How it works: The work of the men's project "Sparta" in Vladivostok. How it works: The work of the men's project "Sparta" in Vladivostok What does "Sparta" mean to you? What does it give you

Many people have probably come across various “trainings” in one way or another in their lives: they promise citizens to provide “personal growth”, motivate them to “become richer” and supposedly increase self-esteem. However, in most cases, such organizations tend to only create new problems. One of these dubious companies, Sparta, has its own branch in Ulyanovsk. “Sparta” is a widely known project in the media space. Federal television channels, such as NTV and REN-TV, also made reports about him, and well-known bloggers made revealing videos (“Nemagia”, Mikhail Lidin). The Rupor73 correspondent looked into why one of the many organizations selling regular “trainings” attracted so much attention.

On the official website of the organization,, the creators of “Sparta” proudly call themselves “male community No. 1.” There they also talk about charity events, their many alumni and much more. In fact, the “Spartans” conduct various trainings, usually lasting about three days. During these three days, they promise to help their followers overcome all weaknesses, reveal the resources of their body, show how to overcome the fear of fighting and much more.

About money

There is no public information about the cost of such a three-day course, but on the Internet they quote figures from 18,000 to 25,000 rubles. The amount, even by the standards of residents of large cities, is not at all small. However, the company’s official website reports that even in Ulyanovsk more than 70 people became involved in this case. It also states that there are about 15,000 such people in Russia.

Scandalous reputation

A REN-TV report spoke about why citizens are asked to shell out that kind of money and how they become a “real man” in three days. Journalists met one of the Sparta graduates who suffered a brain injury and is now having difficulty recovering after “effective training.” There they also introduced the audience to the mother of the deceased Ilya Lunin. A 19-year-old boy died after training at Sparta due to kidney failure.

Famous blogger Mikhail Lidin conducted his own investigation about Sparta. He reveals in detail many aspects: why, in his opinion, this very “Sparta” was formed, what specialists work there, etc.

Well-known YouTubers from Nemagia openly mocked the head coach from Sparta Anton “Razor” Rudanov. In their review, they told how Anton started and how, in their opinion, he came to the idea of ​​creating his own organization.

In conclusion

An interesting detail: on the official website of “Sparta” in the reviews section, a certain Ivan Gusev is listed as a resident of Ulyanovsk.

And on another page, apparently also belonging to this organization, the same Ivan Gusev is listed as a Ufa resident.

This, of course, does not mean anything and cannot serve as a reason for any proceedings. After all, we all truly believe in the honesty of organizations that offer “personal growth” in three days, don’t we?

Mikhail Stasov

1. Let me start with the fact that in mid-2014 I stopped developing and planned to end my sports career and become a mere mortal. Quite by accident I came across Anton Razor’s page and, having found lessons in courage, went through them. Everything fell into place, and I again became the Champion of Russia.
2. Again, quite by accident, I wandered onto Anton Razor’s page in the spring of 2015 and saw that Development Marathon 1 had started under his leadership. At first I didn’t take this event so seriously and only then I realized how deep the meaning was embedded in it free training.
I didn’t have enough arrogance and courage to get into the top five and get an individual consultation from Razor. But the conclusions made during the training allowed me to become the Champion of Russia again, and everything was decided in just 3 seconds.
3. I started to relax again. And, lo and behold! Development Marathon 2 is being organized in the fall of 2015. Here I already worked at 200% and used all my abilities and capabilities. I won this marathon. That experience brought me to the next stage of evolution.
4. Spring 2016. The winter season dried me out completely, autumn came, where my main desire was to get some sleep. And then they call me and ask me to help organize development marathon 3. Damn, to be honest, I would have taken on that task, knowing what would fall on me, if I didn’t feel obligated to receive the knowledge for free. I decided to work it out. The first days I slept 3-4 hours so that everything was at the level. The ass was full. As luck would have it, a lot of things have piled up. But I took it all as a test. As soon as I realized that I would finish what I started no matter what, because I understood that without me everything would collapse, it became easier. Last days I got 5-7 hours of sleep.
As a result, this development marathon turned out to be better than the previous two. Then bonuses fell on me straight from the sky, which took a very long time to write about, so I won’t inflate an already large post.
5. As a bonus for my work, I was given the opportunity to participate in the “Battle for Goals” training. It is extremely difficult to talk about the productivity of this training; it must be done personally. As a result, in some strange way I won it and received another reward - Trekking to Elbrus. But the prize itself was not the main thing for me. The training I completed helped me establish family life in such a way that she became much better than all 6 years before the training. In addition, I significantly increased my level as a trainer to such a level that I was able to train 15 people at once and more than 90% of them had very decent results.
If I hadn’t gotten to Anton Razor’s page in time, a salary of 30,000 rubles and an uninteresting life would have awaited me. And so, for the last 6 months my income has become more than 200,000 rubles per month, with all the ensuing consequences, and I am not going to stop there.
P.S. The result of working with Anton depends on how much you invest in the process. If you invest 10%, then the result will be appropriate. And if you invest at least 100%, the result of your work will be tangible.

If a person does not have inner strength, he will always serve someone else's life without having his own. If he has not found the resource to move forward, he will forever remain behind. Only a strong man is capable of truly living and seeing all the beauty of the world: only he is able to look the truth in the eyes and find his true self. Without this understanding, he will not be able to overcome all difficulties, and without overcoming his own fear, his movement along the path will be like tormenting a mouse in a cage with a boa constrictor.

When I heard this, I wanted to prove that I am not a mouse, I can do anything and am capable of anything.
And since the Sparta Project loudly aims to educate real men, and we love to understand loud statements, I decided to find out how the Spartans are “made” in the project. Let me note right away: this whole adventure is not a sport or an applied system, it is the lifestyle of a real man, readiness for a real fight, as well as facts and skills without “naked” theory. But first things first...


Sparta is designed specifically for men and is aimed at building self-confidence and liberation from internal barriers. Here the barriers of fear are broken, participants acquire the skills to use their own resources to achieve personal goals. Sparta helps men to be desirable in the eyes of women and become an example for others.
The project declares itself as new life for a man who wants to become stronger, change himself and the people around him.

Head coach of the Sparta project – Anton Britva (pictured above).
I will probably skip the comments on the topic of first and last names, and I will do so with good reason:

  • Conducted more than 140 training programs in Russia and the CIS.
  • Author and developer of unique educational adaptation programs in the field of extreme situations.
  • The best specialist in Russia in the field of self-discipline.

Anton Razor is the embodiment of responsibility, masculinity, determination, and his words (as well as his actions) make you, if not think about yourself, then at least respect him - from the first visit:
“From childhood, I realized that in this world it is important to be a real man, to be responsible for your words and actions. A man cannot emerge victorious in this life if he is not ready to look at his real self, to face his fears and complexes.
We can really achieve something only if we understand that we and only we are responsible for 100% of the events in our adult lives. Overcoming myself, my fears and weaknesses strengthened my will and helped me build harmony in my life. own life and relationships with other people"

Day one: Getting to know each other

9 am, young people I don’t yet know register, fill out forms and wait in the hall.
To make the wait go by faster, many people look at the paintings. It is clear that many are immersed in deep thoughts.
What awaits inside is still unknown...

It quickly became clear: in Sparta they don’t “limp”, and this, it should be noted, works!

Sparta - completely beyond comfort:

  • it is forbidden to sit on chairs (only in isolated cases when Razor allows)
  • It is forbidden to sit on the windowsill
  • you can't talk to each other
  • you can sit on the floor

During the first day, we perform various psychological tasks that help us get to know ourselves and the people around us, and not only from the good side.

After the first day, they gave me tasks to complete immediately, without putting them off until later, and there was no choice.

Day two: Physical training

Due to the assignment of the previous day, I hardly slept.
Everyone gathered in the hall at 8:30.

The warm-up began on the large tatami: it became clear that it would be very difficult. They ran, crawled, did somersaults, walked at a goose pace - all without stopping, non-stop. They make it clear that push-ups with fists are commonplace.

They work with you in a harsh manner, constantly repeating: “This is not a sanatorium.”

While completing tasks, thoughts very often arose: I can’t stand it any longer, thank you, my limit has been reached.
Oh, how wrong I was...

In Sparta, you can’t help but give your all or just quit while performing a task.
All you can do is not listen to yourself (the inner voice regrets, saying “I can’t do it anymore”) - and continue the exercise.

You can't do anything without permission.
The greatest luxury for me was water, and my love for it during Sparta grew many times, ten times!

On the second day, you overcome the fear of fighting and getting hit in the face: the fight club definitely helps with this, where, against the backdrop of a general strict regime, all its participants become “close” to you: first they fight, then they help you get up.

At the end of the second day, we receive the next tasks.

We do it: a crowd of rumpled guys, we stand on the street, sing children's songs and collect money for the Orphanage. After 4 hours, 67,000 rubles were collected. They realized that nothing was impossible - that is, they completed the task.

Day Three: Continued

Rybatskoye metro station, 8:30 am.

Again we slept very little.
We have to jump from a height of 25-30 meters! Since I was afraid (now - in the past tense) of heights, for me this was overcoming yet another fear. Jumped second. Honestly, I was afraid, but I still jumped and overcame it!

Conclusion. Conclusion.

During the training, a lot happened inside, I began to look at many things differently.
Nothing is impossible, there is only fear and the inner “weak”, which now sits huddled in the corner.

Together with me, the training was completed by people completely different in essence, age (18-47 years), social status, region of residence and level of physical fitness of the man.
But everyone was united by the desire to change, work on themselves and become better. I am sure each of us succeeded.

In just 3 days, I finally understood - not for others, but for myself - you can’t stop, you only need to go forward! My motive for action finally became personal, and this, I believe, is the main lesson of my Sparta.

P.S.: Special thanks to:
the organizers of the project - Anton Britva, Ed, Dmitry Vishnyakov, Shultz, as well as everyone who went through this Sparta with me.

Alexey Razuvaev is the organizer of the Sparta men's project in Vladivostok, a businessman, the head of a literary club and the organizer of charity projects. A person who clearly sees his goals and confidently moves towards them. Alexey knows the path that will lead an ordinary man to the peak of his capabilities, and today he will share this knowledge with our magazine.

Tell us in a nutshell what Sparta is? What projects exist within the framework of Sparta?

"Sparta" is a community of men who unite with the common goal of changing themselves in better side and change this world. The first step to “Sparta” is a three-day intensive for men, which from beginning to end is filled with high-quality, proven techniques that ultimately produce results. Today, Sparta is the largest men's community. More than 16 thousand people attended this training in the CIS countries.

The community has acquired various clubs: a literary club, an oratory club, a running club, a fight club. This is a series of events, clubs, and various social projects that Sparta graduates are involved in.

After completing the training, people receive a very large charge of energy, which needs to be put somewhere, applied, used. Due to this, different clubs are born. They are initiated by the participants themselves, that is, they are not tied to anything, they do not oblige anyone, people just have such a desire, a personal desire to do something. For the good of society, and not just for yourself.

How and when did you start your journey as a Spartan?

In 2015 I completed Sparta. This was almost 2 years ago. I had a period in my life when I couldn’t decide on some things, and there were business losses. Then, somewhere on the Internet, this course for men caught my eye. I decided to go through with it. I set certain goals for passing Sparta: personal, financial, health, some achievements, discipline. And I was right. Everything was exactly as I expected.

Why did you stay at Sparta and become the organizer of this project in Vladivostok?

After completing the training, I was faced with a choice: either part with the project, interacting at a minimum, or immerse myself completely, participate in some movements and events.

It turned out that I had construction experience. Because I had a construction business at that time. And we took on one charity project to improve the wall orphanage No. 2 on Sabaneeva Street 24. Since I was a builder, I headed this project. Since then, about once every six months we do large charity projects: for orphanages or some kind of sports events. We conducted a marathon, workout training, organized mountain hikes, and walking on coals.

After we implemented one public project, the question arose about recruiting another stream of “Sparta”. Since there weren’t very many people at that time who wanted to become a captain of captains, to take responsibility, to prepare to lead a captain’s room, to recruit people, I took on this responsibility. In order to improve your leadership skills and responsibility. I succeeded to a greater extent.

What is your personal attitude to the ideas of “Sparta”?

I fully share the ideas of Sparta, the principles that are professed there, honesty, responsibility, maximum contribution. And I wish every guy would go through this path. It's like an army. This, in my opinion, is a necessary condition. I haven't met anyone to whom I wouldn't recommend this. There is something for everyone there.

Even if a person is very successful, he can simply get 3 days of quest, emotions, drive, he won’t be bored there anyway. And he will take away something very valuable for himself.

What does Sparta mean to you? What does this give you?

It gives me a very powerful energy charge. These movements are very funny. It became a part of my life. This is interesting leisure time. These are my friends with whom we spend time. If it weren’t for Sparta, I would somehow spend this time with someone else. But many of my friends drink alcohol and tobacco. None of the Spartans, with rare exceptions, lead such a lifestyle. Alcohol and tobacco are not welcome there.

Some sports activities are welcome there. We go to the mountains together. We go jogging together. We took part in the Race of Heroes, in Paint Holi, in marathons, half marathons, in the horizontal bar day, and in the horizontal bar party. We try to participate everywhere. If there is some major event, then the Spartans are sure to be present there. Among us there are professional athletes, some are fitness instructors, some are experienced athletes. Usually we always take some prize places.

Last year, 2015, I became the champion of the Far East in knife fighting. I've been working towards this for 8 years. But, having completed Sparta and gained some skills there, I was able to win in the final battle, precisely thanks to these skills, and take first place. The people who came, the Spartans, my friends, were rooting for me. There was no way to lose there.

What did you realize and understand for yourself after going through your Sparta? What has changed dramatically in your life after this training?

First of all, I stopped stressing over little things. In “Sparta” there are several exercises, team and personal tasks, which are given by the coach individually, to work out some problems of the participants. I had several problems, you might say, in business, which I considered problems. But the exercises we do there make it clear that this is not a problem at all. A temporary difficulty that is not worth paying attention to at all. It’s worth taking concrete steps to eliminate it, but it’s not worth worrying about it at all. There are a lot of happier, positive things to pay attention to.

Yes, a lot of things have changed for me. I changed my business. I broke up with my partner, with whom we had been running a joint construction business for 5 years. There have been very good changes regarding discipline. Before Sparta, I ran a maximum of 3 km. Of course, I always played sports. I did KUDO, knife fighting, horizontal bars, parallel bars, but somehow it wasn’t all very professional. After Sparta I took up running. Now I run half marathons.

I went through a period where I was running two half marathons a week. This period lasted three months. The half marathon is 21.1 km, for reference. I had such a desire to pull people along this particular route. There were 4 people running with me who had never run a half marathon before. That is, I got four people involved, and they did it. They were very grateful to me. True, they swore for a long time afterwards, because everything hurt. But they are all alive and well, and after that they did not stop communicating with me.

In my opinion, the Spartans are very close to the ideal of a real man. Who do you think is a real man?

A real man, in my opinion, is a person who is able to take responsibility not only for himself, but also for the people who are in his immediate environment with him. This is a leader who leads himself and his family into a bright future, holding his hand. At the same time, he is most likely not evil, but kind. He can stand up for himself and for others. Strives for development, and does not sit near the TV with a bottle of beer.

Why are there so few real men now? Or does it just seem that way?

In fact, in our Spartan circles there is also a lot of debate, conversation, and reflection on this matter. Yes, indeed, people somehow got a little greedy, somehow men stopped being men, they play less sports, watch more TV. They give more responsibility to women, it is not clear why. It sometimes remains a mystery to me why they do this. And where did they all hide? Yes, there is such a problem, to be honest. Not everyone can take responsibility.

Does this project include dating?

Yes, we are currently working on a project called Sparta-dating. We will have this in Vladivostok in the near future. I think by spring next year.

Tatyana Anokhina

The Sparta PRO training was a kind of reboot for me. I already knew about the Sparta project and its effectiveness, so I went to Sparta PRO, because not only male Spartans take part there, but also girls. In addition, I wanted to be in the circle of “real” men who could stand up for themselves, protect their girlfriend, and save the world.
At that time I was going through a personal and family crisis, and at Sparta PRO I had the opportunity to relax and be alone with myself. Various practices, tasks and exercises helped me look at my life from different angles. I met different interesting people I still communicate with many of them. In addition, I received an incredible charge of positivity, which lasted for a long time, and a sea of ​​love and care from the participants.
A very safe space. You have to be everything!

Marie Staroverova

Not easy? not easy!
Dynamically? Very!
Is it worth it? Definitely!
Every day I wake up with ideas on how to help people open the boundaries of this world and change their lives through knowledge of language. And this is just one small detail from life that has happened to me since completing Sparta Pro.
Now I understand the main thing - you don’t know where your limits are, you don’t know what you’re capable of. And in most cases, you won't leave your comfort zone alone. This is how this life works.
Now I understand that I need space to grow. I need people around me with the same sparkle in their eyes as I have. I need a way to capture the best in me.
Sparta Pro became this space, these people, this method for me. And I’m ready to repeat this experience again and discover new facets of myself.

Alexey Odinokov

I've been to Sparta PRO twice. And both times were completely different. The first time it was about myself. About self-acceptance and about my relationships with the world around me, with the people around me. There I rethought and clearly felt what it means to invest in people through love. I understood how to become broader through self-love, accept other people, see their uniqueness, appreciate my actions, no matter what role I play in a given situation. After this Sparta, I began to relate to myself more easily, I accepted a lot about myself and those around me. And he accepted it with joy, as a gift. This prepared me to deal with a very important personal situation for me. I went through a rather painful breakup with my beloved wife. And it was important for me to feel how to move on. It was at Sparta PRO that I realized that I was much stronger than all the prejudices, pain and resentment that I had once experienced in a relationship. I let go of everything unpleasant from the past and took from there only what made me stronger.

It so happened that over time my ex-wife started talking again. And to understand whether there is something more behind our communication than just a strange connection between exes. We went to Sparta PRO together. And this ABM for me was completely about her and me. Only thanks to that atmosphere of absence of distractions, in an atmosphere of sincere self-observation, sincere communication with other people, it became possible to discover that our relationships are very dear to us. We both understood that we had screwed up a lot in front of each other. We were officially married and officially divorced. We both had our dreams crushed for our future. But it was at ABM that we mutually decided that we would give each other another chance. Not the kind of condescending chance to make amends to each other. And they consciously extended their weakened hands to where, it seemed, nothing worthwhile could be pulled out. We understood that it would be difficult. But we also realized - we want a real family with each other. I sincerely wanted to become the father of her children, and she the mother of mine. In fact, after the missile defense, I dropped everything and went to see her in Moscow. We started practically from scratch. Everyday difficulties, difficulties with money, time to accept us renewed and much more. But in the end, together we created what we took that risky step for. Now we are officially husband and wife again. And our long-awaited son named Efim was born. It's hard for me to put into words how happy I am with what I have. One day I really said goodbye to the dream of having children with the most beloved woman in the world. Now this is a reality for which I thank the universe every day. And of course, I thank Sparta PRO for that amazing opportunity to understand myself, without which it would have been much more difficult for us.

Victoria Cherkashina

I went to Sparta Pro with my man and then I did not have an answer to one of the main questions: “Why am I going there?” When during the training I was given the task to write why we came here, what we want to change in ourselves or in relationships with loved ones, I could not complete this task because my head was empty. Everything changed with one of the exercises, during which I clearly realized why I came here and it was an insight that completely changed my life!

First of all, I needed to let go of my independence. I was terribly afraid that if I stopped controlling everything personally, my life would collapse and turn into chaos. It was at Sparta Pro that I realized that in fact, the most important thing in my life is not control, but trust. Trust in your closest person. During one of the exercises, my man showed me that he is the person with whom I can be as if behind a stone wall. He simply said, “Give me your hand and follow me.” And when I did this, at that very moment I had incredible relief and I thought: “This is it!” I realized that I could tell him: “Take my life into your hands and lead us both.” Just being close to him and letting go of everything that worries me is one of the main insights that happened to me during the training.

I clearly realized that all my life I was constantly trying to prove to him and myself that I was so good, so independent, I earned money myself and could handle everything myself. All you had to do was trust the person, give him some chance to prove himself. After that, our relationship changed dramatically for the better. I stopped arguing and demonstrating my strength and independence; one might even say that I became a woman in a fuller and deeper sense of the word.

Sparta Pro also influenced my attitude towards work and my goals. I realized that while I am employed, by completing the tasks that are assigned to me, I am making other people’s dreams come true. I realized that sometimes I cannot achieve some important goal or dream of mine for 2-3 years, but at the same time I am ready to work for someone else for 20-30 years, because I do not take this time into account. I realized that the time had come to do what I really want right now and go towards my dreams, and not other people’s.

Now I have left my hired job and am doing my own thing next to the man I love, and my main goal has become much closer. This training helped me become who I really am, and not who I imagined for myself - so cool and independent. And now I'm much happier!

Vladislav Glukhikh

I first heard about Sparta from an acquaintance of mine, who told me that Sparta is attended by idiots who didn’t have their heads completely beaten off in childhood, but during the training they will have it done for their own money. It was harsh, but I was interested. I found a video about Sparta on YouTube and it turned out that in 2 weeks Sparta is taking place in my city! It was tough, but cool! During these three days, I went very far beyond my comfort, after which for three days I could not leave the confines of my apartment, but the course bore fruit very quickly. Thanks to Sparta, I have grown on all fronts!

About a year later I heard about Sparta Pro. Nobody knew the details, I just knew that it would be 5 days and my first thought was: “In 5 days I will die!” I didn’t go to the first stream, although I planned to. Soon enrollment began for the second stream of Sparta Pro and I couldn’t miss it. We left our 8-month-old son with his grandmother and my wife and I went to training.

The first day coincided with my birthday and the organizers did their best - the birthday cake flew into my face with such force that all 40 people who decided to congratulate me licked off the pieces))))

At Sparta Pro, I realized what works in me, what my strongest qualities are. All 5 days were as if especially for me - about values, about the desire to live, about self-realization, about love for others. I am very glad that my wife and I spent these 5 days together, it brought us very close. And one more very important point for me - Sparta Pro became “Sparta Bro” for me. There I made many friends with whom I am still friends to this day.

I would like to say a special THANK YOU to Anton Britva for his great work. Strength and faith to you, you are doing a great job!

Olga Glukhikh

My husband took the Sparta training and about a year later we found out that there is Sparta Pro - an advanced course that can be taken together. Then our baby was only 7 months old, and, first of all, I was tempted by the opportunity to spend a week in St. Petersburg alone with my beloved. We safely left the baby with his grandmother.
During this week it seemed to us that a whole month had passed - it’s difficult to get as many discoveries as we had in a year. Every day was special! The atmosphere was simply unreal - by the end of the training we all became friends, and there were about 60 of us.
A lot of time has passed since the end of the training, but realizations are still coming - I remember moments when this or that choice still affects my life in a positive sense.
During the training, I began to understand why my choice was this way. I realized that all people and circumstances meet and happen to us for a reason, and we can make the most of it all.
This training was about relationships - with yourself, with your loved one and other people around. For me, the most valuable thing was that I came with my husband and we went through this training together. We became even closer and we had so much to discuss!
The training is very strong, and if you have a family or a loved one, then you definitely need to go through it together!