Folic acid in fruits and vegetables. Folic acid: where is it found? List of foods that contain the most vitamin B9.

Folic acid, otherwise known as vitamin B9, is found in a number of foods. Among them are greens, vegetables, plant and animal foods. To ensure you get the required daily amount of this vitamin, it is important to have an accurate understanding of which foods contain folic acid.

The first mention of this component is associated with spinach leaves, where there is a lot of it. This microelement is able to dissolve in water and quickly degrade in light.

In some countries, except Poland, bread is also produced with the addition of folic acid. Beans are high in folic acid and mungo beans in particular. Foods containing folic acid include. Yeast, beans and orange pea juice green leaves chicory spinach turnips vegetables asparagus egg yolks lentils wheat barley grains broccoli and cauliflower liver. Among the foods available in supermarkets, it is worth going for liver, poultry, soy, wheat germ and bran and yeast. The folic acid content in these products exceeds 250 mg.

The fair half of humanity very often does not take into account such health problems as headaches, weakness, depression, depression, pale skin, and certainly does not rush to understand the origins of these deviations. A lack of folic acid can cause exactly these symptoms. In this case, you will be able to get rid of the problem by simply adjusting your daily menu.

Another important source of acid is vegetables. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, parsley, lettuce, brown rice, wheat flour and Wroclaw, eggs, oatmeal. Folic acid has many beneficial properties for the body. The most important of them are.

Deficiency and excess in the body

Folic acid is involved in metabolic processes and in the synthesis of such compounds. Folic acid supports the production of serotonin, which is calming and calming, and also improves mood and norepinephrine production with activity that enhances the body's antidepressants. Adequate levels of folic acid minimize the risk of spinal fissures in the fetus, as well as asthma in the child during childbearing in women. In many products, it prevents birth defects: clefts, cerebral palsy, cerebrospinal hernia, hydrocephalus, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, parenchymal stenosis, miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy. Protecting against cervical cancer and other cancerous transformations, adequate amounts of folic acid influence cell division, which minimizes cancer. Provides a balanced process of distribution and differentiation of red blood cells. Folic acid is involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, which in turn works well on arteries, preventing them from closing, minimizing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  • Regulation of cell functioning.
  • Purines, pyramids and amino acids.
  • Positive effect on the nervous system and brain.
  • Provides mental well-being to reduce the risk of dementia.
  • It is recommended to take 0.4 mg per day in supplement form or in natural form.
  • Improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Supports the formation of gastric juice.
  • Beneficial effects on the liver, stomach, intestines.
  • Production of red blood cells.
  • Antitumor effect.
  • Participation in the preservation of genetic material.
  • The transmission of hereditary cell characteristics regulates cell division.
  • Ensuring proper erythropoiesis.
  • Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Both excess and deficiency of folic acid cause poor health effects.

The importance of folic acid for the human body

Folic acid, what it is needed for and what products contain it are questions that concern many ordinary people.

  • If vitamin B9 enters the body in the quantities required, this will have a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system. The result is an increase in the body's resistance to various infectious diseases. A person feels cheerful, it is easier for him to resist depression and stress.
  • Folic acid is an active participant in the process of hematopoiesis. Without it, normal red blood cell production cannot be achieved. The condition of the circulatory system improves, the vessels are strengthened and cleansed of toxins. Naturally, all this has a beneficial effect on the appearance, the skin pleases with its cleanliness, radiance and health.
  • Vitamin B9 is very useful for growth. That is why folic acid must be given to children.
  • Pregnant women should also take care to consume folic acid. If this component is present in the body as much as needed, then pregnancy will proceed normally. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the unborn baby will develop pathologies.
  • The hormone of joy - serotonin is produced together with folic acid.
  • Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of certain brain substances that ensure uninterrupted transmission of nerve impulses, and stimulates the formation of special hormones that help the body actively resist stressful conditions.

Foods containing high amounts of folic acid

The list of products containing such a component as folic acid is impressive.

Folic acid deficiency is most often the result of an abnormal diet as well as consumption of processed foods. This is all due to the fact that vitamin A was originally extracted from spinach leaves, in which it was found in brown color. However, if you are not a fan of these vegetables, you have no worries.

Why do we need folic acid and where to find it? Folic acid for proper fetal growth. He cares about proper development nervous system and the transmission of hereditary characteristics in children developing in the womb. It has particular benefits in preventing distortion of the neural tube, which can lead to brain deformation. This also affects weight and further development baby after birth. The prenatal period - mainly the beginning of her month, as well as the period three months before birth - is the most important.


At room temperatures, B9 quickly degrades, so it is not recommended to leave products containing such a capricious component for long-term storage. Every day a person is required to replenish acid reserves by 200 - 400 mcg.

  1. Asparagus is a herb that is not just useful, but even medicinal. 262 mcg of folic acid is contained in 100 g. plants. In addition, asparagus has many other vitamins - A, C, B, E. It is rich in copper, iron, calcium, and potassium. The complex of all these components contributes to the rapid and high-quality absorption of acid.
  2. Seeds - the benefits of pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds, as well as sunflower seeds are expressed not only in the ability to replenish lost reserves of B9, but also to obtain vitamins B6, E, as well as many other minerals and amino acids. These listed products can be consumed fried or raw.
  3. Nuts - folic acid is contained in many varieties in large quantities, but there are also leaders. These include almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts. Whatever nut you take, they are all useful and should definitely be present in the diet. Unroasted nuts are especially beneficial.
  4. Greens are rich in acid; the first places in terms of the content of this useful microelement went to parsley (117 mcg per 100 g), spinach (80 mcg), and lettuce (80 mcg). It is recommended to take these vegetables raw, especially since they can be added not only to first and second courses, but also to salads.
  5. Folic acid is also found in sufficient quantities in some legumes. We are talking about lentils, 0.1 kg. which contains 180 mcg of this microelement, in beans (160 mcg), in beans (115 mcg).
  6. Whole grains - useful folic acid is found in products such as buckwheat, wheat, rye, etc. These grain products contain from 35 to 50 mcg of the substance. The components supplied with them are completely absorbed by the body. Important! Cereals are best used in sprouted form, without subjecting them to heat treatment at all.
  7. Vegetables and fruits - in a number of fruit and vegetable stocks, one can note the content of vitamin B9 in the required quantities. Among them, those that are green in color especially stand out: avocado, white and Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. They will provide exceptional benefits if consumed raw.
  8. Folic acid is found in foods of animal origin. Beef and chicken liver is rich in acid, 100 g. the product has 240 mcg. Pork has a little less (225 mcg). However, if possible, it is preferable to replenish acid reserves with products of plant origin. After all, half of the nutrients in ingredients that require cooking are destroyed during heat treatment.
  9. The eggs of various birds are also rich in this useful component. Chicken and quail are especially popular and healthy. By the way, the latter can be safely eaten raw, which will preserve all the useful components.
  10. Citrus fruits contain significant amounts of folic acid. Especially in this regard, the orange stands out, which contains up to 50 mcg of the vitamin; a glass of orange juice contains even more.

Having an idea of ​​what folic acid contains, you can compensate for its deficiency with natural products. However, many are worried about a possible excess of B9.

That's why it's worth thinking about this in advance - somehow preventively. We don't plan for everything, so experts recommend prophylactically increasing folic acid levels in women of childbearing age. Due to the fact that demand is really high during this period, supplementation is recommended - the dosage should be agreed with your doctor.

Folic acid soothes and stimulates action. Aren't you trying to be a child or even a woman? You also shouldn't forget about the foil acid. Let's start with the fact that it is a tireless fighter for our optimism. Maintain proper functioning of the nervous system and brain throughout life, and not just at the beginning. This promotes the development of two very important neurotransmitters: serotonin and norepinephrine, which are essential for our well-being and lifestyle. Serotonin will calm down, guaranteeing good sleep.

In fact, the acid in question is not toxic, which means that it is impossible to obtain an excess of it. There are foods rich in folic acid in unlimited quantities. But it is unlikely that anyone will be able to eat so many nuts or greens that it will become a threat to the body.

Table of folic acid content in foods

In order to visualize which products contain folic acid and in what volumes, it is recommended to use the data given in the table. The microelement content is indicated in %, per 100 g.

Norepinephrine, on the contrary: it will stimulate you to action, the force of the energy strike. Folic acid - helps the digestive and blood systems. Folic acid, however, loves not only the nervous system. It supports hematopoietic processes by participating in the production of red blood cells. It is sometimes used as part of the treatment for anemia. It is also necessary for the formation of juices, supports digestion and intestinal function, stomach and liver. That's still not all the vitamin does - it likely plays a role in stopping the development of cancers or even reversing them.

Based on the list presented above and having received information about where folic acid is found in foods, you will be able to take care of your diet properly, systematically replenishing the reserves of this component.

Reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer. Folic acid as a male seminal resuscitator. Dear Sirs, When you are trying to become a descendant, it is not only your partners who should pay close attention to folic acid in the diet. The vitamin also takes care of the quality of male sperm. Research shows that men with poorer diets produce less sperm.

Folic acid: Where to find it? To suit your needs, you can handle spinach, sauces or salads with fresh leaves. Won't you spin spinach in any shape? Folic acid can also be found in other leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. Would you be more specific?

How to best preserve the benefits of folic acid in foods

Folic acid has this peculiarity - it is produced in small quantities by the body in the intestines. But this volume is not sufficient and mandatory compensation is required, which can be achieved by replenishing certain food products or special vitamin complexes.

Rack for pipes, egg yolks, lentils or wholemeal products. Folic acid deficiencies are more common in pregnant women, the elderly and children, especially hyperactivity. Among the identified symptoms of deficiency. Fatigue, problems with concentration, memory, insomnia and hyperactivity, digestive disorders, mouth inflammation and growth in children and adolescents. Not necessarily visible - stopping the restoration of cells in the body and small red blood cells.

Some of it is stored in the liver, but most of what leaves the state we expel in urine. Excess can be observed in particular. allergic skin reactions. Taking more than 15 mg of the vitamin per day may contribute to nervous system and digestive system disorders. Folic acid from green leafy vegetables should be eaten in the company of red meat, organ meats or fish. We wish you tasty and healthy! These red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to all cells of our body.

In fact, it is not difficult for the body to obtain folic acid in the right amount.

We must not forget that the amount of this useful component in food products is reduced significantly during heat treatment. That is why it is necessary to consume vegetables and fruits raw. In order for as much microelement as possible to enter the human body, food products containing folic acid should be consumed in the form of salads.

In case of anemia, this process is disrupted. Blood is also a carrier medium for other building blocks and nutrients, enzymes, hormones and immune bodies. Any disturbance in these functions causes alarm for the entire body. The causes of anemia are many, so the first step to health should be a visit to the doctor and diagnostic tests.

The doctor may prescribe preliminary tests. Designation Designation of hemoglobin hematocrit of red blood cells number of red blood cells and indicators Number of reticulocytes in the blood smear Determination of the number of leukocytes and platelet count sample of interest. Of course, you may need additional tests to determine the type of anemia and possible therapy. Often, only laboratory tests indicate problems with anemia.

In addition, direct sunlight and elevated temperatures immediately destroy folic acid, so it is recommended to consume the products as quickly as possible.
Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is an essential part of a healthy and comfortable life. Fortunately, many products contain this component. A properly designed diet will allow you to forget about the deficiency of this vitamin.

Often the first symptoms are not a signal of illness for us. We translate it to ourselves as fatigue and haste, or, for example, the spring solstice. Weakness and fatigue Drowsiness tendency to faint Dizziness Irritability, difficulty paying attention pale gums, conjunctivitis and around the nails rapid heartbeat difficulty breathing Exercises Sore tongue and mouth bruises or bleeding, numbness and trembling legs Nausea and diarrhea. Correct diagnosis requires exclusion of genetic and environmental factors and related diseases.

As a rule, the question of which foods contain folic acid begins to concern women only during the period of planning a child, because it is at this time that this element turns out to be especially important for the body. However, vitamin B9 is necessary for every person. Let's look at which foods contain folic acid so that we can normalize the situation without resorting to drugs.

The majority, however, must be our lifestyle and poor diet. Nutrition also has a significant impact on the treatment of all types of anemia. Defective anemia - iron deficiency, vitamin B12 or folic acid anemia, hemolytic anemia is a disorder against the production of anemia in various disease states. Proper nutrition, supplements and quality products are the beginning of our plan to return to health. This is a metal that is a component of hemoglobin, but its total amount in the body is very small.

  1. Among fruits and berries The leaders are kiwi and pomegranate, which each contain 18 mcg of the substance. In addition, this element is also found in foods such as figs, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, watermelon, cherries, lemons and peach. In other fruits and berries, the folic acid content is very low, almost negligible.
  2. Among vegetables parsley, beans and spinach lead the way, containing about 100 mcg of vitamin B9. In addition, you should pay attention to lettuce, greens, and all types of cabbage.
  3. Among the cereals Durum wheat (46 mcg) can be considered the champion. Rice, buckwheat and oats are also good in this regard. It is important to consume foods not only because “they are healthy,” but also to take into account your own tastes - in this case, the benefits will be as strong and noticeable as possible.
  4. Meat products not too rich in folic acid - the maximum amount, 9 mcg, is found in turkey. And the recognized leader in B9 content is beef liver, which contains 240 mcg of the substance.

In addition, there is a lot of vitamin B9 in nuts, especially walnuts and hazelnuts, in porcini mushrooms and especially in yeast (as much as 550 mcg). If you instinctively reach for these foods, it means your body is lacking folic acid.

For example, in adult women it is within one gram. The daily requirement is 10 - 12 milligrams and for women up to 13 - 25 milligrams. Warning signs indicate iron deficiency. A healthy body receives about 10% - 15% of its iron content from food. It happens, however, that due to digestive problems and diseases, absorption of the element in the gastrointestinal tract is difficult. It may be a little acidic and lack of suitable organic acids.

If you are his enemy should like: leafy vegetables and whole grains, beans, peas, beans, lentils and dark raw sugar and molasses and prunes and figs. In the case of molasses, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and check the seal of the package. Iron deficiency is one of the most common health problems in the world. It turns out, however, that this is very easy to solve.

Knowing which foods are rich in folic acid, you can get exactly as much of this substance as you need without additional funds or medications.