Artistic description of the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening"

Russian Soviet artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov born in 1984, died in 1958 in Moscow.

He painted the painting “Winter Evening” in 1919.

The painting depicts a small village in winter, all covered with snow.

This fluffy one whitest snow takes up most of the picture. He is both on the ground, in the foreground of the picture, and on the roofs of houses. The color of the snow changes throughout the picture - from dark blue to bright white, depending on whether the snow lies in the shade or is illuminated by the bright winter sun, which greatly decorates the picture. The artist depicted the snow not as heavy, but as if light and airy.

In the foreground of the picture, under the snow, we see a river bound with ice. Along the banks of the river we see snow-covered bushes, next to which birds scurry around, looking for rare food or just sitting, ruffled from the frost. In the middle of the river we see dark spots from under the ice. There are bushes sticking out in the shallow waters of the river, not covered with snow.

The sun sets behind the horizon, evening approaches the village, changing the color palette of the picture, which the artist so skillfully depicted.

In the center of the picture are several peasant houses, along with courtyards, barns and other outbuildings for livestock and storing food for them for the winter.

Reflections of light are visible in the windows of the houses; these are either the reflection of the last rays of the sun that is setting, or the light of the lanterns that were lit in the house in connection with the upcoming darkness.

On the left, in the snow, you can see the road on which villagers ride on sleighs, and there is a trodden path to each house. People are walking along the path, in front is a family of three with a child, in the back a woman seems to have stopped, as if admiring the winter beauty. They rush home, into the warmth, before dark. They are dressed warmly; you can hear the crunch of snow under their feet. Their long shadows are visible, also indicating the onset of evening.

From the opposite side, two sleighs with haystacks are moving towards the village, bringing in the last hay, stocking up for their herd for the coming long winter. People walk next to the sleigh, driving the horses. They walk towards the barn adjacent to one of the houses, where they will stack the hay. They also rush home, to their warm home, where a hot, hearty dinner awaits them.

In the background, behind the village, a dense forest begins. The bell tower of the village church is visible behind the lush crowns of trees. The bell tower is also covered with grayish snow.

When you look at this picture, feelings of calm and tranquility appear. And, despite the large amount of snow, the picture seems warm and sunny.

Essay – description based on a painting by N. P. Krymov

"Winter evening"

1. Information about the artist.

2. Description of nature.

3. Why did I like the picture?

N.P. Krymov is a famous artist. Some of his paintings are kept in Tretyakov Gallery. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, because beauty is in truth,” said N.P. Krymov. I know only one of his paintings - “Winter Evening”.

The painting “Winter Evening” depicts nature. It might be frosty outside. We see that the snow is snow-white and sparkles in the frost. The day is coming to an end in the evening... In the foreground of the picture there is a field, it is completely covered with snow. Next we see houses. The lights are already on in the windows. There is also snow on the roofs. People are walking along the path, probably after a hard day at work. The picture shows trees with lush crowns. This is a deciduous forest. In the distance of the forest you can see the upper part of the church. The sky is greenish-gray. It is low and clean.

I really liked the picture! She seems alive. All feelings and emotions are conveyed. The author wanted to say with this picture that winter in the village is very good and beautiful. He did it!

Kostina Angelina, 6th grade

1. A word about the artist.

2.Description of the painting:

a) fine weather;

b) a small village.

3. Main idea.

4.My opinion about the picture.

Before us is a painting by the famous Russian landscape artist N.P. Krymov “Winter Evening”. In the history of painting, N.P. Krymova is known as an excellent master of lyrical landscape, as a poet of modest Russian nature. Several winter landscapes created by Krymov are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. Evening is one of his favorite states of nature.

Drifts are drawn in the foreground. Bushes with withered leaves peek out from them. The painting depicts beautiful weather. There is not a cloud in the sky; it is greenish-gray and pinkish-purple in places.

In the background of the painting, the artist depicted a small village. Behind it is a deciduous forest consisting of pine trees. On the left, a little away from residential buildings, you can see the dome of the bell tower. Local residents are walking along a narrow path.

The artist wanted to show how beautiful the weather is in winter.

I really liked this picture!

Pronina Anastasia, 6th grade


1. A word about the artist.

2. Description of the winter landscape.

3. My opinion about the picture.

Love nature, study it,

write what you really mean

love. Be truthful, for

beauty is in truth.

N.P. Krymov

N.P. Krymov is an artist, an excellent master of lyrical landscape. Several of his paintings are in the Tretyakov Gallery. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature.

The painting “Winter Evening” puts me in a winter mood. I want to immediately find myself in the village, sit by a warm stove or, on the contrary, lie in the snowdrifts. In this picture, the time of day is evening. This can be seen by the color of the sky. It is greenish-gray, and in places pinkish-purple. This can also be seen by the fact that people return home after working day. The trees in this picture are dome-shaped and have a lush crown. If you look closely, you can see pine and larch. It can be seen that people are already turning on the lights in their houses and there are a lot of people living in the village, because a church is visible nearby. And they only build it if there are a lot of people living in the village.

The artist uses warm colors to describe a winter evening. For example, tan trees, tan walls of houses and barns. Cool colors are also present. For example, blue, silver-blue color of snow. I think that the artist managed to convey the beauty of a winter evening.

I really liked the painting “Winter Evening”. I immediately imagined the sounds of village life. Such as the pushing of the driver or the barking of dogs. And I wish there were more such paintings.

Chugunova Svetlana, 6th grade

1) A word about the artist.

2)Winter landscape:

a) church;

b) trees;

3) Sounds of village life.

N.P. Krymov was known as an excellent master of lyrical landscape, as he sings of the modest Russian nature. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth,” he said. His landscapes are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

The painting depicts a winter evening. In the distance, next to a deciduous forest, you can see a small church. And next to it there are dome-shaped trees - all different and branched. The sky is greenish-gray, but in places mauve. People are walking on the fragile snow, and some are riding in horse-drawn carts. Winter sounds are very mysterious and unusual. If you listen closely, you can hear dogs barking, bells ringing, and even horses snoring.

This picture is very rich in various shades of nature. I really liked it, because the artist put all his soul and love into this picture!

In front of me now is a reproduction of the landscape painter Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”, on which I need to write an essay. In the picture, the author depicted a real Russian winter, which is already in full swing, enveloping the entire village in its blanket of snow.

Krymov Winter evening

The main part of the canvas in the foreground is snow, which covered the field with its snowdrifts, hiding the autumn grass under a lush snow-white blanket. And only occasionally are the tops of small bushes visible. Birds are sitting on one of them. Either they are hiding from predators, or they have found a hot spot there where they can get their fill of berries. The snow does not shine in the sun, and this is understandable, because the sun no longer shines brightly, it is already low above the horizon.

In Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening,” among the snowdrifts, one can see well-trodden paths along which villagers walk every day. It was on one of the paths that Krymov depicted a small group of people, among whom was a child. They probably went for an evening walk to get some fresh air before going to bed. Someone strayed from the group, staring at the setting sun.

In the background, Krymov depicted the beginning of the village in the painting “Winter Evening”. We see old small wooden houses, in the windows of which the light is already burning, or maybe it’s the glare that the sunlight casts. The roofs of the houses are covered with snow-white snow. It seems as if they were wearing snow-white hats at home.
Next to the houses there is a barn. Two carts, fully loaded with hay, are heading towards him.

Near the village, a little to the left, there is a deciduous forest. The crowns of the trees are lush, it is clear that this forest is many years old. A bell tower peeks out from behind the trees, from where the ringing sounds on holidays, calling all the villagers to the service.

Working on Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” and its description, I would like to say about my emotions that the painting evokes in me, and they are pleasant, even though I don’t like winter itself. In the painting “Winter Evening” you can see that there is no wind, which means that even in frost, it is pleasant and good outside. Looking at the work, you feel the crunch of snow under your feet and hear the chirping of birds. Nature gradually plunges into the abyss of the night, so there is a sense of calm and tranquility.

Artistic description of the painting by N.P. Krymova “Winter Evening”

Goals and objectives:

1. Prepare students for a descriptive essay based on the picture.

2. Help to understand the content of the picture and the means of expressing the artist’s intentions.

3. Activate vocabulary on the topic “Description of nature (winter village).”

4. Foster a feeling of love for native nature, thoughtful, caring attitude

to her, the ability to see beauty in modest corners of native nature.

Krymov Nikolai Petrovich (1884-1958)

The work of Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is inextricably linked with the development of Russian visual arts. His talent was most fully manifested in landscape painting. Along with painting, he was engaged in graphics and theatrical decoration.

At an exhibition of student works, a small sketch “Roofs under the Snow” (1906) interested the school teacher A. Vasnetsov, brother of the famous Viktor Vasnetsov, so much that he purchased this work. The absolute “randomness” of the composition of the landscape reminds the modern viewer of a cinematic frame, and the softness color scheme makes you remember the rapidly changing “pictures” of a dream. The student work of twenty-two-year-old Krymov was also appreciated by other artists, and two years later, by decision of the Council of the Tretyakov Gallery, it was purchased for the museum.

Already the very first paintings of the young Nikolai Krymov demonstrated that a city dweller had entered Russian landscape painting, able to see the real beauty of nature among city houses and colorful roofs, to feel the secret life among the city bustle and noise.

Several winter landscapes created by N.P. are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. Krymov: they depict cozy, snow-covered small houses of a provincial town, illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun.

Conversation about the painting.

- Look at the reproduction of the painting and answer the questions.

-What mood does it create in you when you look at Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”? (“A pleasant mood is created, you want to look at this picture for a long time, because it emanates peace and tranquility.”)

- Did the artist manage to convey the beauty of a winter evening? (“We look at the picture and seem to feel the soft flowing snow, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, the silence of the early evening hour, as if we hear the creaking of sleigh runners loaded with snow.”)

- What attracts you at first glance in the picture? (“Our attention is drawn to snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light strip of bluish snow shades the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground.”)

Work from a painting.

When we look at Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”, we are in a good, pleasant mood, we want to look at this painting for a long time, it emanates peace and tranquility. Looking at the picture, the viewer has a feeling of peace, calm and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted winter. The artist managed to convey the beauty of a winter evening. We look at the picture and seem to feel the soft flowing snow, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, the silence of the early evening hour, as if we hear creaking runners; sleigh loaded with hay.

At first glance, we are attracted to the picture by deep snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light streak of bluish snow shades the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground. These are primarily long afternoon shadows. The coming evening is also indicated by the color of the snow, bluish with a purple tint. The sky is greenish-gray, mauve in places.

The artist depicted this color of the sky because the blue sky, in combination with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, acquires a greenish color.

shade. On the right you can see a mighty pine tree with twisted branches and a lush crown. To the left is a dense deciduous forest, and in the center of the picture are tall, domed trees. The trees are painted in a reddish-brown color, which they acquire from the rays of the setting sun. In the village there are log buildings, illuminated windows of houses, a church, a barn.

The main feeling that the painter wanted to evoke in the viewer was a feeling of peace and tranquility. “The amazing is nearby!” - such an epigraph can be chosen for the painting by N.P. Krymov. The artist admires the evening twilight. He wants to show how beautiful our Russian nature is!

I would like to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence of rural life in the late afternoon, and breathe in the fresh frosty air. The artist could hear the deep silence, broken only by the slight creaking of snow under the steps of those walking, the subtle squealing of the sleigh runners; soft singing of birds, muffled sounds of a bell...

The artist used mainly cold colors: blue, grayish-blue, silver-blue snow, greenish-gray sky, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening. But he also used warm colors: reddish-brown trees; yellowish-brown walls of houses and barns; yellowish reflection of windows illuminated by the sun. These colors convey a feeling of comfort, calm, warmth

Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Choose evaluative adjectives for the word landscape. Use the synonyms from the box on page (exercise 315) (Beautiful, wonderful, excellent, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, magnificent, picturesque, amazing, wondrous, fabulous, unforgettable, incomparable, lovely.)


    N.P. Krymov - landscape artist.

II . Winter as depicted by the artist:

1) snow;

2) sky;

3) shadows;

4) composition features (front

plan, background, center of the picture).

III . What feelings and thoughts does the landscape evoke?

Working on an essay.

1. Entry options.

(“N.P. Krymov grew up in the world of art. His father was the first teacher who managed to perfectly prepare him for painting school. Nikolai Petrovich loved nature since childhood, so he painted landscapes related to people’s lives. And winter is one of the artist’s favorite seasons ".)

2. Conclusion options.

Written work on an essay.

Essay based on the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening".

N.P. Krymov is a famous Russian artist, a master of lyrical landscape, who grew up in a family of painters. He passionately loved nature, loved to depict it, revealing its close connections with man. Krymov’s landscapes are originally Russian; they are imbued with the artist’s love for the Motherland, its majestic and quiet nature. Krymov especially loved to depict winter. Here is what I. V. Porto wrote about this artist: “Several winter landscapes created by Krymov during this period are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery: they depict cozy, snow-covered small houses of a provincial town, illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun. The mood of a fading winter day is perfectly conveyed. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature. Reproducing the edge of day and evening is exactly that “little bit” in Krymov painting that he so often spoke about to his students. In the paintings, this short time seems to sharpen the whole essence of nature, its colors become fleeting and changeable, the shadows thicken, the horizon brightens, the sun flashes on the snow with unexpected golden and ocher-lilac spots. It seems that a few more moments - and twilight will extinguish this beautiful time of day.”

We see such a borderline plot, a reproduction of the edge of day and evening, in the painting by I.P. Krymov “Winter Evening”, created in 1919. The plot centers on a Russian village in winter. In the foreground we see a huge plain covered with snow. We see a small river, frozen and powdered with snow. On its bank there is a small bush, next to it little birds quietly lurk, escaping from the frost. The deep snow is crowned with bluish-purple evening shadows, and the rays of the setting sun fall softly on it. It’s as if we feel this crunchy snow under our feet, a slight invigorating frost, and glorious, clear air.

“The picture is built diagonally: an looming shadow, paths rush upward, towards houses with tall trees, into the center of the picture. People walking along a path, horses carrying a cart of hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, and indicate the connection between man and nature.” In the center of the picture we see village houses shrouded in snow. Behind them rise powerful old reddish-brown trees, whose powerful crowns reach up to the greenish-gray sky. In the background there are two small houses, a rural church, and a forest stretching into the distance.

The painting creates an amazing mood, conveying the special state of peace and tranquility that reigns in the evening winter nature. Looking at this landscape, I involuntarily recall Fet’s poems:

I'm Russian, I love the silence given to the nasty,

Under the canopy of snow, monotonous death,

Forests under the caps or in gray frost,

Yes, the river is ringing under the dark blue ice.

This poet was characterized by a special aesthetic perception of nature. It seems that I.P. Krymov also perceived nature. V. Favorsky wrote in his memoirs about this artist: “His works amaze with the perfection of design and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, different each time, in each landscape.” Indeed, this landscape is surprisingly musical. We seem to be immersed in the silence of the early evening hours, broken only by the creaking of sleigh runners carrying hay and the muffled sounds of bells. How good is this fading winter day!

The artist mainly uses cold tones and shades: soft bluish, greenish, lilac, gray. This landscape creates a mood of peace, joy, and encourages philosophical reflection.

I really liked the picture, because in its simplicity and laconicism you can feel the artist’s deep understanding of Russian nature.

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  • essay on the painting winter evening
  • essay on the painting by N. Krymova winter evening
  • Essay based on Krymov’s painting Winter Evening