Lesson topic: "The Lion and the Dog." Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic: L.N. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”

Program content: teach children to retell the text, improve intonation expressiveness of speech, achieve consistency in the presentation of content, enrich the vocabulary with definitions, adverbs, verbs, and anonymous names.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, listen to one of L. Tolstoy’s works “The Lion and the Dog” (the teacher reads a true story).

Guys, what genre do you think this work is? Fairy tale, poem, story?

Why? (not here fairy tale plot, no rhyme).

This is a true story, since it was based on real events that actually happened.

What events happened: sad or happy?

What other words can you call this work, these events? (sad, sorrowful, dreary).

Where do the events take place? (in the menagerie).

Who main character? (lion and dog).

What can you say about a lion? What is he like? (majestic, big, mighty, shaggy, king of beasts, beautiful, graceful).

What kind of dog? (small, cowardly, plaintive, kind, playful, cheerful, friendly).

What happened in the beginning? (the dog was thrown into the lion's cage to be eaten).

How did the lion behave when the dog was thrown to him? (the lion sniffed the dog, touched it with his paw, looked at the dog, turning his head from side to side, and did not touch the dog).

How did the dog behave? What was she doing? (at first she tucked her tail and pressed herself into the corner of the cage, then she lay on her back, raising her paws, and began waving her tail, standing on her hind legs in front of the lion).

How did a lion and a dog live in the same cage? (They became friends. When the lion was given a piece of meat, he tore off a piece and left it for the dog. The dog slept with its head on the lion's paw. They ate together, slept together, and sometimes played.)

What happened one day? (The master came to the menagerie and, recognizing his dog, wanted to take it back.)

How did the lion behave when they tried to take the dog from the cage? (The lion bristled and roared).

How long did the lion and the dog live in the same cage? (The whole year.)

What happened next? (the dog got sick and died).

How did the lion behave after the death of the dog? (He stopped eating, sniffed, licked the dog, touched it with his paw. He was sad, sad, rebelled, growled).

When another live dog was thrown into the lion's cage, what did the lion do?

(he immediately tore it into pieces. He hugged his dog with his paws and lay there for five days)

What happened to the lion? (He died.)

Guys, why do you think the lion died? (He died of grief, melancholy, pain, sadness.).

What would you call this true story? (“A Sad Story”, “An Incident in the Menagerie”, “How a Lion Loved a Dog”, “The Dog and the Lion”.).

Guys, would you like the ending of this story to be different?

How do you think this story could end?

Now I will read you L. Tolstoy’s story “The Lion and the Dog” again; listen carefully and remember.

I'm reading the text.

Guys, when retelling, do not forget that you need to speak intelligibly, clearly, distinctly, loudly, consistently and expressively.

Retelling the story.

On the topic: "The Lion and the Dog."

The purpose of the lesson is to reveal the tragic meaning of the work “The Lion and the Dog”.

To achieve this goal, I consider it necessary to help children understand the meaning of this literary work, instill a sense of love and kindness towards animals, a sense of responsibility for them.

During the lesson I used the technology of moral education with techniques problem-based learning and ICT.

Lesson effectiveness: I will try to ensure that the lesson touches all the emotional strings of every child’s soul. I sharpened my sense of compassion and responsibility for all living things, and I realized the position of a humane person.

Literary reading lesson, 3rd grade.

Lesson topic: "The Lion and the Dog."

Technology of moral education

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Methods and techniques: verbal method, working with a book, conversation, analysis, comparison, generalization, synthesis, expressive reading, selective reading, commented reading.

Objective of the lesson: "The Lion and the Little Dog" revealed the tragic meaning.


1. Provide conditions for attracting children’s attention to the writer’s biography.

2. Help to understand what is special about the “true” genre.

3. Teach expressive reading for a deeper and more accurate transmission of thoughts and feelings embedded by the author in the work and analysis of the work.

4. Learn to express your own attitude towards the depicted events, characters and actions.

5. Foster a feeling of love and kindness towards our smaller brothers.

6. Children revealing the truths of life - trust, care, devotion and friendship, using the example of the relationship between a lion and a dog.

Equipment: a portrait, a presentation about life and work, a selection of slides on the topic of the lesson, an exhibition of books, children's drawings based on the writer's works, a tape recording of the story "The Lion and the Dog".

Progress of the lesson.

I.Organizational moment.

The bell rang for our open lesson.

Good morning, children! Good morning, guests!

I'm glad to see you. May this morning bring us the joy of communication and fill our hearts with noble feelings.

Guys, try to tune in to interesting work, listen carefully, answer questions loudly and clearly.

II. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer.

Please look carefully at the slide and tell me what you can tell about this person?

Look at the face and eyes of this person, because they can tell a lot?

Try to remember what you became famous for?

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer!

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the writer’s work and now we will hear a message about Tolstoy’s life.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, near the city of Tula. This is the house where Leo Tolstoy was born. Tolstoy did not like city life. He loved the countryside, forests, fields, meadows. Therefore, the writer spent most of his life in Yasnaya Polyana. By origin, Tolstoy belonged to a famous family. Was related to. Their great-grandmothers were sisters.

My father's name was Nikolai Ilyich, my mother's name was Maria Nikolaevna. There were five children in the family: 4 sons (Nikolai, Sergei, Dmitry, Lev) and a daughter, Mashenka. Lyovushka was the second to last child. The children were left orphans early. Mom died when Leva was only 1.5 years old, and father Nikolai Ilyich died 7 years later. The children's teacher and guardian was their father's sister.

Leo Tolstoy was different from many with his inquisitive mind; he wanted to know more and better. He had exceptional abilities for learning foreign languages. He was passionate about hunting, but could not stand the barking of dogs. Lev Nikolaevich was a simple man. He lived modestly and tried to take care of himself. I cut and sewed my own clothes. He walked in shoes on his bare feet. He cried easily, rarely laughed (but to the point of tears). He was artistic, but at the same time he was shy and absent-minded. He was well versed in music, studied history, drawing, medicine, agriculture, and read a lot and seriously.

He loved children very much and in the fall of 1859 he opened a school for peasant children on his Yasnaya Polyana estate. At that time in our country there were very few schools, even in cities, and in the villages almost all peasants were illiterate. Tolstoy himself wrote the textbooks “ABC” and “New ABC” and taught peasant children using them.

Lev Nikolaevich lived 82 years and devoted his entire life to literature. Tolstoy was a great worker. He wrote many short stories - for the little ones, stories - for older children, short stories, novellas, novels for adult readers. He wrote about animals, about people, about natural phenomena, about history. We all know such children's works as Filippok, Shark, Jump, Childhood, Kostochka, Kitten and others.

His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world.

-What does the word reality mean?

Let's turn to the "Big" explanatory dictionary Russian language” by Ozhegov and clarify the exact meaning of this word.

True story

1. What happened in the past.

2. A story about a real incident.

Look who it is? (Lion - illustration on slide)

What do you know about such an animal as lion? (Wild animal, predator, king of beasts.)

Who is this? (Dog – illustration on slide)

What can we say about dog? (A dog is a pet, a friend of man, the only close living creature, a friend)

Can two completely different animals (in temperament and habitat) find a common language? (children's answers: yes - no)

We will learn about this while working on this work.

Who guessed what is this story called?? (Lion and dog)

IV. Work on the content of the work “The Lion and the Dog”.

A) Primary perception of the text.

Now I invite you to listen to a story that happened a long time ago, in the distant city of London, the capital of England.

I have never been to the country of England, I have never been to the city of London. Perhaps this story was told to the writer by one of the sailors who visited the port of London. And when Lev Nikolaevich heard her, he did not remain indifferent to her and wrote a story about it - “The Lion and the Dog.”

Sit comfortably and listen carefully to this story. And after that you must answer my question: What (and not about whom) is this story about?

The audio recording was “The Lion and the Dog”.

Did you like the story?

You listened very carefully to this story. So answer my question: What is this story about?

(About the love and affection of animals for each other)

Tell me how you felt listening to this story? (Sadness, sadness, anxiety.)

Name the main characters. (Lion and dog).

Where does the action take place? ( in the menagerie)

Which episode did you find most intense?

Did you feel sorry for anyone?

B)Vocabulary work.

Before reading the text, let's work on complicated words and together we will reveal the meaning of these words.

What words did you not understand?

Please note that these words that are difficult for you to understand are arranged on the slide in the following order.

Menagerie– a place where animals are kept in cages for display. Now it is called a zoo.

Master- a rich man who has servants.

Bristle– raise the fur on the back, preparing to defend or attack.

fought hit, pounded, made sudden movements.

Tossed about moved restlessly from side to side.

Dead- died.

Deadbolts– large door latches.

B) Rereading the text.

The children read in a “chain” (paragraph by paragraph).

- Let’s read the text carefully, and then share our impressions.

IN). Conversation on content as a whole. Analysis of the work.

Why did the man catch the dog and bring it to the menagerie? Find and read the answer to my question. ( For watching wild animals they took money or animals (cats or dogs) to feed the animals. This man had no money, but he wanted to look at the animals in the menagerie).

Look at the cruelty of humans towards animals in the past.

How was this cruelty of people expressed in this work? (Cats, dogs and money are equated. In the text, these words are connected with the conjunction “or”. If there is no money, then domestic animals, human friends, can be given to feed wild animals.)

Find the word “grabbed” in the text. Read the entire sentence.

Choose a synonym for the word "grabbed."

In his work, he did not describe the appearance of the dog and the lion, and did not talk about their experiences in detail. But he wrote a lot about the behavior of these animals.

Read, how the lion behaved ? (He walked up to her, sniffed her, looked with curiosity, touched her with his paw...)

Why didn’t he tear her to pieces, but became interested in her? What surprised him?

Find and read this place.

(The dog, with an intelligent look, seemed to ask him not to eat it. She was very kind, playful and affectionate, and began to wave her tail affably.)

Why? (he loves her because she is small, kind and defenseless)

Let's remember what animal is a lion? ( Predator, king of beasts, large animal, powerful growl)

By what action from the text do we see that he is a predator? Find it in the text and read it.

(.. tore off a piece of meat and shared it with her)

How did the lion treat the dog? (The lion liked her. The lion treated her kindly, became friends with her, fell in love with her.)

Find and read this moment in the text. (Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her).

In the evening the dog laid its head on the lion's paw. What does this mean? (She can rely on him, trusts him, he will not offend her, will not betray her).

What did the feelings of the dog and the lion develop into? IN friendship.

The lion and the dog lived together in the same cage for a whole year.

Why do you think the story of a whole year of life fits into one sentence? (Life in a cage in captivity is neither fun nor particularly eventful.)

-What's going on with the dog?? (The dog got sick and died)

Find and read an excerpt from the text about how the lion experienced the death of the dog? (The lion stopped eating, but kept sniffing, licking the dog and touching it with his paw).

How does a lion feel about losing his dog? (hopelessness, he doesn’t know how to get his friend back)

All day long he struggled, thrashed about in the cage and roared, then he lay down next to the dead dog and fell silent).

Why did the lion begin to gnaw the bolts and the floor? ( I couldn’t find a place for myself. Perhaps he realized that he can no longer remain in the cage, he is trying to break free, but cannot do it).

Did the owner try to change the situation? How? Find this moment in the text and read it. (gave me a new dog)

Why did he kill the other dog? (the pain of loss did not cool down, remained faithful to his friend)

Why doesn't the lion accept the new dog? (friends don’t change, I was her devoted)

With whom does he compare the lion himself and his feelings?

(depicted the lion as a man, showed how he experiences grief and loss.)

Read the last two sentences to yourself.

Tell me, how does this story end? ( Leo was devoted friend, therefore, shocked by the death of the dog, he died, survived it for several days).

What's the ending to this story? ( sad)

This story is a real tragedy. And tragedies, guys, are... (children express their opinions).

- Tell me, guys, who do you feel sorry for now? Why?

Tell me, please, is it possible for completely different animals, in size, lifestyle, character, to experience deep and strong feelings for each other? ( children's answer options)

This story proves to us that animals, just like people, have a heart, they understand everything, feel what is happening, worry, they can be attentive and caring towards each other. Very often they turn out to be wiser, more sensitive, kinder and more loyal than us.

Now each of you touch your heart. Can you hear him?

Can you always notice the pain and joy of both people and animals?

I am pleased that in our class there are children with sensitive hearts.

V. Lesson summary: reflection.

Guys, did you like today's lesson?

What stood out to you most about this story? What particularly struck you?

- So what is this story about? ? (About the devotion and love of animals for each other)

- How do you feel when you leave the lesson?

Homework: Come up with your own ending to the story so that it is joyful.

Yours creative works will be assessed accordingly.

Before the end of the lesson I want to let you down lesson summary:

All works unobtrusively teach us, give us new knowledge, introduce us to someone else’s life experience, teach goodness and justice.

Using the example of the story The Lion and the Dog, I would like to conclude that people control the destinies of animals as they wish. And the lion’s behavior is a lesson to people. A lesson in kindness, loyalty, devotion.

Thank you for being very sensitive in class today and being able to understand the deep meaning of this literary work.

Class: 3

  • Goals:
  • provide conditions for:
  • children's discoveries of truth: can we empathize based on the perception of works of literature and music;
  • children’s mastery of techniques for artistic analysis of a story (identifying key words to understand the essence of the work).

Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart


  • a portrait of Leo Tolstoy, on the desks there are envelopes with circles of black, dark blue, pink, yellow, red, a tape recording of E. Grieg’s play “The Death of Ose.”

Lesson progress

I. Organization of artistic perception of a work

Each person experiences different feelings throughout his life: joy, sadness, sadness.

Reflecting on this, I often imagine how a star falls from the sky, how the rain patters, how the bright sun shines, how the cranes fly away in the fall.

The man felt joy and sadness and told other people about it.

Sit comfortably. Tune your hearts and try to feel the person you have never seen, never heard of, but who sent you an audio letter.

The music of E. Grieg “The Death of Ose” is played.

(Children's answers.)

Edvard Grieg showed the death scene of an elderly woman who was abandoned by her own son. She dies alone from hunger and cold.

– Show me what color sadness is? (Black.)

-You are very sensitive. This helped me understand how you felt about this piece.

– When is it harder for you: when you scream and cry, or when a lump rolls up in your throat and you want to cry, but you can’t or can’t cry?

The teacher hangs a portrait of L.N. on the board. Tolstoy.

We already know a lot about this writer. Let's look into his eyes. They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. What are they? (kind, considerate, wise)

– How does he treat people?

Our assistant will be the epigraph “To a sensitive heart, secrets will be revealed.” Read it to yourself.

– What do these words help you understand?

(Only person with sensitive heart can empathize, rejoice, be sad, grieve)

II. Reading a work of fiction

Listen to the story “The Lion and the Dog.”

The teacher reads a story.

– Listen to yourself. How did you feel listening to this story?

– What feeling did this story evoke? (Sadness, sadness, anxiety.)

– Which episode did you find the most intense?

– What words helped define this?

- Let's re-read the story and highlight the important words with a pencil.

III. Organization of artistic text analysis

1) Reading the first part (beginning)

– How did this person’s action make you feel?

– Underline the words that characterize this person?

The children's answers are listened to.

Underline the words that reveal the dog's behavior.

– How does she feel at this moment? (Alarm, she is small and defenseless.)

On the board is the word “anxiety.”

2) Reading the second part

– What animal is this? (Predator, king of beasts.)

- How does a lion behave? Read it.

-What is this feeling? (Care.)

On the board is the word “care”.

3) Reading the third part

– How does the dog feel? (In the evening... and laid down her head.)

– How can you say in one word when someone relies on a friend? (Trust.)

On the board is the word “trust”.

– Find words that show that the feelings of the lion and the dog have grown into friendship.

4) Reading the fourth part

– How does a lion feel after the death of a dog? (Yearning.)

On the board is the word “longing.”

– What can’t a lion understand?

Read to the end. Highlight the words that show how the lion behaves when the dog is dead.

Even animals experience deep, strong feelings, but they manifest them in different ways. Leo is a predator. He tears apart the other dog in rage.

Read the last two sentences.

– How did you feel reading these lines? (Leo was a devoted friend, so, shocked by the death of the dog, he survived it for several days.)

– Could a person with a cold heart write this story? (Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy has a sensitive heart.)

Let's look at the epigraph again. How do you understand its meaning? (A sensitive heart is responsive, noble, trembling. A cold heart is icy, sleeping.)

Now each of you touch your heart. Can you hear him? Can you always notice the pain, joy, and sadness of other people?

I am pleased that in our class there are children with sensitive hearts!

IV. Organization of artistic performance

Read this story to each other with feeling, highlighting key words with your voice to think again about the work you read.

– Which episode made the strongest impression on you, read it.

– What will the text lose if we remove from it the description of the friendship between a lion and a dog?

Conclusion: everything is important in the work.

V. Organization of artistic creativity

I often think: writers write works with sad endings, directors make sad films, artists create sad pictures, and composers create sad music. For what? (The more this work stirs up feelings, the more it touches the pain of others, the better the work, since it makes us suffer in the name of happiness in life.)

Sadness does not last forever. Time heals. There is both sadness and joy in life.

VI. Lesson summary

What color is joy? Show me.

– How would you like the story to end?

– Who managed to understand something new about themselves?

Thank you for being very sensitive and able to understand the deep meaning of this story.

Lozovaya Tatyana Yurievna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: GBOU Lyceum No. 1568 named after Pablo Neruda of Moscow
Locality: Moscow
Name of material: Development of a literary reading lesson
Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"
Publication date: 04.04.2016
Chapter: primary education


Theme “L.N. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”

familiarize yourself with the work of Leo Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”

o continue to work on the analysis of a work of art, o practice expressive reading skills, the ability to determine the main idea of ​​a work, learn to understand the pain of others, expand ideas about the life of animals; 
develop cognitive interest, conscious perception educational material, speech and logical thinking, memory, imagination of students, ability to work in a group, in pairs; 
to cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, a sense of teamwork, responsibility, interest in reading, curiosity, and determination.
Formed UUD:
 regulatory - the ability to express one’s opinion, assumption, draw up and work according to a plan;  cognitive – work with a source of information, obtain new knowledge, transform information from one form to another, draw conclusions;  communicative – the ability to convey one’s position to others: to express one’s thoughts in oral and written speech.
Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment of the lesson.

2. Motivation for learning activities.

3. Acquaintance with the works of Leo Tolstoy.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate.
He was born into an aristocratic count family. He received home education and upbringing. In 1844 he entered Kazan University at the Faculty of Oriental Languages, then studied at the Faculty of Law.
In 1847, without completing the course, he left the university and came to Yasnaya Polyana, which he received as property.
In the fall of 1859, the writer opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana.
At school, the children were taught to read, write, count, and they had classes in Russian history, natural science, drawing and singing.
- Reading text from a textbook (pp. 50-51)
On November 10, 1910, the writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana, in the forest, on the edge of a ravine, where as a child he and his brother were looking for a “green stick” that held the “secret” of how to make all people happy. - What works of Leo Tolstoy do you know?

4. Introduction to the work “The Lion and the Dog”
1) Guess the riddles and you will find out who we will read about in class today.
1. With a royal mane, with a proud gait, he will vigilantly inspect his possessions. Don't even think about getting in the way. You don't joke with royalty. (Lion)
He lies there and is silent. If you come up, he will grumble. She lets you know who goes to the owner. (Dog)
Physical education minute. (slide)

Today we will get acquainted with the work of L.N. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”. - How do you understand the word “true”? (This is a narrated event that actually happened in life, not a fictional story.)
The story that Tolstoy tells about took place a long time ago, in the city of London, far from the shores of Russia. Perhaps some sailor who had been there told him about this story. Who knows. But the fact is that this trait - compassion, that is, the ability to feel the suffering of others, remained in him until the end of his life. 2) Screening of the film strip “The Lion and the Dog” - What impression did you have after listening to this story? (I feel very sorry for the lion and the dog; the lion died of melancholy. The lion not only became attached to the dog, but fell in love with her). – What was the most worrying moment? 3) Vocabulary work.
A menagerie is a place where animals are kept in cages for display. She put her tail between her legs - she got scared, lost her self-confidence. The lion bristled - his fur stood on end. She died - she died. The bolt is a large door bolt. The master is a rich man 4) Reading the story in a chain. 5) Work on content. -Read how the story begins? What did the author want to show us? (People are merciless, they destroyed poor animals, looked at this massacre) -Why does Lev Nikolaevich begin his story exactly like that? (So ​​that this never happens. He wants to teach us to love animals. In the story, people are ruthless, but the lion and the dog are kind.) -Why didn’t the lion immediately eat the dog? (She was playful, affectionate, waving her tail, as if she asked him not to eat her.) (The dog, with an intelligent look, seemed to ask him not to eat her. She was very playful and affectionate, began to wag her tail affably) - Do you think the dog was scared to be in lion cage? Support with words from the text. (Tucked her tail, pressed herself into a corner, lay down on her back, stood on her hind legs)
-What connected the two animals? (Friendship, mutual understanding) - How was the lion’s friendship and care for the dog expressed? (the lion shared the meat, slept together) 6) The plot of the story.
Selective reading - How did the king of beasts react to the owner’s attempt to return the dog to its owner? (bristled and growled) - Why did the dog die? -How did the lion take the death of his friend? - Why didn’t the lion accept the other dog? -How did the death of a friend affect the lion? (Dies, unable to bear the loss of a friend) -How does the author feel about the dog? (He loves her.) In what words does he write about her? (“Dog”, “little dog”, “paws”, “tail” and other words - kind, affectionate.) -What did Tolstoy want to express with this small work? Let's draw a conclusion. Tolstoy portrayed the lion as a person, showing how he experiences grief and loss. This shows devotion to the feeling of love for a friend
6) Working with proverbs
- Which proverb fits the content of the story? Explain. O Where friendship is valued, enemies tremble. O The brave are not afraid of death. O One for all and all for one. O Strength will break everything, and the mind will break everything. 7) Work in groups.
Write a quatrain about animals based on the story. Final words from the teacher.
I would like to finish the lesson with words from I.S. Turgenev’s story “The Sparrow” “Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move. – How do you understand these words? Devotion is respect, fidelity, sincere love, humility.
6. Lesson summary.
Today in class
I learned... I understood... I learned... I was...
7. Homework.
 Prepare a retelling of the text pp. 50-51  Prepare a retelling close to the text of the story “The Lion and the Dog” pp. 52-53

During the lesson I used the technology of moral education with methods of problem-based learning and ICT.

The lesson is aimed at instilling in children a sense of compassion and responsibility for animals, in order to touch all the emotional strings of the soul of every child.




Literary reading lesson in 3rd grade on the topic: L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

The purpose of the lesson is to reveal the tragic meaning of the work “The Lion and the Dog”.

To achieve this goal, I consider it necessary to help children understand the meaning of this literary work, to instill a sense of love and kindness towards animals, and a sense of responsibility for them.

During the lesson, I used the technology of moral education with methods of problem-based learning and ICT.

Lesson effectiveness: I will try to ensure that the lesson touches all the emotional strings of every child’s soul. I sharpened my sense of compassion and responsibility for all living things, and I realized the position of a humane person.

Festival "Pedagogical Pearl"

Literary reading lesson, 3rd grade.

Lesson topic: L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

Olga Vasilievna Golkina, primary school teacher

Technology of moral education

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Methods and techniques: verbal method, working with a book, conversation, analysis, comparison, generalization, synthesis, expressive reading, selective reading, commented reading.

Objective of the lesson: "The Lion and the Little Dog" revealed the tragic meaning.


1. Provide conditions for attracting children’s attention to the writer’s biography.

2. Help to understand what is special about the “true” genre.

3. Teach expressive reading for a deeper and more accurate transmission of thoughts and feelings embedded by the author in the work and analysis of the work.

4. Learn to express your own attitude towards the depicted events, characters and actions.

5. Foster a feeling of love and kindness towards our smaller brothers.

6. Children revealing the truths of life - trust, care, devotion and friendship,using the example of the relationship between a lion and a dog.

Equipment: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, presentation about the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy, a selection of slides on the topic of the lesson, an exhibition of L.N. Tolstoy’s books, children’s drawings based on the writer’s works, a tape recording of a story by L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment.

The bell rang for our open lesson.

Good morning, children! Good morning, guests!

I'm glad to see you. May this morning bring us the joy of communication and fill our hearts with noble feelings.

Guys, try to tune in to interesting work, listen carefully, answer questions loudly and clearly.

II. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer.

Please look carefully at the slide and tell me what you can tell about this person?

Look at the face and eyes of this person, because they can tell a lot?

Try to remember what L.N. became famous for. Tolstoy?

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer!

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the writer’s work and now we will hear a message about Tolstoy’s life (abstract by Olya Kostyunina, Sergey Lachugin, and Danil Kopytov).

Student 1:

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, near the city of Tula. This is the house where Leo Tolstoy was born. Tolstoy did not like city life. He loved the countryside, forests, fields, meadows. Therefore, the writer spent most of his life in Yasnaya Polyana. By origin, Tolstoy belonged to a famous family. Was related to A.S. Pushkin. Their great-grandmothers were sisters.

My father's name was Nikolai Ilyich, my mother's name was Maria Nikolaevna. There were five children in the family: 4 sons (Nikolai, Sergei, Dmitry, Lev) and a daughter, Mashenka. Lyovushka was the second to last child. The children were left orphans early. Mom died when Leva was only 1.5 years old, and father Nikolai Ilyich died 7 years later. The children's teacher and guardian was their father's sister, P.I. Yushkova.

Student 2.

Leo Tolstoy was different from many with his inquisitive mind; he wanted to know more and better. He had exceptional learning abilities foreign languages. He was passionate about hunting, but could not stand the barking of dogs. Lev Nikolaevich was a simple man. He lived modestly and tried to take care of himself. I cut and sewed my own clothes. He walked in shoes on his bare feet. He cried easily, rarely laughed (but to the point of tears). He was artistic, but at the same time he was shy and absent-minded. He was well versed in music, studied history, drawing, medicine, agriculture, and read a lot and seriously.

Student 3.

L.N. Tolstoy loved children very much and in the fall of 1859 he opened a school for peasant children on his Yasnaya Polyana estate. At that time in our country there were very few schools, even in the cities, and in the villages almost all the peasants were illiterate. Tolstoy himself wrote the textbooks “ABC” and “New ABC” and taught peasant children using them.

Lev Nikolaevich lived 82 years and devoted his entire life to literature. Tolstoy was a great worker. He wrote many short stories - for the little ones, stories - for older children, short stories, novellas, novels for adult readers. He wrote about animals, about people, about natural phenomena, about history. We all know such children's works as Filippok, Shark, Jump, Childhood, Kostochka, Kitten and others.

His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world.

On November 20, 1910, as a result of a serious illness (pneumonia), Lev Nikolaevich died and was buried in Yasnaya Polyana.

III. Updating students' knowledge.

Now look at the slide and try to guess what work will be discussed in our lesson?

(A recording of the topic is shown).

This is true.

What does the word byl mean?

Let us turn to Ozhegov’s “Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” and clarify the exact meaning of this word.

True story -

1. What happened in the past.

2. A story about a real incident.

Look who it is?(Lion - illustration on slide)

What do you know about such an animal as lion? (Wild animal, predator, king of beasts.)

Who is this? (Dog - illustration on slide)

What can we say about dog? ( A dog is a pet, a friend of man, the only close living creature, a friend)

Can two completely different animals (in temperament and habitat) find a common language?(children's answers: yes - no)

We will learn about this while working on this work.

Who guessed what is this story called?? (Lion and dog L.N. Tolstoy)

IV. Work on the content of the work by L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

A) Primary perception of the text.

Now I invite you to listen to a story that happened a long time ago, in the distant city of London, the capital of England.

L.N. Tolstoy was not in the country of England, he had never been to the city of London. Perhaps this story was told to the writer by one of the sailors who visited the port of London. And when Lev Nikolaevich heard her, he did not remain indifferent to her and wrote a story about it - “The Lion and the Dog.”

Sit comfortably and listen carefully to this story. And after that you must answer my question: What (and not about whom) is this story about?

The audio recording was “The Lion and the Dog”.

Did you like the story?

You listened very carefully to this story. So answer my question: What is this story about?

(About the love and affection of animals for each other)

Tell me how you felt listening to this story?(Sadness, sadness, anxiety.)

Name the main characters.(Lion and dog).

Where does the action take place? ( in the menagerie)

Which episode did you find most intense?

Did you feel sorry for anyone?

B) Vocabulary work.

Before reading the text, we will work on difficult words and together discover the meaning of these words.

What words did you not understand?

Please note that these words that are difficult for you to understand are arranged on the slide in the following order.

Menagerie - a place where animals are kept in cages for display. Now it is called a zoo.

Master - a rich man who has servants.

Bristle - raise the fur on the back, preparing to defend or attack.

fought - hit, pounded, made sudden movements.

Tossed about - moved restlessly from side to side.

She died - she died.

Deadbolts - large door latches.

B) Rereading the text.

The children read in a “chain” (paragraph by paragraph).

- Let’s read the text carefully, and then share our impressions.

IN). Conversation on content as a whole. Analysis of the work.

Why did the man catch the dog and bring it to the menagerie? Find and read the answer to my question. (For watching wild animals they took money or animals (cats or dogs) to feed the animals. This man had no money, but he wanted to look at the animals in the menagerie).

Look at the cruelty of humans towards animals in the past.

How was this cruelty of people expressed in this work?(Cats, dogs and money are equated. In the text, these words are connected with the conjunction “or”. If there is no money, then domestic animals, human friends, can be given to feed wild animals.)

Find the word “grabbed” in the text. Read the entire sentence.

Choose a synonym for the word"grabbed."

Why did the author use this word, what shade of meaning is important to him?(Grabbed means he acted thoughtlessly, accidentally grabbed something that came to hand.)

In his work L.N. Tolstoy did not describe the appearance of the dog and the lion, nor did he talk about their experiences in detail. But he wrote a lot about the behavior of these animals.

Read, how the lion behaved ? (He walked up to her, sniffed her, looked with curiosity, touched her with his paw...)

Why didn’t he tear her to pieces, but became interested in her? What surprised him?

Find and read this place.

(The dog, with an intelligent look, seemed to ask him not to eat it. She was very kind, playful and affectionate, and began to wave her tail affably.)

Why? (he loves her because she is small, kind and defenseless)

Let's remember what animal is a lion? (Predator, king of beasts, large animal, powerful growl)

By what action from the text do we see that he is a predator? Find it in the text and read it.

(.. tore off a piece of meat and shared it with her)

How did the lion treat the dog?(The lion liked her. The lion treated her kindly, became friends with her, fell in love with her.)

Find and read this moment in the text.(Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her).

In the evening the dog laid its head on the lion's paw. What does this mean?(She can rely on him, trusts him, he will not offend her, will not betray her).

What did the feelings of the dog and the lion develop into? IN friendship.

The lion and the dog lived together in the same cage for a whole year.

Why do you think the story of a whole year of life fits into one sentence?(Life in a cage in captivity is neither fun nor particularly eventful.)

- What's going on with the dog?? (The dog got sick and died)

Find and read an excerpt from the text about how the lion experienced the death of the dog?(The lion stopped eating, but kept sniffing, licking the dog and touching it with his paw).

How does a lion feel about losing his dog?(hopelessness, he doesn’t know how to get his friend back)

All day long he struggled, thrashed about in the cage and roared, then he lay down next to the dead dog and fell silent).

Why did the lion begin to gnaw the bolts and the floor? (I couldn’t find a place for myself. Perhaps he realized that he can no longer remain in the cage, he is trying to break free, but cannot do it).

Did the owner try to change the situation? How? Find this moment in the text and read it.(gave me a new dog)

Why did he kill the other dog?(the pain of loss did not cool down, remained faithful to his friend)

Why doesn't the lion accept the new dog?(friends don’t change, I was her betrayed)

Who does L.N. compare with? Tolstoy the lion himself and his feelings?

(depicted the lion as a man, showed how he experiences grief and loss.)

Read the last two sentences to yourself.

Tell me, how does this story end? (Leo was a devoted friend, therefore, shocked by the death of the dog, he died and survived it for several days).

What's the ending to this story? ( sad)

This story is a real tragedy. And tragedies, guys, are...(children express their opinions).

- Tell me, guys, who do you feel sorry for now? Why?

Tell me, please, is it possible for completely different animals, in size, lifestyle, character, to experience deep and strong feelings for each other? (children's answer options)

This story proves to us that animals, just like people, have a heart, they understand everything, feel what is happening, worry, they can be attentive and caring towards each other. Very often they turn out to be wiser, more sensitive, kinder and more loyal than us.

Now each of you touch your heart. Can you hear him?

Can you always notice the pain and joy of both people and animals?

I am pleased that in our class there are children with sensitive hearts.

V. Lesson summary: reflection.

Guys, did you like today's lesson?

What stood out to you most about this story? What particularly struck you?

So what is this story about?? (About the devotion and love of animals for each other)

How do you leave class feeling?

Homework: Come up with your own ending to the story so that it is joyful.

Your creative works will be appreciated accordingly.

Before the end of the lesson I want to let you down lesson summary:

All works by L.N. Tolstoy unobtrusively teaches us, gives us new knowledge, introduces us to other people's life experiences, teaches us goodness and justice.

Using the example of the story The Lion and the Dog, I would like to conclude that people control the destinies of animals as they wish. And the lion's behavior is a lesson to people. A lesson in kindness, loyalty, devotion.

Thank you for being very sensitive in class today and being able to understand the deep meaning of this literary work.