Soprano 10 biography. Group “Soprano Turetsky”: “Two of our six soloists are already married

Yesterday I attended an interesting music show. I present to you the new choir of Mikhail Turetsky - “Soprano 10”. The highlight is that the choir consists of female voices. The idea is very original and the audience really likes it. I took one photo, because... For reasons unknown to me, they strictly forbade filming. But the emotions from the music and the show helped me forget about all sorts of photos.


Today “The Sopranos” is the only female musical group that has no repertoire restrictions: from “The Daisies Hid” to Mozart’s “Turkish March”, from the classic “Casta Diva” to Freddie Mercury’s all-time hits, from a medley of “ABBA” songs to the musical "The Phantom of the Opera", from favorite Soviet and retro hits to world pop music.

Trembling coloratura (high behind the clouds), alluring mezzo (languidly low), dramatic scattering with pearls, soul-penetrating folk, turning drive upside down, and also funk, rock, jazz, romantic - and all this is “Soprano”. To the superlative tenth degree. Because they can do anything. With musical accompaniment and a’capella. And with them is a live band - a red-haired drummer, an unreal pianist and brutal guitarists. IN professional biography project - tours in Russia and abroad, the conquered capital, participation as headliners in the most prestigious events, music festivals and fashion parties.

The musical audacity of professionals allows “The Sopranos” to turn their concerts into an unforgettable brilliant show, a significant cultural event - a real holiday. After all, they, together with Mikhail Turetsky, who discovered the “art group” genre in music, continue to promote good musical taste, brightness and talent.

Choir composition:

Jazz mezzo-soprano

Warm and reliable, like a fire in a fireplace, everyone loves the festive voice of Tamara Madebadze. This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And her contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it was her entertainment that accompanies the performances of the art group.

Dramatic soprano

Beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once.

Romantic soprano

Do you see that girl, the blue-eyed blonde with a dazzling smile? The one who is not only an excellent vocalist, but also a talented keyboard player? This is Irina Kiryanova. Her sunshine and gentle, smooth voice always set you up for positive emotions and keep you from getting bored.

Lyric soprano

About myself: sociable, energetic, ambitious

Soul soprano

About myself: to live, not to exist

Folk soprano

Anna Korolik’s real, warm, “summer” soprano always impresses with its purity of sound, emotionality and beauty. Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If Anya sings it.

Drive soprano

Piercing eyes, grace and maddening, deep, always memorable vocals - this is Daria Lvova. It is impossible not to notice such a girl. Especially on stage. She sings as if she “breathes,” easily changing genres, moods, and characters.

Mezzo-soprano, electric violin

Bright, sultry, daring Latin soprano. The northern capital, where the family moved with little Iveta, did not in any way affect her hot temperament. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty " Musical art pop and artistic communication" with a specialization in "pop-jazz violin", "pop-jazz vocals". She acted in films, worked at Lenconcert, created a rock band, where she sang her own songs. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication. And when Iveta plays the violin, the atmosphere in the hall is electrified and scatters with sparks from the luxurious instrument in the hands of the luxurious artist.

Coloratura soprano

The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was first polished in music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department. In her professional biography - best places at music competitions, work in opera companies and solo career. Fragility, blond curls and dimples on the cheeks, combined with the flight of a voice somewhere behind the clouds, always make an unforgettable impression. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality. A representative of academic vocals, Olya sings with ease in pop works.

To sum it up, I will say this is the best show of this fall. If Sopranos 10 is on tour in your city, go ahead, it’s worth it!

Iveta Rogova will become a mother in September. The girl shared with OK! happy news and talked about how her colleagues took this news and whether the pregnancy affected the creative plans of the team.

Photo: DR Iveta Rogova (SOPRANO-LATINO, electric violin)

Iveta, tell us when and how you found out about pregnancy?

I didn’t immediately realize that I was expecting a child. I noticed that my bust has increased and I can’t fit into my usual clothes! I took a test and the result was negative. I made a second one - two stripes. I went for an ultrasound and it turned out that I was already in my fifth week! I immediately sent an SMS to my husband, he was shocked!

Of course, you already know who will be born.

We are expecting a girl! We will train a second shift at SOPRANO. ( Laughs.)

Have you come up with a name for the baby?

I'm due at the end of September, but they haven't come up with a name yet. The husband wants the baby to be named with the letter “E”, since his name is Edgar. We have probably already gone through all the names starting with this letter, but we haven’t finally decided. Emilia, Evelina, Era... I want there to be at least one letter in my name, I even suggested naming my daughter Eveta. The husband jokes: “It’s almost your name! In general, when we see her, we will immediately feel that it will suit her better.

How did the girls from “SOPRANO"And Mikhail Turetsky himself?

“SOPRANO” is no longer just a team, it is my second family, in which everyone supports each other. Everyone was happy for me, and now they are actively participating in my life. Sometimes it seems to me that we are all waiting for this child together. Here, of course, a lot depends on the producer. When I told Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky that I was expecting a child, he supported and congratulated me, saying that he was happy for me. Unlike many, our maestro is always on the woman’s side and believes that everyone should experience the joy of motherhood, and then make a choice - to continue working or completely leave the profession.

And what choice will you make?

I am now nine months pregnant and feel great. From the first day I had no toxicosis or other health problems. I plan to work all the way and in a month and a half I will be back with my girls. We usually have 20 concerts a month, but so far I’ve only missed one.

Is the child's father okay with your decision?

No! Firstly, he knows about my passion for music and understands that for me going on stage is as necessary as breathing. And secondly, we are not only a couple, but also colleagues. The question of whether to work or not to work is not discussed at all! Edgar is an artist, a violinist, like me. We both have strong temperaments. I just can't sit at home! In addition to rehearsals for 5-6 hours a day, I also swim in the pool and walk 10 kilometers. In addition, “SOPRANO” and I have global creative plans for the next six months: premieres of songs, videos, a large tour of the Far East, where we are always greeted with a bang! And for Muscovites we are preparing a great New Year's gift: We are giving a solo concert in the Kremlin for the first time. And for the first time, there will be seven Snow Maidens on the Kremlin stage at once! (Laughs.) I definitely can’t miss this! In general, I'm pregnant and... mad! (Laughs.)

Anna Korolik, FOLK-SOPRANO (enters into conversation): We confirm! To be honest, we are already worried that Iveta will give birth during the rehearsal. She doesn't miss a single one! And now we spend a lot of time in the studio: we are closely engaged in the creation of an original album. One of our new songs, “Pilot Ivanov,” is very light and cheerful, already in rotation, and on one radio station even in the hit parade. We will perform with her at the upcoming concert “Eh, take a walk” at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. This is not a new scene for us. Last year we performed original songs at the Turetsky Choir concert in front of a huge audience of our common fans of 19,000 people, then at the Song of the Year 2014 festival. We have far-reaching plans. (Smiles.) At the end of autumn, another of our songs will appear on the radio - “Look how beautiful” it is, and by the New Year - my original song “Reflection”. By the way, we recently finished filming a video.

And will it be possible to see it soon?

Olga Brovkina, SOPRANO COLORATURA: We shot a wonderful atmospheric video for Astor Piazzolla's work Oblivion. Everyone has probably heard this music in one form or another, but in our performance it is a classical cosmic aria with words about love conquering circumstances, about the tears of a strong woman, about a man, worthy of love, but which I had to part with. And all this in music, in the rhythm of dance, in emotions to the accompaniment of a bandoneon, no less passionate and exquisite sounding. So very soon you will be able to get into the atmosphere of Argentine tango with us. In the meantime, you can watch our summer video for the catchy song “Summer on the Fly.”

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Piercing eyes, grace and maddening, deep, always memorable vocals - this is Daria Lvova. It is impossible not to notice such a girl. Especially on stage. She sings as if she “breathes,” easily changing genres, moods, and characters. Music was always with her, and Daria, after music school and classes in the Orpheus academic choral singing trio, continued to improve. Graduated from Ufa State Academy Economics and Service, but in the end she still returned to music. Since a talented person is talented in everything, Dasha shot her own video as a director, played in KVN and participated in a variety of music competitions and festivals. There is always sensuality, character and boundlessness in her voice. And she also loves cats, rain and risk.

“I’m probably a maximalist by nature. Live - to the fullest, love - forgetting about reality, work - so that the viewer, sitting even in the very last row, feels and hears every nuance of the concert. It is impossible to be an artist and not give real emotions on stage, not to invest in what is happening. Also in life. Existing at full capacity, protecting yourself from everything, not trying anything new means missing out on a huge number of opportunities, not noticing the beauty around you, not enjoying what is happening. Therefore, on stage we always give everything to the audience, completely, so that they experience the full range of feelings from the music, just like us.”


FOLK soprano

Anna FOLK soprano

Anna Korolik’s real, warm, “summer” soprano always impresses with its purity of sound, emotionality and beauty. Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If Anya sings it. Music career It began in childhood, when she mastered folk wind instruments and piano. And it continued first at the Perm Regional College of Arts and Culture, and then at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Whatever song she sings - joyful, sad, touching - generosity of feelings, breadth of emotions is her know-how. But if on stage Anna is sincerity itself, then in life she is a real mystery. One thing is clear: she is a creative person, writes poetry, composes music, and one of her songs, “White River,” is included in the repertoire of the Soprano art group. It is known that her favorite song is “The Daisies Hid,” and her friends love her for her sensitivity and kindness.




Bright, sultry, daring Latin soprano. The northern capital, where the family moved with little Iveta, did not in any way affect her hot temperament. She graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty of “Variety Musical Art and Artistic Communication” with a specialization in “pop-jazz violin”, “pop-jazz vocals”. She acted in films, worked at Lenconcert, created a rock band, where she sang her own songs. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication. And when Iveta plays the violin, the atmosphere in the hall is electrified and scatters with sparks from the luxurious instrument in the hands of the luxurious artist. By the way, the lyrics for many songs from the Soprano repertoire are also her work. He loves music, life in all its diversity, and considers the most important thing in people to be kindness and honesty.

“To live in our team, and to live successfully, you need, of course, an obsession with music. Understanding that you cannot exist without a stage - with all the ensuing consequences - no days off, endless rehearsals, rare meetings with friends and family. Plus self-discipline: maintaining yourself in ideal physical, vocal and moral shape. When I joined the art group, I automatically signed up for it. And I like it all!”




The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was polished first at a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department. Her professional biography includes best places in music competitions, work in opera companies and a solo career. Fragility, blond curls and dimples on the cheeks, combined with the flight of a voice somewhere behind the clouds, always make an unforgettable impression. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality. A representative of academic vocals, Olya sings with ease in pop works. She also loves photography, subtle irony and high heels.

“... First there was a music school. Then 4 years at school, 5 years at institute. Everyone went through their long musical path absolutely purposefully, obviously in order to meet in the Soprano project. And the fact that today the composition of the art group is exactly like this is not at all accidental. Of course, in a purely human way, we can somehow quarrel and be offended by each other. But for each of us, music is the meaning of life. Since we are all professionals in our field, we have one goal - creativity. Together we make new musical discoveries, discuss some interesting solutions, give the audience a feeling of happiness and magic as much as possible during the performance. Thus, there is simply no time or desire left to sort things out. After all... “everything is transitory, but music is eternal!”




Warm and reliable, like a fire in a fireplace, everyone loves the festive voice of Tamara Madebadze. This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And her contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it was her entertainment that accompanies the performances of the art group. Since childhood, Toma was very versatile - she wanted to become both a chemist-inventor and a dramatic actress. But in her soul there lived alone main love- to music. And the fact that Tamara’s mother is a musician also played a role and influenced her choice. Studying at a music school began, and the first victories appeared at a variety of music competitions. And then - the Institute contemporary art in the class “pop-jazz vocals”. At the same time, Tamara worked in various musical groups. Today she is a real, versatile artist who always brings new and interesting things to her images. Tamara loves travel and spring very much, and her favorite musical genres- rock, blues and jazz.

“Relationships with people are such a delicate matter...Honesty and delicacy, attention, sensitivity and warmth are only a small part of what is needed for harmony between loved ones. And, of course, time. This is what is sometimes lacking the most. But sometimes a short meeting, one call or even several kind words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for their loved ones who so need your company!”




A beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once. Zhenya, graduate of the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins, before studying at one of the leading music universities in the country, she graduated from the Gnessin School, and also toured with the Bolshoi Children's Choir. Popova. Her repertoire includes the most diverse roles, her character is characterized by honesty and faith in her dreams, and only she herself knows what is in her soul. But when Zhenya is on stage it is always femininity, expression and real professional vocals. She is a very deep and subtle person, interested in many things, but especially literature and psychology.

“You have to be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, set long-term goals, think about the future, but don’t forget that we live today, now, at this minute! Don’t put it off until tomorrow, don’t wait for Monday or Friday, graduation from university or appearance new job. It’s better to be, as they say, open-mind, to live with an open heart, to enjoy touching little things - someone’s eyes radiating with happiness, a kind word spoken while running, or simply good weather. And then goals will be achieved faster, bad days will pass easier, and relationships with people will become easier. I think it is precisely this philosophy of life that allows us to notice and hear the beauty around us!”

Before New Year holidays The singers, together with their leader Mikhail Turetsky, gave an interview to StarHit, in which they shared why there is no place for intrigue in their team, when they manage to give birth to children and who resolves conflicts within the group.

- Girls, tell me, how friendly is the atmosphere in your group? Otherwise, the women's team is often compared to a serpentarium...

Iveta Rogova:- I can’t say that the women’s team is a snake’s ball. In our case, definitely not, because we have no time for envy and intrigue. We don’t even have a normal personal life, we’re at work. And, like real men, we forget about everything else. We cannot hide behind a soundtrack, like many of our artists, because we always sing live. We have such plowing - we work “by teeth”.

We have gotten used to each other over the years - after all, Turkish SOPRANO has existed for eight years. Despite the fact that everyone here is creative and emotional, you gradually understand when it is better not to touch a person, and when it is worth supporting him or, conversely, criticizing him so that he does not stop there and continues to develop.

- What causes conflicts? Who is the most emotional in the team? And who, on the contrary, always smoothes out rough edges?

Iveta Rogova:- When Mikhail Turetsky held the casting, it somehow happened that girls with a very masculine character were gathered. We really are all quite harsh, with a tough position and our own opinion. With us, misunderstandings are immediately revealed, conflicts are quite sharp, but they are quickly resolved by talking head-on. For example, our girls work and study at the same time - some at Gnesinka, some get a second degree. That's why delays happen. And then someone says: “Come on, I won’t be on time either? And in general, let everyone show up three hours later. In short, either we all don’t care about each other, or we are now coming to a common denominator.”

I'm hot-tempered. And I know that even if you said something, it’s never too late to apologize. Otherwise, then you will engage in self-criticism.

- Is Mikhail Turetsky a strict leader?

Tamara Madebadze:- He is quite strict in his work, but not a tyrant. He always has his own opinion and position. But sometimes we use our charms, and like a real man, he succumbs, softens, looking at us. Although he has one caveat. He works from morning to night and loves that others follow his example. So if he comes to our rehearsal, he won’t let anyone go early.

- Mikhail, why can you scold the girls? Do you have rules that no one can break?

Mikhail Turetsky:- Like a big family, we have unwritten but strict rules in our holding: don’t be late, don’t drink alcohol, be in good physical shape. In a word, don’t waste yourself and your time in vain. This is necessary not only for me as a leader, but also for each of the artists in order to be successful for many years.

- Who is easier for you to work with – the male “Turetsky Choir” or the female SOPRANO?

Mikhail Turetsky:- It's difficult to compare. It seems to me that if you have a logical relationship with the world around you, and it is correct, then it’s easy for you to get along with everyone. I can’t answer objectively, because the “Turetsky Choir” is my brainchild, I myself am the “Turetsky Choir”. I am a leader, a showman, I sing and take part in the show. And in “SOPRANO” I am the producer, the creator of this group.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- Girls, tell us about your rider. Do you have any special requirements?

Each artist approaches the rider differently. The main thing for us is the desire to hold a concert at the highest professional level, and everything should contribute to this. We work live, so we have high technical requirements for the concert venue. As for the household rider, everything is extremely simple. We prefer to live alone in the hotel so that we can fully relax before the concert. If we travel by bus, then a mandatory condition is the absence of music in transport. We also have an unspoken rule on the road - “an hour of silence.” This is the time when we don’t talk to each other, we save our voices so that we are in the best shape by the evening. We are convinced that a woman, and especially an artist, should be beautiful, slim and healthy. In our dressing rooms you will never see sausages, carbonated drinks, buns and, of course, alcohol. Just plenty of fruit, drinking water, cheese and fish. In the end, the most important thing is the happy eyes of our fans, the feeling of joy and satisfaction from creativity.

- Female body, maybe hardy, but still weaker than a man... How do you recover after a tour?

Mikhail Turetsky always says that an artist must learn to meditate on the road. I have mastered this method, and moving is no longer tiring. On tour, we try to sleep normally, relax, accumulate energy for performances, and also take face masks with us, which help to relax and nourish the skin. As for the voice, it should be trained rather than protected. Over so many years, we have learned to hear ourselves, “negotiate” with our own body and prevent a serious cold. Therefore, we don’t bring ourselves to the stage where it is no longer possible to sing.

Tamara Madebadze:- As for the voice itself, every lack of sleep affects it instantly. Flight, time zone change, humidity, sudden changes in heat and cold - everything affects the general condition and voice. We prefer to travel at night, so as not to shake on the bus before the concert. If it’s really bad, then we treat the voices with medications, inhalations, and call a phoniologist to the site. But the best way to give your voice a rest and recovery is to remain silent.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- What about your personal life? Isn't it prohibited under the contract?

Iveta Rogova:- There are no prohibitions on marriage and the birth of children in our contract; moreover, Mikhail Borisovich always tells us that a real woman must first fulfill herself as a mother, then as a wife, and only after that as a professional. Then she will be completely happy, self-sufficient and will be able to give sincere positive emotions to the public. We don’t have such a problem, because there are many of us, and we can agree with each other - to go to maternity leave one by one. I can tell you from my own experience. I have a wonderful daughter, Edita. SOPRANO is no longer just a team, it is my second family, in which everyone supports each other. Everyone was happy for me. And now we have one of the soloists on maternity leave - Valeria Devyatova– a month ago I gave birth to my second boy. We combine everything!

- Are you all about the same age? Or is there an “elder” in the group?

We all came to the team almost immediately after college, so we are the same age. And as for the “seniors”... Is this a trick question? On stage we are one team. As for everyday creative and organizational matters, everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility: someone supervises the rehearsal process, someone supervises the style, someone makes sure that all creative tasks are planned and implemented on time. For everyone there is a matter in which he is the “elder”, and this is for the good.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- How many times a year do you have vacation and for how many days?

Daria Lvova:- We have a very busy tour schedule, there are very few days off. We usually have two weeks of vacation a year, but not always, so we try to combine business with pleasure. Sometimes, when we have free time during a tour, we get together and go for a walk around the city we are in, try to see all the monuments and sights, and if we also manage to go to an exhibition, that’s good luck.

Iveta Rogova: - The best remedy for beauty and youth - a dream. But as a young mother, this does not threaten me even after the tour. There are tricks. A little life hack: to refresh your look after sleepless nights on the road, you need to paint the inner corner of your eyes with light shadows. I also love doing SPA pedicures. Feet after wearing high heels need good rest and care.

And what I like most is when they do hair. After a hectic concert activity, hair restoration is simply necessary. I often get compliments on the topic of beautiful, light and voluminous curls. I'll share a secret with you. In order for the curls to look like those of a Hollywood star, after curling, you need to arrange them correctly and then pull the curl core down with one hand and slightly up with the other.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- Mikhail, for what reason might one of the girls leave the group or break the contract?

Mikhail Turetsky:- We have not had such situations, simply because there are no contracts. I am probably the only producer in the world who does not enter into contracts with his artists. Colleagues and friends say that this is too romantic a position, but the fact remains: we have no turnover, the artists of the Turetsky Choir and SOPRANO have been successfully working together for many years. Most of the choir soloists have been with me for more than 20 years; these people are true fans of their craft! I selected the girls for SOPRANO over the course of a year, listened to more than three hundred vocalists from all over the country, and selected the best of the best. I initially looked for the real hostages of the profession, those who live through every performance of an aortic rupture. In addition, an important selection criterion was pure quality people: character, determination, ability to work in a team. If a person doesn’t want to create with you, then you need to let him go. It will be better for everyone. And the point here is not at all about contact.

- You have a feminine kingdom at home and the same at work. How are you coping?

Mikhail Turetsky:- I have one useful quality that I began to develop in myself. It's called "ladies' psychologist." As the father of a large number of daughters, it turns out that I didn’t know anything about women until I started working with the SOPRANO project. Then I realized that I need to understand with what baggage a woman goes through life, how she looks into the future, what her goals are in life. Does she want to be ambitious and build something, or does she just want to have a good time. A woman is a delicate matter, in which much is built on emotions. She needs a leader, a firm hand and shoulder. Even if you doubt it, you shouldn’t show it to them. Girls feel confident in the future when they have a strong man next to them. I managed to build a model of an art group in which there is no conflict of interest. To maintain a healthy environment in the team, the artist must be properly motivated, interested, try to predict possible disputes and prevent them. It seems to me that if you have a logical relationship with the world around you, and it is correct, then it’s easy for you to get along with everyone.

- Your daughter Emmanuelle began to sing. Do you plan to produce it in the future? Would you like her to be a solo singer or sing in a group?

Mikhail Turetsky:- I think Emmanuelle is an incredibly charismatic and talented child, so of course I will produce. I think she has a chance to realize herself in both directions - both solo and in a group. Emma will take part in large musical projects with an audience of millions. She clearly has the predisposition to be a solo star. By the way, of all my daughters, Emma is the most musical. All my girls are creative, but she stands out. Now the younger, no less talented Beata is growing up, taking her first successful steps in the world of music. Perhaps the girls will subsequently want to create a group and call it, say, “Turkish Sisters.”

- And now a question for the girls. Can you say that each of you is for all, and all of you are for one?

Tamara Madebadze:- Definitely yes. Of course, we can argue among ourselves, seek the truth, but this is normal, natural, like in a family. Ultimately, everyone understands that everyone's success is the success of the whole team.

// Photo: personal archive of the team