Yu.D. Nechiporenko. “I’ll say “Tanya” and something will open...” The problem of preserving childhood memories in a person’s memory (Unified State Examination in Russian)

(1) I’ll say “Tanya” and something will open... (2) It’s like opening thick curtains in the morning and light will burst into the house.

(3) We have known Tanya since kindergarten: when we were very little we went to the same group. (4) But I don’t remember her there, but this is my first memory. (5) My dad and I were walking in the park, and suddenly I heard a piercing, bright scream: someone was calling me. (6) It turns out that it was some girl who called out to me.

(7) It was the first time someone called me so joyfully. (8) She waved her hand and even jumped slightly for joy, holding her dad’s hand.

(9) My father said:

Yes, this is Tanya, you went to kindergarten with her!

(10) Just think, the importance! (11) Is it worth yelling like that because of this? (12) Even with all the condescension towards the girls, such joy seemed indecent to me. (13) Although, of course, it’s nice...

“(14) He’s the one who’s shy,” my dad said loudly, justifying my restraint.

(15) Since then, a sharp and vivid memory has lived in my soul: a sultry summer, juicy emerald foliage placed in the light glows in the sparkling rays of the sun... (16) In the middle of the alley, a girl seems to take off in a green glow and waves her hand at me.

(17) Tanya and I ended up in the same class and studied together for ten years. (18) But we never really talked. (19) I looked at her with such a feeling... (20) As if I knew some secret about her: I remembered how she called me then in the park.

(21) Tanya blossomed. (22) Her large, clear eyes shone with a precious brown color. (23) On her cheek, near her lip, she had a mole - very cute, somehow familiar. (24) Mole is a funny word: it’s like Motherland, only small...

(25) Tanya became an excellent gymnast, took first place at competitions in our city. (26) True, I never bothered to go to her performances...

(27) For some reason, I immediately included Tanya in the category of the best girls: sincere, beautiful, I endowed her with best qualities- and lost all interest in her. (28) In high school, I had important tasks: mathematics olympiads, preparation for college... (29) Then I entered college and during the holidays I met with classmates, saw Tanya and even once wrote her a letter.

(30) At that meeting, for some reason, she and I started talking about leaves on trees, and then I found a poem by a Japanese poet about the veins on the leaves, about how since childhood he loved to draw these veins and now looks at them with surprise in his old age . (31) It seemed to me that Tanya would be interested in this, and I rewrote this poem for her...

(32) Then I didn’t come home for a long time, didn’t see her, only heard that she wasn’t getting married and rejected all proposals. (33) And then she came out and now works as a gymnastics coach, raising little girls in some quiet town.

(34) Now for some reason I often think about her. (Z5) One day the teacher told us in class hour:

And now the champion of our city in gymnastics will perform before you...

(36) And Tanya jumped out from behind the door in tights and began to play tricks between the rows: doing cartwheels, doing handstands, and in the end she sat down at the board on the splits - with her head proudly held back. (37) Her posture was always excellent...

(38) And when she finished jumping, she caught her breath and began to sing a song - loudly, clearly, in a high voice, looking around everyone with her precious eyes. (39) I thought: Tanya is a real beauty! (40) And he looked away.

(41) For some reason it seemed to me that Tanya was doing all this especially for me.

(42) I probably suffered from delusions of grandeur at that time, because I took first place in mathematics Olympiads. (43) Now I know that good songs treat everyone very personally:

Even though that earth is warmer,

And the homeland is dearer,

Miley - remember, little crane, this word!

(44) Tanya. (45) So this bright secret remained in my childhood. (46) Why did she scream so joyfully when she saw me in the park?

(According to Yu. Nechiporenko *)

* Yuri Dmitrievich Nechiporenko (born in 1956) - Russian prose writer, art critic, artist, cultural critic.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) As a child, the narrator did not feel the same joy when meeting Tanya that she experienced.

2) A childhood meeting with Tanya left a vivid memory in the narrator’s soul.

3) Shyness did not allow the narrator to establish friendly relations with Tanya.

4) It seemed to the narrator that during the class hour Tanya performed the song personally for him.

5) The words of the song that Tanya sang were written by I.D. Shaferan.

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-2 contain a narrative.

2) Propositions 10-12 contain reasoning.

3) Sentences 15-16 include description.

4) Sentences 22-23 provide a description.

5) Sentences 35-36 present the reasoning.

From sentences 39-41, write down the phraseological unit.

Among sentences 1-7, find one that is connected to the previous one using a conjunction, an adverb and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the gaps (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the term number from the list without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

24. “Describing one of the most vivid memories of childhood, the author uses figurative and expressive means - tropes: (A) _____ (“a shrill, bright cry” in sentence 5, “lush emerald foliage” in sentence 15), (B) _____ (“lives in the soul... a memory”, “the foliage is burning” in sentence 15) and (B) _____ (“as if taking off” in sentence 16). The author tries to most fully recreate the unforgettable image of the girl that remains in his memory, and for this purpose uses a syntactic device - (D) _____ (for example, in sentences 25, 36, 38).”

List of terms:

1) parcellation

2) metaphors

3) series of homogeneous members of the sentence

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) lexical repetition

7) epithets

8) exclamatory sentences

Unified State Examination essay:

“So this bright secret remained in my childhood.” It is in this phrase from the text of the Russian prose writer Yu.D. Nechiporenko offered to me that the question that worries the author is formulated: can a childhood memory remain in the soul for many years?

To draw the reader's attention to this problem, the author describes the hero's childhood feelings, the feelings he experienced when he saw the girl Tanya. “Sultry summer, sparkling sun rays, a girl in a green glow” - these details help the author show how sharp and vivid the child’s emotions were. It is interesting that the central place in the text is occupied by the hero-narrator’s story about Tanya’s life: how they studied together for ten years, how she became “an excellent gymnast, got married and works as a coach.” This listing of events from the girl’s life convinces the reader that a child’s impression, if it is vivid and piercing, can “not let go” of interest in someone throughout life. Analyzing the reasons why childhood has such power, Yu. Nechiporenko draws our attention to the hero’s reasoning about the meaning of the word “birthmark”: “A birthmark is a funny word: it’s like a Motherland, only a small one...” The author combines the concepts of “childhood”, “ Motherland”, filling childhood memories with special meaning.

The author’s position is beyond doubt: Yu.D. Nechiporenko is confident that childhood impressions have special power and are capable of remaining in the soul for a long time. This happened with the main character of the text, on whose behalf in the final sentence the author writes: “And so this bright secret remained in my childhood.”

The conclusion that Yu.D. Nechiporenko comes to in the course of his narration is clear and close to me: an impression received in childhood can not only remain in memory for a long time, but also influence a person’s future life.

To substantiate my point of view, I would like to turn to the story of T. Kudryavtseva “ Children's Home. Lyok." Our focus is on an eight-year-old girl who was left an orphan during the war. One of the brightest impressions of the child’s difficult childhood was a meeting with a helpless, hungry German prisoner. Reading about how the heroine gives him her biscuit, how sorry she is for the unfortunate man, we understand that the mercy of the wonderful doctor Olga Ivanovna Gromova originates in the heroine’s childhood during the siege.

You can be convinced that childhood is the source of our victories and defeats by reading I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov.” Before us is the landowner Ilya Ilyich, leading an idle lifestyle. As a child, the servants, the nanny, and Zakharka did everything for him, and there were no worries. These vivid impressions served as an example for the future life of Ilya Ilyich. We see that Zakhar puts stockings on Oblomov, as in childhood, the landowner allows himself to sleep both before and after lunch, as was customary in the village. I.A. Goncharov convincingly shows that Ilyusha’s childhood dreams of a wonderful place where no one does anything all year round are realized by the hero in adulthood, lying on the couch and regretting why “life is not a fairy tale, and a fairy tale is not life.” Oblomov’s life is an example of the role that childhood impressions can play in the development of a person.

The text by Yu.D. Nechiporenko is, of course, addressed to each of us. Putting yourself in the shoes of the main character, you understand how much childhood can give if it is filled with bright, useful impressions.

Text by Yu.D. Nechiporenko

(1) I’ll say “Tanya” and something will open... (2) It’s like opening thick curtains in the morning and light will burst into the house.

(3) We have known Tanya since kindergarten: when we were very little we went to the same group. (4) But I don’t remember her there, but this is my first memory. (5) My dad and I were walking in the park, and suddenly I heard a piercing, bright scream: someone was calling me. (b) It turns out that it was some girl who called out to me.

(7) It was the first time someone called me so joyfully. (8) She waved her hand and even jumped slightly for joy, holding her dad’s hand.

(9) My father said:

- Yes, this is Tanya, you went to kindergarten with her!

(10) Just think, the importance! (11) Is it worth yelling like that because of this? (12) Even with all the condescension towards the girls, such joy seemed indecent to me. (13) Although, of course, it’s nice...

“(14) He’s the one who’s shy,” my dad said loudly, justifying my restraint.

(15) Since then, a sharp and vivid memory has lived in my soul: a sultry summer, in the sparkling rays of the sun, juicy emerald foliage, placed in the light, is burning... (16) In the middle of the alley, a girl seems to take off in a green glow and waves her hand to me.

(17) Tanya and I ended up in the same class and studied together for ten years. (18) But we never really talked. (19) I looked at her with such a feeling... (20) As if I knew some secret about her: I remembered how she called me then in the park.

(21) Tanya blossomed. (22) Her large, clear eyes shone with a precious brown color. (23) On her cheek, near her lip, she had a mole - very cute, somehow familiar. (24) Mole is a funny word: it’s like Motherland, only small...

(25) Tanya became an excellent gymnast, took first place at competitions in our city. (26) True, I never bothered to go to her performances...

(27) For some reason, I immediately included Tanya in the category of the best girls: sincere, beautiful, endowed her with the best qualities - and lost all interest in her. (28) In high school, I had important tasks: math olympiads, preparation for college...

(29) Then I went to college and during the holidays I met with classmates, saw Tanya and even once wrote her a letter.

(30) At that meeting, for some reason, she and I started talking about leaves on trees, and then I found a poem by a Japanese poet about the veins on the leaves, about how since childhood he loved to draw these veins and now looks at them with surprise in his old age . (31) It seemed to me that Tanya would be interested in this, and I rewrote this poem for her...

(32) Then I didn’t come home for a long time, didn’t see her, only heard that she wasn’t getting married and rejected all proposals. (33) And then she came out and now works as a gymnastics coach, raising little girls in some quiet town.

(34) Now for some reason I often think about her. (Z5) One day the teacher told us during class:

— And now the champion of our city in gymnastics will perform before you...

(36) And Tanya jumped out from behind the door in tights and began to play tricks between the rows: doing cartwheels, doing handstands, and in the end she sat down on the board on the splits - with her head held back proudly. (37) Her posture was always excellent...

(38) And when she finished jumping, she caught her breath and began to sing a song - loudly, clearly, in a high voice, looking around everyone with her precious eyes. (39) I thought: Tanya is a real beauty! (40) And he looked away.

(41) For some reason it seemed to me that Tanya was doing all this especially for me.

(42) I probably suffered from delusions of grandeur back then, because I took first place in mathematics Olympiads. (43) Now I know that good songs relate very personally to everyone:

Even though that earth is warmer,
And the homeland is dearer,
Miley - remember, little crane, this word!

(44) Tanya. (45) So this bright secret remained in my childhood. (46) Why did she scream so joyfully when she saw me in the park?

(According to Yu. Nechiporenko *)

To help graduates.

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 2. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks: 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved"

C1 Interesting text. I read it with great pleasure.

In my opinion, one of the problems of this text is a problem that can be formulated as follows - the role of childhood memories in a person’s life. The author of the text, Yuri Dmitrievich Nechiporenko, claims that his childhood meeting with Tanya left an indelible mark on the narrator’s soul.

The author's position is clear to me. I completely agree with her. It is interesting how the Russian prose writer proves his point of view. He recreates in the adult narrator’s memory the unique image of a girl who has lived in his soul ever since. The narrator still does not understand why she screamed so joyfully when she saw him in the park. The author of the text is convinced that “it remained in childhood... this bright secret,” which left an indelible mark on the narrator’s soul.

There are many examples in the literature of works in which this problem is raised. For example, the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". In the soul of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the main character of this work, childhood memories also left an indelible mark. Oblomov’s dream tells us about them, which was based on the hero’s ideas about happy life. Tender parents, caring nannies, Zakhar, buns, crackers, cream, eternal peace and quiet - these are Ilya Ilyich’s most vivid memories from the world of childhood. This is a ready-made standard of life that the adult Oblomov does not want to part with, even in his sleep. For him, a dream is a way to once again find himself in a “forgotten corner of paradise and live there with an unknown happiness.” Childhood memories remained so firmly in Oblomov’s mind that they did not allow the hero to begin adult life in a new way. I think that Oblomov’s system of education gave rise to apathy, lack of will, and indifference in the hero, which led him to physical death. Of course, this was the writer’s ideological plan, for the revelation of which the childhood memories of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov played a huge role, leaving an indelible mark on his soul.

Another literary example. This is the story “French Lessons” by Valentin Rasputin. The work is autobiographical. It is based on the hero’s childhood memories of a hungry post-war childhood, the struggle for survival, longing for mother's love and care, difficulties in studying. But his most vivid memory was meeting a young teacher French, which played an important role in his life. Lidia Mikhailovna was his class teacher. She was able to see the boy’s extraordinary abilities and difficulties in mastering the French language. She was able to teach him not only to pronounce French words correctly, but also to help him survive in difficult times. life situation. The problem of hunger for the hero was the most insoluble at that moment. And the young teacher found a way out. She began to invite the boy to her home, supposedly to study French, but she just wanted to feed him so that he would not go to the hillside to play a forbidden game for money with hooligans. The boy refused dinner, and then she was forced to offer him to play for money. The school director, accidentally seeing a young teacher with a student doing a prohibited activity, fired her. But the hero remembered her for a long time and even received a parcel from her. So a meeting with a young French teacher helped the boy survive, and childhood memories of her left an indelible mark on his soul.

Thus, the problem raised by the author of the text is important for any person. It worries many because childhood memories are the brightest pages in life, leaving an indelible mark on a person’s memory.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 3. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved"

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 3. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved...

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 4. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved"

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 4. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved...

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 8. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks: 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved"

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 8. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks: 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved...

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 4. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks: 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved"

Sample essay-reasoning. Option 4. Collection “Unified State Exam. Russian language - 2015. Typical test tasks: 10 options, edited by I.P. Vasiliev, Yu.N. Gosteva. FIPI approved...

Russian prose writer Yu.D. Nechiporenko raises the problem of preserving childhood memories in a person’s memory. The narrator remembers a girl who went to kindergarten with him, and then they studied together. Most likely, this was the first love. The girl had some kind of secret.

The narrator's memories are distinguished by their sincerity. He regrets that he never solved this mystery. The memory of Tanya became sharp and vivid for the narrator.

The tender description of Tanya’s eyes and the mole on her cheek suggests that this girl left a strong impression. The narrator admits that when he mentions the girl’s name, he feels good. His soul becomes light - “as if light would burst into the house.”

I agree with the narrator's thoughts. A person can retain memories of childhood. They can be connected with nature, with people, with books. It's good when people share memories with the younger generation. During childhood, many happy events happen that make adults feel warm when they remember them.

You can name a lot works of art, in which writers share childhood revelations with readers. A.M. Gorky writes about his childhood impressions in his autobiographical story “Childhood.” Alyosha Peshkov’s joyful vision of the world around him is associated with his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna and the apprentice Tsyganok. His grandmother taught him to see the beauty of nature, the beauty of oral works folk art, and Gypsy gave Alyosha an example of perseverance and selflessness.

The main character of the novel by I.A. Goncharov, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, sees in a dream his childhood in the village of Oblomovka. Then it was easy and fun for him. Oblomov sees himself as handsome. From love for his mother, he trembles all over in his sleep. Ilya Oblomov was delighted with fairy tales babysitters For him, these memories are happy and pleasant.

Every person was a child at one time. The most vivid and meaningful memories for many people are childhood impressions. In difficult life moments, childhood memories warm and inspire confidence that everything will be fine. The problem posed by the author of the text can be answered with the words of F.M. Dostoevsky that “bright childhood memories make a person a person.”

Updated: 2017-12-11

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Useful material on the topic

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) Medicines have an effect on the body, and in order for this effect not to turn into harm, they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor: the fact is that different people have different body reactions to the same medicine. (2) ___________ some people are allergic to certain substances contained in medications; In addition, some medications should not be taken at the same time as each other or with certain foods. (3) Thus, when taking medications, you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and not exceed the doses recommended by him.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) Medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all his recommendations in order to avoid unwanted reactions of the body to their use.

2) A person needs to take medications prescribed by a doctor.

3) Some people are allergic to certain substances contained in medications; In addition, some medications cannot be taken at the same time as each other or with individual products.

4) To prevent undesirable consequences, it is necessary to take medications only as prescribed by a doctor in accordance with his recommendations.

5) The body's reaction to taking medications can be unpredictable, so you should refrain from taking them.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Despite this,

For example,

Contrary to this,

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word PRODUCT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

PRODUCT, -a, m.

1) An object as a result of human labor (processing, processing, research). Production products.

2) Transfer. Consequence, result, generation of something (book). Language is a product of historical development.

3) Usually plural. Food items, edible supplies. Dairy products.

4) A substance obtained chemically or otherwise from another substance. Combustion product.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.




5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

The girl tore the bright beret from her head and with a careless movement SHAKED it - bright splashes of rain scattered around, shimmering in the rays of the spring sun.

All public catering establishments are required to PROVIDE consumers with information about their state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

If the ADDRESSEE does not come for a postal order, parcel, or registered letter within five days, the post office sends him a second notification.

To purchase not only a well-mannered, but also an affectionate and SPARKLING puppy, you must first observe whether the breeder manages to create an atmosphere of love and care for pets.

People should never forget about the existence of timeless, ETERNAL values ​​in the world.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

A little LONGER

FIFTY visitors



HURRY to pass

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first group, select the corresponding position from the second group.


A) Each of those who were lucky enough to meet this amazing person, to get acquainted with his creations, invariably found themselves under the power of his extraordinary charm.

B) Medicines, or drugs, are substances used to treat both illness and injury.

C) Without thinking for a minute, the brave horseman galloped across the broken herd.

D) Approaching the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the schoolchildren were overcome with great excitement.

E) The books created by the writer begin to live independently, and an active, long-lasting life, full of that consistency that the author himself lacks.


1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate

3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

Overcome, pass

Be_honest and_gone

Jump, hit

Enter, pick up

Pr_good, pr_boy

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

In love

put up




11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

You'll be late





12. Find a sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Machines that are not (not) designed for rapid production of large print runs do not have a special mechanism that allows them to speed up the printing process.

The teacher (failed) to meet with his students at the end of the week.

The guys (not) participating in the game enthusiastically watch their classmates play and loudly express their support for them.

It is better to overestimate the enemy's strength than to (under)estimate it.

The alleys of the old park are empty, and the lively chirping of birds can no longer be heard.

13. Find a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

“(IN) OTHERWISE, (IN) VIEW of lack of time, we will not deviate from the subject of the lecture,” the professor summed up his thoughts on the statement of an inquisitive student with an inquisitive mind.

The birches (AS) seemed to be frozen in thought on the hillside, admiring the river carrying its waters (IN) DAL.

It is known that the sparrow (B) spends a lot of energy throughout the day and (THUS) cannot starve for more than two days.

The fragrant aroma of wild raspberries spread all around, and just as wonderfully as at night, the trills of a nightingale sounded somewhere in the dense foliage.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Old (1) vessels made (2) by medieval craftsmen (3) were found by archaeologists - our contemporary (4) people.

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Slender birch trees and thin aspens stretch their branches towards the sun and rustle with green foliage.

2) After the rain, the whole forest shone, burned and shimmered in the sun with cheerful multi-colored stars.

3) The river carries away its waters and is lost in the meadows.

4) The teacher asked the child to recite a poem or sing a song.

5) The world contains not only useful things, but also beautiful things.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Majestic white birds (1) descending onto the water (2) proudly arch their necks and (3) folding their beautiful wings (4) sail regally across the shiny surface of the lake.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.

Between people (1) there is a constant exchange of knowledge (2), and the key to obtaining this knowledge (3) of course (4) is language.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The explanatory dictionary includes words (1) with the help of (2) which (3) we can name what (4) exists in us and around us.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Konstantin had long been preparing to make a decisive confession (1) but (2) when he saw Vera (3) for some reason all the words he had prepared and spoken many times in private to himself (4) immediately disappeared from his head.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) I’ll say “Tanya” and something will open... (2) It’s like opening thick curtains in the morning and light will burst into the house.

(3) Tanya and I have known each other since kindergarten: when we were very little we went to the same group. (4) But I don’t remember her there, but this is my first memory. (5) My dad and I were walking in the park, and suddenly I heard a piercing bright scream: someone was calling me. (6) It turns out that it was some girl who called out to me.

(7) It was the first time someone called me so joyfully. (8) She waved her hand and even jumped slightly for joy, holding her dad’s hand.

(9) My father said:

Yes, this is Tanya, you went to kindergarten with her!

(10) Just think, the importance! (11) Is it worth yelling like that because of this? (12) Even with all the condescension towards the girls, such joy seemed indecent to me. (13) Although, of course, it’s nice...

“(14) He’s the one who’s shy,” my dad said loudly, justifying my restraint.

(15) Since then, a sharp and vivid memory has lived in my soul: a sultry summer, in the sparkling rays of the sun, juicy emerald foliage, placed in the light, is burning... (16) In the middle of the alley, a girl seems to take off in a green glow and waves her hand at me.

(17) Tanya and I were in the same class and studied together for ten years. (18) But we never really talked. (19) I looked at her with such a feeling... (20) As if I knew some secret about her: I remembered how she called me then in the park.

(21) Tanya blossomed. (22) Her large, clear eyes shone with a precious brown color. (23) On her cheek, near her lip, she had a mole - very cute, somehow familiar. (24) Mole is a funny word: it’s like the Motherland, only small...

(25) Tanya became an excellent gymnast, took first place at competitions in our city. (26) True, I never bothered to go to her performances...

(27) For some reason, I immediately included Tanya in the category of the best girls: sincere, beautiful, endowed her with the best qualities - and lost all interest in her. (28) In high school, I had important tasks: mathematics olympiads, preparation for college... (29) Then I entered college and during the holidays I met with classmates, saw Tanya and even once wrote her a letter.

(30) At that meeting, for some reason, she and I started talking about leaves on trees, and then I found a poem by a Japanese poet on the veins on the leaves, about how since childhood he loved to draw these veins and now looked at them with surprise in his old age . (31) It seemed to me that Tanya would be interested in this, and I rewrote this poem for her...

(32) Then I didn’t come home for a long time, didn’t see her, only heard that she wasn’t getting married and rejected all proposals. (33) And then she came out and now works as a gymnastics coach, raising little girls in some quiet city.

(34) Now for some reason I often think about her. (35) One day the teacher told us during class:

And now the champion of our city in gymnastics will perform before you...

(36) And Tanya jumped out from behind the door in tights and began to play tricks between the rows: doing cartwheels, doing handstands, and in the end she sat down at the board on the splits - with her head proudly held back. (37) Her posture was always excellent...