Day of Slavic Writing. Presentation and summary of an extracurricular lesson on the topic “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” (1st grade) Template for the Day of Slavic Literature

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Day of remembrance of the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius.

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History of the holiday

  • 1986 – revival of the holiday
  • 1991 – approved as a public holiday
  • Every year some city in Russia becomes the host of the holiday
  • Festivals and concerts are held in all cities
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    About the life of Cyril and Methodius

    Cyril (born in 827, before becoming a monk - Constantine) and Methodius (born in 815, worldly name unknown) were born into the family of a Byzantine military leader from Thessalonica (Greece).

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    St. Methodius

    St. Methodius is a high-ranking warrior who ruled for about 10 years one of the Slavic principalities subordinate to Byzantium, which gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language.

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    St. Cyril

    From an early age, St. Cyril was distinguished by his mental abilities. While studying at the Thessaloniki school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he had already read the books of the most profound of the Fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian (IV century).

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    About the life of Cyril and Methodius

    In 861, the emperor summoned saints Constantine and Methodius from the monastery and sent them to the Khazars to preach the gospel.

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    In 863, the embassy of the ruler of the Great Moravian Empire (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bohemia, part of Austria and Hungary), Prince Rostislav, asked Emperor Michael to send teachers to preach in the country that had recently adopted Christianity.

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    With the help of brother Methodius, Cyril, in 6 months, compiled the Slavic alphabet (the so-called Glagolitic alphabet) and translated into Slavic the books without which the Divine service could not be performed: the Gospel Aprakos, the Apostle, the Psalter and selected services.

    “...I will go with joy if they have letters for their language... Learning without the alphabet and without books is like writing a conversation on water.”

    St. Cyril.

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    • In 868, Pope Andrian II consecrated the liturgical books translated by the brothers, blessing the holding of the liturgy in the Slavic language.

    “If any of your teachers boldly begins to seduce you by reproaching the books of your tongue, let him be excommunicated until he corrects himself. Such people are wolves, not sheep...”

    Andrian II.

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    February 14, 869 at the age of 42 Cyril dies in Rome

    “You and I, brother, pulled one furrow, like a husband of oxen, and now, I fall on the ridge, ending my life. I know you love your native Olympus very much. Look, don’t leave our service even for his sake...”

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    After the death of his brother, Methodius continues to preach the gospel among the Slavs

    Thanks to the activities of St. Methodius, both the Czechs and the Poles entered into a military alliance with Moravia, opposing the influence of the Germans.

    “I was not silent out of fear and was always awake on guard.”

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    Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized in ancient times

    In the Russian Orthodox Church, the memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles enlighteners of the Slavs has been honored since the 11th century

    The memory of each of St. brothers are celebrated on the days of their death: St. Equal to the Apostles. Kirill – February 14 (Old style)/February 27 (according to the new art.). St. Equal to the Apostles Methodius – April 6/April 19. General church memory is celebrated on May 11/May 24.

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    The origins of Russian writing

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    Slavic alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic


    Cyril and Methodius “transferred” the sounds of the Slavic language onto parchment using that Glagolitic alphabet.

    The letterforms have not been preserved.


    In 893, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, which eventually replaced the Glagolitic alphabet in all Slavic countries Oh

    Russian alphabet.
    Church Slavonic alphabet.

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    Cyrillic letter

    The characters of the Greek statutory alphabet served as a model for writing Cyrillic letters.

    Ustava is a letter where the letters are written straight at the same distance from each other, without slanting - they seem to be “arranged”.

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    From the middle of the 14th century, semi-ustav became widespread, which was less beautiful than the charter but allowed you to write faster.

    A slant has appeared in the letters, their geometry is not so noticeable; the ratio of thick and thin lines has ceased to be maintained; the text has already been divided into words.

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    In the 15th century, semi-ustav gave way to cursive writing.

    Manuscripts written in a “quick manner” are distinguished by the coherent writing of adjacent letters and the sweeping nature of the writing. In cursive writing, each letter had many different spellings. As speed develops, signs of individual handwriting appear.

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    The oldest book in Rus' written in Cyrillic is the Ostromir Gospel - 1057.

    During the time of Peter the Great, changes were made to the designs of some letters, and 11 letters were excluded from the alphabet. The new alphabet became poorer in content, but simpler and more suitable for printing various civil business papers. This is how it got the name “civilian”. In 1918, a new alphabet reform was carried out, and the Cyrillic alphabet lost four more letters: yat, i(I), izhitsa, fita.

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    Day Slavic writing and culture.


    Reveal the meaning of the holiday “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture”


    1. Instill in children a love of their native word, the Russian language, and national history.

    2.Introduce students to the origins of the creation of the Slavic alphabet.

    3. To foster respect for the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet and national pride in the language.


    Materials for the holiday

    “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture”(1)

    Children reading a poem

    Across wide Rus' to our mother

    The bell ringing (2) is heard.

    Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

    They are glorified for their efforts.

    Remember Cyril and Methodius, (3)

    Glorious Brothers Equal to the Apostles

    In Belarus, Macedonia,

    In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

    All nations that write in Cyrillic (4)

    What have been called Slavic since ancient times,

    They glorify the feat of the first teachers,

    Christian enlighteners.

    1st child reader

    (5) Brown-haired and gray-eyed

    Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart

    Drevlyans, Rusichi, glades

    Tell me, who are you?

    All in unison

    We are Slavs!

    2nd child reader

    (6) Your article is all nice

    Everyone is different and different

    Now you are called Russians;

    Since ancient times, who are you?

    All in unison

    We are Slavs!

    3rd child reader

    (7) We love our free songs,

    Flowers, white birch trees,

    We are called Lyuba, Olya, Ani,

    Seryozha, Kolya.

    All in unison

    We are Slavs!

    Presenter ( with a scroll in his hands):

    (8) Oh, you are our glorious guests, dear dear children! I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you.

    Once upon a time there lived good fellows, beautiful red maidens. And they had kind mothers and wise, strict priests. They knew how to plow and mow, and cut down mansions; They also knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns.

    But our ancestors did not know how to read and write, they did not know how to read books or write letters. And two enlighteners appeared in the Slavic countries - the wise brothers, Cyril and Methodius. (9) And they came up with letters, and from them they made up the alphabet.

    Children talk about Cyril and Methodius and the history of the creation of the Slavic alphabet.

    1st child

    In Greece, in the city of Thessaloniki, two brothers lived. Their father was a military leader, he was Greek by nationality, and their mother was Slavic. Among the Greeks was their own alphabet and books, but the Slavs did not.

    My younger brother, Kirill, dreamed: “When I grow up, I’ll come up with letters for the Slavs.”

    He was the best student in school and, when he grew up, he did not forget his dream.

    2nd child

    Kirill, learned many languages. They gave him the nickname “Philosopher.” (10) But from fame and wealth he went to a monastery and became a monk. There, in silence, together with brother Methodius, they compiled the alphabet.

    1st and 2nd child together

    (11) The brothers worked hard to create the Slavic alphabet!

    1st child

    The brothers tried to make the letters of the alphabet beautiful so that it would not be difficult for the hand to write them. The words of many wise books were then written with these letters. As the creator of Slavic writing, Saint Cyril is usually depicted with a scroll of the alphabet in his hands.(12)


    (13) Look at the scroll with the letters of the Slavic alphabet. These letters are so beautiful!

    Each letter in the Slavic alphabet is special. The letters reflect the spirit of the people: wisdom, strength and beauty. A deep meaning is already inherent in the name of each Slavic letter. Now we will find out.

    Children come out with letter caps on their heads.

    Letter "Az"

    (14) Hello! I am the letter Az. I'm starting with the ABCs.

    By the name of the first letter of the alphabet, the beginnings of literacy (and the beginnings of any business) were called “azas”. In the old days they said: “Wisdom begins with knowing the basics.”

    Letter "Buki"

    (15) And my name is the letter Buki. People say: “First, knowledge and science, then science.”

    Letter "Lead"

    (16) My name is the letter Vedi. I know everything, I know everything.


    Do you know, letter Vedi, that our speech is like a garden? Beautiful flowers grow in this garden: they are smart, kind words? Let our children say some kind words now?

    Children (say kind words)

    « Mom”, “dad”, “sun”, “forgive”, “thank you”, “Motherland”, “light”, “book”, “rainbow”...


    Let's think about the meaning of some words. For example, what do the words mean: (17)


    Wishing you health and good health.

    "Thank you"?

    - “God bless you.”

    "Thank you"?

    Give all the benefits.


    Sweet, kind heart.


    Will anything change in the world if people speak kind, holy words more often?

    Children (give answers)

    People will smile more and be happy.

    The world will become kinder.

    People will become kinder and cleaner...


    You were able to name kind words and even explain the meaning of some words. How important it is that in our lives we try not only to speak, but also to do what these words call us to do - try to live simply and with love.

    Now guess the riddles.

    There are 33 heroes on the ABC book page.

    Every literate person knows the sages-heroes.(18)


    The Russian alphabet can be called the younger sister of the Slavic alphabet.

    Not a tree, but leaves,

    Not a shirt, but a sewn one.


    1st Child Narrator

    (20) Books came to Rus' with the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century.

    IN Kievan Rus Schools immediately arose where they taught reading, writing and the “art of books.”

    2nd child narrator

    (21) It took a long time to learn the alphabet. The teacher pronounced the name of each letter, and all the children loudly repeated after him in chorus. There was even a proverb: « They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.”

    3rd child narrator

    There was no paper then. They learned to write on birch bark - birch bark. With a sharp bone or metal rod, letters were scratched on birch bark. For this it was necessary to make an effort. There is a saying in Rus' that writing is not an easy matter:

    “It seems: writing is an easy task; but they write with two fingers, but the whole body hurts.”

    4th child narrator

    (22) A little later, when paper appeared, students wrote in schools with quill quills, which they dipped in ink.

    That's how wonderful it is at the beginning

    Our diploma was there!

    This is the pen they used to write with

    From a goose wing!

    This knife is for a reason

    It was called "pocket".

    They sharpened their pen,

    If it wasn't spicy.

    Will anyone today be able to guess the riddle that was invented in the ancient Russian school:

    “Five oxen plow with one plow”? (23)


    When a student in an old school already knew the letters, he began to learn to read from books.

    Books in Rus' were treated with care, respect and accuracy.

    Child reader

    (25) It was difficult to read and write

    To our ancestors in the old days,

    And the girls were supposed to

    Don't learn anything.

    Only boys were trained.

    Deacon with a pointer in hand

    I read books to them in a sing-song manner

    In Slavic language.

    So from the chronicles of old

    Muscovite children knew

    About Lithuanians, about Tatars

    And about your homeland.


    Do you want to hear how beautiful the Slavic language sounded?

    The presenter or one of the adults reads a fragment of the text in Slavic.


    The Slavic language became the basis of the Russian language. But the Slavic language itself still lives today. Hymns are sung in Slavic and services are performed in Orthodox churches.

    Sometimes they say that the Slavic language is outdated and has become incomprehensible to modern people. But this is not entirely true, you just need to listen to its sound!..

    The words in the Slavic language sound majestically and solemnly.

    1st child narrator

    (26) And I heard what they said about books in the old days: “I read from blackboard to blackboard” . How is this?

    2nd child narrator

    Since ancient times in Rus', in order to preserve a book, its cover was made from boards. The boards were covered with leather; When closing the book, the cover was fastened with metal fasteners. Such a book could serve for a long time. And to read such a book “from board to board” means to read from beginning to end, from the first wooden flap of the cover to the second.

    3rd child narrator

    (27) In the old Russian school there was a tradition - when a student completed some part of his education: learned letters, read his first book, but brought a pot of porridge to the teacher in gratitude for the science.

    After lessons, all the students ate this porridge with the teacher.

    1st child narrator

    Since then, “classmates” began to be called those who studied together, which means they ate the same porridge at the end of their studies.

    Children give the teacher a pot of porridge cooked by their parents with words of gratitude for the teaching.


    Look, a few more initial letters of the Slavic alphabet have come to us.

    Letter "Verb"

    (28) Hello! I am the letter Verb.

    To verb means “to speak”, “to say”. There is a saying: “Once you say your word, you won’t take it back.”


    This means that in order to speak, you must first think. Now our guys will think and tell us proverbs about literacy and learning.(29)


    First az and beeches, then science.

    Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

    The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.

    What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.

    (30) - He who wants to know a lot needs to sleep less.

    The bird is red with its feather, and the man with his mind.

    Learning to read and write is always useful.

    Live forever and learn.


    The letter “verb” teaches us to be wise, to own our word.

    Letter "Good"

    (31) Good afternoon! My name is the letter Good. The Russian people have also written many proverbs about goodness.


    (32) - If you spend an hour in goodness, will you forget all your grief?

    Sow goodness, sprinkle goodness, reap goodness, bestow goodness.

    If there is no good in him, there is little truth in him.

    Goodness is not dashing - it walks quietly in the world.


    (33) And here are some more Slavic letters, they have their own special names: “Is”, “Life”, “Earth”...

    If you name the first letters of the Slavic alphabet one by one, you will get words with meaning:


    Az Letters I Know Verb

    Good Is the Life of the Earth


    (34) And here are some more letters: “People” and “Rtsy”.

    Letter "Rtsy"

    Hello, I'm Letter "Rtsy". No wonder I am proud of myself, because I am the beginning of the word “Rus”

    Rus' is rich in talents,

    Rus' is strong in talents.

    If the boys sing,

    So she will live.

    Children sing a song about the Motherland.


    Thank you, letters, for teaching us wisdom, beauty and kindness. (35) Thanks to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius for giving us the Slavic alphabet.

    In the modern Russian alphabet there are 33 letters, and from the ancient scroll of the Slavic alphabet 44 sister letters look at us.

    Child reader

    (36) So let us glorify these letters!

    Let them come to the children.

    And let him be famous

    Our Slavic alphabet!

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    About the holiday The great work of creating the Slavic alphabet was accomplished by the brothers Cyril and Methodius. In memory of the great feat of the brothers, on May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature is celebrated all over the world. It is celebrated especially solemnly in Bulgaria. festive procession with the Slavic alphabet and icons of the holy brothers. Since 1987, a holiday of Slavic writing and culture has been held in our country on this day. The Russian people pay tribute to the memory and gratitude of the “teachers of the Slavic countries.”

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    Do you know how Russian writing originated? If you don't know, we can tell you. But first answer this question: how does the alphabet differ from the alphabet? The word “alphabet” comes from the names of the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet: A (az) and B (buki): AZBUKA: AZ + BUKI and the word “alphabet” comes from the names of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: ALPHABET: ALPHA + VITA The alphabet is much older ABCs. In the 9th century there was no alphabet, and the Slavs did not have their own letters. And therefore there was no writing. The Slavs could not write books or even letters to each other in their language. SLAVIC ALPHABET AND GREEK ALPHABET

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    How and where did our alphabet come from, and why is it called Cyrillic? In the 9th century in Byzantium, in the city of Thessaloniki (now the city of Thessaloniki in Greece), two brothers lived - Constantine and Methodius. They were wise and very educated people and knew the Slavic language well. The Greek king Michael sent these brothers to the Slavs in response to the request of the Slavic prince Rostislav. (Rostislav asked to send teachers who could tell the Slavs about the holy Christian books, book words unknown to them and their meaning). And so the brothers Constantine and Methodius came to the Slavs to create the Slavic alphabet, which later became known as the Cyrillic alphabet. (In honor of Constantine, who, having become a monk, received the name Cyril).

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    How did they create the alphabet? Cyril and Methodius took the Greek alphabet and adapted it to the sounds of the Slavic language. So our alphabet is a “daughter” of the Greek alphabet. Many of our letters are taken from Greek, which is why they look similar to them. Slavic Aa Vv Gg Dd E Kk Ll Mm Greek Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Kk Ll Mm This system of 38 letters, which were supposed to reflect the subtlest nuances of the Slavic languages, came to be called the Glagolitic alphabet.

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    At the end of the 9th and beginning of the 10th centuries, followers of the Slavic enlighteners created a new Slavic alphabet based on Greek; to convey the phonetic features of the Slavic language, it was supplemented with letters borrowed from the Glagolitic alphabet. The letters of the new alphabet required less effort when writing and had clearer outlines. This alphabet, widespread among the eastern and southern Slavs, was later called the Cyrillic alphabet in honor of Cyril (Constantine), the creator of the first Slavic alphabet.

    Primary school teacher

    MAOU "Koshelikhinskaya Osh"

    Sundukova Galina Vladimirovna

    Day of Slavic Culture and Literature

    Day of Remembrance of the First Teachers of the Slavic Peoples - the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius

    • The word “alphabet” comes from the names of the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet: A (az) and B (buki):
    • ABC: AZ + BUKI and the word “alphabet” comes from the name of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet:
    • The alphabet is much older than the alphabet. In the 9th century there was no alphabet, and the Slavs did not have their own letters. And therefore there was no writing. The Slavs could not write books or even letters to each other in their language.

    The origins of Russian writing

    ABC: AZ + BUKI


    greek letters:

    Slavic letters:

    Aa Bb Gg Dd Ee Kk Ll Mm

    Aa Vv Gy Dd Her Kk Ll Mm

    In the 9th century in Byzantium, in the city of Thessaloniki (now the city of Thessaloniki in Greece), two brothers lived - Constantine and Methodius.

    City of Thessaloniki

    (now called Thessaloniki).


    • - a high-ranking warrior who ruled for about 10 years one of the Slavic principalities subordinate to Byzantium, which gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language

    • From an early age he was distinguished by his mental abilities. While studying at the Thessaloniki school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he was already reading books

    • compiled the Slavic alphabet,
    • translated liturgical books from Greek into Slavic,
    • contributed to the introduction and spread of Slavic worship.

    Across broad Rus' - our mother

    The bells ring out.

    Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

    They are glorified for their efforts.

    They remember Cyril and Methodius,

    Glorious brothers equal to the apostles,

    In Belarus, in Macedonia,

    In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia,

    The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,

    In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

    All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,

    What have been called Slavic since ancient times,

    They glorify the feat of the first teachers,

    Christian enlighteners.
