Dark stripe on the stomach. Why does a stripe appear on the stomach during pregnancy, and what does this line mean? Is there a time frame for the appearance of a “pregnant” line?

Most women experience swelling on their belly during pregnancy. dark vertical stripe.

And although expectant mothers are aware of what is developing in their bodies new life and therefore their body undergoes various changes, such “decoration” of the tummy still, at a minimum, arouses curiosity, and sometimes becomes a cause for concern. What would that mean?

Dark stripe - what is it?

The dark stripe on the stomach is nothing more than manifestation of hyperpigmentation. The stripe is a thin vertical line that stretches from the navel down to the pubic area.

In some cases, the strip “grows” up to the level of the ribs. The strip is always located vertically in the center of the abdomen.

In fact, this strip is present in all women, but at a time when the woman is not pregnant, this line is completely invisible. The darkening of the stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy is due to increased pigmentation of the ligament located in this area (the “white line”).

Will I have one?

According to statistics, 90% of women during pregnancy a dark stripe appears on the stomach. Dark-haired and dark-skinned women are most likely to develop stripes.

Why does she appear?

The exact cause of a dark line on the abdomen in pregnant women is unknown, but it is believed to be due to natural increased levels of the following hormones:

  • melanotropin (a hormone that stimulates melanocytes - cells that produce pigment and increase the risk of darkening of the skin, freckles and birthmarks);
  • estrogen;

As you can see, there is no reason to worry: the appearance of a strip on the belly of a pregnant woman indicates that everything is going as it should with regard to hormones.

When does it usually appear?

In some women, a dark stripe on the abdomen appears at the very beginning of pregnancy and even acts as a sign of it. At first the strip may be light, but over time it begins to darken.

Most often, pregnant women notice a darkening line on their stomach. after 12 weeks. Also, a dark stripe on the abdomen may appear in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Obviously, in each case everything is individual.

How long will the dark stripe be present on the stomach?

A stripe that appears on the belly of a pregnant woman gradually begins to become darker, which is caused by an increase in hormone levels.

Usually the strip disappears soon, but in some women it becomes lighter, but remains still visible. With subsequent pregnancies, the stripe on the abdomen usually appears earlier and is more visible.

Is it possible to prevent or get rid of its occurrence?

The strip should disappear on its own after delivery. Ways to prevent streaks from appearing quite limited:

  • Pregnant women are advised to spend less time in the open sun;
  • use sunscreen;
  • try to stay in the shade during the period of highest solar activity;
  • When outdoors, wear closed, light clothing.

Unfortunately, even full compliance with all these recommendations will not give a 100% guarantee that the strip will not appear.

The only thing that can be achieved by following these rules is to prevent the strip from becoming too dark. It is not possible to disguise this line or get rid of it during pregnancy.

Important to remember!

Sunmain source Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health, growth and development. That is why it is important for pregnant women to maintain a balance: not to reduce sun exposure to a minimum (trying to prevent the appearance of stripes), but also not to get carried away with sunbathing.

The amount of vitamin D each person needs depends on many factors, including the person's skin type, time of year, location, etc.

On average, 30 minutes of sun exposure per day (during periods of low activity) will be enough for a pregnant woman to get a good dose of vitamin D.

Dark stripe and the gender of the child: folk signs

Folk sources contain information that you can find out the gender of the unborn child by the strip on the stomach: they say, a light line that ends at the navel indicates a girl, and a pronounced dark line that stretches to the ribs indicates that she will be born heir. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no scientific confirmation of this at the moment.

Now we can confidently conclude the following: dark stripe on the stomach during pregnancy- not a magical tool for predicting the gender of the unborn child, but only an indicator that a new life is developing correctly in a woman’s body.

You shouldn’t be embarrassed by the dark stripe on your stomach, much less try to remove it: this “order of the future Mother” should be worn with pride!

Expert commentary

Pregnant women are people of increased suspiciousness. Therefore, they pay attention to any changes. When certain signs appear that were absent before pregnancy, women have questions, the most important of which is: “What if this remains for life?”

Not a single woman agrees to acquire cosmetic defects after pregnancy, one of which is a dark stripe on her stomach. Why does it appear, what does it mean and when will it disappear?

The appearance of a dark stripe is due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman

Changes appearance pregnant women due to the synthesis of hormones, special substances that are produced in the body and induce it to certain actions.

The mechanism of action of hormones is extremely reasonable. The released substances enter the blood and do not affect all organs in a row. The work of hormones begins only at target cells.

In relation to pregnancy, target cells located on the organs on which labor depends.

The amount of female hormones: estrogens and gestagens increases hundreds of times. Synthesis of hormones of general action, which include somatotropin, increases tenfold during pregnancy. But this is enough to notice changes in the appearance of a pregnant woman.

Somatotropin is translated as follows: “soma” - body, “tropin” - giving birth. That is, the hormone that gives birth to the body. Somatotropin works in childhood and adolescence, then its activity decreases. During pregnancy, somatotropin is synthesized again in large quantities. This leads to noticeable changes in appearance.

A pregnant woman's fingers become longer, her facial features become sharper. This phenomenon is temporary and reversible. It is called acromegalicism in pregnancy. After childbirth, somatotropin synthesis decreases to the original level, and all changes disappear without a trace.

The role of somatotropin in the formation of a dark stripe on the abdomen

A dark stripe forms along the midline of the abdomen. This line is located exactly in the middle of the vertical body. The right and left halves of the body meet at the midline.

The growth of the uterus is due to female hormones, and the abdominal walls - somatotropin.

Its action is aimed at the growth of muscle tissue. There are no muscles in the midline of the abdomen. Here is a strip of connective tissue that acts as a border between the right and left halves of the body.

Somatotropin, as it were, pushes the muscles to the sides, as a result, the midline of the abdomen expands slightly. When the connective tissue is stretched, the layer becomes thinner and more transparent. So somatotropin prepares the “base” for the appearance of a dark stripe of the abdomen. But its color depends on another hormone.

The color intensity of the vertical stripe on the pregnant woman’s abdomen is determined by the amount of melanotropin

For some reason, women pay attention to the stripe on their stomach more than to the pigment spots on their face. The interest is historically determined. They noticed something, evaluated something, passed on knowledge from generation to generation.

Because this folk art did not fit into classical obstetrics, knowledge was lost as unnecessary. But the interest remained.

Melanotropin in the body of a pregnant woman

Melanotropin refers to anti-stress hormones, and its synthesis during pregnancy is determined only by the fetus. When the glands of the fetus begin to work, then this strip appears.

Moreover, brunette and dark-skinned women have a dark stripe along the central line of the abdomen without any participation of the fetus. Translucent through the thin connective tissue melanocyte cells, which appeared long before pregnancy.

It's a completely different matter if they weren't there. For example, in fair-haired women. Then you can determine the internal state of the fetus: how comfortable it is in the womb. Or draw a different conclusion: the fetus produces melanotropin, which enters the mother's bloodstream.

A child is born with absolutely white skin and blond hair, but during pregnancy there was a dark stripe. This means only one thing: the unborn child has a powerful genetic resistance to stress.

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Pregnancy is always new sensations, unexpected manifestations, changes in the body, emotional changes, and, moreover, expectations of a restructuring of the whole life. After all, with the arrival of a baby in the family, the restructuring of the general routine of life will affect not only the mother, but also the father, and everyone who lives next to them.

You should rush to enjoy pregnancy. This period is completely special. But, it is true, it happens that pregnancy is overshadowed by some changes, for example, skin pigmentation or constant pigmentation, and so on.

At some point, every expectant mother will definitely notice a vertical pigmented stripe on her stomach, visually dividing her stomach into two parts. And here you shouldn’t rush to get upset and sad, worry and worry. All this will be in vain and groundless. It is worth immediately noting that this phenomenon (the appearance of a strip on the stomach) is temporary.

Where does the pigment stripe on the stomach of pregnant women come from and what does it mean?

In medicine, this strip is called the linea alba. And indeed, in a normal state, that is, outside of pregnancy, everyone has this stripe and it is white. This is due to its composition - this line is formed by collagen fibers of the tendons. The linea alba runs from the pubis to the xiphoid process of the sternum. This line is the boundary between the muscles that are located on both sides of the abdomen.

In this area, muscle tissue transitions into tendon tissue, and thus the linea alba appears.

When pregnancy occurs, the white line becomes darker. This is due to the fact that the abdomen grows, the muscles, stretching in different directions, cause the white line to stretch, and it becomes more visible. With more intensive work of the adrenal glands, more melanin is produced, so the white line becomes brownish.

The presence or absence of a stripe on the stomach does not in any way affect the course of pregnancy or the intrauterine development of the child.

At what stage does the dark line appear and when does it go away during pregnancy?

Sometimes, a pigment stripe on the abdomen appears on early stages pregnancy, along with other signs of this condition of the female body. True, in the first trimester this strip has a light shade, and as pregnancy progresses, hormonal concentration increases and the strip darkens.

Most often, the appearance of a stripe on the stomach is noticed in late pregnancy, along with on the face.

Many women wonder: will this stripe remain on their body forever or will it disappear? And when will her disappearance occur? It is impossible to predict exactly when it will disappear, but, as a rule, the stripe on the abdomen disappears a couple of months after the woman gives birth. In some cases, it takes twelve to fourteen months for it to disappear, and very rarely the stripe acquires a light shade, but does not visually disappear.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of a strip on the stomach or get rid of it?

There are no methods to prevent the appearance of stripes on the stomach during pregnancy. But, you can simply reduce the level of intensity of its pigment manifestation, that is, reduce its brightness.

The first thing to do is to protect the skin of the abdomen from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If this is not possible, then when exposed to the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high level of protection filter to the skin of the abdomen. At the same time, cosmetic products should be based on zinc or titanium oxide - these are the drugs that will be absolutely harmless for the expectant mother.

Here's how the baby moves in the tummy:

How does a baby move in his belly with a stripe?

Did you have a stripe on your stomach during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful time to wait. Expectations for a miracle. But during pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring. Day by day the baby grows, and the future mother’s belly grows with it. And here's a surprise - some strange dark stripe begins to appear on the wonderful pregnant belly.

What does this bar mean? Why does it occur? And does this happen to everyone? Is it dangerous? And how does the strip affect the child? And when will it finally disappear? Read the answers below.

Dark stripe - what is it?

Pigmented, dark, hormonal stripe- all these are the names of the dark brown stripe on the stomach, which occurs in almost all women.

Many expectant mothers will see this brown stripe on their tummy. It can stretch along the entire abdomen or start from the navel. The longer the pregnancy, the darker the stripe may become. The width and appearance of this line is individual for everyone. So does the color: it can be from light beige to black-brown.

In fact, this stripe is always present on a woman’s body, but it becomes noticeable only while expecting a child.

Where does the brown stripe on the stomach of pregnant women come from and what does it mean?

This strip occurs due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the amount of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen increases. And they produce melanotropin in the pregnant woman’s body - a special hormone responsible for pigmentation. Many pregnant women notice the appearance of various age spots on their bodies. The dark stripe occurs precisely due to the pigmentation of the body.

The growing uterus stretches the abdominal muscles laterally, expanding the midline. This is how the skin of the abdomen becomes thinner, and under the influence of the hormone melanotropin, it begins to darken.

The pigment strip does not pose any danger or harm. It is absolutely not dangerous either for the unborn child or for the health of the mother. Therefore, you should not worry about this.

On the contrary, if a dark stripe appears, it means the hormones are working as they should and the pregnancy is progressing as usual.

Does everyone have a dark stripe on their stomach or not?

The appearance of a pigment stripe on the abdomen does not at all confirm or deny pregnancy.

In 10% of women, this strip may not appear until childbirth. This mainly applies to fair-haired, fair-skinned women. This is explained by the fact that in this type of woman, skin cells contain less melanin.

There is another interesting phenomenon: with each subsequent pregnancy, the hormonal line will appear on the woman’s body brighter and brighter. More than 90% of women have a chance to see this pigment stripe.

Will I have one?

More likely yes than no. And this strip will be another confirmation that a new life has arisen inside the woman. Many pregnant women note that such a “striped tummy” looks very cute during pregnancy.

When does a dark line appear and when does it go away during pregnancy?

The color of the strip, its saturation, width and shape are individual for each woman, as well as the timing of appearance. For some, it begins to appear immediately after pregnancy, for others only at the beginning of the second trimester. Still others notice this stripe only towards the end of the sixth month of pregnancy.

It is impossible to predict the timing of this line's appearance. But this stripe will accompany the woman until the very birth.

How long will the dark stripe be present on the stomach?

It is impossible to predict the timing of the disappearance of this pigmentation. After the baby is born, the stripe will become paler and paler. It can become completely invisible within a period of 2 months to 2 years after birth.

Moreover, if , then the strip will disappear more slowly. But it’s hardly worth depriving your child of mother’s milk because of some cosmetic defect that will soon disappear on its own.

Many women despair when they see how the pigment strip slowly disappears. But you shouldn’t be upset - after giving birth, the hormonal levels will return to normal, and the strip will disappear without a trace.

Very rarely, such a hormonal streak remains with a woman for the rest of her life in the form of a slightly lighter path.

Is it possible to prevent or get rid of its occurrence?

Many women are very worried about the appearance of this ugly black stripe. Unfortunately, there are no methods to get rid of or prevent its occurrence. There are only small recommendations for reducing the brightness of the strip:

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight; use sunscreen when exposed to the sun;
  • The expectant mother should not visit the solarium;
  • , rich in vitamin C (sweet red peppers, black currants, cabbage, liver);
  • Do not use bleaching creams.

But even following these tips will not guarantee that the strip will not appear.

In any case, there is no need to worry too much about this streak - after childbirth it will disappear on its own without the use of any means. For some it will take longer, for others it will disappear sooner.

Folk signs

There is a very common folk superstition: to determine the gender of the unborn child by the color and placement of the pigment stripe. It is believed that if a woman is expecting a boy, the stripe turns dark brown and stretches across the entire abdomen, starting from the chest. And if the expectant mother is expecting a daughter, then the strip of a less saturated color starts from the navel.

There is one more sign associated with this strip: determining pregnancy in the early stages. It is assumed that if a woman becomes pregnant, then a pigment stripe should certainly appear on her stomach. Of course, all these signs are nothing more than a myth. You can verify this by asking mothers who have already given birth.

The signs for determining the sex of the unborn baby coincide only by 50 percent. But folk signs, so they are called because people believe in them.

The wonderful time of waiting for your baby cannot be overshadowed by any negative thoughts. And you certainly don’t need to worry about any brown stripes.

Moreover, after a couple of years, not even a hint of this brown stripe will remain. The most important thing is to give birth to a healthy baby! Have an easy pregnancy!

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman’s body undergoes serious changes - both internal and external.

While some of them are perceived absolutely normally by expectant mothers, others raise a lot of questions.

So, many women are trying to understand why a dark stripe appears on their stomach and how long it will last.

Features of appearance

What is it?

The dark line in the abdomen is manifestation of hyperpigmentation. This sign is a thin vertical strip located between the navel and the pubic area. Sometimes it can even reach the level of the ribs.

It must be said that all women have this strip even when they are not pregnant. The darkening of this area of ​​the body is associated with increased pigmentation.

When does she appear?

The time at which such a strip appears varies from person to person, so it can occur at any time. Some people notice it at the very beginning of pregnancy, while for others this symptom appears before childbirth. However, most expectant mothers develop a dark stripe after the twelfth week.

It is necessary to understand that the time of appearance of this symptom is not key. So, there are women in whom the dark stripe does not appear at all.

Why does a dark stripe form on the stomach?

The exact cause of the formation of a dark stripe has not yet been established, but it is generally accepted that this symptom is associated with an increase in the level of certain hormones in the body. These include:

  1. Melanotropin.
  2. Somatotropin.
  3. Estrogen.
  4. Progesterone.

Thus, there is no cause for concern, because the appearance of a dark line indicates that everything is normal with the balance of hormones in the expectant mother.

How long will the dark streak last?

Many women worry how long such pigmentation will remain on their body. There is no need to worry, because the normalization of hormonal levels after childbirth will certainly lead to a decrease in the intensity of the color of the stripe on the stomach.

As a rule, this symptom disappears on its own - usually this happens three or four months after the birth of the child. However, there are women in whom it persists for two to three years.

It should be taken into account that the time of resorption of the strip is influenced by the fact of breastfeeding. During lactation, pigmentation disappears rather slowly. However, this, of course, is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding, because the strip will disappear over time in any case.

How to get rid of it and is it possible?

Many women are not happy with the appearance of a dark line on their stomach, but they must understand that it is simply impossible to prevent its appearance. However, they are quite capable reduce intensity its colors.

To do this, first of all, you should protect your skin from negative influences. ultraviolet radiation. Even if you are going to sunbathe, you must use sunscreen or oil, and these products must have a high protective filter - at least 25-30. It is best to choose cosmetics made on the basis of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide - these are the drugs that are considered safe for expectant mothers.

In addition, the brightness of pigmentation directly depends on the products that are present. in the diet of a pregnant woman. To keep the color of the strip from being so bright, it is necessary to limit the consumption of meat and fatty foods. It is also undesirable to drink a lot of strong tea or coffee.

In addition to this, it is necessary to use many foods containing vitamin C. No less useful are dishes with folic acid. There is evidence that a lack of these vitamins leads to increased pigmentation.

The expectant mother needs to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits; tea with rosehip is also very useful. After consulting a doctor, you can use special vitamin complexes.

If the dark stripe persists after childbirth, you can eliminate it by contact a cosmetologist. Thanks to the use of modern procedures for hardware correction of pigmentation, you can get rid of dark stripes in just one session. Laser procedures, peeling, dermabrasion, etc. can be used for this.

The stripe on the stomach and the gender of the child - is there a connection?

Some mothers are sure that the dark stripe on the stomach can determine the gender of the unborn baby. For example, if the line appears, you should expect that a boy will be born, but if it is absent, most likely a girl will be born. This assumption is based on the fact that pigmentation is determined by the level of male sex hormones.

In fact, such changes in the skin depend not on sex hormones, but on the level of adrenal hormones. Therefore, the dark stripe on the stomach is not related to the gender of the unborn baby.

Another sign, not confirmed by scientific facts, is the following: if the dark line on the stomach is located on the right, you should expect the birth of a boy, but if on the left, a girl will be born.

Although such assumptions do not have a scientific basis, many women continue to test them by their own example.

Hormonal changes and belly line

Many experts associate the appearance of dark pigmentation on the abdomen with the hormonal changes in the female body that occur during pregnancy.

The role of somatotropin

A dark stripe usually forms in the midline of the abdomen, which is located in the middle of the vertical torso. The hormone somatotropin affects the growth of muscle tissue - it is under its influence that the abdominal walls increase.

In the area of ​​the midline of the abdomen, muscles are completely absent. In this place there is connective tissue, which acts as a boundary between two parts of the body. Under the influence of somatotropin, the muscles move apart, and as a result, the midline slightly expands.

Stretching of the connective tissue causes the layer to become thinner and more transparent. Thus, under the influence of the hormone somatotropin, the basis for the appearance of a dark stripe is formed. But its color is determined by the content of another hormone.

The role of melanotropin

The intensity of the color of the dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy is influenced by the level of melanotropin in the blood. It belongs to the category of anti-stress hormones, and its synthesis during pregnancy depends on the functioning of the fetal glands. As soon as their functioning begins, a dark line appears on the mother.

It must be said that the hormone melanotropin stimulates the production of melanocytes - pigment-producing cells. In addition to melanotropin, other hormones also influence the formation of the dark stripe - progesterone and estrogen play a special role.

Over time, the pigmentation becomes darker - this is due to an increase in the level of hormones in the body of the expectant mother. It is worth noting that with each subsequent pregnancy the strip appears earlier and has a more intense color.

A dark line on the abdomen during pregnancy occurs due to changes in the functioning of a woman’s endocrine system. The presence or absence of such pigmentation should not be a concern expectant mother, because this is determined by the characteristics of her body.

The dark stripe that appears during pregnancy makes half of the expectant mothers quite nervous, who begin to think that something is wrong with the baby.

In fact, a vertical line on the abdomen should not cause concern, since it is a physiological feature of the female body that becomes pronounced and noticeable during the period of bearing a child.

The stripe on the stomach in pregnant women may have different sizes. In most cases, it stretches from the pubis to the navel, but it can also reach the line of the ribs, passing through the entire abdomen. The color can also vary from light beige to rich brown. It is the last option that most often frightens pregnant women.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Increased production of sex hormones (primarily estrogen) leads to significant changes in female body. Under the influence of estrogen, a woman’s psyche changes: tearfulness appears, her mood often changes, and in the evenings it becomes difficult to fall asleep due to constant anxious thoughts.

Sometimes changes can affect the timbre of the voice - it becomes rougher and lower. Hair follicles are activated under the influence of estrogen: it is for this reason that pregnant women’s hair grows quickly, and even those who previously could not boast of a long head of curls note a significant increase in hair growth.

If the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman becomes very high, the synthesis of melanotropin is stimulated.

This is a hormone responsible for the formation of coloring pigment in skin cells. When its concentration reaches its peak, a woman develops a characteristic stripe on her stomach. Under the influence of melanotropin, the number of freckles and moles can significantly increase. All these phenomena are usually temporary, so you should not worry when they appear.

Large fetus or overweight

There is no direct connection between the appearance of a stripe on the stomach. However, some gynecologists say that extra pounds gained during pregnancy can increase the risk of developing a vertical line. This is because the skin in the middle of the abdomen is very thin. If it is overstretched, it can become thinner, resulting in changes in the pigmentation of the area at the junction of the stretch.

Excessive abdominal size can be explained by the following reasons:

  • overweight or obesity;
  • (more than 3500 g);
  • fetal malformations.

When the probability of a dark stripe appearing on the stomach increases several times.

When do pregnant women develop a stripe on their belly?

Most often, a dark vertical line in the center of the abdomen appears in the third trimester. By this moment, the height of the uterine fundus is approaching its maximum values; accordingly, the size of the “pregnant” tummy becomes quite impressive.

In most women, a barely noticeable light stripe appears at first, which darkens as the gestational age increases. In some cases, the line may immediately have a dark color - this is also one of the normal variants, so you should not be afraid of this phenomenon.

The line on the abdomen does not always become noticeable in the second half of pregnancy. About 10% of women note its appearance immediately after the end of the first trimester, that is, from 12-14 weeks.

In some cases, early formation of pigmentation may indicate hormonal imbalances, so it’s worth paying the gynecologist’s attention to this fact.

If the woman’s tests are normal, her health remains good, and there are no signs of serious hormonal disorders Most likely, the woman’s health is fine. Don't forget that some hormonal imbalance is normal during pregnancy. An experienced doctor will always notice signs indicating serious disorders in the body of the expectant mother.

About 2-3% of women notice the appearance of a dark stripe on their stomach in the first three days after childbirth (sometimes this period can last up to seven days).

The reason for this phenomenon is an increased level of estrogen, so after 1-2 months (the average end of postpartum discharge), you should undergo a thorough examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

There are women who are not affected by increased pigmentation at all. They do not have a stripe on their belly either in the first or subsequent pregnancies.

When does it take place?

No doctor can answer this question accurately. As a rule, pigmentation goes away in the first weeks after birth, but it may also happen that the strip becomes invisible only after 2-6 months. The duration of this phenomenon depends on:

  • woman's health status;
  • level of sex hormones in the blood;
  • the length of the recovery period after childbirth;
  • individual characteristics of a woman.

Medicine knows of cases where a vertical brown stripe that appeared on the stomach during pregnancy did not go away at all. Even experienced obstetricians cannot say what this is connected with. Such situations are quite rare - as statistics show, only 1 woman out of 10,000 discovers a dark pigment stripe, which remains for many years even after childbirth.

Is it possible to get rid of a vertical stripe on the stomach?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the vertical pigment line.

  • When walking in summer period it is necessary to cover the abdominal area. Short T-shirts and tops are not acceptable.
  • Staying on the beach is possible only during hours of reduced solar activity (before 12 noon and after 17-18 pm).
  • Going to the solarium (even after childbirth) is strictly prohibited!
  • The use of sunscreens with a high level of ultraviolet protection (SPF greater than 50) is mandatory for all pregnant women going outside in the summer.
  • In hot weather, you should be in the shade more often.

Folk signs

In the old days in Rus', the gender of the unborn baby was even determined by the stripe on the stomach. It was believed that if a woman had a dark and long stripe, it meant that a boy would be born. But a short and light line foreshadowed the birth of a girl. If the strip did not appear at all, this was also interpreted as the birth of an heiress.

If the pigment line passed beyond the navel line and grew upward, reaching the intercostal zone, twins or triplets were expected. A broken strip indicated that the twins would be of different sexes.

Women should not be upset if they notice a stripe on their stomach that is beginning to darken. This is a physiological phenomenon that will not harm either mother or baby. In most cases, the strip goes away on its own after childbirth, so you need to put aside all fears and worries and enjoy the pregnancy period, because it will come to an end very soon.