Open lesson on literature slides Young Guard. Presentation on the topic "Young Guard A

“Literature of the Great Patriotic War” - Purpose. Purpose of the presentation. Pistol... Forms of work to implement the content. Vladimir Vysotsky. The fire is beating in the cramped stove. Poets of the older generation wrote about the war: I feel warm in the cold dugout from my unquenchable love. There are no weeping widows at the mass graves. Stronger people come here. Mark Altman.

“Poets in the Great Patriotic War” - Pages of the Moabit Notebook. He died at the front near the village of Barantsevo, Smolensk region. Nikolai Petrovich Mayorov (1919-1942). A. Tvardovsky. Lyrics of poets - participants of the Great Patriotic War. In 1942, he went to the front, despite the prohibitions of doctors, to the 22nd Siberian Volunteer Division. In October 1941, he volunteered for the front.

“Literature of the Great Patriotic War” - V. Zakrutkin in the book “About Myself”. K. Simonov, poems: “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region”, “Blue handkerchief”, “Wait for me and I will return”. In general, the literature of the war period was distinguished by its propaganda orientation and some posterity. K. Simonov. At noon we drove into the black ruins of some farmstead burned by the Nazis.

“Poetry of the Great Patriotic War” - Utkin Joseph Pavlovich. Veronica Tushnova. War does not have a woman's face. Kogan Pavel Davydovich. Newspaper. Veterans. Poets of the wartime. Linguistic means in A. Surkov’s poem “Dugout”. Collection. Musa Jalil. A. Surkov. Theme of the Motherland. Genres. Berggolts Olga Fedorovna. A. Tvardovsky. The theme of war in painting.

“Poetry of the Second World War” - Alexey Surkov. Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Find the antithesis in the poem. Sergei Sergeevich Orlov. Poetry. Creative groups. How a poet paints pictures of war. Poetry of the war years. What poets say about the Great Patriotic War. Hero cities. Roads of the Smolensk region. Konstantin Simonov. David Davidovich Samoilov.

“Works about the Great Patriotic War” - He dedicated the poem “Wait for me” to his wife Valentina Serova. The poet’s most famous poem was the poem “Forties, Fatal.” Group 1 (write down your own associations to the word “war”). Monument to Soviet soldiers in the village. Brusny. At the front he was a war correspondent for the newspapers Izvestia and Krasnaya Zvezda.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

Biography of Fadeev Father - a rural school teacher, a Narodnaya Volya member, was exiled to Siberia for hard labor. Since 1908, Fadeev lived in the Far East. He studied at the Vladivostok Commercial School (1912-1918). In 1918 he became a Bolshevik. In 1919-1921 participated in the fight against the White Guards and in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising. In 1921-1924. studied at the Moscow Mining Academy. The novel “The Young Guard” (1945; new edition 1951) about the anti-fascist Komsomol organization during the Great Patriotic War in the Ukrainian city of Krasnodon is filled with a sense of admiration for the young fighters for the freedom of the Motherland. During the years of the creation of the Young Guard, the contradictions between Fadeev and the party leadership intensified.

"The Young Guard" - novel Soviet writer Alexandra Fadeeva, dedicated to the underground youth organization called “Young Guard” (1942-1943) that operated in Krasnodon during the Great Patriotic War, many of whose members died in fascist dungeons. “Young Guard” is a novel by Soviet writer Alexander Fadeev, dedicated to the underground youth organization called “Young Guard” (1942-1943) operating in Krasnodon during the Great Patriotic War, many of whose members died in fascist dungeons.

History of creation Fadeev took the idea for his book from the book “Hearts of the Brave” by V. G. Lyaskovsky and M. Kotov, published in 1944. Immediately after the end of the war, Fadeev began writing a work of fiction about the Krasnodon underground, shocked by the feat of very young boys and girls, high school students and recent graduates of the local school.

Ulyana Gromova Ulyana Matveevna Gromova (January 3, 1924, village of Pervomaisk, Krasnodonsky district, Voroshilovgrad region - January 16, 1943, Krasnodon) - member of the headquarters of the Young Guard organization, Hero Soviet Union. Ulyana Gromova was a determined, brave underground worker, distinguished by her firmness of convictions and her ability to instill confidence in others. These qualities manifested themselves with particular force during the most tragic period of her life, when in January 1943 she ended up in fascist dungeons.

Oleg Vasilyevich Koshevoy (June 8, 1926, Priluki, now Chernigov region - February 9, 1943, near the city of Rovenka) - participant, one of the organizers of the underground anti-fascist organization "Young Guard". Oleg Vasilyevich Koshevoy (June 8, 1926, Priluki, now Chernigov region - February 9, 1943, near the city of Rovenka) - participant, one of the organizers of the underground anti-fascist organization "Young Guard".

Lyubov Grigoryevna Shevtsova (September 8, 1924 - February 9, 1943) - Komsomol member, active participant, member of the headquarters of the underground anti-fascist organization "Young Guard", operating in the city of Krasnodon and the Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) region. Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). Lyubov Grigoryevna Shevtsova (September 8, 1924 - February 9, 1943) - Komsomol member, active participant, member of the headquarters of the underground anti-fascist organization "Young Guard", operating in the city of Krasnodon and the Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) region. Hero of the Soviet Union (1943).

Georgy Minaevich Arutyunyants (1925-1973) - underground fighter and participant in the Great Patriotic War, member of the anti-fascist organization "Young Guard". Georgy Minaevich Arutyunyants (1925-1973) - underground fighter and participant in the Great Patriotic War, member of the anti-fascist organization "Young Guard".

Sergei Tyulenin Sergei Gavrilovich Tyulenin (1925-1943) - member of the headquarters of the Young Guard organization, Hero of the Soviet Union. Since the beginning of the German occupation of Krasnodon (September 1942), Tyulenin has been a member of the headquarters and head of the combat group of the created patriotic organization, which, at his suggestion, was called the “Young Guard”. Successfully carried out combat missions of the organization's headquarters: participated in distributing leaflets, collecting weapons, ammunition, and explosives.

Ivan Vasilyevich Turkenich (1920-1944) - commander of the underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard” in the city of Krasnodon. Hero of the Soviet Union (1990 - posthumously). Ivan Vasilyevich Turkenich (1920-1944) - commander of the underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard” in the city of Krasnodon. Hero of the Soviet Union (1990 - posthumously).

Forever young “Young Guard” is an anti-fascist Komsomol underground organization of young boys and girls that operated during the Great Patriotic War, mainly in the city of Krasnodon, Lugansk (Voroshilovgrad) region (Ukrainian SSR). The youngest participant in the underground was 14 years old.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Literature"

Ready-made presentations on literature have colorful slides with images of poets and their heroes, as well as illustrations for novels, poems and other literary works. A literature teacher is faced with the task of penetrating into the soul of a child, teaching him morality, and developing a creative personality in him, therefore, presentations in literature should be interesting and memorable. In this section of our website you can download ready-made presentations for literature lessons for grades 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 absolutely and without registration.

How it all began

In the summer of 1943, shortly after returning from another front-line trip, A. A. Fadeev was invited to the Komsomol Central Committee. He was introduced to the Central Committee workers who had just returned from the Donetsk city of Krasnodon, where they, as part of a special commission, collected information about the youth underground organization “Young Guard”.

Excited, filled with impressions, they told the writer a story that was extraordinary even for those heroic times.

Commissioned novel???

  • In 1943, the Pravda newspaper published an article-essay by Alexander Fadeev “Immortality” about the feat of the Young Guards of Krasnodon.
  • In the essay “Immortality” Fadeev wrote:“People of older generations who remained in the city of Krasnodon in order to organize the fight against the German occupiers were soon identified by the enemy and died at his hands or were forced to hide. The entire burden of organizing the fight against the enemy fell on the shoulders of the youth.”
  • The Komsomol Central Committee decided to prepare and publish a book about the feat of Krasnodon youth. A.A. Fadeev was offered to write such a book.

The story about young heroes deeply moved the writer

Fadeev understood that a detailed and lively story about the Young Guards should have even more ignited the hearts of the soldiers fighting the fascists and those who forged victory in the rear. And the writer decided to write a documentary story about the Krasnodon events as soon as possible. In February 1944, when work on the book had just begun, he told one of his friends: “I hope to finish it in the coming months.” story about the Young Guards of Krasnodon." By his own admission, the writer worked on the story “with enormous effort and passion.”

Documents brought from Krasnodon:

  • - a detailed report of the commission that collected them,
  • - eyewitness accounts,
  • - Komsomol characteristics,
  • - protocols of interrogations of policemen who did not manage to escape,
  • - letters and memories of mothers and sisters of the dead children.

And as soon as Fadeev delved into them, he, in his own words, could no longer tear himself away until he read them all, to the last line.

The Young Guard turned out to be the first underground youth organization about which fairly detailed information was collected. Moreover, it was an organization created not by veterans of the revolutionary struggle, not by masters of conspiracy, but by schoolchildren, almost children, who for the first time entered into battle with enemies and fought it with courage worthy of tried and seasoned fighters.

Passing through own heart

Fadeev read the Krasnodon materials all night, until dawn. In the morning he already knew that he would not be able to write about anything else. And not only because what he read shocked him... He also had his own special reason for such a decision.

How custom became a sore point

  • When comrades from the Komsomol Central Committee handed over Krasnodon materials to Fadeev, they hardly suspected that the writer would find on their pages a seemingly second, updated “edition” of his own youth. Memories of parents, teachers, and surviving Young Guard members evoked pictures that were etched in his memory...

And in 1943 the writer was already in his fifth decade. Every person at this age increasingly happens to turn over the pages of the past. This is characteristic of an artist more than anyone else. And often the half-forgotten events that he extracts from the past excite with such force that it is difficult to resist the desire to put them into a story about his own childhood and youth.

Feeling of blood affinity

  • Fadeev felt the inner life of his heroes much earlier than he learned to distinguish their faces. And the stronger the feeling of almost blood closeness to the young underground fighters took possession of the writer, the more precious even insignificant details of their lives became for him. From the notes in the margins one can judge with what enormous attention he now re-read those restrained, meager documents that he had initially put aside.

Ready-made material not only for documentary, but also for fiction

  • Fadeev later said:
  • “...From a purely professional point of view, I should have brought out much less in this novel characters. But... I had neither the opportunity nor the right to “cut” my heroes. If I have made it a rule to depict real figures of the Young Guard, it would be bad both for their memory and for their parents if I crossed out what they did and attributed it to others...”


The idea for my book

Fadeev took it from a book

V.G. Lyaskovsky and M. Kotov “Hearts of the Brave,” published in 1944, written on the basis of the very documents that were transferred to Fadeev.

How documentary became fiction

More and more information about the activities of partisans and underground fighters in the areas captured by the Nazis began to appear in the press.

Komsomolskaya Pravda published materials about the work of the Taganrog youth underground, which was larger than the Krasnodon underground and brought significantly more material damage to the invaders. The story of the “Young Guard” has ceased to be exceptional, one of a kind. And now it became necessary not a simple presentation of the facts of this story, but a deep artistic comprehension their essence, their internal connections.

  • All this prompted the writer to interrupt his work and rethink both the genre and the nature of the future book. It was then that he came to a firm decision to write about the Young Guard. novel . This was, in a sense, a risky step for him.

Not just the Avengers

  • Episodes related to the arrests of family members of the Young Guard were not included in the final version of the novel. Fadeev did not want the reader to get the impression that the most active heroes of the underground began their struggle only because they themselves and their families suffered from the fascists.
  • In the printed edition of the novel, only one such episode was preserved - the clash between Oleg Koshevoy and a German orderly.

Genre requirements

  • Although the basis of the novel was supposed to remain the same events and the same characters as in the documentary story, the writer had to immediately think about solving many issues that he had not raised before, but which he had no right to ignore in the novel. And the first was the question of the party underground. Among the materials of the Komsomol Central Committee, Fadeev did not find documents about the activities of the underground party organization in Krasnodon. All eyewitness memories also convinced that the young underground fighters acted completely independently. The writer paid special attention to this.

"On the history of the creation of A.A. Fadeev's novel "The Young Guard"

It was “…five folders of documents that a writer used while working on a novel. Then twenty folders with drafts of the novel, outlines of the chapters of the new edition...”

“The folders with documents contained materials that were transferred to Fadeev by the Komsomol Central Committee, letters from Krasnodon residents, diaries of Young Guards and much more - even a map of the Lugansk region; they formed the documentary basis of the novel. Much about them was unexpected for me. But even more surprises were hidden in the folders with drafts.”

Appearance of the novel in print

The artist can see the weak sides of his work only after he has escaped from the power of the ideas that filled him during work and has cooled down from the excitement of work. But this requires some time. Fadeev did not have such time: The Young Guard was eagerly awaited by the Komsomol Central Committee in order to make the book available to readers both at the front and in the rear as soon as possible.

Only half of the novel had yet been written, and its first chapters had already appeared on the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda and the magazine Znamya.

Roman by A.A. Fadeev “Young Guard”

This novel is about the feat of the boys and girls of Krasnodon. He is imbued with romantic pathos. The author saw in his Young Guard heroes the embodiment of the ideal of goodness and beauty. Almost all the characters in the novel have prototypes. Oleg Koshevoy, Ulyana Gromova, Sergei Tyulenin and Lyubov Shevtsova are the same as they were during life, but at the same time, the author sharpened the ideal character traits that were closest to him. Thanks to this the novel-document turned into a novel-generalization .

Struggle good and evil

The writer perceives the war as a struggle between good and evil, where the heroes of the Young Guard are distinguished by both external and internal beauty, and the images of the fascists are grotesque: the dirty, stinking executioner Fenborg, the general who looks like a goose, the traitor Fomin writhing like a worm - these are “inhumans”, this “ geeks." The fascist state itself is compared to a mechanism - a concept hostile to romantics.

On December 3, 1947, Pravda published an editorial "The Young Guard" in the novel and on stage." Noting the high merits of the novel, and in particular the fact that the author "managed to recreate the appearance of the heroes of Krasnodon," Pravda at the same time criticized Some aspects of A. Fadeev’s “Young Guard” criticized the writer for exaggerating the colors when depicting the panic during the evacuation of the city, that the image of the army commander, Kolobok, was a caricature and could give the reader a distorted idea of ​​the command staff of the Soviet troops, that the young underground fighters too mature.

Critical reaction to the appearance of the novel “The Young Guard”

Fadeev is reproached for the fact that he somewhat “relished” the descriptions of the atrocities of the Nazis in the novel. However, the museum has documents indicating that the punitive forces, before shooting and throwing the young patriots into the pit, abused them in every possible way.

According to M. Gorky:

“Do you think that the only life-affirming feeling is joy? There are many life-affirming feelings: grief and overcoming grief, suffering and overcoming suffering, overcoming tragedy, overcoming death. The writer has many powerful forces in his hands with which he affirms life. Remember the Greeks, remember the Greek tragedy! Isn’t this the pathos of life affirmation?!”

A particularly serious reproach was that “the most important thing that characterizes the life, growth, and work of the Komsomol was left out of the novel - this is the leading, educational role of the party, the party organization.” Not everything in this criticism was fair and convincing.

Under the gun of the highest censorship

The writer’s biography cites the words of Stalin, said, according to one of the legends, to Fadeev personally:

- Not only did you write a helpless book, you also wrote an ideologically harmful book. You portrayed the Young Guards as almost Makhnovists. But could an organization exist and effectively fight the enemy in occupied territory without party leadership? Judging by your book, it could.

Fadeev sat down to rewrite the novel, adding new communist characters, and in 1951 the second edition of the novel “The Young Guard” was published.

"I'm redoing it "Young Guard" to the old..."

Fadeev took into account the wishes, and in 1951 the second edition of the novel “The Young Guard” was released. In it, the writer, having seriously revised the book, paid more attention in the plot to the leadership of the underground organization by the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Fadeev joked bitterly at the time when he told his friends: “I’m remaking the Young Guard into the old one...”.

The film “The Young Guard” was shot according to the first edition, but remaking the film (which also underwent certain edits) was much more difficult than rewriting the book.

Two editions of the novel

  • The first edition of The Young Guard, with all its flaws, was solid, bright, truly romantic. The reworking of the novel caused him considerable damage. Especially from an artistic point of view.
  • With the release of ten new chapters devoted almost exclusively to the party underground, the action of the novel unfolded both in breadth and depth, but the theme of the youth underground remained in it main theme. But its share has decreased somewhat.

"Weak points"

become strong

In the text of the second edition of the novel, Fadeev included only one poem by Oleg (“Sing, friend, a battle song”). But its main significance for the writer was that it allowed him to look at things somewhat more broadly than before, and convinced him that the inner life of the children was not limited to the moral experiences that his heroes experience in the process of their struggle.

In the footsteps of the novel

Not all the events described by the author actually happened. Several people who are the prototypes of characters described as traitors have been accused of treason in real life, insisted on their innocence and were rehabilitated..

Fadeev tried to explain:

“I was not writing a true history of the Young Guard, but a novel that not only allows, but even presupposes artistic fiction.”

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Presentation on the topic:"Young Guard" - heroes and traitors

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The project was completed by: student of the 11th "A" class Margarita Poluektova Project leader: Alexander Anatolyevich Fetisov Project goals: to get acquainted with the history of the creation and activities of the underground organization "Young Guard" to conduct research and find out what influenced the fact that this organization was discovered shortly after its creation. moral principles modern man and man during the Great Patriotic War, draw conclusions

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Progress of work Introduction “Young Guard” First informationComposition of the organizationActivityWho is the traitor?Image of Yevgeny StakhovichVersion of the “Duel”“A feat cannot be hidden, a crime cannot be hidden...” Poems dedicated to Viktor TretyakevichHero - Koshevoy Significance of the organizationIgnorancePollStatisticsMemoryMuseumsParticipation of young people in the warMoral state in societyCurrent situation in UkraineResultsUsed materials

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Nowadays, the topic of youth movements is very relevant: we compare schoolchildren of the 21st century with schoolchildren of that time and see how different the moral principles and behavior of modern youth are from the youth of the Great Patriotic War. And this is important not only for historians, but also simply for any parents - having delved into this topic, they will understand what qualities they need to develop in their child. These are patriotism, altruism, faith in oneself and others, and honesty. A dishonest person can turn into a real traitor. It is traitors who often play a fatal role in history, and the Young Guard were not spared by them.

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I recently read Alexander Fadeev’s book “The Young Guard,” which tells about an underground youth organization that operated during the Great Patriotic War in the Ukrainian city of Krasnodon, and I thought about it. After all, although based on real events, this is fiction, not documentary literature, as the author noted. What really happened? What feats did the Young Guard accomplish? After all, they remember her and appreciate her merits, because she tried with all her might to help the Red Army bring Victory Day closer. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes this. Many do not even understand what was special about the activities of the Young Guard, or even simply do not know anything about this organization. And in Ukraine itself, in its western part, until recently some people openly revered the Ukrainian nationalists who fought against the USSR.

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And so, when more than 65 years had passed since the Victory of the Soviet troops over Nazi Germany, I conducted a thorough study of materials about the “Young Guard” and decided to explore this topic in my project. Perhaps many will learn details about this organization for the first time.

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“Young Guard” “Young Guard” is an underground anti-fascist Komsomol organization that operated during the Great Patriotic War, mainly in the city of Krasnodon, Lugansk (Voroshilovgrad) region (Ukraine). The organization was created shortly after the start of the German occupation of Krasnodon, which began on July 20, 1942. The “Young Guard” consisted of about 110 people, boys and girls.

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First information The first information about the Krasnodon underground organization “Young Guard” appeared in the newspapers “Son of the Fatherland”, “Socialist Motherland” and “Voroshilovgradskaya Pravda” from April 1943. Already in the spring of 1943, a special commission of the Komsomol Central Committee was sent to Krasnodon to collect materials about the emergence and activities of the Young Guard. Subsequently, for this purpose, special commissions were created more than once at various levels, which comprehensively studied the activities of both the Young Guard itself and the entire Krasnodon underground as a whole.

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Composition of the organization At the end of September 1942, underground youth groups in Krasnodon united into the “Young Guard”. The commander of the organization was Red Army soldier Ivan Turkenich, and the commissar was Viktor Tretyakevich. The members of the headquarters were Georgy Arutyunyants - responsible for information, Ivan Zemnukhov - chief of staff, Oleg Koshevoy - responsible for security, Vasily Levashov - commander of the central group and Sergei Tyulenin - commander of the combat group. Later, Ulyana Gromova and Lyubov Shevtsova were brought into the headquarters. Most of the Young Guards were Komsomol members.

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Activities "Young Guard" issued and distributed more than 5 thousand leaflets, its members participated, along with underground communists, in carrying out sabotage in electromechanical workshops, set fire to the labor exchange building, where lists of people intended for removal from Krasnodon were kept, thereby about 2000 people were saved from being hijacked to Germany. The Young Guards were preparing to stage an armed uprising in Krasnodon in order to defeat the German garrison and join the advancing units of the Soviet Army. However, shortly before the planned uprising, the organization was discovered. Sample of leaflets distributed by the Young Guard

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Who is the traitor? For a long time, it was believed that members of the Young Guard were arrested following a denunciation by Viktor Tretyakevich, who allegedly betrayed the organization and handed over all its members to the police. But after a while it turned out that this was not so, and all charges were dropped against him. I decided to figure out who, in this case, was the real traitor. Victor Tretyakevich

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The image of Yevgeny Stakhovich Thanks to Alexander Fadeev, the image of the main culprit in the death of the Young Guard - Yevgeny Stakhovich, who, under torture, revealed the names of the majority of the underground fighters, has become firmly entrenched in the public consciousness. At the same time, although Fadeev himself repeatedly stated that the traitor Stakhovich was a collective image, many, and first of all, the participants in those events who managed to survive, were deeply convinced that Viktor Tretyakevich served as his prototype. The debate about how the hero suddenly turned into a traitor continues to this day. Evgeny Morgunov as Evgeny Stakhovich

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Version of “Duel” In 1998, the newspaper “Duel” published an article by A.F. Gordeev "Heroes and traitors". It described the history of the emergence, activity and collapse of the Krasnodon underground, which differed from that described by Fadeev in the novel “The Young Guard”. According to Gordeev, the “Young Guard” (according to his version, the real name of the organization is “Hammer”) was created in early October 1942 on the initiative of Viktor Tretyakevich. Its core was the anti-fascist Komsomol youth groups of Ivan Zemnukhov, Evgeny Moshkov, Nikolai Sumsky, Boris Glavan, Sergei Tyulenin and others. On October 6, 1942, Gennady Pocheptsov, whose stepfather, V.G., was also accepted into the organization. Gromov, collaborated with the occupation authorities and subsequently played a fatal role in the history of the Young Guard.

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“Duel,” citing archival documents, writes that upon learning of the arrest of the underground leaders and not finding a way out of the current situation, Pocheptsov turned to his stepfather for advice. Gromov suggested that his stepson immediately inform the police about the underground fighters. Gromov confirmed this treacherous parting word during interrogation on May 25, 1943: “I told him that he could be arrested, and in order to save his life, he must write a statement to the police and hand over the members of the organization. He listened to me.”

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After the arrival of Soviet troops, Pocheptsov managed to hide for some time, and he was arrested only on March 8, 1943. To mitigate his guilt, Pocheptsov, already at the first interrogation, cast a shadow of suspicion on Viktor Tretyakevich. Answering the investigator’s question about what prompted him to betray the members of the underground organization, he referred to Ivan Zemnukhov, who allegedly told him on December 18, 1942 that Tretyakevich had betrayed the Young Guard and that the police had information about it.

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“A feat cannot be hidden, a crime cannot be hidden...” Thus, the real traitor Gennady Pocheptsov not only betrayed all members of the Young Guard, but also doomed the family of the innocent Tretyakevich to suffering. The newspaper “Young Guard”, under the heading “You can’t hide a feat, you can’t hide a crime,” published a story from Victor’s mother, Anna Iosifovna:

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"...They were buried in a city park. Like all mothers, I threw a farewell handful of earth into their common grave. Together they studied, together they fought the enemy, together they died. Now they lie together forever. And then... Then people They began to walk around me. They visited other mothers, they consoled me, they listened to their every word. They wrote about their children, talked about them on the radio, wrote books. But no one came to me. Only I was alone, alone. with my thoughts, with my grief."...Mother of a traitor." It happened that behind my back I heard a whisper: “This is Stakhovich’s mother.” The whole world already knew, the whole world had already read Fadeev’s novel. Other mothers could come any day. to the park where their children are buried. Without being ashamed of tears, I stood for a long time at the dear grave. And people mourned with them. Only I could not come to my son.

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At night, when the whole city falls asleep and you don’t see anyone on the streets, I sneak into a silent park. The gold of names shines dimly in the moonlight. I peer greedily, but my son’s name is not among them. And then I go down to the grave, hug the earth, press my chest to it. And I lie there for hours. Who will come and disturb me on this dead night? Who will interfere with my conversation? And in the morning, as soon as dawn breaks, I hastily leave the park. Who will know that Tretyakevich’s mother was here? Who can guess how many tears along with dew sprinkled the grave? Mothers, have you ever experienced this?

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Only in fairy tales do shadows come to graves at midnight. For sixteen years I was such a shadow. She cried all her tears. Sometimes, when I remember him, everything in me will tremble, I want to ease the suffering... But the tears don’t come. And it seems that I am suffocating. My husband, his father, could not stand the torment. Bent under the weight of grief. But when he was dying, he kept whispering to the last: “I don’t believe it...“And, although the charges against Tretyakevich were subsequently dropped, Anna Iosifovna was unlikely to be able to fully recover from her experience...

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Poems dedicated to Viktor Tretyakevich He is with us forever To the relatives and friends of the hero of the “Young Guard” Viktor Tretyakevich Sixteen years have passed since then, When on all, on all channels the announcer Suddenly said: “Don’t believe people! No! No, Tretyakevich is not a traitor Victor. Together with his friends he is now in the ranks. And with them he is now in ranks. We congratulate YOU! Yes, he is a hero! We are all proud of your brother, our son! forever, That we live with him, study, sing, And we will all be like him, we are a Man! Newspaper "Zarya Severa", Tomsk region January 20, 1977

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Hero - Koshevoy In October 1942, Viktor Tretyakevich united the Young Guard. It was he, and not Oleg Koshevoy, who became the commissar of the underground organization. It is not surprising that thanks to Pocheptsov, Tretyakevich was deprived of all credit. The surprising thing is that they were transferred to Oleg Koshevoy. Why him? Oleg’s mother, Elena Nikolaevna, published her memoirs about her son, in which she wrote about how the Young Guard meetings took place in their apartment, how Oleg shared his experiences with her, and read poems dedicated to the war. It is not surprising that the people wanted to consider the hero not the so-called traitor, but Koshevoy, citing the notes of his mother.

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The importance of the organization Many citizens, including historians, believe that the Young Guard did nothing special and therefore is not worthy of the honors given to it. Nevertheless, J.V. Stalin asserted: “Never give up the little things in your work, for from the little things great things are built.” This statement clearly demonstrates to us that it was thanks to such selfless people as, for example, members of the Young Guard that victory in the Great Patriotic War could not but be on the side of the Soviet Union.

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Lack of awareness However, many find it difficult to answer the question “How do you feel about the activities of the Young Guard?” Alas, ignorance about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is rampant among young people. Unfortunately, in our generation many care only about themselves and show ignorance of knowledge about real historical events war, its heroes. The most unpleasant thing is that not even all Krasnodon residents were aware of them. “In Krasnodon we were not allowed to give a “performance-concert” based on the novel “Young Guard”,” reports the former actress, and now journalist Margarita Volina. Why wasn't it allowed? Yes, because, she claims, no one in Krasnodon knew anything about the exploits of the Young Guard, and that “everything described in the novel “Young Guard” is untrue and a lie!” This is how she describes her stay in Krasnodon: “I wanted to wander around Krasnodon alone and visit Oleg Koshevoy’s museum alone. Alas! Not only about Koshevoy’s museum, but even about Oleg himself, either no one had heard anything or did not want to talk to me.” .

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1. When did the Second World War begin and end?2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin and end?3. How many days and nights did the Great Patriotic War last?4. Name three hero cities.5. Which city was under siege for 900 days?6. In what battle(s) was a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War achieved?7. Name three Heroes of the Soviet Union.8. Name at least one member of the Supreme Command Headquarters.9. What was the name of the operation of Hitler's command to capture the Soviet capital?10. When was the act of unconditional surrender of Germany signed?11. What contribution did youth make to the victory over Nazi Germany? 12. Is partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War, the most important factor in the victory of our people or not?13. What do you know about the activities of the Young Guard?14. What do you know about the relationship between the state and the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War?15. What was the contribution of cultural figures during the Second World War?16. Name three literary works and three feature films about the Great Patriotic War.17. How did the war affect art? Name 2-3 works of art(painting, music).18. Do you visit museums dedicated to the Second World War?19. How would you rate your knowledge of this historical era?20. Do you think it is necessary to study the history of the Great Patriotic War at school? Why?

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But still, many people remember the Young Guard. In honor of its patriots, many works of cinema were created, including the film of the same name by S.A. Gerasimov, based on famous book“Young Guard” by A.A. Fadeev. Alexander Alexandrovich is one of the founders of the Union of Writers of the USSR and its chairman. He was born on December 11 (24), 1901 in the city of Kimry. The patriotic affairs of the Krasnodon underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard,” which Fadeev met in the fall of 1943, inspired the writer: in 1 year and 9 months a novel was completed, glorifying the feat of the Krasnodon underground fighters. Several performances were also staged based on this book.

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In St. Petersburg, the “Oath” monument, erected in January 1956, is dedicated to the heroes of the Young Guard. Molodogvardeyskaya Street in Moscow and the book publishing house “Young Guard” are named in honor of the organization. Many museums are dedicated to the organization. The most famous of them is the Young Guard Museum in Krasnodon. This is the largest repository of documents on the activities of the organization. Songs and poems are still written in honor of the heroes of Krasnodon. Monument to the Young Guards “Oath”

Participation of youth in the war In addition to the Young Guard organization, there were youth who actively helped at the front and in the rear. Their actions were aimed at helping the Red Army in the fight against the German invaders. Young people helped the soldiers of the Red Army morally, worked in military hospitals, in the rear, and even carried out explosions and arson - in general, they tried in every possible way to thwart the plans of the fascist occupiers.

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Moral state of society Victory in the Great Patriotic War came to our country at the cost of millions of lives lost in battles, in the rear, in captivity, in concentration camps, in blockades. The consciousness of citizens was directed only to the liberation struggle against the enemy. When fighting the fascists, no one thought about any personal gain other than Victory. Participants in the war fought for every inch of the land of their Motherland, for their relatives and for all the inhabitants of the Soviet Union. Our society is grateful to veterans for their heroism shown during the war, and every year we proudly celebrate Victory Day and bow our heads to them.

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But there are also young people who forget about respecting their elders. Moreover, they do not show any respect even for the saviors of the Soviet Union - the veterans. IN lately Cases of attacks, thefts of orders and medals, and even murders by young people against participants in the Great Patriotic War have become more frequent. These criminal individuals do not realize at what cost the veterans got their orders and medals. In addition, neo-Nazi organizations are appearing everywhere, and the saddest thing is that they exist in our country. How can one act so immorally by supporting those against whom the Soviet Union fought during the Second World War?..

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The current situation in Ukraine All the activities of the Young Guard patriots took place in Krasnodon. However, some residents of western Ukraine were not on the side of the Soviet Union. They supported the policies of Ukrainian nationalists such as Stepan Bandera and many others. IN recent years Their ideas were introduced into the consciousness of Ukrainians, they were given honors, and Stepan Bandera was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine. But they carried out active actions against the Red Army in support of Nazi Germany. They consider those who fought in the ranks of the Red Army to be traitors, and explain all their actions by the fact that they allegedly fought in this way for the independence of Ukraine.

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Results By studying materials about the “Young Guard”, I not only enriched my knowledge of the history of the struggle and victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, but also studied moral state society. In conclusion, it should be noted that in the history of the Great Patriotic War, the activities of the “Young Guard” were one of the small pages. However, it, like a drop of water, reflected the selfless struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders, Great Tragedy and Great Victory.

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Materials used Conversations with the leader, parents and acquaintances A. Fadeev, “Young Guard” Two-part film by S.A. Gerasimov “Young Guard” Work with documents: Newspaper “Duel”, 1998 Article by A.F. Gordeev “Heroes and Traitors” Newspaper “Dawn of the North”, Tomsk region January 20, 1977 3505928