What was the name of the Negro from Star Wars? Characters of the Star Wars universe, their names and photos

"Star Wars" is a cult epic fantasy saga, which includes 6 films (the seventh is currently being filmed), as well as animated series, cartoons, television films, books, comics, video games - all imbued with a single storyline and created in a single fantastic Star Wars Universe, conceived and realized by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s and later expanded. The saga, and especially the first films, had a huge influence on modern Western culture, were among the masterpieces of science fiction cinema, and according to various polls they were even recognized as the best in the history of cinema.

The first film was released May 25, 1977 year called "Star Wars". The film was a huge box office success, which actually saved 20th Century Fox from the then-threatening bankruptcy. When doubts about the profitability of the project disappeared, the first film received the subtitle “A New Hope”, and soon two sequels appeared - in 1980 and 1983.

In 1997, 20 years after the release of the first film, the original trilogy was remastered with computer-generated special effects and re-released. In re-release, the films grossed $256.5 million, $124.2 million, and $88.7 million, respectively.

In 1999 The movie “Star Wars” was released. Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” which marked the beginning of a new trilogy - the prehistory of the original.

According to George Lucas, the idea for the film was influenced by Joseph Campbell's research on comparative mythology (The Hero with a Thousand Faces, etc.).

The beginning of the Star Wars story is considered to be 1976. It was then that the novelization book of the same name by A.D. Foster and George Lucas appeared, telling about the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. Producers at 20th Century Fox feared the film would fail at the box office and decided to release the book early to gauge its success. In 1977 At the World Science Fiction Society Congress, George Lucas received a special Hugo Award for this novel.

10. Kylo Ren

It's too early to give final ratings to the Star Wars heroes from the current film cycle, but it is already obvious that Kylo Ren turned out very well interesting character. For the first time we see an aspiring Sith on the big screen - a guy in whom the conflicting emotions overwhelming him have not yet burned out. Passions control Kylo, ​​and they throw him from side to side, making the young man uncontrollable and unpredictable. At the same time, he is very strong in the Sith martial arts and, as befits a warrior of the Dark Side, he is prone to deception and manipulation. So Kylo is extremely dangerous, which does not prevent him from being ridiculous and comical at times. Let's see where fate takes him.

9. Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka is unknown to those who know " Star wars"Only based on feature films. However, she made her big screen debut in the feature-length animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and she has well earned her place in the pantheon of the series' big heroes. Tano begins her adventures as a naively enthusiastic Padawan in training under Anakin Skywalker, and grows into a sophisticated warrior over the course of five seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Like Anakin, Ahsoka becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Order and eventually leaves it. But she does not go over to the Dark Side and continues the war, even when the Emperor is victorious. Some of Tano's further adventures can be seen in the TV series Star Wars Rebels, where she acts as an adult member of the Resistance and even gets the opportunity to explain herself and fight Darth Vader.

8. R2-D2 and C-3PO

Honestly, the droid duo should have been split up and given each a place on the list. But let’s not separate on different points those who are usually together and who complement each other perfectly. While robot translator C-3PO is talkative, cowardly and comical in every word and gesture, his beeping companion navigator R2-D2 is the bravest and most reliable bucket of bolts in the entire Galaxy. It would seem impossible to make the public fall in love with a creature that most closely resembles an urn with a lid, but George Lucas succeeded.

7. Luke Skywalker

Compared to his colorful surroundings, Luke seems like a bland and boring hero. But that's karma central character- the core around which the plot of the first Wars trilogy revolves. Luke doesn't blow your mind, but there's a lot to admire about him. He goes a long way from a naive farm boy to a Jedi master, and he overcomes all trials with dignity, winning in the finale of the first trilogy not a combat, but a moral and psychological victory over evil, which is rarely seen in genre films. Plus, now we not only have the bland Luke from the first trilogy, but also the colorfully quirky older Luke from Star Wars: The Last Jedi" It's a controversial addition, but it definitely made Luke more interesting.

6. Chewbacca

Is it possible to become the audience's favorite without uttering a single word that the public can understand? Of course you can. Chewbacca did it very well. George Lucas created the Wookiee, inspired by his dog named Indiana (the same one who gave the name to Indiana Jones). The big dog often rode with his owner in the front seat of the car, and Lucas imagined that he was traveling through space with the furry first mate. The love for the dog helped the director make Chewbacca the most charming alien and a loyal companion for the main characters of “Wars.”

5. Leia Organa

There are a lot of stereotypical characters in adventure fiction, and Princess Leia could very well be one of them - the stereotypical sexy "damsel in distress" who is saved by main character. However, George Lucas and his team were able to rethink the template and make Leia a fresh and original heroine. Yes, she has sensuality and sex appeal, but they do not define Leia, but turn out to be only two of the many manifestations of this determined and heroic woman. In Leia, the aristocracy of a princess, the courage of a warrior, the eccentricity of a society lady and the leadership of a general intersect. She is ready to become a slave for a while in order to save her friend and loved one - this in itself says a lot. However, in the end Leia turns out to be a bad mother. But sometimes you have to make a choice between your son and the Galaxy.

4. Emperor Palpatine

In the world of Star Wars, the Emperor is the embodiment of absolute evil, and he looks terrible. Such a villain could easily turn out to be a caricature, but the Emperor has his own appeal. He is very cunning and cunning, and he masterfully manipulates even those who oppose him. And the way the Emperor enjoys his villainy and plays with Luke like a cat and a mouse is simply mesmerizing. This scoundrel deserves to have his victory over him be one of the main events in the history of the Galaxy.

3. Yoda

What does a great Jedi teacher look like? Like a mighty warrior? Like a wise sorcerer? Like a powerful ruler? No, like a funny swamp animal, which at first looks more like a pet than an intelligent creature. In the end, Yoda turns out to be a delightful combination of hidden power, paradoxical wisdom and obvious comedy. He's both funny and deeply respectful - at least until we learn in the prequel trilogy that he fights the Emperor and fails to win. But, as they say, even an old woman can make mistakes, and Yoda does not pretend to be perfect.

2. Darth Vader

One of the most charismatic villains in the history of genre cinema, Darth Vader is etched into the memory of viewers as soon as he first appears on camera. His powerful figure, hidden under black armor, evokes horror, and it seems that there is nothing human in this creature. However, as the story progresses, we learn that Vader is much more complex than he seems at first glance, and that he can not only return to the Light Side, but also again become the Star Wars hero that Anakin Skywalker was in his youth. As the first trilogy of the series comes to an end, we understand that Vader was its hero to the same extent as the formal protagonist of the trilogy, Luke. After all, he also went through a long spiritual path and won victory over evil - not so much on the imperial throne, but in his heart.

1. Han Solo

“The most humane person” - this is not said about Han Solo, but it fully applies to him. Unlike the other main characters of “Wars,” Solo is not a born savior or conqueror of the Galaxy, but an ordinary smuggler who, at the beginning of the series, is just trying to earn extra money. And although he later becomes a Rebel general and a military hero, Solo remains to the end a dubious type with a penchant for scams and a love of adventure. That's why we love him. Khan hesitates, Khan boasts, Khan jokes, Khan makes mistakes, Khan does not always know what to do. At the same time, he is charming, courageous and loyal to his friends. His humanity shines through in his every word and deed, and it contrasts nicely with the epic pathos of Wars. Well, Harrison Ford's performance turns Khan into one of the most attractive characters in all of world cinema science fiction.

1. How to come up with a name for Star Wars?

You've probably seen how people come up with fancy names for themselves? But perhaps you don’t know how?

Using the formula below, you can easily come up with the name "Star Wars".

There are several such formulas, here is one of them:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your name.
  • Add the last 2 letters of your last name.

It turns out your “Star Wars” name. After:

  • Take the first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name.
  • Add the first 3 letters of the city in which you were born.

This is your “Star Wars” surname.

Example: Let's say your name is Vladimir Putin. Mother's maiden name is Turina (I don't know the last name of Putin's mother). You were born in St. Petersburg. So, the first name is Vlain, the last name is Tusan. So, your name is Vlain Tusan. By the way, my name is Makov Sovor.

Another variation of George Lucas' formula to find out your name:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
  • Add the first 2 letters of your name.

Is that your name. The surname is determined in the same way as in the previous case. Then, if your name is Vladimir Putin, then your name in Star Wars is Putvl Tusan. And then my name is Basma Sovor.

To change the name a little more, add a "Star Wars" appeal:

Darth Vlain Tusan

Grand Moff Vlain Tusan

Obi-Wan Vlain Tusan (at least "Obi-Wan" is a noble title)

2. Other names in Star Wars.

The names of Star Wars characters are not accidental. There is an explanation why Lucas came up with these names. Here's what he says: "I simply came up with names phonetically. I wanted part of the character to live in his name. The names had to sound unusual, but not trivial, like the sci-fi "Zeno" and "Zorba."

Darth Vader was taken from Danish and can be roughly translated as "Dark Father".

Anakin Skywalker's name was taken from the name of the race of giants from the book "Origins" (Anakin), and Skywalker - to show his character - is translated from English as "Skywalker".

Han Solo. Han is a derivative of John, a very simple name. Solo means that a person adheres to the philosophy of being alone.

Chewbacca. Some people like to chew tobacco. Previously, names were given according to occupation. How do we know that maybe Chuya's ancestors loved chewing tobacco?

3. Yoda's unique sentence structure.

Yoda, the great Jedi sage, constructs his sentences uniquely when he speaks. Here are some comments on his way of speaking:

"If Yoda is so powerful in the Force, why can't he form sentences correctly?"

"When you are 900 years old and look as good, you won't." - Yoda

Personally, I like the way he speaks :).

- # A B C D E E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V H C CH W ... Wikipedia

Cover of the DVD version of the original trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildebrandt Star Wars is a fantasy saga conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s and later expanded. First... ... Wikipedia

The countdown in the Star Wars universe is based on the victory of the Rebel Alliance over the Empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. Accordingly, dates are designated as “before z. b." (BBY) before the Battle of Yavin (English: Before Battle of Yavin), and “p. I. b... Wikipedia

Cover of the DVD version of the original Star Wars trilogy. Artists Tim and Greg Hildebrandt Star Wars is a fantasy saga conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s and later expanded. First... ... Wikipedia

Cover of the DVD version of the original Star Wars trilogy. Artists Tim and Greg Hildebrandt Star Wars is a fantasy saga conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s and later expanded. First... ... Wikipedia

- # A B C D E E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V H C CH W ... Wikipedia

- # A B C D E E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V H C CH W ... Wikipedia


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