Analysis of “Cold Autumn” by Bunin I. Analysis of the story by I

In June of that year, he visited us on the estate - he was always considered one of our people: his late father was a friend and neighbor of my father. On June 15, Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo. On the morning of the sixteenth, newspapers were brought from the post office. Father came out of the office with the Moscow evening newspaper in his hands into the dining room, where he, mother and I were still sitting at the tea table, and said: - Well, my friends, it’s war! The Austrian crown prince was killed in Sarajevo. This is war! A lot of people came to us on Peter’s Day—it was my father’s name day—and at dinner he was announced as my fiancé. But on July 19, Germany declared war on Russia... In September, he came to us for just a day - to say goodbye before leaving for the front (everyone then thought that the war would end soon, and our wedding was postponed until spring). And then came our farewell evening. After dinner, as usual, the samovar was served, and, looking at the windows fogged up from its steam, the father said: — Surprisingly early and cold autumn! That evening we sat quietly, only occasionally exchanging insignificant words, exaggeratedly calm, hiding our secret thoughts and feelings. With feigned simplicity, the father also spoke about autumn. I went to the balcony door and wiped the glass with a handkerchief: in the garden, in the black sky, pure icy stars sparkled brightly and sharply. Father smoked, leaning back in a chair, absentmindedly looking at the hot lamp hanging over the table, mother, wearing glasses, carefully sewed up a small silk bag under its light - we knew what kind - and it was touching and creepy. Father asked: - So you still want to go in the morning, and not after breakfast? “Yes, if you don’t mind, in the morning,” he answered. “It’s very sad, but I haven’t completely managed the house yet.” The father sighed lightly: - Well, as you wish, my soul. Only in this case, it’s time for mom and I to go to bed, we definitely want to see you off tomorrow... Mom stood up and crossed her unborn son, he bowed to her hand, then to his father’s hand. Left alone, we stayed a little longer in the dining room - I decided to play solitaire - he silently walked from corner to corner, then asked: - Do you want to walk a little? My soul became increasingly heavier, I responded indifferently:- Fine... While getting dressed in the hallway, he continued to think about something, and with a sweet smile he remembered Fet’s poems:

What a cold autumn!
Put on your shawl and hood...

“There’s no hood,” I said. - What next? - I do not remember. It seems so:

Look - between the blackening pines
It's like a fire is rising...

- What fire? — Moonrise, of course. There is some kind of rustic autumn charm in these verses: “Put on your shawl and hood...” The times of our grandparents... Oh, my God, my God!- What you? - Nothing, dear friend. Still sad. Sad and good. I very-very love you... After getting dressed, we walked through the dining room onto the balcony and went into the garden. At first it was so dark that I held on to his sleeve. Then black branches, showered with mineral-shining stars, began to appear in the brightening sky. He paused and turned towards the house: - Look how the windows of the house shine in a very special, autumn-like way. I will be alive, I will always remember this evening... I looked and he hugged me in my Swiss cape. I took the down scarf away from my face and slightly tilted my head so that he could kiss me. After kissing me, he looked into my face. “How the eyes sparkle,” he said. - Are you cold? The air is completely winter. If they kill me, will you still not immediately forget me? I thought: “What if they really kill me? and will I really forget him in some short time - after all, everything is forgotten in the end? And she quickly answered, frightened by her thought: - Do not say that! I won't survive your death! He paused and slowly said: “Well, if they kill you, I’ll wait for you there.” Live, enjoy the world, then come to me. I cried bitterly... In the morning he left. Mom put that fateful bag around his neck that she sewed up in the evening - it contained a golden icon that her father and grandfather wore in the war - and we crossed him with some kind of impetuous despair. Looking after him, we stood on the porch in that stupor that always happens when you send someone away for a long time, feeling only the amazing incompatibility between us and the joyful, sunny morning that surrounded us, sparkling with frost on the grass. After standing for a while, we entered the empty house. I walked through the rooms, putting my hands behind my back, not knowing what to do with myself now and whether to sob or sing at the top of my voice... They killed him - what a strange word! - in a month, in Galicia. And now thirty years have passed since then. And much, much has been experienced over these years, which seem so long when you think about them carefully, you go over in your memory all that magical, incomprehensible, incomprehensible either by the mind or the heart, which is called the past. In the spring of 1918, when neither my father nor my mother was alive, I lived in Moscow, in the basement of a merchant at the Smolensk market, who kept mocking me: “Well, your Excellency, how are your circumstances?” I was also engaged in trade, selling, as many sold then, to soldiers in hats and unbuttoned overcoats, some of the things that remained with me - sometimes some ring, sometimes a cross, sometimes a moth-eaten fur collar, and here, selling on the corner Arbat and the market, met a man of a rare, beautiful soul, an elderly retired military man, whom she soon married and with whom she left for Yekaterinodar in April. We went there with him and his nephew, a boy of about seventeen, who was also making his way to the volunteers, for almost two weeks - I was a woman, in bast shoes, he was in a worn-out Cossack coat, with a growing black and gray beard - and we stayed on the Don and on Kuban for more than two years. In winter, during a hurricane, we sailed with a countless crowd of other refugees from Novorossiysk to Turkey, and on the way, at sea, my husband died of typhus. After that, I only had three relatives left in the whole world: my husband’s nephew, his young wife and their little girl, a seven-month-old child. But the nephew and his wife sailed off after some time to the Crimea, to Wrangel, leaving the child in my arms. There they went missing. And I lived in Constantinople for a long time, earning money for myself and the girl with very hard menial labor. Then, like many, I wandered with her everywhere! Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Paris, Nice... The girl grew up a long time ago, stayed in Paris, became completely French, very pretty and completely indifferent to me, worked in a chocolate shop near Madeleine, with sleek hands with silver marigolds she wrapped boxes in satin paper and tied them with gold laces; and I lived and still live in Nice whatever God sends... I was in Nice for the first time in nine hundred and twelve - and could I think in those happy days what it would one day become for me! This is how I survived his death, having once recklessly said that I would not survive it. But, remembering everything that I have experienced since then, I always ask myself: yes, but what happened in my life? And I answer myself: only that cold autumn evening. Was he really there once? Still, it was. And that’s all that happened in my life - the rest was an unnecessary dream. And I believe, I fervently believe: somewhere there he is waiting for me - with the same love and youth as that evening. “You live, enjoy the world, then come to me...” I lived, rejoiced, and now I’ll come soon. May 3, 1944

Story " Cold autumn” can be roughly divided into two parts: before the war and after the death of the hero. Moreover, the evening that the young people spent together in the garden is described to the smallest detail, so this fragment forces the reader to focus on it, which again proves the main character’s idea that in her life “there was only that cold autumn evening.” Bunin wrote: “There is no happiness in life, there are only lightnings of it, appreciate them, live by them.” So the heroine’s life is an “unnecessary dream”, only one ray of sunshine was in it - this is an evening that will forever remain in the memory of the lyrical heroine.
Main character in the garden he was very lyrical, he remembered a poem that supposedly predicts the future, as if a “fire” is war, a red and bloody war... he also says that “the windows of the houses shine very specially, like autumn,” because This is truly a “special” autumn, the last in his life and the last in the world of the heroine’s happiness.
When the mother sewed up the “little silk bag,” everyone felt a touch of touching within themselves, because such a quick separation of young people pricks the hearts of all family members very unpleasantly.
The girl drives away dark thoughts from herself, is afraid of them, but says with confidence that without him life will lose meaning. After all, indeed, this will be the case later, she will no longer find her happiness, she will be left alone, a useless elderly woman who has lost her entire family, who has lost him...
She says that she “survived his death,” but this is not so, she waits for him all her life, but “love does not understand death, love is life,” and this keeps her in peace. But she is waiting for her death to meet him there, to plunge back into the past, so that that autumn evening will return the colors to her feelings...

Essay on literature on the topic: The theme of love in the story “Cold Autumn” by Bunin

Other writings:

  1. Review of Bunin’s story “Cold Autumn” from the series “ Dark alleys”. This cycle Ivan Bunin wrote in exile when he was seventy years old. Despite the fact that Bunin spent a long time in exile, the writer did not lose the sharpness of the Russian language. This can be seen from Read More......
  2. The general meaning of all I. A. Bunin’s works about love can be conveyed by a rhetorical question: “Is love private?” Thus, in his cycle of stories “Dark Alleys” (1943) there is probably not a single work dedicated to happy love. One way or another, this feeling is short-lived and Read More......
  3. I. A. Bunin’s cycle “Dark Alleys” represents the author’s thoughts about the most important thing in human life - about love in the broad sense of the word. In the stories of the series, the writer tried to illuminate this feeling from all sides, to express his understanding of love, its meaning Read More ......
  4. Ivan Bunin wrote this cycle in exile when he was seventy years old. Despite the fact that Bunin spent a long time in exile, the writer did not lose the sharpness of the Russian language. This can be seen in this series of stories. All stories are dedicated to love, only in Read More......
  5. Cold Autumn The story begins at the beginning of the First World War and is divided into two parts: before the hero leaves for the front and after his death. The evening spent in the garden by the lovers is described in great detail. The young man is lyrical, he remembers poems where the image Read More ......
  6. Bunin considered the collection of stories “Dark Alleys”, created during the Second World War in exile, to be the best thing he wrote in his life. He was a pure source of spiritual inspiration for the writer during this difficult time. The theme of love unites all the short stories in the cycle. Often this is Read More......
  7. The theme of love occupies perhaps the main place in Bunin’s work. This topic allows the writer to correlate what is happening in a person’s soul with the phenomena of external life, with the requirements of a society that is based on the relationship of purchase and sale and in which Read More ......
  8. In exile, where Bunin went after the famous October events, during the years of loneliness and slow oblivion, works on the themes of love, death and human memory appeared in his work. The creations of this cycle, marked by an extraordinary poeticization of human feeling, revealed the wonderful talent of the writer, his Read More ......
The theme of love in the story “Cold Autumn” by Bunin

Preparing for a review of Bunin’s story “Cold Autumn”.

This work from the series “Dark Alleys” was written in May 1944. The plot as such is difficult to see: one evening and compressed events spanning 30 years. The conflict of this story: the love of the heroes and the obstacles in their path. Here love is death. The conflict between love and death begins when the word “war” is heard at the tea table. Development - the engagement of the heroes, which coincides with the father's name day. An engagement is announced - war is declared. The farewell party arrives, the hero comes to say goodbye, the wedding is postponed until spring (the heroes do not expect the war to last long). The culmination of the story is the words of the hero: “You live, enjoy the world, then come to me.” Denouement - the heroine has carried her love through 30 years, she perceives death as a quick meeting with her beloved.

Typical of Bunin's stories is that the heroes have no names. The pronouns HE and SHE imply the destinies of many. Not in the story portrait characteristics(who better than the heroine could describe her lover, but this is not the case). In addition, the story is full of details: “eyes shining with tears” (of the heroine), “glasses” (of mother), “newspaper”, “cigarette” (of father) - which is typical for Bunin’s stories.

The central episode of the story is the farewell evening. Each of the characters at this moment protects the feelings of the other. Everyone is outwardly calm. The mask of calm disappears at the moment of farewell in the garden.

Bunin reveals the character of the main character through his speech: this young man is educated, delicate, and caring. The heroine in Bunin's portrayal is infantile. At the moment of farewell, HE reads Fet’s poems (the text of which is distorted) in order to emotionally reinforce the general atmosphere. The heroine knows nothing about poetry. In this situation, she has no time for her: a few more minutes and they will part.

This story has the same plot outline, problems, and the short duration of love, but at the same time it is not similar to any of the stories in the “Dark Alleys” series: in 22 stories the narration is told from an impersonal person, and only in “Cold Autumn” is the narration led by the heroine.

The dates are noteworthy, among which one can note the exact dates - 1914 (historical similarity - the murder of Ferdinand), that year is a periphrase, some dates - one can only guess about them (the author does not mention anything about 1917, the years of the Civil War).

The story can be divided into 2 compositional parts: before the death and after the death of the hero.


Artistic time flies with catastrophic speed, like a carousel of events.

Art space


There are no relatives or friends. The girl being raised is far from the heroine of the story (“she has become completely French”).

The heroine is a naive girl.

She lost everything, but saved herself: his will is her journey through torment, which she speaks about calmly, indifferently; she is no more than 50 years old, but her voice sounds like the voice of an old woman, because everything remainsthere in the past .

Artistic details

House, lamp, samovar (comfort)

Glasses, newspaper (belong to loved ones)

Silk bag, golden icon (symbolizes the present)

Cape (desire to hug)

Basement, corner of Arbat and market (all of Russia has turned into a market)

There are no details related to loved ones.

The gold cord used to tie the candies and the satin paper are symbols of unreal life and tinsel.

Bast shoes, zipun - the fate of millions.

Conclusion: BEFORE – security, AFTER – universal loneliness.

The memory motif sounds from the beginning to the end of the story. Memory is the only opportunity to preserve the features of a loved one, but at the same time, memory for the heroine is a duty: “I lived, I was happy, now I’ll come back soon.”

The story “Cold Autumn” shows not only the death of the hero, but also the death of Russia, which we lost. Bunin makes the reader think about how early the horror that they had to endure fell on the souls of the heroes.

Before us is the story “Cold Autumn” by Bunin. After reading it, you understand once again: only a genius can convey so deeply and soulfully what is beyond the limits of the human mind and perception. It would seem that, simple story, where there is he, she, mutual feelings, then war, death, wanderings. Russia in the 20th century experienced more than one war, and millions of people experienced similar tragedies, but... There is always the word “but”, which does not deny, but rather reminds us of the uniqueness of the feelings and experiences of each person. It is not for nothing that the work “Cold Autumn” is included in the cycle of stories by I. A. Bunin “Dark Alleys”, in which the author repeated himself more than thirty times: he wrote, in fact, about the same thing - about love, but each time in a different way.

An eternal theme in the writer’s work

The story “Cold Autumn” (Bunin) contains an analysis of the eternal theme: the fate of each individual person is the answer to the question. A person, with his life, from birth to death, lives his own love story and gives his answer. This is true, because he paid the greatest price for it - his life. Could this experience be useful to us? Yes and no... He can give us strength, inspiration, strengthen our faith in love, but the Universe expects from us something completely new, unique, incomprehensible, so that subsequent generations will be inspired by our stories. It turns out that love is the infinity of life, where there was no beginning and there will be no end.

“Cold Autumn”, Bunin: contents

“In June of that year, he visited us on the estate...” - the story begins with these words, and the reader involuntarily gets the impression that this is a certain excerpt from a diary, torn somewhere in the middle. This is one of the features of this work. The main character, on whose behalf the story is told, begins her story with a farewell meeting with her lover. We don't know anything about their past relationship or when or how their love began. In fact, we already have a denouement: the lovers and their parents have agreed on an imminent wedding, and the future is seen in bright colors, but... But the heroine’s father brings a newspaper with sad news: Ferdinand, the Austrian crown prince, has been killed in Sarajevo, and that means war inevitable, the separation of young people is inevitable, and the outcome is still far away.

September. He came for just one evening to say goodbye before leaving for the front. The evening passed surprisingly quietly, without unnecessary phrases, without special feelings and emotions. Everyone tried to hide what was going on inside: fear, melancholy and endless sadness. She absentmindedly walked to the window and looked out into the garden. There, in the black sky, the icy stars sparkled coldly and sharply. Mom carefully sewed up the silk bag. Everyone knew that there was a golden icon inside, which once served as a talisman at the front for my grandfather and great-grandfather. It was touching and creepy. Soon the parents went to bed.

Left alone, they sat in the dining room for a while and then decided to take a walk. It became cold outside. My soul was getting heavier and heavier... The air was completely winter. This evening, this cold autumn will forever remain in their memory. He did not know what his fate would be, but he hoped that she would not immediately forget him if he died. The most important thing is that she live, rejoice, and live happy life, and he will definitely wait for her there... She cried bitterly. She was afraid both for him and for herself: what if he really was gone, and one day she would forget him, because everything has its end...

He left early in the morning. They stood for a long time and looked after him. “They killed him - what a strange word! - in a month, in Galicia” - here is the denouement, which fits in one single sentence. The epilogue is the next thirty years - an endless series of events that, on the one hand, were important, significant, and on the other... Death of parents, revolution, poverty, marriage to an elderly retired military man, escape from Russia, another death - the death of her husband , and then his nephew and his wife, wandering throughout Europe with their little daughter. What was all this? The main character sums it up and answers herself: only that distant, already barely distinguishable cold autumn evening, and everything else is an unnecessary dream.

Analysis of “Cold Autumn” by I.A. Bunin

Time. What it is? We are accustomed to labeling everything: hours, minutes, days. We divide life into past and future, trying to get everything done and not miss the main thing. And what is the main thing? Analysis of “Cold Autumn” by I.A. Bunin showed how the author conveyed the conventions of the existing world order. Space and time take on other forms and are painted in completely different colors in the human soul. The description of the last autumn evening in their lives takes up most of the work, while thirty years of life takes up only one paragraph. During dinner in the dining room with the main character we feel subtle sighs, notice every tilt of the head, see the endless changes of everyone present, and imperceptibly the understanding comes to us that all these seemingly insignificant details are the most important.

The detailed description of the dining room with the windows fogged up from the samovar, the hot lamp above the table in the first part of the story is contrasted with the endless list of cities and countries that our heroine had to visit: the Czech Republic, Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium, Serbia, Paris, Nice... From small to a cozy, gentle home exudes warmth and happiness, while the glorified Europe with “boxes from a chocolate store in satin paper with gold laces” exudes dullness and indifference.

Continuing the analysis of “Cold Autumn” by I.A. Bunin, I would like to dwell on “ secret psychologism", which is used by the writer to convey the internal experiences of the main characters. The farewell meeting has its own face and backside: external indifference, feigned simplicity and absent-mindedness of the main characters hide their inner turmoil and fear of the future. Insignificant phrases, exaggeratedly calm words are spoken aloud, notes of indifference are heard in the voice, but behind all this one feels growing excitement and depth of feelings. This makes it “touching and creepy”, “sad and good”...

Concluding the analysis of “Cold Autumn” by I.A. Bunin, let us pay attention to one more important detail. There are not many characters in the story: the hero and heroine, parents, husband, his nephew with his wife and little daughter... But who are they? No name is given. Although at the very beginning the name of the crown prince is heard - Ferdinad, whose murder became the pretext for and led to the tragedy described. Thus, the author is trying to convey that tragic fate The main characters are both exceptional and typical, because war is a universal tragedy that rarely bypasses anyone.

Meshcheryakova Nadezhda.




Analysis of the story “Cold Autumn” by I. A. Bunin.

Before us is the story of I. A. Bunin, which, among his other works, has become classic Russian literature.

The writer turns to seemingly ordinary types of human characters in order to, through them and their experiences, reveal the tragedy of an entire era. Comprehensiveness and accuracy of every word, phrase ( character traits Bunin's stories) appeared especially clearly in the story “Cold Autumn”. The title is ambiguous: on the one hand, it specifically names the time of year when the events of the story unfolded, but in a figurative sense, “cold autumn,” as in “ clean monday“- this is a period of time that is the most important in the lives of the heroes, this is also a state of mind.

The story is told from the perspective of the main character.

The historical framework of the story is wide: it covers the events of the First World War, the revolution that followed it, and the post-revolutionary years. All this befell the heroine - a blooming girl at the beginning of the story and an old woman close to death at the end. Before us are her memories, similar to a generalizing life outcome. From the very beginning, events of global significance are closely connected with the personal fate of the characters: “war breaks into the sphere of “peace.” “ dinner he was announced as my fiancé. But on July 19, Germany declared war on Russia...” The heroes, anticipating trouble, but not realizing its true scale, still live according to a peaceful regime - calm both internally and externally. “Father came out of the office and cheerfully announced: “Well, my friends, it’s war! The Austrian crown prince was killed in Sarajevo! This is war! - this is how the war entered the lives of Russian families in the hot summer of 1914. But then the “cold autumn” comes - and in front of us it is as if the same, but in fact different people. About them inner world Bunin tells through dialogues, which play a particularly important role in the first part of the work. Behind all the stock phrases, remarks about the weather, about “autumn,” there is a second meaning, subtext, unspoken pain. They say one thing but think about something else, they speak only for the sake of maintaining a conversation. A completely Chekhovian technique - the so-called “undercurrent”. And the fact that the father’s absent-mindedness, the mother’s diligence (like a drowning man grabs a “silk bag” at a straw), and the heroine’s indifference are feigned, the reader understands even without the author’s direct explanation: “only occasionally they exchanged insignificant words, exaggeratedly calm, hiding their secret thoughts and feelings". Over tea, anxiety grows in people’s souls, a clear and inevitable premonition of a thunderstorm; that very “fire rises” - the specter of war looms ahead. In the face of trouble, secrecy increases tenfold: “My soul became increasingly heavier, I responded with indifference.” The heavier it is inside, the more indifferent the heroes become outwardly, avoiding explanations, as if everything is easier for them, until the fatal words are spoken, then the danger is foggier, the hope is brighter. It is no coincidence that the hero turns to the past, nostalgic notes sound: “The times of our grandparents.” The heroes yearn for a time of peace, when they can put on “a shawl and a bonnet” and, hugging each other, take a calm walk after tea. Now this way of life is collapsing, and the heroes are desperately trying to retain at least the impression, the memory of it, quoting Fet. They notice how the windows “shine” in a very autumnal way, how “minerally” the stars sparkle (these expressions take on a metaphorical connotation). And we see what a huge role the spoken word plays. Until the groom performed the fateful “If they kill me.” The heroine did not fully understand the horror of what was coming. “And the stone word fell” (A. Akhmatova). But, frightened even by the thought, she drives it away - after all, her beloved is still nearby. Bunin, with the precision of a psychologist, reveals the souls of the heroes with the help of replicas.

As always, nature plays an important role in Bunin. Starting from the title, “Cold Autumn” dominates the narrative, sounding like a refrain in the words of the characters. The “joyful, sunny, sparkling with frost” morning contrasts with the internal state of people. The “ice stars” sparkle mercilessly “brightly and sharply.” The eyes “shine” like stars. Nature helps us feel more deeply the drama of human hearts. From the very beginning, the reader already knows that the hero will die, because everything around indicates this - and above all, the cold is a harbinger of death. "Are you cold?" - asks the hero, and then, without any transition: “If they kill me, will you... not immediately forget me?” He is still alive, but the bride is already feeling cold. Premonitions are from there, from another world. “I’ll be alive, I’ll always remember this evening,” he says, and the heroine, as if she already knows that she will have to remember - that’s why she remembers the smallest details: “Swiss cape”, “black branches”, tilt of the head...

The fact that the main character traits of the hero are generosity, selflessness and courage is evidenced by his remark, similar to a poetic line, sounding soulful and touching, but without any pathos: “Live, enjoy the world.”

And the heroine? Without any emotion, sentimental lamentations and sobs, she tells her story. But it is not callousness, but perseverance, courage and nobility that are hidden behind this secrecy. We see the subtlety of feelings from the scene of separation - something that makes her similar to Natasha Rostova when she was waiting for Prince Andrei. Her story is dominated by narrative sentences; she meticulously, down to the smallest detail, describes the main evening of her life. Doesn’t say “I cried,” but notes that a friend said: “How my eyes sparkle.” He talks about misfortunes without self-pity. He describes his pupil’s “sleek hands”, “silver marigolds”, “golden laces” with bitter irony, but without any malice. Her character combines the pride of an emigrant with resignation to fate - isn’t this a trait of the author himself? There is a lot in their lives that coincides: both he experienced a revolution, which he could not accept, and Nice, which could never replace Russia. The French girl shows the features of the younger generation, a generation without a homeland. By choosing several characters, Bunin reflected great tragedy Russia. Thousands of elegant ladies who have turned into “women in bast shoes.” And “people of rare, beautiful souls” who wore “worn Cossack zipuns” and let down “black beards.” So gradually, following the “ring, cross, fur collar,” people lost their country, and the country lost its color and pride. The ring composition of the story closes the circle of the heroine’s life: it’s time for her to “go”, to return. The story begins with a description of an “autumn evening”, ends with a memory of it, and the sad phrase sounds as a refrain: “You live, enjoy the world, then come to me.” We suddenly learn that the heroine lived only one evening in her life - that same cold autumn evening. And it becomes clear why she spoke in such an essentially dry, hasty, indifferent tone about everything that happened after - after all, it was all just an “unnecessary dream.” The soul died along with that evening, and the woman looks at the remaining years as at someone else’s life, “as the soul looks from above at the body they abandoned” (F. Tyutchev). Real love according to Bunin - love is a flash, love is a moment - triumphs in this story too. Bunin's love constantly ends on the most seemingly bright and joyful note. She is hampered by circumstances - sometimes tragic, as in the story “Cold Autumn”. I remember the story “Rusya”, where the hero really lived only for one summer. And circumstances intervene not by chance - they “stop the moment” before love is vulgarized, does not die, so that in the heroine’s memory “not a slab, not a crucifix” is preserved, but the same “shining gaze” full of “love and youth”, so that triumph a life-affirming beginning, the “ardent faith” was preserved.

Fet’s poem runs through the entire story - the same technique as in the story “Dark Alleys”.