Biography of the singer Zemfira. Zemfira: biography and creative path Zemfira: biography - personal life

The leisurely autumn mood on the pages of online publications was shaken by the news, which some open sources of information began to savor, adding more and more details - supposedly the wedding of Renata Litvinova and Zemfira Ramazanova took place in Sweden.

Zemfira's girlfriend

Cunning “yellow” reporters allegedly saw the rings on the ring fingers of both women and were able to follow the singer and actress during a fictitious honeymoon in Stockholm and Tallinn.

Some publications completely disagreed - in their reports, the wedding of Renata Litvinova and Zemfira took place during a break between filming the film “The Magic Cup” in the capital of Estonia. Having found a free minute, the couple in love left the hospitable city and went to register their marriage and Madonna’s concert in Sweden, where same-sex marriage is allowed.

The falsity of the published news about the wedding of Renata Litvinova and Zemfira is amazing. The yellow press could strain themselves and look at the history of the film’s creation - the shooting of “The Magic Cup” took place in Tallinn in 2009 and the pop diva held her “Sticky and Sweet Tour” concert tour in the northern country in the same 2009. Therefore, the gossip about the happy family happiness of the two stars has long been outdated and was refuted even at that time. Zemfira answered all questions about this very unequivocally, saying in an interview with a journalist that such rumors are hellish nonsense, and you shouldn’t believe them.

And finally, in order for the wedding of the actress and director Renata Litvinova and the talented singer and composer Zemfira Ramazanova to take place, one of them must either have citizenship of the northern kingdom or have the right to reside in the European Union.

Litvinova's reaction

For the extravagant Renata Litvinova, the rumor about her wedding with Zemfira came as a real shock. A woman has a teenage daughter who, like all teenagers, spends most of her time on social networks. A representative of the actress named Alexandra said that in the near future the director and actress, who proudly bears the title of “The Most Stylish in Russia,” will sue those publications that have once again begun to dwell on the topic of her gayness and warm relationship with the extraordinary singer.

In addition, Renata Litvinova was very busy at the time of her alleged wedding with Zemfira. In Moscow, she is busy with the Moscow Art Theater repertoire and devotes a lot of time to working on staging her own play “The North Wind”. And not so long ago, the actress, together with designer Gosha Rubchinsky and her daughter Ulyana, was at Haute Couture Fashion Week in Paris, as eloquently evidenced by the photos exhibited in social networks.

It should be reminded to the ignorant public that the first rumors about the upcoming wedding of Renata Litvinova and Zemfira were provoked by the women themselves more than 8 years ago. Then the director shot several videos with provocative content for the songs of the Tatar performer, and the singer and composer herself wrote soundtracks for several films of the eccentric beauty. In addition, they appeared together in public many times and posted photos on social networks with joint hugs, in the caption to which only the lazy did not notice their mutual attraction.

It was gossip of this kind that led to the breakup of actress Renata Litvinova with her husband, businessman Leonid Dobrovsky - gossip about the wife’s upcoming wedding with Zemfira completely upset the artist’s family happiness.

Of course, a successful man is unlikely to put up with such rumors, even if they have no basis. In a society with patriarchal foundations, the rejection of same-sex love is too great.

Latest news about the singer

At the moment, the performer of her own songs, about whom the extravagant actress speaks only in delightful tones, is writing music for her performance. She cannot please her fans with her comments about the new gossip - Zemfira, as a matter of principle, does not register on social networks, is not interested in the news of the “yellow press” and does not play computer toys. She lives in her own world, invented by her, so she doesn’t care about the gossip and gossip with which idle seekers of “fried” facts associate her name.

Let us remind everyone that in the world of show business, so tough and merciless, Zemfira is associated with a wide variety of gossip and gossip, half of which, according to gossip reporters, were invented by her:

  • an affair with classmate Vlad Kolchin ended in separation due to the fact that the young man did not invite Zemfira to go with him to St. Petersburg in search of a more profitable “place in the sun”;
  • the love relationship with Sergei Anatsky, the head of the Europa Plus radio station in Ufa, quickly ended due to his marriage - the elderly womanizer was not going to divorce his wife for the sake of an unknown artist with a difficult character;
  • at the peak of her stardom, Zemfira repeatedly talked about a stormy romance with the leader of the group “Dancing Minus” Vyacheslav Pitkun. In a veiled form, the rock diva suggested a quick union of two loving hearts, but the long-awaited denouement to Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” never came;
  • The singer was credited with a relationship with Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich after his appearance at the presentation of the album “Vendetta” in 2005. They especially zealously described the help of a famous millionaire to a young artist after she mentioned that the collection was originally supposed to be called “Oil.” It was rumored that Zemfira made her difficult path to the top of the Russian elite thanks to the help of the tycoon;
  • The help of Alexander Mamut, the owner of Euroset, added elitism to the rock singer - it was this respected person and philanthropist who paid for the services of Dutch designers who designed Zemfira’s tour in support of Vendetta.

In 2008, the singer several times participated in scandals related to Litvinova - she called Sobchak “bad words” for making a remark to the actress and hit a journalist from a music TV channel in the face for indiscreet questions addressed to Litvinova about her personal preferences in her personal life.

“Scandal Girl” Zemfira quickly burst into Russian show business in the late 90s and immediately won a place at the top of the stellar Olympus. Her songs, which differed favorably from those that sounded then on the domestic stage, took the top lines of the charts, and the singer’s very name became the personification of female rock. Time passes, but Zemfira does not lose her popularity. The biography and personal life of the performer today are still of interest to her fans as before. Let's take a closer look at the fate of this unique singer, who has become a real idol for several generations of youth.

Zemfira's family

The rock music star was born in the capital of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa, on August 26, 1976. The girl was born into an intelligent family: her father, Talgat Talkhovich, taught history at a high school, and her mother, Florida Khakievna, worked as a doctor specializing in physical therapy. In addition to their daughter, the couple had an eldest son, Ramil. For Zemfira’s father, marriage to her mother was already the third. From his previous wives he had 2 sons.

Childhood years

The future star spent his childhood in Chernikovka, a residential area located in the northern part of Ufa. The Ramazanov family lived here until the very end of the 90s. Little Zema attended kindergarten No. 267 and even then showed interest in songs. At the age of five, her parents took her to a music school. There she studied piano and sang in the choir. Zemfira's passion for writing songs appeared very early. At the age of seven, she composed her first creation, which was listened to by her mother’s work colleagues. Brother Ramil’s passion for rock music was passed on to the singer. Since childhood, her idols were Queen and Black Sabbath.

During her school years, Zemfira Ramazanova, whose biography is discussed in this article, was an excellent student. In the third grade, in addition to music, Zema developed another serious hobby - basketball. The girl managed to achieve good success in this sport. She was the best player on the team, and in 1990 she was appointed captain of the Russian junior women's basketball team. But in high school, to the great chagrin of the coaches, Zemfira decided to quit sports and focus on music school, from which she graduated with honors.

Further education and first part-time jobs

After high school, Ramazanova entered the Ufa College of Arts to major in pop vocals. After music school, she was accepted straight into the second year. The girl graduated from the educational institution in 1997 with honors. While a student at the college, she simultaneously mastered playing the guitar and earned extra money by performing songs of Russian and foreign rock performers on the streets. In addition, Zemfira, together with her friend and classmate Vlad Kolchin, performed for some time in Ufa restaurants and nightclubs: the young singer sang and played the keys, and the guy accompanied her on the saxophone. Such part-time jobs lasted 4 years, and then the girl got tired of them and she abandoned them.

Background to success

In 1996, while still a student at the College of Arts, singer Zemfira got a job as a sound engineer at the Europe Plus radio station in Ufa. From that time on, her biography began to change dramatically: having mastered several music computer programs at work, the girl began writing songs that later made her famous throughout the country. Then such hits as “Why”, “Snow”, “Forecaster” were created. At night, sitting at work, Zemfira composed songs, and in the morning she drove home and listened to them. In 9 months she collected about 40 works.

Her colleague Arkady Mukhtarov helped the singer record her first demo disc. At the same time, the girl began creating her own group “Zemfira” and recorded songs not using computer programs, but in a real recording studio. The future rock star rehearsed with his musicians in a room belonging to the Orange club for teenagers.

In 1997, local newspapers began to write about the talented girl, and the very next year the singer borrowed money from friends and set off to conquer Moscow. By this time, her group was already fully formed. It included keyboardist Sergei Mirolyubov, bass guitarist Rinat Akhmadiev, lead guitarist Vadim Solovyov and drummer Sergei Sozinov. In the capital, the girl, through a journalist friend, managed to transfer a cassette with her songs to the producer of “Mummiy Troll” Leonid Burlakov. After listening to the compositions, he suggested talented singer cooperation.

Debut album and rise to popularity

Since 1998, Zemfira moved to Moscow. During this period, her biography was replenished with the most important event - work on recording her first studio album. It began in the fall of 1998 in Moscow and ended in January 1999 in London. The creators did not hesitate over the title of the album and gave it Zemfira’s name. Its sound producer was the leader of “Mummiy Troll” Ilya Lagutenko.

The official release of the album took place in May 1998. By this time, the singer’s name was already well known throughout the post-Soviet space, and her songs “Arivederchi” and “AIDS” managed to become hits. The album sold out at lightning speed. It was a real triumph, marking the beginning of an impressive star trek. Already this fall, singer Zemfira is going on her first tour. Her biography is beginning to interest all fans of rock music. But the girl is not very frank with journalists about her personal life and pours out her soul only in songs. Following her old hits, she has new ones. “Why” and “Daisies” are listened to even by those who have never been interested in rock music before.

Continuing a stellar career

In the spring of 2000, the second studio album of the Zemfira group, entitled “Forgive me, my love,” was released. It sold 1.5 million copies, breaking sales records in Russia and neighboring countries. Songs from this album “And the girl is ripe”, “Do you want?”, “PMML”, “Goodbye” topped the country’s charts, and the composition “Iskala” became the soundtrack to the film “Brother-2” with Sergei Bodrov Jr. During the same period, Zemfira agreed to appear for the glossy cover of the fashion magazine “OM”. The biography and photos of this girl, placed in the publication, attracted millions of readers to it.

In April 2000, the singer gave a big solo concert in Moscow and soon after that she went on a new tour. In December 2000, a stampede occurred at her performance in Yakutsk, as a result of which many people were injured. The incident was widely discussed in the media; Zemfira was called the culprit. The singer, in turn, blamed the concert organizers for the incident. A busy tour schedule and a scandal in Yakutsk exhausted the artist so much that she canceled all performances planned for 2001 and disappeared from the sight of fans for many months.

The singer's subsequent albums

In the spring of 2002, Zemfira appeared in public again, presenting her next album entitled “14 Weeks of Silence.” It was enthusiastically received by music critics and fans of the singer. In the first day after the presentation alone, about 180 thousand copies of the album were sold, which was a record for Russian show business. In total, “14 Weeks of Silence” was sold among admirers of Zemfira’s talent in quantities exceeding 1 million copies. After that, from 2005 to 2013, the singer released 4 more albums (“Vendetta”, “Thank You”, “Z-Sides” and “Live in Your Head”), which were met by critics and music lovers with the same positive reviews. like her first works.

Collaboration with Litvinova

In 2008, the star, together with her director friend Renata Litvinova, produced the musical film “Green Theater in Zemfira,” the basis for which was video footage filmed at the singer’s concert in Moscow. The film received high praise from critics and won the Steppenwolf Award. In 2012, Zemfira and Litvinova became producers of the film “Rita’s Last Fairy Tale”. The singer wrote the soundtrack for the same film. She is also the author of the music heard in other films by Renata Litvinova.

Rumors about personal life and orientation

Zemfira attracts public attention not only with her creativity. The biography and orientation of the singer sometimes interest them much more than her new songs. Throughout recent years There are rumors in the media about the star’s unconventional sexual preferences, and Renata Litvinova is credited as her lover. Although both Zemfira and her no less famous friend have repeatedly denied this information, journalists do not let up and continue to look for evidence of a love affair between women.

Zemfira does not like to be frank with journalists, so not much is known about her personal life. In her youth, when the star performed in Ufa restaurants, she had an affair with her stage colleague Vlad Kolchin. The young people dated for several years, but the guy’s departure to St. Petersburg put an end to their relationship. After Ramazanova became a celebrity, she was credited with an affair with Vyacheslav Petkun (leader of the group “Dancing Minus”), but this information was subsequently not confirmed.

Later, rumors appeared about a romantic relationship between Zemfira and oligarch Romanov Abramovich. People close to the billionaire claimed that he was a fan of the girl’s talent and invested a lot of money in her promotion. The secret relationship between the singer and the governor of Chukotka continued until he met Dasha Zhukova. After this, Zema became depressed, lost a lot of weight and found solace in her best friend Renata Litvinova. It was then that they began to accuse her of lesbian tendencies.

The fate of the star's relatives

Zemfira owed her popularity largely to her parents. The singer’s biography and family once again attracted media attention after her beloved father passed away in April 2009. 77-year-old Talgat Talkhovich died of a heart attack. The father always rejoiced at his daughter’s successes and, as long as his health allowed him, he attended all her concerts in Ufa. A year after the tragedy, fate took another one from Zemfira loved one- brother Ramil. A 43-year-old man drowned in the Pavlovsk Reservoir while spearfishing. In March 2015, Zemfira buried her mother, whose health was severely damaged by the deaths of her husband and son. Florida Khakievna was ill for a long time, and the singer even wanted to take her to her place in Moscow, but did not have time.

In 2004, a school history textbook was published in Russia, in which the singer was mentioned as the founder of a new direction in Russian musical culture. In the same year, Ramazanova was enrolled as a student at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, but due to a busy work schedule she had to quit her studies.

The singer Zemfira is not a Bashkir, as many people think. Her biography, in which her nationality was not indicated for a long time, did not shed light on this issue. The answer was given by the star herself. In 2013, at a concert in Kazan, she announced that she was Tatar.

In 2011, Zemfira took 26th place in the top 100 influential women Russia. The rating was compiled jointly by the Echo of Moscow radio station, the Interfax news agency, Ogonyok magazine and RIA Novosti.

Throughout the existence of the Zemfira group, its composition has changed several times. In 2013, the singer took her nephews Artyom and Arthur (sons of her deceased brother Ramil) into the band as musicians.

17 years have already passed since Zemfira appeared on the Russian stage. The biography and personal life of the singer have been under close media attention all this time. Due to her complex character, the star many times found herself at the center of scandals, but this did not make her any less popular. Zemfira continues to work fruitfully, and fans of her talent can be sure that in the near future the star will delight them with new hits.

The founder of “female rock” in Russian music, poetess and soloist Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born on August 26, 1976, a native of Ufa. She grew up in a prosperous, enlightened family. Mom is a special physical education doctor, dad is a history teacher. At the age of 4, the little girl took up music, and at 5 she began studying at a music school. While still a preschooler, the future rock star performed on a local TV channel. The first television broadcast in which the song about the worm was performed was very exciting. At the age of 7, little Zemfira managed to write her first song and perform at her mother’s work.

First steps

Young Zemfira passed on her passion for rock music from her brother Ramil. He often listened to Queen and Black Sabbath. The teachers praised Zemfira because she excelled in class. In the seventh grade, the girl studied in parallel in some sections and clubs, giving her preference to music and basketball. Maintaining restraint and training with diligence, Zemfira achieved sports section significant successes.

Professional sports

In 1990, she led the junior women's basketball team of the Russian Federation, although she had never been taller than her peers in her life (172). In one of the interviews, the singer noted that she took up her favorite sport in the 3rd grade. After some time, music lessons got boring. The question of further training and development of musical abilities became acute. Mom insisted, and Zemfira continued her studies. At the same time, his passion for rock music grew into a serious occupation. Playing the guitar in the underground passages of Ufa and St. Petersburg, Zemfira chose to perform songs known and loved at that time, “Kino” (read), “Aquarium,” and many others. Thus, the first income appeared. In 11th grade, the future rock star left the sport. I graduated from music school with excellent marks. After graduating from school, I had a desire to become a writer and enter the Faculty of Philology, but class teacher insisted on going to music school. Zemfira was enrolled in the second year of the department. After graduation, she became a certified pop vocalist.

In an interview, the girl admitted that her first love was fellow student saxophonist Vlad Kolchin, with whom she performed together in cafes and nightclubs.

Career start

Since 1996, Zemfira got a job as a cameraman in her hometown on the Europe Plus radio channel. During the daytime broadcast she recorded short advertising slogans, experimented with sound, and at night she wrote. There were more and more serious songs. The young performer and her work aroused interest among professional musicians. So in 1998 the group “Zemfira” appeared. The first performances began.

A trip to visit friends in the Russian capital brought unexpected success. A cassette with 15 songs by a little-known singer was listened to by the producer of the Mumiy-Troll group, Leonid Burlakov. He liked the recordings. A talented author and performer is invited to Moscow. Producer Ilya Lagutenko and sound engineer Vladimir Ovchinnikov actively participated in the creation of the 1st album “Zemfira”. The final version of the first audio album was made by sound engineer Chris Bandy in London.

In February 1999, the radio version of the song “AIDS” broke into the top songs of many Russian radio stations (“Nashe Radio”, “Russian Radio”). Then her song creations “Rockets” and “Arivederchi” became hits. In mid-March, Zemfira released the first video clip for the song “AIDS”.
The first solo tour to the cities of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and the Baltic states began in September and lasted 5 months.

In the spring of 2000, another collection of the singer’s “Forgive Me, My Love” was presented, which won recognition from listeners (1.5 million copies). The artist’s first performance at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow was very significant. The fans stubbornly refused to leave, having received a lot of emotions after the two-hour concert.

On August 26, 2000, in Bashkortostan, Zemfira was awarded the State Youth Prize in the Field of Culture named after. Sh. Babich.
In 2002, the group’s third album, “14 Weeks of Silence” (number of songs -13), was completed.

At a concert in Ufa on August 26, fellow rock stars saw a new video for the song “Macho”. Following the results of the musical year 2003, Zemfira’s third album becomes a bestseller, and the singer received the title of laureate Russian Prize"Triumph" for the work done in the field of culture and art.
On October 16, 2004, the musical dream of a girl from Ufa came true. She sang the song “We Are the Champions” in a duet with Queen. In 2004, Ramazanova was a student at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. Takes a leave of absence to record another album. As a result, student Ramazanova was expelled in 2006.

Creative achievements of the past decade

In the spring of 2005, the album “Vendetta” appeared. A month after the collection appeared, a new tour began.

Based on its results, in the fall of 2006, a concert version of the collection “Zemfira. Live" (number of songs -10).
On February 14, 2007, a collection of clips “Zemfira. DVD". The limited edition disc includes a video for the song “Itogi”, filmed by Renata Litvinova.

In 2008, Zemfira earned a music award in the field of rock and roll in two categories: “Soloist of the Year” and “Music” (the song “We Are Breaking” from the audio collection “Thank You” was awarded).

Premiere of the film-concert " Green Theater in Zemfira” took place on February 19, 2008, said the director of the film, Renata Litvinova. "It's a daring act to capture an outstanding performer in outstanding form," the director said.

In the summer of 2008, the singer became a two-time winner of the Steppenwolf Award.

In 2010, she received the title of laureate of the honorary prize “For Contribution to the Development of Science, Culture and Art” of the Russian Society of Authors.

In 2010, Ramazanova's debut album became one of the "50 best Russian albums of all time."

In 2011, several information media included Zemfira in the “100 super influential women of Russia.”

In 2012, Zemfira and Renata Litvinova are working on the film "Rita's Last Fairy Tale." The girls have known each other for a long time and together they filmed Zemfira’s videos, a concert film about her, and Zemfira herself was the composer of Litvinova’s films. This is what the performer said about her friend: “Renata is an extraordinary person, but it’s very easy to communicate with her. There are people who think she's weird, but nothing like that."

End of career?

On July 17, 2013, Zemfira performed the song “We Are Breaking” at the closing of the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan. In the fall of 2013, the girl was awarded the MTV Europe Award in the category “Best Russian Performer.” In the ranking of highly paid people of the 2015-2016 season according to an influential Russian magazine, singer Zemfira took 9th place with a total profit of $6 million.

On February 4, 2016, the singer began her last tour " Little man", which was reported at a concert in Novgorod. The Zemfira group organized 20 concerts in Russian cities and abroad. In the fall, a concert was held in Yekaterinburg. Then the touring part of the tour covered cities far abroad.

Many people associate the end of their singing career with personal tragedies in the Ramazanov family. Not long ago, the girl’s brother and father passed away. True fans of Zemfira are confident that the singer has temporarily retired from music and will soon again delight her fans with yet another masterpiece.

Zemfira is not only one of the most successful Russian singers, but also a real personality. Her work does not leave men and women indifferent, and her songs have long ceased to be ordinary melodies. A huge number of admirers of the girl’s talent try not to miss a single concert. The filled halls testify to the real talent of Zemfira Ramazanova. The woman does not like social events, and also does not strive to tell journalists all the details of her personal life. However, loyal fans want to know as much information as possible about their favorite.

Photo: / Denhud

Biography of Zemfira

The singer was born in one of the Ufa maternity hospitals at the end of August 1976. Almost all of her relatives are representatives of Bashkiria. The woman herself said in an interview that her family speaks Bashkir. The performer understands local speech well, but rarely uses it in communication.

2. First appearance on television.

Zemfira showed a very great interest in music back in early childhood. She began attending music school at the age of five. Within the walls of this institution, the future celebrity learned to play the piano and sang in the choir. The girl’s talent was noted by representatives of local television, and they also invited her to sing a children’s song about a worm as part of one of the TV programs.

3. Self-composed debut song.

Zemfira began to demonstrate extraordinary talent and wrote her first song very early. The lyrics of the composition were dedicated to the group “Black Sabbath”. Thus, the girl wanted to win the favor of her older brother, who could give her money for a ice cream. This became the motive for writing the song. The original version of the text could not be saved.

4. “A talented person is talented in everything.”

During her school years, Zemfira paid attention not only to her studies, but also to creativity. The girl simultaneously attended 7 different sections. The lessons at the music school, which the future singer graduated with excellent marks, could be considered especially successful. The future rock star also played basketball well and showed great promise. Despite her low height for this sport (namely 172 cm), Zemfira was a very promising player. On the team, she played the role of point guard and often went out onto the basketball court with the captain's armband. In 1991, the athlete received gold medal for winning the national youth championship.

5. Favorite TV program.

Zemfira constantly monitors the news that is happening in the world. But she watches sports programs especially zealously and tries not to miss a single important event on TV. And it doesn’t matter at all what sport is shown. A woman can easily name almost all the Olympic Champions this year.

6. Professional music education.

Zemfira learned to play the guitar at a young age, and then often played popular songs on the street. Immediately after school, the vocalist entered the second year of the Ufa College of Arts. A few years later (namely in 1997) she graduated educational institution with honors diploma. As her main occupation, the future rock star worked part-time in local cafes and restaurants.

Zemfira's career

7. The beginning of the journey.

Almost immediately after graduating from college, the girl began working at a radio station. She also took part in the recording of several songs by the Spectrum Ace group as a backing vocalist. After some time, the young woman had the idea of ​​creating her own rock band. At the studio, the singer met sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov. The man helped record the first demo disc. The singer also begins to search for musicians who are destined to become members of her group. Guitarist Rinat Akhmadiev and drummer Sergei Sozinov became the first members of the band. Initially, rehearsals took place in the local small club "Orange".

8. Birthday concert.

In 2000 (when the girl turned 24 years old), the singer performed for the first time in the main square of her hometown. About 40 thousand people came to listen to the promising resident of Ufa. The concert became truly iconic.

9. Strong character.

Incidents occurred at Zemfira's concerts. One day she was asked to perform “Murka” for a wealthy visitor. The girl refused to do this, since she never acts on orders. At the beginning of her career, the rock star always drank before going on stage. Now the girl always performs sober. An interesting situation occurred in Novosibirsk. During the concert at the Ice Palace, the singer was very cold, but completed the program to the end. As a result of the incident, the girl suffered severe hypothermia.

10. Popular songs.

Rock star for his creative career became the author of many hits. Song "Do you want?" She was born in 2000. This composition was once sung by Lyudmila Gurchenko. The artist always spoke positively about Zemfira. The composition “London Sky” also became a real breakthrough. The young performer was surprised by such success; she considered this song to be ownerless.

Personal life of Zemfira

11. Secretive personality.

The singer does not like to appear often at public events. She rarely appears in her own music videos and almost never gives interviews. It is not at all strange that there are a lot of rumors around her person. Journalists very actively promoted her affair with oligarch Roman Abramovich in the media. Some men and women suggest that Zemfira is a representative of a gay woman. She was often credited with having a relationship with Renata Litvinova. The girl does not want to let media representatives into her life. At the moment, Zemfira is not married, she does not have her own children.

12. Opinion about Pugacheva.

The rock star has always spoken negatively about the country's official pop culture. The woman argued that there is nothing individual in such creativity. The most famous, according to the singer, does not represent any cultural interest. Her songs are not catchy; such creativity should be completely ignored. The conflict began with the fact that Zemfira did not want to participate in the popular “Christmas meetings”.

Zemfira, that well-known girl who contributed Russian rock has its own twist, light, journalists gave it a name - “female rock”. Her songs are still played on radio stations, and for young people Zemfira’s work is a source of inspiration, melancholy and sadness.

The little future singer was born in the city of Ufa, into a family of high moral views. Father Talgat Talkhovich was a history teacher, and mother Florida Khakievna was a specialist in physical therapy.

Zemfira was not the only child in the family, the elder brother Ramil doted on his sister and a trusting, very warm relationship always developed between them. Sometimes, a girl could tell her secret to her brother and not be afraid that she would be judged, scolded or laughed at.

Since childhood, the girl was drawn to music. At such an early age of 5, Zemfira was already taking piano lessons at a music school and was a soloist in the choir. And at the age of 7, without anyone’s help, she wrote her first song and did not hesitate to perform it in front of her mother’s colleagues.

Musical activity brought great pleasure and was much more than just a hobby.

At school, Zemfira became interested in basketball, but she was not particularly tall, and this spurred her even more to achieve something. The efforts were not in vain and she became the captain of the Russian junior team. Sports are so pulled the girl in tight, which stood on par with music, which was very important.

Therefore, in high school, a huge problem became what to devote my life to, who to become. Thinking a lot about this topic, Zemfira made it a priority musical activity And applied to the art school in his hometown.

In order to have her own personal money, and not ask her parents, Zemfira began to look for part-time work and got a job at a local restaurant, where she performed various popular compositions in the evenings.

I got a little fed up with this lifestyle, I wanted to change my occupation, and now the girl is working at a radio station, recording commercials. At this time Zemfira n starts recording songs own compositions on cassette tapes.

At the end of the 90s, Zemfira's life takes a sharp turn 180 degrees. Her songs, recorded on tape, through friends, completely randomly end up in the hands of the producer the then famous group “Mumiy Troll”.

He appreciates musical compositions having truly seen real talent. Leonid Burlakov gives Zefmira the opportunity to advance in her activities, and she records her first album, which she calls “Zemfira”.

Zemfira did not even expect such success, because the album sold like hotcakes, and at the concerts there were always many people who were delighted with her music.

Work has begun on the second album entitled “Forgive me, my love”, which became the most popular in early 2000. This album is still the most popular among the singer’s projects. One song even became the soundtrack to the movie “Brother 2”.

Later, Zemfira received a very large and serious offer; director Renata Litvinova invited her to join her team so that the girl could compose music for the film “Goddess: How I Fell in Love.”

Zemfira’s musical activity brought such success that she was included in the list of “One Hundred Most Influential Women in Russia.”

There were always a lot of rumors about Zemfira’s personal life, but she was in no hurry to refute them and clarify them.

Moreover, the singer herself misled journalists and her fans by saying that she was marrying the leader of the group “Dancing Minus,” but this was just an attempt attract attention.

Someone said that Zemfira had a relationship with a woman and was engaged to Renata Litvinova. But both girls prefer not to talk about this topic, avoiding it in interviews.

In 2010, Zemfira suffered a misfortune: her beloved brother died and drowned in the river. The father died from the disease, and then the mother. This crippled state of mind singers. From that time on, she decided that her main task was to take care of her nephews. Therefore, for now the singer does not have children of her own, and her personal life remains under seven locks.

Although Zemfira mentions her status as “In Love” in interviews with journalists, she does not reveal all the secrets of her personal life.

Zemfira’s huge tour “Little Man” has started, during which she visited 20 cities of Russia and several foreign countries. Driving around the cities, the singer reported the sad news that her musical career the end has come, thereby greatly upsetting the loyal fans who were inspired by her music.

But the singer does not stop spreading her songs. A I even recorded it in 2016 new song “Come home.” Loyal fans are still waiting for Zemfira to return to music and have not lost hope.