What contraceptives to take? Useful video about contraceptive methods. Which birth control pills are best to take: reviews from women

Unwanted pregnancy... Unwanted life of a new person. Abortion, a terrible word and action. But this is murder, legalized murder. But our dear girls and women, we live in a modern and civilized society. Now on the pharmaceutical market there is a huge number of means of preventing unwanted pregnancy: hormonal contraceptives, spirals, caps, candles, condoms, etc.

If it is no longer adhesive or if it has already come loose before, remove it and replace it. Your contraceptive protection remains intact and you do not need to use another contraceptive system. You will also need to use a different contraceptive system during the first week of use as contraceptive protection may be reduced. The patch should not be used if you are attaching it to a surface, other material, or a curve and sticking to it. In fact, some women may experience hypersensitivity to the sticky substance used in the patch.

Many couples avoid using a condom - it is inconvenient and it does not bring all the sharpness and fullness of sensations during sex. The spiral is widely popular. Easy and simple - set it up, and for several years you forgot about worries about delayed menstruation. Did you know that the IUD is an abortifacient?

That is, conception can occur, but the spiral helps to get rid of the fetus at a very early stages. The same abortion occurs, only unnoticed. And the most effective and beneficial means of birth control for women are new generation hormonal contraceptives. But you need to choose them carefully and be able to understand the names so as not to cause harm to yourself. Let's talk about this.

If skin irritation is detected, it is recommended to consider an alternative contraceptive system. When used for 7 days in a row, the edges of the patch may become worn and darkened like a regular patch. Evra patches are a system of hormonal contraceptives, like birth control pills. Hormonal contraception is not indicated at all based on various risk factors. The most serious, very rare disorders include venous or arterial thromboembolism, and the risk increases if the woman smokes and is over 35 years of age.

This is why all women who smoke using hormonal contraception are strongly advised to quit smoking. Female smokers aged 35 years or older should not use Evra, such as pregnant women, nursing mothers or severely obese individuals.

Of course, only a gynecologist will give you the most accurate recommendations and professional advice. You will donate blood to analyze ovarian hormones in the middle monthly cycle, and based on the results obtained, your doctor will recommend exactly those hormonal drugs that will suit you perfectly. But if you don't have that option, we hope this article will help you navigate the world of hormonal contraceptives.

Indicate during your online consultation even if you suffer from high blood pressure, epilepsy, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression and if you are chronically prone to severe migraines. During your consultation, also include any medications and herbal remedies you may be in therapy with. It is replaced every 3 weeks.

The special material with which it was created is impregnated with hormones, namely estrogen and progestin. They are the same hormones found in regular birth control pills and work the same way, although they are taken differently. Once placed inside the vagina, the ring begins to release these hormones, slowly and steadily over a period of 3 weeks. Each day, the ring releases a very low hormonal amount equal to 15 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 1.2 mg etonogestrel.

Types of hormonal drugs

Modern hormonal contraceptives are divided into several groups, each group is suitable in its composition for a certain category of women, taking into account age, general condition of the body, etc.

  1. Preparations with microdoses of hormones.

    These pills are designed for young, nulliparous girls who have a regular sex life. Ideal for those girls who have decided to start taking hormonal contraceptives for the first time. These are the following remedies: Mercilon, Logest, Tri-Mercy, Novinet, Lindinet-20, Yarina, Miniziston 20 fem, Qlaira, Jess.

    After 7 days off, you will need to insert a new ring. This is especially true if you have or are suffering from blood vessel disorders, circulatory disorders, diabetes, breast cancer or other hormone-dependent tumors, liver cancer, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin. The most common disturbances are spotting, headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, mood changes, abdominal pain and acne. NuvaRin should be inserted manually into the vagina, just like a regular tampon.

    It should be squeezed between the index and thumb, inserted and then pressed with the index until it reaches a comfortable position. After about 2-3 days, bleeding similar to menstruation will appear. If the first ring is inserted on the first day of your period, contraceptive protection will be immediate. However, additional contraceptive protection should be used for the next 7 days. Insert the ring as soon as possible. Use additional contraception, such as a condom, for the next 7 days.

  2. Low-dose hormonal drugs.

    For young women who have not yet given birth and who have a permanent close relationship with a partner. The following drugs are recommended for you: Lindinet-30, Belara, Silest, Janine, Miniziston, Marvelon, Rigevidon, Femoden, Regulon, Microgynon.

  3. Medications with moderate doses of hormones.

    An excellent contraceptive for women who have already given birth or middle-aged women who are sexually active. Opt for one of the following hormonal contraceptives: Chloe, Diana-35, Milvane, Tri-Regol, Demoulin, Triquilar, Triziston.

    If you have had unprotected intercourse while not using it, you should be aware that there is a possibility of pregnancy. The risk increases the more days that pass without a new ring. If the need arises, you can use emergency contraception.

    It may happen that Nuvaring is accidentally expelled from the vagina. This can happen if it was not inserted correctly or during effort. If it is reinserted within 3 hours, the contraceptive effectiveness will not be reduced. Before you get involved, you should keep in mind what week you are in. If it is in the first or second week of use, the ring should be rinsed and reinserted as soon as possible.

  4. High-dose hormonal drugs.

    In addition to their protective function, such tablets are also used to treat certain diseases at the hormonal level. This drug is recommended for mature women who are constantly sex life. Pharmacology specialists have created the following courses of tablets for you: Non-Ovlon and Ovidon.

  5. Mini-pills are the most gentle means

    Hormonal mini-pills are the most gentle among all other hormonal drugs. They contain only one analogue of the hormone progesterone. These pills do not guarantee a 100% barrier against unwanted pregnancy, but there are situations in life when it is recommended and permitted to take only such drugs in order to protect against conception.

    However, you will need to use another contraceptive system such as a condom for the next 7 days. If you are in the last week of use, the risk of unwanted pregnancy increases. In this case, the old ring should be thrown away. Contraception, which are the most effective methods after 40 years of age to avoid unwanted pregnancy and enjoy sex life in relation to your body. What are the contraceptive needs of a mature woman? What are the most effective methods of prevention?

    1. Breastfeeding period. Mini-pills do not affect the composition of mother's milk and are completely harmless to the body of a nursing woman. During lactation, this method of protection is the most effective 2. For problems with the heart and blood vessels 3. For women over 35 years old who are addicted to cigarettes

    These pills are taken continuously from the first day of menstruation. Mini-pills should also be taken at the same time and try not to miss doses of the drug. If you do not take the drug on time, do it as soon as possible, and over the next week, use additional means of protection.

    First of all, it is important to remember that contraceptive methods are not strictly related to a woman's age, even though it is very important to choose a contraceptive that takes into account the lifestyle, physical needs and comfort of each woman. The first step in choosing a contraceptive method is to contact a gynecologist to conduct a gynecological examination, a thorough analysis and preparation of full history disease, which takes into account family medical history. In this way, by talking to your doctor, you will understand together which contraceptives are most suitable for your age and your clinical situation.

    If pregnancy occurs while taking the drug, you can save it if desired; the drug is very gentle and will in no way affect the development of the unborn baby.

In addition to unwanted pregnancy, taking modern hormonal medications also helps improve the condition of facial skin and hair; they also have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. Do you think that hormones are dangerous and harmful? This is a misconception. New generations of hormonal contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones that contain drugs that are as close as possible to female sex hormones.

Among many, what might be the most effective methods of contraception after 40? Birth control pills: it always remains one of the first diffusion methods and therapeutic indications, ideal for pregnancy prevention, regularization menstrual cycle and treatment possible hormonal disorders. The pill is the most famous female contraceptive system, the operation of which involves 21 days of taking and a week of stopping during which the cycle will occur. This contraceptive requires careful examination and monitoring to adjust the hormonal dose to the individual's needs to avoid unwanted effects and maximize yield. The trend that is taking place in recent years, is to prescribe birth control pills even to young women under the age of 20, however, given the commitment and consistency that the pill requires, it is a contraceptive method indicated for mature and mature women. starting from 25 years and older. Diaphragm: A method of contraception consisting of a rubber dome with a malleable metal ring that must be placed inside the vagina several hours before sexual intercourse until 6-8 hours after the end of the same, the use of which is often accompanied by the action of a spermicidal cream. This method of contraception is rather underutilized among young women due to the difficulty of positioning in the vagina and the high risk of pregnancy if placed incorrectly. Recommended for women over 30 years of age who know their body well and have a regular partner. Contraceptive IUD: This is an option for those who want to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy, because when the gynecologist remains there for very long periods of up to 3-5 years, guaranteeing a slow hormonal release and 99% protection against pregnancy. The IUD can usually be of two types: hormonal or copper. The hormonal IUD is similar to a vaginal ring and consists of a membrane that releases progesterone, while the copper is based on the release of ions that release copper, which prevents the fertilization of eggs and interferes with the survival and action of sperm. The IUD is usually suggested and recommended for mature women, in who have had at least one pregnancy, to reduce the risk of infections that could compromise fertility. Vaginal ring: a method that involves the deep vagina. The ring is inserted directly by the woman and left in place for 21 days; after 3 weeks, the ring must be removed on the same day of the week on which it was previously inserted, and after its removal it must be preceded by a week without a break. Pretty young woman looking at her birth control pills.

Modern hormonal contraceptives of the new generation contain a hundred times less dose of hormones than their predecessors, which are no longer on the Russian pharmaceutical market. According to reviews from women, the following hormonal contraceptives have gained the most popularity: Zhanine, Yarina, Logest, Triquilar and Regulon.

Shallow depth of field, focus on pills. And the dangers of thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism. The warning began in France, where there were cases of blood clots and strokes that may have been linked to the use of these contraceptives. Therefore, the French Ministry of Health advised women to exercise caution with these tablets, which should only be prescribed after a thorough visit to the woman and after the presence of risk factors for thrombosis has been identified. Not only did France do more by deciding not to reimburse the third and fourth generation of tablets, inviting doctors to prescribe them, a little "more outdated", secondly.

Rules for taking medications

All contraceptive hormonal drugs are taken daily at the same time, according to a specific scheme, which is described in detail in the annotation to the package. Carefully follow the rules and timing of administration, otherwise unexpected conception may occur or menstrual irregularities may occur.

In Italy, as Salvagente's research showed, everything passed in silence and without making decisions similar to those on the other side of the Alps. With us, mockery of mockery, the only pills that women can get for free are the ones that are less safe. Unfortunately, things are not so simple in Italy: “Apparently, many people believe that sexual pleasure without reproduction should be paid for and that Italian women can afford to spend 15 euros a month on contraception.” Combined contraceptive pills They are oral contraceptives consisting of an association of two female hormones: estrogen and progestin.

One hundred percent protection against pregnancy comes from taking the second pack of hormonal contraceptives, so when taking the first pack, use additional contraceptives.

Efficiency of use contraception may decrease due to the simultaneous use of antibiotics, analgesics, and tranquilizers. If you have started taking a course of hormonal contraceptives for the first time in your life, be sure to visit a gynecologist in the first month of using the drug on the 11-12th day of your menstrual cycle to make sure that the chosen drug is effective.

The most commonly used estrogen component is ethinyl estradiol. While a different progester is used, determines the "generation" of the pill by referring solely to the period of placement on the market. After appropriate dosage reduction, they remain the best oral contraceptive, safer than the risk of thrombosis.

Tablets of the third and fourth generations. The former contain desogestrel or gestodene as progestogens and are sold starting from the so-called fourth generation. These are the most recent additions and, in combination with an estrogen component, contain drospirenone, dienogest and chlormadinone. Both of these contraceptives have recently been the subject of re-evaluation by Emoy.

If you suddenly forget to take another tablet from the package, take the next one as soon as possible. If you delay the use of hormonal contraceptives for more than a day, you need to additionally protect yourself from conception by other means while taking the remaining tablets of this package. If your delay in taking the pill was up to twelve hours, then you don’t need to do anything urgent.

Side effects

If, while taking a course of birth control pills, you feel unwell, nausea, headache, blood pressure changes, sudden weight gain and psychological dysfunction (depression, irritability, frequent mood swings), you need to cancel these contraceptives and switch to lower-containing ones hormones drugs.

If you suddenly vomit after taking a pill, take another one exactly the same (for this you need to have a spare block of the drug with you). Then continue taking the course of tablets further according to the scheme until the end of the package. If attacks of nausea recur, change hormonal contraceptives.

If you notice the appearance of bleeding, dab, change the pills to others, with a higher dose of hormones. If your period does not come on the appointed date, it means that the drug you took is not suitable for you and is too high-dose for you. It is necessary to take a week's break and change the hormonal contraceptive to one with a lower hormone content.

But if you suddenly notice the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain, severe and cramping
  • Constant long-term weakness of the whole body
  • Severe and prolonged chest pain throughout the menstrual cycle
  • Visual or speech problems
  • Sudden and severe pain in the legs

You need to immediately visit a doctor without delay. Such signs may indicate that you have a disease that requires serious treatment.

No matter how bright the side effects appear, never stop taking the course halfway through the package, otherwise you may experience menstrual irregularities or open profuse bleeding. Hormonal contraceptives must be taken until the end of the entire course and only then the pills must be changed.

It is advisable to limit the duration of courses to two years; with longer use of hormonal contraceptives, ovarian dysfunction may occur. If you still do not plan to become pregnant, take a break for six months, then you can continue taking birth control pills.

Contraindications to taking hormonal contraceptives

  • Women over 35 years of age who smoke
  • If you have liver disease (cirrhosis, tumors or hepatitis)
  • If you have persistent high blood pressure
  • If you suffer from diabetes
  • If you have kidney disease
  • For deep vein thrombosis
  • For cardiac ischemia, as well as after a heart attack or stroke
  • Within a month after surgery
  • Cancers of the breast or uterus
  • Presence of systemic lupus erythematosus

We hope that you found our article useful. The consequences of an abortion can sometimes lead to catastrophic changes in the rest of life. Let's be careful and cautious. We are primarily responsible for our health. New generation hormonal contraceptives bring tangible benefits. We must take care of ourselves for our family, for future children. We must live for the sake of life!

In modern medicine, issues of disease prevention are placed in first place. For women, it is important to preserve reproductive health and create conditions for the full bearing and birth of children. Correct contraception aims to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions, which negatively affect female body, especially after the age of 30.

Your health status largely determines your lifestyle. The number of pregnancies and births determines the state of the body - this is a heavy load, after which women may develop chronic diseases. Disorders of the menstrual cycle often occur - dyscirculatory uterine bleeding. After 30 years, the number of people suffering from fibroids, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome actively progresses. Oncological pathologies are getting younger – cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.

But at the same time, this is the flowering of female sexuality, she already knows what she likes and what she wants. Most women at this age are married or have a regular sexual partner. Therefore, they are faced with the question of how to choose birth control pills after 30 years of age so as not to harm their health.

What are the types of contraceptives?

The pharmacy has a very large selection of contraceptives. They can be divided into several groups.

By method of use:

  1. oral;
  2. cutaneous;
  3. vaginal.

According to the active substance:

  1. hormonal;
  2. non-hormonal.

The contraceptive pills that are best to choose after 30 years of age should take into account age and health status; many of them have an additional therapeutic effect and can be used to treat fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia.

Does it matter whether a woman has given birth or not?

Hormonal contraceptives contain different amounts and combinations of hormones. Which birth control pills are best to take depends on age, previous pregnancies and births, and concomitant diseases.

The drugs contain estrogen and progesterone. This combination ensures the normal functioning of the endometrium and its natural changes. The level of hormones in the tablets may remain unchanged - these are monophasic oral contraceptives. If there are different ratios of hormones, then they talk about two or three-phase COCs.

When there are contraindications to drugs with estrogen, mini-pills are recommended for women - pills with only progesterone. Such contraceptive pills are indicated for women who smoke after the age of thirty.

You can select COCs based on their composition.


They are optimally suited for young girls, nulliparous women, as well as those who have not previously used this method of protection. The dosage of hormones in them is the minimum possible, side effects are negligible. They are also recommended for women over 35 years of age until menopause. These drugs include Qlaira, Jess, Lindinet-20, Logest, Novinet, Mercilon.

Low dosage

This group is suitable for nulliparous women when microdosed tablets are not suitable. This is indicated by spotting after a period of adaptation to the medicine. These are good contraceptive pills for women who have given birth after 30 years. Some of these medications have a cosmetic effect - they improve hair condition, reduce skin greasiness and acne. Representatives: Yarina, Midiana, Lindinet-30, Zhanin, Miniziston, Regulon, Rigevidon, Marvelon, Diane-35.

Highly dosed

A large dose of sex hormones is necessary for medicinal purposes. Therefore, drugs in this group can only be prescribed by a gynecologist for the treatment of hormonal diseases of the female genital area. Like birth control pills after 30 years, they are used for contraception during the treatment period. The most popular are Tri-regol, Non-ovolone, Ovidon, Triziston.

Vaginal forms of contraception are suitable for parous and nulliparous women who do not have regular sexual relations. This can be a cream, suppositories, tablets that do not contain hormones, as well as a hormonal vaginal ring.

How to take it correctly

In one package of combined oral contraceptives maybe 21 or 28 tablets. The first is taken on the 1st-3rd day of the onset of menstruation. If you start taking it after an abortion, then the first tablet is taken the next day after the procedure. Then they move along the arrow, without taking breaks. It is recommended to take the tablet at the same time. It is physiological to schedule this at 9 am - it is at this time that the natural release of estrogen occurs.

When the last 21 tablets are taken, you need to take a break for 7 days, during which slight bleeding appears. Exactly on the 8th day, the next pack begins, even if menstruation has not ended.

When there are 28 tablets in a package, there is no need to take a break; they immediately move on to the next pack.

Mini-pills are taken on the first day of menstruation or immediately after termination of pregnancy. Then take 1 tablet at one time every day. Preferably at 18-19 hours. There is no need to take any breaks.

Vaginal contraceptives are inserted into the vagina 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse in a lying position to avoid leakage. You cannot wash with soap immediately after sexual intercourse - it destroys the active substance, and pregnancy may occur. For each sexual intercourse, the introduction of the contraceptive must be repeated.

Which ones are better after 30 years

A woman’s sexual activity affects which birth control pills are best to take after 30 years. If a woman has a regular sexual partner, then COCs will reliably protect against unplanned pregnancy. For rare sexual intercourse, vaginal products will be sufficient.

Drug effects and side effects

All hormonal drugs have a contraceptive effect to the same extent; which one is better to choose after 30 depends on the state of health. Pay attention to additional medicinal effects. If there is an increased level of androgens, there is nothing left to do but choose a COC with an antiandrogenic effect.

The following are possible side effects COOK:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • decreased libido;
  • bleeding;
  • mood changes, depression;
  • headache, migraine.

Contraindicated combined contraceptives in the following cases:

  • thrombosis of veins or arteries;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • severe liver disease with impaired liver function;
  • renal failure;
  • hormone-dependent tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • individual intolerance.

Mini-pills can be taken in cases where there are contraindications for COCs. But they also have possible side effects:

  • increase in skin oiliness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • the appearance of cysts in the ovaries, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug;
  • exacerbation of thrush with a predisposition to it;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and the appearance of age spots;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • body hair growth.

Duration of taking medications

Previously, it was believed that it was necessary to take breaks from taking medications. But various studies have not found any negative effects on the body with constant use of COCs. It is not recommended to take the pills for less than a year. Further, the period is determined by the woman’s desire not to become pregnant. Women who have given birth can use them until menopause.

If a woman decides to become pregnant, she should finish the pack and not start the next one. Pregnancy may occur in the next month. There is a “recoil syndrome” - after a long rest in the ovaries, ovulation quickly occurs, sometimes several eggs can mature at once. In most cases, fertilization occurs within 6 months after stopping the drugs.

What can be replaced

If your health condition does not allow you to choose birth control pills, you can choose barrier methods of contraception or an intrauterine device. A condom protects against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. If a man is against its use, there is a female version.

With regular sexual activity and the absence of contraindications, it is established intrauterine device. It is designed for 3-5 years, but it can be removed at the moment when pregnancy is planned.

How to choose the right one

Only a gynecologist can advise which birth control pills are best to choose after 30 years. A chairside examination is required, smears are taken and anamnesis is studied. A general blood test and biochemistry will show the state of health, the presence of liver or kidney pathology. The coagulogram reflects the state of the blood coagulation system. If it is elevated, taking COCs is not recommended.

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Where to buy

You should only purchase birth control pills at a pharmacy. In Russia, a prescription is not required for COCs, but this does not replace the mandatory consultation with a gynecologist. Vaginal products are available without a prescription.

List of the most popular

  1. Progestin (mini-pill): Lactinet, Microlut, Exluton.
  2. Microdosed COCs: Jess, Jess Plus, Qlaira, Lindinet-20, Logest, Novinet, Mercilon.
  3. Low-dose COCs: Yarina, Tri-Mercy, Lindinet-30, Regulon, Rigevidon, Marvelon, Diane-35, Janine, Femoden.
  4. High-dose COCs (three-phase): Ovidone, Non-ovolone, Tri-regol, Triquilar.
  5. Vaginal suppositories, tablets, cream Pharmatex, Benatex, Pantentex.
  6. Nuvaring vaginal ring.

Doctor of Medical Sciences answers questions about the benefits and harms of oral contraceptives