Wishes for an easy birth in your own words. Congratulations to the pregnant woman

congratulations to the pregnant woman

Congratulations: you are blooming,
Well, the world has become smaller.
A stork strangles toads in a swamp -
I haven’t gotten it in my beak for a long time!

Stork, a bird with a red nose -
Despite the fact that he doesn’t drink! -
Look how beautiful it is
The belly rises!

Twins - at least! - at least! -
You carry, winged or on foot.
Don't let the toad choke you
The one you eat!!!

Yesterday I was a girl
Then a bride and wife.
As they say, you "carried"
You will become a young mother.

The card fit perfectly,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Cares and affairs will go away,
Baby mushrooms will come!

The good news came to you recently,
You will become a mother very soon!
The family will have a funny baby,
Be happy, calm and healthy!
Let the time of waiting for the baby
He will be happy and serene!
Let the stork fly to you right on time,
And he will realize all the hopes in the child.

It won't be long before
Life will change, it will become different,
And someone very tiny
The little hand will wrap around your finger.

But he hasn't been born yet,
But my mother’s belly is already tight.
We wish you to appear soon
The desired fruit of your love.

Are you expecting a baby?
I began to do everything slowly,
More moderate and patient
And every day you are more and more beautiful.

Pregnancy is a gift from heaven,
And they say that there are no miracles...
You will be the best mom in the world
Happy, kind and desirable.

Well, now you will fulfill your destiny,
What is given to a woman in the higher spheres
As the most sacred commission:
Life is destined to begin in you!
Bloom, surprising the whole world with yourself!
Live - paying attention to yourself,
Diluting the routine with quirks!..
And I congratulate you with delight
And your child too!

You are definitely pregnant
And the stomach is raised like a rocket,
And the baby will certainly be born,
And your mouth will be full of worries.

You're pregnant, it's temporary
After all, the child will appear on time,
Everything goes smoothly,
May God bless you, dear.

You are pregnant, congratulations,
You will finally become a mother
The cradle awaits the angel,
And the father is in tears of happiness!

As soon as I found out, from the first second
Love blossomed in your heart.
You touched a miracle
And the miracle of 9 months will be with you.

You are a sorceress, You are a goddess,
You are the Bereginya of new life.
There is nothing more important in the world,
How to give birth and raise children.

You are now at the beginning of your journey,
It will be a long, long time for you to go together,
Let the anxiety pass by,
Let the road be cloudless!


You were probably looking for Wishes before childbirth to lift your friend’s spirits - I’ll whisper: good morning. I will press my cheek to you. Everything shines like mother of pearl. How beautiful is your appearance!

Your smile is warm like the morning sun, wake up and victory awaits you! Let's celebrate them tonight!

Wash away the remnants of sleep from your face, drink tea by the window, and go for a run in the cloudy fog. Wake up, good morning!

The night has passed, taking away the fatigue. Good morning, my joy.

Good afternoon - I want your every moment to be bright and magical, beautiful!

The morning has come, the sun has risen, happiness has suddenly come into our lives! Good morning, love and spring, let your feelings awaken from sleep!

Your love inspires me for a new day, and I wish the same for you!

May the coming day be rich, bright and bright. And generous with smiles, full of good cheerful quotes, but does not contain bad mistakes.

It's been a long time since day! Nature, with its arms wide open, greets you at dawn, and you still sleep and sleep!

These rays through the glass will say more than words, but I couldn’t, I couldn’t restrain myself, I confessed my love for you... I love you!

I want to wish you the joy of the sea, the ocean of kindness and the vastness of love! So that on this sunny day next to you only success and luck go hand in hand!

Good morning has come, the day awakens again, the night was not enough again, love does not go out in the heart.

This day is leisurely knocking on your door, whispering happily in your ear: remember, you are not alone!

When the dawn breaks into this world, when the morning opens the shutters, I will send you greetings: wake up, my love!

Get out of bed quickly. Greet every morning with delight! I wish you good spirits. Good morning! I love! Hugs!

A warm ray slid through the window, it suddenly became completely light... Look, the birds woke up, the daisies blossomed, that's it!

Good morning! A bird sang and flew over your house. The bird wants to sing you a song!

The morning has come, the last star in the sky has settled down, only for you a rainbow has lit up in the sky.

I will catch a ray of sunshine and give it to you!

The sun rises early, the bird sings songs, you need to open your eyes and start the day soon.

My happiness, you beloved, the decision of my life is very important... The morning has come, it’s time to wake up and cheerfully enjoy each other.

Do you know what awaits us in the light of the coming day? A sea of ​​love and kisses!

The smell of coffee, the light in the window, and you’re nearby... These are my desires, will I find your understanding?

What a fabulous morning when my love is always nearby. He caresses me with a gentle gaze and prepares aromatic coffee.

Let a cup of coffee warm you up, and let the sun give you its ray of warmth.

Let a magical day follow it, let a wonderful evening follow the day. It all starts with good morning. May luck smile on you.

Open your eyes, slowly and smile sweetly... I’ll tell you: good morning! And a better day will begin for us.

Good luck awaits you all around, may the day pass without fuss!

May the morning give you kindness and tenderness, warmth and comfort. Let it brighten up all the everyday bustle, pleasant surprises await.

Wake up, open your eyes, this day will bring positivity! May luck be with you, because great success awaits you!

Wake up quickly, I’m bored without you, call me and say good morning!

The sun rises, you wake up, do your usual things, at this time I admire you, how lucky I am in unearthly love!

Good morning, may luck smile on you and may energy flow into you!

The morning laughs outside the window, the air shimmers with silver, and the sun shines hot... May joy visit your home, may the world burn with the fire of love, and may your day be bright!

In the morning, meeting the sunrises with you, every moment is sweet to me like honey. I call you my love and I understand that I am lucky in life.

After all, I’m here and happiness is nearby, I’ll wake you up with my look, smile, although it’s difficult, write to me good morning!

Ray of sunshine, wake up! Smile as you approach the day, open your eyes quickly, remember the tales of the night.

Open your eyes! A new day is born here! And he prepared the morning for you!

Luck is waiting for you at the door - I’m sending it to you!)))

You will open your eyes, sit up, smile, beam and quietly say to me: good morning!

I want to wish you good morning, that this day will be better than all the others, that a cherished miracle awaits you just outside the threshold, and that there will be many dear people around you.

I wish you a good morning, the most cheerful mood, and no matter what the weather is. Good morning! Nature will say.

Today, become at least a little kinder - luck notices the kind more often!

Let all your plans come true, you need to smile more often, so that your soul is filled with goodness and so that joy is in full swing!

Good morning! Gentle, with a touch sea ​​breeze. Like an ocean, boundless, generous with surprises.

How many of your kisses, glances and affectionate words! I can't stop admiring you, many happy hours!

I will make your every morning rich, full of love. This is what my loving heart wants, just take care of everything I give.

In this autumn of ours, I wish Have a good day! From the bottom of my heart - I love you!

Let your morning be very good! Morning is like a breath of fresh wind. Let the sunbeam wake you up. Take a step towards happiness.

Let a ray of sun touch us again at dawn, and all loving hearts suddenly wake up joyfully.

The day will give you new meetings, the sound of aromatic coffee, wake up, straighten your shoulders, step into a new day, my friend!

May life carry you to your dreams, may your flight be bright. Let your feelings help you fly and let your goals come true!

Get up from the pillow, throw away the blanket, let's do some stretches and get up quickly.

Good morning, may it be yours. Good morning, because I have you.

I will kiss you in the morning. After all, you are the most precious to me. I won’t forget to hug you either. Good morning to you.

May happiness have no beginning and end, I wish you positivity and goodness!

I love you in the morning, when I woke up, you look at me sleepily, and barely smiling, you sweetly kiss me...

Wake up already, wake up to a new day, get involved quickly.

Wake up quickly, look out your window. The whole world I give you this morning on the palm of my hand!

Darling, wake up, know that I will always love you.

Good morning happened! Wonderful day, tell me, did you dream? My precious flower.

Good morning, beloved ones! May this day be bright. I want to be the first to see your happy eyes.

Good morning has come, new meetings, things to do... How I miss you! How are you alone without me?

A new day is already ahead, but I am still in mysterious dreams.

I missed you all that night, I couldn’t sleep until dawn, and I wouldn’t mind hugging you! Good morning, my Juliet!

You know - no matter what the weather is, when there is life in your soul true love Nothing can ruin the morning.

In the morning the sun looked into your bright window and called: it’s time to get up, it’s time to open your eyes!

Wash, get dressed... Know that I adore you, and smile all the time, I wish you a good morning!

Good morning! The birds sing to you. Good morning! I sing to you. Good morning my beloved (my beloved)!

The nightingales have already gone to rest. So it's time for you to get up. Open your heart towards a new day, understand that I already love you more.

Invigorating coffee is poured into a mug. Good morning, he says!

The whole earth has already woken up, only you are still sleeping. So you're a sleepyhead - you'll sleep through everything! Get ready, get dressed and come to me!

May your day bring you only good luck, with every smile adding money. Sadness will pass you by. I send you the wind as a favorable wave.

Good morning, dear little man! May our union be strong forever!

I will whisper: good morning. I will press my cheek to you. Everything shines like mother of pearl. How beautiful is your appearance!

Let the rays wake you up, you will smile back at them. May it be a good day today, you are my favorite person!

Wishes before childbirth to lift the spirit of a friend - Wake up, the sun has risen. I'll bring coffee to bed. Morning has just arrived. It's just waiting for you, believe me.

Greet the morning joyfully, start the day with a smile.

The dawn is rising, the dawn of my love... Let its free light flow forever!

I wish inspiration and bright insight to your big soul! More joyful events and fun news! Everyday optimism and dreamy accomplishments!

Grow big! - wished in childhood. Now, perhaps, it would be appropriate to wish: Continue to grow above yourself!

May everything on your birthday be extraordinary and wonderful, as if in fairy tales, miracles happen, and happiness will be as beautiful as a rainbow!

On this delightful day, you want to give gifts and say warm words. Happiness, health and dreams come true!

Let every day be festive with smiles, jokes, fireworks, walks and sweets! There are never too many small miracles, so let them happen more often! We wish good mood, inspiring events, sparkle in the eyes and eternal celebration!

Happy Birthday to our dear birthday girl! From all seven of us, we wish you good health, care from loved ones, a successful career and material well-being, make all your dreams come true and have a great mood every day! Let there be spring in your soul, and let the sparkle not fade in your eyes!

I wish you health for many years to come, may all sorrows and adversity pass by, may your eyes sparkle with joy and happiness, and may tears sparkle only from laughter. Happy Birthday!

May everything you dream come true! Let your every day begin with a smile! You are the best and most beloved, which means everything will always be perfect for you!

Let life be raspberries, and long, long, long! Beautiful, awesome, a secret dream! Sparkling like a treasure and sweet like chocolate :)

I wish you health and good mood, all the blessings and pleasures of life, prosperity and home comfort, love and human happiness!

Happy Birthday! I am very glad that I know a person like you - with a sincere, open and kind hearted; with inexhaustible energy and a wonderful sense of humor; a great desire to live, create and achieve everything planned! Let everything come true on time, and let everything turn out better than others!

On your birthday, I so want to exclaim: Open the doors to the world with your shoulders, conquer it with your smile, and may the meadow of your life always be blooming and green!

On the most wonderful day, the most wonderful wishes: happiness, tenderness, fulfilled desires,

The most beautiful, sweetest, feminine, happy birthday! Let your beauty become stronger, your health increase, so that you are surrounded by love, smiles, happiness, money! Dreams come true, more inspiration, joy, best moments, colorful fun!

We sincerely congratulate the kindest and most cheerful lady on the holiday! We wish you inspiring compliments, sunny spring smiles and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires! Let your mood be great no matter what!

Congratulations with all our hearts! May your life be as bright and beautiful as a cloudless, sunny sky, and if clouds appear, then may a shower of dizzying successes and victories fall upon you with them, tender kisses and admiring glances, huge money and the best life bonuses!

Be happy, always unique, we wish you to be loved and love! May the most beautiful flowers always bloom on your path, and may there always be a holiday wherever you go!

I congratulate a beautiful, gentle, affectionate, wonderful, simply incredible woman on her birthday today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, and glow with happiness. May every day give you many unforgettable moments, may you be surrounded by only pleasant people, and may all your cherished wishes come true.

I congratulate you, dear,
Pregnant girl
I wish you joy
Happiness is not temporary.

May it be on your birthday today
Miracles happen
May you be happy yourself
In all our people.

Let the blizzards and storms pass,
There will be peace and quiet in your life,
Let everything be fine
And the mood is optimistic.

Happy birthday, please accept it with all my heart
Our congratulations and wishes
Pregnancy is easy and beautiful,
Have a calm birth awaiting.

What a joy it is to know that you will become a mother,
That you can hold the baby close to you.
May God grant you good health -
What more could a pregnant woman want!

Our dear, our gentle little elephant,
We would like to wish you
So that your child is healthy,
Let everyone on Earth know.

About you celebrating with us
Not just your birthday,
And the most beautiful and most
Happy day in our family.

And I, and your children, and relatives
We wish you only happiness and love
And we are looking forward to a miracle.
Hurry up, dear, give birth!

Your baby doesn't know yet
There, in the tummy, sitting,
That it’s Mom’s holiday today.
Happy birthday to you!

I wish it was easy to get there
And give birth in five minutes.
For him to be so beautiful
That the doctors will cry too.

Today is your holiday,
Your birthday has arrived!
And you celebrate it
In a special position!

We wish you now
Easy pregnancy
Well, when the time comes
Giving birth is easy and deft!

Beauty, you are not celebrating your birthday alone,
The baby has already been given life!
And may he still be under your heart,
We send congratulations to you two!

We wish you health and goodness,
Pregnancy was so easy
Always positive emotions
And may you never be sad!

Happy birthday.
You are not alone today
You have joy and happiness
The seeds germinate.

Take care of yourself, dear,
Let peace reign in your soul.
Your baby understands everything
Feels together with you.

On your birthday I wish you
To make your dreams come true,
To be the happiest
You became a mother.

An extremely lucky coincidence:
Today is your birthday,
And soon you will make a sensation,
And you will have a baby!

His birth will be the start of a miracle;
But I won’t rush things,
And I will quietly listen to them
Well, happy birthday, expectant mother!

Beautiful, tender,
You are pure and sweet
Pregnant girl
What could be more beautiful?

I congratulate you
Welcome to this world,
Today is your birthday
Let there be a feast on the mountain.

May your loved ones be with you
And true friends
Let there be a beloved man
And dear family!

Dear friend, you are waiting for the stork now!
How beautiful you are, with a smile on your lips!
Today is your birthday, today is your holiday!
But how much mysticism is hidden under this vanity!

I wish you happiness, that everything goes smoothly,
May a small miracle come into this world!
You now hold the solution to the mystery of life.
Oh, it will be our birthday again soon!

Already next year
You will be a mother on your birthday.
Kinder surprise is already growing
And impatience is growing!

While you can sleep at night,
That's what I wish for you.
Try to rest more
Let your husband appreciate and help!

Such a priceless period of time
When you walk around with a pregnant child!
I wish you on your birthday
Enjoy it!

How to the expectant mother I wish you
Always remain blooming like this.
Children decorate our world with themselves
And your baby will prove this!

He will be obedient and the best
To your delight: both healthy and smart.
You can do the impossible for him
And he can do a lot next to you!

Wait a little longer
And you will try on the status of “mother”!
This word sounds so proud,
And you are already ready for it!

In an interesting position
You are celebrating a birthday.
Alcohol is still a taboo
Don't roll your lip!

Well, to be more serious,
I wish you an easy birth,
Vitamin juices, smoothies,
Let the little one have fun!

To the young mother-to-be
I wish that everything comes true
What was planned for yourself,
No problem to have a baby!

You can't tell that you're pregnant at all,
You've gotten better, my friend!
Although this condition is temporary,
But every woman needs this.

I wish on your birthday
Give birth to a healthy child
And motherhood with pleasure
Pour every drop on him!

Are you expecting a baby?
It blossomed with doubly beauty!
I want to build up my strength
For all future things.

For now just enjoy
With your wonderful position.
And soon try very hard
Give the world a continuation of life!

You look charming
In such an interesting position.
And so sweet and charming
On your long-awaited birthday!

There is a lot of trouble ahead,
The baby will be born.
We wish that there is always enough
Love and rest to you.

A woman has no more beautiful time,
Why walk around while you're pregnant!
You are glowing now on your birthday
And you hope for the best in life.

May all these aspirations come true,
Everyday life changes only for the better!
You are worthy of the title of mother,
Everything will be fine, for sure!

I may not be there, but I want to stroke your tummy. I love you dearly, kitty, hello to you and the baby! I'm already rushing from work to you!

How is our pregnant woman doing? And is everything very good? Did you eat porridge today? I'm already flying home from work. I really want to see you!

I have prepared a surprise for you and now I’m hurrying home! I will fulfill any whim for both you and the baby! Think and answer me boldly: What would you two want?

I thought for a long time what to tell you And now I’m writing a message You and the baby are the most important thing in fate And I ask you two for forgiveness I love you twice as pregnant Let me be with you!

I want to tell you, lovingly, that I and the child love you, even if it is still in the tummy, and does not know all the exotic life! Let time fly by quickly and let our baby be born faster!

To my pregnant beloved, let us quickly give birth to a son or maybe a daughter. Don’t be bored without me until tomorrow! And in the morning, welcome me into your arms again!

Darling, I already miss you And so I decided to write once again. Every day, believe me, I imagine when our child will see the light. But for now you are pregnant, All these are just sweet dreams

Your pregnancy has graced you. Now you have become twice as feminine And I am ready to scream all day lovingly, About the fact that I have great happiness! Take care of yourself, don’t get bored, A better name baby, come up with it!

Sometimes it seems to me that it’s not you, but I’m walking around pregnant, I’m bored. After all, I’m the only one worrying about you until dark in the morning. Well, how are you there? And how is our child doing? Post Scriptum: I bought more diapers.

Any woman is divine, but I have my own idol: My pregnant woman

From the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, dear, Happy Birthday! May the child under your heart add more strength to you! May everything in life be wonderful, And may all your dreams come true, You will be happy, that’s clear! You will be a wonderful mother.

You are so beautiful in your position! We wish you and your baby happiness. We’ll pour a glass of wine for you now, and I’ll also say a few words to you. May everything in life be as it should be, happy birthday! I wish you joy, health and love! Good luck, and, of course, luck, You life to the fullest, our dear, live!

I wish you happiness, a sea of ​​kindness. May you become the most beautiful mother! May your birthday bring joy, may your heart laugh and soul sing! In anticipation of a miracle - the birth of a child, may everything in your life be in order! And when the joyful day comes, We Congratulations again, my friend!

Today is your birthday! And besides, you will soon become a mother, you will know the joy of motherhood! We wish you all the health, and raise your child with love! Let adversity not touch you, I wish you, dear, loving!

Life has recently been born in you And very soon you will become a mother You will surround your child with care And you will reach the heavens with your happiness!

I want to congratulate you now on your wonderful first pregnancy! For which I thank her passionately!

I want everything to be perfect, so that the baby is healthy and beautiful. Now you can’t live without a baby! May he be strong and happy!

Happy pregnancy, dear friend, I congratulate you with all my heart! And not wine with you, but a mug of tea. We will raise a mug with you now in silence!

I want to wish that everything goes well, that you can withstand everything with interest and become a better mother, of course! I congratulate you with all my heart!

Hooray! Hooray! You are finally able to become pregnant again! And I again came with new strength to congratulate you on this day!

I want to wish you to be a wonderful mother today and now! So that you love the baby in yourself passionately And every day and every hour of your life!

I wish that before giving birth very quickly All the time for a pregnant woman has passed! Let happiness be the brightest spark! I wish everything bad goes away!

Recently, a miracle happened to you again. You got pregnant, my girl! And on this I congratulate you!

I want to wish that everything goes well, that you and your baby are healthy! So that he is born the best, so that you have a handsome, strong man!

And may he add happiness for you, cementing the union of two loving hearts! May your family be sure to glorify and finally become famous!

That you will become a mother very soon! Everything you dreamed of has come true, all your dreams have come true!

I tenderly congratulate you on this, After all, I’m happy for you like no one else! I wish you an easy pregnancy, and congratulations today on your kindness!

May you be a wonderful mother, May you give your child everything you need! And always be happy only yourself. After all, the baby needs you happy!

My beloved, you will become a mother and very soon I will become a father! You will be the happiest person in the world, - Our house will be filled with toys.

And children's laughter will fill the corridors, Our baby will be the best of all! He will attract all our eyes to himself and let him be successful in everything!

Darling, I congratulate you, To wish you a hundredfold health! I love you and adore you very much! You are my most precious treasure in life!

Pregnancy is a wonderful time! And so you became pregnant. Now a mountain of worries will appear, And everything you dreamed about will come true.

I want to tenderly congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful position! You carry a little life inside you with a completely different heartbeat.

I wish you to enjoy every day, While the baby inside you grows and gets stronger! Be healthy, you two! May your love for each other forever warm you!

With a smile and tender dreams, I want to congratulate you now! As a future, wonderful mother herself, I want to promise you a wonderful chance in life!

Let your belly grow quickly, so that your baby develops gloriously! Let life only be more fun,

And may he add more worries to you, But joyful worries for you! Let him save you from sadness! I want to congratulate you lovingly!

My best friend has come to me. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, There is a long-awaited child under my heart, I wish you health and happiness from the bottom of my heart, May the Lord always bless you.

It’s a pleasure to look at you, friend, You have become prettier and slightly rounder, May your mood be excellent, I wish you good luck and health from the bottom of my heart, Be loved, always desired, May everything be wonderful for you.

Dear friend, now you are not alone, A child is beating under your heart, You will soon give him life, Your long-awaited baby. You are pregnant, I congratulate you, How you waited for this, I know, God grant you good health and good health, To give birth , you did it easily.

You have a bundle of happiness under your heart, May all bad weather pass you by, May luck always accompany you, May the Lord protect you from troubles. I congratulate you, friend, I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart, May your pregnancy go well, May everything be wonderful in your personal life .

We are happy for you from the bottom of our hearts! From you and your spouse. How good the kids will be! Our dear, no, we won’t hide it, we are happy for you, friend! You’re pregnant! And we will be with you, We know that you always need!

And there is a reason, two! I want to congratulate you on your birthday, beauty, first. Well, now I will congratulate you on the fact that you are expecting a child! Be happy, my friend, You are now living for him!

With you next to us we walk through life, dear, and I want to congratulate you on this day today. Happy Birthday! Health, joy, luck,

You carry a bundle of happiness under your heart, Maybe there is a daughter, or maybe a son, A beautiful flower of beautiful love, Will appear exactly on time! We congratulate you with all our hearts, And on your birthday we wish you health, We wish you to give birth easily and calmly, And to be the best mommy !

You will soon become an excellent mother and you will rock the baby in your arms, you will not get tired of these worries, and your soul will become calm, happy, I wish you happiness with your baby, the baby will be affectionate and very loved, and may everything work out for you, and today - happy birthday to you!

You carry a mystery within you, And there is another life inside you. This is the best of gifts,

Heaven gave you happiness -
Baby in mom's tummy,
And how can one not believe in miracles,
How to express joy in words!

You have a baby, he is your flesh and blood,
And soon he will appear in the world,
And love will take on a new meaning,
You are now responsible for his life.

We wish you health, a lot of strength,
Understand the basics of parenting science,
So that the heat of passion does not cool down in the hearts,
And so that there is no room for boredom.

May your baby be born happy,
And let him fill your life with meaning,
Let the Angel protect - the heavenly guardian,
And all your dreams and desires will come true.

You carry a baby under your heart
And now you glow with happiness.
May God grant you everything you ask,
After all, the door to a new world has opened for you.

Let the child be born healthy,
And life all glows with goodness.
Let the house be gilded with wealth,
Love and affection forever remain in him.

Congratulations! Your maternity leave is coming soon!
Let the light of happiness warm you
And my belly grows day by day,
May you be lucky in everything you do!

Rejoice and rest more,
Enjoy life, flourish,
Easy birth and earthly love
We wish you with all our hearts!

The world changed overnight:
You will become a mother! This is happiness!
So accept congratulations
With your wonderful position!

Now let every minute
Passes in anticipation of a miracle,
Dream, be joyful, healthy,
Get ready for a new life,

Bathe in the rays of earthly love,
Give warmth and enjoy
Let them bring change
Have fun!

Two stripes showed
What you've been dreaming about!
So accept congratulations
With an interesting position!

Let during the waiting period
Everyone's wishes will come true
And the light will give happiness
Your little secret!

You are expecting a baby. Congratulations!
Let everything be fine in the area:
I wish you health and vigor,
My heart felt warm.

May every day be pleasant
Your spouse warms you with love.
May there be immense happiness
Joy shines in life like a diamond.

May the heavens guard sedately,
They are lovingly protected from all adversity.
Congratulations again with all my heart.
Let tenderness and comfort surround you.

Congratulations, dear, you will soon become a mother,
Affectionate, caring and happy herself,
The little sun will shine in the house,
May the world greet him with kindness and joy,

Dad's care, mom's love,
Let him be caressed by generous fate.
In the meantime, let it grow in your tummy
And he feels and knows that they are waiting for him.

And they knew how much I love you and how much I adore you!

I may not be there, but I want to pet your belly... I love you dearly, kitty, hello to you and the baby! I'm already rushing from work to you!

How is our pregnant woman doing? And is everything very good? Did you eat porridge today? I'm already flying home from work. I really want to see you!

I have prepared a surprise for you and now I’m hurrying home! I will fulfill any whim for both you and the baby! Think and answer me boldly: What would you two want?

I thought for a long time what to tell you... And now I’m writing a message... You and the baby are the most important thing in fate And I ask you two for forgiveness... I love you twice as pregnant. Let me be with you!

I want to tell you, lovingly, that I and the child love you... Even if it is still in the tummy, And does not know the life of all the exotic! Let time fly by quickly and let our baby be born faster!

To my pregnant beloved, let us quickly have a son or maybe a daughter... Don’t be bored without me until tomorrow! And in the morning, welcome me into your arms again!

Darling, I already miss you... And so I decided to write once again... Every day, believe me, I imagine When our child will see the light... Well, while you are pregnant, All these are just sweet dreams...

Your pregnancy has graced you... Now you have become twice as feminine... And I am ready to scream all day lovingly, About the fact that I have great happiness! Take care of yourself, don’t get bored, or better yet, come up with a name for the baby!

Sometimes it seems to me that it’s not you, but I’m walking around pregnant, I miss you... After all, I’m the only one worrying about you until dark all day long... Well, how are you doing? And how is our child doing? Post Scriptum: I bought more diapers.

Any woman is divine, but I have my own idol: My pregnant woman


Happy Birthday wishes to a pregnant girl

You are not alone today, on your birthday. After all, you have happiness, your inspiration. Wonderful small child, on a good day, Celebrating your birthday with you too. He was the first to congratulate mom, woke him up in the morning. He tumbled as hard as he could, because he knew “It’s time.” It’s time to congratulate mommy, the first to be in time, Because he’s the best in the stomach, after all. . ©

From the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, dear, Happy Birthday! May the child under your heart add more strength to you! May everything in life be wonderful, And may all your dreams come true, You will be happy, that’s clear! You will be a wonderful mother. ©

You are so beautiful in your position! We wish you and your baby happiness. We’ll pour a glass of wine for you now, and I’ll also say a few words to you. May everything in life be as it should be, happy birthday! I wish you joy, health and love! Good luck, and, of course, luck, You live your life to the fullest, our dear! ©

I wish you happiness, a sea of ​​kindness. May you become the most beautiful mother! May your birthday bring joy, may your heart laugh and soul sing! In anticipation of a miracle - the birth of a child, may everything in your life be in order! And when the joyful day comes, We Congratulations again, my friend! ©

Today is your birthday! And besides, you will soon become a mother, you will know the joy of motherhood! We wish you all the health, and raise your child with love! Let adversity not touch you, I wish you, dear, loving! ©

There is no greater happiness in the world than our little children!


Congratulations on your pregnancy |

The most beautiful thing in the world is the birth of a new life. This is the greatest mystery and miracle that nature could come up with. And only a selection of poems about love for children will help give a holiday for the soul, when the body is born new life. Don’t skimp on your congratulations to expectant mothers; they need beautiful poems and heartfelt words.

Life has recently been born in you And very soon you will become a mother... You will surround your child with care And you will reach the heavens with your happiness!

I want to congratulate you now on your wonderful first pregnancy! For which I thank her passionately!

I want everything to be perfect, so that the baby is healthy and beautiful... Now you can’t live without a baby! May he be strong and happy!

Happy pregnancy, dear friend, I congratulate you with all my heart! And not wine with you, but a mug of tea. We will raise a mug with you now in silence!

I want to wish that everything goes well, that you can withstand everything with interest... And become a better mother, of course! I congratulate you with all my heart!

Hooray! Hooray! You are finally able to become pregnant again! And I again came with new strength to congratulate you on this day!

I want to wish you to be a wonderful mother today and now! So that you love the baby in yourself passionately And every day and every hour of your life!

I wish that before giving birth very quickly All the time for a pregnant woman has passed! Let happiness be the brightest spark! I wish everything bad goes away!

Recently, a miracle happened to you again. You got pregnant, my girl! And on this I congratulate you!

I want to wish that everything goes well, that you and your baby are healthy! So that he is born the best, so that you have a handsome, strong man!

And may he add happiness for you, cementing the union of two loving hearts! May your family be sure to glorify and finally become famous!

That you will become a mother very soon! Everything you dreamed of has come true, all your dreams have come true!

I tenderly congratulate you on this, After all, I’m happy for you like no one else! I wish you an easy pregnancy, and congratulations today on your kindness!

May you be a wonderful mother, May you give your child everything you need! And always be happy only yourself. After all, the baby needs you happy!

My beloved, you will become a mother and very soon I will become a father! You will be the happiest person in the world, - Our house will be filled with toys...

And children's laughter will fill the corridors, Our baby will be the best of all! He will attract all our eyes to himself and let him be successful in everything!

Darling, I congratulate you, To wish you a hundredfold health! I love you and adore you very much! You are my most precious treasure in life!

Pregnancy is a wonderful time! And so you became pregnant... Now a mountain of worries will appear, And everything you dreamed about will come true...

I want to tenderly congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful position! You carry a little life inside you with a completely different heartbeat...

I wish you to enjoy every day, While the baby inside you grows and gets stronger! Be healthy, you two! May your love for each other forever warm you!

With a smile and tender dreams, I want to congratulate you now! As a future, wonderful mother herself, I want to promise you a wonderful chance in life!

Let your belly grow quickly, so that your baby develops gloriously! Let life only be more fun,

And may he add more worries to you, But joyful worries for you! Let him save you from sadness! I want to congratulate you lovingly!


Congratulations to a friend on her pregnancy

B For the vast majority of girls, pregnancy plays a fairly important role in life. This is not surprising: by nature, the representatives of the fair sex have a maternal instinct. And so, when a girl is confident in her chosen one, she knows what she wants, and she can achieve it, she wants to give birth and raise a child. After a girl becomes pregnant, she needs to be congratulated on this significant event. It is worth noting that banal and dry congratulations should be postponed for a more boring and insignificant occasion. Here we need bright, succinct and lively congratulations, which can be found on this Internet resource. Congratulate your friend beautifully: believe me, she will be happy!

My best friend has come to me. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, There is a long-awaited child under my heart, I wish you health and happiness from the bottom of my heart, May the Lord always bless you. ©

It’s a pleasure to look at you, friend, You have become prettier and slightly rounder, May your mood be excellent, I wish you good luck and health from the bottom of my heart, Be loved, always desired, May everything be wonderful for you. ©

Dear friend, now you are not alone, A child is beating under your heart, You will soon give him life, Your long-awaited baby. You are pregnant, I congratulate you, How you waited for this, I know, God grant you good health and good health, To give birth , you did it easily. ©

You have a bundle of happiness under your heart, May all bad weather pass you by, May luck always accompany you, May the Lord protect you from troubles. I congratulate you, friend, I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart, May your pregnancy go well, May everything be wonderful in your personal life . ©

We are happy for you from the bottom of our hearts! From you and your spouse. How good the kids will be! Our dear, no, we won’t hide it, we are happy for you, friend! You’re pregnant! And we will be with you, We know that you always need! ©

And there is a reason, two! I want to congratulate you on your birthday, beauty, first. Well, now I will congratulate you on the fact that you are expecting a child! Be happy, my friend, You are now living for him! ©

With you next to us we walk through life, dear, and I want to congratulate you on this day today. Happy Birthday! Health, joy, luck,


Poems for a pregnant woman

You will soon hear our congratulations. May your baby grow up healthy under your heart. This year will be special for you. All your relatives are calling to the angels. The future will soon open the door. You will become a beautiful mother, believe me. “Happy Birthday!” - I want to repeat loudly, I wish you to give birth to a healthy baby.

You carry a bundle of happiness under your heart, Maybe there is a daughter, or maybe a son, A beautiful flower of beautiful love, Will appear exactly on time! We congratulate you with all our hearts, And on your birthday we wish you health, We wish you to give birth easily and calmly, And to be the best mommy !

You will soon become an excellent mother and you will rock the baby in your arms, you will not get tired of these worries, and your soul will become calm, happy, I wish you happiness with your baby, the baby will be affectionate and very loved, and may everything work out for you, and today - happy birthday to you!

You carry a mystery within you, And there is another life inside you. This is the best of gifts,


Congratulations on pregnancy to friend, wife

And there is no more beautiful woman than a pregnant woman, After all, it’s a miracle, no matter what you say!

Pregnancy is the greatest miracle of nature! A small copy of mom and dad is born, a tiny defenseless most precious Happiness. What pregnancy is truly can only be appreciated by those who have been carrying their beloved creation under their hearts for 9 months with reverence and anticipation! A son, a daughter, maybe even twins or triplets! It is especially pleasant when the pregnancy is long-awaited, when feelings for the baby appeared even before the news of pregnancy, when the news about the life born inside makes you cry with joy and feel the little baby inside with all your heart, so congratulations on pregnancy are undoubtedly the right sign of attention to future parents. This is a great joy for grandparents too - of course! Long-awaited grandchildren!
