Open lesson in the middle group “Journey into space. Open lesson on getting to know the world around us in the middle group Topic: “If you really want to, you can fly into space! Open lesson in a middle group on the topic of space

Prepared and conducted:

Teacher of group No. 13

"Seven-flowered flower"

E.I. Karpova

Target: development of cognitive and creative activity of children on the topic “Space”.


Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about space and the solar system;

Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary: helmet, astronaut, solar system, planet, comet;

Foster pride in your people, your country;

To instill a caring attitude towards planet Earth;

Develop emotional perception through photos, videos and audio materials.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the structure and conquest of space;

Examination of photographs, videos and posters on the topic “Space”;

Classes on visual arts on the topic "Space";

Design of the “Cosmonautics Day” stand and screen;

Work with parents: making crafts, helmets, reading books about space.

Materials and attributes: helmet, plane rockets, laptop, TV.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Educator: We are warmed by a ray of sunshine

We deserve the best

The whole universe smiles at us

And everything works out for us

We are cheerful and energetic

And we're doing great.

1.Who was the first to fly into space (Yuri Gagarin) slide 1.

2.Who flew into space before people? slide 2.

3.Who was the first woman to conquer space? (Valentina Tereshkova)Slide 3

  1. What qualities should an astronaut have?


And now, guys, you

I'll ask one question...

School of Young Cosmonauts

They're about to open.

Would you guys like

Should I go to this school?


I'm very glad, but first,

Speaking without further ado,

One desire is not enough

Everyone should be healthy!

Well, are you all healthy?

Children: Yes, they are healthy!

Educator: Is everyone ready for the test?

Children: Yes, we are ready!

Educator: Astronaut training begins with a warm-up. Our test will also begin with a warm-up.

Coordination of speech with movement.

We will try very hard

(jerks with bent arms in front of the chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind

(running in place)

Swimming is the best in the world

(hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again


And lift dumbbells.

(imitate lifting a dumbbell)

Let's become strong and tomorrow

We will all be accepted as astronauts!

(marching in place)


I suggest playing the game “How to take your place in a rocket”

Find the rocket by shape, find the rocket by color, ticket number and rocket.

Cards are distributed showing the number of the rocket, a geometric figure, and the color of the corresponding rocket.

Educator: You have passed the test, now you can take off.


If we want to go into space,

So, we'll be flying soon!

Ours will be the bravest

Cheerful, friendly crew

Educator: Look what happened, we found ourselves at the cosmodrome. What do we need to do before sending?

Children: Wear helmets.

Voice-over using ICT: the flight control director is speaking to you. Space crew get ready for launch!

1.Take your seats.

  1. check the fuel-sh-sh-sh
  2. Turn on the engine - R-R (rotation with cams)

3. The report begins 10,9,...0 launch (video clip of the launch of the Rokot rocket).

Educator: And now young cosmonauts, I’ll tell you riddles, listen carefully to the answers and say them diligently.

1.In space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (Comet)

2.From the heavenly river

Bubbles scattered

And in the night sky

They sparkled with silver.

It's late at night

... (stars) appeared.

3.On an airship,

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We are rushing on ... (rocket).

4.Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

There is light in the sky for us...

5. Planet blue,

Beloved, dear,

She's yours, she's mine,

And it's called...

6.A yellow circle is visible in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The Earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old yet,

But already a scientist -

I know that it’s not a circle, but a ball,

Intensely hot.

Educator: Now let’s remember the planets.

Finger gymnastics

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Educator: Now look out the window at the starry sky around you.

Space is a world of stars, it is very diverse. Stars appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the Sun.

Educator: What planet do we live on?

Children: Earth

Educator: That's right, guys. Why is our planet Earth called the blue planet? Because most of our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes.

And it’s time for us to return to earth. The children take off their helmets and go into a circle. Each person is awarded the Young Cosmonaut medal.

Maria Churkina
Lesson notes for the middle group "Space"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

general developmental type No. 14 "Moscow region"


№2 "Sun"


Prepared and carried out


Churkina Maria Dmitrievna

Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic« Space»


Generalization of children's ideas about space, introduce children to the history of the holiday Day astronautics, give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate children's vocabulary words: space, planet, astronaut.

Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes. Development of fine motor skills of hands


Pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, hoops and rings.

Musical arrangement: « Space music» - Space "Magic fly"

Progress of the lesson:


Children, look at these pictures (image of stars, planets). What do you see (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. Word « space» means "everything in the world". The universe is everything that exists.

Do you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth? (she is blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? (Blue colour- these are oceans, rivers and seas)

Our planet Earth is part of the Universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People invented telescopes, these are special instruments that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships. (show spaceship)

Space The ships were tested for a long time to ensure that flights on them were safe for humans. IN space the first to fly were not people, but the first successful flight in space performed by the dogs Belka and Strelka. (show children photographs of animals). And after the flight of the dogs was successful, in space the first person flew.

Tell me, children, who knows the name of the first one? astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)- show photo astronaut.

This flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then the Day has been celebrated on this day Cosmonautics.

Do you know what the clothes are called? astronauts? (space suit)

Let's put on spacesuits. Let's imagine that spacesuits are small hoops (children stand in the hoops and each one, from bottom to top, threads the hoop through themselves). And now you are ready and we are going on a journey to the solar planets. The Sun has its own family - these are 9 planets. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Show children an image of all the planets in the solar system, describe what they look like, and list them.

But our ship is not simple; to fly to each next planet, you need to solve a riddle.

The first planet we will fly to is Mercury. The closest planet to the Sun, this planet has very strong temperature changes from +350 to -170 degrees.

mystery: IN space through the thickness of years

Ice flying object

His tail is a strip of light

And his name is (comet)

Well done, you guessed the riddle, now we can fly on. The next planet is Venus.

And such a mystery: Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (Sun)

Okay, you guessed this riddle too, which means our ship can fly further.

Now we are flying to Mars. Mars is sometimes called the red planet. Do you know why?

Rocks on Mars contain large amounts of iron, and iron turns red-brown when it rusts.

Let's solve the riddle so that our ship flew:

At Grandma's over the hut

Hanging edge of bread

The dogs bark and they can't reach you (month)

And now the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, awaits us. And the next one mystery:

The entire blue path is strewn with peas (stars)

Ahead of us is a planet with rings - Saturn.

mystery: At night there is only one in the sky

Large silver hanging orange (moon)

Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly and we will fly to the other planets without stopping.

The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are ahead of us.

Now it's time to return home, but before we return, let's go out into the open space. To do this, we will put on spacesuits - special clothing that will protect us. When you leave the ship, you will be in a state of weightlessness, as if you were flying.

Sounds « space music» , children “fly” in zero gravity.

The teacher's command sounds: we return to the ship and fly home.

While we're flying, let's remember which planets we've visited. (children list the planets with the help of the teacher).

Outdoor Game « Astronauts»

Children, we traveled for a long time, we had to move a little, let's play a game « Astronauts»

We lay out the rings in quantities less than the number of children.

The teacher reads a poem:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one

But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers.

(The children run, and when the teacher says the last phrase, the children should take a seat on the chairs. Latecomers are eliminated.)

Cosmonauts and scientists have found out that there is no life on the planets that move around the sun, because some planets are too cold, others are too hot. But maybe there are living beings somewhere far away? We'll call them aliens. This means from others, from other planets. Let's help the aliens return home and show the path to the ship.

The teacher shows the children an image of three types spaceships(triangular, rectangular and oval in shape, with triangular, rectangular and oval-shaped aliens drawn next to them. The figures are drawn with a dotted line, children must circle the ships and aliens strictly along the dotted line, draw a path to the ship for each alien.

But before we get into that important matter, let's warm up our fingers:

Fine motor skills of fingers

Luno, luno, lunar rover (we make movements with our hands as if we were driving)

Let's take flight

Ready, attention, ignition (palms folded at an angle to each other)

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (children bend their fingers)

Takeoff! (palms folded at an angle to each other are raised up)

Children draw paths to ships.

We all look at our work together.


Children, what new have we learned today?

What is the name of our planet?

What planets have we visited today?

What were the names of the dogs that were in space?

What was the name of the first one? astronaut?

What is the name of space suit?

Well done guys, you listened very carefully to my story, you remembered everything, you will turn out to be real astronauts.

Program content:

1. Introduce children to the concept of spaceship, construction set, astronaut, planet.

2. Give an idea of ​​space - the space between the planets.

3. Introduce the first cosmonaut - Yu.A. Gagarin and other cosmonauts: V. Tereshkova, E. Leonov.

4. To form in preschoolers a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

5. Develop constructive creative activity, fine motor skills, strengthen the ability to independently perform appliqué, and clean up after yourself workplace.

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at illustrations about space.
  • Enrichment of vocabulary: porthole, space.
  • Activation of the dictionary: rocket, astronaut.

Material: presentation, blank rockets (children cut them out themselves in advance), yellow circles, glue stick, rags, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson.

Children, do you like to travel?

- Guys, today we will go to space trip. Tell me, what can I fly on? (airplane, rocket, spaceship)

- What do you call a person who flies into space?

Cosmonauts are people, pilots, who have undergone special training in order to go into space.

Do you know how man ended up in space? Would you like to see?

Sit down comfortably, now we will watch an interesting movie.

(children sit on chairs and the teacher begins to demonstrate the presentation)

2 slide– people have always dreamed of getting off the ground. They came up with many devices (wooden wings, Balloons, hang gliders).

3 slide- then the designers came up with a rocket that would fly into space from the ground.

4 slide“But before man flew into space, animals were sent there. Look here. These were dogs - Belka and Strelka, the rat Hector and cats with a monkey and even a turtle. Then scientists realized that it was possible to live in space and began preparing humans for flight.

5 slide- And such a person appeared. It was Yu.A. Gagarin. Look, this is what he is like. (The teacher demonstrates a portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin). After him, V. Tereshkova, the first woman in space, E. Leonov, the cosmonaut who was the first to go into outer space, and many other cosmonauts also flew into space.

— Think and answer, what should an astronaut be like? (strong, strong, resilient). To fly into space, an astronaut must prepare a lot: be able to control the ship, work with different equipment.

Here's a look at how Yuri Gagarin prepared for his flight into space.

6 slide. He was studying different types sports, learned to fly with a parachute.

Children, we also want to be astronauts with you, for this we need to practice. (physical training is held)


And now you and I, children, are flying away on a rocket.

Rise up onto your toes, and then put your hands down.

One, two, three, four - the rocket is flying upward.

We will try very hard (children do jerks with their arms bent in front of their chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind (Run on tiptoes)

Swimming is the best thing in the world. (Make hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again (Squat)

And lift dumbbells. (Straighten bent arms up)

Let's become strong and tomorrow

We will all be accepted as astronauts! (Hands on belt)

Sit down please!

Now we will watch a film about how Yuri Gagarin made his flight into space.

(film shown)

Slide 7 You know, guys, it’s very cold on a spaceship, so the astronauts put on special clothes - a spacesuit. Look at the spacesuit.

8 slide– What planets did astronauts see from space? Look here. This is our Earth, yellow Moon, red Mars. All this can be seen through the porthole window - this is a window on a rocket. And the space between the planets is called space.

Now let’s give our eyes a chance to rest.

(The teacher does gymnastics for the eyes).

And now I invite you to imagine yourself as designers and make your own rocket. We have already cut out the rocket in advance, all that remains is to glue the portholes on it and you can hit the road.

(The teacher invites the children to the tables.) But first, gymnastics for our fingers (children do exercises together with the teacher - Home)

Look here, children, how we will do the work. (the teacher shows the children the procedure on a magnetic board with a pre-prepared sample, then the children independently cut out the windows and glue them onto the rocket. When the work is finished, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that they need to clean up their workplace).

Our journey ends, our rockets are ready, we can take flight.

But first, tell me, what did we do today? What new have you learned? What did you meet? What did you like? What do you think, Matvey, did you do your job? (the teacher listens to the children’s answers, trying to ask as many children as possible.)

You all were great today! I really enjoyed communicating with you! Thank you all for your work.

It's time for us to get ready to go. But first, let's say goodbye to our guests, say goodbye to everyone, see you again! (The children say goodbye, gather near the teacher and say together: “To the start! Let’s go!”).

The teacher leaves the group with the children.

Presentation "Space"

Prepared especially for children middle group as accompanying material for the lesson “Who are astronauts.” The presentation is interesting because it contains illustrative and photo materials that introduce children to the history of space exploration, as well as the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin and other cosmonauts. The presentation can be shown to children as accompanying material in class, and can also be used in free activities, or in any educational lesson dedicated to space exploration, or to introduce preschoolers to professions. All the material is very concise and interesting for children.

Elmira Sakaeva
Thematic week "Space" (middle group)

PLAN theme week

« Space»

Middle group

1. Purpose. Form basic ideas about space, clarify children’s knowledge about the concept « space» , « spaceship» , about planet Earth, about the first astronaut. Activate vocabulary by deepening children's knowledge about space: spaceship, astronaut, planets, stars, comets, spacesuit, helmet, portholes. Introduce the holiday "Day astronautics» , explain why it is celebrated on April 12th.

2. Preliminary work

o Selection of heroes. (Luntik)

o Preparing attributes for the star store (constellations - pictures, money - stars)

o Preparation of attributes for outdoor games (hoops, moon hat, star hats).

o Preparing attributes for the experiment "The stars always shine"

o Making educational games « Space» And "Assemble a picture"

o Preparing an exhibition in the book corner.

o Preparing riddles about space and space objects

3. Learning p.i. « Astronauts» , "Fly by among meteorites» , "Moon and Stars".

o Outdoor games

« Astronauts» .

Target: To develop children's attention, dexterity, and quick decision-making skills.

"Fly by among meteorites»

Target: develop speed, agility, attentiveness.

"Moon and Stars"

Target: develop the ability to act on a signal, exercise speed and dexterity.

o Role-playing games

"Star Store" Target: To teach to distribute roles, perform appropriate game actions, give new concepts - constellations, develop interest in the game.

« Space» Target: Develop the ability to change your role behavior in accordance with the different roles of your partner. Develop the ability to select objects and attributes for the game. Develop the ability to use buildings made of building materials of varying structural complexity in the game.

"Rocket Builders" Target: to form specific ideas about the construction of a rocket, its stages; cultivate respect for work; introduce the new profession of designer, develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

o Didactic games

« Space» Target: Continue to teach planar design using the model.

A game "Assemble a picture" Target: continue to teach how to assemble a picture from individual parts.

A game "Find the odd one out" Target: for the development of logical thinking, the development of the ability to carry out classification, to combine objects according to criteria.


1 half day

Hero Luntik

Conversation Introduction of the hero Luntik weeks. Subject"Sun and moon" Target: To reinforce children’s knowledge that there is a sun and a moon in the sky

Familiarization with the surrounding world. Subject« Space» Target: Form basic ideas about space, enrich your vocabulary.

Walk Observing the work of a janitor. Target: Foster respect for working people.

Target: Instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work, improve work skills.

2 half day

A moment of creativity Collective application « Astronaut»

Purpose of the lesson. Develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking, hand-eye coordination. Cultivate interest in applications, activate and enrich your vocabulary.

Individual work Construction from cubes "Rocket" Nikita, Misha Target: strengthening the development of combinatorial abilities, ingenuity, ingenuity, development of creative imagination, the ability to navigate in space, the ability to build a building according to a given scheme.

Working with parents Invite parents to talk with children about space, planets of the solar system; find suitable literature at home and study it together.

1 half day

Hero Luntik

Conversation "Rocket" Target: continue to introduce the rocket and lunar rover to flying objects, broaden your horizons.

Walk Observing the wind. Target: Continue to form the concept of the wind, its properties, learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Work. Sweeping paths. Target: Cultivate a desire to work.

2 half day

A moment of creativity Drawing with gouache "Rocket" Target: Learn to convey the figure of a rocket in a drawing, cultivate accuracy when working with gouache.

Individual work Games with mosaics Sasha M., Sasha V. Target: Consolidate the development of hand actions, improve fine motor skills of the fingers, continue to develop volitional skills.


1 half day

Hero Luntik

Conversation Yuri Gagarin. Target: Introduce the profession astronaut. Remind me who was first astronaut. Bring children to understand that astronaut there can only be a healthy, brave person.

Experiment The stars always shine Target: Show that the stars are constantly shining Move: Punch several holes in the cardboard with a hole punch. Place the cardboard in the envelope. While in a well-lit room, take an envelope with cardboard in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Turn on the flashlight and, from a distance of 5 cm, shine it on the side of the envelope facing you, and then on the other side

Conclusion: Holes in the cardboard are not visible through the envelope when you shine a flashlight on the side of the envelope facing you, but they become clearly visible when the light from the flashlight is directed from the other side of the envelope directly at you.

Speech development Space. Belka and Strelka. Target: Expand children's understanding of science and space, about heroes space, about the holiday, increase your vocabulary, strengthen your ability to answer questions, train your memory. Give an idea of ​​what is first astronauts There were dogs Belka and Strelka.

Game "Where is which one?" Target: Continue learning to form words according to the model.

Sun - … ; moon - … ; sky - … ; sea ​​-...; space - …; weightlessness -...; astronomer -...; Earth - … ; orbit - ... ; morning - … ; day - … ; night - … ; evening - ...

2 half day

A moment of creativity Modeling « space sky» using pasta

Target: continue to learn how to knead plasticine, develop fine motor skills, speech activity, and attention.

Individual work Repetition of poems by A. Barto. Nikita K., Timur S. Target: to arouse in children the desire to recite familiar poems by A. Barto with intonation and expressiveness

Walk Bird watching. Target: Create a desire to care for birds

Work. Clearing paths of debris. Target: Foster a love of work.

Working with parents Try with your child to draw our sun in the form of a huge fireball

1 half day

Hero Luntik

Conversation Spacesuit Goal: Continue to introduce children to the profession astronaut what he's flying in. You can breathe in a spacesuit.

2 half day

A moment of creativity Designing from counting sticks "Rocket and Stars" target: Continue to develop fine motor skills and enrich vocabulary.

Individual work Throwing bags at a target Target: develop the ability to throw different ways. The game develops eye, coordination, and ingenuity.

Walk Observing the weather. Target: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Work. Restoring order in the area. Target: Organize collective work.

1 half day

Hero Luntik

Conversation Day astronautics goal: To give an idea that it was on this day that the first astronaut flew into space.

2 half day

A moment of creativity

Teamwork from plasticine "Planets of the Solar System".

Target: Develop a sense of collectivism, create an emotional mood for children, continue to cultivate interest in astronautics.

Individual work Learn to participate in conversation. Nikita S., Sasha V.

Target: improve dialogic speech

Walk Observation of poplar buds. Target: Form the idea that a bud is a house for a leaf.

Collective cleaning of the area and the remaining snow and debris. Target: Accustom to cleanliness and order in the area.

Natalya Ligostaeva
Open lesson in the middle group “Journey into space”

Target: summarize children’s primary ideas about outer space, cosmic bodies(planets, stars, astronauts.)


Systematize ideas about planet Earth (located in space; The earth is large, round; green and Brown color stands for land: earth, forests, mountains; blue, blue: water surface; there is air on Earth; there is life on Earth; the earth is beautiful; m (we live on planet Earth)

Summarize primary ideas about various objects associated with space(many different planets, stars, Sun, Moon)

Concretize ideas about people’s work in space(V space fly and work there astronauts, rockets are used to move, to space special suits required)

To promote the formation of the ability to independently decide on the choice of subject for visual activity, material, and method of depiction.

Equipment and materials: general design groups according to the theme « Journey into space» : starry sky, planets, layouts space rockets, musical accompaniment, multimedia accompaniment, "material for constructing a rocket", drawing sheets, various visual materials (pencils, paints, wax crayons, stencils on the theme « Space» , coloring pages on the theme « Space» .

Progress of the lesson:

Children play independently. IN the group's lights go out, turns on "star" backlight and « space melody» (slide 1 "Starry sky").

Educator (surprised, very emotional): Guys, where are we? (children's answer options) How did you guess that we are in space? (children's answer options). Educator: IN space people cannot just move around, they need special transport. What are people on travel in space? (slide 2 "Pictures of a rocket, car, plane, ship"). Where is our rocket? (offers children: you can make a rocket yourself, for example, from chairs, rugs, or just imagine... together an option that is acceptable for most children is chosen). How convenient it is for us, it’s wonderful to all be flying together in a beautiful rocket! Look out the portholes (the teacher draws the children’s attention to interactive game, what do you see there? (children's answers) Yes, it's wonderful and very interesting space. IN space there are stars and planets (slide 3 "Planets of the Solar System"). Do you know the names of the planets? Name them.

Any of us can name all the planets in order -

One is Mercury, two is Venus,

Three - Earth, fourth - Mars.

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, eight is Neptune.

And the ninth planet is called Pluto. Well done!

What else can you see? Space rockets(slide 4, starry sky (slide5) and even flying saucers (slide6). You and I live on a wonderful planet. What is it called (children: planet Earth). (slide 7 "Earth"). Look how beautiful and big she is, multi-colored: green, blue, brown. Why is our planet this color? What does blue mean on our Earth? (seas, rivers, oceans, lakes) What about green and brown? (earth, forests, mountains)

Educator: Only on our planet there is air that people, animals, and plants can breathe. There is life on our planet!

Educator: (slide8) Guys, who is this? How did you guess what it is? astronaut? That's right, he's wearing a spacesuit. What is a spacesuit for? (he protects astronaut, allows you to breathe) What should they be? astronauts? (answers children: strong, dexterous, brave).

Educator: For astronauts During the flight you have to perform very difficult and important tasks. Do you want to be like astronauts? Are you ready for the tasks? (children's answers) Listen carefully to the riddles about space, if we correctly and unanimously name the answer, then in the window we will see the answer picture. (slides 9 10 11 “Pictures of the answer”):

Adults and children know

That it is not the sun that shines at night.

Chubby and pale,

Always alone among the stars. (Moon)

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone is calling you. (Sun)

The coals are burning

Can't get it with a scoop

You can see them at night

And you can’t see it during the day. (Stars) .

Educator: Expensive astronauts, you guessed it right! Unfortunately, our rocket is running out of fuel, it’s time for us to return to our beloved planet. Fasten your seat belts tightly (children imitate fastening, we are flying up to the ground. Let's fly around the whole Earth in a circle and land. (slide 12 "Earth")(an excerpt of a song is played “The ground is visible through the porthole...”). Here we are on Earth! Did you like it?

After trips, guys,

Get ready to exercise.

To become strong and agile

(arms are bent to the shoulders, showing how strong they are)

Let's start training:

(perform movements according to the text)

Hands up, hands down,

Right - lean left,

Turn your head

And spread your shoulder blades.

Step right and step left,

And now jump like this.

Guys, what do you remember most? (children's answers). But our mothers and fathers have never seen space. Which one of you wants to portray our journey to please your parents?

(Children, if desired, move on to individual drawing, choosing the material with which they will depict space: paints, pencils, wax crayons.

I invite the children to decide for themselves what they will draw, I help them organize their workspace, I remind them about posture, I provide assistance if necessary, I advise, I suggest that they turn to their friends for advice... If there are children who do not want to draw, I suggest that they draw using stencils or paint the finished product. picture space theme. After completing the drawing, we set up an exhibition for parents "Our space everyday life» .)