Original techniques and drawing techniques. Unconventional techniques: drawing with crumpled paper Drawing with crumpled paper

Non-traditional drawing techniques for older preschoolers.

Technique of drawing with crumpled paper.

Alekseeva Anastasia Igorevna, social teacher MBDOU No. 20, Vladimir
Purpose:the drawing can be used as interior decoration. This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers, parents and children. Children's age is 5-7 years.

Target:introducing children to the technique of drawing with crumpled paper.
- Development of creative abilities in preschool children;
- Foster a caring attitude towards nature;
- Development of attention, thinking and taste;
- Education of accuracy.
Material:sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water.

Drawing with crumpled paper is a very entertaining drawing technique that gives room for imagination and freedom for little hands. Even the process of preparing for a lesson is exciting. Children can happily crush the paper lumps that will actually do the work themselves.

Stages of work:

1. Take several sheets of paper and crumple them into lumps.

2. Having first applied water to a sheet of paper, we begin to set the background.

3.Dip the lumps into plates with paint and press the lumps onto a sheet of paper, leaving imprints in the form of clouds and grass. You can draw the outlines of the desired image in advance and then print it.

Goal: to expand teachers’ knowledge about non-traditional methods of drawing, namely, drawing with crumpled paper. Objectives: - to introduce special knowledge and practical skills in the field of fine arts using non-traditional methods of drawing; - increase the level of teachers' skills.

Unconventional drawing attracts with its simplicity and accessibility, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as art materials. And the main thing is that unconventional drawing plays an important role in the overall mental development of children. After all, the main thing is not the final product - a drawing, but the development of personality: the formation of self-confidence, in one’s abilities, and purposefulness of activity. Non-traditional techniques allow you to express feelings and emotions in drawings, give the child freedom and instill confidence in their abilities. Mastering different techniques and ways of depicting objects or the world around him, the child gets the opportunity to choose.

Visual activities using non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of the child: Fine motor skills and tactile perception; Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception; Attention and perseverance; Thinking; Fine skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness; In addition, in the process of this activity, control and self-control skills are formed.

Drawing with crumpled paper The first method: crumple a sheet of paper, straighten it, draw the intended design with any colors. On the folds, the paper absorbs paint more strongly, resulting in an interesting mosaic effect. The second method: crumple a piece of paper, dip it in paint and paint using the “lure” method.

Lessons on non-traditional drawing techniques: crumpled paper, polyethylene.

Drawing in unconventional ways is a simple and fun drawing technique. This is a great opportunity to teach your child to use well-known objects as art materials.
Ease of execution allows little hands to imagine freely, instilling confidence in the child in their abilities.

Techniques for drawing with crumpled paper and a plastic bag in kindergarten and school: master class

Drawing techniqueplastic bag

1 option

  • We dilute the paint in a small saucer
  • Wrinkle a piece of polyethylene well
  • Dip in paint
  • Making an imprint on a sheet
  • Next, use a brush to complete the necessary details.

Option 2

We create an unusual, spectacular background using plastic film and watercolors:

  • We paint a sheet of paper very boldly with watercolors. If mixed various colors one tone, you get a more structured background
Apply watercolor thickly
  • We put polyethylene in paint diluted with water, make folds with our hands

Compressing the film
  • Leave the film on the sheet for about 10 minutes. Do not remove it immediately - the watercolor will spread and the effect will be lost
  • This method can be used not only for the background. Looks original: greenery of an exotic flower, crystals, veins in plant leaves

Unusual background using polyethylene

Drawing techniquecrumpled paper

As in any creative work, there are no established requirements or restrictions in this method.
Next, we will consider the main step-by-step steps. Over time, an understanding of the essence of the method will come, then rebuild it in any direction.
For example, the varied thickness of the paper material allows you to make sharp or smooth, thin or thick strokes. In your creativity you can use watercolor, gouache, ink, acrylic. And someone might want to make a natural dye from squeezed juice of fruits and berries. After all, the quality of the paint has a strong influence on the finished drawing.

Choose the method you like

Let's get started:

  1. We start by preparing the paint. Selecting the necessary tones for the future drawing
  2. Pour a small amount of water into each separate saucer
  3. Using a brush, add some watercolor. We adjust the color level using density, but leave the gouache liquid
  4. We tear any paper into shreds
  5. Roll them into balls of a convenient size
  6. We give each palette an individual piece of paper and prepare a few extra ones, just in case.
  7. Dip the lumps into a saucer with diluted paint
  8. We wait a little until the excess water goes away
  9. We apply stamps to a blank sheet of paper, forming the intended pattern.
  10. Using sliding movements we make strokes and stripes
  11. By blotting lumps onto paper we create textures
  12. Everything is simple and easy

How to draw flowers with crumpled paper?

  • First, let's crumple up the paper. This is a very entertaining process for children, and also develops fine motor skills.

Preparatory stage
  • Then we draw the branches of the flower
  • Throw thicker branches
  • Add thin branches and leaves

Forming the flower trunk
  • Dip the paper balls in the color of the selected flower
  • We form the petals, leaving marks on the paper
  • The flower is ready

Unconventional way drawing flowers

How to draw lilacs with crumpled paper?

For work we prepare:

  1. Paper - A4 format
  2. Gouache - purple, white, yellow, blue, black, green
  3. Brush - flat for sketching the background
  4. Brush - thin for drawing details
  5. Palette
  6. Crumpled soft paper

Let's start the creative process:

  • First draw the yellow background with horizontal stripes
  • Add blue lines, blur the borders of the connection
  • Drawing a vase

Sketches of a vase on the main background
  • We put flower branches in a vase

Twigs in a pot
  • Let's take it crumpled paper and dip into the purple paint diluted on the palette
  • We form lilac flowers with spots in the picture
  • Then we lighten them with white
  • Using a thin brush, make specks of white gouache in some places
  • We look through the entire drawing, if necessary, add a little more white color

The bouquet is almost ready
  • Revitalizing the bush with green leaves
  • Draw white curves on the greenery, as shown in the picture
  • A simple but beautiful bouquet is ready

Lilacs using crumpled paper

Video: Drawing with crumpled paper: lilac

How to draw a dandelion with crumpled paper?

There is nothing easier than drawing an airy flower in this way.

  • Make the background with a wide brush: the sky is blue, the grass is green
  • Painting bright green dandelion branches with a brush
  • We crumple the scraps of paper
  • Dip in yellow or white paint
  • Apply to the branches
  • We get cute flowers

spring primrose
  • In the same way, we make delicate yellow flowers on the green background grass.

An easy way to draw dandelions

How to draw a landscape with crumpled paper?

Very easy to draw winter forest using crumpled paper.

  • We begin to paint the sky with dark tones, gradually moving to lighter, almost white
  • Let's move on to the image of snow. The principle of the approach is exactly the opposite: top is light, bottom is dark

Landscape background
  • We crumple the pieces of paper thoroughly
  • Dip in white watercolor
  • Forming clouds by pressing paper to the sky
  • The higher the clouds, the closer they are to us in the picture
  • We make small clouds with small pieces of paper, large ones with voluminous ones.
  • Draw a dark horizon line with a brush
  • Using a narrow brush, apply Christmas tree strokes throughout the design.
  • We don’t draw the details; they won’t be visible under the snow anyway.
  • We draw nearby figures larger, and as we move away we make them smaller.
  • We wrap the Christmas trees in snow using crumpled paper and white paint
  • We do everything carefully, without rushing
  • Adjusting paper size for large and small trees

We depict snowy fir trees
  • We get such a beautiful winter forest

Snowy Christmas trees

How to draw spring with crumpled paper?

We prepare:

  • Multi-colored paints
  • Saucers with water
  • Tassels
  • paper

Let's get to work:

  • Divide the sheet into three wide horizontal stripes of blue, yellow and green using a wide brush.

  • We make prints of different densities so that the sky is varied. We get openwork clouds.
  • The main color of spring is green. We depict the spring landscape in full bloom. The grass is rapidly turning green. We stamp it with lumps of paper soaked green. Using the same color we sketch out the shape of the tree.
  • Let's add a warm breeze by tilting the print towards the wind.

  • Spring dresses nature in colorful clothes. We depict the first spring flowers: yellow dandelions, red poppies, blue bells.

Beautiful roses

  • Thinking
  • Observation skills
  • Aesthetic perception
  • Helps develop control and self-control skills.

    This is not only an interesting and entertaining activity, but also very useful.

    Video: Drawing with crumpled paper

    Contemporary art reveals new, sometimes the most unexpected. Some creative technologies are becoming a thing of the past, and the rare skills of ancient peoples are disappearing, as are their bearers. One of these includes drawing with crumpled paper - a painting method that was revived several centuries later, when everyone - both professional artists and drawing enthusiasts - returned to the craft and retro style. In this article, you will learn more about this technique and will be able to repeat this method of drawing from your own experience!

    Unique features of the technology

    Drawing with crumpled paper is an unusual way to add texture to your drawing. You will most likely find paintings made using this technique in galleries. contemporary art. Drawing with crumpled paper gives enormous scope for imagination, creates a unique chiaroscuro, the drawing becomes three-dimensional and seems to come to life on the canvas. Lax lines, random bends - all this gives the picture an interesting look and attracts the attention of the audience. If the painting is outside the museum, you can, of course, touch it. It is the ability to feel the picture with tactile receptors that is the leading advantage of the technique of drawing with crumpled paper. In order for the picture to be airy and voluminous, you must follow the rules listed below. Not all drawing techniques can boast so many advantages, so this technique deserves your attention.

    Creative materials

    Paper is the most important element of this drawing style. Select paper based on its density and structure, depending on what result you want to achieve in the end. Its different types allow you to create different textures of the picture. Whatman paper and any other type of paper can serve as your canvas. Use disposable dishes (flat plates) to mix colors. In order to create a painting using this technique, you don’t need to choose any specific paints, and you practically won’t need brushes, so you don’t have to worry about choosing brushes either. Watercolor, pastel or gouache - the choice is yours! In order for the painting to be as voluminous as possible, the paint will need to be heavily diluted with water; artists advise using warm water. There is no single formula for the “correct” drawing with crumpled paper; on the contrary, every artist has the right to draw as he sees fit. Having understood a little about the general steps of this method, you will easily master drawing with crumpled paper and will be able to complement this technology with your own inventions with each new drawing.

    Who is this technique suitable for?

    Professionals often turn to this technique; the relevance of the “drawing with crumpled paper” method cannot be underestimated in the world of modern painting. However, self-taught amateurs can successfully develop their skills in this painting technique. It's never too late to start drawing! Moreover, for the youngest artists this method is an excellent opportunity to develop fine motor skills and learn something new, instilling a love of art. Thanks to this interesting and even funny way of drawing, the baby will be able to better distinguish and remember colors, and create bright images with the help of their parents. So, for example, young children are often helped in creating a picture in the following way: they draw a thick outline of a bright color and ask the child to carefully fill it in using crumpled paper.

    Drawing with crumpled paper: master class

    • Prepare disposable tableware. It is best if the number of plates is equal to the number of colors that you plan to use when creating the picture. A small amount of warm water is taken into these plates and a little of the chosen paint is added. With this ratio, the tones are gentle and airy. If you need to add contrast or brightness, you can use more paint or less water.
    • Prepare medium-sized pieces of paper that will become your “brush”. Roll or crumple the paper to the desired size (it is best that the paper fits in the palm of your hand, otherwise there is a risk that it may be accidentally dropped). The number of "brushes" - lumps of paper - should also be equal to the number of paints that you use when painting.
    • Dip the lumps into water and wait a couple of seconds until they are saturated with color, and then apply to paper in any way (spot application, broad strokes).

    • It is highly not recommended to use newsprint paper (even glossy paper) to create a painting; it can fall apart into small pieces, stick to the canvas and leave dirty print marks.
    • Try giving your paper balls different shapes, squeezing them differently each time so that the design has an unusual and varied structure.
    • Prepare all the necessary tools in advance, the paint tends to dry quickly

    Why drawing with crumpled paper?

    Landscape, still life and even portrait - all these genres of painting can be performed using different techniques. Drawing techniques with crumpled paper open up a huge scope for imagination, allow you to experiment and learn something new day after day. As mentioned above, this type of drawing is useful not only for experienced artists, but also for very young masters who are just starting their creative path. This drawing technique can be an excellent start for the development of a child’s talent. A painting made in this style is filled with an indescribable atmosphere of lightness and airiness and can decorate any interior.