Prokhorovsky field of photography. Museum-reserve "Prokhorovskoye Field"

Last May, I very actively traveled to places associated with tragic events. I managed to talk about some of them on the blog, but not yet about others. Why? Well, firstly, this topic is very difficult for me to write, both morally and technically, and secondly, many citizens of the Russian Federation remember the Second World War only when Victory Day and related weekends approach. And during the year they try not to bother themselves with patriotism and terrible details of military operations. Accordingly, there is no interest and then simply no one reads the posts, and the statistics do not show even half of the average views for my blog. It is for these two reasons that quite a lot of photographic material lay on the hard drive for almost a year. But spring is in full swing, many will go on various trips during the May holidays and, perhaps, even stop somewhere along the way to honor the memory of soldiers and officers who fell in battle. For example, in Prokhorovka, where on July 12, 1943, during the defensive phase of the Battle of Kursk, one of the largest battles in military history using armored forces took place.

In this post I will give an overview of what you can see in Prokhorovka, where to stay the night, eat, and so on. And, of course, as briefly as possible (after all, May 9 is still far away) I’ll tell you about the meat grinder that happened here in the summer of 1943.

So, north, urban-type settlement Prokhorovka. In fairness, it is worth noting that the famous tank battle took place near railway station Prokhorovka, named after the track engineer V.I. Prokhorov, and located a little to the side. Until 1968, this settlement was called the village of Aleksandrovskoye. In the post-war years, it grew and included the very Prokhorovka station, which became the western part of the village.

02 . There are no hotels in Prokhorovka other than the one you see in the photo below, so I recommend booking rooms in advance through the website of the Prokhorovskoye Pole hotel complex. The hotel is not bad, especially for a provincial one. The only bad thing is the organization of meals for guests. Breakfast is extremely slow, and we didn’t get to have dinner at all, because the hotel restaurant closes very early. We wanted to take a walk at sunset. However, catering is bad everywhere in Prokhorovka. More than 9 thousand people live in the village, there is a sports complex, a cinema, an elevator, factories, but there is nowhere to eat. We raided three cafes that the hotel administrator recommended to us, and as a result, one was hosting a wedding, another served only beer and snacks, and the third was completely closed. Therefore, we had to improvise in the room ourselves. We had a three-year-old daughter with us, who didn’t really want to feed sandwiches at night.

03 . Near the hotel parking lot there is a sculptural group “Tankman and Infantryman”. It is clear that the role of infantry in a tank duel was the most unenviable and essentially suicidal.

04 . Almost opposite the hotel complex there is a huge building of the Museum of Military Glory “The Third Military Field of Russia”.

05 . The building was opened on May 2, 2010. Outwardly, it resembles an arc, lined with gray granite, and the main facade, according to the architect’s idea, imitates tank tracks.

06 . A sculptural composition that struck me to the core. Two Soviet and three life-size German tanks collided in a powerful ram. They write on the Internet that you can climb into one of the tanks and see a defeated fascist there, but they open this door, as I understand it, only for large organized groups.

06 . Traditionally, Soviet sources indicate that about 1,500 tanks took part in the Battle of Prokhorovka. 800 Soviet and 700 German. Some modern historians they claim that there were fewer tanks, but looking at this monument, I can’t even imagine what kind of hell was going on here then.

07 . To the right of the museum building is the rather unusual Church of Peter and Paul.

08 . Remake. Built for the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory.

09 . In the courtyard there is also a small St. Nicholas Church, etc. "Bell of Unity" This is a monument erected as a symbol of the unity of three Slavic peoples: Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Opened on the anniversary of the 55th Victory Day. Patriarch Alexy II, Putin, Kuchma and Lukashenko were present at the opening.

10 . By evening light we drove from the village, actually, to the battlefield. Now bread grows on it every day, but how much blood it once absorbed...

11. The height of 252.2 is marked by a belfry.

12. The height of the belfry itself is 59 meters. Inside, under the dome, there is an alarm bell weighing 3.5 tons, and on 4 wall pylons there are 24 high reliefs with 130 images. I am specially publishing photos in large size so that you can appreciate this work of art and the main monument of the entire Prokhorovskoe Field memorial complex.

13 . A little further away they erected a monument to one of its creators - sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. He died in 2006

14 . Nearby is another sculptural group - “Great commanders of the three military fields of Russia - Dmitry Donskoy, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov.”

15 . And, of course, tanks.

16 . More precisely, tanks, Katyushas, ​​guns and other military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

17 . T-34-85 and my favorite Vikushonok.

18 . The next morning we continued our exploration of Prokhorovka. We had breakfast, checked out of the hotel and went to the museum.

19 . But first they walked around him in a circle. Behind the building there was a rather interesting exhibition showing a fragment of the defense line: trenches and enemy equipment in positions.

20 . Almost all German equipment was melted down in the post-war years, so the German tank is represented only by a turret on a stand.

21 . Shortly before our arrival, next to the museum, another monument was opened for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, called “Tank Landing”. Work was in full swing around it to improve the territory (we were in Prokhorovka on May 1) and by the ninth there was still a lot to be done.

22 . Work also took place at another exhibition site of military equipment, where 12 of the most significant vehicles in the history of armored vehicles were presented, through which one can trace the main stages of the development of armored vehicles and tank weapons. In addition, on May 9, the opening of a tankodrome with an obstacle course, stands for spectators with 1,300 seats, and other things was supposed to take place. It’s a pity that we weren’t able to see the tank show, but it will give us a reason to come back someday.

23 . In general, then we go to inspect the museum exhibition. It is huge and perhaps I will talk about it in a separate post, but now just a couple of fragments. Beautiful interactive map sights of the Belgorod region. It can be seen that now the belfry and the Cathedral of Peter and Paul are highlighted on it, but if you turn on another area on the multimedia screen next to the map, then other objects will be highlighted, and you can read general information on the monitor. Very cool, in my opinion.

24 . I note that everything in the museum is very modern and interactive. There is no typical museum “mothball” feel, if you know what I mean.

25 . Although not without some complications, as it turned out. In front of me, one of the spectators puzzled the guide with a question about some discrepancy between a detail of the soldier’s uniform (I don’t remember what exactly) and the 1943 uniform. The woman was embarrassed and said that the stands were made and decorated by some Moscow office and in a very fast manner, so there could be slight discrepancies.

26. And finally, let’s return to the topic of public catering in Prokhorovka. Not far from the belfry there is a rather interesting themed cafe "Blindage". In general, I give the establishment a "test" (a wooden jukebox with songs from the war years and artillery shell casings as vases for wild flowers - that's five!), but in the evening of the first day it was already closed, and at lunchtime on the second day almost the entire ration was eaten.

27 . In particular, there was not enough foie gras potatoes. The last portion was grabbed for our daughter (the cook scraped the bottom of the barrel for the little girl), and Lena and I took the less popular millet for ourselves. I note that landscaping work was also going on around the “Dugout” and it is quite possible that another cafe appeared nearby. At least on Wikimapia there is a mark of the Prival cafe, so I hope that people who, on my advice, go to Prokhorovka will not remain hungry.

28 . After lunch we went to see the observation post of the commander of the 5th Guards Tank Army, General Rotmistrov. It was from here that the command of the Prokhorovsky battle was exercised. Alas, there was a lock on the door and we had to limit ourselves to only an external inspection. After that, our program had a wonderful

Drawing for preschoolers: Russian Field. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on use unconventional techniques V visual arts preschoolers "Russian Field". Master class for children 5-6 years old

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region

Russia! How beautiful it sounds!
And you and I must take care
Her forests, native fields,
All the wealth of your country!

Russia! This word sounds proud! Russia is rich in its nature: forests, rivers, lakes and fields!
Russia is a unique country in the world. But it is known not only for its spacious territory, rich beautiful landscapes, but also for its ancient history and culture. But the most important wealth lies in people who are hardworking, hospitable, courageous, heroic, creative and sympathetic.

Three fields of Russia, three fields of Russia,
Like Russians, pride, courage and honor.
Three fields of Russia, three fields of Russia.
No one is afraid of us as long as they exist...

History knows many significant dates. This is the famous battle on the Kulikovo Field - the first military field in Russia. More than six centuries ago, in 1380, the Russian land witnessed the greatest battle on the Kulikovo Field. Moscow, Serpukhov, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Smolensk, Tver, Novgorod - all the cities stood side by side to get rid of the oppression of the Golden Horde. According to some reports, the warriors, going to where the great battle awaited them, burned bridges across the Don behind them... The significance of this battle on September 8, 1380 is enormous: Mamai’s army was defeated, the myth of the invincibility of the Golden Horde was dispelled.

Borodino Field is the second field of Russian military valor. The Battle of Borodino in 1812 destroyed Napoleon's dream of conquering Russia with one blow. And it was then that our power became famous as a winner.

But the bloodiest, most dramatic war in the history of our country is the Great Patriotic War.
About the field, the field is the blood of Russia,
The heavy wedge of her holy land.
Who could then
To predict this -
What will this field suddenly become equal to?
The victorious glory of the Kulikov field
And to the courage of the fields of Borodino.
Who knew then
What enemy power
Will the Russian land break?
That Russia will be called the Third Field
These are the black soil fields.
I. Chernukhin
Prokhorovskoe field! Russia's third battlefield! Here the decisive events of the Battle of Kursk unfolded, in the Battle of Prokhorov, which took place on July 12, 1943, on the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

On the fields of past battles
Our ancestors fought well.
The life of many generations
They defended holy Rus'.
Enemy forces like a dark cloud
They were gathering over Russia.
It's a pity history doesn't teach
We wouldn't even know about war. .
But we know the story
How the Russian land lived.
We remind our enemies:
In Russia there are fields for everyone.

Description: The work can be done with children 5-6 years old. The material may be useful to parents and educators preschool institutions and teachers of additional education.

Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent interior decoration and children's creative exhibitions.

Target: introduce children to the patriotic heritage of the Motherland, continue their acquaintance with the landscape genre.

-teach children to draw a landscape of a field using various visual techniques: work in gouache, monotype, finger palette;
- consolidate knowledge of color schemes and the ability to work with a palette;
- to cultivate respect for the heroic feat of the Russian people, love and pride for their Motherland.

For work you will need materials:
-sheet of A3 paper

We will also need plastic cards to create prints using the monotype technique. Old plastic (soft) boards for modeling with plasticine are suitable for this; we cut them into small cards, which will serve as a drawing tool.

Progress of the master class:

We start working on the landscape by drawing the horizon line and drawing the lines of the hills.

Then we work with the palette, we need a light shade of green paint. Mix white and green colors and decorate the field with the resulting color. We start drawing from the bottom of the work in order not to waste time, while one part of the landscape dries we will work on the other.

Then we mix white and blue paint to get a blue color for the sky, and decorate the sky. We work with a large brush, with smooth and even movements in one direction.
The sky is ready, and we are moving on to working with plastic cards, we will depict grass. To do this, apply green color to the card (a small strip of paint) and slam the card along the outline of the hills.

If the card does not draw, you need to apply more paint to it.

Now we will depict the grass in the background of the work, we also use the card, only we change the direction of the prints.

Then we draw the greenery of the trees that are located in the distance. Apply strokes with a brush green, and pat them down with a clean card (as if we were smearing the strokes, rubbing them).

Next are the clouds, apply white paint to the card and create prints in the form of clouds.

Distant distances, endless distances... the Russian land is wide, majestic in its open spaces, so we draw the distance blue. To do this, apply a strip blue to the edge of the horizon.

Here we need to make a smooth transition from blue to blue, and outline the tops of the forest in the distance.

We move on to the finger palette and draw flowers with white gouache. Offer children creative freedom, flowers can be different.

Using wet white, add yellow spots—the cores of the flowers.

Draw the birch trunks with white and add a light stroke with black (work with the tip of the brush). I circled the cores of the flowers in red, and lo and behold, they turned out to be daffodils.

About 60 wild species of daffodils are known, growing on the Mediterranean coast of Europe and North Africa, as well as in England and Ireland.
In the flora of Russia only narrow-leaved is found. It is common in the Carpathians and Transcarpathia. The Valley of Narcissus is a unique location of the natural distribution of Narcissus angustifolia on the Transcarpathian plain. It is here that unique wild daffodils grow, which have not been preserved anywhere else in Europe. According to scientists, in ice age Geological disasters occurred and a huge piece of earth slid down from the mountains along with plants, which became the celebrity of this valley. One hundred and seventy hectares of wild daffodils. It's an amazing sight. Narcissus is listed in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species located on the outskirts of its range.

Oksana Seifert

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I present to your attention photo report on the visit to the State Military Historical Museum-Reserve« Prokhorovskoe field» which I visited in honor of the great holiday - Victory Day! Museum located near the village Prokhorovka, and represents field, where the memorial is located "Belfry" and a large number military equipment from the Second World War. « Prokhorovskoe field» is the Third Military field Russia on a par with Kulikov and Borodinsky. July 12, 1943 on Prokhorovsky field A fierce tank battle took place, in which about 1,500 units of Soviet and German armored vehicles took part. It was a turning point in the Battle of Kursk, which, in turn, determined the entire further course of the Great Patriotic War. During the battle, truly massive heroism of our soldiers was demonstrated. Every year on May 9, Victory Day, a huge number of people visit this museum-reserve. Adults and children have the opportunity to look at tanks, guns, and other equipment from the Second World War. Also on site there is Museum of Military Glory, which contains a large number of exhibits. This museum is unique throughout Russia. Every year the number of applicants visit this place is getting bigger and bigger. People come to honor the memory of those who valiantly fought for a peaceful sky above their heads! On this holiday, I would like to wish peace throughout the entire world! Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!

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Barrelless field rocket artillery system "Katyusha"

Tanks that have served their duty stand as a memory

Small arms

Peaceful sky over Prokhorovka

The field near the Belgorod village of Prokhorovka is called the Third Military Field of Russia. The largest tank battle in the history of war took place there. On July 12, 1943, the Prokhorovskoe field, according to eyewitnesses, turned into hell: the ground turned black from tanks and shook from explosions, columns of smoke from damaged equipment rose to the skies. Today there is a peaceful blue sky over the field, but even seven decades later it makes a strong impression. At the edge of the field there is a monument in honor of the Victory - a thin white stone belfry, similar to a funeral candle. Its bell rings three times: the first time in memory of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo, the participants in the Battle of Borodino, the third - about those who died at Prokhorovka and all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The funeral bell ringing along with the cries of flying cranes is heard throughout the entire area.

A few meters from the belfry there is an exhibition of military equipment that took part in the Battle of Prokhorovka: tanks, the legendary Katyushas, ​​self-propelled guns, howitzer guns... The village of Prokhorovka is located a couple of kilometers away and does not look like the countryside: the roads are better than in another city. In Prokhorovka there is a museum “The Third Military Field of Russia”, unexpectedly large and modern. Tourists are especially attracted to the tank simulator: you can climb into the cockpit, put on stereo glasses and go ahead into a virtual battle. But still, the center of the exhibition is weapons, uniforms, orders, medals, personal belongings of soldiers of both armies, letters touching to tears