Tickets for the play “Reborn. Tickets for the play “Reborn Alexander Petrov theatrical performances

The first and most important thing is a performance that includes Hamlet. Not an extra (that’s exactly how Natalya Krymova once described Oleg Yankovsky in a Lenkomov production), not a media person in the role of the Prince of Denmark, but a real central character. No double. No second cast. 23-year-old Alexander Petrov.
They say that the play of all times and peoples was chosen by director Valery Sarkisov and artistic director Oleg Menshikov because they saw this artist.
Hamlet-Petrov appears on stage in the first minutes and attracts attention until the finale. He is young (at least younger than most Russian actors who have played Hamlet before), unpredictable, nervous - sometimes to the point of hysteria, but determined. He is not a philosopher. This is Hamlet the avenger.
In general, the artist with the non-artistic surname Petrov (the stage still needs some kind of makeweight: Ilf-i-Petrov, Petrov-Vodkin) is a new, dazzling, indisputable star and, fortunately, not the only success of the premiere.
There is an ensemble in the play. And Andrei Ilyin (Claudius), and Agrippina Steklova (Gertrude), subtly reminiscent of Inna Churikova, and Sergei Badichkin (Polonius), and even the performers of small roles, for example, Anton Kolesnikov (the first gravedigger), honestly deserved their applause. Like Oleg Menshikov's Brass Band, another important participant in Yermolov's Hamlet.
The play has a strong director. Valery Sarkisov created a dynamic, picturesque, passionate spectacle.
The performance features talented artists. The award-winning Alexander Orlov, a student of Kochergin and himself a long-time master, came up with laconic and functional decorations, traditional in a good way, but not smelling of mothballs. And costume designer Andrey Klimov holds the public’s attention with unusual outfits in which classics are whimsically and organically combined with fashion trends and modern fabrics and textures.
And finally, this “Hamlet” has a living, uncluttered text. The translation by Andrei Chernov, made ten years ago, is devoid of heaviness and pathos. It is interesting to compare it willy-nilly with classical quotes.
During the intermission, I heard one lady indignantly: “They violated Shakespeare! This is not a canonical translation!” Well, what is canonical? Lozinsky, Pasternak, or maybe Gnedich and Sumarokov? Here is a fragment from the Chernovsky translation (Hamlet about Gertrude):
“What could be more shameful than this role?
What in his baseness would argue with her?
She has eyes red from salt,
Dives into a heap of wedding sheets.
What speed!.. There will be no good here.
Incest is stamped on everything.
Well, maybe it’s true - shut up,
So that your heart bursts?.. And be - what will happen!

I’ll summarize (and I’ve gone overboard): this is the “Hamlet” of our century, modern, but not forcibly and not thoughtlessly modernized. This is an unboring classic. This is for those who love theater in the theater, and not performances, installations and other surrogates.

#Reborn is an atmospheric, exciting performance by the young actor Alexander Petrov, in which experiences, vivid emotions, thoughts and feelings about love, passion and relationships are intertwined.

Why you need to go

“#Reborn” 2019 is a discovery in recent theatrical art. The brilliant work of the director, scriptwriter and talented actor Alexander Petrov allows you to immerse yourself in the history of the relationship between the hero and his woman. The viewer in the hall forgets about everything, wanting one thing - the further continuation of the ongoing story.

An original production in which the hero moves from one space to another (using the foyer and stage). The way of communicating with the audience, direct address to the audience, creates the feeling that those present themselves become direct participants in the performance. This feeling is enhanced many times over by large screens installed in the foyer, where viewers see close-ups using movie cameras, as well as all the emotions of the main character.

Unusual plot twists, monologues of the hero and poems throughout the show keep the viewer in suspense, not letting go, but even more drawn into the cycle of events.

The musical arrangement deserves special mention. The compositions of the Ocean Jet group set the rhythm of the performance, introducing the viewer into a special mood, similar to a meditative state.

After graduating from GITIS in 2012, actor Petrov worked in such theaters as the Center for Drama and Directing, as well as at Et Cetera. Only in 2013 he entered the theater of M. N Ermolova, which was managed as artistic director by Oleg Menshikov. While still studying at the institute, he worked hard, often acted in films, never ceasing to delight fans of his talent. He already has more than 40 film roles (episodic and main), for which he will be remembered by the audience for a long time.

In the play “#Reborn,” his stage partner (despite an episodic appearance) was his girlfriend, the very popular theater and film actress Irina Starshenbaum, whose love for whom inspired Alexander to create this show.

Where to buy tickets to the show

You can buy tickets for “#Reborn” at our agency. We have been working in the theater market since 2006, offering good prices, quality service, convenient functionality and service.

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  • the best seats for any performance at reasonable prices;
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  • discounts and promotions for regular customers (a pleasant surprise for companies of 10 people or more).

Buy tickets for “#Rebirth” in Moscow from our agency and feel the emotional pleasure of watching the play “#Rebirth” at the M.N. Ermolova."

Russian theater and film actor


Alexander Petrov was born in the wonderful old Russian city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Grew up in parental love. His mother said: “I always instilled in my son that he should be responsive, not ignore someone else’s misfortune, and be sure to help. He grew up kind and polite.”

At school, Sasha showed himself in various fields: he was interested in exact sciences, art, and especially sports. He was seriously involved in football, played for the city team and, of course, dreamed of a sports career. But a leg injury disrupted his plans.

The young man did not even think about the acting profession. After receiving secondary education, he entered Pereslavl University. A.K. Aylamazyan at the Institute of Political Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the Faculty of Economics, but did not study there for long. Alexander later recalled: “I definitely didn’t dream of the stage since childhood, I was a normal street guy. At the university, my specialty was called “software systems in economics,” I don’t know what it is - don’t even ask, I haven’t been there often, just suffered." But Sasha found an outlet in creativity. Actively participated in cultural events city: was a KVN specialist, was a member Student Council, played in the theater-studio "Entreprise" under the direction of V.A. Ivanenko. With the studio troupe I visited a theater festival in the Samara region, where I met GITIS teachers at master classes.

After the festival, the young man decided to leave the University and try to enter GITIS. The first attempt was successful. In 2008, Alexander Petrov was enrolled in the RATI in the workshop of Leonid Kheifets. The actor later spoke warmly about his studies and his mentor: “I think about this man, of course, every day. They, these four years, are so ingrained in my head that you can never turn them off with anything.”


During his diploma at GITIS, Alexander took part in four performances: “The Forest” by A.N. Ostrovsky, staged by A. Malikov, “Platonov. Stories” staged by Y. Belyaeva, “Yellow Tulips” - a dance performance staged by O. Glushkov, " Ladybugs return to Earth" by V. Sigarev, directed by V. Sarkisov.

In 2012, Petrov received a certificate of acting education. “Before the graduation performance, he (Leonid Kheifets) sat down on my bench and said a few words that stuck with me. Then everything immediately fell into place, and I graduated easily, freely, understanding why, why and where I was going.” , - summed up the artist.

After graduating from GITIS, he was accepted into the troupe of the theater "Et cetera", where he made his debut in the role of Gratiano in the play "Shylock" based on William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice". However, just six months later, the head of the theater named after. Ermolova invited the actor to her place. Alexander said about how this happened: “We showed him our graduation performance “Ladybugs Return to Earth.” As a result, the performance was not suitable, but Oleg Evgenievich talked to me after the performance and called me to his place. For some reason I was immediately I’m sure of this, some instinct told me.”


The first performance on the stage of the Ermolovsky Theater was “Hamlet”, which premiered in 2013. The actor admits: “Yes, this is a unique play. Yes, one of the most difficult in world drama. Why did I get the role? There is even a kind of irony in this. To be honest, I never paid much attention to this particular play.”

Hamlet became the central figure of the play. It was difficult to start work on a well-known, overplayed image from scratch. But Alexander found an unusual way to his Hamlet: “I gave myself the task - not to watch or even read anything about the play. I will see fifty “Hamlets”, willy-nilly, I will compare with what we are doing now. Why? Let our will be different. There is a living process, a director - an actor, a specific play, specific situation and task. The question is different - who is Hamlet today? This is the question we are trying to answer,” says the actor.

In 2015, on the stage of the theater. Pushkin hosted the premiere of Vladimir Mirzoev's play " Cherry Orchard"Based on the play by A.P. Chekhov. The director of the theater invited Alexander Petrov to play the role of Lopakhin. The production combines the classical approach with a modern vision of the world and the scenic features of the 21st century theater.


The actor made his film debut during his student years in the episodic role of parkour performer Lekha in Nana Dzhoradze’s series “Voices”. Two years later he played tank commander Yashka in Dzhanik Fayziev’s war drama “August. Eighth”.

"While the fern is in bloom"

And Alexander got his first leading role in the adventure comedy “While the Fern Blooms” by Evgeniy Bedarev. Petrov played a journalist saving the world from the raging forces of evil and, at the same time, surviving the betrayal of his beloved. The artist spent a month and a half on an expedition in Altai without a break. He performed all the stunts on the set himself: he fell into a well, hung in shackles, jumped from a bridge, and dived into the Katun. He became a kind of record holder among actors for the number of dives into cold water.

About the film and his character, Alexander says: “I want to say only one thing about the project - since childhood I dreamed of trying to save the world. But seriously, my hero Kirill is a very interesting person, on the one hand, in eternal reflection, on the other, he is a caring elder brother, and on the third, a real hero! And all this is constantly in my head..."

Together with the actor, the main roles were played by: Svetlana Sukhanova, Tatyana Orlova, Roman Kurtsyn, Pavel Krainov, Dmitry Bedarev. The emotional soundtrack for the series was composed by the former lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov, and the talented musicians of the City 312 group specially wrote the songs “Help Me” and “Wanderer”.

Upon completion of the project, Alexander recalled: “In Altai, there really was a feeling that everything supported us: the weather, and nature... I honestly didn’t want to leave at all - I was ready to spend the entire filming period there and even more. the picture - I saw excerpts - this beauty simply knocks you off your feet."

Later, the actor played several episodic roles in films and TV series, the most famous of which are: and. In 2014, he starred in the adventure film about the Russian conquest of America “Fort Ross” with Maxim Vinogradov and others.

In total, the actor has more than thirty film works, a good half of which are leading roles in TV series and feature films. The last significant projects were: Yegor Baranov’s crime drama “Fartsa” about the friendship of four guys during the decline of the Soviet regime in our country, the psychological drama of the same director “Sparta” about the tragedy modern world, Yuri Bykov's thriller "Method" with Paulina Andreeva, .

Personal life

Alexander Petrov is not married. The actor is still very young and may not have met his dream yet. He devotes himself entirely to work, his favorite hobbies and friends. In Alexander’s personal life, family occupies a large place - his parents and older sister Katya. According to the actor’s mother, he has always been and remains a very caring son and brother. Working far from his hometown, the artist actively participates in the life of his family - helping his loved ones in any way he can and staying up to date with all events.

As soon as a window appears in his work schedule, Alexander goes to Pereslavl. “I often come to my hometown: my parents, sister, friends are there. Pereslavl is a city with interesting story, a large number of monasteries. A lot of foreigners come to see it. And there’s also the stunning Lake Pleshcheyevo: even if I’m only at home for a short time, I always go there just to be there,” says the actor.


About the series

“At the institute, I remember, no matter who you asked, everyone said that they would act in films with directors of the level of Fellini and Tarkovsky, no series, only films for a narrow circle of connoisseurs. I was like that too, but this, of course, is youthful maximalism. Firstly , TV series are now being filmed as films, and secondly, an actor cannot be in obscurity, then he languishes. I don’t believe that someone who has not received a single worthwhile role in forty years in the theater is happy, let alone a comedy or a drama. it doesn’t matter. We have to play different things.”

About freedom

“I want to be free in work, in life, in relationships with people. To be independent. You still have to depend on someone, but even in this you can find some of your own freedom.”

About the actor producer Sergei Mayorov

“Sasha Petrov is a very talented guy, a unique neurasthenic type of artist. Such were Smoktunovsky, Borisov, Kaidanovsky. Such are Boris Plotnikov, Evgeny Mironov. This year he graduated from GITIS, and he has already literally been snapped up in full meters.”

About the actor screenwriter Ilya Kulikov

“He’s young, he’s not as well known as the others, but for me, he’s the coolest actor now. What’s cool is that he’s the author of his role - he always listens to you, but always adds something of his own. When he arrives on set, he is ready to work and when the camera turns on, he stops being himself and turns into the person written in the script. It’s a strange magic, but it’s there.”

Based on materials from the sites:,,,,, Wikipedia

Filmography: Actor

  • Ice-2 (2020)
  • Invasion (2019)
  • Hero (2019)
  • Ice (2018)
  • T-34 (2018)
  • Attraction (2017)
  • Policeman from Rublyovka to Beskudnikovo (2017), TV series
  • I have the honor (2016)
  • Mata Hari (2016), TV series
  • Gogol (2016), TV series
  • Drunk Firm (2016)
  • Policeman from Rublyovka (2016), TV series
  • Eclipse (2016)
  • You're all pissing me off (2016), TV series
  • Vera's Gift (2016), short film
  • Battle with psychics (2015)
  • The Last Guardian of Belovodye (2015)
  • Belovodye. The Mystery of the Lost Country (2015), TV series
  • Sparta (2015), TV series
  • The Elusives: The Last Hero (2015)
  • Method (2015), TV series
  • Carjacker (2015)
  • Fartsa (2015), TV series
  • Law of the Concrete Jungle (2015), TV series
  • Happiness is... (2015)
  • Dig (2014)
  • Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure (2014)
  • Fridge (2013)
  • Summer holidays (2013)
  • LJ (2013)
  • Without the right to choose (2013), mini-series
  • Embracing the Sky (2013), TV series
  • Love in the City 3 (2013)
  • Fir trees 3 (2013)
  • The Habit of Breaking Up (2013)
  • Second Wind (2013), TV series
  • Petrovich (2012), TV series
  • Maryina Roshcha (2012), TV series
  • While the Fern Blooms (2012), TV series
  • August. Eighth (2012)
  • Voices (2010), TV series
Alexander Andreevich Petrov is one of the most promising young actors in Russian cinema, who played the main roles in the comedy series “Policeman from Rublyovka” and the science fiction film “Attraction”.


On January 25, 1989, Sasha was born into a simple but loving family. He did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, did not listen to their insistence in choosing a profession, but built his own destiny. The care and affection that surrounded the boy for his mother did not develop into excessive guardianship.

A vigilant approach to education made Sasha Petrov the purposeful, ambitious and self-confident person that we are used to seeing him. WITH early childhood The boy was taught discipline: he helped around the house, made small purchases - in general, he got used to being independent in everything, being responsible for his actions and taking responsibility.

His talent and desire for creativity appeared in the fifth grade, when the future actor performed humorous performances in front of his older sister’s friends. Sasha loved fun and noisy companies, remaining an inquisitive and liberated child. The guy channeled his irrepressible energy into sports, taking up football. And if at first playing ball was just a pleasant hobby, then Sasha later became obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming a professional football player. He played so well that he was invited to show his skills in the capital. Unfortunately, all hopes for a sports future were dashed by an injury - a serious concussion during an accident.

School ended, and the guy’s next step was to study at the economics department of a local university. After his first year, Alexander Petrov became interested in participating in KVN, and when he began playing in the student theater “Entreprise”, all doubts about the young man’s vocation disappeared. Since his youth, Sasha preferred not to commit rash acts, but that time he decided to quit his unloved studies in order to radically change his life - in better side. Yes, he did it!

First roles

The theatrical tour with Entreprise played a decisive role, during which Alexander met GITIS teachers, attended several of their master classes and was finally convinced of his future priorities. In 2008, despite a huge competition, the guy was lucky enough to enter GITIS on the first try, but not to the acting department, but to the directing department. The dream was becoming a reality - Sasha moved to Moscow. In the student dormitory, his neighbor was Alexander Pal, with whom the actor is still very friendly.

The first film role soon followed. Already in his second year, Alexander Petrov played the episodic role of a parkour artist in the TV series “Voices”. Two years later, the actor managed to work with the director of “The Turkish Gambit” Janik Fayziev as part of the filming of the film “August. Eighth." During the same period, Sasha played his first leading role in the fantasy series “While the Fern Blooms,” which was warmly received by the audience. Since then, the young artist’s career began to advance by leaps and bounds: he collaborated with venerable artists, his fans became more and more, and his roles became larger and more diverse.

After graduating, Alexander found success in the theater field. Noticing the courage in his eyes and dedication to his work, the famous artistic director Alexander Kalyagin drew attention to the guy and invited him to join the theater troupe “Et Cetera”. A little later, the young man received the main role in the production of Hamlet by Oleg Menshikov. Even then, viewers and critics noted Alexander Petrov’s deep immersion in each of his roles. The dedication, which not every young Russian actor possessed, was captivating.

We also note Sasha’s participation in such large and well-known projects as “Yolki 3” and “Love in the City 3”, where the actor met Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov. But the actor experienced his most outstanding roles in TV series, for which he became the main driving force. Thus, Alexander Petrov played in a duet with Lyubov Askenova in the drama series “Embracing the Sky,” where the artist was excellent in the romantic role of a pilot with a difficult fate.

Career blossoming

Having gained widespread popularity, Alexander continued to disown the “star” cliche, considering himself a completely ordinary person. According to the artist, it’s not bad at all when a movie actor often appears on screens; It’s bad when he remains the same from role to role.

Alexander Petrov's audition for Grisha Izmailov

Therefore, Alexander tried to take on a variety of roles: he played in the TV series “Fartsa,” which tells about true friendship in the difficult living conditions of the 60s, and “The Law of the Concrete Jungle,” a crime comedy about would-be car thieves with Aristarchus Venes and Alexander Melnikov in the lead roles; took part in the filming of the sensational series “Method”, where, although he did not play the main role, he had the opportunity to work with a number of experienced and famous figures, such as Konstantin Khabensky and Paulina Andreeva.

In 2016, the premiere of the series “Policeman from Rublyovka” took place, in which Alexander Petrov played the main role - the cynical policeman Grisha, called upon to protect the safety of the residents of Rublyovka.

In 2016, Alexander Petrov continued to star in the series “Policeman from Rublyovka”, worked on the continuation of the fantasy series “Belovodye”, and was also busy filming the adventure film “The Mystical Game”, where he played the charming adventurer Alex, who, by chance, is drawn into a conflict between two powerful magicians

In the same year, the actor took part in the tenth season of the entertainment project “Dancing with the Stars” together with the charming dancer Anastasia Antelava.

Alexander Petrov and Anastasia Antelava (“Dancing with the Stars”, 2016)

The beginning of 2017 was marked by the release of the STS series “You’re All Infuriating Me.” The main role - the sociopathic journalist Sonya Bagryantseva - went to Svetlana Khodchenkova, Petrov played her neighbor, a shy genius named Mark, in love with the manicurist Nelya (Yulia Topolnitskaya).

A big event for the actor was his participation in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s fantastic blockbuster “Attraction”. He became one of the residents of Moscow Chertanovo who witnessed the alien invasion.

At the beginning of 2017, it became known that Alexander Petrov was aiming for the classics. Namely, he was approved for the role of young Nikolai Gogol in the series “Gogol” by the young director Yegor Baranov.

In April 2018, the actor again delighted fans of “Policeman from Rublyovka” in new episodes (they were especially interested in finding out who the new department employee Alisa Rybkina, played by Rina Grishina, really was). The creators of the series immediately announced the 4th season and even named the approximate release date - May 22, 2019.

In the summer, filming began on the biographical film “Streltsov” by Ilya Uchitel, dedicated to the life story of the Soviet football legend Eduard Streltsov. It is not difficult to guess that Alexander Petrov plays an iconic figure in the history of Russian sports. The actor has the makings of an excellent player, because, as we mentioned above, he has been obsessed with this game since childhood. The film is expected to release in 2020.

Personal life of Alexander Petrov

Little is known about the personal life of Alexander Petrov - the actor avoided this topic in all interviews, declaring that he perfectly understands what he wants from life, and is not going to start a family until he achieves all his goals. For a long time on the actor’s personal page in social network The Facebook status was “Dating”. For more than ten years, the actor dated a school friend named Daria. The press called Alexander a monogamous man and set him up as an example to other representatives of show business, like gloves changing partners. Stasya Miloslavskaya. He played the main role in the action-packed spy action film “Hero” by Karen Oganesyan, side by side with Vladimir Mashkov and Svetlana Khodchenkova. Central character he also got a role in the film adaptation of Dmitry Glukhovsky’s topical novel “Text”.

Apart from the upcoming release of Streltsov, plans include the release of the series Method-2, the sports drama Ice-2 and the action movie Invasion (the sequel to Attraction).

Having become one of the most sought-after actors of the new generation, Alexander continues to study, experiment and completely devote himself to his favorite work, without giving concessions to the frivolity characteristic of youth. He does not hide his craving for Hollywood, suggesting that one day he will be able to try his hand abroad. There is no doubt about one thing - Alexander Petrov will pleasantly surprise us more than once!

The new favorite of Fyodor Bondarchuk, who suddenly appeared on all the screens of the country, Petrov has long been remembered by everyone for his signature squint. He graduated from the directing department of GITIS and worked at the Et Cetera theater, while simultaneously playing supporting roles in films and TV series. On his 24th birthday (in 2013) he was accepted into the troupe of the Ermolova Theater under the direction of Oleg Menshikov. He was immediately entrusted with the role of Hamlet, which he coped with quite successfully. In 2015, he first appeared on the TNT channel in the series “The Law of the Concrete Jungle”; he secured his final success on Channel One in the series “Farza” and “Method”. Then he returned to TNT again in the leading role in the series “Policeman from Rublyovka” and around the same time he was cast in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s new blockbuster “Attraction”. His schedule is busy for the next couple of years, and among his future films there is, for example, a fantasy detective serial about Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.