in a week.

    The story appeared at the end of 1956. Our literature has not seen such an amazing phenomenon for a long time, when a relatively small work became an event. Reader letters poured in to the editor, to the radio, and to the village of Vyoshenskaya.

    5. Analysis of the work.

    The genre of our work is short story. What do you know about the story?

    The story tells about several episodes from the hero's life. The writer placed a lot of material about this life - from birth to adulthood, which would be enough for a novel, within the framework of a story.

    Why do you think the composition of this work is called a story within a story?

    Students' answer options.

    At the beginning of the story, a description of the first post-war spring is given: “The first post-war spring on the Upper Don was extremely friendly and assertive.”

    Then the author talks about meeting with an unknown person who talks about his fate. The main part of this work is a story within a story. The narration is in the first person. Andrei Sokolov chooses the most important episodes of his life. He often interrupts his story because he worries about everything he has lived through. This creates emotionality, persuasiveness and authenticity of the narrative.

    At the end, the parting with his new acquaintance, who was “a stranger, but became a close person,” is described, and the author thinks about future fate heroes. Here the feelings and emotions of the author himself are revealed.

    Let's read the beginning of the work.

    From the words “The first post-war spring...” to “With heavy sadness...”.

    What is the point of constructing the story this way?

    Why did the writer introduce the image of a narrator into the work?

    The impression of special authenticity and documentation is created.

    What do you see as the advantages of this particular narrative?

    1) Allows you to give a portrait description of Andrei Sokolov. We read aloud the portrait of the main character. From the words “He put...”.

    Portrait of a hero.

    Andrey was a “tall, stooped man.” Portrait description We don't see Sokolov right away. Sholokhov gives it in detail. First, he highlights “a large, callous hand,” then “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy.” The image of Andrei Sokolov is complemented speech characteristics. In the hero’s speech you can often hear professional words: “steering wheel”, “blow on all the hardware”, “last stage”, “went at first speed”, “brother”. Sokolov is the embodiment of the national Russian character, therefore his speech is figurative, close to folk, colloquial. Andrey uses proverbs: “pickled tobacco is like a cured horse.” He uses comparisons and sayings: “like a horse and a turtle,” “how much is a pound worth.”

    2) The first-person narrative creates the impression of extraordinary authenticity and documentary accuracy.

    3) The narrator turns out to be an intermediary between the hero and the reader. Andrei's point of view is refracted in the author's perception, thus objectivity is born from the totality of views on the reality of individual individuals.

    Where does the story begin?

    The beginning of the story is a description of nature.

    How does the motive of the struggle between winter and spring, life and death relate to the events and destinies of the heroes of the story, with the author’s attitude to life?

    The broad picture of a friendly, energetic spring is symbolic - this is the first post-war spring - the awakening of the earth and the awakening of the human soul, freed from the fascist yoke.

    So, the story begins with the scene of the author meeting at a river crossing with a man who told him about his fate. Thus, the genre form of storytelling was determined - the tale. Andrey is no longer young. He is a private both at the front and after the war. Everything that befell the common man in the years. hard times, he experienced it himself. And that is why the fate of the people is so palpable in his fate. He, Andrei admits, was “lucky” in life: every day for 2 years, being close to death, he remained alive.

    Episode analysis.

    We analyze the episodes in groups that received the task in advance.

    A. The hero’s life path.

    How many parts can it be divided into? life path hero?

    (into 3 parts: before the war, war, after the war)

    What kind of life did the hero live before the war?

    What does Sokolov see as his happiness in pre-war life?

    This question will be answered for us 1 group.

    (Pre-war life is uneventful: hungry youth, marriage to an orphan, children. The hero speaks with enthusiasm about his wife and children, condemns himself for rudeness, addiction to drinking)

    What is happening to Andrei Sokolov at the front? (They are the same)

    (In May 1942, he delivers shells. He is blown up in a minefield. Shell-shocked, he is captured).

    B. The episode in the church.

    (Showing a film clip).

    2nd group analyzes the episode in the church.

    What types of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene (soldier - Christian, Kryzhnev, platoon commander, doctor)?

    Which position is closer to Sokolov?

    In the episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhumane circumstances. Various characters Here they embody different life positions. But only the position of the doctor, “who did his great work both in captivity and in the dark,” evokes Sokolov’s sincere respect and admiration. In any conditions, remain yourself, do not betray your duty - this is the position of Sokolov himself.

    The hero does not accept either humility or the opposition of his life to others.That’s why he decides to kill Kryzhnev in order to save the platoon commander. Murder is not easy for Sokolov, especially killing one of his own. His soul is heavy. But he cannot allow one person to save his life at the cost of another’s death, for he sees salvation only in the unity of people.

    B. Duel with Muller.

    We will hear an analysis of the episode of the fight between Andrei Sokolov and Lagerführer Müller in the performance 3 groups.

    - What does Sokolov think about as he prepares for death?

    What physical condition is the hero in? Why does he agree to drink but refuse a snack?

    “I’m hungry like a wolf, I’m unaccustomed to human food, and here there’s so much goodness in front of you... Somehow I suppressed the nausea, but through great force I tore my eyes away from the table.”

    “I took the glass and the snack from his hands, but as soon as I heard these words, it was as if I was burned by fire! I think to myself: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink German weapons for the victory?!” Damn it, I’m dying, so you’ll go to hell with your vodka!”

    “I wanted to show them, the damned one, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.”

    Why did Mueller personally execute a Russian soldier during a gala dinner?

    Why, before shooting a prisoner, does he arrange a ritual with drinking?

    What place does this episode occupy in the composition of the story?

    Who wins this fight and at what moment? What is the meaning of this victory?

    The dialogue with Muller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit.

    This is how an ordinary person becomes Sholokhov’s embodiment folk character. The hero opposes fascism with the great power of patience, so characteristic of the Russian people. The willingness to endure, to “endure” becomes Sokolov’s life credo.

    D. After escaping from captivity.

    4th group will answer the questions:

    What did Sokolov have to endure after escaping from captivity?

    The worst thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones.Twice he interrupts his story, and both times - when he remembers his deceased wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks: “I looked sideways at the narrator, but I didn’t see a single tear in him, as if in the dead, dull eyes."

    The most striking thing in the story is the combination of high tragedy and humanity. The war, the loss of his family, the loss of his son, the torment that he had to endure in German captivity - the tragic filling of the life of the main character Andrei Sokolov - did not kill the “man” in him.

    D. Meeting of Sokolov with Vanyushka.

    5th group will tell us:

    Why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka?

    What do their destinies have in common?

    What role do descriptions of nature, the image of the road, portrait descriptions?

    - After meeting with a boy whose “little eyes are like stars after the rain,” Sokolov’s “heart goes away, becomes softer,” “my soul became light and somehow bright.” As you can see, Vanya warmed the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life regained meaning.

    E. Group 6 will help us summarize.

    What is the meaning of the title and ending of the story “The Fate of Man”?

    How do you understand the word DESTINY?

    Why does A. Sokolov see his guilt in the way his fate turned out?

    Not “life” of a person – Sholokhov called the story, but chose other words “fate”. The most beautiful thing in life (and it is indestructible) is a person, a worker, a people.

    Sections: Literature

    Target: teach to comprehend the ideological intent of the work and author's position by text analysis.


    • to form in students an idea of ​​the meaning of human existence, to consider the author’s concept of man in the story “The Fate of Man”;
    • develop skills in analyzing a work of art;
    • show the role of details in the text;
    • cultivate opposition to war.

    Equipment: multimedia presentation, computer and projector, portrait of M. A. Sholokhov, text of the work, recording of S. Bondarchuk’s film “The Fate of Man,” illustrations for the story by B. Alimov and O. Vereisky.

    ...Honour, conscience, decency, reliability - the most
    the most important thing that gives a person life. Having such
    wealth, you can withstand any, even unbearable
    difficult circumstances. Stand and win.

    B. Vasiliev

    Man lives by love. Love for the land, wife, children,
    language, comrade...To remain human in inhuman
    conditions is a difficult matter.

    I.S. Gracheva


    I. Organizational moment

    II. Opening remarks teachers

    The people are like a huge tree on which you cannot count the leaves. And everything that we do good adds strength to it. But not every tree has roots. Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down. Roots nourish the tree and connect it to the earth. Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. This is our history and spiritual traditions.
    In today's lesson we will continue to work on a work that takes us back to one of the most important and tragic events in the history of our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War. “If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won a great victory in the Second World War, read the story “The Fate of Man,” wrote one English newspaper.

    - Let's turn to the topic of the lesson. Tell me, what will be the subject of our research? (By following the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, we will not only learn about his fate, but also try to answer the question: what is the author’s concept of the person in the story.)

    – We don’t have an epigraph for today’s topic. I suggest you choose it yourself, and we will do this after discussing the story at the end of the lesson.

    III. Updating students' knowledge. Analytical conversation based on the materials of the first lesson

    – M. Sholokhov’s story became an event. How did you perceive the story “The Fate of Man”? Why did this small work not leave its first readers indifferent and excites modern people?
    What is the genre feature of Sholokhov’s work?
    – Prove that from the hero’s biography one can trace the main stages of the path traversed by the entire country. What are these stages? What is unique about the composition of the story? What would the story lose if the narration were narrated directly by the author? What parts can the hero’s story be divided into?

    IV. Research work. Sholokhov’s concept of man in the story “The Fate of Man”

    – To understand the author’s concept of a person, let us once again turn to the central episodes of the story.
    – What does Andrei Sokolov see as his happiness? in pre-war life? Find the words of the hero in the text that talk about this. (“What else do you need? The children eat porridge with milk, have a roof over their heads, are dressed, have shoes, so everything is in order”)
    – What does Andrei Sokolov see as happiness?
    – M. Sholokhov’s story about the war. Why do we practically not see the main character with a weapon in his hands in a battle situation? (The author has a unique approach to depicting war. He contrasts the monstrous machine of fascism not with the power of weapons, but with something else. So? The writer explores not the war itself, but the possibilities of the human spirit. Is a person beautiful in soul - that’s the main thing. In the soul - one of sources of victory. Analyzing the character of the hero, we will judge not by one or two of his actions. This story, like the novel, involves the study and analysis of the hero’s entire life)

    Captivity. Historical commentary(Appendix 1 )

    Episode in the Church

    – What types of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene: a Christian soldier, Kryzhnev, a platoon commander, a doctor? (In the episode in the church, Sholokhov reveals possible types of human behavior in inhumane circumstances. Different characters here embody different life positions.)

    – Which position is closest to Sokolov? (Only the position of the doctor, “who did his great work both in captivity and in the dark,” evokes sincere respect and admiration from Sokolov. In any conditions, remaining oneself, not betraying one’s duty, is the position of Sokolov himself. Neither submission nor opposition to one’s The hero does not accept the lives of strangers)

    Episode of the fight between Andrei Sokolov and Lagerführer Müller

    – Why did Mueller need a drinking ritual before executing a prisoner? (“Before you die, Russian Ivan, drink to the victory of German weapons”)
    – What is the hero’s physical condition? Why does he agree to drink but refuse a snack?
    – Who wins in a moral duel between two enemies: Muller and Sokolov?
    – Is the attitude of the Nazis towards prisoners changing? (The dialogue with Muller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit)
    – The conversation in the commandant’s room takes place at the time of the Battle of Stalingrad. Is there, in your opinion, a connection between this battle, an event of world-historical proportions, and a private episode in the life of an individual hero? (The camp commandant wanted a repeat of Stalingrad, he got it in full. The victory of the Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov are events of the same order, since the victory over fascism is, first of all, a moral victory.)
    – What words express Sokolov’s view of the duty of a person, a man, a soldier? (Willingness to endure, to “endure”, while maintaining human dignity, becomes Sokolov’s life credo: “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it”)
    – Invitation to reflection: What do you think was the most terrible event from military life for the hero of the story? (The worst thing for Sokolov was the loss of loved ones.)

    Slide show against the background of the song “Enemies burned their home” (Appendix 2 , Appendix 3 )

    Teacher's comment: L.N. Tolstoy was very fond of M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”. This was one of the reasons for writing the epic novel War and Peace. And M.A. Sholokhov’s favorite poem was M. Isakovsky’s poem “Enemies burned their home.”
    – Twice the hero interrupts his story, and both times when he remembers his dead wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks. Let's read them.

    - How great must be the pain that this person experiences if he, more than once, looking into the face of death, never giving in to the enemy, says: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?” The hero’s heart is “petrified with grief” so much that he is not even able to cry, although tears, perhaps, would bring him relief (“...And my unshed tears, apparently, have dried up in my heart.”)

    – Sholokhov is a master of detail. With one phrase, a writer can reveal everything that is in the hero’s soul. What detail at the beginning of the story does the writer convey the depth of the hero’s grief? (Eyes as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable melancholy that it is difficult to look into them)
    – Popular wisdom says: G laza – mirror of the soul" Eyes say a lot about a person. Everything that a person has experienced, all his suffering can be read in his eyes...
    - “As if sprinkled with ashes » – that is, what kind, what color? (Gray, ash colors)
    – Why is the color of the eyes not just gray, but similar to the color of ash? (Ashes are where everything is burned, destroyed. In the hero’s soul there is ashes, disappointment, emptiness.)– Thus, the color detail helps to understand the state of the hero. The war took everything away from Sokolov. No family, house destroyed. My hometown has become a stranger. And he went wherever his eyes led him, to Uryupinsk, with a dried-up heart, alone. How can a person find himself in such a difficult situation change? (A person can become bitter, hate everyone, especially children, who would remind him of his own. At such moments, a person can take his own life, losing faith in its meaning)
    – Did this happen to Andrei Sokolov? (He continued to live. Sholokhov writes sparingly about this period of his hero’s life. He worked, began to drink, until he met a boy.)

    Watching an excerpt from S. Bondarchuk’s film “The Fate of a Man.” Meeting between Sokolov and Vanyushka.

    Episode Analysis

    – What do the fates of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha have in common? (Two orphans whose lives were twisted by war)
    – The image of Vanyushka appears in the story along with the image of Andrey. But the author does not give a portrait description immediately, but again through artistic details. It is worth paying special attention to Vanya’s eyes. How are they described in the work? (“Light as the sky”, “little eyes like stars at night after the rain.”)
    – What is the color meaning of this image? (Here we mean a bright blue color. Pure, immaculate, unspoiled by any hardships of life. But this definition is not enough for the author. He gradually strengthens the image: “little eyes like stars at night after rain”. The boy’s eyes shine with a bright yellow, starry, unearthly color. Let's pay attention to the diminutive suffixes (nebUSHKO, ZvezDOCHKI): they also give away the author’s attitude)
    – Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, having lost everything he could in these terrible years, completely devastated, meets Vanyushka with eyes as clear as the sky, like stars washed by the rain. What does the comparison of Vanyusha’s eyes with the light of stars show? (Shows that he became for Sokolov, as it were, a guiding light in a life filled with black grief).
    – As you can see, Vanya warmed the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life regained meaning.
    – Is it possible to trustfully cling to every person like this, just like that? small child?
    – Now let’s turn again to the beginning of the story. Where does Sholokhov begin the work? ( From a description of nature)
    – Imagine this picture. What colors are contrasted in the description? (dead white, snowy color of winter and vibrant brown, dirty yellow, gray color of early spring)
    – What does this opposition symbolize? (Just as winter with white coldness is replaced by a warm, albeit not yet festive, spring, so life conquers death).
    – What kind of sky does the author draw at the beginning of the story? (Blue, with white, busty clouds floating in the faded blue).
    – What do these details indicate? (About the coming peace, about the feeling of peace and tranquility)
    – The story describes tragic events, but still there is a place for a hot, bright, yellow sun. Support this with an example from the text.
    – Why does Sholokhov repeat the words about the sun several times? (More and more sun, shine, warmth are given to the heroes of the story. More and more more peace penetrates their soul. Yellow sunny color symbolizes upcoming happiness)
    – Thus, the description of nature given at the beginning of the story is key to understanding the meaning of the work. But, interestingly, we understand the significance of this landscape sketch only after finishing reading.
    – Now let’s turn to the final episode of the story. (Slide)
    – Name the phrases the author uses to define the characters (grains of sand thrown into foreign lands by a hurricane of unprecedented power - a man of unbending will)
    – What does Sholokhov emphasize when he calls the hero a grain of sand in the last lines? (Andrei Sokolov does not at all appear to be an epic hero, he is not a person with supernatural abilities. He is ordinary, like everyone else). According to Sholokhov's concept, a person is a grain of sand, a blade of grass in the wind, a trembling leaf pressed to a branch; these are the metaphors the writer uses in the story, describing the characters.
    -What is fate?

    Vocabulary work

    Fate– 1. A confluence of circumstances independent of a person’s will, the course of life circumstances; 2. Share, fate; 3. The history of the existence of someone or something; 4. Future, what will happen (Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov).

    – In what meaning is this word used in the title of the story? (In the title of the story, the word fate is used in several lexical meanings. It can be considered as the story of Andrei Sokolov, and his fate, and a coincidence of circumstances)
    – Then how does a person live from Sholokhov’s point of view? What can he oppose to fate? (Love, kindness, human dignity)
    – If you have cultivated human dignity in yourself, it will help you preserve a person in any situation.
    – Choose an epigraph for our lesson (see on the board)
    1. If you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny. (Old truth)
    2. No, it’s not only in their sleep that elderly men, who have turned gray during the years of war, cry. (Mikhail Sholokhov)
    3.…Honour, conscience, decency, reliability are the most important things that life gives to a person. Possessing such wealth, you can withstand any, even unbearably difficult circumstances. Stand and win. (B. Vasiliev)
    4. Man lives by love. Love for the land, wife, children, language, comrade... Remaining human in inhuman conditions is a difficult matter. (I.S. Gracheva)

    V. Summing up the lesson

    – Re-read the ending of the story. Why does the author speak at the end about the “heavy sadness” that gripped him under the influence of what he heard? (Nothing will ever console Andrei Sokolov, will not help him forget what he experienced, will not compensate for his terrible losses. At the same time, he, a simple man, is not only not broken, but has also retained the most precious thing in himself - a living soul. These two orphaned people find in each other their new common destiny, mutually affirming each other in life. It was important for the writer and with him the reader to see what the soldier took out of this war, with what he will live further and with what he will live with HUMAN DIGNITY. .