Documents required for admission to ASU. Documents for admission to a university: list, how to submit, submission deadlines


for admission to additional professional

professional retraining program

"Master of Business Administration -

Master of Business Administration (MBA


1.1. Citizens are accepted to the MBA program Russian Federation and foreign citizens.

Recognition of the equivalence of foreign diplomas to Russian analogues is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The MBA Program accepts persons who have a higher education (in any specialty or field of study), confirmed by a state-issued document, and experience practical work at least 3 years.

1.3. A separate admission of students to the MBA Program is announced and a competitive selection is carried out based on entrance examinations.


2.1. Entrance tests for admission to the MBA program of the FDPO Business Education Center are mandatory for all forms of study and include an interview on professional activities, career planning of the applicant and writing an essay on the proposed topics (for selected specialization programs).

Additionally, applicants undergo a test and interview English language to determine the level of language proficiency and the formation of educational language groups. A sample test is attached (Appendix 1). Test results do not affect the results of entrance examinations.

2.2. The organization and conduct of admission of students to the MBA Program is carried out by a selection committee headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education (approved by order of the Rector), which carries out:

  • acceptance and consideration of documents submitted by applicants;
  • interview on professional activities, career planning of the applicant in person for those entering full-time and part-time (evening) forms of study and online for applicants for distance learning using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies (hereinafter referred to as EO and DET);
  • checking the English language test and interview to determine the level of language proficiency of applicants;
  • preparation of an order for admission to the MBA program based on consideration of the submitted documents and the results of entrance examinations.

2.3. To conduct the entrance test: writing an essay, its subsequent testing and evaluation, a subject commission is formed by order of the University Rector, and the chairman of the commission is approved by the dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education.


3.1. When applying to the MBA program, candidates are required to undergo an interview, during which the applicant must clearly justify their intention to study in the MBA program. The purpose of the interview is to select students who are motivated and capable of mastering the MBA program.

Interview objectives:

  • identify the student’s goals for enrolling in the MBA Program (professional and personal growth, scientific and teaching activities, career advancement);
  • determine whether the applicant has personal motivation and readiness to learn;
  • identify the educational and intellectual potential of applicants (university where higher education was received; year of graduation from the university; completion of postgraduate training; participation in trainings, seminars, additional professional programs, obtaining a second higher education; postgraduate studies, etc.).

Candidates who successfully pass the interview are asked to write an essay.

3.2. Sample Topics essay for applicants to the MBA program:

MBA program specializations Essay Topics

MBA: Strategies

and Leadership

  1. Successful and promising, innovative and socially responsible business as unified system functioning of the company. Describe the prospects for your business (the company you work for) from the perspective of the specified model.
  2. Investments in business based on an assessment of the strategic position and leadership qualities of the manager. Feasibility of the approach. Your opinion.

MBA: Finance

business analytics

  1. Private, public investments and public private partnerships. Justify the model that, in your opinion, is the most effective and promising in Russian conditions.
  2. What, in your opinion, is holding back the influx of foreign investment capital into the Russian economy?
  3. Name the main factors influencing the formation of venture capital in the Russian economy.
MBA: Information Analytics
  1. Knowledge management, information analytics and the use of scientific intuition in strategic decision making. Describe your known management experience in using these technologies.
  2. Describe the information and analytical tools for strategic management of your organization/company that you know.

3.3. Recommendations for writing an essay. The structure of an essay is an answer to a question or a disclosure of a topic, which is based on the classical system of evidence. Essay volume: 220-250 words (1.5 - 2 A4 pages; handwritten text). The original must be provided in writing with a personal signature.

Essay structure:

Introduction- the essence and rationale for choosing this topic consists of a number of components connected logically and stylistically. At this stage, it is very important to correctly formulate the question to which you are going to find an answer during your research.

When working on the introduction, answers to the following questions can help: “Do you need to define the terms used in the topic of the essay?”, “Why is the topic you are revealing important at the moment?”, “What concepts will be involved in your reasoning on topic?”, “Can a topic be divided into several smaller subtopics?”

Main part- theoretical foundations of the chosen problem and presentation of the main issue. This part involves the development of argumentation and analysis, as well as their substantiation, based on available data, other arguments and positions on this issue. This is the main content of the essay and this represents the main difficulty. Therefore, subheadings are important, on the basis of which the argumentation is structured; This is where it is necessary to justify (logically, using data or rigorous reasoning) the proposed argumentation/analysis. Where necessary, graphs, charts and tables can be used as an analytical tool.
The analysis of the problem is carried out on the basis of the following categories: cause - effect, general - special, form - content, part - whole.

In the process of constructing an essay, it is necessary to remember that each subtopic should contain only one statement and corresponding evidence. Therefore, when filling sections with content with argumentation (corresponding to subheadings), it is necessary to limit yourself within the paragraph to considering one main idea.
A well-tested way to structure any essay is to use subheadings to indicate the key points of an argumentative presentation. This approach will help you follow a precisely defined purpose for writing your essay. The use of subheadings is not only a designation of the main points that need to be covered. Their sequence may also indicate the presence or absence of logic in the coverage of the topic.

Conclusion– generalizations and reasoned conclusions on the topic indicating the scope of its application, etc. Methods recommended for writing a conclusion: repetition, illustration, quotation, impressive statement.

3.4. Criteria for assessing an essay, which is assessed on a 100-point scale:

Criterion Requirements for the listener Maximum points

and understanding of theoretical material

Defines the concepts under consideration clearly and completely, giving relevant examples;

The concepts used strictly correspond to the topic;

Independence in performing work

Analysis and evaluation of information - uses comparison and generalization techniques to analyze the relationship of concepts and phenomena;
- able to explain alternative views on the problem under consideration and come to a balanced conclusion;
- range of information space used (uses a large number of different information sources);
- reasonably interprets text information using graphs and diagrams;
- gives a personal assessment of the problem;
40 points

Constructing judgments

Clarity and clarity of presentation;

Logic for structuring evidence
- the theses put forward are accompanied by competent argumentation;

Various points of view are presented and their personal assessment is given;

General form presentation of the results obtained and their interpretation corresponds to the genre of the work performed: essay

Registration of work

The work meets the basic requirements for the design and use of quotations;

Compliance with lexical, phraseological, grammatical and stylistic norms of the Russian literary language;

Formatting the text in full compliance with the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation;
- compliance with formal requirements

The minimum passing score for making a decision on enrollment in the MBA program is 70. The final grade is pass (70 points and above), failure (below 70 points).

3.5. Essays are submitted to members of the subject committee for verification. The results of checking the essay are entered into the minutes of the meeting of the subject commission and into the statement, which are transferred to the selection committee.

Admission of students to the MBA program is carried out on a competitive basis. Compliance with the admission procedure is monitored by the academic supervisor of the MBA Program, and the final decision on admission is made by the Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education.

3.6. Interviews, entrance tests and admission to the MBA program are held twice a year (start of classes: March, October).


4.1. Applications for the MBA program are accepted continuously. When submitting an application for admission to the MBA program addressed to the Rector of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, the applicant provides the following documents to the selection committee.

4.1.1. Applicants for full-time and part-time (evening) originals and certified copies of documents:

  • a document proving identity and citizenship (passport) and a copy of the passport page with photo and page with registration;
  • personal application for admission to the MBA program addressed to the rector (Appendix 2);
  • certificate of marriage, change of name, etc. (if, after graduating from a previous educational institution, the applicant changed his last name or first name);
  • state-issued document on higher professional education/higher education (diploma and annex to it);
  • a copy of the work book certified by the employer (for working citizens);
  • signed copies of the training agreement (2 copies - for an individual, 3 copies - for legal entity);
  • 3 photographs size 3x4;
  • Questionnaire (Appendix 3).

4.1.2. Applicants for distance learning using exclusively EE and DOT send the above documents and essays (original in writing with a personal signature) on a given topic by mail to the FDPO, as well as scans of documents.

An interview for applicants for this form of study can take place after receiving scans of documents, and enrollment can be based on originals and certified copies of documents.


5.1. Studying under the MBA Program is carried out on the basis of agreements for the provision of educational services concluded by the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov with individuals or legal entities.

5.2. The cost of educational services under the MBA Program is established by a decision of the Academic Council of the University for the entire period of study.

5.3. The cost and terms of payment for educational services under the MBA Program are established before the start of training and are included in the agreement on payment for educational services.

5.4. An order for enrollment in the MBA program is prepared by the Faculty of Education and Training on the basis of the availability of all necessary documents, positive results of entrance examinations, execution of an agreement for the provision of educational services and payment under the agreement for at least the 1st module (semester) of training. The order is signed by the Rector of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

(full-time education):

Applications addressed to the director:

Document on average general education with attachments (certificate or diploma), (original and copy) - for applicants based on 11th grade;

Certificate of basic general education with an appendix, for applicants based on 9th grade (original and copy);

6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm;

Results of fluorographic examination;

Copy of vaccination certificate ( Necessarily availability of the following vaccinations: against diphtheria (ADSM), against measles, rubella, viral hepatitis B, Mantoux test. Basis - Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157, Art. 9 "On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases");

- a copy of the medical policy;

Copy of SNILS;

- a copy of the registration certificate or military ID (if available);

Copies of documents confirming the special status of the applicant:

a) children - orphans and children left without parental care and persons from among them (certificate from the guardianship department about the status);

b) disabled children (certificate of disability);

c) children with disabilities health (conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

d) large families (large family certificate);

e) children from families with income below the subsistence level (notification/certificate from the social protection department).

- copy of passport (copies of pages with photo and registration) - 2 pcs. (the original must be presented in person);

ABOUT original or copy of documents confirming the results of individual achievements;

Upon admission to targeted training - a copy of the contract on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with presentation of its original;

Additionally for those entering the specialty " Fire safety":

Medical certificate in form No. 086-u, containing information about a medical examination in accordance with the list of specialist doctors. The conclusion of the therapist should include: “For training in the specialty Fire Safety good";

Accident insurance for the period of delivery Entrance test in physical training (August 10-11, 2019).

List of documents required for admission

(correspondence course):

- statements addressed to the director (correspondence course)

- document on secondary general education with attachments (certificate for 11 classes or diploma), (original and copy) ;

- fluorographic examination data;

4photographs measuring 3x4 cm;

Certified a copy of the work book (if you have work experience);

- certificate from place of workfor employees law enforcement agencies those entering the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security” and for employees of specialized structures entering the specialty “Fire Safety”;

- copy of passport (copies of pages with photo and registration) - 1 pc. (the original must be presented in person).

Accepting applications from persons applying for training in educational program in the specialty "Fire Safety" for correspondence courses is carried out only by existing employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Fire Department of the Primorsky Territory.

If the documents contain different surnames, you must provide a copy of the document confirming the fact of the surname change (marriage certificate or certificate from the registry office archive, other documents).

Information about the possibility of accepting applications
and necessary documents by mail and electronically

Applicants have the right to send an application for admission, as well as the necessary documents, through public postal operators (hereinafter - by mail), as well as in electronic form in accordance with the Federal Law of April 6, 2011. N 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature”, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and information protection", Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 126-FZ "On Communications".

When sending documents by mail The applicant encloses with the printed and completed applications for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a document on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications, as well as other documents provided for by the Admission Rules. The application for admission (special part) is printed on one sheet of paper on both sides, and the applicant’s signature is affixed.
Documents are sent by mail arriving through public postal operators with notification and a list of the contents. The notification and inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant’s documents.
Documents sent by mail are accepted upon their receipt by the KGA POU "DVGGTK" no later than the deadlines established by the Admission Rules.

To send documents by email The applicant must complete the following steps:

1. scan the documents required for admission (including manually completed applications ( 2 statements for admission: registration and specialty);
2. save each scanned document in a separate file (the file must be in the format: jpg or pdf);
3. each file must be named and contain the following details: surname, initials, document title (title text - Cyrillic);
4. make an inventory of electronic documents in accordance with their name, certify with a personal signature, scan and save in a separate file (the file must be in the format: jpg or pdf);
5. generate an email:
- addressee: pk@site
- topic: submission of documents 2019, last name, initials;
- attach electronic (scanned) documents (including inventory);
- set delivery parameters: “importance - high”, “notify that the letter has been read”;
- send an email.
Upon receipt of the letter, the Admissions Committee sends notification of receipt of the letter and copies of documents.

Lawyers, economists and doctors continue to lead in the number of applications submitted for this admissions campaign. Technical specialties traditionally suffer from a lack of applicants. As for military universities, everything is more complicated here - the policy for recruiting applicants changes every year. For example, in 2009, 30 people were recruited into DVVKU, 65 in 2012, and this year they plan to recruit 315 cadets.

By the way, in Blagoveshchensk there are seven educational institutions where you can get higher education.

Amur State University

At the moment, it is the leader in the number of applications submitted - 2459 people want to become students of this university. Bachelors are trained here in many areas at nine faculties. In 2013, 710 budget places were allocated, which is the largest figure in the Amur region. At AmSU, the highest requirements for admission are imposed on applicants - a minimum score of 45 in one subject. To enter on a budget basis, on average you need to score 200 points in three subjects.

Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

The second most popular university in the Amur region - 1645 applications from applicants. In 2013, the Ministry of Education allocated 509 budget places to BSPU. The lowest score for admission is 34 points in the subject. As for budget places, the situation here is approximately the same for all universities in Blagoveshchensk - the average required score is 200 points in three subjects.

Far Eastern State Agrarian University

It lags slightly behind BSPU in terms of the number of applications - 1,582 people. The number of budget places for 2013 is 528. To enter DalGAU, you need to score at least 34 points in one subject.

Amur State Medical Academy

Specialized university. This year, 760 people expressed a desire to become doctors. For this number of applicants, the Ministry of Education allocated 285 budget places. To enroll, you must score a minimum of 36 points in the subject.

Amur branch of the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship

IN lately lost popularity. As we were told in admissions committee, in 2013, only 254 applications were submitted compared to 2012, when there were twice as many applicants. Since the university is a commercial one, it is clear that there are no budget places. In order to become a MAP student, you need to score at least 33 points in the subject.

Amur branch of Morskoy State University them. Admiral G.I. Nevelsky("Shell").

A university with paramilitary training for future civil naval officers. This year, 60 budget places were allocated, for which applicants have already been recruited. To enter "Rakushka" you must pass subjects with a minimum passing grade, as well as pass a medical examination and pass a physical exam. preparation.

Far Eastern Higher Command School named after. Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky

Our military university trains officers of the armed forces. This year, enrollment for 315 budget places has been announced, and the number of applications submitted at the moment is kept secret. To become a cadet at the Far Eastern Higher Educational Institution, you must pass a medical commission, pass physical training and overcome the minimum threshold of Unified State Examination scores in three subjects.