Daniil Kharms. Game

Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev (1905 - 1942)

The future poet spoke and read fluently in German and English. He was educated in this educational institution Petersburg, where teaching was conducted in foreign languages.

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms ( real name Yuvachev; 1905-1942) - poet, prose writer, playwright, children's writer. His first literary works written in 1922. Already at that time, Kharms chose for himself not only the fate of a writer, but also a pseudonym.

Pseudonyms Karl Ivanovich Shusterling Daniel Charm Shardam Dandan Charms writer Kolpakov

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting, and the poodle went with him, jumping over the fence. Ivan fell into the swamp like a log, and the poodle drowned in the river like an ax. Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting, and the poodle jumped with him like an axe. Ivan fell like a log into the swamp, and the poodle in the river jumped over the fence. Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting, and a poodle fell into a fence with him in the river. Ivan jumped over the swamp like a log, and the poodle jumped onto the axe. Poem "Ivan Toporyshkin"

FRIENDS Alexander Vvedensky Nikolay Zabolotsky Yuri Vladimirov


Adventures of a Hedgehog Kolka Karas came to the hairdresser. “Sit down,” said the barber, laughing. But instead of hair, he saw a hedgehog and rushed to the door, screaming and squealing. But Kolka the prankster didn’t grieve for long and put a hedgehog on Aunt Natasha. And Aunt Natasha, seeing the hedgehog, jumped up like a ball, squealing in fear. The father heard about these pranks: “Give me the hedgehog!” - he cried out at last. And Kolka, shaking and squealing with laughter, brought a printed issue of “Hedgehog.”

“Yozh” is a “Monthly magazine” - for children of primary and secondary school age - published since 1928. And “Chizh” is an “Extremely Interesting Magazine” - published in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in 1930-1940 for preschoolers. One of the first authors of these magazines was Daniil Kharms with his poems.

Children really like Daniil Kharms’ mischievous, funny, playful poems.

Ivan Ivanych Samovar Ivan Ivanych Samovar was a pot-bellied samovar, a three-bucket samovar. Boiling water was pumping in it, boiling water was puffing with steam, angry boiling water was pouring into the cup through the tap, through the hole directly into the tap, straight into the cup through the tap. Early in the morning he came up to the samovar, Uncle Petya came up.

Uncle Petya says: “Let me have a drink,” he says, “I’ll have some tea,” he says. She went up to the samovar, Aunt Katya came up with a glass. Aunt Katya says: “Of course,” she says, “I’ll drink too,” she says. So grandpa came, a very old man came, grandpa came wearing shoes.

He yawned and said: “Is it possible to have a drink,” he says, “maybe some tea,” he says. Then my grandmother came, she was very old, she even came with a cane. And, after thinking, he says: “What, should I have a drink,” he says, “or some tea,” he says. Suddenly a girl came running, she ran to the samovar - it was her granddaughter who came running. “Pour me!” he says, “a cup of tea,” he says, “it’s sweeter for me,” he says. Then Zhuchka came running, she ran with the cat Murka, she ran to the samovar, so that they could be given milk, boiling water with milk, boiled milk. Suddenly Seryozha came, he came unwashed, he came later than everyone else.

“Serve me!” he says, “a cup of tea,” he says, “more for me,” he says. They tilted, tilted, tilted the samovar, but all that came out was steam, steam, steam. They tilted the samovar like a cupboard, cupboard, cupboard, but all that came out was drip, drip, drip. Samovar Ivan Ivanovich! Ivan Ivanovich is on the table! Golden Ivan Ivanovich! He doesn’t give boiling water, he doesn’t give it to those who are late, he doesn’t give it to lazy people. 1928

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms (real name Yuvachev;) poet, prose writer, playwright, children's writer. Born on December 17 (30) in St. Petersburg, Danya Yuvachev was born into a, let’s say, handsome family. His father is a naval navigator by training. He once served on the Black Sea and visited many countries of the world. He passed the temptation of the revolutionary movement, sat in the Peter and Paul and Shlisselburg fortresses, and in 1884 he was sentenced to death. The sentence was replaced by 15 years of hard labor. In 1900, after liberation, he came to St. Petersburg. Too much has been experienced, too much has been seen. In the evenings, Ivan Pavlovich took his son into his office, sat him next to him and began to tell him extraordinary stories. Soon Danya himself was telling his own stories - one more fantastic than the other.

His mother, Nadezhda Ivanovna Kolyubakina, a teacher by training, was the head of a “shelter for women” released from prison. At the shelter they received primary education. The mother had a government-owned apartment at the shelter. Here she lived with her son for over ten years... And her sister, Natalya Ivanovna Kolyubakina, was a famous teacher who lived and worked in Detskoye Selo, where Danya was sent for some time.

His first literary works were written in 1922. Already at that time, Kharms chose for himself not only the fate of a writer, but also a pseudonym. From 1928 to 1941 D. Kharms published poems for children in the magazines “Chizh”, “Hedgehog”, “Cricket”, “Octobers”. Several children's books have been published, including such well-known ones as “Ivan Ivanovich Samovar”, “The Game”, “Million”. Kharms's works of the Oberiut period are mischievous and whimsical. Poems and prose for children provide a unique outlet for his playful element, but they were written solely for earning money and the author did not attach much importance to them.

1) In St. Petersburg, a memorial plaque was unveiled in memory of Daniil Kharms, dedicated to the centenary of his birth famous writer. The plaque was installed on house number 11 on Mayakovsky Street, where Kharms lived from 1925 to August 23, 1941, until his arrest. The memorial sign, made of dark stone, features a bas-relief of the writer, reproducing the famous photograph of Kharms, in which he is depicted in a ridiculous hat. In addition, a line from the writer’s work “A Man Came Out of the House” is engraved on the board. 2) The author of the memorial plaque was the famous St. Petersburg architect Vyacheslav Bukhaev.

2) Another monument to Daniil Kharms appeared in St. Petersburg. In the park near house 26 on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, a plaque by the sculptor Leo was installed with a traditional image of Kharms in full height, as well as a bas-relief of the shocking Kirill Miller. It depicts Kharms's plaster face with a very long nose... It was Miller who came up with the “Kharms parade” in honor of the opening - with the participation of the artists of the Comic Trust, the leader of the Mitki - Dmitry Shagin and Miller himself. Kharms' profiles appeared on the wall of the house, right in front of the playground.

Daniil Kharms, one of the last representatives of the literary avant-garde of the 1920s, was not only a poet, prose writer, and playwright, but also an original artist and calligrapher. This publication contains for the first time the artistic heritage of Kharms - more than 150 of his works, executed on separate sheets, among creative manuscripts, in notebooks, and samples of the writer’s calligraphy. Many of the drawings are presented for the first time.

Daniil Kharms: Very scary story After finishing their buttered bun, the Brothers walked along the alley. Suddenly, from a corner, a large Dog barked loudly at them. The younger one said: “Here’s an attack, he wants to attack us. So that we don’t get into trouble, we’ll throw a bun into the dog’s mouth.” Everything ended well. It immediately became clear to the brothers that on every walk you should take with you... a bun. (Daniil Kharms, 1938) (Daniil Kharms, 1938)

Janitor Santa Claus In a fur coat, in a hat, in a shower jacket, the Janitor was smoking a pipe, And, sitting on a bench, the Janitor said to the snow: Are you flying or are you melting? You won't understand anything here! You sweep, you sweep, You just sweep to no avail! Why am I talking? I'll sit and smoke. The janitor smokes a pipe, smokes... And squints his eyes from the snow, And sighs, and yawns, And suddenly falls asleep. Look, Manya! Vanya shouted. You see, the scarecrow sits and looks at his broom with his coal eyes. It's just Santa Claus. Or like a snow granny Come on, give him a hit on the hat and grab his nose! And how it growls! How his feet will knock! Yes, as soon as he jumps up from the bench, Yes, he shouts in Russian: You will already be freezing How to grab me by the nose! (Dani il Kharms, 1940)

Ivan Toporyshkin. Horn Harmonium. “Very tasty pie” “A man came out of the house.” Shardam is not accepting today. 1.What did you know about Daniil Kharms before? Charms. I am only interested in life in its absurd manifestation D. Kharms. Nicknames. Vanya rode on a horse. What distinguishes Kharms' poems from the poems of other poets? Honor the memory of the day of the battle of Thermopylae. Ivan fell through a log into a swamp, and a poodle in the river jumped over a fence.

"Khlebnikov" - World of Nature. About Velimir Khlebnikov. The heart of a speaker. Dawn in the meadow. Zinziver. Word creation. Khlebnikov is chaotic. Form. Shocking. Grasshopper. Biography pages of Velimir Khlebnikov. Vocabulary work.

“Khetagurov” - Anna Tsalikova. Costa. Levan Elizbarovich Khetagurov is the poet’s father. The whole world is my temple, Love is my shrine, the Universe is my Fatherland... The presentation was prepared by the Ossetian language and literature teacher Nadezhda Vladimirovna Chernysheva. The presentation used material: Costa’s collection, Costa’s photo album, Internet resources. ...I said: bring home - to Ossetia, to our native land, your lonely grief ... And tears flowed from my eyes, and joy spilled in my chest - I saw snowy mountains.

"Ernest Hemingway" - Windmere Cottage. First World War. Widely accepted. Writer's success. Recent years life. Ernest Hemingway with his son Bumby. Returning home. Youth. Documentary prose. Novels. Hemingway in Paris. World War II. Hemingway in military uniform. Civil war in Spain. Storybook. Years of creativity. Interesting facts. Florida and Africa. Ernest Hemingway. The main milestones of the biography.

“Huxley “Brave New World” - Man. Draw the structure of society as depicted by Huxley. Reading work of art. The dream of humanity. To teach how to select significant arguments to prove the main idea. Introducing students to various models future. Society happy people. The main reason for a person’s rejection from the community of people. Does the existence of a state depend on the will of an individual? Equality.

"Omar Khayyam" - The greatest evil for man. Name. The verses of the Koran are reverently revered everywhere. Omar was the son of a tent owner. Prayer rug. Persian poet. Khayyam passionately desired the reconstruction of the world. Literary heritage Omar Khayyam. Omar Khayyam. Rubai. Omar Khayyam died on December 4, 1131. Solutions. Take the poison offered to you by the sage. Hundreds of theologians. For many years I reflected on earthly life.

Goals :

  1. To familiarize students with magazines for children aged 20-40. twentieth century, tell children about Kharms,
  2. Get acquainted with his poems,
  3. Give a general idea of ​​word play;
  4. Develop expressive, conscious reading skills;
  5. Cultivate interest in reading, attention to the author’s word;
  6. Develop and enrich students' speech,
  7. Promote the development of the emotional sphere of children.


  • computer,
  • children's magazines,
  • portrait of Kharms,
  • books by Kharms.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Speech warm-up.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse.
Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

Read slowly, with an intonation of surprise, with admiration, with acceleration, with slowdown, with patter.

3. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Preparatory work.

How many of you read magazines? What magazines are these?

And your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers read the magazines “Chizh and Hedgehog”. (slide1) Chizh is “ H extremely AND interesting AND magazine" - published in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in 1930-1940 for preschoolers. And “Hedgehog” is “ E monthly and magazine" - for children of primary and secondary school age - has been published since 1928. (Presentation. Slides 2,3)

Reading questions from magazines, p. 159. (Presentation. Slides 4,5)

Today we will get acquainted with the works of one of the first authors of these magazines - the poems of Daniil Kharms. (Presentation. Slide 6)

Reading an article about magazines, p.158.

4. Learning new material.

Teacher's story.

Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev was born in 1905, in St. Petersburg, into the family of a nobleman, a former political prisoner who served time in prison and exile on Sakhalin.

The future poet spoke and read fluently in German and English. He was educated in an educational institution in St. Petersburg, where teaching was conducted in foreign languages.

Charms - he first signed a comic poem in 1922. Kharms' contemporaries recall that he was very fond of practical jokes, pranks,

Jokes are not only in poetry, but also in life. Kharms always signed with pseudonyms. Among the many there are the following: Karl Ivanovich Shusterling or Pusterling, Shardam, Dandan, Ivan Toropyshkin and others. The name Kharms was repeated most often.

In the mid-20s of the last century, D. Kharms and his friends - Alexander Vvedensky, Yuri Vladimirov, Nikolai Zabolotsky - united in a literary and poetic group. They composed fables, counting rhymes, invented new words, experimented and invented. In adult poetry this was difficult. They were not understood. This group of poets made the magazines “Chizh” and “Yozh” the most popular in those years.

Reading an article by O. Alexandrova about D. Kharms. (Presentation. Slide 7)

Initial check of understanding.

What do you remember from my story about Daniil Kharms?

How do you imagine it? (Presentation. Slide 8)

Initial reading of the poem.

Working with text, vocabulary work.

Did you like D Kharms' poem?

What words caused difficulties?

Find in the text and read onomatopoeic words. What did the author have in mind when he wrote them?

Who played, what and how?

Is this how you play?

5. Physical exercise.

6. Consolidation of what has been learned.

(Presentation. Slide 9.) Expressive reading of the poem.

7. Lesson summary.

What group of poets did you learn about today?

Which person’s life did you read and listen to today?

What do you remember? (Presentation. Slides 10,11)

What poem did you come across?

8. Homework.

Absurdity - absurdity, nonsense.

Grotesque - an image of something in a fantastic, ugly-comic form, based on sharp contrasts and exaggeration

Pseudonym - a fictitious name of a writer, artist, political figure

OBERIU (Association of Real Art) - a group of writers and cultural figures that existed in 1926 - early 30s. in Leningrad (D. Kharms. A.I. Vvedensky, N.A. Zabolotsky, K.V. Vaginov, Yu.D. Vladimirov) They declared a rejection of traditional forms of art, cultivated the grotesque, alogism, and the poetics of the absurd. They were systematically attacked by official criticism, many members of the association were repressed and died in custody

Alogism 1. Illogicality, incompatibility with the requirements of logic 2. philosophy. Denial of logic as a means scientific knowledge 3. Intentional violation of logical connections in speech in order to create a stylistic effect

Vanguard 1. Part of the troops (or fleet) located in front of the main forces. 2. transfer An advanced, leading part of a social group (in front, in the forefront)