Travel guide from Soprano soloists Turetsky. “SOPRANO of Turetsky”: “We don’t even have a normal personal life Daria Lvova soprano 10 personal life

Amoralle, Dita, Love Goods Lingerie, Agent Provocateur. We thank the Saint Room showroom for the lingerie provided. Photo: Amer Mohamad; style: Nadina Smirnova; Muah Beauty Bistro Moscow

PLAYBOY Have you long been accustomed to compliments from men?

ANNA KOROLIK It's impossible to get used to this! But seriously, I receive compliments not only from men, but also from women, because a woman brings her man to our concert. It is much more important to please them! And I can do it (smiles).

EKATERINA MURASHKO We are very pleased to have a large number of men at our performances. And recognition from fans in life and on our pages on social networks. It's flattering, no doubt about it. Personally, I am pleased that many spectators come to our concerts with families and couples. This is wonderful! And this suggests that the Soprano repertoire is diverse. In addition to world hits and songs dedicated to the stronger half of humanity, we have purely girlish “suffering” in our collection. I noticed with what pleasure women often sing along with us. They are always emotional and responsive. Many thanks to them for these emotions! And I know of a couple of cases when a man and a woman met each other at our performances.

We all have characters, but we try to support each other, smooth out rough edges

PLAYBOY What exactly should a man NOT say to interest you?

VALERIYA DEVIATOVA That he is a gambler and loves unjustified risks!

PLAYBOY Have you met your love yourself?

VALERIYA DEVIATOVA Fate brought me and my love together! Sudden, strong, powerful. And she covered her head. We were performing at a closed event and ran into each other completely by accident. The young man stood rooted to the spot and began to glare at me. I thought: “How arrogant, he thinks that his gaze should leave me speechless.” I looked away as if I didn’t notice him. That day he told his best friend: “This girl will become my wife”... We gave a concert and urgently left. In a month, my future chosen one was supposed to organize an event. The Sopranos were the headliners for the evening. I came down with a fever and could have been released from this performance, but for some reason I said: “No, I will perform.” We met with him again, and after that he never let me go.

Beach, sea, sun and a sultry man - what more does a woman need!

PLAYBOY They say there is no such thing as female friendship. Do you often quarrel?

EVGENIYA FANFARA My character is quite explosive, sometimes, without understanding it, I can make a mess (laughs). The girls and I have been friends for a long time. They know that I am quick-tempered, although easy-going. We all have our own personalities, but we try to support each other and smooth out rough edges, which is very important “in a team with many breasts.”

PLAYBOY A couple of years ago you recorded a song with Artur Pirozhkov. Did you like this experience? And where are the new collaborations with pop stars?

DARIA LVOVA The collaboration with Sasha Revva turned out to be positive and sunny. Beach, sea, sun and a sultry man - what more does a woman need! We were delighted. And, of course, we are working on new projects. A joint video with Philip Kirkorov for the song “You are everything I need” has been released. And soon it’s waiting for you new surprise.

PLAYBOY Last year, for the World Hockey Championship, you, together with Fetisov and Guberniev, sang “A coward does not play hockey.” And where is a similar song for the World Cup?

EKATERINA MURASHKO The topic of sports is one of our favorites. Many of us are not only actively involved in sports, but also are fans and fans of sports teams and individual athletes. The “Coward Don’t Play Hockey” video was our experiment. And, judging by the reviews, successful. After all, even for strong in spirit Support for athletes is so necessary and important! Since then, we have repeatedly had the honor of performing the Russian anthem at significant sports competitions. This is a great honor for us! I won’t reveal all the cards, but soon football fans will also be in for another surprise from the Soprano art group...

PLAYBOY Has it ever happened that you wanted to leave the stage without finishing the concert?

ANNA KOROLIK There was a moment when the zipper on the dress came apart, but even so - you are an artist, a singer, you must go to the end! I finished the song. The dress didn't fall, thank God. I held it with my hand... In such a situation, as our maestro says, this is an element of the show (laughs).

There was a moment when the zipper on my dress came apart, but I finished singing the song

PLAYBOY You almost missed out on Eurovision 2017, being one step away from participating in the competition. Will you continue to strive to get to Eurosong?

ANNA KOROLIK Of course yes, and we are working on it! Today this is the number one goal for our team.

PLAYBOY Who would you dream to sing a duet with?


PLAYBOY What do you need last time didn't have enough money?

EKATERINA MURASHKO I always try to limit my budget and live within my means, and not aim at what I can’t afford. But once in my life I reached my limit. And I didn’t even have money for food. Oh, this cherished payday! He had been approaching for too long. Thank God, such situations did not arise again!

Girls are so susceptible to the desire for change! Who knows what will happen in 5 years?

PLAYBOY What movie did you see recently that made you cry?

DARIA LVOVA"Born in the USSR." A documentary film about 20 heroes born in 1983 in different parts of the world Soviet Union. They were invited to filming every 7 years to follow life against the backdrop of social and political changes. 4 films were shot in which its participants are 7, 14, 21 and 28 years old. Brilliant film. Looks like a breeze. It's simply impossible to tear yourself away. In general, I wonder what it’s like to live and know that the whole country will know about your life. This is such a responsibility!

PLAYBOY How do you see yourself in 10 years? Or at least after 5, so as not to run so far?

EKATERINA MURASHKO I can guess some points that depend only on me. In 5 years I will finish my education in the class of pop-jazz singing at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. I plan to complete my linguistic education, because the offer to work in such an amazing team has tipped the scales in learning languages. It's about creativity and education. Well, in life... I see myself as a tall, slender and blue-eyed blonde (laughs). But girls are so susceptible to the desire for change! Who knows?

Today's site will tell about eight charming soloists of the group. Each of the girls has her own attitude to people and work, as well as to the style of clothing and her own image on stage and in life. the site has prepared small dossiers on each of the girls so that viewers can get to know them better before the meeting.

There were more than 200 talented and professional applicants among those wishing to get into “The Sopranos.” Among the mandatory requirements were: higher musical education, mastery of various instruments, experience working on stage and dedication to one’s work. As a result, 40 girls were selected, with whom professionals worked for 4 months. Not only the vocal and external data of the applicants were taken into account, but also artistry, charisma, stage experience, choreographic abilities, erudition and musical taste. As a result, the best artists from different cities of Russia and the CIS countries remained in the team.

Daria Lvova, driving soprano

A brunette with a piercing gaze and deep, always memorable vocals, she was born in Ufa on June 22. She graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, studied vocals at the Ufa College of Arts, and sang in the academic choral trio “Orpheus”.

About myself: hot-tempered, but fair. "I am probably a maximalist by nature. Live to the fullest, love - forgetting about reality, work so that the viewer, sitting even in the very last row, feels and hears every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions to stage, it’s impossible not to invest in what’s happening. It’s also impossible in life.”.

Olga Brovkina, coloratura soprano

Olga has been in Soprano 10 since its founding. The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was first polished in music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and at the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department.

IN professional biography girls - best places at music competitions, work in opera companies and solo career. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality.

The main thing for Olga in clothes and life is individuality. For example, a girl loves heels, but will not refuse semi-men's shoes without heels, playful ballet shoes or colored sneakers.

Evgenia Fanfara, dramatic soprano

Beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once.

Graduate of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Gnesins, before studying at one of the leading music universities in the country, she graduated from the Gnessin School, and also toured with the Bolshoi Children's Choir. Popova. Her repertoire includes the most diverse roles, her character is characterized by honesty and faith in her dreams, and only she herself knows what is in her soul.

Life philosophy: "You must be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, set long-term goals, think about the future, but do not forget that we live today, now, at this minute! You should not put off until tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, graduation from university or new job. It’s better to be, as they say, open-mind, to live with an open heart, to enjoy touching little things.”

Tamara Madebadze, jazz mezzo soprano

This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And the contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it is Tamara’s entertainment that always accompanies the performances of the art group.

Since childhood, the girl was very versatile - she wanted to become both a chemist-inventor and a dramatic actress. But in her soul there lived alone main love- to music. And the fact that Tamara’s mother is a musician also played a role and influenced her choice. Studying at a music school began, and the first victories appeared at a variety of music competitions. Next - Institute contemporary art in the class "pop-jazz vocals". At the same time, Tamara worked in various musical groups.

Tamara is not particularly fond of high-heeled shoes, but generally likes to walk barefoot along the sandy seashore.

Appreciates in relationships between people there is honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention: "Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even several kind words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for their loved ones who so need your company!”

Anna Korolik, folk soprano

Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If it's Anya singing.

Music career It began in childhood, when she mastered folk wind instruments and piano. And it continued first at the Perm Regional College of Arts and Culture, and then at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

He speaks about happiness for himself: “When I’m driving at speed along the highway, alone or with friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun shining in my eyes, this is real happiness. It is in such moments that I feel absolutely free from a bad mood, any prejudices, unnecessary obligations I experience approximately the same feelings on stage."

Victoria Wood, lyric soprano

The dark-eyed beauty with a languid gaze loves web design, her friends and studying. She positions herself as a sociable, energetic and ambitious person. Victoria is a native Muscovite, graduated from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, shows, fashion exhibitions. She believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is only appropriate for events. But in everyday life it is better to be natural.

Loves heels very much: “It’s beautiful, it gives confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, due to my profession, I’m constantly on tour, so I can’t afford to wear heels all the time. Therefore, most often I wear comfortable shoes.”.

Valeria Devyatova, soul soprano

The owner of a sensual soul soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region. She graduated from a music school in classical guitar and vocal classes, as well as from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins, specializing in pop-jazz vocals. Since 2009, she has been a soloist of Soprano 10, but left the art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013 she returned to the team.

The girl loves beauty, photography, holidays and is sad when it rains. For her, it is important to live, not to exist.

Treats fashion as a kind of entertainment. She prefers comfortable shoes, but if such shoes have heels, then this gives the beauty double pleasure.

Rogova Iveta, soprano-latino

Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola, Murmansk region in musical family. Grandfather was the director of a musical theater. It was he who instilled in the girl a love of music. At the age of 10, she wrote her first song, which brought success at a regional competition. Iveta received the audience award and an award - an electric iron (!), which became a home relic. When Iveta was thirteen years old, the family moved to St. Petersburg.

The northern capital, where the family moved, did not in any way affect the girl’s hot temperament. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication.

The girl graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty " Musical art pop and artistic communication" with a specialization in "pop-jazz violin", "pop-jazz vocals". She acted in films, worked in Lenconcert, created a rock group where she sang her own songs. By the way, the lyrics for many songs from the Soprano repertoire — also her handiwork. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her style. Harmony in everything is extremely important for Iveta.


Mikhail Turetsky, the leader and founder of the world-famous Turetsky Choir, came to the conclusion in 2008 that he would like to embrace a powerful layer of world musical literature intended exclusively for female voices. This is how the idea of ​​a women's choir came about. After a thorough casting, which included 200 vocalists from different cities of Russia, he selected 10 outstanding voices. So...


Mikhail Turetsky, the leader and founder of the world-famous Turetsky Choir, came to the conclusion in 2008 that he would like to embrace a powerful layer of world musical literature intended exclusively for female voices. This is how the idea of ​​a women's choir came about.

After a thorough casting, which included 200 vocalists from different cities of Russia, he selected 10 outstanding voices. Thus was born the group “Soprano 10”, where each soloist is a “vocal diamond” with extraordinary acting and musical abilities.

“You fall in love with these girls five minutes after they start singing. And in terms of all characteristics - visual perception, repertoire, range of possibilities - the art group "Soprano10" has become a unique phenomenon on the Russian stage.

"Soprano" features every female singing voice in existence, from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest. Each soloist presents her own singing style: from academic to folk and pop-jazz. In one concert of the art group “Turetsky Soprano”, classics and rock, jazz and disco, fashionable contemporary music and retro hits.

The girls managed to perform at the festivals “Song of the Year”, “New Wave”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Five Stars”. The project’s professional biography includes annual tours in Russia and abroad (USA, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, etc.), recording 6 albums, music videos, love and recognition from the public.

Over time, several soloists left the group. By 2016, out of 10 people, only eight remained in the composition. For this reason, the team leader decided to make adjustments to the name. The number “10” disappeared from it. The new name is “Turetsky Soprano”.

The repertoire policy has also changed. Leaving vocal classics in the program, the group began to perform original songs and shoot original videos - which increased the popularity of the group.

At the beginning of 2017, a video for the song “One for All” was released. The members of the group starred in skits with different men. The song previously became the soundtrack of the television show “One for All,” in which actress Anna Ardova plays all the female roles.


Daria Lvova, driving soprano. A brunette with a piercing gaze and deep, always memorable vocals, she was born in Ufa on June 22. She graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, studied vocals at the Ufa College of Arts, and sang in the academic choral trio “Orpheus”. "I am probably a maximalist by nature. Live to the fullest, love - forgetting about reality, work so that the viewer, sitting even in the very last row, feels and hears every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions to stage, it’s impossible not to invest in what’s happening. It’s also impossible in life.”

Olga Brovkina, coloratura soprano. Olga has been in Soprano 10 since its founding. The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was polished first at a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and at the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department. The girl’s professional biography includes best places in music competitions, work in opera companies and a solo career. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality. The main thing for Olga in clothes and life is individuality. For example, a girl loves heels, but will not refuse semi-men's shoes without heels, playful ballet shoes or colored sneakers.

Evgenia Fanfara, dramatic soprano. A beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once. Graduate of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Gnesins, before studying at one of the leading music universities in the country, she graduated from the Gnessin School, and also toured with the Bolshoi Children's Choir. Popova. Her repertoire includes the most diverse roles, her character is characterized by honesty and faith in her dreams, and only she herself knows what is in her soul. Life philosophy: “You have to be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, set long-term goals, think about the future, but don’t forget that we live today, now, at this minute! You shouldn’t put it off until tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, graduation or the appearance of a new job. It is better to be, as they say, open-mind, to live with an open heart, to enjoy touching little things.”

Tamara Madebadze, jazz mezzo soprano. This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And the contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it is Tamara’s entertainment that always accompanies the performances of the art group. Since childhood, the girl was very versatile - she wanted to become both a chemist-inventor and a dramatic actress. But in her soul there lived one main love - for music. And the fact that Tamara’s mother is a musician also played a role and influenced her choice. Studying at a music school began, and the first victories appeared at a variety of music competitions. Next - the Institute of Contemporary Art, class "pop-jazz vocals". At the same time, Tamara worked in various musical groups. Tamara is not particularly fond of high-heeled shoes, but generally likes to walk barefoot along the sandy seashore. Values ​​honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention in relationships between people: “Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even a few kind words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for loved ones who so need your company !"

Anna Korolik, folk soprano. Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If it's Anya singing. Her musical career began in childhood, when she mastered folk wind instruments and piano. And it continued first at the Perm Regional College of Arts and Culture, and then at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. He speaks about happiness for himself: “When I’m driving at speed along the highway, alone or with friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun shining in my eyes, this is real happiness. It’s in such moments that I feel absolutely free from the bad mood that “I experience approximately the same feelings on stage.”

Victoria Wood, lyric soprano. The dark-eyed beauty with a languid gaze loves web design, her friends and studying. She positions herself as a sociable, energetic and ambitious person. Victoria is a native Muscovite, graduated from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, shows, fashion exhibitions. She believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is only appropriate for events. But in everyday life it is better to be natural. She loves heels very much: “They are beautiful, they give confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, due to my profession, I am constantly on tour, so I cannot afford to wear heels all the time. Therefore, most often I wear comfortable shoes.”

Valeria Devyatova, soul soprano. The owner of a sensual soul soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region. She graduated from a music school in classical guitar and vocal classes, as well as from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins, specializing in pop-jazz vocals. Since 2009, she has been a soloist of Soprano 10, but left the art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013 she returned to the team. The girl loves beauty, photography, holidays and is sad when it rains. For her, it is important to live, not to exist. Treats fashion as a kind of entertainment. She prefers comfortable shoes, but if such shoes have heels, then this gives the beauty double pleasure.

Rogova Iveta, soprano-latino. Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola, Murmansk region, into a musical family. Grandfather was the director of a musical theater. It was he who instilled in the girl a love of music. At the age of 10, she wrote her first song, which brought success at a regional competition. Iveta received the audience award and an award - an electric iron, which became a home relic. When Iveta was thirteen years old, the family moved to St. Petersburg. The northern capital, where the family moved, did not in any way affect the girl’s hot temperament. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication.
The girl graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty of "Variety Musical Art and Artistic Communication" with a specialization in "pop-jazz violin", "pop-jazz vocals". She acted in films, worked at Lenconcert, created a rock band, where she sang her own songs. By the way, the lyrics for many songs from the Soprano repertoire are also her work. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her style. Harmony in everything is extremely important for Iveta.



Piercing eyes, grace and maddening, deep, always memorable vocals - this is Daria Lvova. It is impossible not to notice such a girl. Especially on stage. She sings as if she “breathes,” easily changing genres, moods, and characters. Music was always with her, and Daria, after music school and classes in the Orpheus academic choral singing trio, continued to improve. Graduated from Ufa State Academy Economics and Service, but in the end she still returned to music. Since a talented person is talented in everything, Dasha shot her own video as a director, played in KVN and participated in a variety of music competitions and festivals. There is always sensuality, character and boundlessness in her voice. And she also loves cats, rain and risk.

“I’m probably a maximalist by nature. Live - to the fullest, love - forgetting about reality, work - so that the viewer, sitting even in the very last row, feels and hears every nuance of the concert. It is impossible to be an artist and not give real emotions on stage, not to invest in what is happening. Also in life. Existing at full capacity, protecting yourself from everything, not trying anything new means missing out on a huge number of opportunities, not noticing the beauty around you, not enjoying what is happening. Therefore, on stage we always give everything to the audience, completely, so that they experience the full range of feelings from the music, just like us.”


FOLK soprano

Anna FOLK soprano

Anna Korolik’s real, warm, “summer” soprano always impresses with its purity of sound, emotionality and beauty. Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If it's Anya singing. Her musical career began in childhood, when she mastered folk wind instruments and piano. And it continued first at the Perm Regional College of Arts and Culture, and then at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Whatever song she sings - joyful, sad, touching - generosity of feelings, breadth of emotions is her know-how. But if on stage Anna is sincerity itself, then in life she is a real mystery. One thing is clear: she is a creative person, writes poetry, composes music, and one of her songs, “White River,” is included in the repertoire of the Soprano art group. It is known that her favorite song is “The Daisies Hid,” and her friends love her for her sensitivity and kindness.




Bright, sultry, daring Latin soprano. The northern capital, where the family moved with little Iveta, did not in any way affect her hot temperament. She graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty of “Variety Musical Art and Artistic Communication” with a specialization in “pop-jazz violin”, “pop-jazz vocals”. She acted in films, worked at Lenconcert, created a rock band, where she sang her own songs. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication. And when Iveta plays the violin, the atmosphere in the hall is electrified and scatters with sparks from the luxurious instrument in the hands of the luxurious artist. By the way, the lyrics for many songs from the Soprano repertoire are also her work. He loves music, life in all its diversity, and considers the most important thing in people to be kindness and honesty.

“To live in our team, and to live successfully, you need, of course, an obsession with music. Understanding that you cannot exist without a stage - with all the ensuing consequences - no days off, endless rehearsals, rare meetings with friends and family. Plus self-discipline: maintaining yourself in ideal physical, vocal and moral shape. When I joined the art group, I automatically signed up for it. And I like it all!”




The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was polished first at a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department. Her professional biography includes best places in music competitions, work in opera companies and a solo career. Fragility, blond curls and dimples on the cheeks, combined with the flight of a voice somewhere behind the clouds, always make an unforgettable impression. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality. A representative of academic vocals, Olya sings with ease in pop works. She also loves photography, subtle irony and high heels.

“... First there was a music school. Then 4 years at school, 5 years at institute. Everyone went through their long musical path absolutely purposefully, obviously in order to meet in the Soprano project. And the fact that today the composition of the art group is exactly like this is not at all accidental. Of course, in a purely human way, we can somehow quarrel and be offended by each other. But for each of us, music is the meaning of life. Since we are all professionals in our field, we have one goal - creativity. Together we make new musical discoveries, discuss some interesting solutions, give the audience a feeling of happiness and magic as much as possible during the performance. Thus, there is simply no time or desire left to sort things out. After all... “everything is transitory, but music is eternal!”




Warm and reliable, like fire in a fireplace, the festive voice of Tamara Madebadze is loved by everyone. This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And her contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it was her entertainment that accompanies the performances of the art group. Since childhood, Toma was very versatile - she wanted to become both a chemist-inventor and a dramatic actress. But in her soul there lived one main love - for music. And the fact that Tamara’s mother is a musician also played a role and influenced her choice. Studying at a music school began, and the first victories appeared at a variety of music competitions. And then - the Institute of Contemporary Art, class “pop-jazz vocals”. At the same time, Tamara worked in various musical groups. Today she is a real, versatile artist who always brings new and interesting things to her images. Tamara loves travel and spring very much, and her favorite musical genres- rock, blues and jazz.

“Relationships with people are such a delicate matter...Honesty and delicacy, attention, sensitivity and warmth are only a small part of what is needed for harmony between loved ones. And, of course, time. This is what is sometimes lacking the most. But sometimes a short meeting, one call or even a few kind words can go a long way. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for their loved ones who so need your company!”




A beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once. Zhenya, graduate of the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins, before studying at one of the leading music universities in the country, she graduated from the Gnessin School, and also toured with the Bolshoi Children's Choir. Popova. Her repertoire includes the most diverse roles, her character is characterized by honesty and faith in her dreams, and only she herself knows what is in her soul. But when Zhenya is on stage it is always femininity, expression and real professional vocals. She is a very deep and subtle person, passionate about many things, but especially literature and psychology.

“You have to be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, set long-term goals, think about the future, but don’t forget that we live today, now, at this minute! You shouldn’t put it off until tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, graduation from university or a new job. It’s better to be, as they say, open-mind, to live with an open heart, to enjoy touching little things - someone’s eyes radiating with happiness, a kind word spoken while running, or simply good weather. And then goals will be achieved faster, bad days will pass easier, and relationships with people will become easier. I think it is precisely this philosophy of life that allows us to notice and hear the beauty around us!”

America... The country that many people dream about. For example, to find yourself in Miami when it’s winter in Moscow – isn’t this a fairy tale? Everyone who comes here should visit one of the most beautiful embankments in the world - Ocean Drive. Well, shopping here is a separate issue. Personally, I love buying anything from the beauty & healthcare category. In America, and therefore in Miami, among other things, there are organic cosmetics Burt’s Bees, which we definitely stock up on. In a word, all we need is the beach, the sun and a shopping center... Miami always has this in abundance!

Iveta Rogova

My London is not rainy, prim and conservative, but sunny, stately and temperamental. The country's prosperity is visible in small details - all museums and galleries are free. Even for tourists. This is a knockout!

Ekaterina Murashko

New York is a metropolis even more hectic than Moscow. Everyone is so busy that they just run about their business at breakneck speed. Running through these little streets that I adore. They fly upward through the floors of giant glass-concrete buildings - they look so solid that they seem to protect the city from the pressure of the outside world. Despite the bustle and rush, all the people here are extremely free. They express themselves as they please: some dance, some read their own rap and sell their CDs to passers-by, some simply walk around in colorful underwear with a guitar at the ready. And no one judges anyone or twists a finger to their temple.

Anna Korolik

I advise everyone to take a break from the hustle and bustle for a couple of days and go to Vienna for the weekend. St. Stephen's Cathedral has an amazing organ sound and a magnificent view of the city. At the Albertina there is an exhibition of Monet and Picasso. I want to return to this city. Again wander the streets where great musicians walked, admire the palaces, sit by the window in cozy restaurants like Mozart and Sacher. By the way, the Sacher Hotel has excellent breakfasts! Champagne and the famous cake of the same name are served. After such a trip, I am seriously thinking about becoming a pastry chef.

Evgenia Fanfara

Italy is so different! But no matter what city you find yourself in, you will always have a warm feeling in your soul, because it is incredibly beautiful and... delicious. Personally, my favorite town is Bari on the Adriatic coast. Why him? This is a holy place, magical, wonderful - from the word “miracle”. The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept here, and pilgrims and simply those who believe come here from all over the world. Nearby are the towns of Polignano a Mare and Monopoli with their picturesque bays. There are cozy streets and flowering parks everywhere. The embankments are always bustling with life, and the cafes serve the world's best coffee and ice cream. You can't help but love Italy! You can and should return here again and again, discovering your cities, your routes and new tastes of your favorite dishes.

Tamara Madebadze

I fell in love with Paris completely and irrevocably after I visited there on July 14 - Bastille Day (in France this is a national holiday). The day turned out to be unforgettable. It is worth saying that entry to the Louvre was absolutely free. But that's not even the main thing. Towards evening, all Parisians and tourists were overcome with joyful excitement. People began to take places on bridges and lawns - they sat down wherever they could, prudently taking with them champagne, wine, chips and other snacks. Soon there were no empty seats left - the whole city flocked to the Eiffel Tower. And as soon as it became completely dark, a grandiose fireworks display began. It was something! A breathtaking light, noise and fire show. And from the tower itself, which was completely unexpected, and across the river opposite, bright, colorful fireworks were released. It all lasted about thirty minutes, but the memories are enough to last a lifetime.