Tested questionnaires for parents in kindergarten. Questionnaires, questionnaires, instructions for parents from the thematic collection “a child on the threshold of school life”

Questioning parents (legal representatives)

Dear parents!

On this page you can familiarize yourself with the survey taking place at the preschool educational institution and answer the questions in the survey.

We are sure that you will not remain indifferent.

Your opinion is very important to us.

Why is it necessary to survey parents? kindergarten?

A questionnaire is a quick and convenient way to get clear answers to important questions of the same type. To ensure that communication with each family does not drag on for too long, teachers and kindergarten administrations use the survey method. Sometimes forms are given at home, sometimes you need to fill them out in kindergarten. All information obtained from the questionnaire is used by teachers and will not be available to third parties. Therefore, you need to fill out the forms extremely honestly and carefully. It is advisable not to consult other parents in choosing answers, as this may distort the results. Most often, you will not know the test results, since teachers need these indicators to correct their own activities. If, nevertheless, you are offered to discuss the test results, then do not be alarmed. Perhaps teacher or a psychologist has some tips for you to help raise a child. There is no denying the fact that experts know a little more about the full development of children than parents. But you always have a choice whether to listen or not. Sometimes a parent survey in a kindergarten may contain questions about your attitude towards the activities of kindergarten teachers and the organization of the educational process. Answer them honestly, without fear of ruining your relationship with the teacher. It is important for teachers to receive feedback on their work. Your answers will not affect your attitude towards your child.

What is the survey of parents in kindergarten?

The topics for the questionnaires depend on the orders of the administration of the child care institution, the information needs of teachers and psychologists, and the educational programs of the preschool educational institution. There are open and closed options for answering questions. In the first case, you will be asked to express your opinion in free form. In the second case, you will be offered standard answers to the question, one or more of which you must choose. Here sample topics questionnaires for parents in kindergarten, which they may offer you:
- What kind of parents are we, or your ideas about raising a child.
- What is your child like?
- Adaptation to kindergarten.
- What kind of physical education do you provide in your family?
- What kind of music does your baby prefer?
- How does your child feel about kindergarten?
- Moral education.
- Anti-corruption.
The current parent survey in kindergarten can be on any topic that concerns your child. Only questionnaires when admitting a child to kindergarten are standard. Take tests seriously and responsibly. They will primarily benefit your baby.

Questionnaire "On the provision of additional educational services"
Questionnaire "Satisfaction with the provision of paid educational services"

Does your child want to go to school?

Can he independently do something that requires concentration for 30 minutes (for example, assembling construction sets, puzzles)?

Does your child feel shy in the presence of strangers?

Can you solve simple addition and subtraction problems?

Does your child like to draw and color pictures?

Does the child know how to use scissors and glue?

Can a child complete puzzles?

Does the child know the names of pets?

Can he generalize concepts (name them in one word or use a sign - tomatoes, carrots, onions)?

Does the child like to work independently - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?

Can the child understand your instructions? (verbal use of natural or special gestures, signs).

Answers “no” may indicate possible difficulties for you and your child when starting school.

Questionnaire for parents

1. B lately(six months - a year) my son (daughter) has changed a lot, has become completely different.

2. He is often rude and tries to “talk over” the adult.

3. He abandoned his favorite toys and activities and constantly disappears in the yard with other children.

4. Lost interest in kindergarten and began to go there with reluctance.

5. Asks a lot about school, asks to play school with him.

6. Prefers communication with older children and adults to playing with kids.

7. He has become stubborn and defends his opinion in everything.

8. He makes faces and acts out.

9. Constantly quarrels with parents over any, even minor, issue.

10. Strive to imitate adults and willingly perform their duties.

Explanation: answer the survey questions yes (2 points), no (1 point), don’t know (0 points).

0–5 points – the child is too calm for this age, it is necessary to take a closer look at him, maybe he is behind his peers in his development.

6–10 points – negative reactions are most likely a manifestation of individual characteristics and/or the result of improper upbringing, rather than an age-related crisis.

11–20 points - most likely, difficulties in raising a child are caused by a developmental crisis; it is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards it and the system of requirements, otherwise the negative symptoms of the crisis may become stable character traits

Questionnaire for parents of preschool children

If you can confidently express an opinion about a child, then you know him.

1. What does your child like to do most?


2. What games and with whom does he like to play most?



3. What would bring him the greatest joy?



4. What does he like?



5. What tasks does the child find difficult to complete?



6. What causes resentment, anger, tears?



7. Is your child often capricious? For what reason? How do you react to his whims?



8. What worries you about your child?



Questionnaire for parents.

Studying the characteristics of a child’s personal development.

1. Has your child developed basic self-care skills (personal hygiene, dressing independently, eating food)?



2. Does the child put away his toys and personal belongings after play or at the end of the day on his own, without your reminder?



3. Is the child able to complete the assignment?



4. If, while completing an adult’s task, a child cannot cope with something on his own, should he seek help?



5. Do you think your child is sociable?



6. Can he do any business on his own?



7 Can he cope with anger and irritation when he was offended by something?



8.. Is the child ready to share his toys while playing with other children?



9. Does your child have friends?



10. Can a child make peace after a quarrel with other children?



11. Does the child try to cope with the difficulty on his own before asking for help?





13. Can a child act as an organizer of a game or some activity in the process of communicating with peers?



For each positive answer 1 point is awarded

10-13 points – sufficient (good - high) level of personal readiness for school.

6-7 points – average level of personal readiness for learning.

0-5 points – low level of personal readiness for school.

Questionnaire for parents

Answering the questions will help you see the picture of family relationships.

1. Was the birth of your child desired?

2.Do you kiss him every day, say kind words or joke with him?

3. Do you have a heart-to-heart talk with him every evening and discuss his day?

4. Once a week you organize family leisure time with him (cinema, concert, theater, visiting relatives, hiking, etc.)

5. You discuss it with him appearance?

6. Do you know his friends (what do they do, where do they live)?

7. Are you aware of his likes?

8. Do you know about his enemies, ill-wishers?

9. Do you know what he loves most?

10. Are you the first to reconcile with your child, talk?

11. Do you not insult or humiliate your child (with actions, words)?

If you answered “Yes” to all the questions, then you are on the right parenting path, you are in control of the situation and will be able to come to the aid of your child in difficult times.

And if you have a majority of “No”, then you need to change your style of communication, turn your face to your child, hear him before trouble happens!

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

Try to check for yourself what skills your child has developed for school

By the time they enter school, children should be able to independently:

wash your hands with soap after playing (especially with animals), walking and going to the toilet, and before eating;
wash your face in the morning after sleep and morning exercises, and in the evening before bed;
comb your hair (with your comb);
wash your feet before going to bed with warm water;
brush your teeth morning and evening;
when eating: sit correctly (straight, do not put your elbows on the table, do not swing your legs), do not be distracted, use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife) and napkin, chew food thoroughly;
use a handkerchief;
quickly get dressed, undressed, make the bed;
keep toys and books clean and tidy;
keep clothes and shoes clean and tidy;
wipe your shoes when entering a room;
change into home clothes and shoes;
if necessary, seek medical help in a timely manner.

Memo for parents

Do you want your child to be successful??

- Show your child that he is loved for who he is, not for his achievements.

- You should never (even in your hearts) tell a child that he is worse than others and compare him with other children.

- You should answer any questions your child may have as honestly and patiently as possible.

- Try to find time every day to be alone with your child.

- Teach your child to communicate freely and naturally not only with their peers, but also with adults.

- Don't be shy about emphasizing how proud you are of him.

- Be sincere in your assessment of your feelings for your child.

- Always tell your child the truth, even when it is to your disadvantage.

- Evaluate only the actions, not the child himself.

- Don't achieve success by force. Coercion is the worst version of moral education. Coercion in the family creates an atmosphere of destruction of the child’s personality.

- Recognize your child's rights to make mistakes.

- Think of a childhood bank of happy memories.

- The child treats himself the way adults treat him.

- And in general, at least sometimes put yourself in your child’s shoes, and then it will be clearer how to behave with him.

Memo for parents

Soon you and your child will have to start new life. In order for him to enter it joyful, sociable, and matured, we would like to offer a number of recommendations:

Try to create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family;

Set clear requirements for your child and be consistent in presenting them;

Be patient;

Develop your child’s self-care and personal hygiene skills;

Encourage games with other children, expand your circle of communication with adults;

When your child communicates with you, listen carefully.

Children learn from what surrounds them.

If a child is often criticized, he learns to condemn

If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight

If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid

If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty

If you often treat a child with condescension, he learns to be tolerant

If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence

If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate

If you are usually honest with a child, he learns justice

If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe

If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world

Memo to parents of future first-graders

1. Wake up your child calmly in the morning. When he wakes up, he should see your smile and hear your gentle voice. Don’t push him in the morning, don’t pull him over trifles, don’t reproach him for mistakes and oversights, even if you warned him yesterday;

3.Do not send your child to school without breakfast;

4. Under no circumstances say goodbye with a “warning”: “Look, don’t play around! So that you don’t get bad grades today!” Wish him good luck, cheer him up, find a few kind words - he has a difficult day ahead;

6. If you see that the child is upset, but is silent, do not question him, let him calm down, then he will tell everything himself;

7. After listening to the teacher’s comments, do not rush to scold him; try to have your conversation with the teacher without the child. By the way, it’s always a good idea to listen to both sides and not rush to conclusions;

8. Do not force homework to be done in one sitting; after 15-20 minutes of studying, a 10-15 minute break is necessary;

9. Find at least half an hour during the day when you will completely belong to your child, without being distracted by other things. At this moment, his worries, joys and failures matter most;

10. Develop a unified tactic for communication between all adults in the family and the child, resolve your disagreements about pedagogical tactics without him. If something doesn’t work out, consult a teacher, psychologist, doctor, read literature for parents;

11.Remember that there are critical periods throughout the year when it is more difficult to study, fatigue sets in faster, and performance is reduced. These are the first 4-6 weeks for first graders, the end of the second quarter, the first week after winter break, the middle of the third quarter. During these periods, you should be especially attentive to the child’s condition;

12. Be attentive to your child’s complaints of headache, fatigue, and poor condition.

Compiler of the thematic collection “Child on the threshold of school life”

Priemysheva Svetlana Nikolaevna – teacher-defectologist of the State Budget Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Simferopol Special Boarding School No. 2.

Questionnaire for preschoolers

1. How your name, patronymic, last name?

For example: My name is Olga Sergeevna Serova.

2. How old are you? State your date of birth.

3. What are the names of your parents and other family members?

For example: My dad's name is Denis Sergeevich. My mother's name is Ekaterina Nikolaevna. My sister (brother) name is Anya (Petya).

4. Where and what do your parents work for?

For example: My dad works in a restaurant. He's a cook. My mother works in a company. She's an accountant.

5. Do you have a brother or sister? How old are they? What are their names?

For example: I have a brother. His name is Petya. He is 12 years old.

6. What is the name of the country in which you live and its capital?

For example: I live in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

7. Give your address, city (village) where you live. What's your phone number?

For example: I live in the city..., street..., house number..., apartment number... My phone number is 00-00-00.

8. What other countries do you know? What do you know about their inhabitants?

For example: I know the countries - England. In England there is a Big Ben clock; Japan. People in Japan love to eat rice; Australia. Kangaroos live in Australia.

9. Name at least five professions. What benefits do they bring to people?

For example: I know the profession of a cook; he cooks deliciously and feeds adults and children in cafes and restaurants. A taxi driver takes people around the city. The doctor treats the sick. A builder builds houses. A fireman puts out a fire. etc.

10. What sports do you know?

For example: I know football, hockey, boxing, basketball, swimming, tennis.

11. What qualities do you like in people?

For example: I like it when a person is kind, sympathetic, cheerful, honest, brave, etc.

12. Why do you need to study?

I believe that you need to study in order to learn to read, write, and count. You need to study to get good knowledge.

13. How to cross the road correctly?

You can cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and when the traffic light is green.

14. Which famous people do you know your country?

15. What national dishes of your country do you know?

16. Do you like studying?

For example: Yes, I like to study.

17. Do you want to go to school? Why?

For example: Yes, I want to go to school because I want to learn to write, read and count. I also want to learn a lot of new things and make new friends.

18. What seasons do you know?

I know the seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring.

19. What winter, spring, summer and autumn months do you know?

Winter months are December, January, February. The spring months are March, April, May. Summer months are June, July, August. Autumn months are September, October, November.

20. What are the features of each season?

For example: In autumn, the days become shorter and colder. Migratory birds fly to warmer climes, and trees shed their leaves. In winter it snows, many animals hibernate. In spring, nature begins to awaken after hibernation, and the period of plant growth and flowering begins. In summer the days are sunny and warm. A lot of fruits and berries are ripening.

21. Name the days of the week in order.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

22. Name three types of fruits, vegetables, berries

For example: Fruits - apple, pear, peach. Vegetables - cucumber, tomato, eggplant. Berries - raspberries. currants, strawberries.

23. Name several types of trees. What coniferous trees do you know? What makes them special?

For example: I know birch, oak, pine, poplar. Coniferous trees - pine, spruce, cedar. Instead of leaves, conifers have long thin needles. Coniferous trees are green all year round.

24. What parts of plants do you know?

Parts of a plant - stem, root, leaf, flower, fruit.

25. Name at least three types of insects, fish, birds.

For example: Insects - fly, grasshopper, butterfly. Fish - carp, catfish, shark. Birds - dove, crow, eagle.

26. Name the predatory animals, birds, fish.

For example: Predatory animals are a tiger, a lion, a wolf, a bear. Birds of prey are eagle, falcon, owl, seagull. Predatory fish - shark, killer whale, pike,

27. What migratory and wintering birds do you know?

For example: Migratory birds are cranes, ducks, seagulls, swallows. Wintering birds are sparrows, crows, tits, and woodpeckers.

28. What pets do you know? What benefits do they bring to people?

For example: I know domestic animals - cow, goat, dog, cat, sheep. Cow, goat, sheep give milk. Cottage cheese, sour cream, and butter are made from milk. The dog guards our house. The cat catches mice.

29. What cultivated plants do you know? What benefits do they bring to people?

For example: Cultivated plants are plants that are grown by humans. These are sunflower, Watermelon, Cucumbers, Dill, Roses, Tea, Cotton, Grapes. The benefits of cultivated plants are that we can consume them as food.

30.What is the difference between trees and shrubs?

The main difference between trees and shrubs is that trees differ from shrubs in height; trees are much taller than shrubs. In a bush, the trunk begins to branch right next to the ground, while in a tree, the trunk straightens and grows to a certain height, from where its branching begins.

31. What are the names of the fruits of oak, apple, and spruce?

The fruit of an oak tree is an acorn, the fruit of an apple tree is an apple, the fruit of a spruce tree is a cone.

32. What is the difference between a city and a village?

For example: The population in the city is greater than in the village.

33. Who gives us eggs, wool, milk, honey?

Chickens give us eggs. Sheep give us wool. Cows and goats give us milk. Bees give us honey.

34. What flowers do you know? Which ones grow wild?

For example: I know flowers - roses, bells, dandelions, lilies, tulips. The wild ones are bluebell and dandelion.

35. Why do migratory birds fly away?

For example: Migratory birds fly away to warm countries for the winter because they have nothing to eat in winter and insects cannot be found in winter.

36. What fish live in the sea?

For example: I know sea fish - flounder, salmon, tuna, herring.

37. What insects, fish, animals should you beware of?

For example: We must beware of insects - poisonous spiders and scorpions, ticks and malaria mosquitoes carry diseases. You have to beware of fish - sharks, piranhas, moray eels, barracudas. We must beware of animals - bears, wolves, tigers, lions, snakes, crocodiles.

38. How do wolves, bears, foxes, hare, and hedgehogs winter?

For example: In winter, wolves unite in large packs and spend the winter on constant trips in search of food. For the winter, the bear climbs into a den and hibernates. In winter, the fox's skin changes to a warm one; it hunts for hares, field mice and partridges. Hares wear white coats in winter and eat small branches and bark from trees. Hedgehogs hibernate in winter; during this time, hedgehogs do not eat anything, but live off the subcutaneous fat accumulated since the fall.

39. What planets of the solar system do you know?

I know Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

40. What do these planets revolve around?

The planets revolve around the Sun.

41. What does the Sun give us?

The sun gives us warmth and light. It supports life on our planet.

42. Tell me how to behave in nature.

For example: You cannot leave a fire unextinguished. You must not leave trash behind. It is best to wear sportswear, sneakers and a hat for a walk in the forest. You cannot leave your neck, arms, or legs open - there is a high risk of being bitten by various insects, snakes, and there is also a high risk of contracting tick-borne encephalitis. When picking mushrooms or berries, collect only those that are very well known to us. Unfamiliar mushrooms and berries should not be touched - this can lead to severe poisoning or death. You cannot swim in unfamiliar places. You can become infected with dangerous germs.

43. What is the Red Book?

The Red Book is a book that contains a list of rare and endangered animals and plants. The red color of the book means a prohibitive color, it is a signal of alarm and danger, it is an SOS signal given to us by animals and plants, which are now in great danger of simply disappearing from the face of the Earth.

44. Why do people go to school?

For example: Children go to school to learn a lot of new, interesting and useful things. At school they will teach you to read, count and write. You can make new friends at school. At school you can get acquainted with new subjects and gain new knowledge that will be useful in the future when children get older.

Please note that it is best if your child answers the question asked completely. Ask him more often why you think this way. It is important that your child learns to compare, generalize, and contrast. He must not just perceive reality, but draw certain conclusions and reflect.

Read more with your child; children perceive information from children's literature - be it fairy tales or just poetry - much easier and more deeply.

Questionnaire for parents on patriotic education

1. What words express love for the Motherland? ___

2. Do you touch upon topics related to patriotism in conversations with your child? ___

3. How do you introduce your child to national culture? ___

4. Do you think it is important to draw the child’s attention to what nation he belongs to? ___

5. How do you focus your baby’s attention on this? ___

6. Do you tell your child about your ancestors and family roots? ___

How does the child react to this? ___

7. Do you organize tea parties with children in your family? ___

8. Do you read r. to your child? n. fairy tales? ___How often? ___

9. Who reads most often? ___ What time of day? ___

10. Do you perform folk nursery rhymes when communicating with your child? ___

11. Does your parenting practice include didactic games that introduce national rituals and traditions? ___

If so, which ones? ___

12. What national outdoor games do you know and use in raising a child?

13. Do you know any proverbs about the Motherland? ___ Name them ___

14. What are the Russian symbols? ___

15. Do you have enough information? ___

16. Do you know how to tell children about the symbols of Russia? ___

17. Do you know what works can be read to children that will instill patriotic feelings in children? ___

18. How often do you read such works to children? ___

19. What works from Russian folk art, Have you read to children? ___

20. What folk holidays You know? ___

21. Do you need advice on the education of patriotic feelings? ___

22. Do you want to participate in a folk craft club? ___

23. Would you like to participate in leisure evenings? ___ Why? ___

24. Do you instill love for the Motherland in your child? Yes. No. Why? ___

25. What is a Russian family? ___

26. What is she like? ___

27. Do you visit museums with your child? ___ If yes, which ones? ___

28. In your opinion, indicate the main reasons for possible difficulties in introducing the national culture in modern society? ___

Questionnaire for children on the topic “Me and my village”

Last name and first name of the child ___age___

1. What is the name of the village where you live? ___

2. Do you like living in your village? ___

3. Do you think you love your village? ___

4. Do you think your village is beautiful? What is its beauty? ___

5. What could you do (together with your friends, parents, to make your village better? ___

6. If friends came to visit you, what would you tell them about your village? ___

Questionnaire for children on the topic “Me and my country”

1. What is the name of the country in which you live? What other countries do you know? ___

2. Do you think Russia is a big country? ___

3. What cities of our country have you heard about? What cities have you been to? ___

4. If you were asked to choose the country you would like to live in, which one would you choose? Why? ___

5. What nationalities do people live in Russia? Name them.

6. Are there children of a different nationality among your friends? Which? What can you tell us about them? ___

7. Would you like to meet children of a different nationality? Why? ___

8. What games would you play with children of a different nationality? ___

9. Do you love your country? Why? ___

10. If you had a magic wand and could make wishes come true only for the whole country or your village, what three wishes would you make? ___

Questionnaire for children on the topic “Me and the world around me”

Last name and first name of the child ___age ___

1. When you grow up, what will you become? ___

2. What do you think is needed to get such a profession? ___

3. What do your parents do? ___

4. What professions do you like? ___

5. Why does a person need to know a foreign language? ___

6. Which of the following things do you need first of all: a computer, mobile phone, TV, toys, books? Why? ___

7. Do you want to go to school? Why? ___

8. What do you like to draw? ___

9. Name your favorite songs. ___

10. Name your favorite games. ___

11. Name your favorite technique. ___

12. Name your favorite book. ___

13. Name your favorite TV shows. ___

14. Name your favorite cartoons. ___

Activity sheets “Love for the Motherland begins with family”

Dear parents, help your children fill out activity sheets, draw up a family tree, and come up with and describe the family coat of arms.

A name plays an important role in a person's life. A person’s awareness of his individuality begins with a name. The task of adults is to help the child develop a positive attitude towards his own name.

Dear parents, talk to your child about how his name was chosen, why he was called that, and which other relatives have the same name.

Write your name in the center of the flower, and on the petals draw your eyes, nose, mouth, write your affectionate name or the one that your family calls you.

Write or draw what your mother calls you when she’s angry and when she wants to cuddle you.

*My name is ___

Draw yourself in a frame.

When you grow up and become an adult, you will be called by your first name and patronymic. In Russian culture, a patronymic is given to a child based on the father's name. Write yours in the boxes full name and patronymic.

You address your peer, brother, or sister by name. By calling an adult by name and patronymic, you thereby show respect for him.

What do you call your friends and adult acquaintances when you greet them, say goodbye, or make a request to them?

* Imagine that you cannot fasten a button. Ask Vladik to help you. How will you do it? What do you think Vladik will answer you? ___

You don’t have a red pencil, but Vanya does. Ask him for a pencil. How will you do it? What will Vanya answer?

My family

It is very important that the child’s relatives have the first conversation about the family. Let him know who cares about whom, how everyone in the family cares for others.

Draw yourself and your brother (Sister) in ovals.

Write your name and your brother's name, the names of your dad and mom under their images. Label symbols of activities and responsibilities with the family members who perform them.


Washing machine

Gas stove

Mom Dad

Write the answers in the crossword boxes.

1. She is my aunt, and what about my mother?

2. He is my dad’s dad, and what about me?

3. She is my dad’s wife, and what about me?

4. Insert a soft sign.

5. He’s dad’s brother, and what about me?

What keyword came in the middle?

Explain what a family is. ___

What's your family like? ___

What (who) is your family proud of? ___

What are the traditions and customs in your family?

Draw your family's favorite holiday and tell us about it.

Write the names and patronymics of your mother and father in the boxes.

Draw your family members in the windows and tell them about their favorite activities and hobbies.

Using geometric shapes, draw a symbolic portrait of your family.

My ancestry

Children enjoy listening to stories about their ancestors. Give your child this joy. Tell us about the life of your parents, look at the family photo archive with him.

Together with your parents, look at the photographs in the family album. Ask your parents about the people who are pictured next to them:

Who are they? ___

What were their names? ___

What were you doing? ___

Together with your parents, count how many brothers and sisters each of them has. Write down and remember their names.

My aunts and uncles.

My aunts and uncles

Your parents also had parents who loved and raised them, just like your parents did for you.

Who is this? ___

What are your grandmothers' names?

My mother's mother is my grandmother. F.I. O___Mom's dad, my grandfather F.I. ABOUT___

Dad's mom F.I.O___

Dad's dad _F. I. O___

Together with your parents, write down important dates in your album and talk about them.

The year you were born. ---

The year you start school. ---

Years of birth of your parents:

Full name year of birth (mother) ___

Full name year of birth (father) ---

Years of birth of grandparents. ___

Relatives are close people. They support each other through all the joys and sorrows. Therefore, if one of the relatives acts badly, then people condemn not only this person, but also all his relatives. You need to strive to do good deeds and take care of the good name of your family, your family.

You began to compile your family tree, learned a lot about your ancestors, and you got the idea to create a coat of arms for your family, as they said in the past - surnames. Try, together with your parents, to remember the favorite activities of your grandparents and try to express them with symbols. This is a long process, and it doesn’t matter if you sometimes change your coat of arms, the main thing is that your family has it and your children will be proud of it. The basis of the coat of arms is the shield. In the old days, medieval knights, clad in armor, distinguished allies and opponents during battle by special signs on their shields. Subsequently, the image of a shield with symbols became the coat of arms of the clan and family.

Over time, the family accumulates awards, books, photographs, newspaper and magazine clippings, paintings, letters, and documents. These items should be carefully stored and children should be told about their owners and the events associated with them. This helps to strengthen good traditions, and family relations, that is, everything that is called family honor. Draw the heirlooms that are kept in your family.

Fill in the missing letters and explain how you understand the words.

R_dosl_vn_ya ___

Family members ___

Pr_b_bushka ___

Learn proverbs with your parents. Explain their meaning. If you have any difficulties, ask adults for help.

Children are the grace of God.

Those who have children have worries. ___

If you knew how to give birth to a child, you also know how to teach it. ___

A Russian person cannot live without relatives. ___

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. ___

The righteous mother is a stone fence. ___

Dear adults, help your child learn poetry.

Song about mom.

I'll take a ray from the sun

I'll take freshness from the river,

I’ll bring it as a gift to my mother -

For care and tenderness.

About grandma.

Grandma's room is bright,

There are no sweeter eyes in the world.

With her selfless prayer,

With her selfless prayer,

I have kept it warm since childhood.

Looks at me, smiles,

And the walkers are quiet: tick-tock.

My joy, hello, grandmother,


Questionnaire for parents raising children preschool age,

attending preschool.

Dear parents!

In order to evaluate the performance of the music director working with your children, we ask you to answer the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be very grateful if you return it completed. Thank you very much for your help!

1. How old is your child?

2. During what period does he attend preschool?

3. In what forms does a child show active interest in the family?

to music?

A) Does he share his impressions of music lessons?

holidays held in kindergarten?

B) Do children's parties evoke an emotional response in him?

Q) Does he have any favorite children's music cassettes (discs)?

D) Does he sing (hum), show interest in adult singing, compose

your songs?

D) Does he dance (dance), compose his own dances?

E) Are there children’s rooms in the house? musical instruments- toys?

Is your child trying to play music independently?

G) Do you organize joint holidays?

H) What theaters do you visit with your children?

4. Do you attend holidays in kindergarten?

5. What advice would you like to receive from the music director?

6. Do you attend parent-teacher meetings with the participation of the music director?

7.Are you satisfied with the quality musical education our child in a preschool?

8. What would you like to wish for? music director in his future work?

Source nsportal.ru

Questionnaire for parents on the topic:

"Sports games for children of senior preschool age."

  1. Full name

2. How do you feel about sports?_____________________________________________

3. What sports games can you play?__________________________


5. What sports games do you organize while relaxing in nature, at the sea?___________________________________________________________

6. Do you know what sports games preschool children can play?_________________________________________________________

7. Do you know how to organize some kind of sports game with your child?________________________________________________

8. What kind of sports equipment do you have in your yard?__________________________________________________________

9. Would you like to know what sports games can be organized with preschoolers?_________________________________________________

10. Do you need the help of a physical education instructor in gaining knowledge about teaching sports games and exercises to children of senior preschool age?__________________________________________________________

11. What else would you like to know about organizing training for older preschoolers in sports games and exercises?_________________________________________________

12. What kind of open screening on teaching children sports games and exercises would you like to see?_________________________________________________________

On topic:

Source nsportal.ru

In my work I use the survey method.

Questioning is a means of obtaining information for social surveys; it is used in sociological, socio-psychological, economic, and demographic studies.

Questionnaire questions can be open (a free answer is given) and closed (the answer consists of choosing from several statements proposed in the questionnaire), as well as objective and subjective. This is the most common type of survey.

A questionnaire is a questionnaire, a questionnaire, a structurally organized set of questions, each of which is associated with a variety of research objectives. This is a tool for collecting information, which is recorded in the form of written responses.

Questioning is used to obtain information about such phenomena and processes in a team or in the psychology of an individual student or parents that are inaccessible to direct observation. For example: information about motives, interests, preferences, communication difficulties, life plans, etc.

Advantages of surveying:

Breadth of research topics (about any spheres of life and relationships);

The ability to obtain information both about objective processes and about people’s attitudes towards them;

Relatively low time consumption and cost-effectiveness;

Obtaining the most formalized information suitable for systematization with subsequent comparative analysis;

Possibility of repeating surveys at certain intervals;

Using the presented sample questionnaires, I would like to talk about the tasks for which they were compiled.

No. 1. For parents. This questionnaire is necessary for choosing methods of work during the adaptation period of first-graders. Given at a parent meeting after the first month of school. Goal: to identify children who especially need support at the first stage, I pay special attention to children’s difficulties not only directly in the educational process, but also in self-organization, communication, etc.

No. 2. After the first half of the year, children already become direct “respondents”. This questionnaire contains distracting questions and main questions. Helps to identify their social circle, interests, and provides an opportunity for kids to try to understand and evaluate themselves. Goal: to continue work on studying interpersonal relationships in the classroom and to develop children’s ability to engage in self-analysis, look into their inner world.

No. 3. For younger schoolchildren, questionnaires are available not only in the form of printed text, but also in the form of a drawing. Responses may be submitted in writing, graphic representation in the form of a drawing or in combination, naturally the choice is up to the student. Goal: to get to know the child’s inner world, to continue work on the education and development of moral and ethical standards, using questionnaire data. As a rule, the result of such questionnaires is the class newspaper “Dreams of our class”.

No. 4. Questionnaire for children and parents. It’s interesting because I give it to children and adults at the same time on the day of the parent-teacher meeting. In the morning - children, in the evening - parents. Conducted anonymously! Goal: use the data in your work to correct your work, analyze the questionnaire data at the next parent meeting with a discussion of the positive and negative aspects of education.

No. 5. The questionnaire is a choice. Goal: to continue monitoring the formation of children’s internal worldview. Discussed at a parent meeting, with the goal of mutual understanding in matters of work to align the concepts: child-family-school.

No. 6. This form is given before class time: “Things that surround us.” Goal: to identify each student’s knowledge about the usefulness of things and the dangers that some of them pose. Based on these data, a newspaper is published about the safe, dosed handling of electronic media, and a report is prepared by students on the benefits and possibilities of modern and traditional games and the proper organization of leisure time.

No. 7. Questionnaire about mothers. It is held on the eve of Mother's Day. Goal: to continue working on developing the ability to analyze oneself, one’s attitude towards loved ones, which gives a clear picture of relationships in the family.

Often children find it difficult to answer - they haven’t thought about the fact that a mother can have her own inner world, her own hobbies. Based on the data from the questionnaire, the newspaper “Our Mothers” is published, where the headings contain generalized information from the questionnaires.

No. 8. Questionnaire – mood. Goal: to determine in what conditions a particular child has the greatest psychological comfort, which is necessary for each student to form positive motivation for learning and behavior.

1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the child____________________________________________________________

2. How does your child feel about school? Are there situations when a child refuses to go to school?

What is this connected with?_____

3. After your child started attending school, what changes did you notice in his well-being and behavior?___________

4. How does the child feel after school?________________________________________________

5. Is there a need for daytime sleep?_____________________________________________

6. What time does he go to bed?__________________________________________________________

7. What kind of sleep does the child have? ______________________________________________________________

8. Does he prepare his homework at home?________________________________________________________________

9. Does he do his homework on his own or with your help?__________________________________________

10. What subjects are the most difficult for you? Why do you think?__________________________


11. How much time does your child spend watching TV or computer?___________________

12. How much time does he walk a day? Does he walk independently or under your supervision?


13. What additional clubs and sections does your child attend?_________________________


14. Has your child made new friends at school? Have you communicated with them, or do you know about them only from the words of your child?_________________________________________________________

15. When getting ready for school, does your child collect his briefcase on his own, with your help, or is this solely your concern?________________________________________________________________

16. Are you primarily interested in academic success or events happening at school?________________________________________________________________________________

17. What kind of community service do you think your child would enjoy?____________


1. What is your name? How old are you and where do you live?_________________


2. What is your favorite subject at school? Why?__________________


3. What is your favorite movie or cartoon?_______________________


4. Favorite time of year? Why?___________________________________


5. What dish are you always ready to eat?________________________________

6. What is your favorite color?___________________________________________

7. Who are you friends with?__________________________________________________________

8. What clothes do you prefer?________________________________

9. Favorite game (not electronic!!!) ?________________________________

10. How can you be interesting to others?______________________



12. Who is your favorite character from books or movies?_________________________

13. Favorite sport?_________________________________________

14. Have you thought about what you want to become when you grow up? Why?_________


15. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a favorite artist or group?______________________________________________________________

16. What do you NOT like about your character?_________________________

17. Why do you respect other people?______________________________

18. What are you most afraid of?_________________________________

19. When are you happy?________________________________ ___


Questionnaire for children and their parents.

1. What time do you go to bed?___________

2. Do you do your homework on your own?___________

3. Do you read books?____________

4. When last time Have you been to a museum or theater with your parents?


5. Does your mother check your notebooks?________________

6. How many hours or minutes a day do you communicate with your mother?


7. What do you like about school? ____________________________



Dear parents!

The teaching staff of MBDOU _________ will begin work on introducing the foundations of Orthodox culture into the practice of working with preschoolers. The basis of this elective will be the spiritual and moral education of children based on the values ​​of Orthodox culture.

Attending classes can help develop a child’s Christian attitude towards parents, loved ones, native land, and nature. In our work, we also adhere to state policy in the field of education, the main meaning of which is freedom of religion.

No one can force a child to believe or forbid him to learn the basics of religion. Only at the request of the parents does the child have the right to study or not study the basics of religion. We hope that you will express your opinion regarding your child’s attendance at the elective on the basics of Orthodox culture for preschoolers, as well as the advisability of its introduction into the educational process of kindergarten.

Parent's name ___________________________

  1. Do you agree with the statement regarding the need to develop the spiritual qualities of a child in preschool age?

a) yes, and this is proven by our life experience raising children

b) we are becoming more and more convinced of this

c) we do not agree with this statement

  1. Who, in your opinion, can introduce children to the norms of Christian morality in kindergarten?

a) this is a person who has a pedagogical education and special knowledge of Christian ethics

b) these are the teachers of our group

c) we can cope without the help of a kindergarten

d) another answer _____________________________________________

  1. Do you want your child to attend elective classes on the basics of Orthodox culture for preschool children?

Note: Underline the selected answer.

Thank you for your sincere participation.

Material nsportal.ru

Questionnaires for children: questionnaire for a child - family through the eyes of a child

Methodological work in kindergarten

Control and management in preschool educational institutions

Questionnaire for a child “Family through the eyes of a child”

Questionnaire carried out by the teacher at the beginning and at the end academic year. The survey is conducted individually with each child in the group in a calm and friendly environment.

  1. Who do you live with?
  2. Do you like spending time at home? Do you want to quickly go home from kindergarten in the evening? (Yes, no, not always)
  3. Do your parents often talk to you about your affairs? (Yes, no, not always)
  4. Do they speak kindly rather than strictly? (Yes, no, not always)
  5. Are you calm at home? Aren't you scared? (Yes, no, not always)
  6. Do your parents often play with you? (Yes, no, not always)
  7. Which family member plays with you more often?
  8. If you break something, will your mom help you fix it or will she scold you? And dad? (Yes, no, not always)
  9. If you wanted a new toy, chocolate or kinder surprise, will your parents buy them for you right away? (Yes, no, not always)
  10. If someone offended you or you were just upset, would you immediately tell your mom about everything? What about dad? Won't you tell anyone?
  11. What do you like to do most on your days off?
  12. Do you often go somewhere with your parents or play on weekends? (Yes, no, not always)
  13. If it's time for you to go to bed and you want to play some more, do your parents allow you? (Often, sometimes, rarely)
  14. When you go to bed in the evening, mom or dad kisses you and wishes you Good night? (Often, sometimes, rarely)
  15. If you want to, but find it difficult to say anything, what will your parents do? (They will listen patiently and help you finish the thought; they will send you to another parent; they will not want to listen at all)

Analysis of survey results

If the child’s answers are dominated by options - no, rarely - then it is possible to assume that an authoritarian type of upbringing is being implemented in the family, characterized by restriction of freedom, increased demands on the child, forceful influences, and the absence of a situation of choice.

Teachers who conducted the survey should remember that the results only allow us to determine in general terms what type of upbringing is inherent in a given family. The questionnaire gives only an approximate idea of ​​the types of family upbringing and ways of monitoring the child’s behavior in the family.

QUESTIONNAIRE. Formation of children's health in preschool institutions

to identify complaints about children's health

Full name________ Gender___________ Date of birth ______


Date of completion:__________

SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE SURVEY (to be filled out by a pre-school medical worker)

Nurse:__________ Date:_______________

Children's institution doctor________Date:_____


The results of the questionnaire test are summarized nurse institution, which in the summary table ( table 6) circles the numbers of questions to which positive answers were received. The history of the child’s development, along with questionnaire tests that have positive answers to the questions posed, are transferred to the institution’s doctor, who examines the children and decides on the need for additional examination in the laboratory or consultation with specialists.

Questions 1-11: if the answer is positive to questions 1, 2, 3, 4 separately or in pairs (for example, 1 and 2, 1 and 3, 2 and 4, etc.) - observation by a doctor at the institution; If the answer to the remaining questions is positive, separately or in pairs, a consultation with a neurologist is required. If the answer to three or more questions in this block is positive (in any combination), a consultation with a neurologist is required.

Questions 12-15: if the answer to any of the questions in this block is positive, follow-up with the institution’s doctor; if indicated, consult a cardiologist or rheumatologist.

Questions 16-23: if the answer to questions 16-20 is positive, separately or in combination - observation by the institution’s doctor, if indicated - consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist. If the answer to questions 21-23 is positive, consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.

Questions 24-26: if the answer to questions 24-25 is positive - observation by the institution’s doctor, if indicated - consultation with an ophthalmologist. If the answer to question 26 is positive, a consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.

Questions 27-29: if the answer to questions 27-28 is positive - a referral to see a dentist; if the answer to question 29 is positive - observation by the institution’s doctor, if necessary - consultation with a dentist.

Questions 30-36: if the answer is positive to one of the questions in this block - an examination by a doctor of the institution, to two or more questions - an examination by a doctor of the institution with additional special studies, if indicated - a consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Question 37: if the answer is positive - examination by a doctor, if necessary - consultation with a surgeon.

Questions 38-42: if the answer to one of the questions is positive - observation by the institution’s doctor, for several questions - examination by the institution’s doctor with additional special studies, if indicated - consultation with a nephrologist.

Questions 43-44: if the answer is positive to each or both questions, follow-up with the institution’s doctor, and, if necessary, consultation with an allergist.

Our studies have shown that 60-70% of the pathology identified during the medical examination is confirmed by complaints based on screening questionnaires. But the vast majority of questionnaire complaints are not confirmed by an appropriate diagnosis. The bulk of complaints unconfirmed by diagnosis is an indicator of prenosological diagnosis.

Conducting immunological screening questionnaires

When conducting clinical screening questionnaires, issues related to immune system disorders are often raised. However, it is necessary to additionally use immunological screening questionnaires.

It is aimed at identifying exogenous chemical, physical, biological and endogenous factors that increase the risk of developing immunological disorders. The questionnaire is given to the children's parents, who must fill it out. A sample questionnaire is presented in table 7.

Table 7

to identify “risk groups” for the development of immunological disorders

Last name________ First name_______ Gender_____

Parents' profession before the birth of the child:

Mother: place of work_____________ position_____

Father: place of work___________ position _____

Note: Depending on the nature of the answer, enter “YES” or “NO”.

When identifying the influence of unfavorable production factors on the body of parents in the period preceding the birth of a child, with positive answers to any of questions 1-3, with negative answers to any of questions 4-6, as well as with positive answers to two or more questions 7- 9 It is recommended that the child be monitored by a doctor at the institution and, if indicated, undergo an immunological study.

Study of the functional state of the main organs and systems of the child’s body.

Count respiration rate is performed by movement of the chest or abdominal wall, unnoticed by the person being examined. First, count the pulse and then, without interrupting the process, the frequency of respirations per minute (counting respirations is facilitated by the researcher’s hand placed on the child’s chest or stomach). In an adult at rest, the respiratory rate is from 16 to 20 per minute (in a newborn - 40-45; at 2-3 years old - 25-30; at 5-6 years old - about 25). During sleep, the breathing rate decreases to 12-15 per minute, and during physical activity, emotional arousal, or after a heavy meal, it becomes more frequent (this is especially typical for children). A pathological decrease in respiratory rate is, as a rule, a symptom of severe diseases of the central nervous system or toxic lesions of the respiratory center.

After a normal exhalation, an adult can additionally exhale about 1500 ml of air from his lungs, but even after this a certain volume of so-called residual (spare, reserve) air remains in the lungs. The same is observed after a normal inhalation (1500 ml of additional air). The sum of the volumes of breathing, reserve and additional air is vital capacity(VC), which is an informative indicator of the functional state of the respiratory organs, reflecting the functionality of external respiration.

However, the study of vital capacity is applicable only for children starting from 5-6 years of age, when they reach sufficient development volitional regulation breathing. Vital capacity means the volume of air that is determined at maximum exhalation after maximum inhalation. Vital vital capacity indirectly indicates the maximum area of ​​the respiratory surface of the lungs, which ensures gas exchange. The value of vital capacity depends on age, gender, height, weight, degree of development of the respiratory apparatus (the size of the chest, the mobility of its joints, the strength of the respiratory muscles, the elasticity of the lungs, etc.) and is normalized according to the so-called proper vital capacity (VEL). Proper vital capacity for children from 4 to 17 years old can be easily calculated using empirical formulas:

boys - JEL (l) = 4.53 height - 3.9 (with height from 1.00 to 1.64 m);

girls - JEL (l) = 3.75 height - 3.13 (with height from 1.00 to 1.75 m).

On average, the value of vital capacity in children 5-6 years old is about 1150 ml.

Measurement technique VEL. Set the spirometer needle to “O”. Wipe the mouthpiece of the device with alcohol, then inhale the air as deeply as possible and, holding your nose with your fingers (or a special nose clip), slowly exhale as deeply as possible through the mouthpiece of the device.

Take three measurements with 15 second breaks. Take the average value and evaluate the resulting indicator in comparison with JEL.

About the state of circulatory function the body shows the following indicators:

heart rate (Heart rate ) , or heart rate ( table 8) .

Table 8

Pulse rate (Emergency) in preschool children

(according to A.F. Tour, 1967)

Blood pressure value (HELL ) . Blood pressure in children is lower, the younger the child.

If the child is healthy, blood pressure is basically constant, decreasing slightly during sleep and increasing during muscle work, crying, mental stress, eating, etc. Average blood pressure figures in children are given in table 9.

Table 9

Average blood pressure levels (HELL) in preschool children

(according to A.F. Tour, 1967)

Maximum (systolic ) blood pressure (GARDEN ) . Standard values ​​for children before and after 1 year can be approximately calculated using the formula:

SAD = 76 + n, where: n is the number of months of life.

GARDEN = 100 + 2n, where: n - number of years of life.

The normal hemogram of preschool children is presented in table. 10.

Table 10

Hemogram of children aged 1 to 7 years

(according to A.F. Tour, 1967)

Identification of a contingent of frequently and long-term ill children.

An analysis of police records of acute morbidity in the developmental histories of children reveals a contingent among them who are often and long-term ill.

TO often sick (BW) include children who have an increased incidence of acute morbidity in the year preceding the medical examination (but not the calendar year!). For example, if a medical examination is carried out in March, then from March to March, if in June, then from June to June, etc. Only diseases of a cold nature and exacerbations of chronic diseases associated with a decrease in the body’s nonspecific resistance are taken into account. The frequency of diseases that allows a child to be classified as a frequently ill child changes with age: up to 1 year - 4 or more times, from 1 year to 3 years - 5 or more times, from 3 to 7 years - 4 or more times, over 7 years - 3 or more times a year.

TO long-term illness (DB) include children with chronic diseases that are severe during the period of exacerbation, with the duration of one disease being 25 or more days in the year preceding the examination, or the total duration of illnesses over 70 days a year.

Children, sick often and for a long time(ChDB), are allocated to a separate group and require health improvement in specialized sanatorium-type children's institutions.

Health index.

The health index is a direct measure of health expressed specific gravity have never been sick per calendar year(from January to January) of children in the studied group. The indicator is determined only based on the results of the annual report of the preschool educational institution. Information for its calculation is presented to the doctor by a paramedic based on the results of an analysis of police records of morbidity in the histories of children's development.

Children who have never been ill include only those whose medical history for the past calendar year contains no data on acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases, i.e. diseases associated with a decrease in the body’s nonspecific resistance. Accidents, injuries, emergency and planned surgical interventions, clinical examinations, etc. are not taken into account.

The proportion of children who have never been ill is calculated based on the average composition of children in preschool educational institutions for the year. The calculation of the last indicator is carried out as follows: the number of children on the first day of each month is summed up and divided by the number of months of observation.

Material bookitut.ru


attending preschool.

Dear parents!

In order to evaluate the performance of the music director working with your children, we ask you to answer the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We will be very grateful if you return it completed. Thank you very much for your help!

1. How old is your child?

2. During what period does he attend preschool?

3. In what forms does a child show active interest in the family?

to music?

A) Does he share his impressions of music lessons?

holidays held in kindergarten?

B) Do children's parties evoke an emotional response in him?

Q) Does he have any favorite children's music cassettes (discs)?

D) Does he sing (hum), show interest in adult singing, compose

your songs?

D) Does he dance (dance), compose his own dances?

E) Are there children’s musical instruments – toys – in the house?

Is your child trying to play music independently?

G) Do you organize joint holidays?

H) What theaters do you visit with your children?

4. Do you attend holidays in kindergarten?

5. What advice would you like to receive from the music director?

6. Do you attend parent-teacher meetings with the participation of the music director?

7. Are you satisfied with the quality of our child’s musical education in the preschool?

8. What would you like to wish a music director in his future work?

"Environmental education of preschool children"

Dear parents!

Preschool educational institution as part of the implementation of environmental and educational projects, conducts a survey of parents on the issues of environmental education of preschoolers. We would like to know your opinion about the work of the kindergarten, teachers, and additional education teachers with children on environmental education.

1. Do you consider environmental education of preschool children to be an important component?

Material nsportal.ru


Questionnaire for parents: “Development of mental operations in preschoolers”

Dear parents, in order to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of pupils, we are analyzing the work on the development of mental operations in children. Your opinion on this issue is very important to us. We ask you to answer the following questions.

  1. Do you know what “mental operations” are?
  2. Do you think that the development of mental operations is necessary in preschool children?
  3. Are you developing mental operations in your child (the ability to analyze, generalize, compare objects and phenomena)?
  4. Can your child compare objects, find common features and differences?
  5. Is it possible to develop mental operations in children through play activities?
  6. Do you play games with your child to develop mental operations (analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization)?
  7. Do you buy games and toys to develop your child’s thinking skills?
  8. Is it possible to develop children's thinking in mathematics classes?
  9. Do you think that kindergarten teachers should be involved in the development of mental operations?
  10. Do you think that parents should be involved in the development of mental operations?

Thank you for your cooperation!

Results of the parent survey “Development of mental operations in preschoolers.”


“yes” answers are scored 2 points, “partially (sometimes)” answers - 1 point, “no” - 0 points

If the number of points is more than 13 points, parents note the importance of the development of mental operations, stimulate the mental activity of children, relying on mental operations. They provide a selection of mathematical games for the development of such mental operations of the child as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, and generalization.

From 5 to 13 points - parents understand the importance of stimulating the child’s mental activity, but do not pay enough attention to organizing mathematical and educational games. Priority in the formation of mental operations in preschoolers is given to kindergarten teachers.

Less than 5 points – parents have no idea about the topic of the survey and do not consider the development of mental operations in the child important. They do not pay enough attention to organizing gaming and mathematical activities to teach the child the ability to compare, generalize, and analyze objects and phenomena.

On topic:

Material nsportal.ru

  1. In what type of activity does your child's creative abilities manifest themselves? (write your answer)
  1. Do you take part with children in creative competitions institutions?

a) often b) sometimes c) we don’t participate

  1. Does your child like to watch educational TV shows?

Material nsportal.ru

All about children - Modern forms of working with parents in a preschool institution - Appendix 10 Questionnaires to identify the level of pedagogical culture of parents

13. Resist children’s requests and tears if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?

Key to the test Answer “A” is worth 3 points, answer “B” is worth 2 points, answer “C” is worth 1 point. If you dialed from 30 to 39 points , it means that a child is the greatest value in your life.

You strive not only to understand, but also to get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive principles of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words, you are doing the right thing and can expect good results.

Sum from 16 to 30 points : Taking care of your child is a matter of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully.

Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases you are too soft; In addition, you are prone to compromises that weaken the educational effect. You should seriously think about your approach to raising your child.

Number points less than 16 says that you have serious problems with raising a child. You lack either the knowledge or the desire to achieve it, or perhaps both. We advise you to seek the help of specialists - teachers and psychologists, and get acquainted with publications on the issues.

Test "What kind of parent are you"Instructions . What kind of parent are you? Who doesn't want an answer to this question! That's why we offer you a test game. Mark those phrases that you often use in communication with children: Points 1. How many times should I repeat it?

2 2. Please advise me. 3. I don’t know what I would do without you. 1 4. And who did you just become? 2 5. What wonderful friends you have! 1 6. Well, who do you look like? 2 7. I'm in your time!

2 8. You are my support and assistant 1 9. What kind of friends do you have? 2 10. What are you thinking about?! 2 11. How clever you are!

1 12. What do you think, son (daughter)? 1 13. Everyone’s children are like children, and you... 14. How smart you are! 1 Evaluation of results Calculate the total number of points.

If you typed 5-6 points , which means you live in perfect harmony with your child. He sincerely loves you, your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.

Sum points from 7 to 8 indicates emerging difficulties in the relationship with the child, a lack of understanding of his problems, and attempts to shift the blame for shortcomings in his development onto the child himself. 9-10 points: you are inconsistent in communicating with your child.

Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances. It's worth thinking about this.

Questionnaire for environmental education

  • Do you have indoor plants? If not, why not?________

3. Does the family have a dog, cat or other animals?___________ 4. Have you planted a tree?___________________________ 5. Have you ever made bird feeders?____________ 6. Do you read books about nature to your child?______________________ 7. Does he look? your child filmstrips, TV shows about nature?___ 8. Does your child like to be in the forest?________________________ 9. Do you often go to the forest with your child?_______________________ 10. Does your child know the names of trees, flowers, berries, etc._____ 11.

Do you tell your child about the benefits of trees, medicinal herbs, berries, insects, birds?_________________________________________ 12. Does your child know poems, riddles, sayings, proverbs about nature? ____________________________________________________________ 13. Does your child show a caring attitude towards animals and plants?_________________________________________________ 14. Do you think your child receives knowledge about nature in kindergarten? ______________________________________________________________

DEAR PARENTS! We ask you to take part in the survey. By sincerely answering the questions in the above test, you can find out whether you have chosen the right tone in your relationship with your children. Answer “yes” or “no”?

  • Do you encourage your child when he achieves success?
  • Are you proud that your child was neat as a child?
  • Do you know how to correctly answer your child’s questions related to gender relations?
  • Do you know exactly what a child should and should not eat in order for his diet to meet medical requirements?
  • Kissing and petting your baby as he gets older?
  • Do you insist that the children themselves maintain order in their room (if there is one) or in their play area?
  • Are you able to admit your mistakes in the presence of a child?
  • Do you share your joys and sorrows with your children?
  • Does it happen that you forbid your child to watch TV as a punishment?
  • If they came up with a robot teacher that would ideally raise children instead of parents, would you buy such a car?
  • Do you criticize or punish your children in the presence of strangers?

We will evaluate the results of your answers and give you an answer! Thanks for your participation

Questionnaires for parents“Characteristics of a child’s family”Dear parents! We would like to get to know your family better in order to establish favorable contacts. We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire sincerely and, if possible, in detail.

  • Last name and first name of the child_____________________________________________
  • Living conditions of the family (separate apartment, we live together with parents, rented living space) __________________________

4. Financial situation of the family (low, average, high income) ____________________________________________________________ 5. Place of work of parents

Source www.vseodetishkax.ru

Questionnaire for parents “SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD”1. Last name, first name of the child_____________________________________________Underline the answers to the following questions and please give them a detailed justification.3.

Who do you think should be involved in the development of a child’s speech? (Parents, kindergarten.) ___________4. Are you working with your child to improve his speech? (Yes, no.) __________5. Would you like to learn techniques for developing a child’s speech? (Yes, no.) ______________6.

Do you monitor how your child speaks? (Yes, no.) ________________7. Do you correct mistakes in your child's speech? (Yes, no) _______________8. Do you want to learn how to correct speech defects? (Yes, no.) ______________9.

Do you know what knowledge your child receives in speech development classes in kindergarten? ________10. Do you attend group events?__________________________11. Are you present at the children's meeting? holidays?______________________________12. How do you feel about the products of joint activities?_______________

Dear parents! Please fill out the questionnaire, which will help specialists get to know your child better and plan work taking into account his individual characteristics.

1. Last name, first name of the child 2. Which family member pays more attention to the child and how does he deal with him? 3. Does your child ask a lot of questions? What interests him? 4. What worries you about speech development child?5. Do you correct his speech errors?6.

How does the child feel about his speech defect (does not notice; notices, but does not react; notices and experiences)?_________________________________________________7. Do you agree (disagree) to repeat the material covered in speech therapist classes and reinforce the sounds covered by the speech therapist.__________________________________________8.

What topics would you like to discuss with kindergarten specialists?9. What forms of working with parents would suit you most? ( Parent meetings, individual consultations with a speech therapist, joint speech therapy sessions, monitoring the child during normal speech therapy session, printed information) 10. Which specialists would you like to receive advice from? (speech therapist, psychologist, teacher, medical staff). Thank you!

Material from the site nsportal.ru