Sports festival for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Scenario of sports entertainment for Cosmonautics Day at a preschool educational institution

Entertainment “Space Travel” for preparatory groups.

(Entrance to the hall to the march “Conquerors of Space”)

— expand children’s understanding of space and the starry sky.
- develop cognitive interest: about stars, planets, astronauts.
— talk about Yu.A. Gagarin, the first cosmonaut to fly into space.
- develop logical thinking, attention, memory.
-develop basic types of movement in children - walking, running, jumping, crawling,
-develop physical qualities: speed and agility

- design of the central wall of the hall, windows.
- music center, disc - melodies of space, songs about space, silver -
mirror ball, planets, stars.
-Interactive board, video with flight chronicle
Yu.A. Gagarin, portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin on the screen.
-large pyramid of 10 rings
- tunnel, throwing bags in a box - 10 pcs., 2 gymnastic mats, throwing basket.
— 1 hoop, 1 cone.
- fitball ball
— 7 hoops (diameter 60cm) and one large one (diameter 80cm) covered with yellow fabric, 10 rays made of yellow A-3 cardboard.
-satin ribbons length 1.5 m.

Move organized activities:
Ved. Hello, dear children, dear adults!
Attention, attention! Let's start our competition!
Our competition is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of human space flight.
On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, a man flew into space and
it was our Russian guy. Please tell me who...
That's right, Yuri Gagarin.

Ved. Guys, do you want to go into outer space?
We want!
Ved. We will present to you now,
every star crew.

Ved. Meanwhile, in flight control
Everyone is sitting at the screens
And for flight accuracy
Everyone is watching closely

Ved. Only the strong, dexterous and brave
We take it with us
Well, let's get some exercise
Become All with me.
WARM-UP under song "I Want be astronaut"

VED. But the task is not easy
You will need to decide
And a rocket to fly
It will need to be made.

1 Relay "Collect rocket"
Teams, are you ready?
Attention, march!
Ved. Well done guys, what wonderful rockets you have made.
Ved. So that clearly without interference
Our flight would pass
Need to refuel
Our beautiful starship.

2 Relay “We’ll refuel rocket fuel"
Teams, are you ready?
Attention, march!
Ved. Guys, we now know for sure how sharp you are. That the missiles will reach their target.
Ved. The announcer will command: Attention takeoff!
And our missiles will rush forward.
They will blink farewell and melt into the distance
Golden lights of your beloved land.

3 Relay « Flight on orbit"
Teams, are you ready?
Attention, march!
Ved. Well done, you guys are so fast and clever.
Ved. Everyone is happy to see an unprecedented miracle.
When All Our Planets
They organized a parade.

4 Relay « Parade planets"
Teams, are you ready?
Attention, march!
Ved. Our brightest star
People have long praised you
It's impossible to live without you
Our great sun.

5 est. Relay « Sun"
Teams, ready!
Attention, March!
Ved. Well done, guys! What beautiful suns you have turned out to be.
Ved. Constellations, constellations.
You can't be counted in the sky
And we are our own constellations.
Let's figure it out now.


Ved. When the last turn is rounded
It's so good to come down to earth
And plunge after all the worries
Into the living beauty of everything earthly
Galaxy in the glow of star trails
We can’t get enough of looking at her.
But rise to the sky every time
We leave our hearts to our land

Ved. We're coming back to earth
And their winners
We will celebrate now
About those who were the best today.
The judges will tell us.


Ved. And our holiday is coming to an end
And he calls us into a circle of honor.

LAPT OF HONOR for the march. And exit from the hall.

Topics "Space"
Relay "Collect rocket"
Equipment: large pyramid of 10 rings.
Description: children stand in a column one at a time, at a signal, the first child takes a ring (from the basket), runs to the counter, puts on the ring, runs around the pyramid and returns, passes the baton to the next, etc. (we collect from the large ring to the small one).

Relay “We’ll refuel rocket fuel"
Equipment: tunnel, throwing bags in a box - 10 pcs., 2 gymnastic mats, throwing basket.
Description: from the starting line, at a distance of 0.5 m, there is a tunnel, from it at the line there is a box with bags, from the throwing line to the basket 2 m.
Children stand in a column one at a time; at a signal, the first child crawls into the tunnel, takes the bag, throws it from the shoulder into the basket, runs around it and runs back, passes the baton to the next, etc.

Relay « Flight on orbit"
Equipment: 1 hoop, 1 cone.
Description: children stand in a column one at a time. At the signal, the first child runs in the hoop, runs around the counter, returns and picks up the second, and runs in the hoop (shoulder to shoulder) to the counter. Next, the first child squats and remains in place. And the second child returns in the hoop to the starting line and picks up the third, etc. (thus, the whole team runs to the opposite side)

Relay « Parade planets"
Equipment: fitball.
Description: children arrange themselves like a counter relay race; on command, the first child rolls the ball with both hands in front of them to the opposite side, gives the ball to the other and stands at the end of the column.

Relay « Sun"
Equipment: 7 hoops (diameter 60cm) and one large one (diameter 80cm) covered with yellow fabric, 10 rays made of yellow A-3 cardboard.
Description: From the starting line at a distance of 0.5 m, there are hoops (one, two, one, two, one), from the last at a distance of 2 m. lies a hoop covered with yellow fabric.
Children stand in a column, one at a time, with a ray in their hands. At the signal, the first child jumps with a push of two legs (together, apart, together, apart, together), runs to the “sun”, puts a ray, runs around the hoop, from left to right, returns and passes the baton, etc.

Game "Constellation"
Description: children walk in a circle to the music (raise the knee high, side gallop, hands behind the head, toe, heel), when the music stops, the children stop and show the figure, and so on four times.

Title: Synopsis of sports entertainment for Cosmonautics Day “Space Travel”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment scenarios, Cosmonautics Day, Preparatory group

Position: physical education instructor of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 266
Location: Ekaterinburg

Physical education


"Cosmonautics Day"

(preparatory correctional groups for school)

Target: To consolidate knowledge about space, outer space, planets, to develop coordination of movement and the vestibular apparatus, climbing, balance, to consolidate the ability to answer in a complete sentence, and to form it grammatically correctly.

Equipment: benches, hoops, fitballs, tunnels, small trampolines, gym mats, wall bars, landmarks, racks, rackets, baskets.

Venue: gym

Time: 04/11/2013 at 10.00

Conducts: physical instructor education

Children in sports uniform enter the hall and stand in one line on both sides.

(music “Earth in the Porthole” sounds)

Leading: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Leading: Do you like to play sports? (Answers). What sports do you know?

Children: football, hockey, swimming...

Leading: Tomorrow Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This holiday is in honor of pilots - cosmonauts, in honor of scientists, engineers, workers who invent and make rockets, spaceships and satellites.

I know you want to fly into space? Today I received an unusual envelope, but I haven’t opened it yet. Let's see what's in it? Guys, here's an invitation! (Reads). You are invited to take a space journey and visit the planets of the solar system! Do you want to become space travelers?

Children: We want!

Leading: Then I’ll test your knowledge – you can’t go on a trip without it!

So, listen carefully to my questions. What is space?

Children: This is a huge space. These are stars, planets, comets, meteorites.

Leading: What is the name of the planet we live on?

Children: Earth.

Leading: It is called the “blue planet” because there is a lot of water on Earth. What is the name of the Earth's satellite?

Children: Moon. There is no air, water, plants or animals on the Moon. It is covered with cosmic dust and has many craters.

Leading: Is the sun a planet or a star?

Children: Star.

Relay 3: “Astronaut”

( inventory: 2 pcs. hoop, landmark)

Progress of the relay race: The child puts the hoops on himself, runs around the landmark and comes back, passes the baton to the next one.

Leading: Well done guys! Well, shall we continue our journey through the planets further? Then let's take our seats!!!

For walks on the planets......

Leading: We set course for the planet SATURN She is very beautiful, there are many bright rings around her. It consists of fragments of ice and stones. Look how many there are? Let's help the planet and collect all the stones into space craters.

Relay 4: “Collect stones”

( equipment: crumpled newspaper, rackets, basket, landmark)

Progress of the relay race: The child runs with a racket, puts crumpled paper on it, runs around the landmark, comes back, throws the paper into the basket and passes the baton to the next one.

Leading: Oh, how clean the planet is now! Thank you! We continue our journey.

Children: A fast rocket is waiting for us

For walks on the planets......

Guys! Signals received from the planet URANUS . It is very far from the Sun, so it is very cold. It has a pale green-blue orb with no spots.

And 11 invisible rings. Due to weather conditions, she will not be able to receive us. So we fly to NEPTUNE .

Children: A fast rocket is waiting for us

For walks on the planets......

We are approaching Neptune! Get ready to exit our spaceship! This planet is gigantic in size. Have you heard of her? It is in the eighth orbit from the Sun and is blue in color with white clouds. The surface consists of liquid and gas. Has the shape of a ball. The strongest winds in the solar system blow here.

Let's leave a memory of us on this planet. Let's build a rocket.

Children: Let's!!

Relay 5: “Build a rocket”

( inventory: soft modules)

Progress of the relay: Children take turns running to the finish line, taking one module at a time and building a rocket.

Leading: What a great fellow you are! And now we are preparing to fly to the last planet, planet PLUTO. This is the smallest, dwarf planet, very cold, because it is very far from the planet Sun. The inhabitants of this planet move only on “plutonometers”. They left them for you too, so that you could travel around the planet.

Relay 6: “Plutonometers”

( inventory: landmark)

Progress of the relay: The first child runs forward and puts his feet wide, the second climbs between his legs and so on until the landmark, the children join hands, come back and pass the baton to the next pair.


Leading: We returned from the flight

And they landed on the ground

Your cheerful carriage is coming

And everyone is glad to meet you!

Leading: Did you enjoy traveling around the planets?

Children: Yes

Leading: Fine! Now you have good knowledge about the planets. But can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes

Leading: This is what I find out now!

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian... (COSMONAUT)

A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly...(ROCKET)

Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker?... (SUN)

A blue sheet covers the whole world... (SKY)

Above the houses along the path

A piece of cake is hanging…..(MOON)

Leading: You showed yourself to be brave, strong and friendly guys. This was the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Prizes in the form of medals and juice are awarded.

With this, I declare our physical education activities closed! Goodbye guys!!!

Dear children of Kindergarten No. 000 “Swan”.

We invite you to take a space journey and visit all the planets of the solar system! The planets are waiting for you!!!

Do you want to become space travelers?

Gulnara Burylova
Scenario of physical education entertainment, dedicated to the Day cosmonautics in senior and preparatory groups

Integrated educational region:

o Social-communicative

o Speech

o Cognitive

o Physical

Types of activities:

o Gaming;

o Communicative;

o Cognitive;

o Productive;


Stimulate positive changes in the body, form the necessary motor skills, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

Program objectives of educational areas


o Formation in the process of motor activity various types cognitive activity (knowledge about space)


o Managing the emotional sphere of the child, development moral and volitional qualities of the individual, formed in the process of special motor games, relay races, tasks.


Form muscle-motor skills;

Improve children's motor abilities.

Practice walking, running, jumping.

Develop basic physical qualities (strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements).

Cultivate determination and team qualities.

Cultivate correct posture.

Expected results:

o Formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

o Improving the technique of basic movements (naturalness, ease, accuracy, expressiveness of their implementation).

o Development of physical qualities: speed, endurance, agility.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading literature.

2. Examination of illustrations.

3. Conversation about firsts astronauts.

4. Learning poems


Lego, 2 flags

2 tunnels, 4 baskets



Braid with stars

6 hoops

Progress of the lesson.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall. They line up in a semicircle opposite the jury.

Leading: Today we celebrate one of the most interesting holidays on the ground. Many years ago, in 1961 on April 12, for the first time in the world in space on a spaceship"East" our hero has risen - astronaut number one Yuri Gagarin. (Shows a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin.) Since that very year, the holiday astronautics was erected to commemorate the first human flight in space.

EDUCATIONAL: What else do you know about space?


Ved.: Do you know the planets of the solar system?

Ved.: now I I'll check:

Burns without fire, flies without wings (Sun)

It's so hot on this planet

It's dangerous to be here, friends! (Mercury)

This planet is shackled by a terrible cold.

The sun's rays did not reach her with warmth. (Pluto)

And this planet is proud of itself,

Because it is considered the largest. (Jupiter)

At night there is one golden orange in the sky.

Two weeks have passed by

We didn't eat orange

But only remained in the sky

Orange slice. (Moon)

Ved.: Why don’t planets collide?

And let’s celebrate the holiday today, properly, so that we remember it. Suddenly, after this, one of you will want to become astronaut to glorify our country.

Leading: Guys, do you know which one? The astronaut must undergo training before the flight?

Reader 1:

He is an example for all the guys,

They call him a hero.

Wears it proudly astronaut

This is the title.

To become an astronaut,

We have to work hard:

Start the day with exercise,

Good to study.

Reader 2:

See a doctor too -

The exam here is strict.

The weak can't handle it

Star roads.

They can take it on the ship

Only strong, dexterous ones.

And that's why it's impossible

No training here.

Reader 3:

Pressure chamber, swimming pool,

Where we are weightless...

This to all astronauts

Well known.

Here's the carousel cabin

It circles around and around.

Not a projectile, but just a beast

This centrifuge.

Reader 4:

There's a lot to come

Different tests.

The one who is in space will fly,

I have to go through them.

He has any profession

Must know secrets -

After all, at such a height

Don't ask for advice.

Leading: Are you ready to take the test? But before we begin the tests, we need to warm up properly.

Warm up to music: 10,9,8,7….

Children sit on benches

Leading: Guys, we have two teams. Rocket crew "Union" and the rocket crew "East". Crews, you will compete in strength, agility and ingenuity. And the competition will be judged by a strict but competent jury.

(Jury Presentation).

Children sit on benches placed at opposite walls. Five participants from each team are invited to participate in the relay races.

1. Build a rocket.

Exercise: You need to build a rocket out of Lego

(The task is given 2 minutes. After completion, you must raise the red flag. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

2. Diving into a rocket.

Exercise: Relay race. Stripe obstacles:

Step over the barrier;

Climb through the tunnel; run around a landmark;

Run back.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

Musical break. Children sit on benches.

Dance. "Stars"

(The children have stars in their hands, one girl has the planet Earth;

Girl's words "Earth":

I am the Earth! I see off my pets!

Sons! Daughters!

Fly all the way to the sun

And come home quickly.

3. Fly to the sun.

Exercise: At the signal, run to the landmark and return. The baton is passed by a baton. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Attraction for fans: « Space wipers» .

Scattered on the floor in random order « space debris» (lumps of crumpled colored paper). By signal: “one, two, three, take out the trash!”- the players begin to put garbage in a bucket.

4. Walk on the Moon

Exercise: By signal on the balls "Fitoball" jump to a landmark, go around the landmark, return. The baton is passed by passing the ball "Fitoball". The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

5. Journey to the stars.

Exercise: Stars are hung on strings on strings, children take turns running, jumping, tearing off the star, and running back.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

8. Return to Earth

Exercise: Run to the landmark by climbing through hoops (three hoops at a time, run around the landmark, run back. The baton is passed with a clap. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

Guys, our competition is over. but before we find out the results of our game, I ask you to form a semicircle. I know that you have prepared poems for the holiday. Please.

We look at the blue sky

And we can see the stars in the sky.

Flying comets sparkle

And they give boys dreams.

We want to everyone should visit space

I wish I could make a wish sooner,

Seeing a star falling from the sky.

We know that Yuri Gagarin

Made the dream come true.

He became a real hero

And in made a space flight.

Our country is proud of Gagarin.

And the moon smiles at us from the sky,

We know that the Sun is a big star,

And the boys’ dream can get closer.

We want to everyone should visit space

And take just one step to the moon.

Hurry up to make a wish,

Seeing a star falling from the sky.

The results of the entire game are summed up by the jury.

Rewards participants with chocolates.

Sports entertainment for Cosmonautics Day

“Journey to the Planet” (senior group)

Target: Preserving and strengthening the physical health of children, automating motor skills and abilities mastered in physical education classes.

Tasks: continue to work on developing children’s ideas about space (the sun, planets of the solar system, celestial bodies), human flight into space; improve motor skills; form optimal motor activity in the process of motor activity; continue to form orientation in space; develop logical thinking; voluntary attention; to cultivate the moral qualities of the personality of preschoolers (a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, determination); create a festive mood in children.

Equipment and attributes: team emblems, hoops (10 pcs.), “space debris” (newspapers), baskets (2 pcs.), “moontops” (plastic bottles) (4 pcs.), racks (chips), soft modules, chest, color music, CD - disk.

Progress of the event:

Music sounds (“Our Merry Crew”). Immediately 2 teams of children enter the hall to the music (one team stands at the piano, the other goes to the window).

Leading: Guys, we have guests at the party. Let's say hello. There are 2 crews at our cosmodrome: “Comet” and “Raketa”. Let’s greet each other.

Crew of the spaceship "Raketa":

We welcome the Comet crew

We wish to fly to another planet.

Take with you courage and boldness,

And show skill in the game.

Crew of the spaceship "Comets":

To fly into space to distant stars, We are now ready to show ourselves!

Leading: Today, it is no coincidence that we gathered in the gym. In our country, April 12 is celebrated big holiday– International Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. It was on April 12, many years ago, that the first man on our planet flew into space.

Leading: Who was the first astronaut?

Children: Yuri Gagarin.

Leading: Everyone dreams of becoming an astronaut, and you probably do too.

Child verse: Many people dream in childhood

Fly into starry space,

Chob from this starry distance,

Inspect our land.

See its open spaces,

Rivers, mountains and fields,

Look at smart devices

To prove that I don’t live in vain.

(V. Kryakin. “Young Cosmonaut”)

Leading: Guys, a signal has come to us from space. Listen………

Voice of the Alien: Dear guys! I am a resident of the planet Tuami. I heard that you dream of becoming an astronaut and flying into space. Therefore, I invite you to go on a space journey to my planet Tuami. I'm looking forward to your visit!

Leading: Do you guys want to fly to the planet?

Leading: Today you and I will become astronauts. You already know a lot about space flights, how long and hard astronauts prepare for the flight. Tests await you and me too.

Leading:And for this you need to warm up.

Child verse:

I'll wake up early in the morning

I'm getting ready to exercise -

I crouch and jump,

I want to become an astronaut!

To become an astronaut

There is a lot to know:

Be agile and skillful

Very clever, very brave.


Let's start preparing

Go out to practice.

Warm-up (Music sounds) - children stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Leading: Well done guys! The warm-up was successful. Crews in place.

Leading: Guys, we can get to this planet via the Milky Way.

Passage through the tunnel (the music “To the Stars” plays)

Leading: Well, guys, we found ourselves on the planet. Look how beautiful it is here, how many stars there are around.

An Alien comes out (The music “Cosmos” plays)

Alien: I am very glad to see you on my planet. I want to make friends with you, have fun with you. And I propose to go on a journey around my planet.

Alien: My planet is rocky, you can’t do without “Lunotopes” and therefore I suggest you travel in “Lunotopes”. And so we begin to move between the stones.

1. Relay race “Moontops”

Children move in a “snake” between the “chips”, go around the landmark and return back in the same way.

Alien: There are a lot of craters on my planet, so the best way to travel is on a “planet rover”. And to get to it, you need to jump over the “craters”.

2. Relay Race “Space Craters”

There are hoops on the floor one after another, you need to jump with your hands on your belt from hoop to hoop, and in the last one get everyone together, take the hoop and run together to the starting position.

Leading: And so we continue our journey.

Leading: We invite you to relax, and the captains will show their knowledge, how much they know about space, and many interesting things. Guys, quickly guess my riddles about distant planets, space, stars and rockets.

3. “Captains Competition”

(3 riddles for each captain).

Alien: Well, I’m pleased with your knowledge and I continue to get acquainted with my planet.

Alien: Your planet is so clean, green, beautiful, but mine is not at all like that, and I also want it to be clean. Help me put it in order.

Leading: We will now help the inhabitants of the planet, we will put all the planet’s garbage in buckets.

4. "Planetary trash"

There is a hoop on the floor in which garbage (newspapers) is taken one at a time and thrown at the target - buckets.

Alien: Well done guys, they cleared the planet of debris. (Takes out the chest). I have prepared a surprise for you, but then a hurricane passed through and the key to it was lost. Help me find it.

Leading: We guys will have to work a little to find him.

Guys, look, there is some kind of rubble there, maybe under it is the key to your chest. Let's help the alien and clear up the rubble.

5. "Mysterious chest"

Children stand in a column one at a time, they need to run to take the module and back, and behind them the teacher builds a rocket out of them.

Leading: Well, here's your key.

(The alien hands the children medals and certificates.)

Leading: Thank you for the surprise and for inviting us to your planet and traveling with us.

Children say goodbye to the Alien .

Leading: What a great fellow you are, you completed all the tasks, and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

(Music sounds) Children imitate weightlessness, arms to the sides and swinging.

Leading: Well, we arrived at the kindergarten.

Child verse:

We said goodbye to the planet,

Everyone returned home.

We'll fly again and again

It's boring in space without us.

All the planets, all the planets,

We'll definitely fly around,

Let's unravel all the secrets

If only we want.

Leading: Guys, today we made an unusual space journey to an unknown planet. We want you to always have a desire for new discoveries.

The entertainment ends, the children leave the hall.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: Bring joy to children through dance and play activities of a thematic nature; cultivate patriotic feelings, curiosity, and form basic ideas about space.

(children march into the hall and form two columns.)

Leading: Hello guys! You probably already know that every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Do you want to know why April 12 and not some other day? The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight. Do you know who was the first person to go into space?

Children's answers.

Presenter: (child’s name) will tell you about this.

He is a brave and courageous pilot,

Who once flew into space?
To the boys on our planet

Who was Yuri Gagarin?

Thank you! The first person in the world to fly into space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He flew around the globe on the Vostok spaceship. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year. Now let's imagine that we are young cosmonauts. What does it take to become an astronaut?

(children's answers)

Presenter: Well done!

The heart yearns for exploits,

He will achieve his goal.

Guys, would you like to become an astronaut and visit unknown planets and make space travel?

(children's answers)

We are very happy, but first.
Speaking without unnecessary words,
One desire is not enough
Everyone should be healthy.
Let's start preparing -
Go out to practice.

1. Warm up. “Let's be astronauts.”

(children follow the teacher’s commands to the music and perform movements according to the text)

Presenter: Preparing for a flight, astronauts undergo difficult tests and train their bodies to overcome space overloads. So you and I will continue testing our strength. Let’s split into two teams. One team will call it “Rocket”, and the other team will be “Sputnik”

2. Relay race “Space overload”

(Required: crawl under the arch - “go out through the hatch into open space”, jump over a tight rope - “ find yourself in conditions of weightlessness, walk through the module while maintaining balance)

I'm satisfied with the preparation.
Everyone is cheerful and healthy.
I see everyone is ready to fly.
What will we take off on?
Let's build rockets according to the drawings.

3. “Rocket Scientists”

(children make a “rocket” according to the diagrams in the designated place from the proposed equipment: colored modules, hoops,)

(children take seats around)

The announcer will command: “Attention - takeoff!”
And our rocket will rush forward.
They will blink farewell and melt into the distance
Golden lights of your beloved land.

(countdown is performed).

(Music space)

Presenter: (speaking to music)

Distant stars are burning in the sky,

A planet is visible on the horizon.

We have approached the mysterious planet “Zhelezyaka”. It is inhabited by robots. Let's try to move like robots (children dance freely to electronic music, “like robots”).

3. Musical and rhythmic exercise “Robots”

All the astronauts made friends with robots.
Well, it’s time for us to move on!
The flight continues, a discovery awaits us.
(Space music sounds)
I see an unknown planet on the horizon.
Let's land on it.

(Stargazer enters)

Stargazer: I am very glad that you arrived on the planet “Friendship”! My name is Stargazer. Why do you think I have this name? (children's answers) Correct. I know the starry sky well

And I really love watching the stars.

Now let’s see if you can solve riddles, not simple ones, but cosmic ones!

4.Space mysteries:

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned.
(sky, stars, month)

There's a piece of bread hanging over grandma's hut,
The dogs bark, but they can’t get it.

The little blue fur coat covered the whole world.

What is higher than the forest and burns without fire?

Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star.
It flies across the sky, overtaking airplanes. (satellite)

Stargazer: Well done! You are real astronauts. Let's play and find out how dexterous, fast, resilient and strong you are.

5. A relay race with a ball is held.

Holding the ball between their legs, holding it with their knees, the children of each team run to the opposite wall of the hall to the landmark, then take the ball in their hands and run back, passing the ball to the next participant. The winner is the team whose members dropped the ball fewer times and completed the task faster.

6. The “Pull the Space Rope” relay race is held.

Stargazer: Well done! And I have questions that are difficult for me to answer. Help please!

  • Can you touch the sky?
  • How are the SUN and the MOON similar and what is the difference between them?
  • What do we always see in the sky on a clear night?

(children's answers)

Stargazer: Well done, guys! Well, now I still want to play with you.

7. The “Bring It On” relay race is held balloon”.

On a wooden spoon, without the help of the other hand, you need to carry the balloon, approach the Astrologer and return back to your team, pass the item to the next participant in the game. The team that follows all the rules without errors wins.

Astrologer: (At the end of the relay, Astrologer sums up the results of the competition and it turns out that friendship wins!)

Stargazer: Now the time has come to part. Thanks guys! I had a lot of fun with you! Well, now it’s time for you to return to your planet, which is called “Earth.” And as a keepsake of me, I’ll give you (here are these stars.)

The entire program has been completed
Mom is waiting for her heroes.
No matter how far the way is,
We will return home on time.

There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here

Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

(Music please)

Everyone returned from the flight and landed on the ground.

Well, guys, you and I tried ourselves as astronauts. Did you like our holiday?

Children's answers.

Now you and I know that an astronaut must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!

We will also go to the group to the music and draw pictures about our holiday and give them to your parents.

He is a brave and courageous pilot,
He glorified the country throughout the world.
Gagarin was the first in the world


Who once flew into space?
To the boys on our planet
He gave me the dream of becoming an astronaut.
Now I'm proud to know
Who was Yuri Gagarin?
Ask me, I will answer you proudly:
He is the astronaut who was the first to reach the stars!

Rockets are rushing to distant worlds,
The heart yearns for exploits,
Who believes dreams that fly like a song,
He will achieve his goal.

We are very happy, but first.
Speaking without further ado,
One desire is not enough
Everyone should be healthy.
Let's start preparing -
Go out to practice.

Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets.
Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one.

Distant stars are burning in the sky,
They invite friendly guys to visit.
The pilot in the space rocket looked at the ground from above.
No one, no one in the world has ever seen such beauty.

The training flight is going great.
The entire program has been completed
Mom is waiting for her heroes.
No matter how far the way is,
We will return home on time.

There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!