Children who are looking for a foster family. Selecting a child for adoption

Children are the greatest happiness that can be in a person’s life. But, unfortunately, sometimes a married couple, for one reason or another, is unable to give birth to their own baby. Some married couples continue expensive treatment for years and make attempts to have a child, others resign themselves to this state of affairs and forever resign themselves and give up the hope of becoming a father and mother.

However, there is a third way out of this difficult situation. This, of course, is the adoption of a child. Adopting a child from an orphanage is a real opportunity for childless couples to experience the joy of being parents. What should couples who decide to adopt a child do first? You should not rashly cling to this idea - for example, the adoption of a child from a maternity hospital is often hasty and thoughtless. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also enlist the support of all members of your family - this will help avoid misunderstandings and disagreements in the future.

If a unanimous positive decision is made, you just need to find “your” baby, and also find out the requirements for adopting a child. If you have taken such an important step as adopting a child, the photo data bank will help you make your choice. The database of children for adoption contains complete information about all children.

Next, future parents need to submit an application requesting a conclusion on the possibility of being adoptive parents. Such an application is submitted to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence of the parents. Along with your application, you need to prepare and attach a number of documents. Below is what is needed to adopt a child:

  • A short autobiography, written in free form.
  • Certificates of employment of both parents. The certificates must indicate the positions they occupy and the size wages. You need to get such a certificate from the accounting department of the LLP of the enterprise where the parents work.
  • You must obtain a statement from the bank about the status of your financial personal account, if applicants for adoption of a child have one.
  • Extract from the house register and documents confirming ownership of the premises.
  • Help from law enforcement agencies that applicants for adoption have no criminal record for crimes against human life or health.
  • Medical report on the health status of persons applying for adoption of a child. The medical certificate must be issued by a municipal or state medical and preventive institution.
  • A notarized copy of the marriage certificate.

Remember that when contacting the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, you will be asked to present a passport or other identification document provided for by legal legislation Russian Federation. Be sure to have them with you, and do not forget to make photocopies of these documents and have them certified by a notary. They will also explain to you the procedure for adopting a child.

In order for future parents to be given a conclusion on the possibility or impossibility of being adoptive parents of a child, representatives of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities must draw up an act of examining the living conditions and lifestyle of the applicants. To do this, representatives of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities must go to the applicants’ place of residence.

After considering the application and the attached packages of documents listed above, as well as after drawing up an inspection report of the applicants’ living conditions, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities are obliged to make a decision within 15 days on the possibility or impossibility of being the child’s adoptive parents. The solution must be in in writing and handed over to the applicants. This statement will subsequently serve as the basis for adding the applicants to the list of candidates.

In the event that the guardianship and trusteeship authorities made a negative decision and refused to include the applicants in the database of candidates for adoptive parents, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities must notify the applicant about this within five days and hand him a written refusal justifying their negative decision. Along with the decision, the applicant must be returned all the documents he previously submitted, and the procedure for appealing such a decision must also be explained.

Selecting a child for adoption

In the same case, if the guardianship and trusteeship authorities have given their approval and included you in the list of candidates for adoptive parents, the applicants are provided with a database of children for adoption, and all information about such children, and are also given a referral to visit the selected child at his place of residence .

If candidates for adoptive parents have not found a suitable child for themselves at their place of residence, they have the right to contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of neighboring constituent entities of the Russian Federation. There they will also be provided with a list of children waiting in line for adoption and all the necessary information about them. In order to apply to other guardianship and trusteeship authorities, future parents do not need to take any special referrals.

In order for parents to be able to obtain the information they are interested in about any child who is up for adoption, future parents must write an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the child’s place of residence, attaching a copy of the conclusion about the possibility of being adoptive parents.

If you want to receive information about children left without parental care and subject to adoption from the federal database, you must present your passport and the following documents for the adoption of a child:

  • A statement written in any form, in which you must indicate your desire to take the child into your family.
  • Fill out a standard form for a citizen wishing to adopt a child. This form contains information about the applicant’s first, last and patronymic names, his place of birth, marital status, citizenship, contact numbers.
  • If the adoption is carried out by a foreign citizen, he must also submit a conclusion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent.

Please clarify more precisely whether this is the entire list of documents for adopting a child.

The application of the candidate adoptive parent must be considered within 10 working days. If for some reason the documents do not meet the requirements, or for some other reason the applicant is refused, the operator must return all documents to the applicant and explain in writing his refusal and the procedure for appealing the decision.

And if the application is considered and a positive verdict is reached, the applicants will be issued full list children awaiting adoption, as well as detailed information about those little ones that potential parents are interested in.

After the adoptive parents have read the information about all the children and are able to make their preliminary choice, the operator must issue the adoptive parents a referral to visit the selected child.

The issued referral is valid for visiting only one child and only for 10 days. However, if the applicant has a valid reason, such as a business trip or illness, upon presentation of a document confirming this fact, the validity period of the referral may be extended. After the candidate for adoptive parents has visited the child he has chosen, he is obliged to notify the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in writing about the results of the visit to the child and the decision he made.

Applicants, before making a decision on adoption, have the right to:

  • Receive complete and objective information about whether the selected child has any relatives - brothers, sisters, grandmothers, and also know about their whereabouts.
  • Contact any independent municipal or state medical and preventive institution for a medical examination of the child of his choice. However, it must be remembered that this examination will be carried out in the presence of medical workers the child care institution in which the selected child is currently located.

Do not forget that in addition to rights, the adoptive parent also has a number of responsibilities. The first thing that future parents need to do is to personally get to know their future baby and try to establish contact with him as quickly as possible. Good contact with the baby is a very important step to success. Preparing a child for adoption primarily involves establishing contact with the adoptive parents. Indeed, during the court hearing, the fact of good emotional contact will be a big plus towards making a positive decision on adoption.

Also, adoptive parents should not neglect to carefully study all information concerning the child. This measure will help to avoid many difficulties in the future, for example, if the child’s grandmother or his mother suddenly shows up. Of course, the presence of living relatives of the baby you have chosen is not a reason to refuse adoption, but awareness is the key to your peace of mind.

You also need to carefully read the medical report on the baby’s health condition. The fact that you have read it must be confirmed in writing. Even if you don’t care about the baby’s health and it cannot influence your decision, be sure to take this information into account, because caring for the baby’s health after adoption will fall on your shoulders. You need to know what you need to be prepared for.

In the same case, if the baby you have chosen does not suit you for some reason, you must notify the guardianship and trusteeship authorities about this. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities, in turn, must issue candidates for adoptive parents with a referral to visit another child of their choice. In the same case, if the adoptive parents were unable to find a suitable baby for them, they have the right to submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with a request to continue the search for the baby.

Guardianship and trusteeship authorities must accept applications from candidates for adoption and record them in writing. A representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities must notify adoptive parents awaiting the birth of a child in writing at least once a month about the appearance of new profiles of children awaiting adoption. Or, on the contrary, about their absence.

After receiving such a notice from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the adoptive parent must, within 15 days, have the right to familiarize himself with the profiles of the children to be adopted. If for some reason he cannot familiarize himself with the questionnaire within the established time frame, he is obliged to notify the guardianship and trusteeship authorities about this in writing, attaching documents confirming this fact - sick leave or travel leave, etc.

In the same case, if the applicant, two times in a row, after receiving a notification from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, does not appear to familiarize himself with the child’s new profile without good reason, the search for the child for him may be temporarily suspended. And it can be resumed only after the guardianship and trusteeship authorities receive a corresponding application from the candidate adoptive parent.

Also, a citizen applying to adopt a child must notify the guardianship and trusteeship authorities about:

  • Making a decision to adopt the chosen baby and filing a lawsuit for adoption in court.
  • If the applicant changes his decision, he must, in writing, refuse to further search for the child and the availability of information about him in the database of adoptive parents.

Judicial consideration of the adoption case

The procedure for adopting a child is quite simple. The adoption process itself takes place during a court hearing in the manner established by the civil procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. In order to adopt the baby you have chosen, you need to submit an application of the established form to the court located at the child’s place of residence.

The application submitted by the adoptive parents must indicate the following facts:

  • First name, last name, patronymic of the applicants, as well as their registration address and the address of their actual residence, if they differ.
  • First name, last name, patronymic, as well as the date of birth of the child being adopted, his address at the time of filing the application.
  • If a child is adopted by a single woman, the motivation must be indicated.
  • Complete information about the child’s close relatives – parents, brothers, sisters.
  • The reasons that prompted the adoptive parents to decide to adopt this particular baby.
  • The application must also indicate the adoptive parents’ request to change the child’s last name, first name and patronymic, and in addition, all information recorded in his birth certificate.
  • Written notification that the applicant is aware of the conditions for adopting the child.
  • If Russian children are adopted by foreign citizens, it is necessary to indicate the applicant’s permission to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The following package of documents must also be attached to the application for adoption of a child submitted to the court:

  • If the adoptive parent is not married, a copy of his birth certificate.
  • If the applicant was previously married, a copy of the divorce certificate must be attached.
  • If the applicant is married, a copy of the marriage certificate is attached to the application.
  • Conclusion on a medical examination of the health status of adoptive parents.
  • A certificate from the applicants’ place of work, which must be obtained from the company’s accounting department.
  • Documents confirming ownership of residential premises.
  • Conclusion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent, issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  • Conclusion on registration in the database of adoptive parents.

Remember that all documents necessary for the adoption of a child must be presented to the court in two notarized copies. The above describes everything that is necessary to adopt a child.

After presenting everyone to the court necessary documents, the claim of the adoptive parents will be considered during a closed court hearing. The following must be present at the trial:

  • Representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  • Prosecutor.
  • The child himself, if he has already reached 14 years of age.

The court, after considering all the materials of the case, makes a decision to approve or deny the adoption of the child. In the event that the decision will be positive character, you will receive a court decision on the adoption of the child. Such a court decision serves as sufficient grounds for making a change in the birth certificate records.

After making a decision on adoption, it is necessary to carry out state registration of adoption. The basis for such registration of adoption with the registry office is also a court decision, which enters into legal force after ten days from the date of the decision. If for some reason the applicant does not write an application to register the adoption, the registry office will register it only on the basis of a court decision. And only the court can make such a decision as canceling the adoption of a child.

The civil registration records will include information such as:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the child, which he bore until the moment of his adoption.
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the child received after adoption.
  • Passport details of the child’s adoptive parents – last name, first name, patronymic, age, registration.
  • Number of the birth certificate record and the date of its preparation.
  • All details of the court decision on the adoption of a child.

Payments upon adoption of a child

Cash payments for the adoption of a child are the same as for the birth of your own:

  • Maternity benefit. It is paid if adopted child has not reached three months of age. It is paid on the basis of a certificate from the registry office at the mother’s place of work.
  • A one-time benefit paid by the state when a child is transferred to a family for upbringing. Today its size is approximately 8,000 rubles.
  • If the child is under one and a half years old, the mother is paid a monthly allowance upon adoption of the child until the child is one and a half years old.
  • In addition, if the adoptive parents already have a child, or they have adopted two children at once, they have the right to receive maternity capital. To do this, parents must contact the fund pension insurance at your place of residence.

In some regions, additional payments are provided when adopting a child. For more detailed information, parents should contact their local social welfare authorities.
Of course, adopting a child is a very responsible and quite long process. But in this case, time is on your side - after all, next to the child you have chosen, you will have to go through many years of togetherness and happy life. It is also very useful to visit the school foster parents, which exists under each guardianship and trusteeship authority. Experienced teachers will help you prepare for the arrival of a new person in your family, tell you what problems may await you, and most importantly, how to deal with them.

Show a little patience and endurance - very soon you will hear such cherished words “mom” and “dad”!



So, you already have in your hands the long-awaited conclusion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent/guardian/adoptive parent (read about how to get this conclusion in the section “How to draw up documents”).

It is from this moment that you can begin searching for a child to take into your family.

There are several ways to find a child:

1. You can contact the guardianship and trusteeship authority at your place of registration(i.e. in the guardianship where you received the conclusion), and familiarize yourself with the profiles of children subject to family placement. It is likely that in your area there are exactly the kind of children that the stork has saved for you;).

2. If, nevertheless, you have not found children in the district (city) whom you could adopt into a family, then you can contact your regional data bank. The data bank, which is a division of the Ministry of Education, contains information about all children in the region who were left without parental care and are subject to family placement.

How to find contacts of regional data bank operators?
Contact information for all regional data bank operators is posted on. In the “Where should the adoptive parent go” column, select the region you are interested in. On the page that opens you will see the contacts of the regional operator.

3. You can look for the child on your own in any guardianship and trusteeship authorities in your region or other regions. You will find a complete list of guardianship and trusteeship authorities in all regions of the Russian Federation on the same website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. (In the column “Where should the adoptive parent go” you need to select the region you are interested in. On the page that opens you will see a complete list of guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the selected region).

Data banks for children are where many modern adoptive parents begin their search for their child. However, in order to use them fully, it is necessary to understand how this system works, what principles it is based on and what opportunities it provides.

About the system itself

So, let's think about what to do if you decide to take such a responsible and serious step as adoption. A data bank about orphans is a complete assistant. To ensure that every child left without parental care can be accommodated, he must receive official orphan status. This is the first condition. If the natural parents have written a waiver of their own child, from that moment on he can be taken into custody or adopted. It must be admitted that not all children have orphan status, and all because they are still in legal ties with their parents. How can this be, you ask. Everything is very simple: the child’s biological mother can serve a sentence for a crime, which is why it is impossible from a legal point of view to deprive her of her rights. Even if she is not at all interested in the fate of her child, she does not write letters or visit him, she legally still continues to be his mother. The same condition applies to all those children whose parents were deprived of their rights by court, but at this point in time the period during which they can appeal the court decision has not yet expired.

Only after the child is assigned the status of an orphan will a personal file be opened on him, after which the child will be assigned to the district guardianship authority at the place of his registration. From this moment on, the child can be adopted and taken into custody. The district guardianship department is given a month to find a new one for the baby. foster family. As practice shows, in most cases, especially if the child is over three years old, this cannot be done. That is why, after a month, all information about the child is transferred to the regional children's data bank. This is a real chance for adopting a child. If, after another month of finding the child’s data in this database, it is still not possible to find him new family, the information will already be transferred to a federal data bank.


Regional and federal banks accumulate and collect information about children for adoption in regional and federal banks. If we talk about how these banks work in practice, we must admit that they are not updated as regularly as we would like. This is why it often happens that a child has already been adopted, but he still continues to be listed in the database as a potential applicant for adoption. The database is updated only once a week, and in the regions even less often.

What does this mean for a potential adoptive parent?

First of all, searching for a child requires a considerable amount of free time, moreover, it is a difficult psychological test. Many potential adoptive parents, even at the stage of preparing the entire package of documents, regularly visit data banks, take a closer look at the children, and maybe already become attached to one of the children. The adoption procedure itself is quite lengthy and complex, sometimes accompanied by difficulties, so stress and anxiety certainly cannot be avoided. And just imagine: the parents have finally resolved all the issues with the guardianship authorities, received the right to act as adoptive parents, have already chosen a child, and at the time of receiving permission to visit him they find out that he has already been adopted.

This can only be avoided if you protect yourself from previewing information about the child, and start collecting all the documents that will allow you to apply for adoption of the child. The data bank, photos and information about each baby will become available to you only after you are officially allowed to adopt the baby.

Some potential adoptive parents are somewhat skeptical about the information that is indicated in the children's data bank. Indeed, in newspapers and on television they provide information about beautiful, healthy babies, but just open a data bank and you come across exceptionally seriously ill children, the responsibility for whose life and upbringing you are not ready to take upon yourself. There is an opinion that officials deliberately do not post information about healthy babies online, keeping it for foreigners. However, you shouldn't believe these rumors. The reason is again obvious - information is not updated often enough.

We communicate with officials correctly

This topic is not entirely pleasant, but still needs consideration. Not all organizations and authorities that potential adoptive parents need to visit welcome them cordially. Unfortunately, this occurs everywhere in our country. Potential adoptive parents often encounter rudeness, a dismissive attitude, are forced to listen to a lot of grievances and answer questions that have nothing to do with their case. At these moments, you need to remember your true motive - the desire to adopt a child.

In some areas, potential adopters must wait on a waiting list to view the database. You first need to show up for an appointment, go through the document review procedure, and only after that wait until you get access to the database. Yes, adoption is a complex and responsible process. A data bank, photos of children - something you still have time to do. The main thing is to focus on the result, study all the regulations governing the procedure for the adoption of children.

The regional database operator must familiarize all potential adoptive parents with data on children within the framework of the requirements that they place on them. If we talk about requirements, remember that the softer and more loyal they are, the higher the chance of finding a baby. In fact, no one limits you; set the search criteria that you consider necessary and necessary, first of all, for your family.

To begin with, we would like to invite you to read the article by psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya “I’m going to look” about . This material is about the attitudes of parents “you need to get to know your own”, “you need the right one”, “you need to make it skip a beat” and others - is it necessary to hold on to these attitudes.

There are several ways to find a child to adopt into a family. We will try to figure out how to do this better, and also provide links to databases on children in need of family placement.

Three common ways

Method number 1. Use resources on the Internet: video passports, photo profiles (a list of links by region of the Russian Federation is presented below). Such resources can be very convenient from the point of view of potential adoptive parents, as they allow them to get to know the child closely. Thus, in the practice of our foundation, there are cases when potential parents fall in love with a certain child from a video clip, after which they collect documents in order to adopt him (her) and no one else.

Method number 2. Use regional and federal data banks on children left without parental care. According to the law “On the state data bank on children left without parental care,” these banks must provide data on all children subject to family placement (about 130 thousand children as of September 2012).

However, these data banks have one significant drawback: the quality of information in them is not completely satisfactory (since the data is entered on the basis of limited information provided by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities), and photographs of children are presented in very limited quality and do not reflect real age/appearance/ child's character. A search in data banks is carried out on the official website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the page “Data Bank on Orphans”. By filling out the optional fields (age, region, gender, etc.), you can find children's profiles. Under each questionnaire there is a link: “Where to apply.” By following this link, you will find contacts of the regional operator of the data bank, as well as contacts of other organizations in the region related to the topic of family structure. Contact the regional operator and ask what the current situation of a particular child is, as well as how you can meet him and accept him into the family;

Method number 3. Contact the guardianship and trusteeship services of your region and other regions. Applying to guardianships in different regions significantly increases the chances of finding a suitable child. However, you will probably have to appear in person at these guardianship authorities - these are the requirements that many officials make. The coordinates of all guardianship and trusteeship authorities, as well as many other institutions, can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (see the column “Where to go for the adoptive parent” and “Selecting a region” on the main page of the site at the bottom right).

Video passports and photo profiles

All-Russian services

  • The database of video questionnaires is constantly being updated (now it is the largest in Russia), and new regions are also appearing. Stay tuned.
  • Project "Territory without orphans". The database contains profiles with photographs of children from different regions of the country.
  • The project “Video Passport of a Child” by Timur Kizyakov, host of the “While Everyone is Home” program. The website contains about 700 video profiles of orphans from several regions of the Russian Federation.
  • “Children’s Question”, project “Radio of Russia”. A large number of photo profiles are published here.

Krasnoyarsk region

Moscow and Moscow region

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Chelyabinsk region

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  • Evgeniy and Yulia

    Hello! We are a family from St. Petersburg, we saw a profile of a specific child on your website, and we are ready to take him into the family. The problem is that this particular child is needed, he is located far away, in the Udmurt Republic, and therefore I really want to know the status of the child. Perhaps he is already in the family or there are some other difficulties. We heard that you sometimes provide assistance in such situations. After all, the questionnaire contains only a first name, no last name and very little information; it is very difficult for us to interact with the Udmurt guardianship authorities from afar. And of course I want to see the baby and talk. If the information is positive, we are ready to fly there in person. Costs and various bureaucratic obstacles are not scary. We haven’t written any applications for guardianship yet, but we are financially and housing secure, we also meet the other requirements, there shouldn’t be any problems. Can you help us with anything? Thank you in advance and we will be happy to participate in donations for your site, you are doing a very good job.

    • Website consulting service

      in our questionnaires, as in all other databases of orphans, only the information that is permitted by law is indicated. When calling or visiting the guardianship authorities, you only have this information, and they can easily find the child using this data.
      Our foundation only shoots a video about the child; additional information should be obtained from the registry. operator and guardianship authorities.
      The child’s status is recorded both in our profiles and in the child’s profiles in other databases. The latest information about the status (it may change, for example, from guardianship to adoption) should be obtained from the registry. operator and guardianship authorities.
      We also draw your attention to the fact that it is usually not recommended to first select a child and then collect documents, since if parents whose documents are in order contact the guardianship authorities, the guardianship authorities will be legally obligated to act in the interests of the child, and they will not refuse suitable candidates have rights.

  • Hope

    Hello, I am 44 years old, unmarried, I want to take custody of a boy from 2 to 3 years old.

    • Website consulting service

      Hello, in order to take custody of a child, you need to obtain a conclusion about the possibility of being a guardian from the guardianship authorities at your place of residence, and then search for the child. About becoming a guardian:

  • Natalia

    Hello. Today we were refused to be placed on the waiting list for guardianship. Is this legal? If not, where should I go for help?

  • Natalia

    Hello! Today we were denied placement on the waiting list for guardianship in the city of Mikhailovka, Volgograd region. Is this legal? If not, where should I go?

    • Website consulting service

      Hello, such a concept as a waiting list for a child is not spelled out in the law. You leave an application with the guardianship authorities and they can offer you children as they appear.
      You also have the right to write a dated application to meet any child left without parental care, without taking into account any waiting list. And you will have to respond in writing within 10 days. In case of written refusal, you can complain to higher authorities.

  • Catherine

  • Catherine

    We are also looking for a child, a boy, for a long time and without results, we called 30 times to different regional banks, including those located on this site. Everywhere there were zero results, then they took it away, then we don’t recommend taking it, the child is sick... And they started registering both in the Moscow region and at home and in a couple of other cities, with no results..
    Help me find a boy under three years old. Of course, I would like to be healthy, but if anything happens, we will treat it if we can.
    Otherwise, we have already begun to become disillusioned with this system, normal people and we cannot make anyone happy, and we are really waiting for it, so that we can become even more private..
    We are from the city of Belgorod

  • Yana Leonova

    regarding the data bank about children in Moscow, you can also look at the Adopt-Moscow website

  • Nadezhda Shuklina

    ...there is a wonderful baby who needs a mother and father!...his own mother abandoned the boy in the maternity hospital and ran away....the three-year-old baby is fighting for himself in our cruel adult world...cerebral palsy is an unpredictable condition, but it has long been proven - the system of perseverance, competent treatment and love raises these children and the diagnosis and verdict - an unpromising child - is an invention and an excuse for the unprofessionalism of doctors!....give them free rein - Russian neurologists would transfer all children to the status of patients in one form or another!...I know what I’m writing....about the child: white, blue-eyed, gentle a well-groomed delight for a real mother... from prosperous, successful parents... such children are a rarity in an orphanage... but there are also such monster women - she simply refused and left with the words: I was raised as a princess and a sick son is not my problem... such children should live in a boarding school!….answer REAL MOM AND DAD…my mail [email protected]

    • Website consulting service

      Hello, what region is the boy in? Do you have a link to his page in the federal database

      Please remember that disclosing the whereabouts of a specific child is punishable by law; only the region of residence can be reported (and this information is sufficient for potential parents).

  • Yana

    I called the guardianship office, which was presented on the Internet by a site with photo and video material on children, but that was not the case!!! One child is visited by a mother deprived parental rights, another aunt, a third grandmother... I ask why the material about children was posted? - We have to do this. Not guardianship authorities, but some kind of quagmire

    • Website consulting service

      Hello, despite the fact that children are visited by relatives (the question is how often - once every six months?), children should be raised in a family, not in orphanage. If, for example, you live in the same region, then you can maintain the possibility of these visits, but pick up the child from the child care center.

  • Alla

    Hello. I haven’t been able to find a baby from 2-3 years old for 4 months now. Our guardianship says that there are no children. I asked to write in writing that there are no children, they immediately offered a child. We began to go to his orphanage, and when I left, I cried, swallowing tears. I came to the guardianship office to tell him that I agree to take the baby, but I’m off the hook, they say that he has a mother. They haven’t filed a lawsuit yet, I’m just shocked why they’re offering a child, because he thinks that I’m his mother. When I arrive, he runs to me and we are sitting kissing each other’s eyes and nose. What’s going on, why is this happening (they mock).

    • Website consulting service

      Apparently, parents now have limited rights, which means that the child can be taken into custody. And wait until the mother is deprived of her rights and adopt the child. Of course, we need to take a closer look at this specific situation(in particular, on the reasons for deprivation of birth rights).

    • Lou

      They want money like everywhere else, that’s the whole deal. There are a lot of children. They don’t give it to America, and according to statistics, the number of abandoned children is growing every year. Do you believe that there are no children? This is a closed system, and you will never know how many children there are with adoption status. Type in orphanage on YouTube and see how many children there are. This is business! And not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Good luck in your search. You have the right, and it is recommended, to write a written, dated statement (preferably in two copies) with a request to provide the child’s details and issue a referral to meet with him. Within three days, reg. the operator or guardianship authorities must inform in writing if the child has already found a family or his complete data and issue a referral to a meeting. If this does not happen, you need to complain to higher authorities, because this is a violation.
      You can also ask for registration in writing. operator in your region, request information from the registrant. operator in another region. If you leave a written request, the response will also be written. In specific cases, you can consult with lawyers.

      We wish you good luck, if you have any additional questions, please write in the “Question and Answer” section.

  • adopt a child photo Moscow | Everything that happens on the planet

    […] Maybe. And if I plan to adopt a child photo Moscow, I think this is a very important nuance. Hence the second […]

  • Ira

    Hello. We wanted to take a 6-7 year old girl into our family, but for some reason all the cities (guardianship) refuse. Finding a hundred reasons, there are no children, they take her in their city, there is a queue of 400 people, etc. It’s a shame that the children are toiling in orphanages, and normal families cannot take a child to warm him with love and care

    • Website consulting service

      They probably refuse you over the phone. A written refusal for such reasons is extremely unlikely. And even if you are denied a referral (and there must be a good reason for this, for example, the referral has been issued to other citizens of the Russian Federation), such a refusal can be appealed.
      It is necessary to act in accordance with the procedure established by law - at a personal reception with the reg. operator write a dated statement and wait for a written response.

  • Tatiana

    Good afternoon. Perhaps I’m in the wrong place, but I don’t know where else to turn and write. I want everyone to know and maybe someone who has the opportunity to influence and change something will see it. The fact is that the information on the website of the Vladimir Center for Adoption and Guardianship has not been updated for I don’t know how many years... Children even born in 1992 are exhibited there - they have already managed to give birth to their own children! Photos of children - almost from a passport, or from a criminal chronicle, of such quality! which they carry out to transfer children to families! On the federal website of the children's data bank - the same parsley! And it seems that the children for adoption and care are exclusively sick - and not just with health problems, but seriously ill with diagnoses. despite the fact that many friends work with orphanages and tell me how many healthy children there are, it’s just a shame for our region and I don’t know where to write...maybe you could do it better?