Why do children love bedtime stories? Presentation on the topic: “All children love fairy tales

All children love fairy tales. Probably, your baby can listen to fascinating stories full of miracles and adventures for a long time. What if he himself acts as a storyteller? Help your child in this useful and exciting activity. Where to start You can write fairy tales casually, on the go. After all, when your hands are busy with housework, your head is free for creativity. The child will be happy to participate in the development of a fairy tale plot and in the game, quietly expand his vocabulary, consolidate the grammatical structure of speech, and, most importantly, practice the art of storytelling (oral monologue speech). You can write fairy tales about anything, even about vegetables and household utensils, but first practice on “simpler” material. There are different “recipes” for organizing such creative training. How you use them depends on the age of the child. A child 2.5-3 years old and older can compose together with an adult, and a 5-6 year old can already compose quite freely on his own, and the adult’s task is to give impetus to composing. Much depends on his and your creative capabilities, the conditions in which you will start writing (whether it will be a specially allotted time or you will have to write while doing other things or while on the road).

Olesya 6 years old Once upon a time there lived a puppy. His name was Shonik. One day he was running through a clearing near the house. He played, barked, and ran after his tail. Saw beautiful butterfly and chased after her. He ran further and further from home until he got lost in the forest. The puppy sat down on a tree stump and cried. And then Shonik saw his friend the dog Kesha with her owner, Marina. Marina and Kesha went to the forest to pick berries and were already returning home. Shonik barked with joy. They all went home together. The puppy remembered for the rest of his life that he was not allowed to run away from home alone. Now he only went for walks with his owner Lena! The Adventures of Shonik

Nikita 5 years old Once upon a time there lived a big and kind Robot. He played and had fun, laying out the cards in a circle. Then I went for a walk to the playground near the house. I took a ball to play with the kids. Then an evil tree blocked his path. It wanted to deceive the Robot! But the Robot had friends who did not let the evil tree offend the Robot! Robot and evil tree

Ilya 6 years old Panda and his baby elephant friend. Once upon a time there was a little Panda. He had a very good mother, father and a friend, a little elephant. They were always attacked by leopards. Many years passed and Panda and his friend Baby Elephant grew up. The friends decided to build a big, strong wall. They built and built and finally built it! A reward awaited everyone: a jar of delicious eucalyptus jam. Everyone began to live amicably and happily! Nobody attacked them anymore.

Misha 6 years old Squirrel's birthday. One day the Hedgehog went to Squirrel's birthday party. An evil Raccoon comes towards him and says: “Give me the cake, otherwise I won’t let you go!” Little Bear is coming towards you. Dressed smartly, in a hurry. "Teddy bear, help me!" – Hedgehog called. The little bear heard the Hedgehog and hurried to his aid. " Hey! Raccoon, don’t hurt the younger ones! Come with us and congratulate Belochka on her birthday! The Raccoon also wanted to congratulate Squirrel. The animals went together to Squirrel!

An amazing fairy tale Polina 5 years old Once upon a time there were two strollers: a pink one and a blue one. The pink one was Polina, and the blue one was Vera. One day they saw a goldfish and began to catch it with a fishing rod and caught it. And they released the fish into the aquarium. There the fish learned to speak. And at this time, in a distant village there lived an evil machine and her name was Nikita. She loved to bump into everyone and she liked it. Once a car was driving around Moscow and met two strollers: Polina and Vera. They explained to Nikita that crashing is bad! The car became kind and good. Together they went home to their talking fish!

Good fairy tale Masha 6 years old Once upon a time there lived a cheerful tram. It was pink, and its name was More than anything else, tram 25. He loved to ride quickly on the rails and carry passengers, especially children. One day a very sad girl sat down with him. The tram decided that she needed to be cheered up! And then he changed his route (in general, this is strictly prohibited) He took it and went to the circus. And at that time funny clowns were performing there. They juggled balls, rode on one wheel and made everyone laugh. The girl stopped being sad and her face also became cheerful. They also gave her two balloons: red and yellow!

Alexandra Once upon a time there was a girl named Sasha and she didn’t have any toys. And then one day the parents gave the girl a toy, it was called Zubbles, it was small, round and cheerful. One day, Sasha, after playing with Zubals, decided to leave him on the windowsill and went about her business. And Zoobles sat, sat on the windowsill and rolled along the path. Zoobles is rolling, and a dog named Velmut is running towards him. Labrador from next door. Velmut saw a ball rolling along the path and said to him, “Who are you?” I’ll eat you now!” And Sharik opened up and turned into Zoobles with big ears and small hands. Zoobles tells Velmut: "Don't eat me Velmut!" “I left Sasha and I’ll run away from you,” I said and ran away! Velmut barked and barked and went to his house. Zoobles rolls on, and a cow meets him: Mu-mu, from the neighboring village where Sasha buys milk. “Who are you? I'll eat you! And Zoobles opened his ears, scared the cow and ran away. Zoobles rolls further along the road, suddenly a large goose stops him. "Ga-ga-who are you?" Poor Zoobles hit the stone out of fear and his ears opened and his arms fell out. The goose, when he saw this, became even more frightened. Zoobles was also scared and decided to return to his owner, Sasha. Zoobles rolled home. Sasha saw her little friend and was very happy. “I won’t let you go anywhere else,” Sasha said and put Zubals in her pocket.
Probably, each of us at least once in our lives composed different stories, fairy tales, tales or anecdotes. Now, remembering this, many will revive the feelings of creative search, pleasure, and flight of fancy. Writing stories in itself is a psychotherapeutic activity, because a person puts a piece of inner reality into his creative product. Many parents reproach their children for being overly imaginative and “having their head in the clouds.” Often children's fantasies and stories are an act of self-therapy, because in a figurative form the child speaks out the questions that concern him and tries to find answers to them. Fairy tales written by children not only reflect their inner reality, the problems that concern them, but also activate unconscious processes that contribute to the personal development of the child.

Why do we love fairy tales? The answer to this question is very simple. Our ordinary reality lacks miracles and magic. In pursuit of material values, we drown in routine, begin to slowly go crazy from monotony, constantly experience stress and dream of escaping for at least an hour to a place where fantasy can paint a world different from the usual one, where dreams come true, and good certainly triumphs over evil.

However, all this applies mainly to adult readers - fantasy fans. If we talk about children, then miracles and magic are as real for them as another deadline at work or a morning traffic jam is for us. They not only believe in them, they are convinced that the world is woven from magic. And fairy tales confirm this confidence. Therefore, reading fairy tales for children is not escapism at all (an attempt to escape from reality into a fictional universe). This is a continuation of what they see around them. And the task of a modern storyteller is to make sure that, on the one hand, the dream is not killed, and on the other hand, to fill his work with realism: eternal values, real rules, understanding of current events, and a description of the surrounding reality. In a word, you need to combine business with pleasure, and in no case should you violate the correct proportions between the main ingredients. After all, if there is too much reality, the fairy tale will lose its magic. If it is not enough, the work will turn out to be empty and will lose its main meaning: to teach and pass on the accumulated experience from one generation to another.

Fairy tales appeared long before modern civilization. Once upon a time, ancient people told them to each other around the fire, often composing them on the spot. In an allegorical manner, they shared their observations, conclusions, and mistakes. In this way, the kids had fun and learned their first life lessons, which are perhaps more important than all school activities combined. Fairy tales contain not only entertaining and educational components, but also an educational base. They are bright, beautiful and are stored in memory along with all the morality that they contain. And our ancestors understood this very well.

The traditions were continued by the author's stories. Over time, the world and the problems that the storytellers addressed changed. It should be noted that works from the past often seem gloomy to contemporaries, and the ideas expressed in them can traumatize the psyche of prosperous children of the twenty-first century. Therefore, very often classic books are modified, abridged and even rewritten. Is this correct? A question whose answer can be debated for a very long time. But if you want to avoid controversy and read the original book to your children, it would be safer to take the creation modern writer, who understands our realities and the mental characteristics of girls and boys of the new generation.

An author whose work deserves close attention is Natalia Mosina. Her book “How Katenka and Mashenka went into a fairy tale,” which was published in May of this year by the Union of Writers publishing house, is very sweet, kind, and magical. It is full of magic and adventure, there is a dream to strive for, and hope that leads forward, like a saving light of a lighthouse in the night. The characters turned out to be charming and similar to young readers. They know how to love, make friends, and have respect for elders. Natalia Mosina presents the highest human values, tested by time, to the public. And at the same time, her work is dynamic and colorful in modern traditions.

What is this book about? About two sisters who loved to listen to fairy tales. And then one day they themselves decided to find the way to the world of miracles, the door to which is not open to everyone. They met a good fairy, met a wise Storyteller and went to their own Fairy Tale, where discoveries, adventures and, of course, danger await them.

Buy the book for children “How Katenka and Mashenka went to a fairy tale” in the online stores “#Book” and “Book for Children”.

Sultanova Asemgul Bakhtvaevna
Consultation for parents “Why it is necessary to read fairy tales to children”

Nowadays, books have faded into the background; they have been replaced by computers, tablets, phones, gadgets. Parents also prefer give your child a tablet, how good it is - silence, no one bothers them to go about their business. And then he gets up unexpectedly question: the child does not know how to communicate, write correctly - the Russian language is continuous "2". Why is this happening? May be parents you need to remember your childhood and teach your child to love books.

Preschool children tend to animate natural phenomena and endow animals and plants with human properties. Therefore they understand the language easily fairy tales. Heroes fairy tales are simple and typical: their characteristics are limited to two or three qualities (unprecedented kindness, courage and resourcefulness). At the same time, the heroes fairy tales do everything what ordinary people do People: eat, drink, work, get married. Before the tale was written down, millions of people worked on it, passing it on from mouth to mouth, discarding the unimportant, leaving the most important. It did fairy tale bearer of human wisdom. Stories, fairy tales And inner world children are inseparable from each other. In any society, children's stories gather a large audience of young listeners. There are good reasons for this.

If we, adults, want to acquire some knowledge, we have many ways and channels for this. Internet, books, in the end you can consult from a specialist in the field, obtain information from newspaper and magazine articles, listen to lectures, and take part in seminars. Finally, talk to friends and exchange information and thoughts. Children, especially small ones, cannot gain knowledge in these same ways, and yet the problems that occupy them are no less important. How can we help them acquire knowledge?

What's the benefit? fairy tales?

1) Fairy tales develop attention.

Listening to the description of events, miracles occurring and the adventures of the characters, the child uses all his attention and maintains it throughout the entire story. This, in turn, at the emotional level, encourages the child to think, giving rise to many different questions in his head to which he will look for answers.

2) Develop your hands. And this needs no comment. It is no coincidence that they say “When I listen, I learn, when I do, I remember”. For children something is offered do: cut, glue, depict fairy tale schematically, show an episode of text using facial expressions and gestures.

3) Instill the concepts of good and evil. IN fairy tales all characters are divided into good and bad, kind and evil. Listening fairy tales, the child understands what is good and what is bad, how to do the right thing and what not to do. In addition, children tend to imitate their favorite heroes. No need to convince that kindness has become the most scarce phenomenon in the world around us. How do we imagine kind person- those who love to help others, who know how to sympathize, empathize, etc. In the whole system of methods and means of cultivating good feelings, an important role is played by fairy tales: children love heroes, they become family and friends to them, which means they can and should become role models. It’s just important to tactfully direct the children’s thoughts and feelings in the right direction.

4) Introduce them to the world around them and the relationships between people.

IN fairy tales relationships and interactions between people are described. At an early age, the child does not yet know how to analyze, compare and think logically. Therefore the benefit fairy tales is obvious. Everything is described in them in simple language And in simple words., Thus, the child becomes clear about the world around him.

5) Learn to cope with difficult situations. A child who is faced with any difficulty can find solutions or ideas for himself based on fairy tale plot . Children themselves subconsciously use fairy tale to solve your problems. Why do children invent and tell chilling stories?"horror" And Why Are they so popular among children? Because this is a defensive reaction that helps to overcome the fear and confusion that arise in a child’s soul when faced with a large and incomprehensible world, full of dangers and surprises. So children get rid of their fears and worries with the help of horror stories.

6) They console. Thanks to fabulous Through stories, the child understands that others also experience difficulties. He is not the only one who can be upset, cry, or be afraid, others do the same. Knowing that he is not alone in his difficulties can support a child at an early age.

7) Develop children's speech and imagination. Reading fairy tales expands the child's vocabulary and helps speech development. Listening fairy tale, the child gets acquainted with folklore, remembers proverbs and sayings ( “Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh”, “There is no better friend than your own mother”). It is no coincidence that teachers and speech therapists use fairytale therapy for classes with children with delays speech development. Fabulous images help develop children's imagination. Putting yourself in your place positive hero, the child can engage in battle with the enemy (nettle thickets) using a magic sword (sticks) or go to Mars in a rocket made of pushed together chairs. Psychologists say that fantasy helps a child develop intelligence, so imagining for a child is very useful.

8) Benefit bedtime stories. Fairy tale from time immemorial it has been used as a means of positively influencing the emotional state of a child. The most striking example of this impact is bedtime story. The child listens to the soothing, soothing rhythm of words, hears his native voice - everything is fine, mother is nearby, fabulous the story takes him further and further from the day's sorrows and joys, and finally he falls asleep. By the way, if your child is bothered by bad dreams, then fairy tale will easily help you deal with this problem.

Become together with your child storyteller. After all, no audio and video equipment, no professional performance can replace your presence and attention for your baby. Feel free to invent and tell stories to your children, especially since your listeners were attentive and grateful. With the help fairy tales, adults can enrich the inner world of their children and instill in them a love of reading and books. And this, in turn, helps them become more confident and successful people.

Fairy tale affects the child's feelings. Listening fairy tale, the child unconsciously identifies himself in his imagination with the heroes if he likes them.

Together with the heroes, the child learns to show kindness and nobility, to risk himself for the sake of others, to perform feats, to become brave, faithful, and fair. Fairy tales convey moral concepts and feelings to the baby not in the form of naked morality or tedious preaching, but in a transparent, clear in meaning and at the same time exciting form. Moreover, listening fairy tale, the child receives a beautiful and correct speech sample, which is extremely important for speech development. Children who from the very early childhood read fairy tales, poetry. Nursery rhymes, they begin to speak correctly much faster.

Without fairy tales are indispensable. How else can you explain to a child that you can’t drink from a puddle (you’ll become a little goat, that you can’t open the door without looking through the crack or peephole ( gray wolf will steal that you need to live together (and no wolf will ever pull you out of a reliable stone house built by joint efforts). Fairy tales give a basic idea of ​​the world in which a person finds himself, of relationships between people, of things, types of personalities that a child will later have to encounter in life. That is, albeit unnoticed, with jokes, jokes, or vice versa, horror stories. They create, as psychologists say, a value system. Therefore, if you are with a child read some book, do not forget its heroes, periodically return to them in various life situations. Until the age of 5-6, there is no need to force a child read it yourself, let him learn to listen to you and watch books on his own. Let the little ones look at books with only pictures with captions; at two years old you can safely start learning letters; at three years old you can buy your first encyclopedias (just make sure they are written in accessible language - if there are a lot of unfamiliar words in them, the child will quickly lose interest). But if you are from childhood read to the child, then it will be easier for him to learn on his own read, because he will know that it is interesting, and when something is interesting, it is much more pleasant to learn.

Modern children often do not understand that a person dies once and for all. Accustomed to playing computer games, they think that they have nine lives. And there is no one nearby who could explain the situation. The child plays alone. While listening fairy tale, which mom reads, he can ask questions and receive questions answered. On fairy tales. Mikhalkov, K. Chukovsky, A. Pushkin, N. Nosov and many other authors, dozens of generations have grown up, among whom are many brave, honest and talented people. The country is proud of them. Fairy tales with their miracles and magical transformations are closest to a child’s worldview. Unlike myths, where the main characters often die, in fairy tale everything ends well. The child learns to empathize with the character. Children love to listen to and watch the same things over and over again. fairy tales, since they are interested not only in the plot, but in the moral strength of the hero. Fairy tale provides support in the development of certain personal qualities. Read a fairy tale to your child. Talk to him: about what fairy tale, Who main character who the child liked and Why. Do not impose your opinion, let the child reason and think, because he experienced a sea of ​​​​feelings when he listened fairy tale. Help him understand them. If you don’t even like something in your child’s reasoning, don’t rush. Ask questions, ask about how he feels and, too, try to feel everything that is happening in him. fairy tale. Live a fairy tale together and you will receive extraordinary the pleasure of communicating with fairy tale and your wise child. He'll probably ask again read the same fairy tale, do it. For him in this fairy tale there is something very important. Healthy read short tales and together with the child remake them into large ones fairy tales. In addition to mastering spiritual guidelines, your child will begin to develop imagination and become a little creator fairy world . And, I hope, over time, he will want to implement his good bringing a fairy tale to life. Read fairy tales to children, return to them at any age. And you will always find in the old something new in fairy tales, it cannot be otherwise, because the soul lives in them. IN preschool age educational impact fairy tales is not inferior to the educational impact of role-playing games. Mastering the actions of the game, visual activities and listening fairy tales, the child simultaneously masters the voluntary aspects of mental processes, preparing himself for the next busy period of life.

What child doesn't like fairy tales? If there are such children, then their number is very small. As a rule, children they like it when they either read, or they tell magical stories. And it often happens that if mom, dad, grandparents or some other teacher forgets or simply misses some fragment, the child immediately protests: “why didn’t you tell me about this or that”!

Why are fairy tales so necessary for us at a certain point in our lives? Why do they become an integral part of a certain period of our development?

From a psychoanalytic point of view, fairy tales help a child overcome the difficulties of growing up and cope with crises of normal development. The child needs to understand himself, his needs and possibilities of communication with the world in which he lives. He needs understand, how to cope with the emotions and feelings that fill him and bring them into a certain order. He also needs to get acquainted with the concept of morality - not in a dry didactic form, but in an everyday real image, which will be filled with meaning that will be remembered for a lifetime. And this is what a child receives through a fairy tale.

N regardless of the cultural and/or intellectual level of the “listener”, With kazki provide information to various substances of the psyche,who “use” it at one time or another. Children are at the mercy of their emotions and impulses, which are often invisible and invisible,and fairy tales offer them possible options on how to cope with them and what decisions to make both at the present moment and in the future.

With what normalWhat problems does a child have to cope with as they grow up? According to psychoanalytic theory, from the very moment of birth, the child is completely concentrated only on himself and his desires, then people close to him fall into the circle of his “interests”., which are, as it were, guides into the world around us, and then gradually the world expands, and the child finds himself in a multifaceted, complex and enormous reality. Of course, this is a very simplified outline of psychoanalytic developmental theory. But the fact is that we all go along this path andwe face the need to renounce our own exclusive desires and motives, to overcome conflicts in the perception of our parents and in determining our place in the family structure; accept and understand the role and place of other children in the family structure; renounce childhood dependence; build your own identity and self; accept moral obligations... From birth, the child needs to understand what is happening in his mind and meet his unconscious world. And in this he is helped by fairy tales, which not only in their own waycontent offer children's imagination to reach a new level and expand its boundaries and sizes, but both in its form and page oeniya give you the opportunity to structure your fantasiesand guide them in the right direction.

Do we know any fairy tale where the hero does not have to face difficulties on his way? How does he overcome them? Fairy tales prepare a child for the fact that in life everything is never smooth and without problems. And there is no need to be afraid of this! IN real life We constantly face problems and difficulties and this is inevitable.Fairy tales teach that if you overcome obstacles and don’t run from them, if you know how to cope with hardships, sometimes very unfair ones, then in the end you will achieve your goal.

The moral component of fairy tales indicates that results cannot be achieved through robbery, robbery or violence. That is why in all stories there is“negative” hero - a dragon, a witch, Baba Yaga... At some point this “monster” gets its way, but in the end the good good heroes he is defeated.As a rule, the child is identified with positive characters, but at the same time, at another level of the psyche, the presence of “dragon-witches” indicates the presence of “bad” impulses that the child has to fight in his subconscious or unconscious world. And the fairy tale shows that on the one hand it is normal to want to destroy everything, spoil it, kill in the end, and on the other hand - positive the hero always wins, i.e. good good feelings and emotions take over negative.

Currently, many different new stories and fairy tales have appeared, but as a rule, these fashionable books do not carry all the semantic load mentioned above. It is not for nothing that fairy tales were created by the people and their life span is endless. And for these folk wisdom there are no boundaries or time!

In addition, fairy tales wonderfully establish a connection between a child and his parents. What could be nicer and more enjoyable for a child than spending an evening with his mother reading him a fairy tale? And if the mother also explains the actions of the characters, shares her opinion or finds out the child’s opinion, then in addition to a pleasant pastime, this will also bring great benefits.

At their core, fairy tales are simple and understandable, especially folk tales, since they have evolved over centuries, passed on from mouth to mouth. All fairy tales are based on the confrontation between good and evil, stupidity and intelligence, beauty and ugliness, and therefore fairy tales are an ideal example for the first steps in our lives. Fairy tales are filled with allusions and repetitions, they are mythological - this is one of the reasons why children love fairy tales. For example, the fairy tale “Kotigoroshko” is about a boy who defeated the Serpent Gorynych. But there are many such tales in world literature. Russian, Ukrainian, French - they are all based on myths that are many, many years old. In childhood, a child reaches out to something familiar and understandable - this is their way of self-preservation, because they are so vulnerable at this age.

Fairy tales are very beautiful and there is magic in them. On the one hand, they are clear and simple, and on the other, there is always a miracle in them. As if there is no pain and evil, and if there is, then it is weak and easy to defeat. Starting to listen to fairy tales, children open the door to magical land, where magic lives and animals can speak. It’s easy to believe in, you can easily realize it while playing, it’s a pleasure to live with.

In his head, a child endows objects, toys, animals, plants with living human characters, because it is important for him that all his fears and joys are expressed and personified. A child's dangers and problems are usually associated with dragons or monsters, which the brave fairy-tale heroes must definitely win. Thus, a children's fairy tale, after being read by the child himself or his parents, has a beneficial psychological effect - it frees one from negative emotions and various experiences.

Each reading is in fact a session of psychotherapeutic assistance to the child, since the “adult” world is fraught with many dangers and the child is often afraid of them. Despite the fact that the parents take care of the child, the baby still encounters something new and incomprehensible every day, and this does not always end with a feeling of joy and delight. Sometimes experienced fear and stress requires an outlet, and a fairy tale, in this sense, plays one of the key roles. A fairy tale can teach a child to overcome difficulties, defeat enemies, not be afraid of dangers and hope for the best.

Although the text of the fairy tale is simple, it is always very meaningful in terms of images. The child can develop the ability to dream, and the imagination becomes richer. Due to his young age, the child has some limitations that may prevent him from experiencing some emotions, but in fairy-tale reality everything can easily be experienced by dreaming and imagining. Children love fairy tales, because a fairy tale for a child is a reality in which he does not feel like a defenseless little child, where he is a personality growing and developing.