How the “Let's Get Married” program is actually filmed. How TV shows are filmed The cheapest and most expensive countries, as well as aerial scenes

The theme of love has always ruled the world, so it is not surprising that there is always a place for love affairs on television. So, in the nineties, we watched with bated breath how events developed in the TV show “Love at First Sight,” but now the tone is set by the program “Let’s Get Married.”

The editors of “AWESOME” decided to learn more about the secrets of filming this program and are now sharing the knowledge they have gained with you.

How can I get on the show?
The rules are the same for all participants. You need to fill out a form on the website and wait for an invitation to an interview.

What awaits volunteers at the casting?
Those who come for an interview need to be prepared for tough cross-examination about every detail of their personal life. TV people need to know interesting facts about the participant, and at the same time assess the potential of the newcomer: how he behaves in front of the cameras and whether he will be interesting to the viewer.

Is there a chance to get on the show if your candidacy is rejected?
The organizers tell everyone who did not pass the casting about the problems that prevented them from getting on television. Some people need to pay attention to appearance, others to behavior. And if a person listens to the advice of TV people, then he has an excellent chance of passing the selection next time

Do all participants really come to the show looking for love?
In fact, many people come just to appear on television. As a rule, they try not to trust them with the role of the main character, but they may well become contenders for the hand and heart of the bride or groom.

Are the organizers guided by moral principles when selecting participants?
Since the main goal of the program is to bring two people together, and ideally even to marry them, the organizers try not to attract participants whose biographies include many divorces.

Are there any fake contestants on the show?
Officially, such information is not disclosed, but occasionally on the Internet you can come across advertisements for the search for heroes for a show with the promise of a payment of a thousand rubles and more. Most likely, the services of actors are resorted to only in emergency cases, if for some reason it is not possible to film a program with selected volunteers.

Are show participants and spectators paid?
All participants in the “Let's Get Married” show participate in filming on a voluntary basis and do not receive a penny for it (the only exceptions are the actors mentioned above). But the work of extras is paid. Viewers are paid about 550 rubles per day of filming, during which two or three programs are filmed.

Is the show faked or is everything happening on the screen real?
Despite the fact that each program has its own script, it only in general outlines what is happening on the screen; what happens next depends only on the participants. If the action on the set is boring, the presenters try to provoke a conflict or in other ways inflame passions on the set. The participants in the show are real people and experience genuine emotions.

How do participants prepare for the transfer?
All participants in the show are familiarized with the script in advance. In addition, they are instructed in detail where they should go, where to stop and which camera to look at at any given moment. Moreover, they are introduced to some of the questions that the hosts will ask, and the three contenders who are fighting for the love of the main character even rehearse their speeches in advance.

Do you know me? main character with three contenders in advance?
The main character of the program does not know until the very end who will marry him. Those who have to fight for the sympathy of the bride or groom are familiar only with the personal data and photograph of the hero.

Which celebrities were on the show?
The following acted as grooms: famous personalities, like Enrique Iglesias, Sergei Zverev, Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov, singer Shura... Brides in different times there were Anastasia Volochkova, Victoria Daineko, Olga Buzova and Victoria Bonya.

How many participants found their soul mate thanks to the program?
In the first 6 years of the program’s existence alone, 270 participants found their second half, and more than 30 couples had children!

As you can see, even despite criticism and some negative reviews, “Let's Get Married” not only remains a favorite show for many viewers, but is also a real chance for lonely hearts. Share this article with your friends so they can learn more about all the secrets of the show!

Today the promised story is about how record a TV show or postpone watching an interesting TV show and return to it later. All this can be done by a digital television set-top box (tuner), into which you must insert a flash card (memory card), say, with a memory capacity of at least 4 GB, into the corresponding slot. After which, it will become quite simple to record a TV show and put off watching an interesting TV show with a digital television set-top box for a while after you need to go to the kitchen or greet guests.

So, we have at our disposal a very cheap set-top box, purchased three years ago by the author of the Kaluga Electromechanical Plant (essentially a Chinese set-top box).

We assume that it is connected with the appropriate connector to your analog TV (usually a cable with a SCART connector) and tuned to one of the frequency channels in your area, on which 8 programs are “attached” at once. (Tuning to the desired frequency channel and simultaneously to all programs on it is carried out through the menu (MENU) - a button at the top left of the central part of the remote control. The remote control displays inscriptions in different languages, including yours, you need to find the display switching section for different languages inscriptions.

So, you urgently need to stop watching a movie (sports TV show) in order to return to it after a while from the specified place. To do this, you simply press the “pause” button - indicated by my yellow arrow in the picture (to enlarge, click on the picture, everything will be clearly visible), and go to meet guests or to the store, turning off the TV, but not the set-top box.

After you have time to continue watching, just press the “play” button - my purple arrow. Intrusive advertising can be removed by “rewinding” by pressing the green button with two arrows on the remote control (my green vertical arrow is in the picture). Or go back to consider (reconsider) something - press the red button with two arrows (there is also my red upward line in the figure).

The rewind speed can be changed, just like a DVD player - 2x, 4x, 8x... You need to stop again, press “pause” again - the yellow button in the picture, continue watching, the same “play” button - my purple arrow.

How to record a TV show? Firstly, the recording of a TV program lasts no more than 2 hours. This time is more than enough for a movie, a football match, or entertaining TV shows.

So, we start recording a TV program on the desired program by pressing the “record” button with a red dot at the bottom right of the remote control (in the photo the dot was hardly noticeable, in the figure there is an orange arrow “start recording”), and you will see the “Rec” icon on the screen , which means that the recording of the TV show has started, everything is fine. You can turn off the TV, but the set-top box should be on all the time.

After you have had time to watch the recorded TV program, turn on the TV and press the blue button at the bottom right of the remote control (the blue “view recording files” button). In front of you on the screen is a light brown stripe in a frame with the attributes of the recording made, displaying the date and time of the recording.

If there were several recordings of TV shows, then place the cursor on the bottom line, your last recording is on it. Click “play” - indicated by my purple arrow in the picture. At the top in the corner in the frame you see your TV show that has begun to play, but in a reduced form. How to return the normal size of the image on the screen? You just need to click “OK”. You can remove interfering lines using the “EXIT” button, just like on a computer. Nothing interferes with viewing.

Well, what if you need to take a break from watching a TV show? We are looking for the familiar “Pause” button (indicated by a yellow arrow). Continue watching the recording of the TV show - look at the picture where the button is indicated by the same purple arrow.

What can you do to return to TV mode after watching a recorded program? To do this, press the button to the left of the record button with a red dot (indicated by an orange arrow) on the button with a frame (or rectangle), which indicates the TV screen, or first do the same through the “EXIT” button.

As you can see, digital television and a set-top box provide an excellent and simple opportunity to watch TV programs of interest in full, when at first there was no time for this, which was completely not the case in the past with analog television.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to possible problems when playing a recording. It happens that after finishing recording you press the blue play button on the remote control for your digital television tuner, but the menu with files does not appear on the screen and it’s as if all your recording efforts were in vain. Don't rush to panic.

If you have a computer, then insert into the USB slot the memory card (flash card) that you removed from the digital television set-top box according to all the rules (after allowing entry through the menu - section in the menu about removing the memory card), and look there for the presence of the file with recording. It’s easy to recognize - the name of the TV channel will be written there and the date and time of recording start and end will be indicated. If there is a recording file, then you can play the recording on a computer (digital technologies are compatible), but in poor quality. If there is no computer, then let the set-top box “rest” - cool down, and perhaps the file that you recorded will appear in the menu on the screen when you press the blue button on the remote control of the digital television set-top box.

Some consoles become noticeably hot. This heat is transferred to the memory card, not all of which can withstand such temperatures. Therefore, it is useful to inquire about its parameters when purchasing a memory card. temperature regime, also buy cards from proven, reliable global manufacturers. Yes, therefore, when you are not watching TV, give the set-top box a chance to cool down by sending it to standby mode (the red LED lights up).

The memory size of a flash card is not unlimited; old records must be erased. There is a red button on the remote control for this. Having placed the cursor on one of the recording files (called by the blue button), press the red button to delete the file. Then everything is done intuitively.

Recording is done in approximately the same way on a modern digital TV, where the control panel is very similar to the one we showed for the set-top box.

Note. Recently One annoying problem has emerged. When recording a TV show, it shows all the signs of recording content, but when you try to play it back, it suddenly displays an error message. What's the matter here? Don’t rush to look for flaws in a flash card or set-top box, or the machinations of a cat. Check the recording capabilities of other programs. If at least one program is recorded and played back, then everything is fine. It stopped recording due to new settings at the television company, which suddenly decided to deprive viewers of such opportunities. What to do here? It’s hard to say, but you can try to contact them in writing via the feedback channel, most often this is their email address, maybe they will answer.

But just recently it was discovered that some models of set-top boxes record all content on all open channels, while others selectively record it as described above. Therefore, it is often necessary to understand the reasons for the lack of recording in each specific case. If at least one program is recorded, then everything is fine. If selectively, it’s a matter of settings in the transmitting equipment, or in the design of the set-top box.

And about one more important detail, more precisely, a problem when recording TV programs. If, after recording TV, the recorded file with the plot (movie), etc., does not play back, after which you pulled out the flash card and inserted it into the TV to search for the recorded file, and then returned the flash drive to the set-top box, then very often the set-top box stops recording TV programs (writes about this in the window, usually in English).

Don't be alarmed. Reinstall the flash drive into the computer and defragment it, remove the flash card and insert it into the set-top box. And she will start recording again, taking into account possible features, as stated above in the article. This will take 2-10 minutes, depending on the storage capacity. How to defragment? Insert the flash card into the USB connector, look in the Computer - Disks - ntrcn section for the presence of an external source (drive, disk, ...). click on it. In the window that opens, right-click “Properties” at the bottom, look for “Service” in the next window that opens, click on it and see one of the “Run defragmentation” windows. You wait until it is completed, close the window, remove the flash card according to the rules and insert it into the slot of the set-top box.

(The article was prepared by an engineer in the field of communications and television)

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People love travel shows. You can, without getting out of your comfortable chair, see the whole world, visit, albeit virtually, different countries. But listening to a simple description of beauties and attractions has become no longer as interesting as it was to our ancestors, who, due to "iron curtain" greedily caught everything that was happening in the rest of the world. Therefore, extraordinary, conceptual travel shows appeared. One of these programs is “Heads and Tails”. It is broadcast on the Russian TV channel “Friday!” But also at the Ukrainian “Inter”. And with some delay it is shown on the Belarus 2 channel, in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, and even in Israel and Poland. But which country is filming “Heads and Tails”, whose product is it? At first glance it seems Russian. In the parallel project “Heads and Tails. Shopping”, launched at the beginning of 2014, foreign prices are converted into rubles. But if you watch the same episode on the Ukrainian channel “Inter”, you will hear the conversion of currencies into hryvnia. In a word, the transfer is surrounded by mystery. But in this article we will reveal some secrets and talk about how “Heads and Tails” is filmed. Does everything really happen as the viewer sees on the screen?

TV show concept

“Heads and Tails” is a completely Ukrainian product. Citizens of this country love to travel. That’s why conceptual travel shows are so popular here. The leaders in popularity are the programs “The World Inside Out,” where the presenter travels around non-tourist routes, and “Heads and Tails”. What a concept last show? Avid travelers know that every country opens from the front door to a foreigner with money and from the back door to a budget backpacker. This idea was taken as a basis by the creators of the project, Elena and Evgeny Sinelnikovs. They show each country or city where the show's hosts come from two sides. The splendor of Cuba's tourist areas and the poverty of its favelas, elite restaurants and hotels in Europe and hostels rented by students - it turns out that any sights can be viewed from different angles. And sometimes it happens that a budget tourist will be able to see more interesting things in the country than someone who contemplates the world from the window of a luxury limousine. Why is the show called “Heads and Tails”? How is the transmission filmed? According to the idea of ​​a travel show, two presenters are sent to each city: one is budget-friendly, and the second is unlimited in funds. Who to be is decided by a coin. If it lands heads up, “golden bank card” gets the one who flips it, and if it’s heads, the other presenter gets it. The loser only gets one hundred dollars, for which he must somehow survive for two days.


So, the idea for the show came first. It was invented by four people. A pilot episode about New York was quickly filmed and aired in February 2011. The Ukrainians liked this interesting concept so much that it became clear: the project was clearly a success and must be continued. And therefore presenters - spouses(at that time) Alan and Zhanna Bodoev - went to Las Vegas, and then to San Francisco and Los Angeles. And while viewers were wondering how “Heads and Tails” was being filmed in such a short time, a group of presenters and cameramen went to Europe. The first city on the way of the film crew on the Old Continent was Barcelona. The show was constantly changing from season to season. For example, in the second year of filming, a sponsor of the program appeared - a well-known wine producer in Ukraine. Its advertising was carried out in a very intricate way: at the end of each episode, the “rich” presenter hides one hundred dollars in an empty bottle with a precise description of the location of the treasure. The finder is invited to send a photo or video of the search process. The bottle move has become a tradition, and now, in its fifteenth season, it continues. The director is constantly introducing other ideas. Take, for example, the 14th season: “Heads and Tails. Reboot". How was it filmed? The presenters toured some cities they had visited before. The goal of the project is to show what has changed in the country over the past recent years. The seasons “Back to the USSR” and “Heaven and Hell” are also interesting.

“Heads and Tails”: how the program is filmed. What does the viewer see?

Everything happens smoothly on the screen. Two presenters arrive in a city and play the “golden card” by tossing a coin. Throughout all the seasons, there was only one time when the results of the draw were annulled. This happened in Tbilisi when Alan Badoev sacrificed his winnings for Zhanna. How will “Heads and Tails” be filmed next? The presenters are separated (each with their own film crew) and live separately for two days off. Backpacker with his hundred dollars (in some cases euro) trying to rent cheap accommodation, eat in eateries, but also see the most iconic sights. All expenses are recorded at the bottom of the screen so that the viewer has an idea of ​​how expensive the country is. The other presenter is simply wasting his life. He rents a luxury car with a driver, rents the best room in the most expensive hotel in the city, eats in top restaurants, and books excursions with a personal guide. At the end, the presenters meet and share their impressions of what they saw. And of course, they hide a bottle with a hundred dollars. As a result, the viewer sees some attractions twice: through the eyes of a rich and poor tourist. Sometimes it turns out that a budget traveler plunges deeper into the life of the local population, and new interesting facets and nuances are revealed to him.

“Heads and Tails” behind the scenes: how the program is filmed

On the screen, everything looks natural and simple: the presenter walks around the city, communicates with local people, tells and shows the sights. However, smart viewers understand that they follow him: the director, cameraman and screenwriter. On the screen there is one person, but in reality there is a team of four. In one episode the presenter spends the night in a tent on a glacier. But where do the technical staff sleep? Many viewers have doubts: do the presenters really spend the night in creepy hostels or, on the contrary, rent luxury apartments in expensive hotels? Maybe that's it these are staged scenes in the pavilion at the Dovzhenko film studio? And then they are diluted with pictures of attractions... Of course, not everything is smooth in the program “Heads and Tails” behind the scenes. How do camera operators film the presenters’ interactions with the local population? After all, in countries Western Europe and the Muslim world has its own concepts of “privacy”. The director and co-author of the show, Evgeniy Sinelnikov, says that in Cairo and India, the cameraman, producer and screenwriter even spent several days in prison. And in Jamaica, the local population, believing that photos and videos take away a piece of the soul, attacked the film crew with knives. Of course, the screenwriter arrives on site first. But the filming itself takes place in full reality.

Do presenters really live their travel lives as they show on screen?

Sometimes the hostel environment in which in one Several strangers and sometimes aggressive people spend the night in the room, quite frightening. Really, he thinks viewer - presenter really spends the night there? The veil of secrecy over how “Heads and Tails” is filmed was lifted by chief director Evgeniy Sinelnikov. He said that sometimes he takes pity on an actor or actress and allows them to spend the night in a normal hotel. But these exceptions apply only to city hostels. When presenter Regina Todorenko, wearing a skirt with tights to look beautiful on camera, went to spend the night in a tent on the glacier, the director did not make any concessions for her. As a result, the viewer saw the girl’s blue lips and, in response to her remark: “How cold it was here!”, responded mentally: “I believe it!” When the presenter spends the night in a monastery and a Buddhist monk wakes him up at four in the morning, this cannot be filmed staged, the scene is completely real. As for the “gold card” holder, here too in some cases the producer manages to save money. Mainly due to agreements. We advertise your hotel/restaurant/tour desk, and you give us a discount. But at the bottom of the screen the usual amount for services is indicated. It happens that for some reason people offer to use their luxury transport - a helicopter, a Ferrari convertible, etc. This was the case, for example, in Italy and Georgia. But in most countries the head waiter said: “We are not interested in our advertising in Ukraine.” And I had to pay the specified amount.

The cheapest and most expensive countries, plus aerial scenes

Viewers are often interested in the issue of prices. In particular, it is important for potential tourists to find out which countries will be the cheapest to vacation in. The general producer of the show answered these questions as well. London turned out to be the most expensive. The owner of the “gold card” spent $53,557 in the British capital. True, fifty thousand paid for the room at the hotel where Elton John, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monod and Charlie Chaplin stayed. And Madagascar turned out to be the cheapest, where the presenter simply had nowhere to throw money, and with all his imagination he was able to spend only $32. Singapore is in second place for budget holidays. True, this applies to the presenter with one hundred dollars. If you spend the night in a tent in the city park, in a special camping area, then it will cost only $34 for food and museums for two days. Some of the objects that the presenters talk about are sometimes seen by the viewer from a bird's eye view. How is “Heads and Tails” actually filmed? For panoramic views, a quadcopter - a drone with a camera attached to it - is launched into the sky. There are funny things with him too. So, in Rotterdam, a drone crashed into a skyscraper. As a result, not only was the footage lost, but the entire group was detained by the police for a day.

Scandals, accidents and arrests

Naturally, countries around the world have different levels of freedom of speech. And the cultural characteristics of Muslim states do not allow full filming of people on the street, especially women. But the most difficult for the group was... Belarus. Policemen constantly entered the frame, demanding documents. They forbade filming everything, even the parade. But the local population, at the sight of the aimed camera, became extremely suspicious and even aggressive. We have already mentioned the arrest of the entire group in Rotterdam. The cameraman had to go to prison in Cairo, and in India he spent three days on a bunk in a campaign with a producer and director. An international scandal almost broke out when presenter Alan Badoev decided to pick tangerines on the territory of the US Embassy. Andrei Bednyakov was fined in Batumi for picking flowers from a tree. Filming doesn't happen without accidents. Regina Todorenko in Alaska fell from a 7-meter height. Fortunately, the presenter escaped with only abrasions. The entire film crew was involved in a traffic accident in New Zealand while traveling to Queenstown. We will tell you later how “Heads and Tails” was filmed in the “Heaven and Hell” season. But presenter Lesya Nikityuk posted a photo of her broken face on social media just a few minutes after the accident.

Conceptual seasons

After four years of filming the show, its creators decided to diversify it. This is how the fifth and first conceptual season appeared. It was called "Resort". After all, tourists are mainly interested in “promoted” vacation spots. Having made a voyage to Abu Dhabi, Antalya, Corsica, Dubrovnik, Ibiza, Crete and other resorts, the group opened the “Back to the USSR” season, which caused a mixed reaction among viewers. It was not possible to get to Uzbekistan - the authorities banned the film crew from entering the country. It is noteworthy that for Russians the season “Back in the USSR” underwent additional editing - after all, residents of the Russian Federation are proud of their Soviet past. At the same time, in Moscow, where “Heads and Tails” was filmed, a fight broke out between those who wanted to find the treasured bottle of “Shabo” wine with one hundred dollars. expressed violent indignation over host Andrei Bednyakov’s remarks about Dushanbe. Then there were conceptual seasons: “At the End of the World”, “Unknown Europe” and “10th, Anniversary”. In this latter, the cities were represented by all the presenters who had previously participated in the program. It was then that the concept of the next season was born - “Heads and Tails. Around the world." Lena Sinelnikova describes how it was filmed. A round-the-world TV show was her know-how. All the preparatory work took place in six months. But what happened next?

"Around the World"

It was decided to show those cities that had not yet been filmed as part of this season. This turned out to be difficult - after all, the creative group already had five years of intense travel behind them. Therefore, the approved route resembled not a straight line, but rather a cardiogram. It was not possible to obtain a visa for some countries, while others were downright dangerous. Ten people went on a trip around the world: two presenters, cameramen, directors, as well as an editor, producer and Lena Sinelnikova herself, the director. The tenth was the specialist responsible for filling out the “Heads and Tails” section on the program’s website. Around the world: how it was filmed.” It included various curiosities, dangerous or funny moments, cut from the main show. Moreover, difficulties began on the very first day - the Group was not allowed to carry out professional photography at this place. Therefore, the episode of the presenters crossing the symbolic line was made using iPhones. There were some oddities in the future as well. For example, how was “Heads and Tails” filmed in Goa? Then the whole group suffered from food poisoning. Therefore, even the owner of the “gold card” Lesya spent $34 on food for two days, while her colleague Regina spent five. The round-the-world film trip lasted from February 15 (Antwerp) to November 14, 2016. Due to such a long business trip, the audience had questions.

Theater or reality?

Surprisingly, the hosts wore a different outfit for each episode. This raised suspicions. But clothes (like European food in some countries) brought from Ukraine. Viewers also noticed that already at the airport they can guess who will get the “golden card” during the draw: the future backpacker is dressed simply, in a sporty way. But in the case of a draw, everything is fair. There were only two cases when a coin was flipped in the studio: when one of the presenters was delayed in issuing a visa. Back then the episodes were filmed out of sync. The suspicion of the audience was also aroused by the magical ability of the presenters to “open all doors”: wherever they go (supposedly spontaneously), they are shown everything and taken everywhere. This is explained by the way the show “Heads and Tails” is filmed: two or three days before the hosts arrive, the director comes to the city. And before that, negotiations are still underway about places in hotels, ordering a car, etc. The director determines the route of both presenters and locations. He determines cheap and expensive places to eat, attractions that are worth showing. But this does not mean at all that the show “Heads and Tails” is completely staged. The presenters do not have written texts, they give out emotions from what they see directly, they do not play, but live. But even with such preparation, there are problems. One of them occurred in Almaty. The director, before filming the program “Heads and Tails,” found a cafe in which he was assured that it was very budget-friendly. When the presenter came there with her less than a hundred dollars and ordered beshbarmak, she was billed $110! And in Monte Carlo, the presenter with the “gold card” got carried away so much that she lost 35 thousand. It was purely her initiative, and such an act aroused the anger of the producer and sponsors.

"Heaven and Hell"

The program “Heads and Tails” constantly surprises viewers. In February of this year, 2017, a new season began, called “Heaven and Hell.” is quite simple: to show the tourist “facade” of a country and at the same time behind the scenes, how ordinary people live. As it turns out, there is a “hell” not only in the countries of Southeast Asia, India, Latin America or the Caribbean, but also in Europe. This was eloquently told by stories about Switzerland, Corfu, New Zealand (Queenstown and Queensland). But, surprisingly, some tourist countries were able to profit from this for themselves. When “Heads and Tails” was filmed in Nha Trang, a Vietnamese resort beloved by Russians, the presenters were constantly accompanied by crowds of vacationers. And after the release of the story, many travel agencies offer a route to the attractions shown in the TV show.

Before the 13th season of “Heads and Tails” was filmed, the idea for this very last season was born. The first story - about Hong Kong - was published in March 2017. Thus, the television show was divided into two independent projects, with their own presenters and film crew. The concept of the “Reset” was inspired by circumstances. Over the thirteen seasons that have been filmed, there are almost no countries left where the film crew of the travel show “Heads and Tails” has not yet visited. Then it was decided to take a trip to the old places. What has changed in them over the years? It turned out that time does not stand still. And those who visited a certain country several years ago can go there again and get a completely new experience.

“Heads and tails. New Year" and other parodies

When the popularity rating is off the charts, why not laugh at yourself? In November-December 2016, the group decided to film the New Year's cabbage show. Everyone who participated in the filming of “Around the World” gathered in a wooden house in the village of Reshkino. Everyone made a New Year's wish, which unexpectedly came true. It turned out that this is not at all what the participants in the show “Heads and Tails” actually wanted. After various funny twists and turns, everything returns to its place, and the creative team again sets off to travel the world.

In the video you will see footage from the film and information about a unique VR project that will take viewers to the set using virtual reality glasses.

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Sergei Arutyunov fights for victory not only on stage, but also fights with swords with friends and colleagues, and also recalls his musical childhood and his first earnings. While visiting the star family of the Arutyunovs, we’ll meet his mother, find out how the son of a star bluesman lives and works, and how “The Voice” helps him find himself in life and on stage.

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Move to Moscow with a hundred in your pocket, find a job in 10 days and get on “The Voice”: the story of Marzhana Makisheva. Special report. Voice-7

First I learned to sing in a club in Almaty, then I came to Moscow with a hundred dollars in my pocket, found a job and ended up on “The Voice” - Marzhana Makisheva about how she builds her own destiny. Watch in a special report how he spends time with friends, performs in show ballet and sings in a cover band.