Classification of song genres. Styles in music: list, description, examples

In addition to regular collections, and, we are also interested in more niche subgenres, which we willingly talk about with the help of thematic collections. For example, you can familiarize yourself with popular compositions or immerse yourself in the atmosphere or.

Electronic fans can get acquainted with the new products of the scene, selected by studying the main charts of the planet. The collections contain fashionable bass music, popular club hits and after hectic nightlife events.

Next, we grouped genre music according to more situational criteria - for example, you can download current music or for a relaxing evening in the company of connoisseurs similar style. For fans, the section contains ready-to-download playlists of both classic compositions from the 90s and more specific folk for fans of this genre.

Download collections or listen online?

For those who prefer a modern lifestyle, each collection works in a convenient online player mode, which automatically switches compositions one after another. You can always return to listening to your favorite selection - all you need is a stable Internet connection. On the other hand, with just one button you can easily download an mp3 collection in one archive to your computer, transfer it to any media and always have access to the desired collection.

Today's post is dedicated to the topic - the main musical genres. First, let's define what we consider a musical genre. After this, the actual genres will be named, and at the end you will learn not to confuse “genre” with other phenomena in music.

So the word "genre" is of French origin and is usually translated from this language as “species” or genus. Hence, musical genre- this is a type or, if you like, a genus of musical works. No more and no less.

How do musical genres differ from each other?

How does one genre differ from another? Of course, not just the name. Remember the four main parameters that help you identify a particular genre and not confuse it with some other, similar type of composition. This:

  1. type of artistic and musical content;
  2. stylistic features of this genre;
  3. the vital purpose of works of this genre and the role they play in society;
  4. conditions under which performance and listening (viewing) are possible piece of music specific genre.

What does all this mean? Well, for example, let’s take as an example such a genre as “waltz”. Waltz is a dance, and that already says a lot. Since this is a dance, it means that waltz music is not played every time, but precisely when you need to dance (this is a question of performance conditions). Why do they dance the waltz? Sometimes for fun, sometimes to simply enjoy the beauty of plasticity, sometimes because dancing the waltz is a holiday tradition (this goes to the thesis about life’s purpose). The waltz as a dance is characterized by whirling, lightness, and therefore in its music there is the same melodic whirling and elegant rhythmic three-beat, in which the first beat is strong like a push, and the two are weak, flying (this has to do with stylistic and substantive moments ).

Main music genres

Everything, with a large degree of convention, can be divided into four categories: theatrical, concert, mass-everyday and cult-ritual genres. Let's look at each of these categories separately and list the main musical genres that are included there.

  1. Theater genres (the main ones here are opera and ballet; in addition, operettas, musicals, musical dramas, vaudevilles and musical comedies, melodramas, etc.) are performed on stage.
  2. Concert genres (these are symphonies, sonatas, oratorios, cantatas, trios, quartets and quintets, suites, concertos, etc.)
  3. Mass genres (here we are mainly talking about songs, dances and marches in all their diversity)
  4. Cult-ritual genres (those genres that are associated with religious or holiday rituals - for example: Maslenitsa songs, wedding and funeral laments, spells, bell ringing, etc.)

We have named almost all the main musical genres (opera, ballet, oratorio, cantata, symphony, concert, sonata - these are the largest). They really are the main ones and therefore it is not surprising that each of these genres has several varieties.

And one more thing... We must not forget that the division of genres between these four classes is very arbitrary. It happens that genres migrate from one category to another. For example, this happens when the real thing is recreated by the composer on the opera stage (as in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Snow Maiden”), or in some concert genre - for example, in the finale of Tchaikovsky’s 4th symphony a very famous folk song is quoted . See for yourself! If you find out what this song is, write its name in the comments!

P.I. Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 – finale

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Music genres, Directions and styles Sample header Organization logo This template can be used as an initial file for presentation educational materials group of listeners. Sections To add sections, right-click the slide. Sections allow you to organize your slides and organize collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the notes section to post speaker notes or additional information for the audience. As your presentation plays, these notes appear in the presentation view. Pay attention to font size (important for legibility for low vision, videography, and screen reading) Coordinated colors Pay special attention to graphs, charts, and labels. Please note that printing will be done in black and white or grayscale. Perform a test print to ensure the color difference is maintained when printing in black and white or grayscale. Charts, tables and graphs Keep things simple: use consistent, simple styles and colors whenever possible. Label all charts and tables.

2 slide

Slide description:

Musical genre is a multi-valued concept that characterizes the types and types of musical creativity in connection with their origin, conditions of performance and perception. Musical genre is one of the most important means of artistic identification. Sample title Give brief overview presentations. Describe the main point presentation and justify its importance. Introduce each of the main topics. To provide your audience with a reference point, you can repeat this overview slide throughout your presentation, highlighting the topic that will be discussed next.

4 slide

Slide description:

Folk music (from the English folk music - folk music) is a general term for varieties of popular music based on traditional folk music (mainly European peoples) or including elements of folk music. Subgenres: Folk rock Folk metal Psychedelic folk Neofolk (dark folk) Folk punk Folk jazz Electrofolk World music Country (USA)

5 slide

Slide description:

Sacred music - Music of a religious nature, intended for performance during prayers, services and in everyday life. Church music is usually written based on or influenced by religious texts (eg the Bible). Directions and genres of sacred music: Gregorian chant, Christian music Catholic music Orthodox music Kabbalistic music Gospel-pop Spirituals African-American sacred music Church hymns Liturgy

6 slide

Slide description:

Classical music is a concept free from terminological rigor, used, depending on the context, in different meanings. History of classical music: Middle Ages (476-1400) Renaissance (1400-1600) Baroque (1600-1760) Classicism (1730-1820) Romanticism (1815-1910) 20th century (1901-2000) Modern classical music(since 1975)

7 slide

Slide description:

Academic music is music that is in relation to continuity primarily with those formed in Europe in the 17th-19th centuries. musical genres and forms, melodic and harmonic principles and instrumental composition. - Motet - Salon music - Neoclassicism - Chamber music - Opera - Operetta - Cantata - Oratorio - Chorale - Mass

8 slide

Slide description:

Latin American music (Spanish: musica latinoamericana) - general name musical styles and genres of Latin American countries, as well as music of people from these countries who live compactly in the territory of other states and form large Latin American communities (for example, in the USA). In colloquial speech, the abbreviation "Latin music" (Spanish: musica latina) is often used. This is another option for overview slides that use transitions.

Slide 9

Slide description:

Latin music styles: Rumba/Rumba Merengue/Merengue Samba/Samba Tango/Tango Dream Mambo/Mambo Cha-cha-cha/Cha cha cha Pachanga/Pachanga Bossa nova/Bossa nova Salsa/Salsa Zuk/Zouk Bachata/Bachata Lambada/Lambada

10 slide

Slide description:

Blues (English blues from blue devils) is a musical form and musical genre that originated at the end of the 19th century in the African-American community of the Southeastern United States, among people from the plantations of the Cotton Belt. Is (along with ragtime, early jazz, rap, etc.) one of the most influential contributions to world musical culture - African American.

11 slide

Slide description:

Blues styles: Swamp blues Rhythm and blues Doo-wop Soul Funk Contemporary R&B New jack swing Delta -blues/Delta blues Chicago blues/Chicago blues Country blues/Country blues Swamp blues/Swamp blues Blues rock/Blues Rock African blues Boogie-woogie

12 slide

Slide description:

Jazz - form musical art, which arose at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries in the USA as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures and subsequently became widespread. The characteristic features of the musical language of jazz initially were improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing. Further development jazz occurred due to the development jazz musicians and composers of new rhythmic and harmonic models.

Slide 13

Slide description:

Rock is a general name for a number of popular music trends. The word “rock” - to swing - in this case indicates the rhythmic sensations characteristic of these movements associated with a certain form of movement, by analogy with “roll”, “twist”, “swing”, “shake”, etc. For rock -Musicians typically perform compositions of their own compositions. Also, rock is a special subcultural phenomenon; subcultures such as mods, hippies, punks, metalheads, goths, emo, are inextricably linked with certain genres of rock music. This is a different option for overview slides that use transitions.

Slide 14

Slide description:

Popular styles of ROCK music: - Alternative metal / Alternative rock - Hard rock / Hard rock - Metal / Metal - Heavy metal / Heavy metal - Punk rock / Punk rock - Pop rock / Pop rock, Pop N'Rock - Art rock - Experimental rock - Garage rock - Grunge - - Instrumental rock - Glam rock - Indie rock - Soft rock - Symphonic rock /Symphonic rock

15 slide

Slide description:

Electronic music (from the English Electronic music, colloquially also “electronics”) is a broad musical genre denoting music created using electronic musical instruments and technology. Although the first electronic instruments appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, electronic music as a genre developed in the second half of the 20th century and beginning of XXI centuries and includes dozens of varieties.

16 slide

Slide description:

Types of electronic music: - Academic electronic music - Electroacoustic music - Concrete music

Slide 17

The song genre is a favorite of almost every person. People began to hum long before the advent of music as such. It is not for nothing that the human voice is the most ancient of musical instruments, which is always stored inside each of us.

First the song came, then everything else.

So what are the different genres of songs?

Term and brief history

Song - the simplest form vocal music, but perhaps the most popular, which arose many years BC. e. For the first time its use was required in ancient rites and rituals. Only after a long time did the song sound differently, namely from the artistic side, and the consumer attitude faded into the background.

The initial compositions were of a religious nature, when there was a belief in the forces of nature and the gods corresponding to it. The compositions were quite simple, they could even be limited to three words.

In the ancient period, music and poetry were considered inseparable partners, so they were combined into a single art.

In the Middle Ages, songs were common among musicians such as troubadours, minnesingers, trouvères and meistersingers. They felt an inextricable thread between music and text, they felt the connection between the poetic form and the musical stanza.

Characteristic feature songs - the dominant melody performed by the voice throughout the entire accompanying background. A word floating in a musical river is like a boat in which all the most necessary and important things are concentrated.

Types of songs

From a single musical trunk, with each century, many branches grew, stretching in completely different directions.

There are 2 types of songs:

  • folk, or folklore;
  • author's.

Their main difference from each other lies in the names themselves. Art involves action, and action is performed by a subject or subjects.

Definition one

Folk song belongs to a type of folklore (oral folk art). This art does not have one single creator. Folk music is the result of the contributions of a large number of people. The song was passed on from mouth to mouth, acquiring new nuances, intonations, words and even a different meaning.

Traditional works were directly related to the people and their everyday life: work, holidays and rituals.

The genre of Russian folk song is distinguished by its beauty and melody. It’s not for nothing that even abroad foreigners sing everyone’s favorite “Kalinka-Malinka”.

Genres of folk songs

There are many genre divisions based on the type of events. For example, ritual (calendar and family).

Calendar ones meant Slavic holidays:

  • winter - carols (“A carol was born on the eve of Christmas”), schedrovka (“Good evening, generous evening”), ovsen (“Ovsei, Ovsei walked along the path”);
  • Yuletide - sub-table;
  • Maslenitsa (“Oh, pancakes, my pancakes”);
  • spring - stoneflies, Easter ("From Under the Forest");
  • summer - Kupala.

Families described everyday scenes and holidays:

  • birth and nurturing;
  • wedding;
  • funeral (cries and lamentations);
  • cradle.

There are also such genres of folk songs:

  • labor - united workers and made hard work with the help of song, merging into one force, much easier;
  • comic - ditties, refrains, satire;
  • round dances and dances;

  • epic (narration) - epics, historical, ballads, fairy tales, fables;
  • drawn-out lyrical (often associated with the description of heavy female share, which had to be put up with due to the traditions accepted by society);
  • otkhodnicheskie (the time when it was necessary to leave home and go to peasant work outside the village) - burlatsky, coachman, soldier, worker.

Some of the best songs of the folklore genre:

  • "Oh, frost, frost."
  • "Oh, it's not evening."
  • "Soldiers".
  • “Will I go, will I go out.”
  • "Felt boots".
  • "Thin rowan."
  • "Hey, let's whoop."

Genres of composer's songs

Uncountable amount written musical compositions in various song genres. We will talk about them below.


Several features can be highlighted:

  • the composer who wrote the song reproduces it himself;
  • in addition to music, the author also composes text;


The composition carries the task of praising someone or something. In all countries, it is considered the “main song” and occupies one of the three state symbols of the country (along with the coat of arms and flag).


This type of song belongs to a genre that is one of the most popular at present. The term was first used at the beginning of the 20th century.

Main features:

  • rhythm plays an important role;
  • main emphasis on vocals;
  • the composition is built according to a certain pattern - a verse and a chorus repeated after it;

Branches of songs of the pop genre:

  • europop;
  • disco;
  • classic;
  • electro;
  • indie;
  • country;
  • Latin;
  • dream;
  • baroque;
  • soul;
  • blues;
  • jangle;
  • bubblegum and many other subsections that have grown in all directions.


In France, the term was coined as a cabaret-style song (a recreational establishment with small concert performances).

As a genre of Russian song, it includes a collective image from:

  • card songs;
  • thieves;
  • lyrical songs, as well as urban romance.


It is the second type (along with pop) of popular music at present. The direction originated at the beginning of the 20th century.

Includes a huge number of subgenres and their varieties. Just a few of them:

  • alternative;
  • garage;
  • glam;
  • grunge;
  • indie;
  • mathematical;
  • instrumental;
  • punk;
  • fast;
  • progressive;
  • surf;
  • software;
  • folk;
  • hard;
  • pop rock;
  • rapcore, and it is also worth emphasizing metal as a type of rock music, with all the subspecies that flow from it.


The movement was born thanks to the merits of African rhythms and European harmony. It includes, in addition to vocal compositions, a purely instrumental form.

Interesting fact: jazz instrumental and song genres are the most perceptible complex species music that requires the brain to analyze harmonic construction. Virtuosos undoubtedly have a high intellectual level, since improvisation requires much deeper work.

Other types

In addition to the above, there are also a huge number of song genres:

  • blues - African American secular music;
  • folk - it combines folklore with modern trends;
  • rap - recitative to a rhythmic beat.

The world is full of vocal creativity, and everyone can find their favorite genre.

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