Who is Elena Krygina dating? Biography of Elena Krygina: success story

In a year and a half, St. Petersburg makeup artist Elena Krygina, who was first discovered from Veronica Belotserkovskaya’s blog in 2013, has become one of the most popular Russian video bloggers. Her clear instructions on how to make smooth red lips or smokey eyes are watched by more than 300 thousand people on YouTube, both mothers and daughters attend her master classes, and representatives of Western brands write to her thank you letters for unexpected sales increases. The Village found out how Krygina turned her video blog into a means of earning money, why she launched her own sample service KryginaBox, and what mistakes her subscribers most often make.

Elena Krygina

27 years old

Visagiste, host of make-up workshops

January 2013- began to lead video blog on YouTube, and in August 2014 launched her own sample service KryginaBox

number of subscribers
on YouTube - 311,855 people

About the worst punishment

It seems to me that I have been in this industry all my life. Since childhood, I loved to steal lipstick from my mother and conduct all sorts of experiments with it. I regularly confiscated all the cosmetics from her in secret, dragged her to kindergarten, and decorated everything there, including walls, toys, boys and girls while they were sleeping. This was my favorite activity, for which I actively received money. But at some point, everyone just got used to the fact that I’m such a “girl with makeup.” The biggest punishment at school was when my mirror was taken away. I was at a super-transitional age, when I had to go on strike against anything my parents said, my mother took the mirror out of my room for two weeks, and that was the worst thing for me.

I moved from Surgut to St. Petersburg and entered the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship. I went there because it didn’t work out with other universities. At some point, my mother said with admiration, together with my grandmother: “You make up so beautifully, you need to go to professional study.” I took a make-up artist course and almost immediately realized that studying at the academy was uninteresting and even unbearable for me.

I abandoned my studies at the institute and began to develop in the direction of makeup. I also didn’t finish the course, because it was the first school I came across, and they didn’t present the information the way I would have liked. But this encouraged me to continue studying on my own. I quickly joined the party, I don’t know, maybe I pulled out a lucky ticket. They immediately started calling me - first as an assistant, then they started giving me small orders, and I completed them with great pleasure for free.

For girls
no holiday
where absolutely possible authorized think only about sweets
and about eyelashes

By the end of 2012, I was already working for two cities, and came to Moscow for some big projects. It so happened that once again I came to Moscow for filming, and my friends just had a free room in their apartment, and I stayed there.

About video tutorials on YouTube

The idea of ​​starting a video blog came out of stupidity. Friends have long said: “Try it, I think you’ll do great, it’s yours, you love to talk about your makeup.” By that time, probably a month and a half had passed since moving to Moscow. I had five free days in January 2013 for new year holidays. And I got bored.

When I started a blog on YouTube, many people thought that I was about 17 years old, because I have such a voice, and the camera also distorts and it seems that I’m actually a jumping dragonfly. In fact, I’m 27. At one point, four bloggers with a huge audience reposted and expressed their “Wow! Cool!". Everyone thinks that I’m counting something and they ask: “How many subscribers do you have on your blog?” I say: “200 thousand.” They answer me: “Len, you already have 300 thousand.” I have a wonderful team that records all these statistics. And I find out from Instagram kryginateam that we, for example, have 20 million views on YouTube.

I have wonderful friends who sometimes think about monetizing my blog. They begin to count how much they could make from this. For example, Nika Belotserkovskaya at some point tried to express the number of subscribers and the number of all video views in the most banal ruble equivalent. After that she said: “Lenochka, we are losing a lot!”

I do everything related to video lessons myself - I come up with topics, shoot on my iPhone, and edit them. You quickly get used to any activity from which you receive good feedback. If she is not there, then you begin to miss her. When people say thank you, you want to do something else good. It’s interesting for me to then look at the tags to see how my subscribers apply makeup: many post their photos after my lessons. If there are general mistakes, it means I didn’t concentrate on something. Then I make another material devoted to a general problem.

The topic of makeup is absolutely inexhaustible, because even if in a year I realize that I have talked about all the possible ways of correcting the face, about all the shapes of eyebrows, about all types of arrows, then I can calmly go around the second round. This is a high-tech industry where corporations make new discoveries every day. All textures, all properties of decorative cosmetics change very quickly. My task is to tell the whole country about them.

In small towns simpler, and still there many extended nails

What are the rules of a successful video blogger? There is no secret or secret knowledge that you can gain and use it to become famous. You can either do it or you can't. Roma Zhelud can post a huge video about you, but if people are not interested in you, if they don’t believe you, and if you yourself don’t know what you’re talking about, as is usually the case, then this audience will flock to you, a stranger, but you have it won't remain. There is no recipe for becoming Rihanna. It’s not cutting your hair “like this,” not getting a bunch of tattoos, not periodically showing off your athletic butt on Instagram. You just have to be Rihanna, you have to work like her, at the same time smile, hang out, and enjoy everything. If you want to squeeze a star out of yourself, nothing will work. We see a lot of such people. They even become famous for a short time, but after some time they are forgotten.

About master classes

I did my first master class in Moscow - it was the first offline meeting with subscribers. They started writing to me and my assistants from the regions: “We want it too!” I tell them: “What do you want: a master class on what topic?” They say: “You have beautiful photos posted on Instagram, we want that too.” And I realized that the main thing for them was to bring me, they didn’t care what I had to say. The main thing is that the same great event is held. And then I thought: girls don’t have a holiday, such a girly real holiday, where you can absolutely sanctionedly think only about lipsticks and eyelashes, where no one will judge you for it. We (me and my team) made it, wrote 18 pages of technical requirements and set the framework.

We even have a layout for the master class poster: the organizers can choose any photo of me for it, but the layout and font must be in the same style. We ourselves organize master classes only in Moscow; we sell them in other cities. Ticket price - no more than 2500 rubles. Depending on the city, 250–350 people attend the master class. This is now, one might say, my main job.

In different regions of Russia, ideas about beauty are approximately the same: everyone just wants to be beautiful. Appearance girls in different cities rather depends on the capabilities of the regions.

In the comments
on Instagram they write: “Lena, I’ve come
for such and such a product and they tell me:
“Are you from Krygina too?” For a long time now we have everything is sold"

For example, in Yekaterinburg there is a very large selection, and brands tend to go there first. The girls there are very smart. In small towns it’s simpler, and there are also a lot of nail extensions there. Everyone dresses about the same; the style of clothing in big and small cities is similar. The difference is that you can immediately see whether H&M and Zara have already opened or not yet. Since my first on-site master class, I have seen a huge difference in makeup. Sometimes you just walk around the city and see your own results.

About KryginaBox

We recently launched the KryginaBox service. I have long noticed that there is no normal sample service that functions exactly as a service - not a surprise box, not “opened - happy - closed”, but to the point. Then I decided that I could make it myself and I did. KryginaBox is a box dedicated to one topic: if the topic is “Mascara”, there will be nine mascara samples. Every month - new topic. The number of samples is always different, but within nine. And in addition, the box contains one full-fledged product that continues the theme - a small bonus from me and the team, as a product of the month. All boxes have a standard price of 700 rubles. But there will also be boxes with limited editions, full-fledged products, they will be dedicated to some special topics - New Year, March 8 and so on.

The idea is that every woman is her own beauty blogger. Essentially, beauty bloggers in Russia are people who have a lot of cosmetics, have free time, and sitting in front of the camera, they share with their audience the decorative cosmetics that they have. KryginaBox is a project that allows any girl to do the same: here are samples, sit and test, tell us what you liked and what you didn’t like, only without the camera on. One girl writes that Benefit is the worst mascara of her life, and the second follows her: “Benefit is the best mascara of my life.” It’s just that every product must find its end buyer.

About cosmetics

To be honest, I don’t really like tinkering with cosmetics, much less analyzing which ones they have because of my sales lessons. On the blog, cosmetics are the last thing I'm interested in. For me it is important to tell how to do it, not what to do. In the comments on Instagram they write to me: “Lena, I came for such and such a product, and they told me: “Are you from Krygina too?” We’ve already sold everything a long time ago.” I have good relationships with all brands, but I still keep my distance. I only take people on my blog that I really like. To the “boxes” - please, we are friends there. I am interested in introducing my audience to new products.

If we talk about some trends in makeup, then these are active eyebrows, careless “smoky eyes”. If we talk about seasons, then autumn-winter is negligence, an erased lip line of any color: red, berry, even beige. It should look as if you applied your makeup with three strokes and ran. Under no circumstances should it be obvious that you spent a lot of time on makeup. Spring-summer means a lot of color, even red shadows, transitions from blue to purple and a lot of graphics.

The speed of human life is increasing, everything is becoming faster, taking into account technologies both in the telephone and in cosmetics. Everything is now being done to ensure that the product is as versatile as possible. Products have already appeared that independently recognize skin imperfections, with a “colour-correction” function, that is, you don’t think about how to choose a foundation for yourself: you choose between light, medium and dark. And he can handle freckles, pimples, and redness on his own. The buyer doesn't have to worry about this because scientists with microscopes have thought for him. In skincare cosmetics, things are about the same. We live in a period of development of “intelligent cosmetics”; its intelligence lies in the fact that the active components of the cream themselves recognize skin imperfections and “fix” them themselves.

There are a lot of Russian brands on the market. They just have Italian and French names, which are more popular with customers. We do not have a full-fledged decorative brand - one that would position itself as Russian. There are small ones: lipstick was made, mascara was launched, but essentially there is nothing to talk about. From the latter, for example, I really liked the soap in “100 Beauty Recipes” that smells like real pine cones. A huge jar of liquid soap, which is like jelly. It feels like you are in a fir forest. Well that's cool!

About buyer mistakes

The main mistake that almost everyone makes when choosing cosmetics is the habit of trying facial products on their hands: the skin there is completely different, with a completely different shade. But the question is still about hygiene. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will take lipstick that someone else has already tried before you. It is very important to pay attention and ask a brand consultant or makeup artist to disinfect the product. However, you should always bring your own brush and apply it yourself. All decorative cosmetics you need to test it exactly at the place where you will use it in the future. We don’t check black shadows on our lips.

Also, perfume and cosmetics stores have very distorting lighting. This probably makes some sense for store merchandisers and marketing services. You come home, and the shade may be slightly different. I often encourage clients to step outside the store and look at themselves in different lighting to compare lipsticks or any other product. If everything is ok, then you can buy.

Text: Varvara Gerneza

Lena and I are talking on a cold morning. She suggested arriving at 10. Honestly, this is the earliest interview in my experience. I walk into Krygina Studio and find myself in a “girl’s” paradise. There are multi-colored cosmetics around, and even a sofa in the shape of lips hints at the owner’s passion for red lipstick. Krygina meets me in the office on the 3rd floor. Lena is in a long dress, her hair is in a ponytail, and there is almost no makeup on her face. The most famous beauty blogger in the country can afford it.

The Russian girls we shoot on the cover always have their own story about Cosmo. Someone stole it from his older sister, someone collected all the numbers. What about you?
I remember the first magazine with Cindy Crawford on the cover in 1994. As a child, I loved supermodels, I cut out photographs of Cindy and Naomi and hung them on my mirror. I had the feeling that this was some kind of foreign press, but in our country, apart from the Peasant magazine, they sold nothing. And here is a girl, looking so... mysteriously. There's also the word "sex" in the corner. And everyone looks away so bashfully.

Ever imagined yourself on the cover?
Never! Until I hold the number in my hands, I won’t believe it. Honestly, I feel like a person who found himself at a cool party and is waiting for someone to say: “Elena, you are not on this list, you should go to another party.”

Do you consider yourself lucky?
Yes, but many things happen because there is a cause-and-effect relationship. From the outside it may look like I'm lucky. But I wouldn’t have achieved anything if I wasn’t efficient. I often talk to girls who don’t notice their lucky ticket. They don’t understand that if you get a chance, you have to cling to it.

“People often don’t pay attention to events that can lead to big things.”

Which of your chances do you consider to be the most important?
I can’t name anything specific that turned my life upside down. Maybe a blog. But no one created it for me, I made it myself. Although then and now I was not close to the blogosphere. I just managed to quickly and organically fit into it.

Then why are you doing this?
I'm a crazy person who talks to herself. (Laughs.) During the New Year holidays of 2013, out of boredom, I recorded several videos. And then the holidays passed, work began. So what next? A blog is a voluntary activity; it doesn’t bring in money unless you monetize it. And there are also a lot of clients. I had no idea how much time you need to have to do this seriously. I worked as a makeup artist in the morning and afternoon, and edited videos at night.

And when did you realize that you can make money on a blog?
Very soon. I think that you won’t get far on sheer enthusiasm. You’ll shoot 5-6 videos, and then you’ll want to eat or need to pay rent. You need to have some kind of return. But I had no desire to stupidly make money through advertising on You Tube. She's annoying everyone! And I decided to make a profit through some other projects.

Did you have to look for new solutions?
Yes, at a certain moment it seemed that everyone was making money on my name except me. People in suitcases from America were carrying Urban Decay palettes and Carmex balms, which I recommended. And all this operated on the principle: “Write on WhatsApp, transfer money, I’ll bring it.” Of course, many did not bring anything to anyone. In the end, I decided to open an online store. And also launch a delivery service for boxes with samples. No matter how much I broadcast from the screen, I cannot test 40 foundation creams for each girl. But I’m ready to raise 10-12 funds so that they can draw their own conclusions about what they like and what they don’t.

Is this how Lena Krygina’s empire was born?
Empire is too strong a word. More like a small office. (Laughs.)

Have you always been this adventurous?
If it concerned my plans, yes. I'm a makeup artist, I'm used to doing everything myself. She collected and organized herself, went and put on her makeup. And when I got into business, I realized that I needed to be able to delegate tasks. It always seems to me that I can do better: I have to fit into almost every online order, compile a dossier for every client in the studio. It remains to admit that there are only 24 hours in a day and you won’t have time to do everything, but total control
It will only slow down the process.

You might think that you are a terrible boss. Have you ever had to fire a person in one day?
Yes, I think that if everything is clear, why wait. Usually this is a mutual decision when it is clear that cooperation has not worked out.

Have you ever been fired?
No. I was never hired as a staff member. I didn’t look for a place, I didn’t go through an interview. I was always invited as a specific specialist.

What was it about Lena that made you want to work with her?
I have always been ready to do more than is expected of me. For example, the shooting is scheduled for 14:00, and I’m already there at 13:45. She painted the man, she could have left, but she stayed until the end. And she was ready to run to everyone for coffee. I could put the most expensive foundation on the model’s legs. Sometimes I traveled so far that I spent more on the road than I earned. In short, out of the blue I will do 5 times more moves than another makeup artist. In the long term, energy costs pay off.

You moved twice: to St. Petersburg from Surgut, then from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Was it easy to conquer the two capitals?
I always dreamed of going to St. Petersburg. My grandfather was a big fan of this city and talked a lot about it. In sixth grade I went on an excursion, and when I returned home, I said: “After school I’ll go to St. Petersburg.” And when I bought a ticket at 17, no one was surprised. I remember leaving the Tekhnologichesky Institut metro station, where I had rented an apartment, and feeling as if I already knew where to go.

Why then did you exchange St. Petersburg for Moscow?
After 8 or 9 years it got boring. Professionally, I had reached the ceiling and was hitting the top of my head against it. I managed to do makeup for five shows a day, and in the evening I also did makeup for Diana Vishneva for a performance at the Mariinsky Theater. I think when I left, half the city breathed a sigh of relief: “We can paint too!” Monopoly is not cool. There must be healthy competition, otherwise it’s not interesting.

“If someone bangs their fist on the table in front of me, I won’t be able to respect that person.”

Did you think long before moving to Moscow?
I came to a friend’s birthday and realized that I didn’t want to go back. The clients, the recording, and things remained in St. Petersburg. I only returned to work, to pick up something from the apartment. I was quickly called to work in Moscow. And soon I started a blog - and everything changed.

Now you are working together with your boyfriend. How does he feel about you being the boss of the company?
Who told you that the main one? Everything is equal. I'm in the public eye, that's why it seems like that. We have a clear division of responsibilities. I can come up with something, propose an idea, but I have no idea how to bring it to life. He will find an algorithm and make my idea quite tangible. It seems to me that one person rarely succeeds in both.

If a man hits the table with his fist: “I said so!” — will you obey?
Of course not. I would never even communicate with such a man.

In our country, many people live like this...
Everyone decides for themselves how to live. I can't even imagine such a situation. I don’t understand how such a style of communication is possible in the 21st century. If someone bangs their fist on the table in front of me, I won’t be able to respect that person. We need to look for compromises. And if this is not possible, what to do?! By the way, I take divorce very easily.

I cannot accept the point of view that a person should love only once in life. I don't believe it. When you get married, you need to understand that you can fall in love, and so can your chosen one. There are things we cannot control.

How do you feel about marriage?
Very calm. I think the desire of many girls to get married is formed by stereotypes. They dream not of a strong family, but of a dress and a ceremony. Moreover, it is unclear how to destroy such a value system. I have a loved one, we told each other everything, and we don’t need witnesses. I love the wedding aesthetic. But I don’t understand people who take out loans to make a holiday for relatives. I treat marriage like getting a visa: I submitted the documents, received a stamp.

“I can’t accept the point of view that a person should love only once in life”

And finally. Tell me, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I don’t like to talk about what’s planned. Besides, making plans is difficult. Did I think in December 2012 that in 4 years I would be sitting in a mansion on Kropotkinskaya and giving interviews? There are accidents that need to be noticed. People often don't pay attention to events that could lead to big things. You must not miss such moments. And also remember, Thank you.

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Elena Krygina is a Russian makeup artist, makeup specialist and video blogger. Her projects on the Internet gather an audience of millions of viewers and at the same time are popular. In addition to the blog in YouTube And Instagram, Krygina writes a column about new cosmetology products in Glamor magazine.

Elena was born in 1987 in the Siberian city of Surgut. Even at a tender age, the girl showed interest in makeup products and repeatedly took her mother’s makeup bag to kindergarten. At school, Lena already skillfully painted her eyelashes and lined her eyes, which is why she repeatedly had serious conversations with teachers.

Having received a matriculation certificate, Krygina went to the city of dreams - St. Petersburg. There Lena became a student at the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship, where she planned to major in Public Relations. At the same time, the girl enrolled in courses for professional makeup artists. And I became so interested in this art that I dropped out of university and focused on makeup.

Makeup and creativity

During the courses, Elena was considered a creative student, but too independent and individual. The teachers wanted the students to repeat after them according to the template, and Lena brought a piece of herself into the makeup every time. As a result, I didn’t receive Krygina’s crust here either. But she was able to get a job in a store where she was supposed to advertise the Shiseido lipstick line.

But even here the girl’s creative potential made itself felt and bore fruit. Elena didn’t just tell visitors about the new lipstick. The girl enthusiastically gave free make-up to every woman who was interested. As a result: the Shiseido company invited Krygina to the position of official makeup artist.

Later, Elena opened her own studio called MakeAp Art School, collaborated with Sobaka magazine and the LMA modeling agency, and also wrote a column in Glamor magazine. Creative biography Elena developed rapidly.


In 2012, Elena Krygina decided to master a new platform for implementing knowledge. On the Internet portal YouTube, the girl registered her own video blog, in which she began to share with girls her extensive experience and knowledge in the field of makeup, visage, as well as the quality of facial care products. For convenience, the channel was divided into five playlists, which were called “MakeUp. Ideas. Types of makeup”, “Krygina Box”, “Creative”, “Educational”, “Question-Answer”.

Gradually, this portal turned into a whole corporation, consisting of four projects: “Krygina Box”, “Krygina Store”, “Krygina Studio” and “Makeup2Makeup”, each of which specializes in its own topic. Elena has already assembled a close-knit and purposeful team of enthusiasts. The guys are fans of the beauty industry.

By the way, in addition to video blogs, Krygina holds an annual beauty festival “Krygina Beauty Day Moscow”, which has no competitors in Russia in terms of scale. Elena also tours cities around the country giving seminars and master classes.

Personal life

In 2013, Elena Krygina moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where she remained to live permanently. The girl prefers to spend her free time actively: skateboarding along the embankment or doing yoga outdoors in the Park.

The famous makeup artist has an interesting but expensive hobby: the girl is passionate about piloting. Elena received a special private pilot certificate and can make short flights alone. The girl also showed her love for aviation with the help of a tattoo: on Elena’s hand there is an icon of the SU-26 aircraft.

Elena has a peculiar principle: the girl considers the day to begin only after she puts on her makeup. Until this moment, Elena views all actions as frivolous. And another principle concerns romantic relationships - Krygina categorically does not answer questions on this topic either in interviews or on pages in social networks.

Elena Krygina now

Now Elena Krygina still remains successful in her endeavors. In 2017, an additional recruitment of employees was announced for the Elena Krygina Studio. On Instagram, Elena posted a post with requirements for applicants.

A makeup artist, according to Elena, must be able to flawlessly apply makeup to the face and shape eyebrows, a hairdresser must master the technique of an even cut and be a competent colorist, a manicurist must be able to work with a nail file and use fruit acids. Employees have the opportunity to take master classes in their specialty and lessons from Elena Krygina.

Another project to which Krygina devoted 3.5 years was the book “Makeup.” A unique gift edition with abundance colorful illustrations represents the quintessence of the makeup artist’s accumulated experience and skill in creating basic makeup. The publication, according to Elena, can become a reference book for every girl. A bright cover and high-quality printing make this catalog a bright book novelty for 2018.

The presentation will take place at the end of March, Elena Krygina will provide each copy with an autograph and a special ID bookmark, the unique number of which will be used in future drawings for valuable prizes.

Elena Krygina’s official website hosts many competitions and sweepstakes. Like all beauty bloggers, Elena periodically recommends cosmetic boxes for purchase. The last of them was the “skyn ICELAND 2” box. This includes care products based on Arctic herbs, created according to recipes from Icelandic craftswomen. Masks, cleansing mousses, night cream enriched with oxygen compounds and vitamin C, and much more.

At the beginning of March 2018, makeup artist fans took part in a drawing to win a trip to Korea in the company of Elena Krygina. A beauty expert will visit Seoul to get acquainted with the Skinfood factory.


  • "MakeAp Art School"
  • YouTube channel of Elena Krygina
  • "Elena Krygina's Studio"
  • Book "Makeup"

The buzz about a talented makeup artist who demonstrates his practical makeup skills completely free on the Internet and puts them into unique lessons was really strong. Many girls, long before the real fame of this master, more than once came across video tutorials on makeup application techniques, which were provided by a pretty blonde.

No one could have thought that among the amateurs of this business, who also upload their videos to the network, this girl, Elena Krygina, would be able to create a real sensation. The biography, date of birth of the makeup artist and other facts from life are of interest to many fans. This will be discussed in our article.

Who is she?

Today, 28-year-old Elena Krygina is known to many people. Thanks to her love for her work, genuine talent, professionalism and a unique approach to the art of makeup, our heroine blew up the Internet and won the hearts of so many ladies. She is perceived as a standard of beauty and taste. She became a true example for many female representatives and was able to help a large number of women who can now correct their appearance through cosmetics without going to extremes (surgery, etc.).

So who is she, this fairy? Biography of Elena Krygina, interesting facts from her life, advice from the newly minted star and other facts related to her and her activities will be covered in this article. Let's look at them.

Early biography of Elena

Our heroine was born on June 6, 1987. Elena Krygina is a makeup artist whose biography, oddly enough, is practically shrouded in darkness. The popular diva tries in every possible way to hide the facts of her past. Even at the end of October this year, at a press conference with journalists, as well as directly on her blog, Elena indicated a list of prohibited questions from the media that concern her person. It’s a paradox, but the list included topics that would give an answer about Krygina’s preferences in different areas of life (for example, who is her favorite actor, singer, etc.). Our heroine also established a “veto” on questions about mistakes in make-up and a discussion of ways to avoid them. The biography of Elena Krygina, until she became popular, is also in the forbidden zone. And only old interviews make it clear what kind of life she had before the advent of fame.

Elena is from Surgut. Her grandfather was an outstanding ship captain, from whom the girl passed on a craving for something new and beautiful. She is characterized by both romanticism and adventurism.

Since childhood, Krygina has been actively interested in her mother’s cosmetics bag. According to the makeup artist, she was attracted to lipsticks, shadows, and all other items designed to make a girl more beautiful. She handled it deftly, so even in kindergarten, and then at school, it was impossible not to notice Krygina. Elena really wanted to get a university education. The beauty was pulled in by Peter. She entered the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship. Krygina chose the advanced faculty - “Public Relations” (PR). As Elena herself says, she never completed her studies in this specialty, since she was completely absorbed by the world of make-up.

Steps into the world of popularity

The biography of Elena Krygina, which concerns the girl’s career advancement, dates back to the moment when the future makeup artist’s mother sponsored makeup courses in St. Petersburg. The girl herself says that she did not complete this training either, since she was not attracted to the stereotyped knowledge. Elena wanted to find her own approach to this matter, develop special skills and an individual view of each client. During the courses, Krygina differed from others in her creativity.

Thanks to her talent and perseverance, our heroine was invited to a fashion presentation of cosmetics from the famous brand “Shiseido”. There Elena acted as a real, independent makeup artist! Having appreciated Krygina’s efforts, she was invited to a permanent job in the same company. As incentives for high sales of products, which were carried out not without the help of Elena, she was given various cosmetics: palettes, testers and other company products. Thanks to such gifts, Krygina was able to assemble her first professional, or rather, the future working arsenal of a real makeup artist. The girl spent days and nights studying fashion trends in the make-up industry, coming up with new ideas for makeup. Self-education for a future career as a professional makeup artist played an important role for Elena.

Elena's peak of fame

Gaining rapid momentum in the field of expanding knowledge about professional makeup, our heroine truly began to reveal her potential. The biography of Elena Krygina in the period from 200 to 2008 is filled with bright and significant events. She becomes popular thanks to her collaboration with the St. Petersburg publication “Dog”. Then Elena enters into a contract with a famous modeling agency, whose models were happy to fall under the brush of a talented makeup artist. Since 2010, the girl’s own brainchild, Make Up Art School, has been operating. And in 2012, Krygina became known throughout the country and neighboring states thanks to the launch of Elena’s video blog on the YouTube website.

Elena's blogs on the Internet

Elena Krygina, whose biography was not previously as secret as it is now, began releasing her video lessons. She behaves in them at ease, easily, kindly and openly, without any signs of pathos. As mentioned earlier, Elena created her blog on the popular YouTube site. People began to subscribe to the young makeup artist’s channel. These were both girls, women, and representatives of the stronger sex.

After the fame of our heroine became enormous, projects were launched on popular social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +. Then Elena Krygina’s personal blog site began its work, which contains a lot useful information not only on the topic of high-quality and beautiful make-up, but also a virtual menu with the opportunity to purchase souvenirs from a makeup artist (cosmetic bags, brooches and other accessories).

The most popular tips from a famous Russian makeup artist.

  • There should always be a special oil in your hair care arsenal. Elena advises that instead of buying all kinds of balms, conditioners and hair masks, it is better to buy one jar of this product.
  • At the peak of popularity is lipstick that covers the lips with a kind of “velvet” effect. For Krygina, Millebaci liquid lipstick from Nouba copes best with this task.
  • And finally, Elena advises, whenever possible, to purchase body care cosmetics of organic origin.

Elena is often spotted without makeup. As they say - “a shoemaker without boots.” This could be shops, gyms, or even appearances without makeup at the workplace. Nevertheless, Mother Nature awarded Krygina with model external data. Although the girl herself is a makeup artist, she does not believe that makeup should be worn everywhere and always. Elena Krygina’s biography and personal life (especially) have always been of interest to both journalists and fans. It is this side of the media that nothing is known.

Elena cannot live without long sleep. She does not like to get up early, and it is much easier for her to work at night than during the day. And one more thing, Elena is categorically against children’s cosmetics and will never allow her future children to use them.

Makeup artist Date of birth June 6 (Gemini) 1987 (32) Place of birth Surgut Instagram @elenakrygina

In the vastness of Russian YouTube, Elena Krygina has won the trust and love of tens of thousands of women. The makeup artist is happy to share with his subscribers the secrets of professional makeup, various techniques for applying cosmetics, and talks about new products. In addition, the blogger also works offline: he conducts master classes and fan meetings. The girl’s career is rapidly gaining momentum, and the popularity of her beauty channel is growing every day.

Biography of Elena Krygina

Elena Krygina was born in the north of the vast country in 1987. Before graduating from school, she lived in Surgut. The girl always stood out from her peers with bright makeup. Image for kindergarten always included glitter eyeshadow and bright lipstick, which could be found on my mother's dressing table. At school, experiments continued, but were more restrained.

For admission to higher education educational institution Elena moved to St. Petersburg. Soon the applicant was enrolled in the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship. However, the girl never received a diploma in public relations.

During her student years, Krygina was interested in the art of makeup. She enrolled in special courses to gain basic knowledge.

In 2006, Lena began working in the beauty industry. She got her first experience in the Rive Gauche store at the presentation of Schiseido lipsticks. Representatives of a large cosmetics brand immediately noticed the girl’s talent and enthusiasm. Krygina was offered to start a professional career as their official makeup artist.

After some time, the charming blonde began collaborating with Sobaka magazine and a local modeling agency. By 2010, the makeup artist already had her own makeup studio. The trainer taught the girls how to choose and use decorative cosmetics correctly.

Thanks to the work of a makeup artist, Elena Krygina entered the world of show business. She created images for Keti Topuria, Alena Vodonaeva, Alexander Rogov and other celebrities. Over time, the star clients turned into good friends and acquaintances of the girl.

In 2012, Elena created her own channel on the global YouTube platform. In video blogs, the makeup artist showed various makeup tutorials, and also shared her knowledge and gave advice for free. The number of channel subscribers reaches 700 thousand.

In 2013, Krygina closed her St. Petersburg studio school and moved to Moscow. Here she gathered a beauty corporation around herself and founded a number of projects in the beauty industry that have no analogues in Russia. There are four of them:

  • Krygina Box. Sale of beauty boxes, the products in which are united by a common theme. Elena selects and tests all products herself, and participates in the design of the box.
  • Krygina Store. Cosmetics and perfumery store.
  • Krygina Studio. A classic beauty salon with a whole team of specialists from consultants to stylists.
  • Makeup2Makeup. Own brand, the range of which includes decorative cosmetics and professional accessories.

Elena Krygina is also the creator of one of the largest beauty events in Russia called Krygina Beaty Day Moscow. The grandiose holiday is held annually and has already become a tradition. In 2016, the third Beauty Day took place.

Girls who showed their problem skin to the whole world

Personal life of Elena Krygina

All that is known about relationships with the opposite sex is that the makeup artist works together with her boyfriend. The girl is not officially married and takes it calmly. For Lena, a strong family and confidence in her partner are more important than the wedding celebration and guests.

In one interview, Krygina said that she would never be able to come to terms with suppression or humiliation from her partner. She takes divorce lightly and does not rule out falling in love with someone else after marriage.

He devotes his free time to self-development, skateboarding or doing yoga. She is also interested in piloting and has a corresponding certificate.