Municipal lists of services for the year. Draft resolution "on approval of the departmental list of municipal services and work provided and performed by municipal institutions of the Mikhailovsky municipal district"

Federal executive authorities have determined a departmental list of municipal services for 2016. According to this list, it includes twenty-nine components.

Among them:

  • healthcare;
  • educational activities and science;
  • transport sector and road industry;
  • catering industry;
  • use and reproduction of natural resources;
  • area of ​​energy and energy efficiency;
  • water management and forestry;
  • consumer protection organization;
  • national defense;
  • sports industry and physical culture;
  • field of activity in the field of justice;
  • social protection of the population;
  • space activities, etc.

One of the most important functions of the state is to provide its citizens with certain services that determine guarantees of social and economic stability in society. How well these components function in the state determines the effectiveness of its work. In order to implement these functions, institutions of a certain type began to be organized in society.

What's happened service of national importance

A service of national importance is understood as an activity performed by a federal or regional institution in certain cases that are established by the legislative system of our country.

An order sent to an organization at the federal level must be formed on the basis of the above list of services. It is financed only for those services that are specified in the departmental list.

The list of services is one of the basic conditions for the functioning of state-funded organizations.

The concepts of “service” and “work” are somewhat different from each other.

“Service” is understood as the final result of the process of an organization’s activities in relation to any citizen, namely the one who consumed it. An example is treatment by a doctor, as well as a child’s education in a school educational institution.

“Work” refers to activity processes aimed at an unknown number of people. This could be the population of a district, city or entire country. A specific example is the organization of competitions, exhibitions, and landscaping of the territory.

A service differs from a job by the ability to measure the number of its potential consumers.

An example of services provided by the state in the field of physical culture and sports are:

  • organization and holding of competitions;
  • physical education and health training camps;
  • training according to the program additional education children in physical education;
  • agitation of young people and introduction to a healthy lifestyle, etc.

In the field of culture:

  • activities to create performances;
  • entertainment programs;
  • circus acts;
  • preservation of intangible cultural heritage population.

In environmental activities, this list includes:

  • resource-saving measures;
  • sampling and primary processing of samples;
  • analysis of emissions into the atmosphere and aquatic environment;
  • conducting biotesting of factors influencing environment etc.

The established rules for the financial part and the formation of government tasks in the field of federal government institutions come into force on January 1, 2016.

There are currently two types of lists:

  • basic;
  • departmental.

The basic ones include those works and services that must be performed based on the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation. The basic list should include full guarantee obligations in the field of providing medical care free of charge, freely provided education, as well as other important social guarantees.

Departmental lists include actual work (services) provided, which in turn are based on government assignments.

The division of lists into basic and sectoral reflects departmental and functional expenses.

As for the regional and municipal levels, lists of services that will be provided by regional institutions are established by the highest government body of the subject.

Services related to education can be provided not only directly educational institutions. Examples are: advanced training, scientific development, retraining. They are also implemented by institutions of other types: cultural, healthcare, scientific organizations, law enforcement agencies, etc.

It must be remembered that the main parts of the departmental document should not in any way contradict the indicators of the basic one. However, they are supplemented and detailed.

The functions of the basic and departmental lists are significantly different. Basic lists should ensure uniformity in the provision of departmental list services.

Departmental-type lists are formed by executive authorities that perform the powers and functions of the founder on the basis of the basic ones.

All services are divided into two types depending on the method of provision:

  • personal services;
  • services that are provided remotely.

An example of the first type is receiving medical care, education, social events, etc. The second type includes, for example, information services. Along with this, there may also be electronic queuing.

Required to fill out

The lists are determined by the executive branch of the state. In general information about the work (or services) provided government agencies, the following information must be present:

  • what is the name of the element that performs the constituent role;
  • What is the name of the service itself? Authorized persons indicate OKVED codes;
  • codes of parts that are vested with the functions of the founder;
  • detailed content of the declared service or work;
  • what are the conditions for public services or work;
  • to whom of the population the service is directed;
  • indicators that characterize the volume and quality of work performed;
  • information about paid or free work;
  • detailed information about regulatory legal acts.

This information is the content for inclusion in the register. All such records must be assigned their own individual numbering.

The Ministry of Finance of our state is vested with the authority to determine the sequence of formation, the basis for the emergence and determination of the content of a unique number.

All data entered into the register must be signed using a modern and reliable electronic signature.

Lists of departmental types of services are formed by official units vested with the role of founder. The information base is available through a single service and is accessed through the global network.

Transparency as the main goal

The main task of codifying and clarifying the list of services provided at all levels is considered to be not so much systematization and convenience as transparency. This ensures a transition from individual standard costs to one where transparent and objective single standard costs can be calculated.

For 2016. According to the latest data, it includes 29 fundamental components, among which the dominant place is given to the following areas:

  • educational science and activity;
  • healthcare;
  • reproduction and use of natural resources;
  • road industry and transport sector;
  • areas of energy and energy saving;
  • catering industry;
  • forestry and water management;
  • national defense;
  • services and organization of consumer rights protection;
  • physical culture and sports industry;
  • social protection of the population;
  • field of activity in the field of justice;
  • space activities and others.

Of course, the main foundations laid down in the upcoming program are aimed at social protection and economic security for Russian citizens.

Each of the above areas must contribute certain benefits to the development and stability of the state, therefore, in order to implement the conceived ideas, government bodies have approved certain structures and organizations that deal only with matters under their jurisdiction.

The departmental list of municipal services for 2016 in Russia has already been approved and approved, but what is the peculiarity of providing certain services and what is its main difference from the concept of “work”?

The concept of “public service” is understood as a certain activity that is carried out by relevant institutions belonging to the federal or regional type. The entire aspect of the services provided is planned at the legislative level, therefore the activities of any institution are controlled by government bodies, which set a certain plan of action and possible prospects.

To take examples, a service can be compared to the individual treatment of a person in a medical institution or the receipt of general education by a student. But the work is characterized the following examples: organization sports competitions or thematic exhibitions, population of the area with new residents, landscaping of the subordinate territory.

In general, we can conclude that a service differs from a job in that when creating a certain service, the actual number of its followers and consumers can be calculated.

Examples of services in certain areas

The departmental list of municipal services 2016 consists of 29 components; what types of services will be provided to each of them in the coming period:

Sphere of the sports industry and physical culture:

  • recreational sports camps;
  • organization and holding of mass sports competitions;
  • training teenagers and primary school students in sports skills (in addition to receiving compulsory education);
  • Promoting young people to sports and a healthy lifestyle, introducing them to physical activity.

Sphere of culture:

  • organizing activities to create performances;
  • holding spectacular national programs;
  • demonstration performances of circus artists;
  • a program aimed at preserving the cultural and historical values ​​of our country.

Scope of environmental activities:

  • sampling and their primary processing and conducting the necessary research;
  • organization and implementation of resource-saving measures;
  • regular research of emissions into water and air;
  • conducting relevant research to determine polluting factors, etc.

All of the above actions come into force from the beginning of the coming year, that is, from January 1, 2016.

Types of municipal lists

Today there are 2 types of lists:

  • basic
  • departmental.

The basic lists include components that are based on the principles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the country. This classification must necessarily include free medical services, the right to receive general education, as well as other important social guarantees for Russian citizens.

Departmental lists include orders from the state to carry out certain actions in various directions.

As for regional lists, they are also based on orders of state authorities.

Of course, the state authorities are planning many positive actions, considerable financial resources are allocated to carry out these plans, but today control over the implementation of assigned tasks is carried out at a minimal level. Therefore, the authorities plan one thing, but in reality the Russians get something completely different. Especially, such a shortcoming in their planned actions can be observed in regions and remote areas.

(the start date for accepting opinions based on the results of an independent examination is June 15, 2015)
(the closing date for accepting opinions based on the results of an independent examination is June 25, 2015)




_______________ With. Mikhailovka No.________

On approval of the departmental list of municipal services and works,

provided and carried out municipal institutions

Mikhailovsky municipal district

In accordance with Article 69.2. Budget Code Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2014 No. 151 “On the formation and maintenance of basic (sectoral) lists of state and municipal services and works, the formation, maintenance and approval of departmental lists of state services and works provided and performed by federal government agencies, and on general requirements for the formation, maintenance and approval of departmental lists of state (municipal) services and work provided and performed by state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal institutions)" and in pursuance of the resolution of the administration of the Mikhailovsky municipal district dated May 21, 2015 No. 485- PA "On approval of the Procedure for the formation, maintenance and approval of departmental lists of municipal services and work provided and performed by municipal institutions of the Mikhailovsky municipal district" administration of the Mikhailovsky municipal district


1. Approve the departmental list of municipal services and work provided and performed by municipal institutions of the Mikhailovsky municipal district (Appendix 1).

2. Establish that the provisions of this resolution are applied when forming municipal tasks for the provision of municipal services and performance of work for 2016 and the planning period of 2017 and 2018.

3. To the main managers of budget funds:

Bring this resolution to the attention of subordinate institutions;

Use this resolution when forming municipal tasks for the next financial year and planning period.

4. The municipal government institution “Department for Organizational and Technical Support for the Activities of the Administration of the Mikhailovsky Municipal District” (Shevchenko) shall post this resolution on the official website of the administration of the Mikhailovsky Municipal District.

5. The Department of Culture and Domestic Policy (Nikitin) publish this resolution in the socio-political newspaper “Forward”.

6. This resolution comes into force on the date of its publication.

7. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the deputy head of the administration of the municipal district N.V. Andrushchenko.

Head of the Mikhailovsky municipal district

Head of the district administration A.I. Chebotkov