Oblomov has positive traits. Roman "Oblomov"

Sections: Literature

Lesson type: communicating new knowledge

Lesson objectives:


  • introduce students to the life and work of I.A. Goncharova;
  • follow the writer’s work on the novel “Oblomov”;
  • introduce students to the main characters of the novel;
  • reveal the concept of "Oblomovism".


  • develop skills in working with text;
  • improve students' speech practice;
  • to form the originality of students’ thinking;
  • develop the emotional, moral and spiritual sphere of the individual.


  • increase the general intellectual level of students;
  • to form a modern worldview;
  • to form students’ own opinion and creative attitude towards the novel they are studying.

Material and technical equipment: computer, projector, presentation, video film “A few days in the life of Oblomov”, fiction and reference books, information cards, questionnaire, test.

Methods: stimulating interest in learning, creating an emotional and moral atmosphere, verbal, visual, problem-based.

Form of organization of educational activities: individual, group, collective.

During the classes

1. introduction teachers about the topic of the lesson, goals.

Acquaintance with the biography of I.A. Goncharov. (Student’s report on the life and work of I.A. Goncharov).

2. Work on vocabulary.

Make up word combinations with these words and determine the main and dependent words:

Travel (around the world trip, exciting trip);

Tradition (follow tradition, the tradition of Russian classics);

Romantic (dreamy romantic, romantic enthusiasm);

Actions (novel actions, brooding actions);

Attention (writer's attention, focused attention);

Creativity (the spirit of creativity, the creativity of the poet);

Intent (initial intent, change in intent);

Incarnation (worthy of embodiment, form of embodiment);

Teacher's word. How Goncharov worked on the novel<<Обломов>>.

3. Collective work with text.

Now let's turn to the novel "Oblomov". Let's select words and phrases with negative pronouns in the text:

  • didn't do anything
  • I didn't want to meet anyone
  • nothing prevents you from thinking while lying down,
  • never visited anyone
  • no one knew or saw
  • didn't worry about anything
  • didn't need it for anything.

It's all about Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the main character of the novel. Now let's turn to the sad and complex story. Let's try to figure it out. Getting acquainted with Oblomov, we immediately drew attention to the robe and sofa as indispensable attributes of his existence (Include a fragment of the film “A few days in the life of Oblomov”). But if it all came down to just a sofa and a robe, then everything would be too simple. Obviously, in a robe, the body and soul are at ease; it personifies personal independence (remember, by the way, why Oblomov resigned after two years of service).

Let's open the novel "Oblomov". Let's read the lines:

": the poets touched him to the quick: he became a young man like everyone else. For him, a happy, unfaithful, smiling moment of life came for everyone, the blossoming of strength, hopes for being, desires for good, valor, activity, an era of a strong beating of the heart, pulse, trembling, enthusiastic speeches and sweet tears, his mind and heart brightened, he shook off his drowsiness, his soul asked for activity:

Freed from business worries, Oblomov loved to withdraw into himself and live in the world he created. The pleasures of lofty thoughts were available to him; he was no stranger to universal human sorrows. He cried bitterly in the depths of his soul at other times, experienced unknown, nameless suffering, and melancholy, and a longing for somewhere far away, probably to that world where Stolz used to take him:

Sweet tears will flow down his cheeks:

It also happens that he is filled with contempt for human vice, for lies, for left-wing, for the evil spilled in the world and is inflamed with the desire to point out to a person his ulcers, and suddenly thoughts light up in him, walk and walk in his head, like waves in the sea, then they grow into intentions, ignite all the blood in him, his muscles move, his veins tense, intentions are transformed into aspirations: he, driven by moral strength, in one minute quickly changes two or three poses, with shining eyes, stands up halfway on the bed, stretches out his hand and looks around with inspiration: Behold, behold, the aspiration will come true, turn into a feat: and then, Lord! What miracles, what good consequences could be expected from such a high effort!

Controversial question, isn't it? Let us note this: two rows of words, so different in their emotional sound and meaning embedded in them. Indeed: on the one hand, the pleasures of lofty thoughts wept bitterly: over the disasters of humanity; experienced melancholy, longing, suffering, and was filled with contempt for human vice; desire to point out: ulcers; thoughts light up, grow into intentions, which transform into aspirations:

What a high impulse! Thoughts - desires - intentions - aspirations!

Work in groups. Conversation with group 1 (part 1 of the novel)

What question does Oblomov become the center of analysis of the novel?

(“Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good!” The question is alternative, one of the positions denies the other. Since this is a question of the hero of the work himself, therefore, in order to answer it, it is necessary to understand the hero himself from the inside, which is not easy, especially since Oblomov is opposed by Stolz with his assessment - “Oblomovism!”)

Let's read the 1st chapter and find the features. (Among the stream of visitors, only Oblomov remains motionless. He actually says one phrase to each: “Don’t come, don’t come - you’re coming from the cold.” Oblomov tells an acquaintance who comes to him about his hardships, but no one hears him as he himself expects. )

The central questions of this part are Ilya’s questions: “Where is the man here?” and "When to live?"

How does the hero appear to you in the first part of the novel? (Answers may vary. We listen to each student.)

Conversation with the 2nd group (2nd part of the novel).

How does the conflict of the work develop with the appearance of Stolz?

Does the life described in Part 1 of the novel continue, or is another life described?

Students read episodes that support the answers to the questions.

Students write down Stolz’s words about Oblomovism in their notebooks. They read it out.

The teacher summarizes: Main character does not want and does not know how to act. Fantasizing is Ilya Ilyich’s only favorite pastime, to which he devotes himself with the same zeal with which he lies on the sofa in a robe and main subject his dreams are himself, his life.

At the end of the 4th chapter (2nd part), Stolz once again repeats his diagnosis “Oblomovism, Oblomovism!” Stolz said, laughing: he wished Oblomov Good night and went to bed. - Now or never - remember! - he added, turning to Oblomov, and closed the door behind him."

Find confirmation of this in the 5th chapter (2nd part) of the novel. (“What should he do now? Go forward or stay? This Oblomov question was deeper for him than Hamlet’s,” and further: “Now or never!” - " To be or not to be!" This confrontation and diverse assessments of Oblomov Stolz allow us to pose the question: who is Oblomov: a philosopher, a poet? To answer the question, let us turn again to Oblomov’s dialogue with Stolz, to the fragment where Oblomov describes his ideal of life. So : “the dawn of awakening” or “Oblomovism”? And here those associations with which Goncharov’s novel was saturated come to the surface.

Remember the episode where, in a conversation with Stolz, Oblomov, exhausted by the social life imposed on him by a friend, enthusiastically talks about his ideal of life. (“Do you hear: notes, books, a piano, elegant furniture?” And then, ending the almost poetic story about an ideal life, Oblomov continues: “It’s damp in the field: it’s dark; the fog, like an overturned sea, hangs over the rye; the horses shake their shoulders and they beat their hooves: it’s time to go home. The lights are already on in the house, five knives are knocking in the kitchen: a frying pan of mushrooms, cutlets, berries: there’s music: Casta diva! Casta diva! - Oblomov sang. “I can’t remember Casta diva indifferently!” , singing the beginning of the cavatina. - How this woman’s heart weeps! What sadness is embedded in these sounds!.. And no one knows anything around: She is alone: ​​The secret weighs on her; she entrusts her to the moon:)

The teacher summarizes:

Oblomov’s reflections on the ideal of life “play out into an intoxicating dream about how, having put his estate in order and getting married, he will live in the village as a landowner, surrounded by family, relatives, and friends. Life will be an endless holiday, there will be eternal fun, sweet laziness:”

In our opinion, what should Oblomov understand in life?

It was music that helped him understand the meaning of life and love. Music brings him to an extraordinary state, because his soul has been found.

His soul is like strings, but what music will be played on them tomorrow?

When does this heaviness go away? (The heaviness goes away only when Olga sings or plays: “Both of them, motionless on the outside, were torn by an internal fire, trembling with a lonely trembling; there were tears in their eyes caused by a lonely mood: On his face shone the dawn of the rising happiness awakened from the bottom of the soul”)

The music passes and the image of the hero fades.

5. So, using information cards, list attractive features Oblomov and Stolz, their weaknesses and symbols.

The teacher summarizes: The images of the heroes are contrasted, both heroes are individuals, both are capable of sincere feelings, bright memories of childhood.

Can we say that Oblomov is a typical character?

Is Oblomov right when he says: “Our name is legion”?

What are the roots of “Oblomovism”?

That's all. Now we can talk not only about what “Oblomovism” is, but also about who Oblomov is. And also that Goncharov’s novel is surprisingly modern.

6. Reflection. Questionnaire "How is Oblomov related to you"?

So, how are things going with Oblomovism? In some of us he lives at home, others fight him and even win, others do not want to deal with him at all. Now we will find out who he is to you. If you agree with the statements, give yourself 2 points for each.

  1. On my days off I like to take a nap after lunch.
  2. On the beach, I prefer to bask in the sun rather than play outdoor games.
  3. Nothing will happen if I finish the work I started tomorrow.
  4. I often take off my shoes without untying the laces.
  5. My favorite color is blue.
  6. My studies at school were very unstable.
  7. I often lack patience at work.
  8. In any job, it is better to underdo something than to do too much.
  9. I am a distinctly night owl.
  10. I always put off work until the very last moment.

0-6: You do not know laziness, Oblomov is not your friend, not a matchmaker and not a brother. You are very hardworking and everything will work out for you in the end. The main thing for you is a good action plan.

8-12: The germ of Oblomovism is visible in your soul. He sits inside you, lives his measured, stable life, and if you don’t fight him, he can fill your entire soul. Firmly tell yourself: “Time for work is time for fun” - and reward yourself for every task done on time.

14-20: Well, you are lazy! Perhaps Oblomov himself will grow and grow up to you. So you can sleep on the stove for the rest of your life. Urgently declare war on laziness, it is best to start with morning exercises, and the whole day will go smoothly.

7. Express survey.(One student reads the question and the other answers).

1) In what city was I.A. Goncharov born?

2) What is the name of the almanac where I.A. Goncharov made his debut as a Russian poet?

3) In which collection of magazines does a chapter from the future novel “Oblomov’s Dream” appear?

4) What newspaper did I.A. Goncharov become editor of in 1862?

5) What novels by I.A. Goncharov do you know?

6) What is the name of I.I. Oblomov’s servant?

7) Who did Ilya Ilyich Oblomov marry?

8) Do you like the image of Olga Ilyinskaya? Justify your answer.

9) Did you want to be like Stolz? Justify your answer.

10) What city can Oblomovka be compared to?

11) Which episode from the novel "Oblomov" was remembered more than this? Why?

8. Lesson summary:

How do you understand the epigraph for today's lesson?

What is the contradictory character of the main character of the novel by I. Goncharov?

Teacher's conclusion.

9. Homework.

1st row. Write out the theses of "Oblomov" in Dobrolyubov's assessment.

2nd row. Write out the theses of "Oblomov" in Druzhinin's assessment.

3rd row. Write out Likhachev’s theses “On the National Character of Russians.”

Oblomov's character

Roman I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomov" was published in 1859. It took almost 10 years to create it. This is one of the most outstanding novels classical literature our time. This is how famous people spoke about the novel literary critics that era. Goncharov was able to convey realistically objective and reliable facts about the reality of the layers of the social environment of the historical period. It must be assumed that his most successful achievement was the creation of the image of Oblomov.

He was a young man of about 32-33 years old, of average height, with a pleasant face and an intelligent look, but without any definite depth of meaning. As the author noted, the thought walked across the face like a free bird, fluttered in the eyes, dropped onto half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared and a carefree young man appeared in front of us. Sometimes one could read boredom or fatigue on his face, but still there was a gentleness of character and the warmth of his soul. Throughout Oblomov’s life, he has been accompanied by three attributes of bourgeois well-being - a sofa, a robe and shoes. At home, Oblomov wore an oriental, soft, roomy robe. He spent all his free time lying down. Laziness was an integral trait of his character. Cleaning in the house was carried out superficially, creating the appearance of cobwebs hanging in the corners, although at first glance one might think that the room was well cleaned. There were two more rooms in the house, but he did not go there at all. If there was an uncleaned plate from dinner with crumbs everywhere, a half-smoked pipe, you would think that the apartment was empty, no one lived in it. He was always surprised by his energetic friends. How can you waste your life like this, scattered on dozens of things at once? His financial condition wanted to be better. Lying on the sofa, Ilya Ilyich was always thinking about how to correct him.

The image of Oblomov is a complex, contradictory, even tragic hero. His character predetermines an ordinary, uninteresting fate, devoid of the energy of life and its bright events. Goncharov pays his main attention to the established system of that era, which influenced his hero. This influence was expressed in Oblomov’s empty and meaningless existence. Helpless attempts at revival under the influence of Olga, Stolz, marriage to Pshenitsyna, and death itself are defined in the novel as Oblomovism.

The very character of the hero, according to the writer’s plan, is much larger and deeper. Oblomov's dream is the key to unlocking the entire novel. The hero moves to another era, to other people. A lot of light, a joyful childhood, gardens, sunny rivers, but first you have to overcome obstacles, an endless sea with raging waves and groans. Behind it are rocks with abysses, a crimson sky with a red glow. After the exciting landscape, we find ourselves in a small corner where people live happily, where they want to be born and die, it cannot be otherwise, so they think. Goncharov describes these residents: “Everything in the village is quiet and sleepy: the silent huts are wide open; not a soul in sight; Only flies fly in clouds and buzz in the stuffy atmosphere.” There we meet young Oblomov. As a child, Oblomov could not dress himself; servants always helped him. As an adult, he also resorts to their help. Ilyusha grows up in an atmosphere of love, peace and excessive care. Oblomovka is a corner where calm and undisturbed silence reigns. It's a dream within a dream. Everything around seems to have frozen, and nothing can wake up these people who live uselessly in a distant village without any connection with the rest of the world. Ilyusha grew up on fairy tales and legends that his nanny told him. By developing daydreaming, the fairy tale tied Ilyusha more to the house, causing inaction.

Oblomov’s dream describes the hero’s childhood and upbringing. All this helps to recognize Oblomov’s character. The life of the Oblomovs is passivity and apathy. Childhood is his ideal. There in Oblomovka, Ilyusha felt warm, reliable and very protected. This ideal doomed him to a further aimless existence.

The solution to the character of Ilya Ilyich in his childhood, from where direct threads stretch to the adult hero. The character of a hero is an objective result of the conditions of birth and upbringing.

Oblomov novel laziness character


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Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov worked on the novel “Oblomov” for ten years. The characterization of the main character is so convincingly presented by the classic that it went beyond the scope of the work, and the image became a household name. The quality of the author's elaboration of the characters in the story is impressive. All of them are integral, possessing the features contemporary writer of people.

The topic of this article is the characteristics of the heroes of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Sliding on the plane of laziness

The central image of the book is the young (32-33 years old) landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy, imposing dreamer. He is a man of average height, with dark gray eyes, pleasant facial features, and childishly pampered plump hands. The person living in the St. Petersburg apartment on the Vyborg side is ambiguous. Oblomov is an excellent conversationalist. By his nature, he is not capable of causing harm to anyone. His soul is pure. He is educated and has a broad outlook. At any given time, his face reflects a continuous stream of thoughts. It would seem that we are talking about if not for the enormous laziness that has taken possession of Ilya Ilyich. Since childhood, numerous nannies took care of him in small ways. “Zakharki da Vanya” from the serfs did any work for him, even small ones. His days pass in idleness and lying on the sofa.

Trusting them, Oblomov signed an enslaving agreement for his Vyborg apartment, and then paid fake “moral damages” to Agafya’s brother Mukhoyarov in the amount of ten thousand rubles through a fake loan letter. Ilya Ilyich's friend Stolz exposes the scoundrels. After this, Tarantiev “goes on the run.”

People close to Oblomov

Those around him feel that he is a sincere person, Oblomov. The characterization is a characterization, but the protagonist’s self-destruction through laziness does not prevent him from having friends. The reader sees how a true friend Andrei Stolts is trying to snatch Oblomov from the tight embrace of doing nothing. After Oblomov’s death, he became, according to the latter’s will, an adoptive father for his son Andryusha.

Oblomov has a devoted and loving common-law wife - the widow Agafya Pshenitsyna - an unrivaled housewife, narrow-minded, illiterate, but honest and decent. Outwardly she is plump, but well-behaved and hard-working. Ilya Ilyich admires it, comparing it to a cheesecake. The woman breaks off all relations with her brother Ivan Mukhoyarov, having learned about his low deception of her husband. After death common-law husband the woman feels that “the soul has been taken out of her.” Having given her son to be raised by the Stolts, Agafya simply wants to follow her Ilya. She is not interested in money, as can be seen from her refusal of the income due from Oblomov’s estate.

Ilya Ilyich is served by Zakhar - an unkempt, lazy, but idolizing his master and a loyal servant of the old school to the end. After the master's death, the former servant prefers to beg, but remains near his grave.

More about the image of Andrei Stolts

Often the theme school essays is Oblomov and Stolz. They are opposite even in appearance. Tawny, dark, with sunken cheeks, it seems that Stolz consists entirely of muscles and tendons. He has a rank behind him and a guaranteed income. Later, while working in a trading company, he earned money to buy a house. He is active and creative, he is offered interesting and lucrative work. In the second part of the novel, it is he who tries to bring Oblomov together with Olga Ilyinskaya, introducing them. However, Oblomov stopped building a relationship with this lady because he was afraid to change housing and engage in active work. Disappointed Olga, who planned to re-educate the lazy man, left him. However, Stolz’s image is not ideal, despite his constant creative work. He, as the opposite of Oblomov, is afraid to dream. Goncharov put an abundance of rationality and rationalism into this image. The writer believed that he had not finalized the image of Stolz. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov even considered this image negative, the judgment that he was “too pleased with himself” and “thinks too well of himself.”

Olga Ilyinskaya - woman of the future

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is strong, complete, beautiful. Not a beauty, but surprisingly harmonious and dynamic. She is deeply spiritual and at the same time active. met her singing the aria "Casta diva". This woman turned out to be capable of stirring up even such a guy. But re-educating Oblomov turned out to be an extremely difficult task, no more effective than training woodpeckers; laziness took deep roots in him. In the end, Oblomov is the first to give up his relationship with Olga (due to laziness). A characteristic of their further relationship is Olga’s active sympathy. She marries the active, reliable and faithful Andrei Stolz, who loves her. They have a wonderful, harmonious family. But the astute reader will understand that the active German “does not reach” the spiritual level of his wife.


A string of Goncharov’s images passes before the eyes of the reader of the novel. Of course, the most striking of them is the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Having wonderful prerequisites for a successful, comfortable life, he managed to ruin himself. At the end of his life, the landowner realized what had happened to him, giving this phenomenon the capacious, laconic name “Oblomovism.” Is it modern? And how. Today's Ilya Ilyichs, in addition to their dream flight, also have impressive resources - computer games with stunning graphics.

The novel did not reveal the image of Andrei Stolts to the extent intended by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. The author of the article considers this to be natural. After all, the classic depicted two extremes in these heroes. The first is a useless dream, and the second is a pragmatic, unspiritual activity. It is obvious that only by combining these qualities in the right proportion will we get something harmonious.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was written during the period of transition Russian society from outdated, Domostroevsky traditions and values ​​to new, educational views and ideas. The most complex and difficult this process became for representatives of the landowner social class, as it required an almost complete rejection of the usual way of life and was associated with the need to adapt to new, more dynamic and rapidly changing conditions. And if part of society easily adapted to the new circumstances, for others the transition process turned out to be very difficult, since it was essentially opposed to the usual way of life of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The representative of precisely such landowners, who failed to change with the world, adapting to it, in the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. According to the plot of the work, the hero was born in a village far from the capital of Russia - Oblomovka, where he received a classic landowner, house-building education, which formed many of the main character traits of Oblomov - weak-willedness, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness, reluctance to work and the expectation that someone will do everything for him. Excessive parental care, constant prohibitions, and the pacifying and lazy atmosphere of Oblomovka led to a deformation of the character of a curious and active boy, making him introverted, prone to escapism and unable to overcome even the most minor difficulties.

The inconsistency of Oblomov’s character in the novel “Oblomov”

The negative side of Oblomov’s character

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich does not decide anything on his own, hoping for help from the outside - Zakhar, who will bring him food or clothes, Stolz, who is able to solve the problems in Oblomovka, Tarantiev, who, although he will deceive, will himself figure out the situation that interests Oblomov, etc. The hero is not interested in real life, it causes him boredom and fatigue, while he finds true peace and satisfaction in the world of illusions he himself has invented. Spending all his days lying on the sofa, Oblomov makes unrealistic plans for the arrangement of Oblomovka and his happy family life, in many ways similar to the calm, monotonous atmosphere of his childhood. All his dreams are directed to the past, even the future that he imagines for himself - echoes of a distant past that can no longer be returned.

It would seem that a lazy, lumbering hero living in an untidy apartment cannot evoke sympathy and affection from the reader, especially against the backdrop of Ilya Ilyich’s active, purposeful friend, Stolz. However, Oblomov’s true essence is revealed gradually, which allows us to see all the versatility and inner unrealized potential of the hero. Even as a child, surrounded by quiet nature, the care and control of his parents, the sensitive, dreamy Ilya was deprived of the most important thing - knowledge of the world through its opposites - beauty and ugliness, victories and defeats, the need to do something and the joy of what was gained through one’s own labor. From an early age, the hero had everything he needed - helpful servants carried out orders at the first call, and his parents spoiled their son in every possible way. Finding himself outside his parents' nest, Oblomov, not ready for the real world, continues to expect that everyone around him will treat him as warmly and welcomingly as in his native Oblomovka. However, his hopes were destroyed already in the first days in the service, where no one cared about him, and everyone was only for themselves. Deprived of the will to live, the ability to fight for his place in the sun and perseverance, Oblomov, after an accidental mistake, leaves the service himself, fearing punishment from his superiors. The very first failure becomes the last for the hero - he no longer wants to move forward, hiding from the real, “cruel” world in his dreams.

Positive side of Oblomov’s character

The person who could pull Oblomov out of this passive state leading to personality degradation was Andrei Ivanovich Stolts. Perhaps Stolz is the only character in the novel who thoroughly saw not only negative, but also positive features Oblomov: sincerity, kindness, the ability to feel and understand the problems of another person, inner peace and simplicity. It was to Ilya Ilyich that Stolz came in difficult moments, when he needed support and understanding. Oblomov’s dove-like tenderness, sensuality and sincerity are also revealed during his relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich is the first to realize that he is not suitable for the active, purposeful Ilyinskaya, who does not want to devote herself to “Oblomov” values ​​- this reveals him as a subtle psychologist. Oblomov is ready to give up his own love, because he understands that he cannot give Olga the happiness she dreams of.

Oblomov’s character and fate are closely connected - his lack of will, inability to fight for his happiness, together with spiritual kindness and gentleness, lead to tragic consequences - fear of the difficulties and sorrows of reality, as well as the hero’s complete withdrawal into the pacifying, calm, wonderful world of illusions.

National character in the novel "Oblomov"

The image of Oblomov in Goncharov’s novel is a reflection of the national Russian character, its ambiguity and versatility. Ilya Ilyich is the same archetypal Emelya the fool on the stove, about whom the nanny told the hero in childhood. Like the character in the fairy tale, Oblomov believes in a miracle that should happen to him by itself: a supportive firebird or a kind sorceress will appear and take him to beautiful world honey and milk rivers. And the chosen one of the sorceress should not be a bright, hard-working, active hero, but always “quiet, harmless”, “some kind of lazy person who is offended by everyone.”

Unquestioning faith in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in the possibility of the impossible - main feature not only Ilya Ilyich, but also any Russian person raised on folk tales and legends. Finding itself on fertile soil, this faith becomes the basis of a person’s life, replacing reality with illusion, as happened with Ilya Ilyich: “his fairy tale is mixed with life, and he is unconsciously sad sometimes, why is a fairy tale not life, and why is life not a fairy tale.”

At the end of the novel, Oblomov, it would seem, finds that “Oblomov” happiness that he has long dreamed of - a calm, monotonous life without stress, a caring, kind wife, an organized life and a son. However, Ilya Ilyich does not return to real world, he remains in his illusions, which become more important and meaningful for him than real happiness next to a woman who adores him. In fairy tales, the hero must pass three tests, after which he will be expected to fulfill all his desires, otherwise the hero will die. Ilya Ilyich does not pass a single test, giving in first to failure in the service, and then to the need to change for the sake of Olga. Describing Oblomov’s life, the author seems to be ironizing about the hero’s excessive faith in an unrealizable miracle for which there is no need to fight.


At the same time, the simplicity and complexity of Oblomov’s character, the ambiguity of the character himself, the analysis of his positive and negative sides, allow us to see in Ilya Ilyich the eternal image of an unrealized personality “out of his time” - “ extra person", unable to find his own place in real life, and therefore gone into the world of illusions. However, the reason for this, as Goncharov emphasizes, is not a fatal combination of circumstances or the difficult fate of the hero, but the incorrect upbringing of Oblomov, who is sensitive and gentle in character. Raised as a “houseplant,” Ilya Ilyich turned out to be unadapted to a reality that was harsh enough for his refined nature, replacing it with the world of his own dreams.

Work test

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Characteristics of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complex and mysterious. Oblomov separates himself from the outside world, fences himself off from it. Even his home bears little resemblance to habitation.

WITH early childhood he saw a similar example among his relatives, who also fenced themselves off from the outside world and protected it. It was not customary to work in his home. When he, as a child, played snowballs with peasant children, they then warmed him up for several days. In Oblomovka they were wary of everything new - even a letter that came from a neighbor, in which he asked for a beer recipe, was afraid to open for three days.

But Ilya Ilyich remembers his childhood with joy. He idolizes the nature of Oblomovka, although this is an ordinary village, not particularly remarkable. He was brought up by rural nature. This nature instilled in him poetry and a love of beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, just complains about something all the time and engages in verbiage. He is lazy, does nothing himself and does not expect anything from others. He accepts life as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and tell him about their lives, he feels that in the bustle of life they forget that they are wasting their lives in vain... And he does not need to fuss, act, does not need to prove anything to anyone. Ilya Ilyich simply lives and enjoys life.

It's hard to imagine him in motion, he looks funny. At rest, lying on the sofa, it is natural. He looks at ease - this is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize what we read:

  1. Appearance of Ilya Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is a young man, 33 years old, good-looking, of average height, plump. The softness of his facial expression showed him to be a weak-willed and lazy person.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, Oblomov is not married, he lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel he gets married and is happily married.
  3. Description of the home. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street. The apartment is neglected; the servant Zakhar, who is as lazy as the owner, rarely sneaks into it. A special place in the apartment is occupied by a sofa, on which Oblomov lies around the clock.
  4. Behavior and actions of the hero. Ilya Ilyich can hardly be called an active person. Only his friend Stolz manages to bring Oblomov out of his slumber. The main character is lying on the sofa and only dreams that he will soon get up from it and take care of business. He can't even decide pressing problems. His estate has fallen into disrepair and is not bringing in any money, so Oblomov doesn’t even have money to pay the rent.
  5. The author's attitude towards the hero. Goncharov has sympathy for Oblomov; he considers him a kind, sincere person. At the same time, he sympathizes with him: it is a pity that a young, capable, not stupid man has lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude towards Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and weak-willed, and therefore cannot command respect. At times he just infuriates me, I want to go up and shake him. I don't like people who live their lives so mediocrely. Perhaps I react so strongly to this hero because I feel the same shortcomings in myself.