Titles of creative meetings with children's writers. Scenario for a meeting with a writer

Campaign “Pass the Good Around”

On December 3, many countries around the world celebrate the Day of Persons with Disabilities (People with Disabilities).

In the Rodnik library. S.A. Zolotseva On December 3 and 4, for students of special (correctional) schools No. 2 and No. 5, the “Pass the Good Around the Circle” event was held, dedicated to International Day disabled people.

The children had a conversation “Kindness in my heart”, then the guys talked about what you cannot see with your eyes and cannot touch with your hands, but can only be felt with your heart - about kindness. Then they remembered with pleasure proverbs and sayings about good and evil and with great interest they named the magic words of politeness and listened to literary stories about kindness.

On this day, everyone could be a wizard: with a magic lantern in their hands, wish everyone around them happiness, smiles, health, good grades and good luck in all their endeavors.

At the end of the event, everyone placed their hands on their hearts to fill their palms with kindness. And then this warmth was transferred to paper and written on the “good palm” good words for friends, family and teachers to give to them later.

"Remember us like this." Book autographs of front-line soldiers

The Rodnik library offers you to get acquainted with the set of postcards “Remember us like this.” Autographs of front-line soldiers”, donated by the Regional Center for Work with Rare and Valuable Documents of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library within the framework of the 10th city literary and local history conference “Writers in the war, writers about the war”

The set of postcards “Remember us like this” represents books with autographs of front-line soldiers, donated by the authors to the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library in different years. On front side The cards contain: a photograph of the autograph, a portrait of the author and other illustrative material. On the back of the postcard - short biography writer or scientist, front-line veteran. A list of books used to compile the set of cards is included on the inside cover.

Autograph books are kept in Regional center for working with rare and valuable documents
Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library.

Creative meeting with writers in the library

On December 3, as part of the “All-Russian Literary Marathon in Cities of Military Glory” in the Rodnik library named after. S. A. Zolottsev held a creative meeting with writers. This is a large-scale cultural project dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, carried out Federal agency for Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Petrocenter LLC and the Writers' Union of St. Petersburg.

The guests of our library on this day were writers from St. Petersburg Pyotr Kotov (Mogunov) and Oleg Levitan. The first to take the floor was P. Kotov, a member of the Writers' Union, journalist, and director. He talked about the dramatic, little known facts domestic and European history, which formed the basis of his novel “Past Buyan Island” (2011). This book tells about the war after the victory, about Soviet soldiers ah, sent in May 45th to the Danish island of Bornholm.

O. Levitan is a member of the Writers' Union, a master of poetic short stories and ballads, and read his poetic works from different years. The themes of the poems presented to the audience are about youth, love, and, of course, the romance of the sea, with which the author has been associated for many years of service.

The young audience received the St. Petersburg writers very warmly, and then questions began to pour in: when did the first poems appear, why did they choose the profession of journalist, what prompted them to write serious works, etc.

The writers donated their books to the library as a souvenir of the meeting.

10th city literary and local history conference
"Writers at war, writers about war"

November 26 at the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolotseva took part in the 10th conference within the framework of the project “Pskov trace in the history of literature and culture.”

In 2015, the whole world celebrated a great date - 70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. But the memory of the war does not fade or fade over the years. The theme of the war of 1941-45. occupies a large place in the work of several generations of Pskov writers. Many of them went through the war from beginning to end, others were just children and in their books shared their own childhood memories of those terrible days, and some were born decades later, but honor the traditions of patriotism and fidelity to memory. And these works by different authors are united by love for the Motherland, pride in our people, who won the most destructive war, as well as the memory of the price at which we got our lives. In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the theme of the conference was “Writers in the war, writers about the war.”

At the beginning of the conference, N.A. addressed the audience from the Pskov branch of the Russian Writers' Union. Lavretsova. Natalya Anatolyevna spoke about great role literature in preserving the moral memory of generations and donated to the library from Pskov writers the book “We brought this day closer as best we could” - a collection of works by writers from the Pskov region about the war and Victory, published in 2015 to mark the significant date.

The first in the conference program was the speech of the head of the GANIPO department A.S. Golubev. “I have the honor” about the fate of one of the brightest writers of the war generation, Evgeniy Nechaev. Alexey Sergeevich spoke about the documents and materials that are in the archive, showed manuscripts of books, photographs, and award documents of Evgeniy Pavlovich.

The following report was made by students of secondary school No. 24 Daniil Veresov and Seraphim Zhbankov about L.I. Malyakov. The guys enthusiastically talked about life and creative path writer, about friends and colleagues of Lev Ivanovich, about books that passed through the heart of the front-line writer.

Igor Grigoriev - a “pure-voiced” poet, a legendary intelligence officer, a Russian man left us a huge literary heritage. He knew how to live and love with all his heart, to give of himself without reserve. V.V. spoke about his work and the memory preserved about the poet. Pshenichnaya, leading librarian of the POBDYU named after. Kaverina.

Alexander Ivanovich Gusev was not a participant in the war because he was too young, but the war left a bitter mark on his soul and was reflected in many poems. Art. made a report on the fate and creativity of A. Gusev. Researcher at Pskov University state museum– reserve R.N. Antipova.

Poetic works about the events of the Great Patriotic War- an immense phenomenon. Extreme conditions of war, joy Great Victory, the post-war echo of tragic events created such a spiritual pressure that could only be expressed in such a direct genre as poetry. The topic “Pskov poets about the war” was presented by writer V.B. Savinov. Vladimir Borisovich told the audience about the poets who took part in the Great Patriotic War: I. Grigoriev, E. Morozkina, L. Malyakov, I. Vinogradov, E. Izyumov, about poets of the war generation who saw the war and poets born after the war.

Libraries carefully preserve and enhance book memory in order to convey it to future generations. Speech – presentation of the chief specialist of POUNB S.L. Bakalova. was dedicated to books by Pskov writers - front-line soldiers with autographs, which are carefully preserved in the Rare Book Center of the regional library.

At the end, a presentation story was prepared for the participants of the 10th anniversary conference about the development of literary local history in the Rodnik library and the history of practical conferences dedicated to famous writers, cultural figures whose lives are connected with Pskov.

Head of the library I.V. Lushkina, on behalf of the entire team, cordially thanked the participants of all conferences for the most interesting messages and materials that they collected bit by bit and popularized for those interested in the history of the region.

Master class for children “Postcard for your beloved mother”

November 22 Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolotseva, together with the School of Successful Parents “Growing Together”, held a master class for children “Postcard for a Beloved Mother”.
The presenter of the creative meeting, Oksana Petrova, spoke about the quilling technique and demonstrated the main stages of forming products using this technique.

Then everyone began the exciting process of creativity. The joint activity was very captivating for both children and adults and brought a lot of joy and a sunny mood. And handmade cards will be a worthy gift for dear mothers.

“All his life he loved to draw war...”
(to the 100th anniversary of the birth of K.M. Simonov)

November 17 and 18, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of K.M. Simonov, Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolotseva held meetings for high school students “All his life he loved to draw war...”.

Students of SEL No. 21 got acquainted with the most important stages life path and becoming a writer. He was a man of unlimited scope: a poet, writer, publicist, and world-famous film playwright. But special attention at the meeting was paid to the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the poetic work of the writer.

During the event, students heard the most famous poems: “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region...”, “The major brought the boy on a gun carriage...”, “Wait for me,” as well as other poetic masterpieces that make up literary portrait author.
The children got acquainted with books that described the fate of people in the war, saw documentaries, and heard the poetic legacy of Konstantin Simonov performed by famous artists.

The writer’s work did not leave the children indifferent, because such meetings form a new perspective on the life of this extraordinary person.

The “60 years – 60 books” campaign continues!

Dear friends!
In 2015, the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolotsev turned 60 years old.
As part of the anniversary events, the library holds the “60 years – 60 books” campaign. Everyone has the opportunity to donate a new book to the library, which will take its rightful place in its collections.
The promotion runs from October 20 to December 20, 2015.
Inquiries by phone: 72-43-23.
We thank everyone who has already taken part in our promotion!

Meeting with Diana Feuerbach

October 31, within the framework of the days of Germany in Pskov, in the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolotseva had a meeting with the German writer Diana Feuerbach.

Teachers, students of Pskov State University, students of city schools and all those who are interested in German literature. The author presented to the audience her story “Thank you for your letter” (on German), which is based on Diana’s childhood memories of correspondence with a peer from Soviet Union. Then Diana Feuerbach answered questions from the guests, and there was a live conversation with the author.

As a souvenir of the meeting, the writer donated her books to the library.

Book exhibition of German writers as part of the Days of Germany in Pskov

On October 27, as part of the Days of Germany in Pskov, a book exhibition of German writers opened in the Rodnik library. The opening was attended by the director of the Goethe Institute in St. Petersburg, Ms. Angelika Eder, the head of the department for the implementation of cross-border cooperation programs of the Pskov City Administration, Kristina Kobyz, teachers and students of Pskov State University, staff and readers of the library. The exhibition featured 17 books by women writers whose works were longlisted for the German Book Prize for 2013-2014.

The creativity of the writers is diverse, but they are united by their interest in the fate of women in the modern world. According to Ms. Angelika Eder, this exhibition is valuable because its authors enrich modern linguistic German culture. Some writers, who are not native residents of Germany, write in German and demonstrate their careful attitude to the language.

It should be noted that the exhibition is taking place on the eve of a creative meeting with the writer Diana Fayerbach, which will take place at the Rodnik library on October 31. Ms. Angelika Eder spoke about the activities of the Goethe Institute aimed at preserving and promoting German culture, as well as the upcoming events of the German Days in Pskov, organized in cooperation with the institute: festival German cinema, an exhibition of German photographers, etc.

Presentation of a new book by Pskov poetess Lyudmila Tishaeva
"Rain on the eyelashes: a poetic diary."

October 25 at the Rodnik library named after. S. A. Zolottsev presented a new book by Pskov poetess Lyudmila Tishaeva “Rain on the eyelashes: a poetic diary”. The poetess dedicated this wonderful collection of poems to the memory of her husband, sculptor Vladimir Alekseevich Chernenko.

The book includes poems from different years, both previously published and published for the first time. The author of all the sculptural works in the photo in the collection is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, sculptor Vladimir Alekseevich Chernenko.

Poets, associates and friends of Vladimir and Lyudmila were present in the hall. Lyudmila Georgievna touchingly and soulfully read her poems dedicated to the memory of her husband, which found a warm response in the hearts of the listeners.

Lyudmila Tishaeva (Chernenko) is a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the author of the poetry collections “In a dewdrop - a reflection of the world”, “Sunset dawns - short-lived gifts”, “Beyond the plane” and a collection of poems for children “Grandma’s ABC”. She has been published several times in almanacs and poetry collections.

Opening of the exhibition by V.M. Mukhina "Pskov land"

As part of the Year of Literature, the Rodnik Library named after. S.A. Zolottseva continues the series of exhibitions of paintings by famous Pskov writers and poets. On October 20, the opening of an exhibition of works by V.M. Mukhin "Pskov land".

At the opening of the exhibition, the author spoke about his youth, his passion for poetry and his development as an artist.
Those present at the event listened carefully to the poems performed by Valery Mikhailovich and asked him questions about his work.

V.M. Mukhin is a member of the Russian Writers' Union and the International Association of Writers and Publicists, the author of 32 personal exhibitions.
Valery Mikhailovich is the author of 13 poetry collections and books, including “Years of Love”, “Trusting Rus'”, “Taste of Victory”, “Sun over Pskov”, “Across the White World” and the autobiographical book “Russian Song”.

We invite residents and guests of the city to visit the exhibition of works by V.M. Mukhin "Pskov land".

"Don't take away tomorrow"

On October 7, the Rodnik Library hosted the event “Don’t take away tomorrow” as part of the municipal long-term target program “Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the territory of municipality"City of Pskov".

The meeting for high school students was prepared by library staff together with the Regional Center for Medical Prevention. At the beginning of the program, psychologist Antonova E.N. spoke about the work of the Center and the specific assistance that its specialists can provide. For emotional immersion in the topic, young people were offered an unusual film about one specific fate that ended very tragically. The talentedly revealed theme of the film produced such a deep effect that silence hung in the hall for a long time......and that’s where the conversation began.

Elena Nikolaevna told the children about the simple truths of human behavior and interaction, about friendship, about the ability to say “no” in various situations. Then she played an interactive game with the teenagers and answered questions.

The final part of the program was the summing up of the video competition “We Live to Leave a Mark.” The winner of the competition was the collective work of tenth-graders from school No. 12, which all participants of the event were able to watch. The authors of the film - Anna Elizarova, Angelina Petrova, Elizaveta Tukacheva and Mikhail Fris - received well-deserved awards - applause from the audience and prizes from the library.

Meeting with writers from St. Petersburg

On September 25, a meeting was held at the Rodnik library with writers from St. Petersburg Boris Krasnov and Yaroslav Shable. They represent the Poetry Workshop at the St. Petersburg Union of Writers of Russia. Traditionally, workshop participants travel to different cities to present their creativity.

The guests talked about themselves and read poems about nature, Russia, philosophy of life and love. The creative evening was opened by poet Yaroslav Shablya, author of several poetry books. His works were published in the literary almanac "Harmony", in the magazines "Nevsky Almanac", "Northern Aurora", "North". Listening to the poems of Yaroslav Yuryevich, poetry lovers “visited” the poet’s hometown. His speech also reflected his personal attitude towards many life topics, the poetic lines were colored with nostalgia, romantic mood, irony, love of life, faith:

I breathe in spring little by little,
Empty of grievances and losses.
Careful road to God
April washes away with rain.
Apparently it's not easy for the gray sky
Hold your weight...
Rounding Vasilyevsky Island,
I carry a tired heart
To a quiet church whose dome is gentle
He looks at those walking from above.
There's no peace on this road
There is no post indicating the mileage.

The meeting program was continued by the poet, prose writer, laureate creative competitions, author-performer Boris Krasnov. Boris Nikolaevich began his speech with poems dedicated to the Pskov land, since as a child he spent a lot of time in the Loknyansky district, where his parents lived. The poems offered to listeners contained thoughts and affirmations, hope and disappointment, frankness and understatement:

The days are hard and the nights are empty,
And every image requires a chisel.
And by the power of words the limits are broken
Close together again and strike the creator.

How to express it in just one phrase
The immensity of reality and the carelessness of sleep?
Doubts seal the mind
And only the will is free to choose.

There is nothing more deceiving than a moment,
and Eternity is so gloomy and gloomy.
But the light burns in neighboring dimensions,
And wonderful music can be heard.

After reading poetry, he performed several of his songs, the genres of which are very diverse - right up to the blues. The audience liked the songs so much that the author was asked to sing as an encore.

The hall very warmly received the creativity of the guests from St. Petersburg. And then there was a conversation about creativity and life in general, and the audience had a wide variety of questions. The writers donated their books to the library as a souvenir of the meeting.

Musical and poetic evening with the participation of poets from St. Petersburg

September 25 at 15.30 Rodnik Library named after. S.A. Zolotseva invites you to a musical and poetic evening with the participation of poets from St. Petersburg - Boris Krasnov and Yaroslav Chablis. The program will feature poems and songs performed by the authors.

Krasnov Boris Nikolaevich - poet, prose writer, author of more than 500 songs. As an author and performer, he participated in the work of the Leningrad City Song Club (1979 - 1988). Member of the Union of Writers of Russia since 1997. Since the end of 2010 - head of the Poetry Workshop at the Union of Writers of Russia, author of the collections "Partly Cloudy", "Pendulum", "Time of Fire Signs".

"First-grader's Day" in the library

It has already become a good tradition at the Rodnik Library to hold “First-Grade Day” for children in September. In the new school year, such a holiday took place on September 11; the youngest students of school No. 12, as well as their teachers and parents, gathered in the reading room.

In everyone's life
The only time
It happens to be your first
Your memorable class,
And the first textbook
And the first lesson
And the first loud school bell.

With these words, the presenter began the holiday program, then the children played games with school supplies, talked about politeness and offered various tests. Also at the holiday, the children were introduced to the sciences that will accompany them throughout the school year: Grammar, Reading and Mathematics. After getting acquainted with the disciplines, the children solved riddles, learned fun counting and a funny alphabet. But Baba Yaga, who happened to be in the library, wanted to ruin the holiday and take such good and well-read children to her place in the forest. The knowledge and friendship of the schoolchildren won: the insidious grandmother left to look for other naughty and stupid children. The festive program ended with an oath of students and parents, and then the real Certificates of first-graders were presented...
Good luck, dear first-graders!

“A fun road to GTO standards”

The first day of September turned out to be cloudy, but despite this, the guests of the Rodnik library were in a positive mood that day. Third-graders of secondary school No. 12 became participants in the library information and interactive program “A Fun Road to the GTO Standards.”

To study well, what should you be like? Everyone unanimously answered: you need to be healthy, vigorous, hardy! What should you do for this? To do this, from childhood it is necessary to play sports and participate in the GTO movement, thanks to which more than one generation of active, healthy people has grown up in our country.

Next, the guys learned what types of exercises were included in the training complex and were able to take part in fun competitions. The culmination of the meeting was an intellectual competition. Two teams entered the game, where they had to show good knowledge, ingenuity, resourcefulness and sports enthusiasm.

At the end of the meeting, library staff congratulated the children and teachers on the beginning of a new academic year, wished them health, patience, diligence, creative success and presented each class with balls so that schoolchildren could combine intellectual work with improving their sports training.

Library "Balloon Journey"

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying, and the first means of transportation by air was a hot air balloon. The guys learned that this miracle was tested already in 1783, and the first passengers of such a device were a sheep, a rooster and a duck. The balloon with them was launched from the Champ de Mars in Paris, and the design turned out to be very reliable. Many interesting facts, historical and scientific, related to aeronautics, the guys also learned about them during the trip.

We also remembered the heroes of the books traveling on this aircraft. By vehicle Balloons did not become a thing, but with the advent of airplanes, they gradually turned into an invariable attribute of festive mood and fun, a decoration for celebrations. Every year, dozens of hot air balloon festivals are held around the world: huge balloons floating in the air with people on board are an exciting and mesmerizing spectacle. In the electronic presentation, children saw types and original findings in the design of balloons. We also got acquainted with a fascinating modeling made from simple balloons.

At the end of the meeting, the guys participated in competitions and games “Funny Balls”.

“Transparent world of pastels” by I.Ya. Panchenko

As part of the Year of Culture, the Rodnik Library named after. S.A. Zolottseva opens a series of exhibitions of paintings by famous Pskov writers and poets.

From June 10, 2015, we invite you to visit the exhibition of works by I.Ya. Panchenko "Transparent world of pastel". Irena Yazepovna is the owner of a multifaceted talent: in the writing field she is a poet, prose writer and playwright, and in artistic creativity she is a painter, graphic artist and pastel master. The paintings presented at the exhibition convey light, extraordinary insight and poetry.

We invite residents and guests of the city to get acquainted with the amazing paintings of Irena Panchenko. We are waiting for you at the address: st. Truda, 20.

Master class from Olga Selivanova

In the Rodnik Library. S.A. Zolottsev on June 5, a master class on making interior dolls from papier-mâché took place. Olga Borisovna Selivanova, master of the papier-mâché technique, conducted a creative lesson for children. First, she talked about the history of this ancient type of needlework, methods of making dolls and materials. Then the magic began...

The guys began to realize their fantasies using thin wire and plain paper. Some had a ballerina come to life in their hands, some had a warrior, others had funny animals. The process of “modeling” from paper fascinated children and adults so much that they immediately wanted to improve their new skill: they asked questions, clarified the manufacturing process, and came up with costume details.

The children, joyful and inspired, leaving the library that day, took home small dolls and a great passion for life.

Exhibition “Doll in the interior” from Olga Selivanova

Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolotseva invites you to an exhibition of three-dimensional dolls made using the papier-mâché technique, “Doll in the Interior.”

The opening of the exhibition will take place on June 5 at 10.30 in the conference hall of the library; the author, Olga Selivanova, will present her works. On the same day, Olga Borisovna will conduct a master class for children on making interior dolls.

The exhibition will continue until July.
We are waiting for you at the address: st. Truda, 20.

"Summer, book, 100 fantasies"

The opening celebration of the summer readings “Summer, a book, 100 fantasies” took place in the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottseva. Guests of the library were children from the summer school camp of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12 named after. Hero of Russia A.Yu. Shiryaeva". They went to exciting journey at the stations “Leto. Sun. Vitamins”, “Fabulous”, “Relax and have fun”.
At the Leto station. Sun. “Vitamins” children talked about summer and what it means for each of them. We learned how to spend summer days correctly and with health benefits.
The area in front of the library turned into a “Relax and Have Fun” station, where the children participated in team outdoor games.
At the “Fairytale” station, the children tested their knowledge in a literary quiz on fairy tales, and also had fun guessing melodies from familiar cartoons and films.
At each station, for successfully completed tasks, the guys received an envelope, the contents of which they could find out at the end of the entire trip.

At the end of the event, library staff invited children to read books and participate in summer competitions.

“On Book Roads” with the ABVGDeyka Reading School

May 20 at the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottsev held the final lesson at the ABVGDeyka Reading School.

Over the course of four years of work, the program of this amateur association was aimed at promoting books and reading, developing the reading culture of junior schoolchildren. At the final event, the results of the path traveled were summed up in the form interactive game"Book Roads" The children remembered all the library meetings they attended from grades 1 to 4, repeated everything they learned in class, answered questions, completed assignments, and “visited” their favorite fairy tales.

In memory of joint meetings in the library, for their activity, curiosity and desire for knowledge, the guys received Diplomas of completion of “ABVGDeyka”.

And the Reading School in the library is already preparing to accept new students.

Creative evening of composer N.M. Mishukova

May 14 in the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottsev, a creative evening was held for the composer, Honored Artist of Karelia, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Honorary Citizen of the city of Pskov N.M. Mishukov, dedicated to the presentation of his collection of songs “Fatherland”.

The first collections of Nikolai Mikhailovich’s songs have long acquired an active life, they are widely in demand. The musician and composer dedicated the new collection to the most significant date of the year – the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

On this day, friends, colleagues, creative intelligentsia, heads of cultural institutions of the city, and officials gathered in the conference hall of the library to greet the man who combined the talents of a composer, poet, performer and a wonderful storyteller. The evening was opened by the head of the Culture Department of the Pskov City Administration, Martynov Yu.A. Over the many years of creative activity N.M. Mishukov wrote more than 500 musical works: songs, choirs, instrumental pieces, romances.

The next collection includes songs based on poems by famous Pskov poets: O. Timmerman, I. Panchenko, V. Fokin, T. Gorelikova, V. Sergeeva, G. Degelev, V. Ignatieva. Nikolai Mikhailovich spoke with great warmth about his co-authors, about working together on works, about the fate of the songs. The audience greeted each musical number performed by the author with prolonged applause. Also, his songs were presented at the evening by soloist Yulia Alekseeva and men's group Folk choir. The last song of the program - “Again I am walking along October Avenue” - was already sung by the entire audience.

The audience gave many grateful words, flowers, and smiles to their favorite at this festive event, expressing their admiration for the maestro’s work. Colleagues and friends, congratulating Nikolai Mikhailovich, noted that his work is an integral part of the musical heritage of the Pskov region, and it has rightfully earned deep respect among the professional community and lovers of musical art.

Campaign "Say Thank You to the Hero"

On May 7, as part of the project “From us who have not seen war...” Library “Spring” named after. S.A. Zolotseva, together with the children’s social club “Dream”, held a campaign of gratitude and attention “Say “Thank you” to the hero!” The club's students made holiday cards with symbols Victory Day, and on May 7-8, the guys will deliver them to the participants of the Great Patriotic War living in the Zapskovye microdistrict.

Literary and musical evening for young people “And the book will revive the memory of the war for us”

I can't forget the war
She comes to me in a dream.
The soul is captured by memory,
But the memory is still in motion...
(I. Vinogradov)

May 6 in the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottsev hosted a literary and musical evening for young people “And the book will revive the memory of the war for us.”

Front-line writers are a whole generation of courageous, experienced, gifted people who endured war and post-war hardships. Many Pskov writers fought with pen and bayonet on the war fronts. On this day in the library they talked about the work and fate of I.V. Vinogradov and L.I. Malyakova.

From the first days of the war, Ivan Vinogradov became a scout and fought as part of the “Flame” partisan detachment, producing handwritten “combat leaflets” and leaflets. Lev Malyakov was a partisan of the 4th detachment of the second partisan brigade. Hot on the heels of the war, they created their works, wearing military uniforms. In prose and poetry they reflected the everyday life of war and victorious achievements, human destinies and the fate of entire generations.

Entire generations were brought up on the books of writers who participated in the Great Patriotic War; this is a true testimony of the time when Russia fought and won.

Hour of Remembrance “They don’t put monuments in the sea”

In a few days, our entire country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. On the eve of this significant event, the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolotseva prepared a series of literary and informational events. On May 5, an hour of remembrance “They don’t erect monuments at sea” was held in the library’s reading room, dedicated to the cabin boys of the Great Patriotic War.

The feat of the boys of the forties of the 20th century, who, in a difficult time for the Motherland, together with adults, stood up to defend their native country, is amazing. Military chronicles and a conversation prepared by library workers “told” about the school of cabin boys of the Northern Fleet, the tests of courage and fortitude of young sailors.

Then the guest of the meeting, the famous Pskov writer A.A., spoke to the schoolchildren. Bologov. In 1949, he graduated from the school of cabin boys of the Baltic Fleet in Riga, since 1955, after graduating from the nautical school, he worked as a tugboat mechanic, as a mechanic on ships of the Auxiliary Fleet, sailed in northern waters, and later taught at the Murmansk nautical school. Boys and girls listened to the writer’s memoirs with bated breath, because Alexander Alexandrovich talked about himself, a young man who survived the occupation in his hometown of Orel at the age of 9-11, as well as about his youth associated with the sea. And the guys were interested in why a person born in a land city chose the path of a sailor, what seas and oceans he visited, and what event of his youth became the most memorable.

At the end of the meeting, everyone congratulated Alexander Alexandrovich on Victory Day and wished him “Three feet of clean water under the keel.”

Festive event “War and Destiny”

On April 30, 1945, an assault group of Soviet soldiers hoisted the Red Banner over the Reichstag. Among this group was our fellow countryman Mikhail Petrovich Minin. In memory of the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honorary Citizen of Pskov M.P. Minin and was dedicated festive event“War and Fate”, which took place on April 29 in the center of the Zapskovye microdistrict. The organizers of the event were the “Rodnik” and “Rainbow” libraries of the MAUK “CBS” in Pskov, the Pskov Regional College of Arts, and Deputy of the Regional Assembly Mikhailov D.Yu.

On this day, participants of the Great Patriotic War, children of the war, residents of the microdistrict, and students of educational institutions gathered in the open area (49 Truda Street). Each guest of the holiday received St. George ribbons and information booklets and bookmarks about Minin as a gift.

At the beginning of the meeting on the Victory Day, everyone was congratulated by the youngest participants of the event - pupils kindergarten"Stream". The hosts of the program, students from the College of Arts, spoke about the life and battle path of M.P. Minina. Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Microdistrict No. 1 A.F. Spirin also shared his memories of Mikhail Petrovich, talking about his modesty, responsiveness and openness.

Deputy of the Regional Assembly Mikhailov D.Yu. addressed the audience with welcoming words. and head of the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottseva Lushkina I. V. Despite the rainy weather, the participants of the event very warmly welcomed the performances of the artists, applauding the dance numbers and picking up their favorite melodies: “On a Sunny Meadow”, “Spark”, “Tenth Battalion”, “Wait for Me”, “Cossacks” .

Then flowers were laid at the memorial plaque on the house in which Mikhail Petrovich Minin lived.

70 years have passed since the victorious May 1945, but we will always remember the heroic exploits of our people during the Great Patriotic War and we are proud that the glorious military chronicles include the exploits of our fellow countrymen.

We are the young generation of Russia...

Evening in memory of the poet S.A. Zolottseva

Every year at the end of April, on S.A.’s birthday. Zolottsev, the Rodnik library holds evenings dedicated to the memory of the poet. On April 23, 2015, according to tradition, friends, colleagues, creative people of Pskov, and readers of the city’s libraries gathered in the library.

Portrait evening “We” new song let’s begin…” opened the words of Stanislav Alexandrovich himself, addressed to his dear fellow countrymen and readers. Friends and colleagues talked about great vitality, Zolotsev’s energy and talent, about his great love for people, his hometown and the Motherland. V.F. Pavlov, V.D. Kuprin, father Oleg Teor, T.S. Ryzhova. N.S. Volkov, sharing their memories, noted that Stanislav Aleksandrovich built so many life and creative plans, involving everyone in them, igniting, supporting and guiding in a friendly way, that it is still difficult to believe in his departure.

And, of course, at such a meeting, poems by the poet himself and about him were read by Natalya Lavretsova, Vladimir Savinov, Vladimir Ivanov. This April evening was completely permeated with music: Nikolai Mishukov, Tatyana Lapteva, Vyacheslav Rakhman performed songs based on Zolottsev’s poems. Performed by I.V. Plokhova sounded musical composition based on poems by Dylan Thomas (translation by S. Zolottsev).

Pskov State University students read the poet’s poems at English. Olga Nikolaevna Zolottseva presented new music albums to the poet’s poems: “In the fields of my memories...” T.A. Lapteva and “Clover Waltz” by V.D. Rahman.

Hosts of the evening, O.N. Zolotsev and V.B. Savinov, at the end of the meeting, thanked everyone for the warmth of communication and memory, and also expressed hope for new meetings, literary events and events dedicated to the memory of Stanislav Zolottsev.

Presentation of the book by V.B. Savinova “Choose a book as a gift”

April 14 in the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottsev had a meeting with the Pskov writer V. Savinov. He is the author of the books “The Bird Cherry Boiled in the Pskov Region”, “Our Parallels” and several collections “And a Kind Word about Friends”. Particularly popular are the books that the writer dedicates to children: “A Book from a Musical” and “Happy Birthday.” And today there was a presentation of Vladimir Borisovich’s new book “Choose a book as a gift.” This publication, according to the author, continues the theme and mood of the book “Happy Birthday,” which is very popular with children.

At the beginning of the meeting, a slide presentation introduced young readers to the work of this wonderful children's writer, then everyone unanimously guessed poems - riddles from the books of V. Savinov. Vladimir Borisovich enthusiastically communicated with children, asked questions, and read his own works. As a gift, each of the children received miniature copy books “Choose a book as a gift.” And the author presented the library with a poetic script for the theatrical performance “A Heart-to-Heart Conversation or, Book Panic in the Library.”

Poetry battle in the Rodnik library

On March 30, a poetry battle took place in the Rodnik library. This new form intellectual competition attracted sixth grade students from school No. 12.

The poetry competition took place in three rounds. First, the guys read by heart a poem they had prepared in advance on a free topic. Poems were sung from the stage different topics: about mother, about Pskov, about war and Victory. In the second round, students were asked to read L. Okhotitskaya’s poem “I choose books with pleasure...”. Each reader presented poetic work in your own way: through intonation, gestures, mood. The third round became the most difficult for the participants; they had to read the poem without preparation, from sight.

The battle winners read:

At this stage, the jury assessed the emotional expressiveness, artistry and interest of the speakers. The fans not only actively supported their favorites, but also performed creative tasks: guessed the authors of poetic lines, composed quatrains according to given rhymes and remembered the names of Russian poets. Everyone was so carried away that they did not notice how the event ended. The children liked the new, unusual form of communication offered by the library. We hope that poetry battles will become regular and will attract readers of different ages.

Presentation of books by Vladimir Savinov at the meeting

them. S.A. Zolottseva

Vera Viktorovna Besson

“Choose a book as a gift!”

April 14 in the Rodnik library named after. S.A. Zolottsev, a meeting took place between students of two fourth grades of secondary school No. 12 named after Hero of Russia A.Yu. Shiryaev (teachers Lyudmila Vasilievna Zhuravleva and Svetlana Ivanovna Petrova) with Pskov writer and poet Vladimir Savinov.

Pera Savinov V.B. owns books of poems “Our Parallels” (2006), “Bird cherry boiled in the Pskov region” (2007), five collections of poems under the general title “And a kind word about friends” (2012-2014). Books that the writer dedicates to children are especially popular. This is a “Musical Book” illustrated with children’s drawings, which was awarded the Prize of the Pskov Region Administration in 2010, as well as a book "Happy birthday!"(2012) . And today there was a presentation of a new book by Vladimir Borisovich“Choose a book as a gift!” . This publication, according to the author, continues the theme and mood of the book “Happy Birthday!”, which is very popular with children.

At the beginning of the meeting, a slide presentation specially prepared in the library introduced young readers to the work of this wonderful children's writer, then all the children together guessed poetic riddles from the books of V. Savinov.

Vladimir Borisovich enthusiastically communicated with children, asked questions, and read his own works.

PPresenting the new book “Choose a book as a gift!”, the poet said that it includes several chapters for readers of different ages: from kids to big kids.

RThe kids heard the author perform several poems from different chapters, and they reacted very vividly and directly, for example, to the following poem: “Conversation on the bus”

There was a bus from the station,

Aunt with a bag, controller,
I checked the tickets there...
I hear: children's conversation.

- It’s okay, mom, for a little while.
Will I become a house cat?
Somehow I'll transform
And I’ll learn to purr.

I will live peacefully at home,
Early in the morning - without getting up:
If you don't go to kindergarten,
So why wake me up?

When I want to wake up,
I'll arch my back high
And then I'll go from the saucer
I'm drinking milk.

I'll eat a handful of food from the bowl,
I lick the fur,
Pozeva-a-a-yu and again...
- Should I go back to sleep?

- Mom, no! I'll go to the sofa
And whenever I want,
I'll get the ball behind the sofa
And I'll rush to the kitchen.

And also the game is like this:
I'll see a flock of birds
Immediately jump to the window!
– Aren’t you afraid of purrs?

- You’re a dreamer, my dear,
You can write a fairy tale!
But now listen to me:

You and I are going out...

INAt the end of the meeting, everyone took a photo together, and Vladimir Borisovich gave a copy of his new book to the teachers as a gift for the school library. And each of the children received a miniature copy of the book cover (in the form of a bookmark) with the poet’s autograph.

And the author presented the library with a poetic script for a theatrical performance (play) “A Heart-to-Heart Conversation or a Book Panic in the Library...” for the upcoming All-Russian Library Day in May.

Thank you for your attention!

Meeting at the library - Children's Reading Center for first graders

Pskov school No. 19 with a poet and writer

Savinov Vladimir Borisovich

“So that you don’t experience boredom and laziness -

read more poems!”

INwithin the framework of the anniversary of the Library-Center for Children's Reading, Pskov writer and poet V.B. Savinov held a meeting with students of grade 1 “G” of school No. 19 under the title “To avoid boredom and laziness, read more poems!”

This was the first such meeting for the schoolchildren, to which they came with great interest.

DThe children had never seen, as they say, “live” a real poet before; for them it was an amazing and unusual acquaintance. This acquaintance took place not only with a well-known poet in Pskov, who writes a lot for children, and with an interesting person who quickly finds a common and understandable language with a children's audience. The children got acquainted with his work, books published in Pskov, and publications in a Moscow magazine.

Dbirthday – best holiday, and the best gift is, of course, a book. Vladimir Borisovich and all the children present at the meeting came to this general opinion at the very beginning of the conversation. And confirmation of this are the poet’s two books with very bright covers and wonderful titles:"Happy birthday!" (2012) and “Choose a book as a gift!” (2015).The guys quickly guessed why the books were called that, what the connection was between them, and agreed that it would be very cool to receive these books as a gift for your birthday.

Vladimir Borisovich said that his two books form a single whole (“children’s two-volume book”) and are intended for parents and children to read poems together, so that an atmosphere of warmth, kindness and friendship reigns in the family. At the same time, these books contain a lot of instructive and interesting things. cheerful and even unusual, fabulous.

D The children listened with bated breath as the poet read them poems from his books, and tried to transfer each line to themselves, to imagine a living picture. If you listened to funny poems about cats, everyone remembered their pets, if about New Year, talked about their favorite holidays.

In the brand new book “Choose a book as a gift!”, which was published at the end of March 2015, in each of the 5 chapters poems are selected in such a way that they are interesting and “able” for the smallest ones (“Here short poems - read by kids"), and almost adult children (“For very big ones - for the heart and soul”).

Zfinishing the story about his children's books, the poet read a poem called “Song on Russia Day,” dedicated to our country, saying that very soon the choir of music school No. 2 will learn and sing a song based on these verses. This song has these words:

Russia – great-grandfathers in the photo
In a soldier's uniform at war.
And national concern
Victory is forged in fire.

Russia - Gagarin in space
First time in the world!
And we will give it to the Motherland
Olympic Games podium!

Russia is a bell in the field,
What suddenly appeared among the daisies;
A stubborn trickle from captivity
A spring ringing with joy.

Russia – a gentle exclamation of a violin
And a warm, cozy home.
Children's happy smiles,
What a song they sing to the Motherland!

ABOUTCommunicating with the poet, the guys wanted to know literally everything, there was no end to the questions: “How did you start writing, why did you become a writer, where do you work, how old are you and what did you want to become as a child?”

ANDThe guys learned that he started writing for his beloved grandchildren, which is why there is so much warmth and kindness in his poems. After all, children's poems should be the brightest and give joy. The poet in response asked the children, who reads books to them? Many children answered that they read on their own, others remembered their mothers, fathers, grandparents. Vladimir Borisovich once again emphasized that his books are addressed to children and their parents. After all, reading these poems, adults seem to plunge again “into the waters of unclouded childhood.”

In conclusion, Vladimir Borisovich gave the children valuable advice that you should never be lazy: neither in studying, nor in reading good books, if you want to achieve something in your life. As a farewell, all the children received bookmarks with information about the writer and his autograph, and the class teacher was given the book “Choose a book as a gift!” as a gift for the school library.

Meeting organizer

Gavinskaya Svetlana Alexandrovna

1) Events in the library - Children's Reading Center in 2015

2) Video recording of Vladimir Borisovich Savinov’s speech on April 2, 2015 at an event in the Central Children’s Church “Round table “What are our children reading?”

Meeting with the poet and writer V.B. Savinov.

in the library "BiblioLub"

“Choose a gift for your son, for grandson
- This, friends, is not an easy science...
. I would go to the Bookseller's store,
Where among the books, without hiding delight,
I will explain the main goal to the seller:
Need a good one
I need a beautiful one
Kind, smart, necessary
- A book that will suit everyone!

NThe small library of the Pskov microdistrict Lyubyatovo with the very symbolic name “BiblioLub” hosted the poet Vladimir Borisovich Savinov on the morning of June 3, organizing his meeting with children of different ages (from 2nd to 8th grades).

The head of the Soittu library, Elena Nikolaevna, introduced the guest to the assembled children, spoke about his books, already known to many children and adults, published in Pskov since 2006, and drew special attention to two books: “Happy Birthday” (2012) and “ Choose a book as a gift!” (2015).

INthe meeting with Vladimir Borisovich was planned as part of a series of library events for young readers called “Summer 2015 with the library” (or “summer with the writer”). The recently published article aroused interest. new book“Choose a book as a gift!”, first shown by the author in April. In it, the poet again and again addresses not only children with his spontaneous and “living” poems, but also adults, urging them to read books to children, buy books as gifts (as stated in the above quote), and teach them to go to the library.

For almost thirty children, active readers of the library and those who came to it for the first time this summer, as well as several adults, including teachers, the meeting turned out to be very interesting and educational in many respects. The poet read his children’s poems from the books “The Bird Cherry Boiled in the Pskov Region” (2007), “A Book from the Musical” (2010), from children’s magazines with which he has been collaborating for a long time (“Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka "(Moscow). "Kukumber" (Moscow), "Read, learn, play" (Moscow).

Everyone really liked the poems that the author read. The children were especially active, in a friendly choir, in guessing poetic riddles, which were bright, educational and fun miniatures. In many poems, the children recognized themselves, various life situations in which they themselves could find themselves or observe.

“...Why, tell me, hedgehog,
Don't you let me pet your back?
I'll just touch you with my hand,
I'll prick myself on needles! How timid the animal is:
Immediately curl up into a ball
- He will hide his legs, hide his nose,
Will not answer the question..."

(“...A question for a hedgehog” from the book.
“Choose a book as a gift!”)

All meeting participants also liked the wonderful and beautiful poems about nature, about our hometown of Pskov and its historical monuments.

Skiing at the Mirozhsky Monastery

You go, my ski track,
Two lines on the canvas,
The sticks prick the snow, ringing,
They put dots on the side...

Under a canvas sheet
Ice of the Velikaya River,
Above the Mirozh wall
Sun glare.

Old Russian monastery
Right before your eyes.
How gratifying the expanse is to me
White panorama!

Stop here, ski track.
I'll hold my breath...
I would like to absorb both the depth and the height
Wonderful legend!

Unfortunately, in a short review it is impossible to fully describe the sincere positive reaction that V.B. Savinov’s speech evoked. children, but we, the employees of the BiblioLub library, fully support the poet’s opinion that adults should read bright, interesting, useful and funny books to children as much and as often as possible.

This is exactly what Vladimir Borisovich wrote about in his aphoristic captions for the books that he generously donated to our library:

“Reading poems together is the key to bringing all generations together!”

“So that you and your children don’t experience boredom and laziness,

read more poems!”

“Fairy tales and riddles, good poems, will distract you from pranks and nonsense”

Pmore about V.B. Savinov and his books for children there is interesting material on the children's local history website of the Central Bank of Russia "Know your native land"

In June, the libraries of Pskov will also host meetings between children and the poet (see)

June 16 at 11-00 in the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" (presentation of the book by V.B. Savinov "Choose a book as a gift"

June 18 at 11-00 in the Family Reading Library (meeting with V.B. Savinov. Talk about new children's books and show of children's songs)

Meeting organizer

Soittu Elena Nikolaevna

Thank you for your attention!

Meeting with the poet V.B. Savinov

in Children's Ouch environmentally Ouch libraries e "Rainbow"

16 June 2015

CBS of the city of Pskov

« Events at the Children's Ecological

library "Rainbow" in 2015»

16 June, within the framework of the Central Library System project "Summer with a Writer", a meeting was held with the Pskov poet Vladimir Borisovich Savinov with the guys from WithSecondary school No. 12 named after Hero of Russia A.Yu. Shiryaeva. In the summer, children areat a school holiday camp and that day we came to the Rainbow Children's Ecological Library, which is located not far fromtheir schools are on Novoselov Street.

For an hour, the children listened to an interesting story by V.B. Savinov, the author of ten collections and books of poems, including three of them especially for children of different ages.

The poet told the children about how his amazing “Book from the Music School” was born, which consists of poems to the drawings of children from the music school. He also presented his new collection of poems, “Choose a book as a gift,” which is designed to convince readers that a book is the best gift, the wisest advisor and the most faithful friend.

The guys smile andthey responded with applause to the reading of short, bright poems from the “Book from the Musical”, funny poetic stories from the book “Choose a book as a gift!”,and the chorus also solved poetic riddle miniatures from the book “Happy Birthday!”

D kids Also With bigWe enjoyed watching a slide film created by the author on the “live song” principle, during which « Song on Russia Day» performed by young soloists from Pskov Children's Music School No. 2 imp. M.P. Mussorgsky. The music for this song was written byVera Vladimirovna Lanikina (Savinova), daughter of the poet.

The guys saw and could hold it in your handsall the books that Vladimir Borisovich wrote, andthe Rainbow library received several children's books by the poet as a giftwith autographs. And now the guys who come to the librarywill be able to read for themselves what is published inbooks by Vladimir Savinov (Grandfather Volodya)poems on a variety of topics, but very interesting for children.

At the end of the meeting, the guys did not leave for a long time, asking Vladimir Borisovich many questions about his books, abouthow he writes poetry for children, how difficult it is: write children's poems, and when will he write the next book?, how do they become poets, and what books does the writer himself like to read?

The book summer at Chelyabinsk Children's Library No. 12 continues. Another highlight was a creative meeting with talented Chelyabinsk writers Janis Grants and Elena Sych. Students wanted to come to meet them primary classes MAOU secondary school No. 41.

This is not the first time both authors have visited the library, and its regular readers are familiar with them. Entering the reading room, where the poets were already waiting for them, someone exclaimed with joy of recognition: “Janis Grants!”, and another: “Elena Sych!” But for most children this was their first acquaintance with writers.

According to tradition, the meeting began with the introduction of the guests. The children were shown books by Y. Grants and E. Sych, which are in the library’s collection. There are quite a few of them: almost 10 names. It is pleasant to note the fact that books by poets do not linger on the shelves.

Charming, cheerful, ironic and cheerful, Janis Grants and Elena Sych captured the attention of children from the first minutes. Both have natural artistry, and each of their meetings with young readers resembles a performance between two actors. Moreover (which is very important), the guys are actively involved in the action. This happened this time too. Children and adults were once again convinced of the fairness and accuracy of the assessment given to them: Elena is a “sunny” person, Janis is a “children’s holiday person.”

They took turns reading poems - their own and those of other Chelyabinsk poets: Nikolai Shilov, Mikhail Pridvorov. The poems of Janis Grants with their unexpected endings (for example, “Who sewed elastic bands to the mittens?”) delighted the children. Involved in the action, the children enjoyed counting how many cats there are in J. Grants' poem “Black Cat” and looking for an answer to the poets' question about how they can write together if they live far from each other. Elena and Janis shared with the guys their dream of writing a book together. Together with Elena Sych, the guys thought about what her poem “Dragon” was about. In every person, Elena believes, there lives a dragon that must be pacified from time to time. The children perfectly captured the deep philosophical meaning poems.

The guys’ questions to the poets were different: “Do you like being a writer?”, “What is better: writing for children or for adults?”, “How long have you been writing together?”, “Why did you decide to write poetry?”, “Is it difficult write poetry?

Janis Grants admitted that he really likes being a writer, that he began composing at the age of seven: he “published” the home magazine “Crocodile” in his school notebook.

Elena told the kids that in her youth she dreamed of becoming an actress, but it didn’t work out: the competition for admission to the institute was very large. Now she teaches literature to students at an assembly college. Answering the question about her favorite book, Elena Sych noted that it is difficult for her, as a literature teacher, to name any one work or one author, but “there is a favorite author - Janis Grants - a wonderful children's poet and kindest soul Human. I am very impressed by his desire to find something new, his subtle sense of humor.”

Janis turned his answer into a riddle for the children. He read a poem by his favorite poet Daniil Kharms, and the guys had to guess its author. There were no connoisseurs of Kharms’s work in the audience. This happens. The names of I. Tokmakova, N. Nosov and even Lermontov were mentioned. But now the children will probably remember this name.

The guys were still ready to ask questions, but the time allotted for the meeting was coming to an end: both the children and the poets had other things to do.

Saying goodbye, they presented Elena Sych and Janis Grants with bouquets of flowers and said in unison: “Thank you!”

The next meeting with Chelyabinsk writers was dedicated to the Year of Literature and took place as part of the library’s summer reading program “The Magic of Book Summer.” She revealed to its young participants the names of two talented Ural poets: Elena Sych and Janis Grants, and the poets gained more fans of their work.

Readers will be able to communicate with the winners and laureates of national literary awards. Over the course of the year, more than 100 meetings will take place in libraries. The next one is scheduled for February 14th.

In the library-reading room named after I.S. Turgenev (Bobrov Lane, building 6, building 1) such a meeting will take place on February 14 at 19:00. Library guests will learn how to write a bestseller by attending a lecture by the writer and screenwriter Alexei Ivanov (winner of the Book of the Year 2016 award, laureate of the Platonov Prize in Literature and Art 2017, finalist of the Big Book 2016 award). The conversation will also include literary critic Dmitry Samoilov and philologist Natalya Osipova. Registration for the meeting is open.

February 16, Friday, at 11:00 The Central City Business Library (Boris Galushkin Street, building 19, building 1) invites Muscovites to a meeting with several modern writers at once. Novelist, screenwriter, children's writer art critic Ksenia Dragunskaya will present her book “Kolokolnikov - Podkolokolny”. She was included in the shortlist of the prestigious Yasnaya Polyana 2017 award in the Contemporary Russian Prose category. In addition, the writer Sergei Samsonov will also visit the library on this day. He will introduce readers to the novel "Falcon Frontier", which was included in the shortlist of the national literary prize"Big Book - 2017".

Readers will be able to communicate with the writer Ilya Budraitskis, winner of the Andrei Bely Literary Prize in the category “Humanitarian Research” (2017), on February 20, Tuesday, in Library No. 16 (Novospassky Lane, Building 5). The meeting starts at 19:00. Ilya Budraitskis will talk about the history of the creation of the book “Dissidents Among Dissidents”.

February 24, Saturday, at 16:00 in the library-reading room named after A.S. Pushkin (Spartakovskaya Street, building 9, building 3) there will be a creative meeting with the master of military prose, laureate of the Great Literary Prize of Russia 2017, Nikolai Ivanov.

At the end of last year, the portal of the capital’s reading rooms “Bibliogorod” opened. Now up-to-date information about the libraries (441 in total) of the Moscow Department of Culture is available there. Data about libraries has been updated on the website and interactive map, which will help you find the necessary reading room in any area, as well as find out its exact address, schedule and other information.

  1. Introduce the work of a children's writer.
  2. Develop children's creative imagination, speech, and thinking.
  3. Cultivate respect for others, caring attitude towards your friends, interest and love for the book.

Equipment. Presentation with photographs of the writer and illustrations of books, an exhibition of Uspensky’s books, illustrations of students for the books they read, costumes of Cheburashka, Gena the Crocodile, Matroskin the cat, dog, postman Pechkin, Shapoklyak, parcels, telegrams, music of the songs “Cheburashka’s Song”, “Blue Car”, “Birthday”, “Fisherman”, dance “Finnish polka”.

The progress of the holiday

The students enter the hall to the music of Gladkov and are seated in their classes. On the screen is a portrait of the writer. ( Appendix 1)

Leading. Dear guys, now the week of Russian language and literature is taking place at school. And it has already become a good tradition for us to hold literary festivals, quizzes, KVNs dedicated to the creativity of a writer or poet.

Today is an unusual holiday, we will talk about the works of the wonderful children's writer E.N. Uspensky. What’s unusual is that the writer himself came to visit us. He is a very busy man, but today he put all his affairs aside to meet with you, young readers.

Let's greet, guys, Eduard Nikolaevich and the director of our school, Olga Ivanovna.

(Writer Eduard Uspensky enters the hall).

Student 1.

How good it is to be able to read.
Everyone should know about this.
Barto, Marshak and Mikhalkov
You will be surprised without further ado.
Chukovsky for many years now
A pleasant grandfather for all children.
Now Uspensky is familiar to us.
We will talk about this.

Leading. E.N. Uspensky works in different genres. He writes stories: fairy-tale, fantasy, detective, adventure. As well as comics, poems, stories, cartoon scripts. He hosted the following programs: “Baby Monitor”, “Good Night Kids”, and is the author of the programs “Ships Came into Our Harbor” and “ABVGDeike”. Now we find out if our second graders know anything about him?

(On the screen, Koloboka investigators are conducting a survey among 2nd grade students.)

(Appendix 1)

2 “A”: Do you know who E. Uspensky is? Are you familiar with his works? Do you recognize us? What work are we from?

2 “B”: Do you know the works of E. Uspensky? Do you know us? Guess which heroes are being discussed in the riddle:

They live in the village
Friendly guys.
Even though they quarrel sometimes -
We know from the book.
But more reliable than friends
The boy doesn't.

2 “B”: Hello, guys. We are visiting you, but do you know who we are? Who invented us? What works of E. Uspensky do you know? Which characters are your favorite? Cartoons have been created based on Uspensky’s work, and songs have been written for them. Do you know them?

2 “G”: Guys, who is E. Uspensky? Have you read his works? What work are we from? Do you recognize the heroes from the riddle?

Who grumbles and carries mail?
Sometimes he comes to visit
With a whole heap of newspapers.
Did you guess it or not?

2 “D”: Guys, do you know the children’s writer E. Uspensky? What works are your favorite? Do you recognize the hero of his work?

Very cunning old lady
Wearing a black hat on top of his head.
She loves to do mischief.
And, mind you, not alone.

Leading. Thank you, Kolobok detectives, it’s clear that the guys have learned to read, know E.N.’s books, and most importantly, visit the library and become friends with books.

By all indications, E.N. Uspensky is a truly fabulous man. It is no coincidence that his parents gave him the rare foreign name Edward, because previously it was not customary to give foreign names. The name Eduard, together with the rare surname Uspensky, was bound to be creative person and always with glory.

The writer comes up with his characters and plots from modern life. Therefore, they are close, understandable, and interesting to us. AND ….

(The microphone turns off. Old woman Shapoklyak appears in the hall to the song “Who Helps People...”).

Shapoklyak. So, that means they’ve organized a holiday here, you’ll talk about books, E.N. They invited me, but as always they forgot about me. I think that in the country of Literature on Uspensky Street everyone is preening and in a hurry to get somewhere. The koloboks are still sniffing out something. But I found out anyway. And she came.

Leading. Shapoklyak, don't be offended. We sent an invitation to everyone. But as always, you were doing bad things somewhere.

Shapoklyak. I?! Yes, I am the kindest grandmother in literature. Just ask the guys. They certainly won't lie.

(Koloboks with microphones in the hall conduct a survey of students. Students talk about the old woman’s tricks).

Shapoklyak. Well, yes it was... But I was just joking... I'm not out of malice... I'll fix it...

Leading. Then go. And what did you do with the microphone? We need him for the holiday.

(Shapoklyak goes backstage. The microphone is working)

Leading. There are other characters in this work. Who are they? Guess it.

This musician is green
Everyone knows it.
Appears everywhere
He has a lop-eared friend.

– That’s right – this is Cheburashka and it’s hard to imagine without his friend the crocodile Gena. Intelligent, well-mannered, with good manners, able to make friends. A little sad, but such a charming Crocodile.

(Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka appear on stage and sing the song “Cheburashka”).

Cheburashka. Guys, do you want to know why they called me so strange? I think no one can tell this better than the author himself. E.N., tell the guys.

(Eduard Nikolaevich comes out and tells the story of the creation of the characters in this book.)

Cheburashka. Thank you, Eduard Nikolaevich. And if any of the guys haven’t read this book yet, then after your story they will definitely read it. E.N., let’s sit down and watch our holiday further.

Leading. And now we will take a look at Prostokvashino, where Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroskin, Sharik and the postman Pechkin live.

The postman Pechkin brought a parcel for the cat Matroskin.
The postman Pechkin and the cat Matroskin enter

P.P. and M.: Hello, guys. Is this school number 2008?

P.P. A package for you. Here she is. But I won’t give it to you. Don't you have any documents?

M. Pechkin, the guys invited us to the holiday. We have a parcel from E.N. brought with gifts. The guys don’t have documents, but they have knowledge and read a lot.

P.P. Then I have telegrams. But not simple ones. You know, besides fairy tales, E.N. writes funny poems for the kids. I think you know too. Matroskin and I start the line, and you finish it. Then you will receive the parcel.

But, however, from an early age
There is no way for the boy,
And the malicious guys shout:
Vanya rode on a horse,
He led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady in ………

I remember, crow,
Or maybe not a crow,

Bird market,
Bird market,

If the boy is caulking.
Is it the boy's fault?
What was born red-haired, freckled?
But, however, from an early age
There is no way for the boy,
And the malicious old women shout to him:

P.P. Well done guys. Receive your parcel

Leading. They talk more often about E. Uspensky’s prose than about his poetry. And this is a special world of fantasy, adventure, humor .

The poem “Memory” is performed.

– Do you know that based on the poems by E.N. Uspensky wrote many songs. His work inspires various composers to create musical works………? Now the ensemble “Ladoga” will perform the song “Fisherman”.

(A song is being performed.)

Presenters. And we spent a little investigation and wanted to reveal a little secret. Throughout his life, E.N. studies.

At the age of 40, he began to master the computer. And he typed with only one finger, but now he types with all ten. At the age of 50, he began to learn English. And now he knows him so well that, together with the Dutch writer Els de Grun, he wrote the book “The Year of the Good Child.” And recently he started learning to sing. And in recent years He organized the Samovar publishing house and published new books.

Leading. While reading E.N.’s books, the guys had questions. And now we will ask E.N. answer them. (Appendix1)

E.N. Uspensky talks about himself and answers the guys’ questions.

Leading. Books by E.N. translated into more than 25 languages ​​of the world, they published in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, USA.

E.N. was friends with Astrid Lindgren. And translated from Finnish to all of you famous book“Kid and Carlson.”( On the book covers screen (Appendix 1)

The choreographic ensemble “Bees” gives you the fiery dance “Finnish Polka”.

(Word to the director).

Flowers are presented.

Leading. Thank you very much! ( Seeing off the writer.)