Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “Holiday of Disobedience. Scenario of the play - holiday of disobedience After the dance, the Girl and the Boy sit on the floor

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Target: Create a situation of active comprehension of the results of five years of life in the community of the kindergarten group and the transition to school.


  • Revealing the world of children's hobbies and relationships.
  • Organization of a psychologically comfortable situation for self-disclosure and creative self-expression of the child’s personality.
  • Developing the ability to communicate, make friends, and make a person happy.
  • Uniting parent and child teams.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests! Only today, only now, the Kapitoshka kindergarten presents:The best film of the year from a famous director with the brightest starsmodernity - “We have been waiting for this day for five years!”


We have been creating it for many years!
There were victories and there were adversities.
But now it's time to part
Artists on stage! Go kids!

Music sounds, children come in, perform a dance with balloons, and read poetry.

Well, that's all, the time has come
The one we've all been waiting for.
We gathered for the last time
In this cozy room!

More than once we will remember how we played
And how many things there were here!
How to draw in the evenings
And the forest, and the mother, and the stream!

How good books were loved
Sitting in a circle to read,
How did you go on excursions?
To know everything, everything, everything about life!

Goodbye our babies
Farewell beloved “Kapitoshka”!
We say from the bottom of our hearts:
First class is promised to you
That we will not forget you at school!

“Kindergarten Song” by N. Lukonina, L. Chadova is performed.

It all starts with the school bell
The desks set off on a long journey,
There will be better starts ahead
It all starts with the school bell
The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean
Everything will be late or sooner,
Everything is ahead of us for now!

The first phrase is “Masha ate porridge”
New worlds were opening up
I wish I could count how much Masha ate
This same porridge since then!

“Twice two” is not a tricky science,
But all sciences have a head!
Everything in life, that’s the thing,
It will start with “twice - two”!

A medley of school songs is performed.

(Children sit down).

Presenter: So the solemn and exciting moment has come. Finally, we will see the most interesting footage from the film “We have been waiting for this day for five years!” Well, let's begin!

Reb. Frame one - “Nostalgic” or “How young we were”! (claps).

Children come out and perform a skit:

- Do you remember five years ago?
How did we go to kindergarten?
- Why didn't you go?
They carried us in strollers!
- We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.
- I remember crying every day
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
- And Sasha walked around with a pacifier!
- And someone wore diapers!
- Yes, we were all good
Well, what can we take from us, after all, we’re kids!
- And I did this
I fell asleep over soup at lunchtime!
- Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.
- And if we didn't sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
- Remember, I'm made of sand
He built big cities!
- We loved to throw sand.
- Seryozha loved to kiss.
- They were such naughty people
They fought with their hands and feet,
And some even use their teeth!
- All this is in the past, but now
We are escorted to first class!

Music sounds and kids come in.

All: We guys are kids, we came to congratulate you all!

1. Wake up early in the morning and wash yourself thoroughly!
To avoid yawning at school, don’t peck your nose at your desk!

2. Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at
Check all your clothes, they're big now!

3. Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book, keep your briefcase clean!

4. Don’t giggle in class, don’t move your chair back and forth.
Respect your teacher, and don’t disturb your neighbor!

5. Don’t tease, don’t be arrogant, try to help everyone at school,
Don't frown in vain, be brave, andyou will find friends!

6. We gave you all the advice,
They are wiser and simpler
You're a friend, don't forget them,

All: Goodbye! Good luck!

The song “We are going to first grade!” is performed! » O. Vysotskaya, O. Devochkina.

Presenter: Thank you kids for your congratulations. (They give balloons, the kids leave to applause). And we continue!

Reb. (with a clapperboard): The second frame is dynamic!

Kapitoshka runs in to the music.


I dressed up today
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday
See off your boys
They're in a hurry to get to school!

Disturbing music sounds and the Dark Fairy appears.

Dark Fairy:

How wonderful everything is with you, how lovely everything with you,
Have you learned everything, but there’s something I don’t understand?
Do you never play pranks? Don't you ever scream?
I'll fix everything now, surprise you!

Get these kids in everyone is more capricious in the world (He casts a spell and leaves.)

Presenter: Oh, what was that?

Kapitoshka: I don’t understand anything.

Child (with a clapperboard): Frame six - “Adventure”.

Music is playing. The baby and his mother come out.

Mother. I won't buy it again! And don't ask!

Kid (stomps his feet): I want more! More!

Mom: I’ll have to punish you, baby. (Puts the baby in the corner).Will you stand like that?I won't forgive you until now.

Kid: What should I do?

Mom: Think.

Kid: What about?

Mom: About the fact that you are a capricious child! (Leaves).

Kid: How bad it is to be a child! After all, adults can do anything. But children can’t do anything!

(A knock is heard on the window. The kid approaches.)

Kid: Kite!

Paper Kite: Thank you, baby! I got caught on the windowsill, and you freed me! What's your name?

Kid: My name is. Naughty child! And my mother punished me.

Paper Kite: Yes, unfortunately, I have yet to meet children who were not punished by someone! However, I know one place where this is over! Do you want us to fly there together, baby?

Kid: Of course I want to!

Paper Kite: What do you guys want?

Paper Kite: Then grab my tail and hold on tight! (They are flying).

(The scenery changes, the name appears on the sign« Country Disobedience").

Nihochukha (meets the children): Oh! Welcome to my land of Disobedience! I am the Great Nihochuha! Let's have some fun! There are no adults here, and there are no restrictions!

Children: Hurray!

1st child: Finally, no one will boss us around!

Child 2: No one will force us to do what we don’t like!

Nihochuha: Stand on your head! Walk on all fours! Nobody will tell you anything!

Child 3: And he won’t punish you!

All children: Long live the land of Disobedience!

The dance “Your World” is performed by muses. Varlamova.

Nihochuha: Well, now down with order!

4 child: Down with lessons, textbooks, children's tights, hats!

Child 5: Now we’ll have a real adult disco!

6 child: With the best songs!

Child 7: With your favorite jokes and gags!

Girls: We went to dress up in mom's dresses!

Boys: Well, we’ll try to look like real adults!

(They put on ties and hats to the music, and hand out paraphernalia: phones, glasses, magazines, newspapers).

Boys' skit (reading newspapers):

- This is the kind of country that exists in the world,

It’s not adults who rule there, but children!
- In the state children sit on the council,
They even understand the budget well!
- How pleasant it is to read to us such decrees:
Free pies and candies are provided!
- Or: “Don’t spend money on guns and tanks,
Increase spending on toys and sleds.”
- There are any films, we note in passing,
Only children are allowed entry!
- If dad stained his pants on the street
They put him in a corner for things like that!
- If someone's mother behaves badly,
Then she is left without a sweet dish.

Dance being performed « Gentlemen with newspapers » . The boys start, then the girls join.

Nihochuha: The disco continues!

The Rock and Roll dance is performed.

Girl (with glasses, with a pointer): Ay, yay, yay! Children, how badly you behave! I'd rather teach you a lesson in good manners:

First - Children need to be pampered, then they will grow up to be real robbers! Second...

1 child: If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone
The words "please", "thank you"
Don't tell anyone!
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone's questions.
And then no one will say
About you, what a talker!

2nd child: If you're down the hall
You're racing on a bicycle
And suddenly from the bathroom to the meeting
Dad went out for a walk -
Don't turn to the kitchen -
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen,
You better brake like dad-
Dad is gentle, he will forgive! (G. Oster).

Girl “teacher”: Well done! Lesson well learned! And now we turn back into boys and girls. (Remove attributes).

1 child: Why, I just don’t understand
Is it more boring to sing songs alone?

2nd child: Why is it a funny movie?
Isn't it funny to watch alone?

3rd child: It's more fun if you have your own company
For walking, laughing,
For whistling and for singing!

Together: In short, for the game!


1 child: On gold.
2nd child: Porch.
3rd child: We sat.
Together: Come out, you should drive!
1 child: I'll be driving today!
All: Why you?
1 child: That’s why!
2nd child: No, I'll drive!(They argue, quarrel, turn away from each other).
1 child: I'm kind of bored here.
Child 2: And I'm tired of it.
Child 3: I'm scared.
4th child: I want to go to my mother!
5th child: Guys, we were getting ready for school and saying goodbye to kindergarten!
Children. We want to go back to kindergarten! We want to go to mom!

Nihochuha: What? Do you want to go to school? Yes, I barely escaped from there! Are you crazy? Why do you need this school? Stay here!

Child: Why? But listen to what would happen if there were no schools.

The song “If There Were No Schools” by Muses is performed. In Shainsky.

Nihochuha: Yes, you're right, guys. To be honest, I'm tired of it too. Here, in this country of Disobedience, you will truly become a savage! I was left here completely alone, and I was so happy when you arrived.I also want to go to my mother, and I really want to go to school! Take me with you!

Child: Don’t worry, Nihochukha, we will definitely take you with us. And you will see our country - the Kapitoshka kindergarten, this best place for children! And then we will take you to school with us.

The Dark Fairy flies in.

Dark Fairy: Oh, you're like that! Why did you spoil my country of Disobedience, why did you disenchant Nihochukha. He was so naughty, so lazy, just adorable, and now. I want to go to school. I want to see my mother. Ugh!

Well, never mind, I’ll show you later! Now you will never be able to get out of here! Ha ha! After all, as long as anyone remains in this country, it will exist and I will exist with it! And I won’t allow the opposite! It's clear! That's it, have fun, kids! It's time for me to go.

Nihochuha: Wow! Guys, quickly, call the Kite!

Paper Kite: I'm here, guys. But I’m afraid that there is now one more of us and I won’t be able to take off, because I’m a paper kite, which means I’m very light.

Children: What should we do? How can this be? We cannot leave Nehochukha, because he is now our friend, and friends always help each other.

Kite. Guys, I think I have an idea. Let's write a letter, tie it to my tail and I will take the letter to your parents in the Kapitoshka kindergarten! We agree! Dictate what to write!

Children: Moms! Dads! Kapitoshka! We without you -

It doesn't matter what you do without us! (They write it down and tie it to the snake.)

All: Fly!

Paper Kite: Well, don’t be bored here, sing a song together! (Flies away).

A song about friendship by V. Shainsky is performed.

(Music sounds. Kapitoshka flies in on balloons with a Paper Kite nearby).

Kapitoshka: Guys, we received your letter and hastened to help. These ones balloons, your mothers and fathers gave them to you, they will help us find ourselves in our kindergarten. Well, are we flying?

Children: Let's fly! (They fly and line up in a semicircle).

In chorus: Moms, dads, we can live without you,

It's the same without us!

Kite. Well, guys, do you want to visit the land of Disobedience again?

Children: No!

Nihochuha: Now we want to learn, and not just have fun, b Always be obedient, then trouble will not come!

Kapitoshka: And yet, guys, we were able to get out of this country thanks to your parents and our friendship.

Children: And you, Kapitoshka!

Nihochuha: And there is no more the country of Disobedience and the evil Fairy!

(A child comes out with a cracker).

Child: Frame three - Final! Dedicated to “Kapitoshka”!

1. Farewell to our dear kindergarten
We must part soon
After all, everyone is seven and soon we will
Let's study at school!

2. It’s a pity that childhood cannot be repeated
And we vow to preserve our friendship.
Let them fly by like the birds of the year
We will never forget these days!

The song “You, me, and you and me” is performedmusic V. Ivanova.

Andryushka Shumelkin runs in.

Andryushka. You know? Recently, scientists were surprised to discover that there are naughty children in the world who like to do everything the other way around. They are given useful tips: “Wash your face in the morning!”, they are told: “Say hello to each other,” they immediately forget and don’t say hello. Scientists consulted and came up with the idea that such children should be given not useful advice, but harmful advice. Children do everything the other way around, but it turns out right. Let's leave the children unattended at home today and let them do whatever they want and see what happens, and they will probably be very happy about it.

All guests put on goggles and masks and seem to be leaving the hall. The music “Dunno” (from the movie “Dunno in Our Yard”) is played, a musical-rhythmic composition. Children run in, casually dressed.

Presenter. Guys, what happened? Why are you dressed like that today? Is there something I don’t understand?

1st child.

Because nowadays children
How we woke up at dawn
We didn't believe our eyes
Empty rooms - no mothers!

2nd child.

And wherever you look,
Suddenly we were left alone.

3rd child.

Nothing! And we with a mustache
We will do everything ourselves.

4th child.

And no one will punish us.
It won't force you to eat porridge.

5th child.

We'll just eat candy
As much as he can fit.

6th child.

And you don't have to brush your teeth,
And you don't need to wash your ears,
And don't go early
Go to kindergarten with my mother.

7th child.

We watch TV until the morning,
We'll watch it every day.
All cartoons, all programs,
But now you can’t count them!

Song: “I wish I could grow up.”

Presenter. Guys, how will you live without adults: without mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers? What will you do?

1st child.

We'll live nothing without our mothers,
We are already adults.

2nd child.

You don't have to listen to anyone!
Long live the holiday of disobedience!!!


Kanitelka comes out.

Gimp. Hello guys!

Andryusha. Hello! Who are you?

Gimp. (Sings).

I'm your habit
I'm your little sister
You are my dear brother
Repeat after me.

I am your habit, Kanitelka. Do you want me to teach you how to live like a gimp?

(Continues to sing).

Calm down, don't rush,
Lie down on the bed.
Yes, do everything in a hurry:
Dress barely.
Here's one sock I put on,
I rested and sat down.
Look, in an hour or two
You will put on the second one too.

Do you want me to teach you how to wash your face the proper way?

Andryusha. How is that?

Gimp. You take one finger, soap it, soap it, rinse it off, then take another, etc.

Game " soap bubbles" Yabeda-koryabeda appears.

Sneaky. (Sings).

I'm your habit
I'm your little sister
You are my dear brother
Repeat after me.

Sneaky. Andryusha, Andryusha, do you know! Yesterday that boy over there hit me in the ear! Do you know how painful it was! And that girl over there pulled my pigtail and wouldn’t give me her doll. And those kids over there... (Snitch).

Andryusha. Yes, why are you attached to me, who are you?

Sneaky. Well, of course, Andryusha, I’m your habit - Yabeda-Koryabeda (performs a song).

Song: “Yabeda-Koryabeda.” music Gladkovae.

The capricious one enters. Sings a song: “I am your habit...”

Capricious. Hello. Oh, how I don’t like you, how smart you all are.

Andryusha. Where did she come from here?

Capricious. What would it be like without me? Is it possible to do without Kaprizulka? I'm coming to you with good advice came.


Very easy to use
Kaprizulka's advice.
You have to shout all day long:
“It’s not like that! And that's not all!
I don't want to eat porridge!
I don't even want to play!
I'll cry all day long
I’ll be annoying to everyone!”

Shumelkin. Well done, you're doing great.

Habits. We can help you play, Andryushka, and put things in order.

Everyone scatters and runs away.

Leading. Andryusha Shumilkin, what have you done here? He got all dirty and scattered his toys.

Andryusha. Did you scatter everything? ( Surprised). It's not me, it's my bad habits. And I also know bad advice.

1st tip.

If you came to your friends,
Don't say hello to anyone
The words “Please”, “Thank you”,
Don't tell anyone.
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone.
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.

Leading. You know, Andryusha, our children also know a lot of such advice. Do you want to listen?

Invites children to speak in turns.

2nd tip.

Never wash
Hands, neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
It's also useless to get a haircut,
There's no point
By old age by itself
Goes bald.

3rd tip.

There is no more pleasant thing to do
What to pick your nose with.
Everyone is terribly interested
What's hidden inside?
And who hates to watch
Let him not even look
We don’t get in his way,
Let him not bother you either.

4th tip.

When you get old - ho
Walk through the streets.
Don't get on the bus, anyway
You'll have to stand there.
And nowadays there are few fools,
So that give way,
And to those distant times
There won't be any of them at all.

5th tip.

If to dad or mom
Adult aunt came
And someone important leads
And a serious conversation.
Need from behind unnoticed
sneak up on her and then
Shout loudly, right in your ear:
“Stop”, “Surrender”, “Hands up”.


And when auntie gets off the chair
Out of fright, he will fall
And he’ll spill it on his dress:
Tea, compote, or jelly.
It's probably very loud
Mom will laugh
And proud of my child
Dad will shake my hand
Dad will take you by the shoulder
And it will lead somewhere,
It must be there for a very long time
Dad will praise you.

6th tip.

If your mom caught you
Doing what you love
For example, while drawing
In the hallway on the wallpaper,
Explain to her what it is
Your surprise for March 8
The picture is called
“Portrait to my dear mother.”

Andryusha. Guys, you know we forgot to give our mothers drawings, let's draw.

Children take paints, brushes sing a song and after it paint one big picture.

Musical and rhythmic composition: “Black Cat”. Music Saulsky.

Shumilkin and Nekhochukha argue about whose drawing is better, and come to the conclusion that they need to compete. Divided into two teams. Team Tarakashki and Team Pulka. Games are played: “Sack Run”, “Tug of War”, “Fashion Salon” or “Models from Grandma’s Chest”.

The reluctant woman takes out a chocolate bar and begins to eat it and praise it, and Andryushka Shumelkin asks him:

Andryushka. Where did you get it? We want it too.

I don't want to. And there's a lot there!

The children start searching with Andryushka and find ice cream.

Modern dance: “REP” (with ice cream).

1st child.

Some sweets and candies,
We're pretty tired
We would have porridge, we would have soup
And we ate potatoes.

2nd child.

We ate our fill of ice cream
We're at our wits' end and here we are
Each of us already
Now my stomach hurts.

Children moan and cry to the music.

3rd child.

What to do? Who will help?
Who will feed us?
Who will lay it down?

4th child.

Who will treat, who will comb
Who will wash and comfort?
Only mommy, she
She will do it alone.

5th child.

Moms woke us up in the morning,
Helped me get dressed
Helped me to braid myself
Get ready for the garden soon

6th child.

Moms are gone and now we,
Everyone is dressed unkemptly.
How to wash? How to darn and iron?
This is all incomprehensible to us.

7th child.

We offended our mothers
Moms were not respected at all.
And they left us
And we were left alone.

Leading. Guys, now you understand how important and dear your mothers are to you. How many useful and good deeds their skillful, gentle hands manage to accomplish. Do you agree?

Children. Yes, yes, yes.

Leading. Will you listen to them and love them?

Children. Yes, yes, yes!

Leading. Let's write them a letter and promise to never, ever upset them. You will listen to them and love them.

Children go and change into smart clothes, and the parents play the game “Draw Your Child.” Game conditions: invite parents to use details of geometric shapes, flower shapes, shapes of screws and nuts, etc. Children go out and read poems to their mothers.


Moms! Dads! We without you -
It's all the same to you without us.
We love you!

Song: “Hello, Moms” music. Yu. Chichkova. A joint dance of mothers and children is performed.

Literature: Oster. G. “Bad advice.”


School graduation scenario 2013

"Festival of Disobedience"

After the ceremonial part, a child’s voice is heard:

I want more ice cream!

More! More!

“Mom” and “Baby” appear

Mother: I won't buy it again! And don't ask!

Baby: I want more! More ice cream!

Mother: We'll have to punish you, Baby!

(puts him in the corner)

You will stand like this until I forgive you!

Baby: What should I do?

Mom: Think!

Kid: About what?

Mother: About the fact that you are a terrible child!


Baby: How bad it is to be small!

After all, anything big is possible,

But for us little ones, we can’t do anything!

(cries) (knocking is heard)

The kid carefully approaches the curtain and opens it.

Kid: Paper Kite!

Paper Kite flies to the music

Kite: Thank you, baby!

I got caught on the windowsill, and you freed me!

What's your name?

Baby: My name is….Terrible Child.

And my mother punished me.

Kite: Yes, I have not yet met children who would...

never punished...

However, I know a place where with this

it's over...

Song of the Snake and the Kid

Kite: Do you want us to fly there together, Baby?

Kid: Of course I want to!

Kite: Then grab my tail and hold on tight!

To the music, the Snake and the Kid fly away

Dance – game “Perpetual motion machine”

Child: Guys! Our parents are tired of our behavior and

they left the city!

Children in chorus: HURRAY!

2. Finally, no one will command us!

Children in chorus: HURRAY!

3. No one will force us to do what

we don't like it!

Children in chorus: HURRAY!

4.Stand on your head! Walk on all fours - no one will tell you anything!

5. And he won’t punish you!

All children in chorus: Long live the holiday of DISOBEDIENCE!

Dance with pillows “Day of Disobedience”

The song “That would be grace!” »

Children: 6.And now - down with order!

7.Down with classes, children's tights and hats!

8.Now we will arrange a real adult disco!

9. With fashionable songs and dances!

10. With your favorite jokes and anecdotes!

11.And I want to surprise you all!

Rap is a huge success!

Rhythm is the main thing, friends!

Do as I do! Do as I do!

To the music, children set up chairs and put on caps.

Rap “Fedorino grief” (T. Borovik)

Girls: We went to dress up and get ready!


Boys: Well, we'll try to look like

like real London dandies!(they leave to put on their hats and ties)

Dance "Dudes"

Dance of girls with tinsel "Latin"

The teacher (girl) enters with a pointer to the music:

teacher : Ay, ah, ah! Children, how badly you behave!

You'll have to explain to your parents how to raise children.

(approaches parents)

So! Children need to be ba-loved! Then they will become real robbers!

Children in chorus: HURRAY!!!

Children: 1. And I want to give advice on how to behave when visiting!

If you came to see friends

Don't say hello to anyone.

The words "please", "thank you"

Don't tell anyone.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker!

2. I like to ride my bike at home. Listen!

If you're down the hall

Racing on a bicycle

And suddenly from the bathroom

Dad went out for a walk -

Don't turn to the kitchen.

There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen.

You better brake like daddy

Dad is gentle, he will forgive! (poems by B. Zakhoder)

Teacher: (rings the bell) : Biology lesson

Topic: "Funny animals" »

Song “Giraffes have spots...” by E. Zheleznova

Rhythm-declamation “Piglets” by T. Borovik

Teacher: Well done, children! Lesson well learned!

Teacher: (rings the bell) Everyone to English lesson!

Song in English

Teacher: Folk art lesson!

Play on children's musical instruments

Child: Interesting! Guys, what if we stay for a long time?

without our parents, they won't see what we are like

We'll be old. Maybe like this?

Poem “Old Lady” (movements by T. Borovik)

Choreographic composition “Let's Remember Youth!”

Boys (in chorus) : We're kind of bored here!

Girls (in unison): We want to go to mom!

Clown Fantik runs out

Wrapper: All the boys, all the boys

They run merrily in a crowd,

Because I came to you

Clown Fantik dear!

Why don't you have fun anymore?

Don't sing, don't dance?

You yourself wanted to be left without parents!

Children: We don't want this anymore!

Wrapper: We'll have to help you. Cause I'm a clown

and a clown should amuse and delight.

Now, now…..I figured it out!

Let's write a letter and tie it to our tail

Paper Kite and he will take the letter to your mothers and

dads. Dictate what to write...

Children: Moms, dads, without you we don’t care what you do without us!

(The clown approaches the curtain and says: “Fly!”)

The curtain closes.

The Snake and the Baby flies in to the music

Kite: Well, Baby, do you want to visit this city again?

Baby: No, Paper Kite. I decided that I would rather stay with my mother! After all, I love her so much!

The curtain opens.

Common song of children, parents and teachers “Adults and Children”

Ved.: And now, our dear graduates, look at the screen and remember what you were like... I wonder if you recognize yourself?

Video presentation “We were little kids...”

Leading: This solemn moment has come -

Our graduates will receive the first diploma in their lives today - a diploma of completion of kindergarten!



At the back of the stage are elements of a children's playground (Fig. 1). On the proscenium, along the edges, a house and a composition of soft toys are built from large cubes. As the performance progresses, the house and toys are scattered, and a transparent fabric with huge bright blots is lowered onto the stage, covering the backdrop (Fig. 2). While putting things in order, the heroes collect toys, and the canvas rises.

After the concert number, children run onto the stage.

Together. Horror!
Inga. Oh, this is our school!
We have only one disappointment!
For us it's worse than injections
All tasks and solutions.

Sveta. Tired of instructions:
“Do this, don’t do that!”
Yura. Oh, this is education!
There are many rules and prohibitions.
Denis. Few games, just one thing,
Politeness and respect.
Sveta. How tired we are of everything!
Olesya. And we came to the conclusion:
Adults disturb us.
Together. Let's live without moms and dads!

Fintiflushka quickly runs onto the stage (Fig. 3).

Trinket. Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! Do you know who I am? Don't you know?! Yes, I am the most long-awaited, the most invited, the most important always and everywhere. I am a half-educated sorceress, and my name is Fintiflushka. I was passing by and saw some kind of commotion. Let me go, I think, and see what the kids are doing. Why are you so sad?
Denis. Parents are fed up: everyone teaches, everyone educates...
Olesya. I wish I could live without adults for at least a few days!
Yura. Have fun to your heart's content!
Trinket. Yes?! I also really like to play pranks. Let's come up with something quickly! You can, for example, call your parents on behalf of the big boss and call them to a meeting, and you yourself...
Inga. What are you doing? Parents have a very bad habit of arriving at the wrong time.
Sveta. Besides, everyone’s bosses are different.
Trinket. Let's grab the radio and announce to our parents that the worst alarm has begun! They will run to the shelter, and we...
Olesya. Let's run with them, because no adult would leave a child in danger.
Trinket. And then, then, then... I don’t know what then...
Denis. Let's develop a plan. Any ideas?
Sveta. Eat. You just need to apply
Super bad advice.
You have to shout all day long:
“It’s not like that! And that’s not all!”
Olesya. I don't want to eat porridge!
I don't want to play anymore!
Yura. I'll cry all day long
I'll bore everyone!
Inga. And then all the moms and dads
Ears will quickly be covered,
Dropping their hats as we walk,
They will immediately run into the forest.
Trinket. Amazing! Let's get started immediately! We begin Operation “Accidental Nasty.” Everyone go home, bring the drivers. Brrrr! Bring parents. If anything happens, I'm in touch. I will help you with bad advice.

The trick and the children run away. Bun appears (Fig. 4).

Bun. Let's leave them alone, let them do whatever they want, and see what happens. Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Plyushka, the older sister of Fintiflyushka. So I know how to deal with naughty children. And if everything is really bad, then I will try to interfere. After all, if you prevent something bad from happening, then this is a good deed!

Concert number. You can hear birds singing and a voice on the radio: “Good morning!” Children run out with Trinkets.

Trinket. What's happened? Nowadays children
How we woke up at dawn
We couldn’t believe our eyes:
There are no dads or moms in the rooms!
Olesya. And wherever you look,
We are completely, completely alone.
Inga. Nothing! And we with a mustache.
We will do everything ourselves.
Yura. And no one will punish us
It won't force you to eat porridge.
Sveta. And you don't have to brush your teeth,
And you don't need to wash your ears,
And don't go early
Go to classes.
Denis. We will watch TV every day until the morning -
All cartoons, all programs...
And there is ice cream!
Together. As many as you can fit!
Bun. You'd better study more.
Denis. We don’t want to study, we’re tired!
Sveta. And so whole academic year suffered.
Yura. And now we want to relax, play around to our heart's content and overeat on sweets.
Together. What a vacation!
Trinket. I know such wonderful jokes! For example, you need to smear glue on a bench, and when someone sits on it, it will be fun! Waste, right?
Children. Yes!
Bun. No!
Trinket. Then this: a man is walking down the street, and we pour a bucket of ice water on top of him. Great?
Children. Yes!
Bun. No! Listen, Fintiflushka, you should get out of here. What are you teaching children?
Trinket. Everything, everything, everything. I won't do it again. Can you help me? Here in the store I saw very tasty sweets. Go get them.
Bun. You forgot to say something.
Trinket. Well, please.
Bun. Okay, I'll go. Just don’t teach your children anything bad. (Leaves.)
Trinket(Olesya). Look, your nose is dirty.

Olesya rubs her nose, and Fintiflushka laughs.

Inga. Look, your back is white.
Trinket. Where?! (Turns around. The children laugh.) Just think! Now we can even get dirty from head to toe - there is no one to make comments.
Children. Hooray!

Concert number.

Trinket(to children). The bun hasn't returned yet? He's probably running around looking for candy. Wonderful! Let's throw garbage at each other!
Children. Hooray! (They throw large paper balls into the hall. They go down to the audience and throw the balls from one half of the hall to the other, involving the children.)
Bun(appearing). There are no candies in the store. (To the audience.) What did she teach you here? Throwing trash?! Who throws garbage like that?! One speck is not even respectable. Now, if you take a bag and fill it with garbage...

He gives a plastic bag to each side of the hall. The children’s task is to fill it with “garbage,” i.e., paper balls left over from the previous game. The team that did it faster wins.

Trinket. Great! What huge lumps they turned out to be! Let's fight quickly!
Bun. Let's! (He hits her with a bag.)
Trinket. Oh-oh-oh! I think I need an eye-out. Brrr! Time-out. Follow me!

The trick and the children leave.

Bun. I arranged everything wonderfully. The guys collected the trash without even saying a word. I'm kind of tired. But it is unknown what else Fintiflyushka will come up with. (Leaves.)

Concert number.

Trinket (throwing a wallet tied on a string to the floor). Oops, someone lost their wallet! Boy, pick up your wallet, please. (He pulls the string. He sees the wallet thrown by Bun.) Wow, wallet! Real! (Runs to catch him and sees Bun.)
Bun. Aren't you tired of pranks?
Trinket. And you, Plushechka, are the smartest, right? Quak-trouble! Nose up to the ceiling, rooted in the clouds.
Bun. Why are you calling me names?
Trinket. I want to call you names. What can you do for me? Tell mom? And there is no mother. Bun-stick-sausage, there’s a wasp sitting on your nose!
Bun. What if I start? The trinket-yoke is hanging on a string!
Trinket. And the guys will help me.
Bun. And they will support me.

The hall is divided into two parts.

Trinket. Guys, we will say the beginning of the teaser, and you will continue. Agreed? Crybaby, polish, shoe polish, hot on the nose... (damn).
Bun. Granny hedgehog... (bone leg),
She went outside and crushed... (chicken).
Trinket. I imagined putting my tail between my legs and under the stove... (ran away)
And under the stove I imagined a crocodile... (swallowed).
Bun. Greedy beef... (pickled cucumber),
It's lying on the floor, no one is eating it... (not eating)!
Trinket. Doll, ballet dancer, imagined... (gossip girl)!

Concert number.

(To Bun.) Plush, okay, why do we quarrel all the time? Let's be friends. Do you want some candy?
Bun(to the hall). Wow, education bears fruit. (Fintiflushka.) Want.

The trinket holds out the candy. The bun unwraps, but the candy wrapper is empty.

What is this?
Trinket. Ha ha ha! Do you want another one?
Children. And we want sweets, we want cakes and ice cream! We want everything!
Bun. Actually, you need to eat right.
Trinket. And we want to overeat! Who wants chocolate?
Children. We!
Trinket. What about ice cream?
Children. We!
Bun. I wonder where you will get it? There are no adults, which means there are no confectioners or ice cream makers.
Trinket. Nonsense, we'll make ourselves sick and hurt ourselves. Brrr! Let's chocolate it and freeze it. I suggest you come up with original recipe chocolate. I name the various ingredients, and if you agree, raise your hands up and shout loudly: “This is just delicious!”, and if you don’t agree, then slap your knees and say: “We won’t eat this!”
We'll get by without mom -
Let's make the chocolate ourselves
And pour jam into it...
Let's chop up a kilogram of cookies...
Let's add fur from the cat...
And there is a place for pepper...
Here's a nut for the mood...
Orange for inspiration...
Five or six pieces of garlic...
And there’s so much mustard…
Mix everything in the cauldron
And we invite you to taste
Chocolate creation...

Concert number. The children come out writhing in pain.

Bun. Oh, what's wrong with you?
Denis. We ate too much sweets and ice cream, and now we feel bad.
Bun. What's wrong with you?
Yura(with a bandaged hand). It was me who jumped from the balcony.
Bun. For what?!
Yura. So simple. There is no one to ban. We do what we want. But I wanted from the balcony...
Trinket. Who will play an interesting game? I won’t say which one!

She is surrounded by children.

Denis. What did you come up with this time?
Trinket. I recommend it to everyone I know
Arrange fireworks at home
Of twelve missiles,
While mom and dad are not here.
Sveta. Take the rockets in your hands...
Yura. I'll light four of them...
Inga. There will be an explosion, fire and heat!
Bun. You will start a fire!
Trinket. Matches are the best toy for bored children!
Olesya. And the adults hid them somewhere.
Trinket. Never mind, we'll find it! We'll set everything you need on fire!

They run away.

Bun. Something smells like smoke.

There are shouts of “Guard! Fire!" Children appear.

Yura. Fire and smoke from all sides!
Trinket. We urgently need a phone!
Olesya. We don't look at each other...
Together. Let's dial "01"!
Denis. But there are no adults anywhere!
Together. Who will help us in trouble?
Bun. We will fill the fire with water.
Everyone follow me!

The presenters give a plastic bucket to each side of the hall. There are three water bottles hidden in the last row. The participants' task is to pass the bucket from the first row to the last, put one bottle of water in it and pass it back to the first row. Take out the bottle and repeat everything from the very beginning. The game continues until the water containers run out.

That's it, we put out the fire.
Why are you sad?
Olesya. Something sweets and candies
We're pretty tired of it.
Denis. We would have porridge, we would have soup
And we ate potatoes.
Sveta. Moms are gone, and now we are all dressed unkemptly.
Inga. How to wash? How to darn and iron?
Together. This is all incomprehensible to us.
Denis. Moms, dads, forgive us!
We won't do this again!
Yura (To Bun). Give us back our parents!
Together. We love them very much!

The phone rings.

Bun. Hello-hello? It's clear! Parents will be back soon!
Olesya. And at home everything is upside down...
Together. No, mom won't like it!
Bun. Cleaning the floors is for the boys,
Girls - do the laundry!
Trinket. And everything will shine and sparkle!

The play dance “Fun Cleaning” is performed: the children repeat the movements of Bun and Fintiflushka as they wash, iron, and wash the dishes.
Concert number.

Yura. Dear fathers, mothers,
Together. We won today
An important victory!
Olesya. We live with our parents
Like in agreement.
Denis. And without thinking of being naughty -
Scary and dangerous!
Sveta. And we won’t start a fire in the apartment.
Inga. Remove all toys
We promise ourselves.
Olesya. We will correct all mistakes.
We understood a lot.
Yura. And we will improve everything in our studies.
Sorry, teachers!
Denis. It has now become clear to us
What does education mean?
Together. We promise to show
We are obedient to you.
Inga. Let's become better kids
We are in the whole world!
Sveta. Because they are inseparable...
Together. Adults and children!

Concert number - the song “Inseparable Friends”.

Figure 1

Scenario for summer entertainment “Holiday of Disobedience”

Goals : Create a joyful mood,entertain the children , diversify play actions with them, give knowledge aboutholiday .

Characters :

The presenter, Yabeda-koryabeda, Kaprizulka - adults.

Progress of the holiday.

Music is playing"Dunno" (from the movie"Dunno in our yard" ).

Children run in, casually dressed.

Presenter. Guys, what happened? Why are you dressed like that today? Is there something I don’t understand?

Yabeda-koryabeda enters to the music

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

Because today children

How we woke up at dawn

We didn't believe our eyes

Empty rooms - no mothers!

And wherever you look,

Suddenly everyone was left alone.

Nothing! And we with a mustache

We will do everything ourselves.

And no one will punish us.

It won't force you to eat porridge.

We'll just eat candy

As much as he can fit.

And you don't have to brush your teeth,

And you don't need to wash your ears,

And don't go early

Go to kindergarten with my mother.

We watch TV until the morning,

We'll watch it every day.

Presenter. Guys, how can you live withoutadults : without moms, dads, grandparents? What will you do?

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

We'll live nothing without our mothers,

We are already adults.

You don't have to listen to anyone!

Long liveholiday of disobedience !


Presenter. But now we will check, who will cook for you to eat?

Yabeda - Koryabeda

We ourselves!

Presenter. Then show me!

Game : “Let’s make soup and compote”

Presenter. What about cleaning the house?

Yabeda - Koryabeda

Themselves too! Look very easy! He takes a broom and dustpan and starts sweeping, but nothing happens.

Presenter. Something is not working out for you.

Yabeda - Koryabeda

Be-be-be... and the guys will help me!

Game : "Sweep up the trash"

Presenter. Who will wash things?

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

Yes, we can do everything ourselves, look. Guys, let's show it!

Game : “Wash your handkerchiefs”

Presenter. Yes, our guys are doing well. This is because their parents taught them everything; what would you do without them?

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

May we live very well without them!

The capricious woman enters to the music.

Capricious. Hello. Oh, how I don’t like you, how smart you all are.

Presenter : Where are you from and who are you?

Capricious. I'm capricious. What would it be like without me?Isn't it Is it possible to do without Kaprizulka? I came to you with good advice.

Presenter : What other tips are these?


Very easy to use

Kaprizulka's advice.

I have to scream all day :

“It’s not like that! And that's not all!

I don't want to eat porridge!

I don't even want to play!

I'll cry all day long

I’ll be annoying to everyone!”

Let's practice.

Game : "Not really!"

(children answer questions, the sneak confuses them.)

Will I cry all day? Shall we eat candy? Shall we watch movies all day? Are we going to litter on the floor? Will we learn letters? Shall we help the adults? Shall we shout loudly? Will we pick the plants?

Leading. You see, our guys are good and won’t do anything dirty.

Capricious. Well then I still have other advice.

1st tip.

If you came to your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone

Words"Please" , "Thank you" ,

Don't tell anyone.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

Leading. Guysisn't it Is this how you can behave? Let's tell the capricious girl polite words so that she remembers them.

Game"Magic Words"

Children list politewords : thank you, please, please Good morning, hello, excuse me, be healthy, only after you, good journey, thank you, welcome, let me help you, I apologize, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, Good night, be so kind, help yourself, nice to meet you, bon appetit.

Yabeda - Koryabeda : Now I, I also want to give children advice!

2nd tip.

Never wash

Hands, neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything.

It's also useless to get a haircut,

There's no point

By old age by itself

Your head will go bald.


3rd tip.

There is no more pleasant thing to do

What to pick your nose with.

Everyone is terribly interested

What's hidden inside?

And who is disgusted to look,

Let him not even look

We don’t get in his way,

Let him not bother you either.

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

4th tip.

When you get old, go

Walk through the streets.

Don't get on the bus, anyway

You'll have to stand there.

And nowadays there are few fools,

To give way,

And to those distant times,

There won't be any of them at all.

5th tip.

If to dad or mom

Adult aunt came

And someone important leads

And a serious conversation.

Need from behind unnoticed

sneak up on her and then

Shout out loud, right inear :

"Stop" , "Give Up" , "Hands up" .

Snitch : Now me!

And when auntie leaves the chair,

Out of fright, he will fall

And he'll spill it on his dress :

Tea, compote, or jelly.

It's probably very loud

Mom will laugh

And proud of my child

Dad will shake my hand

Dad will take you by the shoulder

And it will lead somewhere,

It must be there for a very long time

Dad will praise you.

Leading.Is this good advice? ? (No)

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

Bad advice, right? He takes out a chocolate bar and begins to eat it and praise it.

Presenter : Where did you get it? We want it too.

Yabeda - Koryabeda : And there’s a lot over there!

Presenter : Where is it?

Yabeda - Koryabeda :

Dance, I'll show you!

Modern dance : "Chocolate" .

Older children come outgroups :

1st child.

Some sweets and candies,

We're pretty tired

We would have porridge, we would have soup

And we ate potatoes.

2nd child.

We ate enough ice cream

We're at our wits' end and here we are

Each of us already

Now my stomach hurts.

Children moan and cry.

3rd child.

What to do? Who will help?

Who will feed us?

Who will lay it down?

4th child.

Who will treat, who will comb

Who will wash and comfort?

Only mommy, she

She will do it alone.

5th child.

Moms woke us up in the morning,

Helped me get dressed

Helped me to braid myself

Get ready for the garden soon

6th child.

Moms are gone and now we,

Everyone is dressed unkemptly.

How to wash? How to darn and iron?

This is all for usunclear .

7th child.

We offended our mothers

Dads were not respected at all.

And they left us

And we were left alone.

Leading. Guys, now you understand how important and dear adults are to you. How many useful and good deeds their skillful, gentle hands manage to accomplish. Do you agree?

Children. Yes, yes, yes.

Leading. Will you listen to them and love them?

Children. Yes, yes, yes!

Leading. Let's write them a letter and promise to never, ever upset them. You will listen to them and love them. And you(addresses Yabeda - Koryabeda and Kaprizulk) go away, we don't need bad habits!

Yabeda - Koryabeda, Kaprizulka :

Well, okay, let's go to another kindergarten! Bye, orivederchi! They leave.

Song : "Hello, moms" music Yu. Chichkova.


That's ourthe holiday has come to an end , goodbye, see you again.