Galosh story by Zoshchenko. Galosh Mikhail Zoshchenko best stories

Lesson topic. M. M. Zoshchenko. The author and his hero. The story "Galosh".

Lesson form: analytical conversation with elements of independent work of students.

Goals and objectives of the lesson.


introduce students to the facts of the life and work of M. M. Zoshchenko, the story “Galosh”.


give definitions to unknown words found in the story;

define the concepts of “humor” and “satire” and differentiate between these concepts.


draw students’ attention to the features of M. M. Zoshchenko’s artistic style; develop the aesthetic abilities of schoolchildren.


work with a portrait of the writer;

pay attention to the features of the writer’s style;

develop skills in reading and analyzing prose works.


develop interest and love for the life and work of M. M. Zoshchenko;

to form students’ rejection of bureaucratic behavior.


reveal the nature of the relationship towards a person by employees of the storage room and house management;

work with the epigraph for the lesson, connecting it with the main theme of the work.

Teaching methods and techniques: the teacher’s word, working with a portrait, commented reading of the story, definition of the concepts of “humor”, “satire”, analysis of artistic details and episodes of the story, questions from the teacher and students, answers and reasoning from students.

Means of education: portrait of Zoshchenko M. M., epigraph to the lesson.

Lesson time plan:

Organizing time(1 min.)

teacher's story about the writer's biography (7 min.)

reading L. Utesov’s memoirs about M. M. Zoshchenko (3 min.)

working with a portrait of a writer (4 min.)

reading the story “Galosh” (6 min.)

vocabulary work (4 min.)

determining the character of the main character (3 min.)

compilation comparative characteristics the concepts of “humor” and “satire” and its reflection in the table (4 min.)

reading analysis (7 min.)

work with an epigraph for the lesson (3 min.)

final word from the teacher (2 min.)

setting homework (1 min.)

During the classes:

Teacher: Hello guys, sit down.

Today in class we will get acquainted with the work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko. Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of our lesson “M. M. Zoshchenko. The story "Galosh". The epigraph to the lesson is the words of Zoshchenko himself: For almost twenty years, adults believed that I wrote for their amusement. But I never wrote for fun.

To understand the meaning of these words, you need to turn to the works of the writer and his biography.

Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in 1895 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a poor artist Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko and Elena Osipovna Surina. There were eight children in their family. Even as a high school student, Mikhail dreamed of writing. For failure to pay fees, he was expelled from the university. He worked as a train controller, participated in the events of the February Revolution, October revolution. He volunteered for the Red Army. After demobilization, he worked as a criminal investigation agent in Petrograd, as a rabbit breeding instructor at the Mankovo ​​state farm in Smolensk province, as a policeman in Ligov, and again in the capital as a shoemaker, clerk, and assistant accountant at the Petrograd trade “New Holland.” Here is a list of who Zoshchenko was and what he did, where life threw him before he sat down at the writing table. Began publishing in 1922. In the 1920s–1930s, Zoshchenko’s books were published and reprinted in huge numbers, the writer traveled around the country to give speeches, and his success was incredible. In 1944–1946 he worked a lot for theaters. In subsequent years, he was engaged in translation activities. Last years The writer spent his life at the dacha in Sestroretsk. In the spring of 1958, he began to feel worse; his speech became more difficult, and he stopped recognizing those around him.

On July 22, 1958, Zoshchenko died of acute heart failure. Zoshchenko was buried in Sestroretsk. According to an eyewitness, in real life the gloomy Zoshchenko smiled in his coffin.

Now let's turn to the memoirs of Leonid Utesov (page 22 of the textbook).

1 student: He was short, with a very slender figure. And his face... His face, in my opinion, was extraordinary.

Dark-skinned, dark-haired, it seemed to me that he looked somewhat like an Indian. His eyes were sad, with highly raised eyebrows.

I have met many humorous writers, but I must say that few of them were funny.

Teacher: In the textbook we are given a portrait of Mikhail Zoshchenko and we can be convinced of the veracity of L. Utesov’s words.

What kind of person looks at us from the portrait?

2nd student: A thoughtful, serious man is looking at us.

Teacher: Look, guys, what a paradox it turns out to be: on the one hand, he is a humorist writer, whose stories are sometimes uncontrollably funny to read.

On the other hand, we see a person who looks at people attentively and compassionately. Zoshchenko doesn’t laugh with us at all. His face is thoughtful.

What is he thinking about? We can understand this by reading his works.

We turn to the story "Galosh". (Read by students. The scene “In the storage room and in the house management” is read by role.)

While reading, did you come across words that made it difficult to understand the meaning of the work?

1 student: Yes. Red tape, bureaucracy.

2nd student: Bureaucrat, Arkharovite, office.

Teacher: Arkharovets is a mischief maker, a brawler.

An office is a subdivision of an organization or under an official that is in charge of office work, official correspondence, paperwork, and in a narrower sense, the name of a number of government agencies.

Bureaucrat - 1) a high-ranking official; 2) a person committed to bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy is the excessive complication of office procedures, leading to a lot of time.

Red tape is an unfair delay in a case or the resolution of any issue, as well as the slow progress of a case, complicated by the completion of minor formalities and unnecessary correspondence.

Teacher: Who is the main character in the story?

1 student: The narrator himself.

Teacher: How do you imagine it?

2nd student: Distracted, confused, funny.

Teacher: Why are we laughing at this man?

1 student: In pursuit of the first galosh, he lost the second, but still rejoices.

2nd student: He spends a long time looking for an old galosh, although he could buy a new pair.

Teacher: The author laughs at the hero, but not as carefree and cheerfully as, for example, A. did. P. Chekhov. This is satirical laughter. In order to understand the difference between humor and satire, let’s draw a small plate.



Teacher: Let's think, should we call this story humorous or satirical?

1 student: Satirical, because the author ridicules the vices of society (bureaucracy).

Teacher: Can we say that the speech of the characters also reflects the satirical mood of the author? (Yes we can.)

Let's look at the beginning of the story. What's special about it?

2nd student: It begins with the introductory word “of course.”

Teacher: Nothing has been said yet, but of course it has already been said. The word “of course,” in its meaning, should sum up what has been said, but it anticipates the situation and gives it a certain comic effect.

At the same time, the unusual introductory word at the beginning of the story emphasizes the degree of ordinaryness of what is being reported - it is common to lose a galosh on a tram, this can happen to anyone.

The word “of course” is not the only word in the story.

Find introductory words in the text.

1 student: Maybe I'm watching.

2nd student: I think, they say.

Teacher: A large number of introductory words and short introductory sentences is another feature of M. Zoshchenko’s stories. (Students write in notebooks).

Guys, in a fairy tale, the narrator is a person with a special character and way of speaking. The author is imbued with the peculiarities of this person’s speech so that the reader has no doubts about the truth of the fictional narrator. (Students write in notebooks).

Teacher: Is it possible to characterize heroes by their speech?

1 student: Yes, uncultured.

Teacher: Find colloquial, non-literary forms of words in the text of the story.

1 student: Theirs, from the tram depot.

2nd student: That is, I was terribly happy, let it go, business.

Teacher: Yes, Zoshchenko’s characters often speak incorrectly and sometimes use rude language. Didn't the writer know good words?

1 student: Knew.

Teacher: And again you are right. This is another literary device - reduced, incorrect speech - causing us to laugh at ignorance and lack of culture. Zoshchenko explained: “They usually think that I distort the “beautiful Russian language”, that for the sake of laughter I take words in a meaning that is not given to them in life, that I deliberately write in broken language in order to make the most respectable audience laugh.

This is not true. I distort almost nothing. I write in the language that the street now speaks and thinks”...

Pay attention to the uniqueness of the phrase. What sentences, simple or complex, does M. Zoshchenko use?

2nd student: Simple.

Teacher: “I write very concisely. My sentence is short... Maybe that’s why I have a lot of readers.” (M. Zoshchenko)

Guys, why is the story called “Galosha”?

1 student: She is one of the " characters».

Teacher: If they are looking for her, then she must be new, beautiful?

2nd student: No, she's already old.

Teacher: Read her description. What do we see?

A technique characteristic only of Zoshchenko’s stories, which the writer Sergei Antonov calls “reverse”. (Students write in notebooks).

So why was this story written?

Teacher: Guys, I want to draw your attention to the epigraph for today's lesson.

“For almost 20 years, adults thought I wrote for their amusement. But I never wrote for fun.”

But if not for fun, then why did M. M. Zoshchenko write his stories?

1 student: In order to show the evils of society. He wants us to notice them, not to admire them, like the hero of the story.

Teacher: Yes guys, you are right. We can write down the conclusion: The hero is an everyman; he is pathetic in his affection for the indifference of his responsible comrades to the person. The objects of satire are red tape and bureaucracy, which have not become obsolete today.

Thanks for your work in class.

The material contains a detailed development of a literature lesson in the 6th grade on the topic “Features of M.M. Zoshchenko’s story “Galosh” (according to the program of T.F. Kurdyumova). This is a lesson in studying new material, including the following methodological techniques :

  1. teacher's introductory speech;
  2. reading a work;
  3. finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words;
  4. raising problematic issues;
  5. conversations with students;
  6. student research work;
  7. appeal to moral concepts.



Lesson topic : “Features of the story by M. M. Zoshchenko “Galosh”

Lesson type : learning new material

Lesson type : a lesson in the analysis of a literary work, including the following methodological techniques:

  1. teacher's introductory speech;
  2. reading a work;
  3. finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words;
  4. raising problematic issues;
  5. conversations with students;
  6. student research work;
  7. appeal to moral concepts.

Lesson objectives:


  1. create conditions for getting to know the personality of M.M. Zoshchenko;
  2. help schoolchildren to see the writer’s skill in creating a satirical story;
  3. introduce some features of the writer’s method (features of genre, speech, composition)


  1. continue work on developing the ability to analyze and compare works of art different authors;
  2. repeat the definition of the concepts “story”, “tale”, “humor”, “composition”.


  1. continue the formation of personal qualities such as activity, independence;
  2. teach to see the beauty, accuracy of the writer’s word, author's attitude to red tape and bureaucracy.

Equipment and visuals for the lesson:

  1. portrait of M. M. Zoshchenko;
  2. exhibition of the writer's books
  3. text of the work
  4. signs with basic concepts
  5. explanatory dictionary by S. I. Ozhegov
  6. written on the board problematic issue“How do the stories of M. M. Zoshchenko differ from the stories of A. P. Chekhov?” and epigraph to the lesson:

“For almost 20 years, adults thought I wrote for their amusement. But I never wrote for fun.” M. M. Zoshchenko


  1. V. Akimov “Mikhail Zoshchenko and his books // Zoshchenko M. Favorites.” L., 1984
  2. V. P. Polukhina “Methodological recommendations for the educational anthology “Literature 6th grade” - M.; Enlightenment, 1992.
  3. A. N. Starkov “Mikhail Zoshchenko: The Fate of an Artist.” –M.: Soviet writer, 1990.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson

  1. Individual messages about the biography of M. M. Zoshchenko;
  2. From L. Utesov’s memoirs about Zoshchenko, write down quotes in your notebook that characterize the writer as a person.

During the classes

Teacher :

Guys, today we have another lesson - getting to know a wonderful writer. This time we will talk about M. M. Zoshchenko,

  1. Let's get acquainted with the work of this unusually talented writer;
  2. let's read his story;
  3. Let's try to reveal the uniqueness of his works.

(recording of lesson topic)

Lesson motivation

Teacher :

The work of M. Zoshchenko is a unique phenomenon in Russian literature.

Once, even before the revolution, something happened to him. strange story. Imagine: Night. A stuffy provincial hotel room. Young officers, stupefied by boredom, learn that a famous hypnotist and predictor of the future is staying next door, and go to him in search of at least some kind of entertainment. A man with sharp features is indignant and drives everyone out of the room. The atmosphere is heating up. Suddenly the black eyes of the hypnotist focused on him, Zoshchenko.

“I won’t do anything for you, gentlemen. I am outraged by your behavior, and you will now leave this room... But I am an artist, and among you there is a person who interested me, and I will say a few words to him.”

He walked up to Zoshchenko with long strides and, placing a heavy hand on his shoulder, said, looking into his face: “You, young man, have remarkable abilities in the field of art. Don't give up on them. Soon you will become famous throughout Russia.”

Years passed, and indeed, M. M. Zoshchenko’s lot fell into fame, rare for the literary profession. It only took him 3-4 years of work to one day suddenly feel famous not only in literary circles, but also among readers. Magazines disputed the right to print his new stories. His books, one ahead of the other, were published and republished by almost all publishing houses, and once on the counter, they were sold out with lightning speed. Zoshchenko was read from all the stages to the enthusiastic laughter of the public...

V. Mayakovsky, so picky and stingy in his praise, called M. Zoshchenko “a great, qualified and most popular writer.” A. S. Yesenin wrote back in 1922 that “there is something from Chekhov and Gogol in him” and “the future of this writer is very enormous.”


Let's get to know M. Zoshchenko better. Let's see how his life developed before he sat down at the writing table.

(student's story about his life)

? Guys, you already know the name M. M. Zoshchenko. Which works of his have we already read?

(“Golden Words”, “Great Travellers”).

? What is a story?

? What are funnier stories called that make you laugh?


What is humor?

? Whose humorous stories have we already studied this year?

(A.P. Chekhova)

At home you read the memoirs of M. M. Zoshchenko by his contemporary L. O. Utesov.

? How did the writer appear to you in these memoirs?

(the abstracts from the textbook article are read out).

Explanation of new material

Guys, take a look at the portrait of the writer.

? What kind of person looks at us from the portrait?

(thoughtful, serious).


Look, guys, what a paradox it turns out to be: on the one hand, he is a humorist writer, whose stories are sometimes uncontrollably funny to read.

On the other hand, we see a person who looks at people carefully and compassionately. Zoshchenko doesn’t laugh with us at all. His face is thoughtful.

What is he thinking about? We can understand this by reading his works.

Now sit down comfortably. You are going to listen to M. Zoshchenko’s story “Galoshes”.

You must listen very carefully so that after reading you can answer the question.

? Is M. Zoshchenko’s story “Galosh” similar to the previously studied humorous stories of A.P. Chekhov? If similar, then in what way?

(the teacher reads Zoshchenko’s story “Galoshes”. Then the students’ answers).

  1. A humorous story, small in volume (the corresponding table is posted on the board).
  2. A simple, extremely short title.
  3. Traditional composition: beginning - climax - denouement (the galoshes are missing - the galoshes are not given without a certificate - the galoshes are given out)
  1. An extremely short introduction.
  2. Dialogue construction of the story.


Guys, if there are so many similarities, then maybe there is a typo in the textbook, and the story was written not by Zoshchenko, but by Chekhov?

Problematic question:How does Zoshchenko's story differ from Chekhov's story?

Story Analysis

? Guys, from whom is the story being told?

(from first)

? What is the name of a work in which the narration is told from a person directly involved in the event?


But Zoshchenko’s story is not just a tale. This comic tale . It could have been mistaken for an anecdote, a small scene.

(the corresponding sign is hung on the board, students write it down in their notebooks)

In the tale, the narrator conveys not only personal impressions, but also speaks on behalf of the entire people.

Let's turn to the beginning of the story "Galoshes". Its beginning fails to attract attention.

? What's special about it?

(begins with the introductory word “of course”)


Nothing has been said yet, but Certainly has already been said. The word “of course,” in its meaning, should sum up what has been said, but it anticipates the situation and gives it a certain comic effect.

At the same time, the unusual introductory word at the beginning of the story emphasizes the degree of ordinaryness of what is being reported - it is common to lose a galosh on a tram, this can happen to anyone.

The word “of course” is not the only word in the story.

Find introductory words in the text.

(the main thing is, maybe I look, I think, they say)

A large number of introductory wordsand short introductory sentences - another feature of M. Zoshchenko’s stories.

Guys, in a fairy tale, the narrator is a person with a special character and way of speaking. The author gets into it speech features this person so that the reader does not have doubts about the truth of the fictional narrator.

(the corresponding sign is hung on the board, students write it down in their notebooks)

? Is it possible to characterize heroes by their speech?

(yes, uncultured, the speech is incorrect).

  1. Find colloquial, non-literary forms of words in the text of the story.

? Yes, Zoshchenko’s characters often speak incorrectly and sometimes use rude language. Didn't the writer know good words?



And again you are right. This is another literary device - reduced, incorrect speech - causing us to laugh at ignorance and lack of culture. Zoshchenko explained: “They usually think that I distort the “beautiful Russian language”, that for the sake of laughter I take words in a meaning that is not given to them in life, that I deliberately write in broken language in order to make the most respectable audience laugh.

This is not true. I distort almost nothing. I write in the language that the street now speaks and thinks”...

It is difficult to ignore such a feature of the story as the persistent repetition of the word “talk” - stage directions , which accompanies the statements of the characters.

  1. Pay attention to the uniqueness of the phrase. What sentences, simple or complex, does M. Zoshchenko use?


“I write very concisely. My sentence is short... Maybe that’s why I have a lot of readers.”

(M. Zoshchenko)

? Guys, why is the story called “Galosha”?

(one of the characters, because of her all the fuss)

? If they are looking for her, then she must be new, beautiful?

  1. Read her description.

What do we see?

A technique characteristic only of Zoshchenko’s stories, which the writer Sergei Antonov calls"in reverse".

(the corresponding sign is hung on the board, students write it down in their notebooks)

? How do you understand this word?


Guys, I want to draw your attention to the epigraph for today's lesson.

“For almost 20 years, adults thought I wrote for their amusement. But I never wrote for fun.”

(M. Zoshchenko)

? But if not for fun, then why did M. M. Zoshchenko write his stories?

? How did L. O. Utyosov answer this question?

? Guys, how do you think the author feels about what is happening?

  1. Confirm with lines from the text!

? Are these words familiar to you?

(working with a dictionary).

? How does a writer make fun of red tape and bureaucracy?


If a writer ridicules, exposes the negative aspects of life by depicting them in an absurd, exaggerated, caricatured form, then this is no longer humor. Because laughter can no longer be called good.

? What happens? This means that the story “Galosh” is not humorous. Which one then?

(the corresponding sign is hung on the board, students write it down in their notebooks)

Lesson summary

So, we have found out that Zoshchenko’s stories differ significantly from the stories of A.P. Chekhov. What do you think is the main distinguishing feature of Zoshchenko’s stories?



M. M. Zoshchenko was called the “king of laughter.” “And laughter is a great thing! – as N.V. Gogol asserted, “A person is afraid of nothing more than laughter... By fearing laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that “no force could hold him back from.”

And the Latin poet Jean Baptiste de Santel believed that “laughter corrects morals.” And people become kinder and more tolerant of each other.

I would like to believe that today’s lesson was not in vain for you. You have discovered something new for yourself, interesting writer, and by reading his stories, you will learn a moral lesson from them.


  1. expressive reading of M. M. Zoshchenko’s story “Galosh”;
  2. independently read the story “Meeting” and find the features of the story in it. Zoshchenko.

The day before, children receive homework read the stories “Galosh” and “Meeting”, and the lesson begins with the question: “Which writers are like the works of which and how are these stories similar?” Children remember "The Horse's Name" by Chekhov and "The Night Before Christmas" by Gogol. They, according to the students, are just as funny. Agreeing with this guess, I cite the opinion of Sergei Yesenin, who said about Zoshchenko: “There is something from Chekhov and Gogol in him.” I ask how “Galoshes” and “Meeting” differ, for example, from the story “The Horse's Name”. ... Students suggest that Zoshchenko’s laughter is not as simple-minded as that of the early Chekhov; the stories concern the shortcomings not of an individual person, but of relationships between people, the life of society.

I tell sixth-graders that such features of a literary work give it a satirical character, I provide basic theoretical information about the satire... Then I ask them to think about what qualities a writer who creates satirical works should have. At the same time, we use the facts of Zoshchenko’s biography...

The main part of the two-hour lesson is search work, the purpose of which is to establish the features of satire in the stories “Galosh” and “Meeting”. To do this, the class is divided into groups of three to five, each receiving a task.

1st task: Who is the main character in the story "Galosh"? How do you imagine it? Why are we laughing at this person?

2nd task (for artists): Three boys are preparing in advance the performance “In the storage room and in the house management.” This work does not require special decorations and can be presented in a classroom without any difficulty.

3rd task: How does the writer make fun of red tape and bureaucracy in the story “Galoshes”? Find in explanatory dictionary and write down the meanings of these words.

4th task: Card with a question about the story "Meeting".

"Literary critic A.N. Starkov wrote: “The heroes of Zoshchenko’s stories have very definite and firm views on life. Confident in the infallibility of his own views and actions, when he gets into trouble, he is perplexed and surprised every time. But at the same time, he never allows himself to be openly indignant and indignant...” Do you agree with this? Try to explain the reasons for this behavior of the characters".

5th task: Find examples of inappropriate mixing of words in the speech of the heroes of the story “Meeting” different styles which produces a comic effect.

6th task: Try to give a diagram of the composition of the story "Galosh". What events are at the heart of the story? What is its plot?

7th task: How is the story “Meeting” divided into paragraphs? What types of sentences does the author use?

8th task: Is there an author’s voice in these stories by Zoshchenko? What is the narrator's face like? What is the significance of this author's technique?

After ten to fifteen minutes we begin discussing completed tasks. Groups 3, 5 and 6 make appropriate notes on the board, the teacher summarizes the students’ answers, indicates what conclusions and new words need to be written down in their notebooks.

I tell sixth-graders that most often the hero of Zoshchenko’s stories becomes the “average” person, the so-called layman. I explain the peculiarities of the meaning of this word in different historical eras...
After the dramatization, students receive a visual understanding of the meaning of the words “red tape” and “bureaucracy.” ... The guys note that even today there are plenty of such phenomena in life, they are written about in the press, reported on radio and television, and told by elders at home. All this testifies to the relevance of Zoshchenko’s stories...

Zoshchenko used fantastic form(it is already familiar to sixth graders from the works of N. Leskov and P. Bazhov). He said: “I distort almost nothing. I write in the language that the street now speaks and thinks.” And the guys found in the speech of the heroes vocabulary of different layers: clerical stamps, words of high style... The writer himself called his style “chopped”. The guys should write down the signs of this style: fractional division into small paragraphs; short, usually declarative sentences. Then consider the examples from the text that the 7th group selected.

The composition of the story is familiar to children from speech development lessons. The plot, the development of the action, the climax, the denouement - they find these elements of composition in the story "Galosh". The peculiarity of Zoshchenko’s stories is that the development of the plot is often slow, the actions of the characters are devoid of dynamism...

After the performance of the last group, students will note in their notebooks another feature of Zoshchenko’s stories. All events are shown from the point of view of the narrator; he is not only a witness, but also a participant in the events. This achieves the effect of greater authenticity of events; such a narration allows one to convey the language and character of the hero, even if the person’s true face contradicts who he presents himself to be, as in the story “Meeting.”

Summing up the results of two lessons on Zoshchenko, schoolchildren name the group that coped with the task best, note the main thing achieved after the collective study of Zoshchenko’s stories: new words and literary terms, features of the writer’s creative handwriting, the connection between literary works(Leskov, Chekhov, Zoshchenko)...

Of course, it’s not difficult to lose a galosh on a tram. Especially if they push you from the side, and from behind some Arkharovite steps on your backdrop - that’s why you don’t have galoshes.

Losing a galosh is nothing at all.

They took my galoshes off in no time. You could say I didn’t have time to gasp.

I got on the tram - both galoshes were in place, as I remember now. I also touched it with my hand when I climbed in - was it there?

And I got off the tram - I looked: one galosh is here, how cute, but the other is missing. The boot is here. And the sock, I see, is here. And the underpants are in place. But there are no galoshes.

But, of course, you can’t run after the tram.

He took off the rest of his galoshes, wrapped them in newspaper and went like that. “After work,” I think, “I’ll go looking for him. Don't let the goods go to waste. I’ll dig it up somewhere.”

After work I went looking. First of all, I consulted with an acquaintance of a carriage driver.

That's exactly how he reassured me.

“Tell me,” he says, “thank you for losing me on the tram.” In another public place, I can’t guarantee, but getting lost on a tram is a sacred thing. We have such a camera for lost things. Come and take it. Holy cause!

“Well,” I say, “thank you.” Straight up, a load off your shoulders. The main thing is that the galoshes are almost brand new. I'm only wearing it for the third season.

The next day I went to the cell.

“Is it possible,” I say, “brothers, to get my galoshes back?” Filmed on the tram.

“It’s possible,” they say. - What kind of galoshes?

“Galoshes,” I say, “the usual kind.” Size - number twelve.

“We,” they say, “have number twelve, maybe twelve thousand.” Tell me the signs.

“Signs,” I say, “the usual ones: the back, of course, is frayed, there’s no bike inside—the bike has been worn out.”

“We have,” they say, “maybe more than a thousand such galoshes.” Are there any special signs?

“There are special signs,” I say. The sock seems to be completely torn off and is barely holding on. And the heel, I say, is almost gone. The heel came off. And the sides, I say, are okay, so far they’ve held up.

“Sit,” they say, “here.” Let's see.

Suddenly they take out my galoshes.

That is, I was terribly happy. I was really touched. “Here,” I think, “the device works nicely. And what, I think, ideological people - how much trouble they took on themselves because of one galosh.”

“Thank you,” I say, “friends for life.” Let's get her here quickly. I'll put it on now.

“No,” they say, “dear comrade, we can’t give it.” We, they say, don’t know, maybe it wasn’t you who lost.

“Yes,” I say, “I lost it.”

“Very,” they say, “probably, but we can’t give it.” Bring proof that you really lost your galosh. Let the house management certify this fact, and then we will issue it without unnecessary red tape.

“Brothers,” I say, “holy comrades, but in the house they don’t know about this fact.” Maybe they won't give such paper.

“They will,” they say, “it’s their business to give.”

I looked at the galoshes again and went out.

The next day I went to the chairman.

“Come on,” I say, “the paper.” The galosh is dying.

“Is that right,” he says, “lost it?” Or are you twisting it?

“By God,” I say, “I lost it.”

“Write,” he says, “a statement.”

I wrote a statement. The next day I received my official ID.

I went to the cell with this ID. And without hassle, without red tape, they give me a galosh.

Only when I put the galoshes on my foot did I feel complete tenderness. “Here,” I think, “the device is working! Yes, in some backward country, would they bother with my galoshes for so much time? Yes, they would throw her off the tram - that’s all there is to it. And then I didn’t bother for a week, they give me back. This is the device!

One thing is annoying: this week, during the troubles, I lost my first galosh. I carried it under my arm all the time in a bag - and I don’t remember where I left it. The main thing is that it’s not on the tram. It's a shame that it's not on the tram. Well, where to look for it?

But, on the other hand, I have a different galosh. I put it on the chest of drawers. Another time it becomes boring - you look at the galoshes - and somehow your soul becomes light and harmless. “Here,” I think, “is the device!”

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Mikhail Zoshchenko is a great humorist whose stories amaze with rich, folk language and unique humor. Zoshchenko's characters are funny, but at the same time they evoke sympathy and pity.
The story "Galosh" begins unusually - with the introductory word "of course." Introductory words express the speaker's attitude to what is being communicated. But, in fact, nothing has been said yet, but of course it has already been said. The word “of course,” in its meaning, should sum up what has been said, but it anticipates the situation and gives it a certain comic effect. At the same time, the unusual introductory word at the beginning of the story emphasizes the degree of ordinaryness of what is being reported - “it’s not difficult to lose a galosh on a tram.”
In the text of the story you can find a large number of introductory words (of course, the main thing is maybe) and short introductory sentences (I look, I think, they say, imagine). The syntactic structure of the sentence that begins the story is consistent with the sentence in the middle of the story: “That is, I was terribly happy.” The comic subtext of this sentence, which begins a paragraph, is ensured by the use of an explanatory conjunction, that is, which is used to attach members of a sentence that explain the thought expressed, and which is not used at the beginning of a sentence, especially a paragraph. The story is characterized by the unusualness of the writer's narrative style. Its peculiarity is also that Zoshchenko narrates the story not on his own behalf, not on behalf of the author, but on behalf of some fictitious person. And the author persistently emphasized this: “Due to past misunderstandings, the writer informs criticism that the person from whom these stories are written is, so to speak, an imaginary person. This is the average intelligent type who happened to live at the turn of two eras.” And he is imbued with the peculiarities of this person’s speech, skillfully maintaining the accepted tone so that the reader does not have doubts about the truth of the fictional narrator. A characteristic feature of Zoshchenko’s stories is a technique that the writer Sergei Antonov calls “reverse”.
In the story “Galosh” you can find an example of “reverse” (a kind of negative gradation) a lost galosh is first characterized as “ordinary”, “number twelve”, then new signs appear (“the back, of course, is frayed, there is no bike inside, the bike was worn out” ) , and then “special signs” (“the toe seemed to be completely torn off, it was barely holding on. And the heel... was almost gone. The heel was worn off. And the sides... still nothing, nothing, they were holding on"). And here is such a galosh, which, according to “special characteristics,” was found in the “cell” among “thousands” of galoshes, and also a fictional narrator! The comic nature of the situation in which the hero finds himself is ensured by the conscious purposefulness of the technique. In the story, words of different stylistic and semantic connotations unexpectedly collide (“the rest of the galoshes”, “terribly happy”, “lost the rightful one”, “the galoshes are dying”, “they are giving them back”), and phraseological units are often used (“in no time”, “ I didn’t have time to gasp”, “a weight off my shoulders”, “thank you to the death of my life”, etc.) the intensifying particle is deliberately repeated directly (“just nothing”, “just reassured”, “just touched”), which give the story a living character colloquial speech. It is difficult to ignore such a feature of the story as the persistent repetition of the word speak, which serves as a stage direction that accompanies the statements of the characters. In the story
“Galosh” has a lot of jokes, and therefore we can talk about it as a humorous story. But there is a lot of truth in Zoshchenko’s story, which allows us to evaluate his story as satirical. Bureaucracy and red tape - this is what Zoshchenko mercilessly ridicules in his small-sized but very capacious story.